The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 20, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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Nebraska Hens
Lead in National
Laving Contest
.Sixty Birds Qualify for Roll
of Honor Auburn Man
Has Seven Surrmoful
Unroln illy A. P.r-il!.ty Nhraaka
liena lr1 tha flald i f lair antrrad In
III Nthroatta National i-g layln con
teat whlih eload (M'tobtr II flf
year of project work In poultry cul
lure. Thiaa la hens .i i,n lha n
tlonal rroid of parfnririiima roll f
honor. Ohio and Michigan, with lnht
l)m each, tied for w-ond pises on
tha roll. Wyoming and Mtaauiirl ent-h
hud on M r.1 maklnir tlio gifto which
na record of p-rfiiiiiiniice of 200
or mora egg a per hi i d per year. Tha
t-onteat wua conducted by tha exfan
Inn rrvl- of Ilia alula university
agricultural schnl. Altogether "I
h na wers place. I on the national hon
or roll.
Theaa 71 bird 'W divided aa fol
Iowa au-cordlng to breed: Hingis enmb
svhtu leghorns, 49; single romb Rhode
lainnd reda, ; burred rocka, roue tomb
brown leghorns and white rocka, four
each: buff wplngtona and whlln Orp
ingtons, tlm-a each: alngle comb diiik
brown leghorns and whlta,
ono esrh.
(if th 00 Nebraska hena aucreaaful
In th contest It. it. Wells nf Auburn
owned seven (Mingle comb whlto leg
hortrnl; John V, Welch of Oinnha, six
(single comb white l-ghoin); (i. O.
Mill if Lincoln (alngle comb white leg
horn), five; I), J. Ji.lniMjii nf Mend
i barred ro,k), P. F. llordner of J-n-va
(while rocka), Nrbrnaka Kxpert
mnt Station of North I'lntte (Mingle
comb white leghorn), Rueben O. Vo
gel of Hi' ward (alngle comb white leg
horn) and Harry V. Hill of Lexing
ton (rose romb brown let-horn), four
each; J. SchlnnlH of I'lllvcialty
Place (alngle eomti Rhode Inland redal,
H. O, Jiip of nnlveralty Place (buff
iirplngtone), W, T. Iwivla of College
View (Hlngle comb whlto li-glmrnN),
Ivar Johnson of Fremont (alngle comb
white leghorna), tlneo each; Mi. A.
Arnold of I naval (amnio cumb Rhode
Inland red). Ml. Hnrry NIkIi of
Mead (Mingle comb Rhode Inland red),
two eachisM. C. J'eteia Mill company
of Oniah.i (Minnie comb Rhode Inland
-eda), J. F. Porter of Fremont (white
w yandotte), P. SI. Slat hew ann of
Walthlll (white orplngtona), Mra. A.
M. Thomas of University Place (alngle
romb white leghorn), VV. K. Duvls of
I'nlveralty Place (alngle comb white
leghorn), and Don Douglas of Crete
alngle comb whlto leghorn), ono hen
Nebraska Feeders
Impress Maryland Man
Tha pr-aldent of the Maryland
Farm bureuiij-arantly nude a trip to
Keith comity, Nabraak.i, where he
.tiri-li,ta.-1 I j rurloada nf femlt-r mitl
ti be diainliutrd aiinmir Marvbnd
rati! feeilera.
The Maryland man aa.d that l.t
found tha weatem Nebraaku mttlt-
of auch a high grade that ha w.ia fr
ful of pun huaing a, gieater uimntlty
tinder the Inatruciiona be had, hi h,
Maryland meiiibei-a wera rxpectlng
the ancient type of rang cattle which
have lii-cnma alinnat extinct In I Ida
Kate. He aald. however, that It wua
lila pron,il opinion that the Mary
land f bra will find that the high
type Nebrnhkii cattle will ba greater
moneymaker for them than the
tie they expected and ho anticipated
that another year will ace a ready
marketMn that atnte for Nebraaku
feeder ifiick,
Potato Growers
Buy Nebraska Land
Railroads to Reduce
Rales for Convention
All Nt-biaaka railroad have agreed
to give a ieiial rata f ono and
one-half fare for the round trip to all
peraona who are eligible and who wlah
to attend til" annual farm bureau
atate convention In Lincoln, January
to 6. It Will be rieceaaary for
member who wluli to tuke advant
age of thrae rate to wrlto the Ne
braska farm bureau federation, Lin
coln, and aecure certificate to pre-
aent to the local railroad ticket agent
In order to aecure th reduction.
