IHK OMAHA HKt:: MONDAY, NOVKMUKK J0, 1U22. Chicago Grain BRINGING UP FATHER R.g iiri $. Patent Ofltc Sit JICCS AND MAGCIt IN IVLL PAGE OF COLOR IN THE SUNDAY BEE Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManui (Copyright jf:?;) Hy I II Mil l i l. Ml( ll-iFLS. llmah lie UuH M ir. Cltiviik'. Xv. 19. A tdouler trade !th wjt iint'lnir inr to the MiclKHt '( the fiuun fur all grame m. on l;mt WAt-k, with Hie gitlne well h'M at 11,11 IukI, .Wi giilng on wheat Here I to 1 i "c, rum I 5 4 to 3 ! , out 1 to "c anil r l-2e, Advanres ere mm-trt In the fnce of llliepil re ".liang- .il- by large holilere who were takliiK rnt. lantern iU litlnrg na well na tlx country traders were more largely repreaeiitecl on the tiuylnii alilu tliuii for a long tim Th f.'fiinar i mora rlieerful throushnut Hie. Bruin tra.l an-l the airrloultural Kwtlinia ii ml Knwrul busineei Ima Im proved. That otmtruc tive loutli'iahip can ac i iiiiil'llcli mi liiiiiirn amount of rooiI for the prixluri ra and for tha tmnliieaa nml tlmini'lul Irilep-ata In Kent-rat hn lnen dfiiioimiriitiil by the action of the pro In market, valine hnvlnn nrt VHtioei! Irregularly allies the mlihlla of September In wheat and the middle of AttKUst for course groin. At that time the oiitliwik for lilirher prlre aieined hopehea hy the tank mid file of the a ruin Irndo, while thoae mont lliilly Inli-realeil liere nnd III the enat wl'-d tip the eitiiiitlon umt liy their euhilllnir effort mieoeeileil In turn lull the merit. il altitude of the trnde ftoin jieealmlHlle In optlmlatln chimin-! and Improvement luia been ali-uily. I'ntiirre AdteJice, iVht futures hav silvan"! "i " mil, ki io 2'ir; oats, it io H1,'', aril t. In W from in fl HUNO H WAY TO TREAT Mr ON ollR ' orF THtriOAT, I, MERC" HOT J PU , . y?. Omaha Produce 'iO'rt' l"Wnt unti j'fciiitih.-p lMi1irff in nil grii'i It ti.ta l"--ii rvlilni to hfl v In. i.i.uvtit wli' ii miirki nil"l rtHhlliiina. i hat "llli K initio .llln h low pr-xlu' l i'nii, n 'iim'i In f v u r 01" At Ihx tirmont of vnl'ifi il lm.r,' if,ti i'f irnlo l-artim t that iIiiy niTM.- in.,r lii-uriy ri.r''"litln fill ialup and nr nO'il In o huchar lie. f l a,ilii. Kor tlio pifamit "hnrp flu, luHthme nie In h rii-tl mid 111 In irUil" r iniii.i mn ililnl, wllh th pub. In- lu"l.lna fir mill further iprnl- llr.nllv lir.ii mi hilpfd hy enrn. un roi l ld oi l' lUn In lv Iiik ancriKili l nrn, All rM'iiri from iilMi'Hit lii'l Ki I Hint Inn uViiiaiid f'T ai iln. auiplin iit nun rj ini Inn pvi.iri.iif r.-ti'ilrl'-a liavc, will lie ni..il nj fiT.i I'.uri'P" "! that thi ifinny lnr puoli' will t' ohtalllert miplua ai n, i,l. Kni.lun hto. k hnve ),. . n ailiiwi-it io run down anil tid r- iiM!iahm'.'iit, Corn I'rl. r. Ill.h. i irn prli f ar- (it tho hlghrat of th jimm anil rMln iKp"i!liinoiia urn inai iin-y hu not ra.'ht-i thu top. Fiirni m mi l roiiiitry lioliOra of corn liava (nil amaily lrniltieil by tli 'advam-a In prli ' In th- !' of th laia-i at (nova. iikiii iliirlim Ihn paat two imeitha Ilia ira.io baa kunwu In yi'ara. l'rlinary r. una imxinvaie D,r,:,i.oun buhla, with ;OiO,oio I'ualuMa lunt year. Th corn -kuh lion la a mint unuaunl ono. 'iruin that uxually t'umea to fhl tiiao finin uiaifrii Iowa la moving to tha .f. .Niiriiak la alo ahlpplna corn to 'loiaa. f'olorailu, New ,Mlio, Wyoming, I lull polnia and the Piulflo roaat. Keed lug opfrntlona are the larfoat In y-ara. Tha aouih la tailing mora torn than usual, hlla the aat la buying -very little. K .ort itiiinoul haa lallrn off, yt clear-aw-a rontinue large aiuj raah corn brtjigf a premiuiti In the loral niarket, Two niontha ago the trade bllevd an advance In oala linpoaalbla becauaa of the limit!) Intert on th part of the out. aide trailo. The advam-a ahowa how aaay H la for the trad- to b wrong and what f-an he a(-'-nrrplihd V.I1I1 a .little con atrui tlie vnrk by a few oporalora who be llv that gralna hava a ral value and . paHally when they ae below roat of pro-du-Hon. l urmera ara t'ttlng f.5o to f.Sfl for their corn In tha rouulry, or to Joe mora than laat ytar. aa a year ego pr ea were around lh towtnt of the aeagon. c: u 1 1 uiouiLiai 1 1 NKW YOKK .TIMKS. Onmha Ilea Leaaed Wire, -New Vork, Nov. 1. The flnanclnj niutketa of tlil tutumn, especially when reviewed In the light of lnat neek'k adrupt and rapid upward re action from the vatiter aevero decline., are likely to be remembered aa an in- etnre in whith valueg have moved not at all In accord with tangible events, but In Hiiea with distorted Ideas, with confused urmiaeg and vague appre hensions, created, not by study of the realities of a situation, but by the mere fiict of declining prices .for stocks or bonds or foreign exchange. 