The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 20, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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Star in "Ligliiiiin"'
Dies in Cliieaj'o
of Heart Attack
Part f "lUII Jn..i-s I. ,
irt in Hold After
Short Illncr.
rhlraco, Nov. la Kf.iik II'on,
on of Hi'' nnt wiihly known oi tint
on ths Ann i h im iiiki the rnll
of hi i-Miannliiiury sun In th
n.trt pf Hill Jum . In "MKhltiln,"
tvhlih hr hHpl to will, (tint at till
lioul hero today.
AftT four anil unshiilf yw In
th role, iron won c'om'IU'd ly ill
ni' lo retire fniiii th ut of th
nlny i week ago, II lid'l hvtt suf-
ffrllH from itU-rlo i'liiol fr tn
time, tilt (1iiim1 h wit Just tlreil
and wouM tssuitia hi wink In two
Am omprfnlt"! by h lr wtfVi awl rtmiRh
It, Mi. Mntthi-w Allin, hi- m taken
to ii n uullyliiR holrl, In Hip hie that
lis wmiM rally milllrlililly In till
nmvnl to Ms liomii In tli wist. "With
the chwiful optimism whkh rhnriio.
-rlz''l tlm rrl of "UkIiIiiIiiV' Hilly
.lories, whhli h" rrsiileil 111 the piny
lie InnlHli-il f hut h wnnM smhi tie out,
lmt lie ii-oiiine st'-wllly weaker.
N.nVr Heart Allmk.
Sni until v morning hn siinVrel a
I iirt A 1 1 fit k anil fi ll Into n ennui from
whlih h" never milled, hi ileatli lak
Inn iliic shortly uftrr 9 o'rlork thin
morning, lie In iirvlV"l y his
, wlilow, ihiiitfhter. anil a son, Lloyd,
of 1is Anu'les. Tim funeral servhes
will I hwld In I'hlraim Weilm-wlny
mill tho body Hill he removed to hlii
boyhood home In California.
Mr. Hmnn u horn in Miirysvlllo,
ChI., fix yi'iirn iiHo, I In li ft school
when Iih wna I I, heroinlng successive-'
ly a sheep liiili-r, an ailverlialtiK "
lullnr, newspaper editor, ami mmll
ilute for fli? California asaeiiihly. f'
fmted In Mm aspiration for political
honors, In- turned lo Ihe tac, Jmii-
In tr a stock foiiipimy in Hun ,h-. Ilia
first roln Will thfit of Hwltrlicll in
"Ten NIkIiIs In u I'.iir itomii." After
Hi Man Francisco lira ho went to New
Vnrk awl Hppi'iiri'il In "Tim Fortuiin
llunler," "Hiop Thli'f," "Tha Cinili r
flla Mini" una" "Unlit nli"
Sui n-ita In "MkIiIiiIii',"
Mr. J'.aron'a Krcnli-nt ainvcaa wnn In
Hi rolu of "LIkIiI nil) V Hill Joni'H, u
part In wlilih ho iippcuinl more than
1,009 tlma In tho pHt five ym.
Ho hnd rollnlxirnliil wit li WlnrhHl
Hrnlth In th wrHlm of tho piny
which ran for thno yi-nra in Now
Vnrk anil m-arly a ywir unil n lmlf
Worn hy thn atfinly nrlliiK, Mr.
Tiacon hnd l-n uii'liir a phynli-l;in'a
nri for aome time tn-fnra ho llnnlly
ronBcnlfd to tnko ft rt. Hut tticro
mik nothing in hi lt pr-iforniiimp,
n wwk iiko ttiiiiirilHV, to lii'llcnt hla
illnH. I'i rhnpH ho ihrw IiIh liimil
fi i i-k hit wi lnkli-'l Vow n lllllo mora
n ullMllrally, pfi hupH tlm hronk In hia
voir wim JiiHt ft trl'lii nmro rnl, lint
I lmt. w.i all.
"Are you all riht7" In- waa nRed
hy hia wife afti-r tio i iirlain foil.
"Vi', yen." rpl!H Mr. lliioon. "I'm
nil right; l.ut, oh, I'm ao tlrI."