Ticket will lie oM from December
30 to January t. good for return trip
until January 10,
A almllur rule liaa alo been made
for thnxe who wlnh to attend the na
tional farm bureau convention to be
held in Chicago, December 11 to 14.
Sffil for TYxai to Kaiaeil
in VtVhtr rti I'urt of iMate
Land Pritf Dit-linc.
Uriulngfurd The l. A. Hiiiothrra
farm of u0 acn. 15 mile eaat of fr the .!. i plant them with corn
Madison County-Man
Hogs Down Soy Beans
puy beana na a part of a regular
mtlon and for hogging down with
corn ha come to atay, uaaerta R. A.
Ptewart, Stadiaon county extenalon
(ne of MudiNon oounty'a farmer,
). A. hiinilernmn, la reported to have
made tloa nin.Trk concerning the new
fied; ' l ilo not rnlaa aoy tieanajtmt
Dressmaking School Is
Held in Fillmore County
Geneva. A dreaatnaklng achool was
conducted here for four days by MIhs
Legg of the state unlvcrlty exten
rlon aervlce. The delegates from, the
towmihlp womon'a clubs, who en
rolled for the lesson, are each ex
pected to pa on the information re
ceived to five other women. An open
meeting was held Friday afternoon at
which Mica LcKg demonstrated Btyles
In dresaea and hat for stout and Blen
der women. The talk was Illustrated
( by blackboard drawing by the
speaker. MIhs Edna I'egler, Fillmore
county home demonstration agent, as
sisted Silas Lcgg in conducting the
Loing Cups for Poultry
to be Awarded at ColuuiLua
Columbus Eight silver loving cups
will be among the trophies offered at
the annual show of the I'lntte Valley
Poultry and Pet Stock aMociutlon to
be held In Columbus December S to fi.
The anaoclatlon will put up cup for
winner In the American, F.ngllfh,
Mediterranean, Aslntlo and utility
elapse. The Columbus Chamber of
Commerce cup will go to tho owner
of the champion bird of the show.
Ib-mltiKf'iid, lis Lk-ii sold to an eust
rrn fanner. The gal was made fur
cash at about lu per cent tiller IM.o
prices. Two other tracts hav acid
recently at price ranslntr from ih to
JO per cent under the I'JJit levi 1. Two
lurga ant'd pot tto houai in Chl.ii.'o
have bud r pi tamtam looking at
farm i o to rallrnad MIiikm,' di alr
Inir to iii i ))it" land for certified ae.d
prialiu tloti. They nre platiniiig to
buy approximately CtW ncrea encli, ite.
ailing to priHluca Ihelr own seed for
use on their farms in Txa and Ala
Crockett Weil of Alexander, I at.,
hava already contracted for approxl
matcly 100 car of Triumph seed, (mi
sldnrabla nf this will ba planted on
What 1 known a the flout h Most
plantatioii, a tract of several thousand
seres that they own near Urownsvllle.
Tt-X. Tills firm alo plants a large
ncrea go at Harton and Kugln I -like,
Tex., anl becnuaa it produces wuperlor
yield, they are getting nearly all or
U..H lt..H rii, n.l t..
Lllf'll P' ry I, ,I,J ,,'A ,t'llW.- HUM w
Farmer having certified seed are
getting $1 n bushel and better for
Immediate delivery and much better
prlc for January snd February delivery.
Japanese Slcanihhip Manager
Confers Willi U. P. Official.
T. Komalau, manager for America
of Toyo Klaen KulKba, (Oriental
St.-amhip company) which operates
the laigf-Ht punxenger stentners in the
transpacific trado out of Sun l-'nin-Cisco,
arrived In Omaha this morning
for a conference with Union Pncltlo
chiefs regarding increased co-operation
and development of business for
bdth carriers. ,
Organized Agriculture
Will Meet January 2 to 3
Lincoln January 2, 3, 4 mid 3 are
the date set for the 1!:'3 eion of
the Nebraska association of organ
ized agriculture, farmeia urn remind
ed by the state college of agricul
ture nfCli A uhuiiI, the meetings
will be held in Lincoln, the most of
them on the agricultural college cam
pus of the state university. The four-
day program cotiHlal of the co-ordinated
meeting of more than u score
of wtute associations, Thursday lifter
noon, January 4, will b f en t tired by
the combination of all interests into
two big mass meeting, one for the
nun and one for the women. Toward
these two important ma meetings
the committee, In charge Is directing
an unusually attractive program.
for hogging off only, I feed that w hi n
peoplti learn the value of them, there
will b a large acreage planted."