'pi There have been occasions In the pa.it when a falling stock market at a time of easy money and business revival foreshadowed a coming change, both in moiwy rates and trade conditions; the midsummer decline of pin fairly fits that description. But W'hII street bail also witnessed sweep ing declines on the Btock Kxchange in times of great and growing prosper ity, when neither a chock. to trade nor a rise In the money market followed but when the outcome proved that the fall in prices had been merely auto matin reaction from an overdone and Insecure speculation for the rise. . Klnmu In HOI. "Jianv Wall atret men will remember that on of the moat auddn and pre cipitous downward rsadjuatinenla In .the ai..rk market's hlatory lhat v, hlch. In May, 1111, reduoed half of Wall atret, Ih.Iki1 by Ha bank loam and th ahrtnk a in value of th collateral ple.lg-d agalnat thni. to a momentary condition ef uiaolvency oci-irrd when an era of iti greateat proapciity In American hlf. tori- waa only beginning. The market had moved too taut; !t had o move back and get In atep with th actual move ment of revival. The fulur will determine under which clarification th autumn "pear market' of lJ2 ehould b playe.l. But of th 1 extent " which wholly unwarranted ' Plena about th financial development of th day w.re created In the Wall treet wind by the fact of rapidly falling pri ea. . thete tun be no dotlln whatever. M'ir ' nonana waa erlouhiy talkd abiut th Kurcpan pooticat and economic atluation j whoh toreign nchang braklng and alHu th A no rum iioltltcal and financial outlo'k. htl atocka er loa- I log t or t point a Uy. than li often In- fl cted bv Wall atrel on 11 conalltuero-y i the height of th Itvetena. w 'all Street a talk cauld hardly be called viaiiKilon. it waa t,e repetition of caoh word, "radical money campaign. '"t., leg eloeK dividn.ta " "w'jroren hana i'H...' 'ileriwan ctUapa "the ft ne foliewlag th mark' ii d"nM ta 1 i 1 l o ot a cent. I ferenaiaar lacnaaig. reeaiterlng h'W lui-g a lime hi en. fosx'u vf taeaa t,e fjoiin 1. it ran h.i I- eM.tl thai in )uifinent .f earn tiiter hv flliaaetet cenimunit til i.ai;ii.y reiurn aeoer ba.iu- t'a.ur ey elrcumalaitcea aj eev: a readtiaat mat la l ' 1 r t fejli)l ar"i g-erwd ef r"T '"T " i..taielr. Till lot.!'' ' r o d t' ecaatait f m lb f4.l ti al ai leetive, U '-vi,!l ll ef a i aoi i ai.rift4 rim tk a t keM ' d lr H ka te 11 uil. f aa a n trade , aa lb eia-k it ara. m 1 .4 aw. , iir'v Mtt.- pre4 heiareeai IK, o t ef .. eftier &4 th r -I . n bat rod i'l a a. .1.1 f jm 1 ael ti.li at a.lai a'-a . . ' ' a i" o ia 1 a .4 ... -g the ea aaa h;i. a. ei. a aw!-- t it. : i ef t I : 1. . . 1 , - . tttlii l. bak.h.ef ba mi . v. a a....? I Ik m ' a 'Va.it a . ..- ) l i?' 1 ' a v. a tea e.i.ai i a 1 p. . ai r- ial , ! ifc aeee Im oe a e)e4- .a . o . . 1 i ' 1 (Wholoaale.l Dy Sta'a ri.;iartmni or Agricult'jr Ilureau of alaikeia and M.rketu.gi fOTATiiK,. t'arlot potato raporl for 'H hour end lug t a. in., bHlurday: Temperaiura and weather at a a. in., 4.1 Uigieee, clear. Idaho, 11; Miiito-auta, I; Wyoming car ar rived. Thirty-three caia oa trai k Incliid. lug broken. Jieruuttd and iiiovemcnt mod, rate, (.'arlot anl'-a, 110 aalea reported. HCTTKIl. (,'icaniery Kttraa at : o 1U. tuba, 4 ii.-; aiainiapia, ti.r, llr.ie, 4. lialry lluyeta paying 36o for dairy roll SO Hi 3 1 ti for biist iifii-klttg aluck; cliecay and dirty, conaidcrubly K-aa. HU'TTl-ltl-'AT Station price, 37' ; ileiituiud Om.ilia, ita. 1:1 KIM Ituyera pnying Hie lop prlc only for lelcied lota of (.air nunllly; inlacellan oua fltala aelllng wllhlii the rnhga nf luoiatlons glvni below uii th ma count bael Strictly frcah, delivered Omaba, i:a per dot.; No. 'I, j-.n; tia'ka. iiiii-; tnoat di-Hlera paying about 111.00 for fr'-th cgaa, caae count; aotim paying llZ.U'.t, rota otit. Jobbing price to retailer, rroah No. I fancy, 4mc; bi i I, 4lc; atorag aoleuta, Vie; trad, 27c; cliecka, I'l'c. I'OUI.THY Mve llrollera, sic; aprlnga, ItSu; heavy hem, lie; light lien. 14c; rooaltra, lc; capona, over 0 Iba, $bc; leahorn poultry, about 3c lea; ducks, ful, lc; gaa fat. till feathered. 14c: guineas. 4ec vacn. turkeys, ii to lie, according to size and condition; thin turkeys not named; pig one, do., 11.00; 110 au k, crippb d or scrawny poultry wsuteil at any price. Itreeaed Moat buyers aro now In the niarket for receipt of dreaeed poultry lor the holiday trade, prb'ea being about na ruiiowa: ;sn, 1 iiry picked turkeys, botn bene and young tome, 40c; old tool tur keys, Siic; No. i turkcye, not culls, Hi'-; No. 1 dticka, fat, ;'0c; No. 1 gce, fat. Inc. botno buycra are accepting receipt and reaching on 10 per cent coinnilawlon. prcesen jooiiing prices to reiatiers: Springs, ::2:ic; broilers, 30c; hens, I'l'ti 2&c; according to Izc; route, lfic; gene, !nc; ducks, 'dUcf turkeys, 40 H 46c, accord ing to kind and condlllon. VEAI. local buyers ar quoting th following pr,cra for fresh veal delivered; Fancy, HO to IK lbs., per lb., lie; heavy, not over 110 lbs., per lb., 10c; liver, heart and lunga must b loft In veal, BBEP CUTS, Ribs No. 2. 