I UK .SUNDAY HICK: OMAHA, NOVEMKER 26. 1922. tog (T LOOKED UKe A C715DAU THACIKSGMNG, 0UT C7UNCE HAD A RIGHT IC7GA. Tho TH!iiio Weenies alwuys had eeb-brated Thanksgiving day with a 1Ik dinner, but this year ihlrigs were different. The big fin, which destroyed (heir village, hud burned up all their supplies and about all tho Utile folks had to oat wan corn bread and potatoes. "A run t we even goin' to have cuke and Ice erearn?" asked the Punce, looking anxiously at the (iencral one evening while a num ber of tho family sat around tho tiny Hlove discussing the holiday. "I'm Horry to nay that we are not," answered the General sadly. "We will havo to celebrate with Just plain corn bread and potato roup for our dinner." "The Turk brought in a piece of apple today," said the Cook. "I can make some apple nance, but J won't have any sugar to put In It." "Ah, Jimmlnlo Christmas!" exploded the Dunce, who waa mighty fond of good thlnga to cat. "in that all we get?" "I'm sorry, Dunce, but that's the best I can do," answered the Cook. 'We're poor now, and wo can't have the good things we used to have when we were rich." All the Tienle Wecnlea were much disappointed, but the Dunce Deemed to feel It more than any one else. Perhaps It waa because he liked to eat more than the other Teen In Weenies, but, anyway, the little fellow waa quite sober for aeverafdaya, which waa quite tin uaual for 1dm. "Say, Gogo," said the Dunce one afternoon while the two Teenle Weenies were cutting sonic wood for the stove, "I have been thlnkln' a lot about not havln' a Thanksgiving dinner, and I don't think I'' right. We ought to have an egg or something good." "Pat sounds powerful sensible to me," answered the colored Teenle Weenie. "But where wo gwine to get an egg?" Yes, sah. We's as po' as a skecter In a Ink bottle." "Well," cried the Dunce, "if we are )Kor, there wouldn't be any harm In begging an egg, would there? Poor people can beg, can't they?" "Yes, sah. Put's de privilege mos' po' folks seem to have." "Well, then, can't you and me dress up a little in some ol" rags and go around to some of the chicken yards and beg an egg off some old hen?" "Well, as I'm powerful fond of hen's egg, I done say flat sounds mighty reasonable," agreed the little colored fellow. 'We won't say a word about It to any one, and we'll go and get the egg and surprise every one," said the Dunee. That afternoon tho two Teenle Weenies dressed themselves up In rags to look poor as possible and then aet out to beg an egg. Tho first hen the little fellows saw Was rather surly looking, but the Punre screwed up courage, and, walking up to her, he took off ms nar ana uowea politely. "Madam," he said, "we are two jxior, hungry Teenle Weenies, and I wonder If you would be so kind as to give us an egg?" "No!" snnppcd the hen, her red comb tundng an angry purple. "No, I don't feed tramps." The two Teenie Weenies lost little time In getting out of the sight of the crabby old hen, hoping they would have better luck with the next one. Presently they came to another chicken yard, where they soon discovered an old duck on her nest. "We are two poor, hungry Teenle Weenies," said the Dunce, "and we wondered If you could spare us an egg?" " (.'''Ye! think It's going to rain," answered the duck, who was hard of hearing. Kes'." shouted the Dunce. "We'ro hungry. Will you give us an egg?" "Quite likely," grinned the old duck. "That Is, If It doesn't snow." The poor Dune climbed up on the edge of the duck's rest and fairly screamed Into her ear, but she couldn't hear a single word. She was atone deaf, and the two little fel lows made themselves hnnriMi Irvine tr, ninb. t.o hnol. JJiSlIf! .ftp M "No use talkin' 10 lul old i.