Afi-. Himiiei sounds one note of
warning with regatd tu the culture
of any bcuna nud that Is to avoid
planting them on foul land. Ho state cli aji seeil bed I essential for
the reason that the crop I difficult
lo raise the flint year, the plants lu
ll, i; Mtniill, Mr. HiiikIci limn ha been
mixing Hi" beans with the corn in the
same planter box, hii Intend to pur
clmae a new planter with a bean at
tachment next year. During tha paat
season be found that bis soy bean
crop whs ready to hog down by Aug
tiNt 15, llu used a variety known as
Medium Fairly Yellow.
Hnsiness Men and
Fanners Organize
Chejenne County Farmer!
Launch Hotly to Work for
.Mutual Bent-fit.
Farmers' Children
Lead at University
Lincoln (fly A. P.) Farming or
ranching Is the occupation of more
than one four! of the parents of the
r.3-15 student now leg stered In the
L'nlverslty of Nebraska this semes
ter, according to figures compiled by one representative of the schools of
Ilualuensmcn and funnels in t'hey
ene county aro getting together In
conference; 1 1 1 an attempt to find u
solution of agricultural problem, ac
cording to It. K. Hcott, county exten
sion agent ut rtiilney,
Altu meeting In Antelope precinct,
Cheyenne county, the rhalrmnti of
tha organization, C. A. Mangiim, a
farmer, Invited hUHim-ns and profes
sional men from the towns tu come
out to thu farms and offer sugges
tions a to bow their mutual prob
lem could be woikeil out satisfac
torily to oil concerned.
Out of thl Invitation ha grown
on organization known as the "Itetter
Cheyenne County association," whose
object It is "lo unite nil busine and
agricultural intcri-xl In the country
for the purpose of making- a survey
of conditions affecting lh agricultural
Industry, and "'where condition nro
found unfavorable to siicceaHfnl con
duct of the Industry, to seek a remedy
und apply It."
The board of directors of thl or
ganization Is composed of one bank
er, one iiewsnper man, ono profes
sional man, one mcrvlinnt, (line grain
farmers, two livestock farmers and
Cattle Feeders Day
Planned in Gage County
Houtrli e -Cittll feeders' day will be
observed at the stock farm of John
Williamson, November I't, according
to plana made by County Aiirnt Itlst. .
At this meeting stock ralsei a of (lags
county will hear ioileaaes on the j
beat method of feeding. Mr. Will.;
Unison I at prernt getting a cur- i
load of Khortliorn reudy to tie ex
hibited at the lnli-i niilii'iinl atmk
ahow to b held at Chicago.
The prwKrnm la aa follow: "Why !
I Farm All tha Time mid Feed Cutil !
Pint of the Time," Joseph i, hcve;
'Feeding Comimiti rattle," John
Kric use; "Fuelling fjot- m own Fecit-.
era," F, C. ilirinnn: ' iVeiling Mar
ket Topper," John Willlaiimon; ' Ite. I
suit of Feeding Trial," M li I'oa
ki of Lincoln.
il.illi-t adiUe, e ther by painting the
trunk with con. i ntiated limn sulphur
solutluii or by placing a piutectur
Horticulture Seriiilii.
Advie Tree Protect ion
The h! n In agricultural collcgo ha
ent broadcast In the slate a bulletin
concerning the protection of fruit
trees from the ravage of mice and
rabbits, liahhlt, it is said, attack
tree that nre from one to six years
old and mice Injure the bark of tree
of any age. It is better and i henper
to protect the tree trunks this fall
than to try lo save girdled tree next
spring by brldi-e grafting, I the ad
vice of horticultural specialists at the
University of Nebraska agricultural
Tha trees may be protected, the spe.
Gazo County Farm Uureaii
, Ke-Klects Riht at Old Salary
Beatrice. The board of directors of
the Cage County Form bureau have
shown their conlhlence In County
ARcnt L. Hoyd Itlst by electing blin to
again head the bureau for the fifth
year at the same salary, $3,:J00 per
year. The adoption of the I'JliS finan
cial budget will not take place until
the annual meeting.
Breeder! and Feeders
Hold Meeting at Cozad
Cozad. The Breeders' and Feeders'
associations of Dawson county held
their fourth annual convention In this
city. A luncheon was served at the
Christian church at noon, followed by
discussions of present-day problems of
these associations. Professor Possom
of the University of Nebraska college
of agriculture was one of the prin
cipal Hpeakers of the day. Thnne
present, accompanied by a large num
ber of business men, made a tour of
tho Cover ebeop feeding yards, J. II.
Hughes & Fon feeding yards and to
the Henry Armbruater feed yarn's, all
tributary to this city.