21c; No. 3, 13c. I.oln No. 2, 26c; No. I, 16c. Hounds No., 2, 13c; No, 3, 10c. I'hucks No 2. 10c, No. 3, 7c. Plalea No. I. Be: No. J. do. C1IKKHU. American No. 1 faaiy: Twins, 27c; Sinai dalalea, 27Hc; double daisies. 27c; Youag Americas. 27Vc; longhorna, 27Vc; S'iuar prints, 2tr; brick, 2c. ; 110NET . New extracted. 24, K-oz.. 2 dozen ta rue, per case, IS 00; new comb, 24 sec tions per esse. 14 60; new entracted clov er, 10-Jc. cana. ft cans to case, per lb., l&c. Y HUITS, Bananaa Baaed on selling pric of 9o per lb., 14.007.60 Oraiiite Kftra fancy fjllfornln navel-.. 210 size and larger, per box, 17.60; 2.', size, in. 60; 288 size, D. on; 8H0 also, 15.00. Florida fancy, all size., $4.00. r,.nioric Kxtra California. 800. 31 uz-. per box, 112.60; choice, 800, 30 sue, 112 00. I.lmea. 100, 13.00. , Orapefrult Florida, fancy, M-9 size, 14.75 ; f4-70-80 all. 16.00; 3U-46 alia. 14.26. . ..' Peacbeg Washington Frseaton per box. 11.25. Cranberrlear-Bbl., 100 lbs., 112 60; box. 60 lbs., 16.60; Jumbos, bbl., 114 60. Apples Delicious, box, according to jlze and quality, 12.6004.00; Wuahineton Jonathans, per box. $1.762.6n; Idaho Jonathans, bbls., 1376:' bu bk II. a&; fancy Grimes Golden, bbl.. 15.60; choice, $3 60; Ben Davis, extra fnncy, 11.05; fancy Mo. pippins, per bbl., 34.50; North ern nplcs, per box, 13. 25 2.60. Wllllur banana, per box, 33 00. Peara Michigan Kelfer, bu. bnk.. 31.76; Colorado Kelfer. per box. $2.25; fancy Washington Do Autou, per box, 13.60. Grapes Tokay, 4-basket crate, 12.76; Red Kmperor, crate, 12 75; Almerla'a (white), keg. IB. 00. t'lgn California. 24 canon box. 2 5: 60-carton nox. 13.60 Dates Hollowll. 70-lb. butta. lb., 13c; i)rom 'dnry. case, 33.00; box. 10 76. Avocaooa t AirtHtor pours), according to size doxen, 4.O06.00. -Oder New Nubiaska. 14-cal keas. Dr ke.t. 18 00. VfflgKTAB.CH. Potatoes Mlnneanta Iteil ftlver tlhloa. V. 1, 11.40 per cwt.; Nebraska Pearly )hloa. No. 1. 11.26 per cwt.: No. 2. 31.00 pr cwt. , Sweet Potatoes Vlrartnla. hu. bak. II. -.1; DDI., va. ib. I Rutabaeaa Per lb., H41 Beeta. t!arrola. Tiirnlna Psrutiln ta ' market bask.. 45060c; lachB. per ju ( 30a Peppera Oregon, market batk., I2.0O. P:gg Plant SeloOed. doen II 25. Tomatoes Hot house, 2-carton box, 12.60 per carton; California lug., 13.00. Onions Southern, dozen, 80c; Ohio whites, (3.00 cwr; Imported Spanish. 12.60 crate; yellow. $2.60 per cwt; Mlnneaota lied Oloba'a, cwt. $J 00. Garlic Per lb . Sic. Lettuce Colorado head. 4 doxen. crat. $5.13; per dozen, $1.50; Idaho eratea. 34.60; hot housa leaf, dns.. 75c. Parsley Pox. buuchei, f,0c. lana Southern was. hamper. $5 .00 'Hadlshes Southern, dux., $1.01. Spinseh Per bu . $1 16. Cauliflower California, cratea, $2.76. t'abbage Cratea, jier lb, jr; sacked. l'c; red cabbage, c; celery cabbage, per lb., luc- llrues'll aprouis, lb.. ;6c. t"l- ilichigjo. per do;en. 60OJ5e: Idaho, rer d.nen. I.Jjffl 76 Honey Dew Melon urates, $3 00. I ucumbers Homegrown, market bnk.. t:.to. 1 'I.rl'B rlrat latent, on 'mirths, $T :0; fancy clear. on-h.ihe. II S; u'uotatlona ar f. b. Omaha. r"Err. Price at hUh inanufrtiirera and Job. bate ar eellir.g theii pioduets In round Una In Corah follcw: Bran $; 6. Htown Shor'a 1ST 0. tirey Short 1: 0. ! Icjcl Mi f i l! ea l:d 1N) Hi loigf 8J i. flf Meal Choi, a, !l Un ;l !, N. I. I. l4i, e. : S Ja $.4 m:., to IJ-veeed Me.: $',3 ;.l I .-lionaad Ieil I 9 J a ,:i J II m ay t'e.d w hi!, I;ii. ie 'uw, I.M II .(t.rn,o, Ce.i l. 11...I . bal . I Lii er lb ; f ake t itt.rBilib, ej la l." lb, t'a.! pe ib b' a I'r'ed sad su ing gicaa, $. per i l vf t,i.e see fa. a lm,,ii ,,l ta s' -!' " la ti.e I ui, n iu , i-l-Tet,, i.tti ,ti. . . ..lea ,.f h ae4 ea.,u.el 1 i.e..iH bv b- e a- la I 1 eurti., , a ,..i.-4 ' U.. al a.v 4 H. .a . ' e ah a i.ii ta .1 1 , The Business Barometer This VtVrk's Outlook in Common-.', J''iimiMT, Agriculture nml Industry Dawd on (,'urrciit DceloiiuriilH. Ily IMrlllMlltK II, l-KH'K. Kdllor 4 onimerr anil Miunicr, New' lurk. In the eti,.ra for th last two moniha or more, It haa been repeatedly pointed out that a period of aecundary Inflation aa Impending and Hint thu logical ef fect aould h stt, adviinc in coininodl tlea and a decline In th value of seeurl ties. Kvanis hav Justified this urog. iioala. for atocka ar on tha avaiag dia lliiclly lower than they were so daye ago, and bonds hav likewise declined. Hut moat staple coriutindllles, Including eoiion. wool, ellk, rubber, uheat, sugar, hides and paper, bavn advanced. Pecan) It haa been under unaal-gov-ernnieiitril control coul baa not sharod In the upward movement