THE OMAHA PEE: SATURDAY. NOVKMKKR 25. 1022. .itTOMonn RS FOR SALE. ACANT PKOPKTY THE GUMPS arc it in coiom IN THE SWDAY BEE Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Sidney Smith i'f"tt loi'ji GKT OUT THK CIIKCK BOOK rtu .wn.w... - - 4H. OOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO vtll.i, build to tour ordu our b..ult rui inn in Mg.ttood; tety eeey laimt A T Untie 1.41 o i-DRi) coin: T Hl II UUM r?HE CETVRNS FROM 7 morc pperiNcis GIVE .NDStW GUMP A. SA,M or TO VOU5- MkciN6 A. 47 Read The List of Desirable Houses, Apart- ments and housekeeping suites rooms, also that are offered for rent in the "Want" Ad columns of The Omaha Bee. And, if you have an ad of your own, call AT 1000, ask for "Want" Ad taker. Remember, Omaha Bee "Want" Ads Bring Better Results at Lesser Cost. BEE WANT AD RATES ll Mr tin ee.h day, I or t diva Ito per Una nrii day, t In I dart. On par lln. eat h day, 7 dare ur longer. Th ghove rat, apply eicmalveir to Want Ad. wblca are commonly termed "pgbllci wante." end do not Include adver. fieementi of Indi vHm t. or re-iit.rn. adver I Hind or exploiting llialr buaintaaaa. THK OMAHA HI Pi rrvta tha right to Animal a it hat lonailluf.a a publlo want. Want Ada acc.pi.a at tba following fflr-aai Main offlr ,. .l"lb n4 f'irnam H. Houlb Oinatia..N. VV. cor. 2lh and N B'a. Council Iliuffi Scott hi 1 aiaphon. AT-lantlo KOI Call for "Want" A1 l-i.irlnint. An p.rlrncd "Want' ad 1kr will rciva your ad and a hill will ba mailrd laiar Th. ratra quniad abova apply to aitbar chaiga or tab ordara. CI.OHINO IIOt'MM TOR WANT AM. Kvanlng f:.lltli.ii II :4i a. m Horning Uilmon p m. uoday tallica ..... p. a. halurday Th.a. rata By.p'.y lu Tba buidiy llaa aa wall aa to 1'ha Mornltiif and fc.vamni llM. Ail workday advarilMiuanta In botb mernioif aod vanlug adltlona al tka on. coat. THE OMAHA M'.RNINn DEK. THK KVKNi.;:. hr.K CEMETERIES. VitirF kokkbt'Lawn; of avrgroio lilnnkala and wln ir wrMttiha muka ilia finjtry very bau liful at Iblj aro.on of lha yaur. Thoy may ba olitulned at thi grrnhouaa at tho rntraiKH of lha iniHfMry. Offlrna at tha im"i"ry liwnh of tha city llmlta) tuid 720 ltiuiidia tgii-aicr. BURIAL VAULTS. U'OODI.N Inxrm anon dacay. Htrel or Iron vaulta will runt out and collapaa. Thra fora you ahould Inalat upob your undar lakar ualng an Automatic Hiallng Con rrnia liurlal vault; wiitir-proof and var tailing. Manufactured only by tha Oman i onrreia Hurlal Vault Co., 6110 N. 0ta Ht.. umaba. lnaiwctlon tavtted FLORISTS LEE LARMOTi LP'XZ. ,IOHN IIA'iTf 104 Karnam JaTTdOI. J. UliNDEftHON. 1607 Vernarnv JA. Ml. FUNERAL DIRECTORS P. J. STACK & CO., Omalia'a h.xt iiniuUUIng MtabHehmrnt. rihi!iK' k A M 13 U LA N CE u Vof Thlrty-mlrd and Farnnm LARKIN BROTHERS FUNKnAI. lirRKrTdHH 4ISHO S4TH HEAFEY & HEAFEY UfiIertakr and Embilmori. Fhonft HA t2Hh. Ottc9 M Karri am Hulse tS; Riepen, Funeral ril-aotort. S234 Cumlnai. Hoffmaun Ambulanrc Service I'ttli and lVdg St. JA. 3101. CROSBY-MOORE PEKSONAL5 TUB HALVATION Army Tnduatrlal homai eoliclta your ol4 clothing, furniture, maga ylnra. W rnllert. We dlatrlbut.. Phnna ?.K. 413. and our niton will call. fall and lnpict our new boma. 1110-lllt-1114 ltoilge aireet 1'KRSO.VAL. Chriatmaa catda. Ordr no and avoid man.. Phoni, aaUaniHn will ill AT, S;. IH ttrandrla Theater Hlilf. unf-Kiss run xmas iiTfts. t'hlna etuMi. 26ul Putileton, firing ap fiailreil Hejannalde. AT I SHI Til B.VI IUCA L hleturlral lim ine coetumt-a, fur t'lsiva and P'lrrla, et l.letien'e. Om.ha. V A I Y v. !!t i rre .hlhlrfn or t.itu-a bv hour or rtiv. lief tlven. Ha. 13 1. liOt.OlK, ttlene write tne. Alma. LOST AND FOUND. i 'Ji'l r.n- Ah v vi, Mm tr tim h Mi ha ! f - v lion n it , t.W rtTigf . i tu'ti:-t t(tfij, iiii-( n kMk. rali tWl. ,..(,kO : Ui , .'l it . f t'-ij' f it.) V.'.u h rrii t-h it it 't fcnit-t itHtif' en V It ii 1 trji r.itl. Mr. I!, i:. N 'th t'Uti l, U l4l--Kat i'-a .n h . ti.1 !t dl I i u . t,r -4! I I .i 1 i ( tar i I - i ", i twt ti V " t-DUCATIONAL m . v. g j , . n-. t f I . is irthl r- I f i-. , i .-- fcJ i i - , i r- ii I -r t ,1, i g 4- . I ! II I e et f ... i N . i e 1 . I'W .t f i in - we-- . e .... i . t I f.l... : II it Ci nil l.i i, . a )k . f, i ... I I H I . - ,. . ' ... !..' . . i . , ... A .. k 1 4 . . . at aiM. t k . . a t . ii I,, t ' " 1 " VIAU ltt I WAMtll. " " " "l ' "a v I'.'i,." 9.ti4 ee ,. f. tag--ie . v . - ivu.-iii v i v i v t a ' i 4. fi4 k.Lt l a . l 464. tew. kt tv i HlTTS GOHH 1 tOUdUT . - TOO UACIJIV. f.