I r J
Farm Agents' Notes
Lexington la advlnln farmers to kp
booka tho Hume lh any oihur tiurinoa
uuttertokiiis, Alvah H. Iteclit, Imwunii
i-ounty extenalon Ki-nt, rlle a cane of a
local farmer who, fur want of a book
keeping system, la womlorlnK way I" h!
to pay liioo liii;omi tax. He hiol no bookn
to show Unit h illil not make th lixoma
net down to htm, Mr. llo'-IU - oilvlnea
farmum to kicp liooka of llielr bualnfm
i-ai h year ami to preserve tho book fur a
period of yfitrn no that each con trace hi
oarnlnsa ami In that way know where lie
miptiile on h'a Im-otne tax. Too f-w fnrin
era make ue of the farm bureau'a ai-hoola
ot farm acrounm, accord Ik to Mr. Iteeht.
Hat Uh 'rek. Thr h bn nni
question raided throughout Madleon county
about th fAdinR qunllty of swer-t lover
hy. In connection with thin. H. A, Htiw
rt. th county xfncinn Hgint, tntn
that Con W'riKht ut that cuunty unerl
awvof-t rlovr hny rt'irliifr th suinnirr Jiit
print a nd during t hln full fur hot h horN n
am t 'Bttl. Hi whs ihort on hay, ho h
rut nlmut four nrff-n nf pwri clover nt
lh tlnii" ctf full hlootn. f ohta ln-i
about fw tons in th way. Mr, Wright
w b1 t he animals h if th' Kwrrt clover
without (lift nut Ht) IiihIhi n on sowing
th" rlovr in the fi-ll.
.T. II. Iluntrr, livinar.oii n fd'rm ntirth of
IlHtllw CrTk, a swr t a ihiit. it iay well to
pi une and aprnv orrhHrd" Iln bun 13
winter apple troa from which pit kfd
101 biishfl of apples this f h 1 1. All of thft
appli" wtTP sound and of dnoil ruin lit y
snI alz-. Th tr",n wr' hHvJly pruii't
iant uprinsf- In dlacuaslnir th ltf fcrnr
ltwn this nd laiit year's applra from
th aam tr, Mr. Hunter anll that tha
tra wir not uprnypd luat year and thf
ytmrm fruit would run b-itpr thm 60 p.r
cent over mat or rormir years.
AVahoo Thrpo community mdnc.
hilil nttt wi-k In Smiih ri-nti-r, w--rp wi-11
AH' nd'd. 7tii- niffitliiKa look on the na
ture of corn i-howe. A fi-iv PHtripifn Wi-ro
Bflr-cled fit tlKn ine,'tnia and will be
nt to the InternatliuiH I aram and hny
how at rhimito. Anniher rorn i-nhilut
will be hld ht the Anhl'ind e-boolh-ui'.,i
mi NovenihiT 21. The Hiiuniti-re roimly
litm w ill be ahnnn and aeverol urn di-ni-onetretlonn
riven by the county rorn rlub
and the imi ii ultutal tlena.
. (LAvlivTV,
Cy (Vd't-Mm. .1 .1. ihii.-' fiork
of rhlrkenn ha. avi-ruaed t r. X -aaa per Ivn
iiurtna the rent I, moiiih., airordina to
.' It t'ti-vbeiiah. th" r! rnnnty i-i-.n.
e'on aai-nt. Thu I It more pr hi-n
than the rn orl ni:..t by th flm k l;t.t
er ain I 31 ifg. tnore pt-r hen i!i.n 'n
th.' eer IOV lie tjn the r"i-,.i, of
thu mi ri-diifl floik h..vif, mendu i in -proement
br tbe re.ult of at-o,ui'ios B"od
melee end tutHif thm t,i b-'.l y plod '10
Ira ben.
In orde to ini-i'inffe farmere to trow
more ttr -iith r. .tlna i tore, Mr. Ctav
iianab. th- rui'i'v irnrnt. In. b-en i ol-fe-iinf
fie rxreri-n re if firmere elm
have known k.ffit .I'd iml '- i 'a
fi'iintr. Kr-im the er'rni e of Mart n
Wenka He found ihit f ,rh,f ri Ti:T
.erlv v.rt.ty of k.n-' f-i f't-a- file
Utter V'I th,l l.OT p--. .'. ir ii
t-avee t'-.t I.. r'HH 1 ....
tee Hill i- n n lie ! f.-t'rg lh
keff !..-' ! s " - f i t.
t.,lii ke tLr-li.. I- I "il.
' 'he . f r b .' i t t -i!"
11.1 the t,1,'r I f h . M W !.