and a ay-a. annal suapenalon of building operations, hastened by fbw railroad congestion, hna held siecl, topper and lumber In ihevlt. ' Kffecl of KlerlliMi. Iat week I called attention In thu election of th progteeslva calldlilalea In Ihe middle west and the power that they would wield in cnngri'sa hy coalition or co-operation with the furinera "bloc' I suggested that the result might be some autl-capltallsilii legislation or geatur that would lessen corporal iroflta and earning power. A suhconaclotia appreciation of this pus slblllty seems to have been reflected In the stock niarket by the decline; recorded last wick. The word subconscious is on viaedlv used, fur most of those who spec ula to In stocks Ihoughtleseiy follow the few unseen and often unknown leaders who really think and act upon convlc (Ion. As to whether these major Influences will be unremlttltKly operative no one can say. They ar aa yet clileHy pay. etiological In their Incidence. They have affected the minds of habitual epeculalora and led atudenta of eaonnmlc affuira to revise their opinions, but th great lliaaa ..I the neno 11 biiv,. nut thus far sensru their significance, snd th usual trade reports Indicate an igilnterested flow of Moat merchants ar therefore expecting an act ve tjlillalinaa aeason witn uirac salea, and on very prominent ilrygooda dealer in the middle west wrote m lust week that h looked for a 111110 proa- perlty that would Inst until noxt ati tumn." He may ba right, but much de nenda unon what the present congress does when It reauinea work November 20, and whethejs President Harding calls thu new congress together before ueeetnuer. 102 J, prior to hlch date, It will not otherwise convene. Interest In Market. Normally th stork market should have 1. ii.tlul reaction upward following the almost continuous decline of the Inst two months, and normally a halt In tho upward movement of cutinnodlly prices would be In order. These are, however, unusual times. Dur. Imc the war and post war period th peo. pie of th United Hiatus havo been study ing economic uuetlon Intonalvely. The popular mugazlnea have found that their readers were as much Interested In com mercial and financial articles aa they were formerly In short atorles. The newspa pers are devoting mora apace than aver before to business reports and throughout Ihe entire country there la a quickening of Interest In the operation of economic law. . ' Kconomlo Education. It la therefore possible that the Interval between cutis and effect In business may be shortened and that having become menially mora alert men will , more promptly discount a change In conditions. Home years ago Frank Vanderllp said we were a nation of economic Hlltorates. Th statement la no longer true. Wa have learned at least the A. B. C. of eco nomic science but a little learning Is a dangerous thing and It remains to b seen, how we will apply the rudimentary knowl edge that we have latterly acquired. I'pon the theory thai wnai we nav l"ui nil w ill make ua com inns about going to extremes I ahould say that for the Im mediate fiiturn alocka ar low enough to-1 commodities about aa high aa they at likely 10 go except as they may be af fected b special rather than general in- flueiicea. "New IJIierelieni." Hut wo must tiot dcctlve ouraclie.i. Tha unrest of th iieopt ga expteaaed In the recent ftlectlolis la a factor to It reckoned with. It Is only four yenra aluc the arnilatlcii, nnd until the wotiuda of the world war aro healed It la altogether probable that we shall hav recurring apt. Ma of economic nbertitlon to disturb us Just as our fathers wer vcjied by the greenback crnx of Ilia l70s which fol lowed the Civil war. Th expectation of some such muw. meiit bus become so general that It has been already christened (tin "new llheiaj Ism" and there are manyeVuessea as to who win no na leaner. Huron, l.a 1 oiicute, lllratn Johnson and firookhnrt are among those tiatiieii, but lo-nry rord is men llor.ed ofrener than auyon !. Speaking In New York last week Cttr Ackeroian asserted that Kord was the financial backer of the farm labor move. tn'-nt and that ha had spent more money in th last campaign than any other per son In the country Inasmuch aa bunltiess thrives only when conditions are reasonably stable a boom la not to be expected when tha outlook is so uncertain. In writing thus I do not mean to be pessimistic. My purpose la rather to avert the coiiae'iuene of 111 probablo by couneclliig prepnrutlon. 