-- rkj I . w 1 . . . w IOU VMPM -T TOto "rue vwvww vm ALU art worPiHj- MALE HELP WANTED. ooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o O "ALKHMAN WANTED. O O P. it nil aifrnn for lHrat fur O O Di'ura flor, Couni'M Hiuffa, Hale O O "im (rnp(irry durlnc liolttlaya, O C Iwigftf 1t'rf itnant 'ora In Oma- O O Im. HutcaAiafn, permanent, com- O O inenctnK Jjrriutr 1, lartfeit da- O O rfi!H5iit flora in Omaha. Katall O O -il-Aium. ttard wr rlnparimaut O O aorc, Krtfnonl, Nb. Retail aHC-a- O O n"1'), houah(l appllatitra, Omaha. O O U'holail Bdlfajnsu, both city O O nni ritatf work, Kor abova poat O O tlona upply O O Kt'KiCKA KMPI.DTMKVT OFFICE O O U04 Uulu M. O O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO itmiMt ciirlii'la nrator aalnatnn. HlKh i Una jirofilubla opnntnK for threw reliable man Hho dalr parmanont connection!, 1'l.ana itata vxpcrienca mi'l aelllnff capacl l. THB 8TANDARO MHO. COMPANF, !t-tatur( 111, MAI.KHMAN WANTKIJ lly exolueiv. cordage huuee to aall high grade rope ami binder twlna to retail trade In N'ehraNka and weatern Iowa, per manent pi'iitlon. Good pay. Apply by l'ttter, giving age, experience, reference. Jinx W-604, Omaha Ilee. HAl.KltMAN wanted; young, energetic hardware man to all gpneral herdwar Una In aouthweetern Nebraaka for MI.Moiirl river Jobber; eulary, expeneea and commla alon; alale aae and experlenca In reply. Addrent y-2. Omaha lice. ifuf'K haTiSmTcn fleal money getter propoaltlon. Juat atart Ing. Strong Irada. No advancea. 631 U. 8. Nnilonal Hank Uldg. Denver, Colo. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o o O WANTED O O A riCW T1JUUHT BOYS. WITH O O OK WlTtliJltT BlCVCI.ES. O O fJOOl) PAT AND CHANCE FOB O O ADVANCEMENT. O O Apply O O WEHTERN t'NION TELEQMAPH O O COMPANT. O O O O O OOO OO 0 O OOO OOOOOOOOOOOOO WANTED HrlckiayYrg .on tha Iowa f-'i-hool for the teaf job. Apply on the Job or 03 Ave r; Counnil BIUff. Phone Oma lia, KB, 4U, or Council Bluffa K5. WANTED HRICKT.ATEB9. WKtKlfAM HKOH., 1 HCOTT 8TRKET. ' COUNCIL BI.IIKFH, 1A. Y01INU man or woman wanted to wrlta general insurance, part or full time, ex tierlenca unneceaaary. I1F.I.MAN, 721 Petera'Truat Bldl. FEMALE HELP WANTED. COM p RTF NT maid for general houaewnrk. Mr.. Arter, 8112 11 a may. Phone HA. 1861. OOOO0O0OO0 0 0 OOOOOOOOOOOOO o o o o O Experienced canvaiserg to demon- O O O O atrata well known food product, o 0 O O ritnta age, pravtoua experience. O O O O Addreea W-C02, Omaha Bea. O O O O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FOR hortnand, bookkeeping, etc., at tend the American College, 1913 Farnam. Poeitlona guaranteed. Phone At. 7774 or write for catalogue. WANTED Reliable white girl for general hourework; i adulta, 1 child: imall houae In Dundee: good wagea. WA. 11x0. WANTED Wuinan for general houae work; auburban home. Tel. WA. 073. W ANTEl Cllrl to aaalet with houaework. Mre. Sam Koblneon, Theodora Apt., No. 10. HOI S. 91 at St. MALE OR FEMALE. Klh.N AND WOMEN wanted; SO centa per hour, guaranteed; atady work, bwlft A I'o.. Columbue, Neb. SITUATIONS WANTED. I.ADT planlat and contralto aololat with experience wlahea poaitlon with orcheatra for cafe or danc e work. Addreaa Dog 117y Lake Benton, Minn. ltl'FlNED young lady want! clerical or nfflca work. Harney 1X04. GOOD THINGS TO EAT. 6 b b o o oo ob o oob o boo oooo b boo' Weinrhl's Bakery o u Lie Ave n worth. o Saturday tt'iaU C I'ANlfH AND MONBf COFFFi: O O t'AKB O o rr i ii take o O rRu AI'I'I .f. 1'AK.P o o FHantl rrtriT I' IKK o O W- gp-riaha en Fiench 1'aetrl-a. O O For Il.l-te and leaiiinta O OO00 0Or0 3OOOO0OOe00O0OfOO arri AI'i l Fxt Al kiMe.aroa .I ter. H. i a w A 1 1 ' r CLOTHING AND FU J M V - io.tmi, 4 atitta nie1 g underwear 4 tel.. re ., m.e Hal lint .wn-Ltia. I. .i I. ,i.t k 4 Kl M lr. ..h eff 11 t !. Mi- it li4 Wit a-Mflre l-r tv) I , , t ft II I ttikg ani'e aei Yate.1.4 f. eeat I r- : 1 I 14-H e',-,1 I r..4!.l t .i s a. i t,v '-,..a e I - all! ! i PT? I 1 '. 1 l'X l ' " 1 4. Me. iea 114 j , n . . 6144 . leik " " j HOUitltOLD OOODS j ,l Mil SI .m t ' I. -i II' I R. I- III. ... .. ... e. I . .:! a."' 4 ' . -...,'. .I a a -ee -..! !' .'.. h '' '" ' I I . er j .. a-a I'.-s, - a.'" 'I ii.i Hi. lifiilvi fj a nit ti , e t,.- i a4 . m ii in. . I. i ' v. e 4 g a m l 4 1424 14 . ae.l k4) .'' . . III M kl . I'l ll,l'l ' ...... 1 " 4.6 . 4tl I i : ti i a Ik ' . Ml ' I. k. .-. 4 .. I I. 1 it J, . ..'iaf,..,we4.e"': ilk "Ml'' f-' Ifc j , , t , 4 m, , ' ' ' - '' ' -..' . .. . .. ...... H t Vjmm iou snn& l ALL MONtH. I 0 WW UtHT Cf COOt CLOTHVMG 7 HOUSEHOLD GOODS. KliillT rnonia if lurnltura Intludlng King ar aewing niaohina, Hoover vacuum clean er. davenport, ruga, bedroom furniture, dining room aet; vory rcaenubla If .old at nine. Itlt tin. Sllh HI. I'hone MA. tlit. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS TRALta! your uaed piano on a new player piano. Balance aa tow aa 111) par mgnlh. A, IIORl'F, Co., HI. Dougiaa. ltlOilk;bT phonograph llargalna In towg. Mblaea Phonograph Co , 1404 Doila. HI, FOR SALE JEWELRY. DIAMONDS g.M: to buy back at email profit. OltOHH JKWt.LRV CO., Umaba, Neb., 4vll N. lflth Ht. Telephone J A. 1041. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE ClTl'.AN Colorado lump roal; A ton, 13.26: i ton, IS. 74 11040 per ton delivered. Call J A. 61(1. ONE American radiator boiler, No. tii-W; teated to 40 Iba. preaauie. Apply . at Hunter Jnn. hINOLINO, aawduat, planer ahavlnga. Call J A. 1740. Bradford-Kennedy Lum bar Co. MYER'S Chicago X-ray machine, cheap. HA. 1342. HEAUT1FCI, elka head. Call AT. MI7. Athletic club memberahlp. $5(1. WA. 11195. TATT1ND for aala. Call WE. 4C07. STORE & OFFICE EQUIPMENT OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O TYPE-WRITERS O O AND O C All makea bought ' and aOI4 O O rented and repaired, lola ageota O O for tha COItONA. Oet our prlcea O O before you buy. Every machine O O guarantee. O C CENTRAL TYPEWRITER KXC, O O J A. 4120. 1912 Farnam. O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WE UUY, ae aafe. make daaka, abo caaea, etc. Omaha Fixture A bupply Co., a. w. corner 11th arid Dougiaa. J A 724 (7 iYarA K T F E D typewrltera. 17.60 and up. Midland Olflca Hupply. 1404Dodge Bt. Flillijl'KOOF uf!. two ileiika ami .ac tional bookcaae. Ma. 0310. POULTRY AND PET STOCK SPOTTED Shetland pony mare. I, and colt, t Mo. Caah anle, 419 do. 31th Ava. Phone 667. Mra. FJ. Margerum. FKRR&T8 for aale. V.'ilto for prlcta Har old Peck, Box 444, Ilea Molnct, la. OEHSE for Tiiankeglvlng dinner, 484. WANT TO BUY WANTED Used aleam-heatliig ayatam, aultable for ona-atory building, 90x20. Muat ba In good condition and priced right. Addreaa M. I.. McMalm, 2201 Mouth Flghtb atreet. Council III uf fa, or phone tZOt. CALL AT 7490 first. Oet bigheat prlcea for furniture, rugn, atovea, and office fur niture. National Furniture Co., 204 N, nth WE buy baled waste pnpor, old newepapete and magattnee. Call or write Omaha Pa per Stock Co., 14th and Marcy ate, EskS dksks! FEskiT New deaka, uaed d-ka bought, anld ami traded. J C. Heed. 1207 Farnam. AT. 4146. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WANTED LADY MANAGER. Owner of Latllen' Toggery and millinery atora In town of 4.000 population wanta lady manager on aalnry and division of profit. Htore did 145,000 caah bualneaa during paat year. Thla volume can ba doubled. Employe flva people, cheap rent, beet location, ttmnll Inveatment required, which will be guaranteed by depotlt with local bank that bualneaa la aa reproaentcd. Wrlta or call, .leaita S. Newton. 114 W. O. W. nidg., Omaha. Phone J A. 4U9. TELEPHONE plant. I huve buyere for planta from 400 to 400 al.itiom. If you want to aetl your plant, write full par ticular In flrt lirttnr. Alex D Rorrt. telephone plnnta aa a bualnHs, 2o2 Ran ilolph Wt, Waterloo la rioTEL; old-Vetahllahed. well lucatiiL 40-rom hotel In Hloux City; doing good bualneaa. Cheap for caah. If aold con. 1 W. Rooney, Toy Hank Hldg., Sioux City, la. Full SALE One attain tire vulcauixlng outfit In firgt'C-luea condiilon, liicltnluig all necruaary toole. for r.ile tery theap A.ldn-ee II. A. DnrMng, Clenwooil. In. 4tK.T MARKET and natural Ice hueiiKea. on one in Hern, k.tti.; g.iod town and goo't bu.ln.ea point, 1- AiexatioT. Hein, Kan VkaI TY eh-r. U Milll'pe.l. het ttoit in iltv, 4" 0c rrtce i.rv raon., nie n: amount of tune Addie. Y-.-t. I'lueha It-e iLAt.h,'sMrril Nil, ip"ir're"t or eale. Mo. I all eiulpileiil. J W. l.ui.e, Maa ana. 1 FarAHl.lMIILHraU'r ah,. f..r r. e i.'. en a tmut vt i kr.a. W al, MO. ROOMS FOK RENT lie, 41 ill! I. f.HMili.l .,..n. t m- i.e-t, t b. genll-inaii .r.t.ti.4. . . i , ., , M li . ! l I i -l I li t. ue , ftvie t- .1 t- liM.M,. - f i- ... I. I- , ' l e l .' ... if -I , r. . . c. I T I i t Vl't. It.iu,.. i ii'. -' t .n-i to ., k '.( !,.'. I a ...... , .., w . I nS1 riii.i-4 r., .t. . e 141.1 -!,. I i. ' t : , e- e- , ,)t 1 . t ti fit ( fi S M l , w i ci 1. ,. trite,' 11 t- 9 a t-e-a "' II I I l , ' t t K :' I ..e M. . tl.: It W - ,. I.... a - i 4 . - ' 114 t .i . I e f 1 . I- I 1 1 ! I ... I a ' -4 . eke - - ke '" - I.' . t I i 14 I1 I l.i 1 te t f. . . tu ' . .'a... ... .... ' J. .... til tf a- N0 TOHT VoMr K TS 60 tO e.a.SV4.N&10ri g-Nt, AVSOCU-At VvrXH MX TV 8eUv,t. "tVAV.t AWt too vnt Owsx vox otsr Tat "dajN. tuu?