1 1 a t h.l . I ,r h- b i 'l i-i
e mtti, t-. ift h.- tr ut n t M .1 fun
era. Thu otM-1 t -a la
f.-oi la hia eKi. tl -a tf "
- tb elk- b!.f J-hi S'a .a
fe'ana i are hip irwl a-a a el
.. i k ke oil at tkraah.t II. it.
mir.B Ha till.e f... So... b.
lit in a -: I . a '
f'e a h h. . . . . i-1 t .
h .. I 4 - I
1. beat -f I.' i.' t e-.Mp,
ie aeaa . -4 ' l ia
I a I J ara a ' . e ,
,iae li I ' il' t V
. -a Ik., t , " I
. :. V t - 'he tl. - . V ' - !..'. I j
M ll.
ktHf. I if .:. (.re.-. I. a i.. ''t.M
tia I'. I". 'I i- t ! .1 k.
I ,l l I I I V ... . . , k j
.i i-'ifci .- . i - a e . a
1. - .r .....
l',.:aal's',-', 1 ' i a a . - . , t .
tii(.i e.( W. a'l lii i.. ;
part of a balanced meet often tacktnr In
the rold lumh. The hookkeeplns require,
ment la to aaaure that fninlly ton-ii-rned
in tha project furnl-ihaa Ha propur
quota of tbe food.
Otvllfe y.iKSHfnoa, prlnfipal of the Do.
wei-ae i hool haa BiKnlfled lila Iriteiulun of
orsanlxlna a rope c:jb In hla achool. ur.
ly all of the bova atiendms thla a; boot
will beooma membera. Their program oulla
for meeting onto eaili month when they
will ba coached to !vo epetlal di-monairn.
tiona In lylna new kiiota and In 'ope
Bplk'lna. I'urlnx the wlnlor, the 'lull
membera wl.l li-nrn to tie all tho uaefi.1
knoia, thereby uldlnu their efficiency In
and about the farina. '
Slorkvllle Lat week, an aaent of. ihe
I'ulted titatea Uepartinenl "t Bloloay und
W. H. t'ampbull, Ihe oounty eaieniiloii
gint Inepected aome of the rti-atruotlve
woik Uonoeby bettvera alonn the Medlel
river, Coirimontlni on Ihia aii-'nl, Mr.
Campbell aaya: 'TTia penalty for trap
pliifi beaver or huviitit pelt ol I cuv r n
oiiib noaealon la o liciivy thut Ihe or-
miliary land owner la atruld i look at a
lieuver allile. It la a nrt Ol ivnua ii'-
phant, that, howvi r iniirh rttimuKo it limy
do. II niuKt b proii-i-ii-d l any !. Wu
i-xpf't In e'-i-. a pT'ivlwion in aline ri-n-Irai-ta
ut i -reek bottom iiind. p-nvicllnt
Hint the vri!acnra ut b-aver oil I ! Imal
will Lc a utiae ot mi nf Uie i on
Irari. No owner wjiina hia land made a
Biime preaervi- witho'll hU t-onaant and
rutfer areat clnniafe to tn'i anu ciopa
without locompctiae. '
Svraeuae. The Otoo lounly farm t'U
rou hoiiril lir Id a ttn-etlni! Katurday for
th" purpnae of inaklna fl-riniiii nrrane
nionia In roitard to the annual meeting of
Hie bureau and for tha hnldlni; of a corn
h"W. Palex for thla roiohinid Btlraeurin
have Ivi-en B-t f"r llei-ember ti and I.
ir exhlblla of white end yellow rorn, for
whlih siihKiantlnl pn-lniuni.i are nffer-d,
will he n ved up to i i m. lioonniher li.
Mr steward, a farm-r of i-her county.
Kill deliver the piiuidpul Bddl-i-a at Ihe
farm bureau ntoclltig.
tint univprMlty Diiblli'lty offl'-P, Of
ihiae, tlit ro nro ijiiihuIikc worK In tlic
t'tilleKO of Nfliruaka ultout 4."2 tu
ilorita, linainr-aa or mhiiih nrljuurt to
Il iinii-K Hoi nnd with 2J. Of the 6.345
atuiltiita. 3,fl3i fiiriiiahfJ Information
repiu'illng .iii-nta, net upotlonii,
which, lndli atPtl on the pnraonul cnrtla
filled out by lhi atutU-niK, are am fol
Iowa: Farnn-r, l,2!i: biiklnoaa tien, 821;
akllled imdoa, Tl'i; dootora rind dent
lata, 174; ruilrond woik'-ra, 17; a.'tlt-a-men,
IBM; l.iiiiki-ra, 166; renl f-HlHte,
13H! fiiiirt offlrr-rH or lawyer, 114;
liiiiiHi-nivM, 14; hi lion! li-iiclierM, 1M3;
rniitraitiiia. SC; nilrilalPia, 82; Inaur
rmi'i inon, 7"; luborera, 77; public of
fltliila, 71; piibllMlic-iM or editor, 61;
r nit wl Ktat.-M mull f-mploypa, 4t); tu
denta, D: bei-retarlt-H, 4; Htenonriiphera,
3; weathor observer, 3; muali-liina, 3;
brotlicihood workera, 2; chiintuiiriua
worker, 1.