1 foufualon In Ktuope. In Europe confusion ugnln prevulla. Tho news from fenglund indcatea that Llovd Oeora haa been badly defeatod and, a new pilot for th Hntlah Ship of slate must ha selected. The torlea ai elated, but from a nonpartisan standpoint th nali Heal uncertainty aeeuia to b In creased. ilermanv appenre to be niinoiy op broaching tho Niagara, of deflation and now that the mark I worthleaa ah may ho carried over th fall at any moment Tho Kuti hahank haa advanced the discount rat to 10 per cent and the ministry neau d by Chancellor Wlrth haa restgneo. . French franca are still under 7 cants French dollar tends are weak and lower In Now York and It looks as If another in lernal loan would bo necesaary to balenc tha French budget. All thia suggests a further reduction In the purchasing power of Kurope that will not help our export trsilo. h Turko-Allled Imbroglio about Con stantinople. a beyond American ken, but It I doubtful whether It la as serious as the newspapers would lead oneo to suppose. Tho brightest spot In ihe world this week la iha Argentine, where a boom baaed upon tho exceiu-nt crop prospect seems to na developing. ' nut in-i goon news irnm tn Argentina la somewhat obscured by the Chilean earthquake and Ita toll of death. Condi tions In Culm appear to Y better. A good sugar croa I promised upon th strength of which lh long. deferred loan of $50, 000,000 will probably b arranged. But a an offset an Important bank failure, la reported from Mexico. Trade Review Ontlook In 8pottif, On th whoU tha outlook n potted. flood litre and bad thnr. Th weakly Mtntflinent of th federal r(anrv nyntm dhow a doling of 1.2 per cent In the re serve ratio whlrb fiamlM 'at 76.2 at corri Pared with 7fi,4 a we-k aro. Tha nold upply in reduced by about $7,000. 000 rnult probably of exports) to Canada ai Weill as of the continued disbursements of yellow-bric-si by the bank. The other chhTMtvn are not Important. Th money market ta flritw and 4 per fftnt Ik the lowent rale at which the very tent commercial papr ran be eold. Katea are tending upward, chiefly becaiMA the rallrond congeal!. dHayj the dlatrlbu Coin of good In tranalt. Trade Review. Ily ft. U. Ir A io, .Net buviinr ha not h-U) rit th r ut active rnto In aoine Inip.M liiitt nmi but many Iii!.m-.' arm .i tiipiit'd wll h bufilricPM that th diniintctli"! tln fnari'l il'"a not uttwt at nf Ini nl Hdvrn y. VMh an iiivi-nlory tfUui i lonn ut hitrid and a holltlHV mmhii tijirm('lMiii(, a foiitiiiijunt e it ili- ilnn'i!i(f dtiwii pii4. mh In mhir than retail braruhra wouhl nut Ih ut prialnn, nor would It hm a r tin f fir Inant of i onfi'l-n--. The fnrt atHinla nut plainly that prfumtre of ui'tuioulai''! or dera malntalna outputa at a nintivdy biKh Ir-vil in h atllna liidimtrlMM, nnd If I) noi iinioiunion now to b.-ar of punn manufutf urra bfina enitijjfd farther uti-'a'l lhan a' any flmo in two year. When the r-'nulta of tha i urr- ttt y,ir ar miiiyz-l fully, It will be found thai Ih.-rn haa bn a auI'Dfantlal ruvlval finru th d-prel'n whlrh f'tllowe-d tha et,inpiM of (hit afirtsar boom In IB?'), nnd Wwt pri'vloua rt''iirde hava Wvu aufpustafil In 'ft tain intttanrea. The bunina ri'ovrrv hf-r, in o rn fr, haa proareHvfd In aplta of th unafttle'd f'tnlKti roiidlllona and tho riH nt prutia'ttfd 'r.ka In tlna cuun try, atiowina; fhuf the ninvem ut Iihh had a lid foundation, K.tfn with at lowatire ffir th hi har fiinnMnlMly prl'-ia, Nfatc'l'-a of bank ilfwrliiKN umnlntakulfly revttal the rapunaii'n In voliinn of k-h-r.il tranfiardoiiN and aurrer. ve fkly rnfurne of en r Itfadlritfa drmnnatrate I hat rallrosid ffi'lltla are beltitf taxd io tha ulmvnt (o handle tin preaent frelKht Ufif fl. Hullillnv 1'rrniila l-nrg. Tho loafnteunnce of bullditiir rtiftHtf u turn on an a live at ale la a fulure foiu nieTitfrd upon In ninny dliiputrhf from different. Hertlon of the fountry, and the record of permlte t-aud at l-ali.iK idflaa durltot October, niak'-a a favorable exhiblla. With 109 entire rf portinK permlla Involving; en eat I ma ted expenditure of about I lN:fc,o,uOi, Bat mnnih'a ntn Hutu dlat'loeed an tucrcflae of 2)hpr cent ovi-r thf amount for the aorrpotid Intf period of and lariro toihia or. curn-d at a niiinber of tho principal rltlea. For point outalUe of Ne-w V'rk, which ere. Included In the atatement, tha value of the October pcrtnlta eire-add SHO.SOO.OOO, or 42 4 per cent more then the total for that month of lut car. At New York city, on the other hund, per mit a agareKaflng $42,000,000, rfpt eaent'.