- ROOMS FOR RENT. ROOM I'lHICCTOHT for ROOM MCNTKRH. hhould yo fall to find Hated below lha room you wunt, call at the "Want" Ad counter of Trie Omaha bee for a room directory. Tha Omaha Ilea maintain, thla aervli-a for your convenience. New Hat leaned each weak. HOTEL KfclK.V, 14th " , nppoelte court houee, IIOTKI. FLATIKON, Howard and Ht. Mi rye, at 17th Ht. Attractive weekly ratea to permanent gu'-ata. P LEA S AN'i" roomlri"hee uttf ul brick du plea, near Putnam car; convenient to downtown. Employed peraon preferred. Phone 11 A. Tetnw. PA HK Ave, llll-Nicely furulehed front room home privilege., refined family, hntjae atrictly tuoderu with splendid beat, HA. 720. HINDI, E or ilnulile, newly decorated and furniahed, lavalory, walking dlilence, heated garage: ineala optional, HA. 6247. 2 u n fur. roorna, 2lth and Caee; good con. Will leaae for 6 nioniha; alao fur. room. Clnae to Crelghton unl. prlv. home. JA 3177 HDTKI, HANFORD Hth anil Farnam. HOTF.L HENHHAW I6th and Farnam. Hpecla) ratea to permanent gueatg. N ICKL Y furriTahud rooma, private bath, reaaonable, day, week or month, central locution. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. WOOOHCKF TERR ACK, 124 H. 24TH BT. Nicely fiirnlnlieil room, hot water heat, ail moili-m, rloxe In. 2409 H1NNEV 4 -room brick dwelling and Kurnge. Ht, Web 07.11. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. ROOM LIKECTOHY for ROOM HL'NTKBS. Should you full to find Hated below the room youiwnnt, call at the "Want" Ad counter of Tha Omaha Hee for a room directory. The Omaha Hee maintain! thla aorvlce for your convenience. New Hat leaued earh week, COLANAD, 2474 Harney St., adulta, I furnlahcd houaekeeplng apartment, alao Bleeping room. Phone J A. 4272 for In formation. TWO houaekeeplng rooma, corner 24th and Davenport; al. modern. Tlr.ard, 22014 North 2Sd. Kot'R, rooma and bath, entire aecond floor, everything furnlnhed; adulta. 40, WE. 2047. CAfjM St., 2:102 desirable nnfur. front rooma, private family; ref. HA. 4904. Davenport Ht., 24182 rooma, electric lighca, tclephona furnlahed; eteain heat. 2626 CAPITOL AVENUE Nicely furnlah ed, ateKm-healnd rooma, cloae In. 2-room and kitchen, fuinlehed; regt raa annahle. llanicom park. HA. 6474. TWO-KOOM hoiieckeepltig apt. WE. 47. TWO modern rooma, 911 8. 20th. AT. 74f0. BOARD AND ROOM. ROOM for 2 gentlemen with board, 17 per week each, WE. 2406, TWENTIETH HT., 621 N. For rent, front room for two gentleman; alao board. Tel. KE 2184 Room an1 board, modern home, 26.60. Room, 12. DO. HOUSES FOR RENT. FOR RENT 1516 North 19th St., geven rooine ami bath, 130 per month. 1637 North 19th St aeven rooma and bath, 130 per month. Saturdny call JA. 1014; Saturday evening and Sunday call W'A. 2599. FOR RENT Four-ronm houae, 1947 Paul St., 116 per month. Inquire at 1160 North in 111 8t. KIN E 4-rooin houae, double garage; fur nace heat: located at 2674 Poppleion Ave. Inquire of owner, 1323 8. 24th Ht. Call AT. 2 "24 or AT. 0274. Rent 160. M APLK ST.. 23324 rooma. part meilern, will allow tor repalra. For Information rail Tie, kman, AT. 7970. STRICTLY modern 7-room houae, eeat front, conveniently arranged; norm win ilowe; enlly heated Call HA. 1114, Kl VB-rouini- for 134 per month. Call II A. 4472. 1011 H. 20th Ft. 7 ltou.MB, juat finiahed. 4421 South !Jn4. 143. UliUKKN hou.e. i ;n 114. Uaiege. Call WE. 4 lux i viS ami garage, IIS. 6216 Ho. :Uh. i all Ml t; i K' 'M. irutly modern, nice location. 7-i I , jirt l' j".'i; 7-roum houae HA. 1245 We:. M m houae fer rent. FURNISHED IIOUSLS. wil l, thare up-ii. dale bungalew, one from car; apleinliet 4.eooiii Apr, (oil l.l. -. I llu. le. ranteM'4 l.a etllier In M:d . u.riiia,aiie.. 13.4 H.ia-y. lei Ht 3111 Ft'l ItKN f--! ie ro .nt, -ea teaow, tor wmier, reeeoaeUle tall Kt. en. I I hlMll:n I. imn-lee. r.r ca', .I ar... 4 o-tM a friM le.tmfe.r I I AVAK M t,N FS FOR KKNT I A-Hl kllMf AND l.14Vi t liag I W I I'll l tl in j 41, Mr.Vta, 44a..." I - .,a i..iii.. Ml le.llit.uni .ti, l) I . m ,-. : .i a .1 g -.e-t 4e.i. '. ee 4 i t. .4 a.. aik, a !-.a la tel. j v ' , : I v II I 14 At tilt . i . k I . ,l i ' ., I'.. 4i.,.i i t.tti ..a a I I I' Nat h 4. ig i'ii. I. t. ! r . i a 4 ttl If t . t4 I- t S T ' i I IlkHH nil 4 II KSI I !! I ll.e - I .1 1. I I t a.. I 4 .,.,-, a i . .t. .1 hi t it. It 4 lilt ..! 4ie I .... l.l ... 4 ..h..!ti tie k i a . Mai l ,nt llll . . It II ! 14 llll 41 I . ' . . t . . i -m .11 I I 4 .i I I I I t -t" I i 1 I I I I it... It t. t i ( , M I NO- ANt tout fOV UOINj pavM THtt KltU.D V? UwC SAJAV4 NOO'Pi 60nc fcou,N TO VuA&v4tMtT0M AS TUt Uvt OF A. mt-W0.V6 COHoBtSSMAM- NOT A SOOVW CyTT'tBf LW APARTMENTS FOR RENT. OMAHA LARUKDT RENTAL AIIENCT Thirty-four apartment bulldlnga, 161 apartment., reinforced concrete, alien lutely fireproof Murphy bed or bedroom apartmenta. Call ua, and we will take yon out. DRAKB RENTAL AOENCT rireproof Apartment.. J A. 206. AT. 1701 Corner 17th and Howard Streetg. TURNEH COl'llT. One apartment anllalle In Omaha'i moat eiclualve and conveniently arranged 4 room apt., with 4-rnom accommoiliitloiia. Item reduced. Janitor. HA. 4)96. . tf. HAl HEIt. Mgr. 110 Dodge. II A 7140. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. NEAK2-th and Farnam, coxy modern 6 room brick flat; rent l'.2 60, two rooma pay rent, bruea lile,. library tiiblea, vie. troia. aewing ntachlne, duo-fold, etc. Call owner, 11 A, 2702. 4-lOroiu flat, Went Faiii'iui Dlatrlct, Ex ceptionally attractive, lefareucea required HA. 2144. FOK KKNT N. mahogany furniture for your three-room apt., everything coinplote. 11 A. 24i;a. 'nVKNTY-HIXTH HT., 641 H Two room." Including piano, Ufi. At. 6041. 1IUNTKK INN AT. 49110. 4il4 Hodge. BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT CUMIN. BT., 2J03 Half "of new etoro building for rent to a good bualueag firm, (inod location. Look thla over at once, AT. 1442. FOK KENT Mleanihiatcrl buKcimint aultable for offlc. apace. Plenty of II. lit and well vantllali-d, low rent. 14.1 O Bt, l-hone Market 0110. , T W E N T Y -FtVlTlt f 1IKT. , 2409 N. Mndero atore room, r?aeinfil,le rent, At. 69f.l. TBI AT. 4260 Office apace with doak. I'etera Truet Hldg. flaa vault. GARAGES FOR RENT OAI.AOR atcam heat. (II Houth tlat. HA. 7124. BONDS, STOCKS, MORTGAGES AKK you willing to diacount your aecond mortgage for caah 7 If ao, aee F. C. Horacek Co., 440 Flrat Nal'l Bk. Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS DO TOU NEED A LlTTLPJ READY CAHHT 0 40 100 100 600 DOLLARS or any other amount loaned at leag tban legal rat eg. No red tape, no publicity, eaay pay. mnntg, confidential. Thirty year a In bual neaa. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY, 604 Karnach Blk. Tel. Ja. 1244. Conthweat Cor. 15th and Doug. Bia. COX Co.; Inane, 16 and lip on wagea. rarg and furniture; confidents!; 26 yra. eatab. 414 World. Herald Bldg. JA 2344. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE LOW RATE M ON ICY, No delay in cioelng. W. T. GRAHAM, 704 PETERS TR. BLDO. BTKAIUUT 6-year Ion tie, 6 per cent AMOS GRANT CO, 1 01 1" " A rt hu r Bid n. A T. 6 240 WS have caab on hand to loan on omaba realdencea E. H l.OUOEE. INC., , 628 Keellne Bldg. Oi.AHA HOMfcS EAHT NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE! CO., 1016 Om Nat. Bk. Bid g. J A. 27 1 5. TTarm Trtina No delay oo weatern r a JjOailS Neb. farma. ranchea Kloke Inveatment Co., 646 Om. Nat'l Bk 6140 TO 110.000 loane made promptly. F. D. WEAL) and D H. BOWMAN. 110 8. 141h St Weed Bldg. AT0161 FIRST mortgage loana made promptly en Omaha real estate. Khopeo 4 Co., Real tora. JA. 4228. 234 Keellne Bldg. OARVIN BRUM, 46 Omaha Nat. Bldg. ON IMP PHOPERTY NO DPLAT. I. 11. MITI1EN paya moat for LIBERTY BONOS 621 City Nat'l Bank Hldg MOVING AND STORAGE V l D KLIT'rHtAlTK-"VANCO. MOVING PACK 1NO STOHAI1E SH1PPINU. Iluuaehold Ooode and Planoe. Reduced ratea thia week te t.OS ANGEI.KS. BAN DIEOO llOlll Hoatd. ja. 0314. KaTI MA IE furn. on pacHtng, mov and atorlng. Contiarte taken by Job or hour, Olobe Van A gtorago Co, JA 4311, AT. 2.i Oroeeman A Son, owner. .Moving packing Stoiaue Unrdon 1 irrproof Werehouee gr Van Co. 2l N lllh Ht. phone JA. I"J3. It EK f SeT DM AH AV A N A X l ollAGr.. 14th and l.ev,ii,.ith 4.1., racking, injv. log atoiage, alnpi lug. JA 4U1. KroHK your .ar limn now till Maich J lleilung Tram. U 1 Su 1Mb BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. AIIIIHHItN PI 4 4TINI. Al'v'uflli'ON. ai.iE, amfe. b..g , ..Hag'. utetel bolluni. ail aiyiee. iieineill' meg, bun. .M. oi. Hrlie lu-ai iluttea A pi ai. lag to. ;,t He. a liieca, omega, N.k Teiei' ja. ii a. !"."" -e'.'t !' 11 t!4 i4,i iMi 4i 4HI Hira LalAliN l.i d.i... f..r al .P. llll .!,. i .... ti , , , tt ..i .. i 9t. " t' 4 ie lla a .) aa t'g'.'a final. Iumi I. a..ia4. i.ela J4 t!4 I IIIHH4H4I lulta. !r Ilriiitr T" r ' Mki.l l't V t At. .,, a ,ii, ii . .. k. II l.l lew - I II Mt I'kl 4 tIM, Ilk . . i . i '- I .1 .... - , - W ! . . I .... . . .1 lit ..,4 Vt 4 t .41 " III ... I'HH HIM kii Imn. t.i. it n .. ... l l llll H l . 4 i -I in a ilt.ttllat I I St i a , I . .u, , - t ... if nit t kttli " j Klfl'S " '. . . i 4 4 If'l.u. . 4. k ... . twt I I I , . k II U 4 4 tt 1(7 41111 nl 1 1 , . 4 i. i i ... t I, ,.i r. . ' 4. . ........ . . . , t wkvrt A, BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. KODAK " FINieiHINti. FILMS tiEVLLOI'FD FREIfl. The Enelgn Co,. 