-toy," said Gogo, who was sitting on a corncob below, "She pretty neah as deaf aa a do'knob." So the two little fellows hunted up another hen. Tho next hen seemed quite pleasant. She was plump and neat, and when the Pune asked her for an egg aho promised at once to give them one. "Why, Hess your hearts!" cried the hen, tears gathering in her big yellow eyes. "Of course I'll give you an egg, -you poor little things. I Just laid an egg not over half an hour ago, and you shall have it." The hen took the two little fellowa to her nest, where i hey found a lovely fresh egg, and they lost little time in rolling It out. After thanking tho hen for her kindness, the Teenle Weenies rolled the egg towards home. . It took a long time to get It home; In fact, It waa quite dark when they arrived. There waa great excitement when the Teenie Weenies saw th egg. "Now we'll have real Thanksgiving dinner," they cried. They stood on their heads, turned handsprings laughed, hugged each other, and did all sorts of foolish things, for everybody knew ther would be a great feast on Thanksgiving day. (t'opyright, m! Letters from Little Folks of Happyland (Prize.) A Kind ;irl. One day Florence was out watc h ing a man with his sheep. Flor ence noticed that he li.nl no dog with him this time. "Why have you left your dog al home?" she asked, The man said, "Aly dog can never help me with the sheep again, A Imd boy threw a alone ut him and broke one of his legs. I hhull kill him tonight to put him out of ills pain. The little girl whs very sad when she heard this. She dhl nut ) anything In the mail, but went w t r- - I think he will be quite well In a few days." The next morning she went to see how It was, and to bind It up again. She took good care of the dog and fu a few days It was well again. This Kill took care of the sick and wounded soldiers, and saved many lives. In you know the name of this girl? It was Florence Nightengale, don't you think It was a splendid" mime? 1 have liecn taking cure of the iiiilmuls and blrls and like to be a 1'ioH.iuk. H Is very nice. I will clone this lime as my story U long I wl(l write another etory m-kt .!,.--Hiu I'ritghnn, it?e 1?. Plain n-tt , N l, to h,M i..Mi.w. There ffhr found Utn .(.it h l"t: II Ilie floor. At fnl the K ult not h i lie- ti 1I1 1 ri'iiir in ir him, I ut ulie w i kind allil fcrl.ll" ieil ,il li-t tie bf tier look at his b't, SK (.iii.l that It h.ik lion li hoi I.Mt nut l.n i i-ii Mi (-.il i .l tli ! X H (.el w.il. r .m. b..iitfl it tip Aftt a lMh ill lono t.tllt; ll.MlB III k it "I" 'll'K II" I i.l li.a it-itc but lir k. ' llf In k tl sit 91. Int. I It Ut ' I t ii in ..iiH. T I'ttli' nl t i li 01 "'! - .iir a I.4 it i i I- . 1 1. I lm .1. I ! 1 )t hi e.ii Vl'i Will Iterp Mollit. . I tear llapp: I ir"tiiie In obey .itir ruiis.. I winh tu renlve th leiitun u Soon as ).sible. I rnd mill p.im-i eveiy day in Oo nk I would bk In Join Hie II i pt T'll I am riu losing a J it lit lne' AifT.I Nor. Hand. l-ni . tltlli tiirtil.r. 1 1. ll.(.iv I lta.1 "In llmL 1. 1 1. i i ti-i Hiio-l I miiill like tu li V' o. me ... II i" I "' ' ''LI I I . 1 I 4i In !' It'll' 1 1 ' , I. 1 I l,iu tn it.. fir n, 11. U . 1 h,ai at .i,..i.t ti I p.. ; I ... 1 t I.. !- 1 ? Ot ill 1 f 1 .1 ' 1 .