Bfg Price for Farm.
York Krmik Retiming of Polk pur
tlianed a L'0-nrre trnct ot land two
mllea norlhweMt of the oily for which
he paid $57.50 per aere, or ft totul
of $11,750.
the rotinty.
Central INcIirabku Urrt'tlrr
Will Hold Poultry Show
York The Central Nebraaka l'otil
try iiaaivlntioii will hold their ntintial
exhibition In Agricultural hull from
December 11 to la. Krco uniform
coopa will be irovltled fur all exhibi
tors. Th te.t fiuii-lera In thla part
of the atate are naltliiff for itgcrvo
tlona. JiiiIkb Kiirl Hin i Icy will acorn
the bird.
Curtain SilS P. M.
Omaha'a Own
AUSflCES B. P. O. t'-lfca No 3
, Popular Prlrea, Hoy, 7 He and $1,00
Thrte Days, Starting Thurttlay, Nov. 13
"The Cowboy
and the Lady"
.ilaitit tb tiutiH, I'lHti-ili'U may I -a
lui. from poultry ue, luillibnir
1'Apir or i "in atalka, tlnae nu-ii wty.
0MN fUN CNllk'"
teal. M. wildtaa PkmbIB Ike
Hutlot i
"ttiaalnf eel." Wllk final Cat! aaa
laflal' Tl.lnU. I a Ik II Dally Mai., 7
In "Mud and Sand"
1b California Jn I)ncr and lUr
AynroMilan Band
And FmIui f'hotoplayt
Jmii Want Aals i'roduco JCcmilU.
NithU 60c to 13 00; M.t., 50c lo $2.00
Appoint School Nurte
IU-airl.'. Acting on Ihe vequvnl of
Hclmol paironn, HupPiinten.leTit W. II.
Morton of the lleatrJca public school
ha appointed M1h Bertha Starn of
this city Mchool nurt.
r-.tvifi ."(tv. .iiiMt wjint ffff't th
u.nhM rtuiUitf full wheat plant. ii
M'anoti this ypr will liavw on thf rrop
n.-U y-nr in a nniifn or a umii a ai
nf rnnrtrn to HutlT ftiui.ty fannm. -
rnniing In K. T. Wltil.T. tha nntnty ft-
(Hintion m tit. JtiBt whut f(ft th
wpiiliir will linvp on th murk.-t, l.m ay.
In a ull-t for frp' uliiM'in,
AiM-nr11nir tu Mr. Wtnirr, mm h t-f 11"
whf.a in tui!T fomiiy Im nt I'-at a
uifinH vtuiiir Mi" m-'Uti'l
ttMl A lain1 nni"iuii if t't wmt.-r
K "i in i hit ii rUnt- ! in uuil
fiulfi tt iir ST.tuutt until af'-r
tho r--nt tatn Th r..uniy ant i-H-a
'.I- t.t i m .-ritly f 'irnl-ii-t by ir, ari
rulluitil r'.lU;." Ti: .1U, tu lh frin
if i)t-m i.f i' hart , Hinw, i 't nntir to
Mr, Winer, fiM m.-i-tur ror..liti.n
n i'f M f"iir i ivfim-'H tl)i-."jh.ut t r i nM't k -riv.
tn-ri ! tritting 'l h- p!'uv tli ivan-.
t,j tl. frum Ui rt it) K U knit n ! til -n.i'ii-n
i'h .(''. tvi'l l Urn vim
U ,m uhrfi l iiwn ?ti'i h n'.fr thin
th tn-tinl i n' f tiif', it 1 i i I
t .. 1 yr Hi t.,i iN f M It lAld 'f '1
t:t .Mtih At ft (.! tu i'-r. .. ti
nf .n in- LI. t It U?.. : ntk'-g
V vJrf.I.L--U t" tWT'-l !4 t n'l. .
f.n, . u n i; . . .1 l . ( If I- a i
I ti
an ti.
t l . i
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t t -
r. V
F t
Univcrsiiy of Nebraska.