1407 Howard Bt, " J'RIMTINii. l;l)11YPrrntliig rn , 811 H. 12 Ht. J A. lief ' "fATKNT ATTOBNr.VB."' J. VV. MARTIN, Plitelit" AtToTrney, llll Dodge, room 09 Alao Waehlngiog, D O. I help Inventnra aell their patenta MINI K I.KA N Fill H ANNHl'Nt KMKNTM. OA!! bulitT any etyle ed"gIaeT"il09 iT Concrete work. Mlcklln Lumber A Wricking Co Tel. WE. 1411 rRKSCltW'Tio.Nil carefully" ro'inpoiiniiidVf the I Bherman A McConnall Drug Blorea. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. ooob b oob oo oo "o o bbb oooo b boo TlIANKSfilVINi; sai.i; O 0 O TflEHl; ARE TIIE fiflKATKBT O O VALLKS IN THE 1HED CAR O O MAR RET O o o O PRICED SPECIAL FOR TEN O O DAYS ONLY O O O C OI.DSMOHILE lloadmcr 1621 mod. o O el. Entirely renewed, new Urea, O O repalnled, and a beautiful car. In O O guaranteed condition. A bargain O O al Terrna, 1.00 caah; bal- O O ance 12 payment.. O O O O OLLHMODILK Touring An clglil O O cylinder, aeven-piierng-r car, Ju.t O C' the kiiiil of a car for a family, O O ciimplrtely overhauled, new engine O O and In every reaped a bargain. The O O price. ty.'.O. Terma, 1.10 caah; bal- O O ance li paymculf. O O O O OLDflMOttlLK foul Alinoat new. a O O 1 921 model, In flrat-claea condition O O anil guaranteed, very economical O O and powerful. Thla car needa no O O repairing or adjimtlng and la a bar- O O gain. I.ota of extraa. Price l00; O O terma. 1320 cah; halante 12 pay- O O nienta. O O o u 1.EX1NOTON Chummy Rogdgter O O Complotely icnewed, Hag a very O O good motor, good tlreg and re- O C painted, one of the beat buya In O O Omaha. It I5". Teirnj, 11,100 caah, O O balance 12 payment., O O O O OLDSMOBILB Big Touring Jut O O like new, a real value In an eco. o O inimical five pa.aenger car. Price O O 600. Terma 1240 caah; balance 12 O O paymenta. O O O C' FORD HEDAN In very good con- O O dltlon, plenty of extraa, and Juat O O the kind of a car to have three O O annppy mornlng, Price I too. Tonne O 0 IU0 caah; balance 13 payment.. O 1 We also have I o o O MAXWEI.I I 4.1 00 O O CHEVROLET 7-.00 O C OLDSMOBILE 126.00 O O DOUOH 160.00 O O FORD COUPE J26.00 O O OAKLAND TOURING .. 400.00 O O 0 O Thia la our Annual l'ed Car Event, o O Laat yiur we made fnendg with a O C' lot of people over the value, we O O gave them at the Thankegivtng O O Kulea. O Come Early Open Evenings Nebraska Oldsmobile Co., g O AT. 1770. Howard at 18th.' O O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NASH SEDAN Wa nr howlnir one beautiful 191 morlnl Nnah ietian, which in pr(od for quirk action at SUA. Thia car la In vory ffna rondiilon through, out and an Id, family rar. Ht rfivr hav kupt bnautlftil valour trimmlnirii llla nevr. Mfifhanlcal ly pmfmt. Gooal tira and antra anulpiniit. Hn thla car toOay and tk rlda In It. Trada In your opfa rar at a rood flaure and an Joy closed rar comforta GUY L SMITH OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HtiMK bargalna In uaed Forda; prompt delitlrv of nevr I'nrd M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. The Dundy Ford Service fetation. 13th and Jw kinnHta AT 7711. 1414 li'RO Ull I tick, in.. lor tuniplete!)' erhauicil in nor thop. C K. PAI l.noN MOTOR CO tOlh and Aniea Ave Kb. 6144. ip.n until 9 p III llja KiHP t iirleg with aiariee and ile mountetiie rime N-w lop aed paint, 1260 C. F. I'AI'LSi'N MOriilt CO 10th and Am.a Ave. KE. 1114. i ip.n unlit p. m lt' FnKli runabout, in extra goed run ilii ion, 41 a c i: rvri.viv vitTii" fo ltfl ae.l Ate kK. 6116. Or- ii ii I 4 p i it.A4iini ImuV It ai . irt etn-r and de iitoetti t no I. Hitaki'i at lilt V I' tl'I.e,. is' ilifnH i O f'H ac t Anna Ae 4 F. .114 ' - It t S . t N "" ' 4ct piNrtsi ami nrcoRATivii Jt a-n S! a.iu-k ink t. r I ii'i iki .it k. ueed M i it tiki in lia v. 4ai I a t" Het4 al ink 4T 1? ( . ii y L Smith Aliaki 1411 II KV It B Ktfl-T ! al reteeae, 11.11 CAM a m h ..... t4.. ('. llll It Nat II I t r-.-ie iit t tMie tt I an is V- U'H III , ,i.4 lit ej4 1 1 a I'-.'.'e 4.. 4-a k en4 i-k e I ! kl'tt I "J I 4- H I 111 . iti tt i i i I'M re tit lt ..,. at i 4141 I mi r 4 " -- 4 at k I ti Fai l a lt In Ian I It ... ai ti i i . i ii k 4 al tea 1 I1,. I ii;i r 1 1 . H t. . I I a ft i a . i . fl.el a I 44 4 i I I M I 4. I.'!u r. mi a Tina II a 1 6.' I Ford coupe, rorfl. O o .tiii l'P'd efl eittiiienl O O Iilion thriiMghi'iil. lite g'-ctd O O Hi, a anil mber etiraa We will O O ailaiaui.e Hit. pe. and It II I O O bargain al I3:". Interior trim. O 0 nting le like new. and paint H v.ry O CI go. ..I H- III lode) . O 1 GUY L SMITH 0 o 0 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUWVuuuw USUI) CAKS o o r. o n I rtuirk l.ielil til. very O O good i-'00 o O I I'o.lg Touring 32. .04 O O t Ford Touting! f na con. O O union S O I llll Ford Se.lail lul.OO O et I la-o Inoline r.