-l- V l ' n i ' t . ,1 I .1 11 I i I I Kulli and Htiby. Mice upon a time there lived two gills, Ituth and Ituby. They were rich. One day Hnby went out to piny. She saw a little girl. She was a Co-Hawk, Then l'uby mid Kuth Joined. Pear Happy: I want to Join your club. 1 am sending the coupon and a 2 cent stump for I lie button. T will promise to oln-y the motto. I have 'Home goldfish and a cat. I uilixt dost From Helen Uraif line, nee T. Canton, la. Ilrttwiile mill I he l ire, thai Happy: I liknl iny button -ry v i II ami I wear it every day imW. I have forgotten to wii'.e In tern -n I w ill wrli n nloi y. iiift u hie u .t on a n twoKoiy build mg II l.sppt iittl in llie nlglit when Itiotiii!' n,ui.n r Slid tiilMreim were tu Hie p. I lull boV Itlcl bft thi ll Inly 1' 1 lie lliowmt' was Itillle He .! iln ptlltf petlftfllllV win 11 li- leanl u 1 no Ming of 1 hoc Wli(v toil. I have l -n i.aviiiw Ins. ni. iiiui Him of in. bi He hi. I i . .itel w.ol it. 10 Hit- oihef i.ia. 1 'i.l mile iniiuwli llitu Wi-r-' M.r li.,-,. .. kltltal liietlilV. II ' St 111 1 .ol i ilil.t l Up Ho bill tti.'l 1 ,i, 1. 1, lni h. I'lmel H ! 11 Hie I. tm I Tbt It In iui 11I i ii ii-i.I at il'- tiiiei til t ri.t ' H ( I tl t n ' i,Mo 1 ... il.. U.bi 11. I Mtf l.oniw V 1. I..I ti.li. ol 4 , V I Ut -i M .1 Ul 1 In iP l f . . I I '. k I 1. I. I i I- a mad dog bit him and made him mud. They hurled liini in a box and they put a crews where they buried him. They got another dog and they called him Jlrownie be CHtlBO he looked lik the brave llrowiile IiOllls Patiei'Mon; Age, S: Ainswoiih, Neb. . Second l'tler. Itt-cr Happy: How are ymt Happy? 1 1' been a long lime since I vtroie to you. This Is I be second lime I've written to you. I received my tail ton a long lime hkOi but 1 tuild not write to you on account of having visitors. I lost my button 1 In en linn s but found it again. T have u dagger and a sword They are ImiIIi wimhI. The dufger Made li imiiited silver itnd the humid Miik. I nut giilna to p.ilnl thi Made of luv awttid gold and the l.ainPe bbtfh. Will my biter U et ling loiill. so r""l l')f - i ll M0V.1I 1. 1 ill sue t, Nolfnlfe, Nib IMiii Itiadrr. v,,t II ,pp I .a Id bite tm ! i!. tl,. H . 11 i Ttibt' I ) unit old ami In the th.rd rrMle 1 1 ' .in. I .Liu Mliiml - M'i- lull! Il'li r, . . I t' ti t tin, tuii.il, i l Our I hit In H .ppy : I -t" "' "a m e,- .1 1 . i.W at lin-l Vi uel I I ' I . r..l . 11 t Ibte W I. ill .! lull, t b 1 U.l V t i ll .. m - I 1 . 1 1 ! I ..- I lt , , ., 1 I c . to Kvelyn'i ( lilfkens. Pear Happy: This Is my first letter and I am 9 years old- There were five little chickens. They were all doing something. One would run around in the huutc, the other tine would run away from me, the opT would say peep, peep, peep, the other would run all over Willi me, the other would eat caka and corn, the other would gt lost. So I do not know what to do. 1 will 1 low. F.velyn Stent. Lilies Hie Till. Pear Happy: 1 receed Hie iO Hawk pin which I iblnk is very pretiy. I'll try tu help sointtma neiy day mid also help to protect birds inn! in 1 ils. For pets I hav one 1 li. niul one Cuimiy blid. I will cliwt, kimhI b)'. Vmir frlwitl, A.I. line h'oiilny. Within, V' b , X V Third Si Nets Mi loiter, IN.ti Hippy! 1 am II )tra eld ..nil In ilw alih gtsd". I lah Untune n iueint-f of tba H Hawk' H ipp) I'lHm. and so I .v t ti. b4 1 rent ii.iinp f.tr my pi' Vary i' lit jioits t'tIKrr. l:ti iei. I. i-tIT iuii I".! H.., I i'i '1 "' t..( I an tu - I '' th ,., I i.i t. l-.il i4af r I .tm V ii4 t it lav t, ,, k4 ,,n Ink a f .I...H ' ' I 1st 1" M