-d reduction of 20,4 per men I from tnoee of Ocotbtr, 1021. ""iron ujm! Hteel Output1 Hiac. The welf In Iron end ateel haa bean murk ad by a continuance of tha active railroad and bu dine trade rtf mand and by the highest rate of blaat furnace and t'il work opcratlorm of tho year. General buying haa recent ly a Sated, but rail road eoulpment nurchaaea ere maintained In havy volume and t ulldlng conatrucl Ion throuKhout tin countiy call for a laiue tonnage of maferlal In tho aggregaif. With further allffht inrreaace Hi iTtain dltitrlcfa (el output for the whole Indus try a now eailjiiatcd at ?G to M0 r f-ut f capacity and audlttonai pigiton fur- nacea have blown In. Aa production rain, price vaalng biicome more clearly dfflnod In lome cjuarierf,, with a compoelte pig Iron prfe of 2ft a ton blow tho Pvcl of month ago. The movement of forr-ian iron to the United Htatea haa alockned, The Iron Aaa rp"rt, and Ii a cfa rent ly t off id upMo i l int utiinc, ! II Idea and lalhrr ftiklr, 4 Willi riti'-t bnrrn holdl'ig off, Ihe lull 111 nmo iriiuing wui i unit') vMnju-u tri lltla ihniiili haa C'Hil lnud uiihM-ktfd. 'J he abnixni'-m of d- inand, Ii wtll be racalU'd. o cut t fd only nfti-r a heavy bultii'H l"d b''n rffcriJ-d atid prli ea hud rim 11 aie-tdilv, fit flio thariic hid not ."ified auipiiHiiia' Infthn abaieiii n if Itnpwiiant urw pun hurl ing fiow, lh ouirkl iiiMli(f)fin l not un lint urn My euolcr and aey rnl dclliiea ep P'-Mr Oil nk In a pubMt.hd Uml of 'i"" tttiiie. Tim bntlief allU'(l''N, brf'U'liy (''imt'l'Mrd, In alao chare ierled by diuiin tflc d a ' jt I v J 1 y ami leneiif.l f)nntt.-a in I'licai, dlthnuKh iiirtny I nlf 't a egird (lite a a a fempm m y (difii'v I -a tent avallRl la nialiHtlfe ahow ri r'dutlon in Morka of b-ath'T on h'liid, w,hrran iri'ideraid ln treeo la rpvffcd In euppllc of hlda. Tetllle Oulput Hell Maliilalned. Wbi la new biirtin'-KN hi lent ilea f Ida imilil h i4h not afU led t hf f l' tobr Vol- urfi, d-maii'l la w! !n.iiitHlnyl for th "fifi h ml further at rtMiMi lienlna "f prlcf Im n wlliieMCMi, A f.Mtuin ft tha eur ! rnt trading In the continued pufcbnlng bv rettiibta In iiioi-rai lota fr luinidi at ehlpnieiit, and emu Her efotee are or dfiMug imcm'o ft vi y of uprlhg than aotne j of tho lirK"r liiterenti, (nitptifa generuMy are nui-litliied ut the higher rat recently m ;(Mirhd, ulth Itn of flu a (gent mrinu fir tiier i,1 f ide hoaiertf now mote fully 'rd a lu nd than r y period In 1 mo c.ira, 'I Iih prefenf w ' tv bioutrht numcrou add! t lofml n' iiir-ee nti 1 of I on and ot h r fab ilea, and print clothe r".' fvd th 10 eut brielM f'r the flifl f Inie thia year, Thnre la inu'h dlM'Uiie)ou aa ta ihe ability of retftlieie to acurc lh higher piWen r-j-Mulling f;oni ihe enhaiiftd coeta of pro.luf lion, and fvflen la not lecalng of a ria rlvnly nw purejiaaing ptitT in otiio ag rleul'ural eecilotia, Uonieatlr Collon f onaiimptlon fritfne. He stjj f,f f he recant noteworthy rla of cotton price, whl'-h hue been attributed vry largely to mm buying, ib report of October coriffUtnption waa awaited with un usual fnferpaf. The reneua bureau' p. turna laeucd thia week confirmed the re port of active trad demand, allowing a domest to cotton cnnaumpllou lent month In ex fee of tu.iun bale. Thia total rep reent the large! ounnfity of cotton consumed In any month lnre .lune, 1i0, and ahowa a gain of H.f.O'f bale ovar the aiii'Uint teporJid for Hetde-nihT of th current year. Moreover, consumption for (he three e)apad month of the rreent crop B"Bon haa run HO, 000 bale beyond that of a Kim I Jar period of lat year, and waa at the rate of neiirly e,ir.O,00') bale for the Kcaaon. Htatutle of October port were not announced along with the figure on dome' In eonaumpi Ion, o that no romparlona can be mad aa In the ' volume of laat ninth foreign outgo. , Wheat Frlcre Advanced. j The n-eck haa n featured by wide price fluctuation! In leading pe ula live market, and a aha rp rln In wheat al triirted tfioiitlon. With aenttmcnt atill favoring the long elda, and with tViin of alzablf export htialneaa, price of fu ture reached the top Jcvej tit the e(iaf,n. Iiecember delivery in Chicago advancing beyond $1.20 a buHhel on Thuradav. Thia ffuotatlou reprefnld an upuirn of fully i 6c over the prevflllng price when the cm- J rent month opened, and wee I'm higher 1 than the price a year ago. The other I grain were alao Htrong thia wek, wl'h ' Ueremher corn croaalng 72o and reaching f a bala higher by 2i" tl.,111 warn nrnrded al the aioa tlmi )t ar. In cniion. more irr. auliirlty dev Piped and Hi recent hlah prb a reordM Wfin nol afiunied, n long n f ount bd appHw-brlty lcMue rivr aieofed, i$nd heavy killing iauit'd a bteak of $4 a bale on Thurdy. Proposed Packing Merger Conciemncil Omaha He leased W Ire. W.iatiliintiiii, N. "The ri- Hinet niorwer ut tlia Id" I'aV'keni ta rnlv further atep In the U4,''eiiil iti(l:iiiie nf Hie i-lielit etui etui-r-reae, tho nttiuiiev Meiieral nml the aeerelarv (if rturicull ure, who le tip jmisimI to n gulflte thetn, rt h en iinliiala lm. I i-tt cxdoteie tif rr din ers mid ruiiaiiiiii ra " anld Itenjii nilii t'. Miirali tin liohulf of the !" ilr'M Iloiurietiiiitlmi league, In 9 HtiiK-iiii-iit 111 i.le inlii: here. "Th 'IdK live' with Armnur A Ok aa elilif biiili-ra, defied Iho autnetiie coin t a Inltiiiciiuti