- O n rnnillllnned 146.60 O O 0 O MANY OTIII.HS 1.0 o IT O X Tinul liPKN BVF.M.NilB O O o o o o AM)K1'AV MURPHY SON O o O o o O 1410 J.r'.l.iin Hi AT. 4411. o O " nitno OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o 111'iik.fiiv si'. ! ii i Pit r n lllllt.M.t " ' .......... 0 Hare ynu gre poyi a nice ai-..-at.r r.ady for delivery. Lute mod el O i Inod Urea and complete! rebuilt and reflnlehrl Otiaranteed n .very re.p.ct and a real baigain at 1140. Come In and lei Ihn car and lake a rltle in It n ntiV I L'tllTlI I. - I 1.. .'l I I II o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOvOOOOOOD-uv-uuvuvo ev O HUT THFM WITH CONriDBNCI! If the car la not a. represented return It to ua, laki anolhir cir or your money back. Fpeclil prlcei oo eeveraj oloa.d Joug , Tirmg Without Flnince Charge. WILLYC OVCRI AND. LVC. 2643 Faruim St. Open Kvenliie. Opon Bundui O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO N K4V "AN 0 ' OB Kit TI H KB." AND UP BAB T1RK AND ALTO CO. fill Fernam St HA T404. TRUCKS.jrRACTORS. ETC. ooboobobooobooooooooooooo o o O 1 have a (I. M. C. truck, M-40, O O "lil. lt inn b. bought tiieop or O O "III trade. O O , O Carl Changiilroni o o O Vt. if Farnini Hi, JA. 170. . O O O OAOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO IOWA LANDS )i:t AiRKS neur Ainei. Fine grain anil 'dully farm; good Improvemenla rinwlnv well: H mile from Ry. .tatlon 14 tioo re.h will handle; good terma. For full particulai. write Bock, Hog 44, Aniea. la. MISSOURI LANDS H.O. acre furm near Weat PlaDia. Howell county, .tii.eouri, ll prcvnr , o re hum . tf 11 . -TO. .VI It I on g'ji.o .ci ins, w. ... , i ,,. . Craig, Mo, .J N EBJ ASKAJI. A N D8 HUHOLUTION FOR rANDLORDs"" AND TENANTS. Improved furma for leaae and npU-o tg buy on yearly payment of only 4 per real of principal. Throe per cent Intereat only la charged, balance or payment oppiieu oa principal. Box N, Broken How, Neb. WANT to hear from ownerg of Nebra.ka r.noh.a .hn wl.h to eKchanle far other property. M, A. Laraoo Company, Central City, r-en WYOMING LANDS. KIOIITY Acre. Irrigated F.dcn valley, Wyo ming; ail fenced: forty Into eweet clover. other forty Into osta; beat land In Wyo' ntlng; muat eel! et once; price to right buyer. Acldreea, Box 42, l'dlaon. Neb, WANTED REAL ESTATE. Charles W. Young & Son Hal F.rlale, rtentala, Inaurnnee. 1003 City Nat, Bk. AT. lull. ni7TTTr?iTnu" for VJIVU .lI.Uteulty Co. Llgt with 1411 Flrat Nat'l Bank Bide. JA. 1446. mSt'lVTT REAL F.STATB UlnlVLill Bella, Rente, InauregL 3S0 Peter. Truat Bldg. JAJ 0433, OOOD I.ISTINOS COMB TO US. WB SELL THBM 1 HOMH RI3ALTY CO. AT. 111.. LIST your homei for anle with ui. We hive thi cuatomeri. PAYN1 INVEST- Mi'.rvT t-u., neaiior. To Buv or Sell Otnahti Heal Fetnle. See FOWLER & M'DONALD Mmbrw MuHlpla Mating T. Rplor; "" Lint vrtiir h'imeny vour homa BINDER & OTIS, Real Eatnte. Loam. Itenlall JA. 2111'. "Tukey Sold It" A. P. TUKEY A SON. Re.tHote, JA, 4238. C. T. Spier & Co., Realtors S04 Petera Truat Bldg. JA. 4167. TO HULL aee (Hover A Moroll. AT. 3423. W'lllard C. SlHhaugh. Itealtnr. JA. 2963 5 P. BOH'FwiCK. real eatate. AT. 1606". Weatern Real Fetate Co. JA. 2li07. WORLD Realty Co., Realtor.. AT. 1498. K. II. BKNNER CO.. realtor!. VACANT PROPERTY PUNDKIi lot, 60x125, on 44'h Bl. near Far. mm; choice lot; owner will oonalder reia enable ofrer C A Orltnmel JA. 1J5. SlTl'TH front lot, Juat eaat of Kdgewoorl, 40x130, 1910. W. FARNAM SMITH A CO. JA. 0141. WE BOTH LOSE if you don't get our prices anil plans on that new bnihlini;. Wo Build to Pl.aio TEMPLE McFAYDEN COMPANY AT 9960 I SOS Farsam St. Th. C. B. k Q. K. n. U itiaU primnnt Bjrf fniftit itith it print rmployii, but hti v cncirt for limitmi number of Machinists Boilermakers Tin Smiths Apply Fmt rUer Bflial BwiUia, TialW A we) I' a f aa aa SliAola. OmaVia, Nek, WANTED By M. K. St T. Ry. MaCHINUM toil I RMAtttRS LA1KMIIH ltt )AR.torvtiaA ArpJ- t Ml till Meihaoa. 1414441, an Piano. T.i. B . M II Ritlw.p I iikiaie, 94, town, 41 ie. Ml M.4.1 l.rHaea, Oea.4.4. hek I REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. AI.FHKIl Tlli'MAS A Son II. U.lHii'l- SALE OR EXCHANGE. OMAHA "AG KM: S PLKASli notici; I ntt iiaviiw -Tiir. it w con urn AND MAIH Y gTIUCFTS 14. ill;, PAH I , I.Y IMI Rnt I'l'i I FASFU Knit HllHin piiitiuii waniko rnnpr.niY v l.l. S ANUFI I S. CM... UR VH IMITV ANY KtAStlNAHI.It I IHll'nMTIttN Will, III: At'i'f.l'TFD. CI'M,MN' INVKBT HI 1. NT C'l !- MARSII-SntuNll HI.IIlK l.i is ANl.KI.I.H, CM. NORTH SIDE FRO PERT Ml'NFY TAI,K4. I ICO CASH. .i.. ..... ....... .l 1. 