Stcrhaninl cnlnfirlnK atudnfn nA
trail? i''hol mn f th unlvoraity rcuily
fhimhcil a 20-lnrh "high duty" ihapr tn
thr month from mii act of casting find
Inat'i-iirat blu print a 1t that ) at
tracting th att?ntinti of many irhoola
and enpeclftily th vnlvernlty r lowa.
n hlh "nt a 1M-ailon to ofcrv tha
arrantfmont and hanriilnf of the work.
ThanWIvlruc vacation thla year will ba
Minted tu ly. Claa will ruma
l.rompliy KrKlay mornintf. Thla la accord
ing (. thfl f'liolro nifidf by th atudrnti
Ini-t vaar whon thay voted to taka only
onr day at ThankRlvlng and extend tha
Chrlatmaa vacation ppilod tt few daya.
i. W. Koianlnf of trachpr collcga hni
orvaitlxed cjaaa in education nt Pawnra
City 'for t ho rural teacher of Pawno
counly. Mectlnga ara to be hi throughout
thn winter, A him liar claaa wilt be or
ganized at Murdotk.
Thirty-on9 ronlca of old miitirpiara8
niftdo by the Info Carroll Herkwlth, rnura!
pafntar and author of many bonk on art.
which wuro presented to the Unlvaralty of
NnVaaka achool of fine art by Mra. Car
roll neckwlth. widow of the artlat, have
arrived at th art Ballery and will ba
iilarcd on exhibition about December l.
The value of thcee plcturea la raf, an
cording to Kdwln Howland Hlaahfteld, be
en una the nrlRtnal In all probability will
never fcp exhiblied tn Amorira. Fifrkwlth
worK wa dono for his own Jnatrurtlon
and an that of an enthunlaat, nut aa a
professional oopyir.
Twtnty-nlno candidate hv slffnlfied
t heir Inipnt Ion I o try out. for t It inirr-
Ih.k (IcliaiiriK fpam on Xovnib.-r 23. The
fjiiPHiion is "ltolvM. TliHt tho Cnltfd
SitiiP tiovt-rnnu'iit Should tirant AdjiiHtd
CnmprriwH t ion ta the Vetera nn of the
or id Wh r." Ten juniors, ight frfh
men. hIx Hnlnra, and five sophomores have
ko jhv rntord, A tem of thfje and
altnrnatr- will be rhoen to rVprent c'h
clat-w. The flrKt preliminary debate are
chcdul'u la Pcccmuer .
komnrt Klub ti considering mftntt
' ripta for th? product Ion. The Klub
orrr a pnr. or iiod ror the best original
play wiih mui'i'.
Croipliton University
Appointnifiiffl to position as officer tn
Hin 1 1 C r . e 'if fifr-r' Trwlntng rorps "of
)w I'ollogia of Art nnl the High 'hoot
ere n nnoun'-ed by Mn.. t 'orbit S. Hoff
man, prnfeaaur of military mi'-nro und
tsi-tiia and coimnandt-r of tho aenior and
I inner division nf the mrps., Kdward S.
Moloney in Hppouited Ut be ma.fur. The
ut ht-r neu ly-tiHincd roniinifulnncd
nre nix rapiatn. 10 flrt lieutenants and
1 2 fiet-nnd il"ut.nant . all in the Henlor
unit One color ariceant la hIko appoint
ed for the mat. Th lint of nnni.-mnu-ahnd
otfirera baa 23 STgeanta and ?
corpora l fur the ritor unit, aid IS
want and 2 rorporule for the Junior
The annual convention of the Cretchton
ttiflh 1 alumni Witt hld tn I mi ha.
Nn-iiiher 1 'i atiil 17. thf prnKrHrn of the
thud day iM-ti.g tut-rafd with that of tha
tU!-ral un! vernity htimi""o!i!ing etcbra
( hn. 1'hurada v u.) KrnLiy uturnlnaa
th.-ie wre cl-nh- at the bfapitdia.