fn- iltizcn yeurr, 11111I11I nml iititn-x., 1 forini r Atimnoy Oeneiitl I'Hlini-r, iircvintiHl effiirtlvti inn ln-r Kniliiil l Kleilrit inn, nti,l tie pn-Vcliliil enniigli rniitnd Ulidor (lie liivr eiinrteil tu limit I hi ir irollta and Io (irolect ilthi-r piuilun-ra ur ron. aiittier. Nuvy lliey riiHt.a (., ineiiiej llielr f'altiin to litw, rirdi-r end Juh. lb' to nmlie It roinididi Ijr atii'ej. fill." New Vork t ot 1,111, J New Voik, Nov, l Today's short sis Sinn of th collon rnnrket was ftslund . by profli inking under wbb h prb es re- I ended aieadily and ft on, a de, line ,f js to 3" poluta net insa In th late morning, lb Hal recoveted siiahily on Wall street J and Irai'e buying, flnul prices belnt I to j ii polo's net lower on the day. Hpot was itil t, 10 points decline, J5 700 for middling upland I Koutliein spots: ilalveaion, 21 lie, 10 I pnltlls ileclltie; New III fat. a 2f,.2ho, it ' points ileciin; Htivsniiah 3t 'lb. I points de- cllne; Augusta 3i' 3i.c, unchanged, Mem. j phis, 1!, !!,, un'hlingid; llollalon Jt lUe,, in poll, la decline, l.lllln Ito. k 3f. l)0ci un changed. 1 w iorM t.eliefal, Naw Yoik, f.ov, 1 Wheat -kp., firmer; No. I hnrilieMi aprlng, $1 4K; No. red and No 3 bard winter, $1.39; No. 1 Manitoba, 1121; mixed durum, llli'j, o. I. f. New Yn,k. Corn Hpot, firm! No, yellow and No. I 3 vhl'e, 2c and No. I mixed, ill 'to 0. I, f. Nw York, all lall. lists fpol, ai'ady; No, J whi!, dir. I.etd -I-11 in : in .Idle mi, I3 $!: 13 t'fhe.r artples uo hanged. New Vork rrodilce. New York Nov. tl Mutter Firm I.'ks Firm; fresh gntli"ied, extra firsts, liif.c; dn firsts. tsfellOc; f' Ifln coast whites, exits. x'i47Hc; do first to ex tra firsts. ri'itTlc. Cheese Firm ; ia'e whole nllk flats, fresh avenge run, Z'lc. Mil o IdryImashI rlakea Most gg Wannfai tured b)r ih QUAKER OATS CO. Chkage, V. 9. A, Omaha Hay & Feed Co. Wholssal Distributor Offic anal Wrheui MTM A MCHOI.AH TS. I'bon AT 04 Meet ua al th Touliry Shrew, A'M. torlum, Nov. 27th to Dee, 7lli. See th big exhibit. Admlaslon fr. Ak Your Iiealer. TO I HH ASH Tit V KIM. Till Its) ASH THAVKIJI. Cruising Round-the-World, . Jan. 9 and 16, 1923 S. S, "RpgoJute" (Uniterl-Amcr-ican Linc), S, S, "Volcndarn" (UunA-American Line), Th only Kounrl-the-WorM 'ruig hhlp In 1022-23 construrted for nervica in both temperate and tropical waters-. 1 25 day of superb travel under Ideal conditions. Generous rhore excursions included. Apply for boold't and rates. Mediterranean A 2-months' Cnils tmbraclne exclti. lv as well as slsndard ports of call, -S. H. "Kotten.'am" (llollsnd-Amerii'a f.me) sailing Feb. II), 12, Kates tfti up New York to New- York. Mooklet on request. C. A. PALMER, Tel. J A 0710. 1900 Harney St. South America I S -months' Cruls Irifluditig Wast Indie and Hrsilllm C.ntennial Expo, sllion a, Rio d Janeiro. 8. S. "He llene" (United American Lin) Feb. S, 12. Kates f7fto up Naw York to Near York. Booklet on request BOCK TRAVEL AGENCY T.I. JA44SI. 309 So, ltt)t S. or RAYMOND A WH1TCOMB COMPANY, 21 Beacon Str.t, Boston Und of Knd of last week previous week H ink clearings (Hradatreet s) In thou d mill 47,253, fiil $,6S,0;4 7. as! ytir riiimness f.-iilure Kedenil r-eervo ration becurity Prices. New York Kxchang 20 IndUHtrlnln 20 Hallroada 40 Honds Cntnmodlty Price WhaU Xc. delivery, Chicago Corn, I)ec. delivery, t"!hicago ........ rteef. good dtead steers. Chlcsgo .... Pork, ribs. Jan. delivery. Chicago,... Sugar, refined, New York Coffee, Jllo No. T, New York Cotton, middling. New York Print clothes. New York Wooi, domestic, average, Nw York . silk. No. 1, Sinahu. Naw York Itubber. crude, plantation, New York. HtUee. pack No. 1, New York ........ Iron, No. 3, plain. Philadelphia Hi eel billets, Pittsburgh 373 76.! 94 72 !H .f.7 1.19'i .71 V H.fiO no .0.90 .1"4 .-'tiSO .07 774 I. SO .84 i 11.11 ;t. no :,7 4 76. 4 !' HI 90 4 1 11.411 1.1S1, !4 i r.t) I 90 .rO!90 .10', ,0 ."7S .7714 l.fiO ,3J ,!J 31.14 33.00 l,IS7,H$ 474 713 77.0T . 74 SO 11.14 4S 13.7 7.01 .OS .03 11. .1730 .07 41,37 6 SO 161, :i oo UPDIKE SERVICE! PRIVATE WIRES J f-aj-alct the 4 . ir a. i a i t e , id ' f tt Utl lll 1 bet .. P: n I t fancy mfllett, $30; Cnlden mlllett. IX.60; amber wrthum cane, $4 n H IDKS AND WOOL. There le nothing new or encouraging to rer-ort toilay in the hide and wool mar ket!, according to the atatement of local dealer. Marketa are weaker in both coun try and packer hide with absolutely no trading. "Tanner are loth to buy, claiming that the leathei marketa are very dull. Foreign chII report alt marketa weakwr, aut the tendency on the part of holder 1 to ael) at the beat prlcea obtainable. Th'-re haa br e a sharp decline In Routh American hi lea, which la being reflected here, and ronietiuentiy local buy era eee no trf enttve to oiei te except on the moat cgns- rvnilve llw. The aeaaon la at hand fir tha receipt of a great many more hi den, ad with Unneie backing away from the inatket buyer cannot ee what la going to prevent further eaaing off in prlcea n both hidra and eklna. Calf ak in are veal, mrl buret aay ; they hould be bought af hide value?, but ! of cnurVe art ping ..lehtiy more, to'al j buveia aipar not to be very auiioue for hi leaj, pnl wIlll. if to look on for the lime both- Uw id hhfp aUine are firm, a4 the eutloog u f.tr a uteativ n'rkt In both- Ihe thilo and Itr-n) intkt ta ateady. and t"iiif adv t.n - e btB f a.d when ( tfitioa-iiaie tiiniy dttrvd tnd the ! 