1 -, ii.,L,,.tliiH ef a room all modern I.. and lew bu'.gel lalge lot I'imiI airtwl. Short Wail car .Hid a. Imol. H.ili.o.' like mill. 1 pad. A. t I. 9. AT. S 113. .V c I '. New g-niini Colonial, ail Hiodenl ,1: A bargain, lo and MI4 4 lurelice BlvA,. ;. Noiri, A Soitie. JA 45;o t A M I'llLI I. b'Hola lioinea thai inline. lle.t iliatenati. tti.ttiloalieliiti aii'l prit't'. 6';? Ucellna Hldg AT, 4041. ' ill! DKI A IUR-4-Rm , Mod Kg heal, I ling, i.oo taili. rileii.e inuiithly Craign log Hee JA. oil DANDY 4 -loom home for 11,260, a; terme. partly innd-rn, full lot . I'Bi'JIt , htewarl llaliton lu W. D K BUCK A CO l.uv end .ell home SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY. Fijlt BALK, l-riittrn in.olerti bungalnw, oiik anil enaiiifl f.iilih, ready lo move linn, call and enva ii.mmleelon. 2110 8. tlet fl. JA. 400.1, SrTvKN'-RoiiM modern lioiiai, garage, food location IJSoi It from carllna. threw Inrke fiom Houth high. 2343 li itreel, MA.00I,9 6-ltiniM, fuMv modern, g,, 14,164. ; Netr '.'3d and Itam rofl, want offer. . ,( . tell tieii, a I. ni.'r.. ii a. -in. CENTRAL PROPERTY Make Your Own Price ami Terms A lO iooin houee, modern, on "Hli avinue between Harney ami Si. Marya avenue. An old houee, but in fitir ahi-pe; rented if. .il p,r month, two-tar garage. H.t'i been nukllta 17.000, bill owner aate aell. Don't be afraid to Inai.crt and make your offer Glover & Spain, Heallori '. JA. 2.o III ;!) Clly National. WEST SIDE PROPERTY. 4 . bbbooocoooooooo ooooooooo" o a Heal Colonial HiJiigalow j'. o ' O Now under i onetruct ion. On paved O O elraet. Cloae In car III elegant O biitigiilnw amotion of beautiful e' O Kdgewood. Five fine rnoina, altlo f O and haaemenl. ' A c laeev place In. fi" Q aide and out, and contain, every- p" O thing you tii. old ael: for In I high 0 O rla.a bung'ilow. Price 17,760, r O Terma If de.ired. For appoint. O O mnt call Walnut K0. ft O & oooo oooooo ooo oooo ooo coopfy Edgewootl District Brujd new bungalow lioiria; flt'l large room, ind bulb, oah and enamel flnleS,! modern In every way. Child 6"xi:i ouih front lot. read" to move right In. Price only IS.kCO. About II. .60 cub. Bnl1 Rasp Rro., 31 S Keellne lllilg AT. 07:'!.k 1100 DOWN. Here la one you can't afford to line up! Four good lined roorna and room for belli. Oak floora, ally water, electric light, lul(. cemented liaretnent, double garnce, chlokw en houoe, Lot KulSl. Uoorl location. Eary termg. Call Petleraen, 1IA. 7442. . ,; New Cathedral Bungalow ; Well Incited ind dlaUnctlve looklfiir,'. Plenty of hullt-lna. tiled l.atli. extra chol' 4 light fixture.!, garage. Price 0,C0O, CIV JA. 2241 dan; eve.. HA. 0222, FOlt SALK by owner. Six-room, mortar home: full lot, paved itreet, one block f4f car line Price IS, POO. Term! te roapori aible partlea. Call WA. 2997. e'. Hoin" Your Terma AT, 4444, Grove-Hibbard Co. "-fiis;.. DUNDEE PROPERTY. . 2.VD ST, 30i; 8 Hrarid rew, never occu pied, rooma, double garage. Moit """ ti'nl. complete home in Dundii. I2.t') down Cull owner. V.TO. 4938. FLORENCE PROPERTY Home Agent C. I.. NETHAWAY. Tel. KB). 1401. MJSCELLAEOUPROPERTY vWe Build to Please"- Temple McFiyden Co.. 1101 Farnam It. HASTINGS A HKYDEN. Rialloia. $4,250.00 7 Roomi and 2-Car Garafre All good aixed rooma (four bed roomil all modern. Cemented baa ment. Large eaat front lot. Fine treei. Only one block to Fort St. car. Thia ii a dealrable bargain; I'O a month will handle. Shown by appointment. George & Company Realtor! AT lantlc 3024 MISSOURI PACIFIC Offer! perminmt employment to let chinliti, bollermalieri. blackamllhi anal roach carpentera in Nebraaka, Kan tax, Mliiouii and Arkanaae, Applr 217 South 14th St. Omaha. Nebr. ,1 I I II III it I I I I I I I II I HU' HALTED UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. Firt fljsn, stl-around rnilrostl J niAihiniiti an. I t'oilermglteri. Api'ly Ki'i'm '03, t'nion Tt- cifie lle,inur! ri. J . 4 4 4 4 4 4 I till' WANTED -BY THE Wabash Railw.y Co. Skilled aie.lieaie. foe Ik. rail. at itiop. Kei iiMeeji, MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS BUCKSMITHS CAR REPAIRERS .. aaal elka iW.lleJ nail. 14 Il44pll4l4. 44pl peek. l4kli4 4 pilin.aial peil.ea Wlei ao4 kt leadu it. ne.ita.ej lip ISA l, RatliMii I aa. kiti ArrtY io t..rv ir. (eaa.liA, N4 ti t i 'I . . l. Be. .4 I H III II I lit t.4 I 4 I .. - 4. i ', . . . 1.4 we i i aim I 1 1, . . n t . i m a... ii !-., i . i. . ie -ti 1 ...l tt ... llll lllull . llll Ii t 4 t . I .. .. in k . t 4 i ' Iv.MN IH4 lllltl J4. 4 4. " I h - 14 I . . k I -. II ilH , 4 Ala. . Ilk' I'. I I Mill ....-i ... r '. i.. t, ii.i ,.n.4.e m4 .eee-ekeie 4k 44.1 4 A