'Ihu!1ay rvenlng ttie nin of thf ion
Vfn ion wre ilumn r )n-matttaraih on
nuduat work. n Pri-l-ty evening thra
i an .titt.a at th 'hivrtty club hy
lr Wiltirt ft ft'fnt-r Mi'i',nthy rf the
Mni innlc uf lit. heater, .Mmiu
Th r.uv uf n-n'-a. of tha ntedtfal alumn)
( .t(t-iitj,Mi and lh ((! ml hoin. mt. In
t. ! -l tn I't-ur a 1 nf teri-U n fnf
t-. i ti "t he u'-l k i .(uat. f art. frmi grr .t :
.ifi.h-ti i t tr'in a;l di'-" ii'Tv, ih-!
r". L.d f.r .1 nan- l-i- it rot'tily h-i I
If tiUr K m ,rl h I ti 111 fr .,il I
K i;ti ' v tl 1' It ai'iin'fl hd '
4 i,.r'ng if th-if n at i is
t t tt ('".ti (,", a d r r- '.Hitt
I . ( divil f" t, l j i!t t-f tn
( ::- M i t l f i t i n h
It-tH '1 - ti -i I f - a :"lt I ' "!l I'f I
, . W , t ft A! t A f Ii: -HI H I
r a h I t jt -ft III li.lHirit H I. I - it
' ' , S t h i I r. ( u. ' ( i ri. tit ' -t
- -i. I . f V n f-e 1 1 : '
I I I a ..(. , ff in if n -l i?
t . ' t a... a) wf 4 Mi it t a I '
The things you've laughed
and cried over all .
brought back.
nri now
LkXM And Ail Week
James Kirkwood
Stuart IIolmcH
Two Flags"
A ii npondou mrern V.-iou uf
Ouida'a world-fatnou t.ovel.
Malina, Llaily itiltl tvry Mailt a 15
I hj IIIiii- Slr.ak ol Vaudvlll
Poniiii.a a7illl.r Co Oavlailluliiaaa a Ca.
With Savrn Mu.iral Shi-ika
Ailalaldi- Hrrrniaon Th, I.liatar Hroa.
lupiia ol Day Atfaop'a I'ablaa
Pnlha Nrws
In "Talklnr Ihrnuah Hla Hat"
Mala., 16c l 60c Nihta, I6 to (1.00
GRAND .... 16th and Binnajr
HAMILTON 401b and Hamilton
VICTORIA . . 24th and Furl
IniprcaBlona of Famoua Opaiatlc Stara
HARRIS a LYMAN I Uraailar Wilaon
In "Ijiva Jt Clovaa" Novally Danclnf
Co-nmiider-ln-chj,f of tha Army of Fun
Scraan Batravaganza
Cuts sh
Check development
ot tha cold that might lead to
something aerioua. Thla simple
treatment cools and ioothes
Inflamed, irriutad tnembranas;
loosana diaagraaabla phlegm;
braaks colds and concha in
short order. Don't wait tight
now ask your druggist
-a syrup for coughs&adds
to your druggist
The simplest way to end a
corn i lilue-jay. A much
stops the pain instantly. Thf n
the corn loosens and rnmes
out. Made in a colorless
clear liqui.l (one drop does
it!) and in thin planters. The
action is the time.
Pain Stops Instantly
I4 '
.Mi.ll.inil Cli..-,
i a !
a.i.l t
, iH
r a aa I ,
, 1
f I i i
, I
a-' '
i . I
. a a
a -
4 ..
.0 W
Con stipalion
Rftk-I H Uhtmt ihi ( w
.ujt. lulirlianl m4
A aii.alliiiw. ttf Uall 'aa
iaaaii4 a"".
Ulan uu Bra. aitallMa4tHl,
) vua,li t-f N autre a u.
brkiaMK litu.i I. .raalU4a
Id !. ha.aarl In Itiai. Hut
iaa, ,. aa.fl K Ki.,lu.
Inn lun im
a rilaw u H I
l-ailM' II at
ik.' I lla aal.
tl lahf ! aai
ian it. 1y
It tiKlai.
a I
I Ii "Va" - ,
"M Find you
says the Omaha
X. --a. fx r-aaa afat - -
m ttee Want Ad
who get to work
on time and keep
at it faithfully
during the day
who do all that is
expected of them,
' and more too
who are determined to get to the top by giving you the very
bett that is in them in return for merited advancement
who will become an asset to your business and make your in
stitution stronger eventually because of their association
with you
that's the kind of employes, people in every trade and pro
fession who read the "Help Wanted" columns in the "Want"
Ad section of The Omaha Bee to keep them informed of the
jobs that are available in Omaha and surrounding territory.
Your advcili.Hnit nt in the "Help Wanted" columns uf The Omaha liee will
put you in touch with a most il.ksim1!e ches of worker in Urn community,
And, ki-i'p this in mind, the "Want" Ad cIihiuh ot Tho Omaha Morning
HocThe Kemiij Hoe offer you bt ttt r n ults at h T nwt,
Tho next time you haf a vacancy In your to.t office or factory, call
At-lantic 1000 ami dictate your "Help Wanttd" aiUeitiment one of
our cotntcou, efficient "Want" Ad takr.
9lu OWha Mcnmittrl Bw
- al
k 1,1