'lUriluy appr"-d by th bur. Manufao , jrrr uviitty t-u I out i-f th ntarkal ai-t-ut ttta lint uf t'e viittHrr in oidr to redui e ' !.. iir u, unit! y, e. hie), may piv ut av f4'tbr etdvanv l.r whiia and io? i.,, ntic.gbanm -i(ia, Ul' ,,1 ..ria f(ttB 111 a' I lit) Ifl) C, r-ttj I d - vMf iitit t.. gi4.1e, a- idit end l.o I Nt.hviUe i I'Mtttita. and pritpt oiurv it 4v4ieejat f'ul i h. Hg and ini l,Mi efiuil to do a Wi ta ' Unu h e fie ptm ot oMilt-rt ! It.inatta ... lh prtr Ke ,.. re f e b i'ma!i.i I ae iMty jr. t-ttJ W iia e .a!! :. funtbt ..... tjifo: t.tn iitUa, Hsnl.'it; ii r,i Uerth r h r 1 1 14 i v- i4 i ! a , lycet w i tM4 . j t.i-t-a, i ; 'r. n'.j n-', imf. i I -) I . i ! -ii., -i a , gtie Bank Clearings Bark clearings' in tha United States for the w.k ending November IH, reported by teWrarh to Hrad.ireet . Journal. New T, 7 !6J.t(8.O0O, against ,.;i"7,5s!T.ut "" ' hul"""' "l and IH, 167.ini, 000 In this week laat vear anadlun clearings aggregate $317.111 Out) aa atrninkr ti? ?i, aa i... . r.:... ' , ws wnK tasc year. i n ii... . i 'r,ila a I ' 4 . 1. 1 i . r i4-l t.. f - 1.,1 ( if .1 I . I! .. si lt ' - .in k 1-4 .. 4,1 . 1 1 i. I' i ... i ; , . .. i, b h. .1... i ... J : II.. ri i I di I 4 fi.r f-ill I S-rtt .in i i.i. .ki , . lnl W"K compared with thia week last year: November M November New York . . . .11. Mi. nna ana t-i n,n aa J 6l.:o,ooo 'mi.'jmi.'ooo I hilailelphia. . 4n7.(Mio,ooo 40ll iioo,niio "o"'0" xii4.nno.eoo 97,nno.oiio J"" "r... i js.jos.nini i;H3,i,a , .i,.m u, 1U.40U.0'10 1".' SO 1,01111 1 1 !,j.""H 1 ll.t.-n OuO 71 47.AOH S HiO.nOil f,7 svT e0 14 Tll.nn,, H ;i.n J 1.1 0il 47 ,l one 3,;'l4.e.ria :. 4 sio.Ani) 3.inl eail ill ti; So., 37. tils. lot ;' ros.eoii it, ', em !,J4a .jiio 4 is mo li a l ea I ; sa ) 1 ,a i '. 4-1 l, : kl.at H I 44 s.i I ' it! - T4 1 a I I I It I let e -4 f I I S .. II !, Cleveland 1 'el roll I.na Angele. iliiineapoli .. ' 'Im-lniiatl New urlea'na.. Atlant lib hmond "n,ip, Ilutfaln Portland Ota.. iteelll Miiank ... leivr halls suborn ... ilousi.in . . . I.Ol4iVlfi aM!e.-l l".v.i lb I - Xtin H .- healer . na a , N -it f ... to . .. ."! I'i't sSia eaa. V ..a.... i, . it i fcy -'.sa. . I ',! I tf 1 It a, ms. I m,, M4 I' ' , , 4 V .. . 4 ! 4' .. )l4tiH ti , -,ltl. . .. 14 I4,. ii-ii t I : a . 4 4 1 a U I'll I f ..it I II 1 I I I I ,4 I.. '41 IT ...--) 4, 4 t r t, . s 1 in I-. 1,1 , 4 i.:i I I I" Is I.I I 4 S' V l $1-1 I- $1 -1 I i ... a. - t . . , 4 14' 4 ,. '. i 4 t l - - 4 - I i tin i i i. I tM (ml ,iiNi, i 4 . J t ... I 4 1 4l--4 t II , i . - r t .. .w vc a - . 1 41, ... a . m..l I , Ir M . -i n. ' i Ta a a Ii II i- .( -l . ( , 4 es . ,. ,, I l Sit .... I I I St I I a i i . w i. Vrllr Caiilurr n,700.on i.l.l.,;. ai,8 9 Oim 9s.l2J.Oiia 7S,14.i.O0 til 14 iiOO I7.SI7 )) O.lll one 5 i.ttn,aeo ;-T, 7ii,eita "4 0 :,o.i :::.7'i7'(iO Hi, 449, una MM.iln ...-a n.-ii il.7 I ; i.it4.o'i ; ::it ee.i I It It 11 :vi4i.'' t. ; , i nn Is.tl; a 1. , ra sue 311. .14 II l J . i 14 it 4 " 1 :.ti .m I? a S4 I is I sea M It ? Si ); ta . 114 4 t I. '4 t t 1 11 - 1). W-14 . Ill 1-4 ! ' I it fl -ate. ta l,4i t-i (In -in,. I t.ai--l lit. a a ,! ' hi ei.a i i la i. i -I nil I i la i;i 1 1 i ln a il .g .1,4 g ! South Omnhn UrttitUt Yji TE specialize in the careful handling of V orders for grain and provisions for future delivery in all important markets We Are Members of the Following Markets: Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce fl Omaha Grain Exchange Chicago Board of Trade St. Louis Merchants Exchange Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce Kansas City Board of Trade Sioux City Board of Trade For the Convenience of the Trade We Are Operating Offices at the Following Points: OMAHA, NEB. LINCOLN, NEB. HASTINGS, NEB. HOLDBEGE, NEB. SIOUX CITY, IA. DES MOINES, IA. HAMBURG, IA. GENEVA, NEB. m ji and all of thene offices are connected with Omaha and Chicago hy PRIVATE WIRES, iniuring PROMPT and EFFICIENT icrvice. WE SOLICIT YOU It PATRON AGE ntr phone AT tantic S3 12 Updike GvamCorfomiioii A Reliable Conugnmtnt House OliNEUAI. OFI-ICF. AT OMAHA. NEU. - laws . - w a .1, I- 4 ' 4 I. i t.t e t-i i e tts -Ut .-e a-lsji'eil