Daily Prayer
tVe rejoice that wo ran look up to
Thee an thonn that wutrh wcurlly for
the daybreak. We hrawh Thoi', O
Lord, to help ua In our dutP a and clr
('iimntnnd a In thin world, In ourf im
lly relutlnna, In our lntrrnurae with
men around ua, In all our public and
private cnpacltlca anil I'tiKHKmnnta,
In dally work, and In whatever Tby
Providences give ua to do; muy wc
ant tha Lord alwnya beforo ua. and
make it a conaclfintloiia duly to try to
live every moment, for Thee, thy KIuk
doni and the Infliienre of ouv Uvea
upon other. We pray Thee that Thy
Owpel may he more in our Uvea, and
that the Word of (ho Lord may sound
out from iih: and even n Thy clory
uhlnin In th allent heaveim, an wo
prnj' Thee, that our Uvea may alilne.
with reflected lli,'lit from tho jireat
Hun of ItiRhteoiianeM, and may pour
out Hi llj;ht Into the darkne about
lifand may drnw by thi'lr heama
i.i' men to Thyaelf. tlve ua the
rne.waire from Thyself and words that
Khali ha trua and helpful, aeaaonable
and profitable. Bleu tha Impoveri
shed In Thy houae and-aatlay Thy
pour, Let Thy Word be our ir and
(Mir utrenRth, through Jcu Chrlat,
our Pavlour. Amen.
r. H. KINO,
pjmnr Hrfor4 Mmorll fnllfd Brlh-
rrn Churrh.
An unili-rKiound ravrrn full of Jt
(ling diHiiiniolii lnak' an effH-iv
hai 'kurouiid f"r I'-etia f'anlela' whole
hi.irtfd lova in.iklnr In "I'li.k CiMta."
the feature at th tltrand thia week.
'I hi picture, an nJaiitHilon from one
of Cynthia !" kley'a liuvel. denla
with Hoiith A fi le nil lift around the
diamond mine and III adventurous
ponnlMliUeB have been utilized to the
J mm Kliltwnod In i tha role of
(Judch 1 aiippoaed to rprant tha
l.i' i'-, i l:iio.pi. Ann Q, Nllikoii
In well ini-t aa Hi haiighty Kngltah
bi'iiutr and Helm Imnlelii, who haa tha
loud, naturally fit well with a few
linn hm of iIIiiiiioihI", fur kha la lux
urloiia creature anyway, Mom of (h
outdoor aeeiiea ni unite aaflefyliiK
u Hi fuyterlnus African Veldt to
one ut lat who ha never iwn th
Vmi ciiii't mrup tha frown mirth
in the movlriK iluri(. Vou think
that for a week you'ar to be allowed
to foiK'-f It, but even mil h( maeierly
rnrlcauirea a Huter Ki-aion'a rweni
eio fall to loiivlnie tin. prodin-ei
that tlm Viikon I piillioK on their
aiidlencea. However, "The Htiowho
Trail" at th Moon l no wnraa than
the rent of Ihi-m "limbing enow
rranhliik ! the terrific, current
ami di.iili yawning on tha Jngued
riK ka hi low," the prea eheet. prom
IkiiI, and they am nil there, but ah,
death waan't the only ona who
"When it raiua to -ed, Hail mm
could beut it radio to Cuba," nay a
Kill. title In "I'p mid at 'Hm," which
opened at the Kinpreaa ylrdav. Hax-
liara, who I Jioi l May, ilnean't inovo
uuiln that faat, but ahe inaaiiiieradca
an a i liaulTeiir, driven ir car like a
demon, piueiie the villain, Rets
thrown into n box cur with soma
tniiiipH mid Jnnv plenty faet eiiouith.
There's f'tla Jlarlaii, who plays the
hem nulla genteelly, lie a youth
ful chap with pollnhed iiinuiiera and
leilr who haa evidently no occupation
except roller! II1K Henibrandm, Van
Hyckn mid oi her in id paint lux.
The tlijiltff, offeiinx "Tlia (wboy
inn) the Jiiuiy," not only presents a
pew iinKlo to the soealled eternal trl
nmilx, but. Kits n I It t In different elinil
on tho wild went, Tom Moore aa tha
dude" cowboy, immune to create a
new sort of wertern type, and Mary
Mile Mlntcr iih the eimterii woman,
who brltiK doKeiiornto htiHbiind to
Wyoming In the hope of aavliiu bin
enul, does some :nod emotional aetlnx
that la ufllcently reelralned, and pro
vide the audience with thrill when
Mm took a 20 font drop Into a plung
ing stream,
At Hie World tho genially mulling
Herbert, Hnwllnaon portrays tha role
of a traveling man who I duped by
rrnok Into doing their work, and who
nelf with the population of the small
town where he curried on hia opera
tion. It, la n ploinro of not. much
coimeiiience, but With II light Vein
running through It.
(loHllnurS I mat Malurdar.) ,
f'nd.r u .iml iin,laila and belilnd I llubfiiliiB Junt ahf i I i f her hllklereil
a 1 1 1..1, 1 of lilni-k rL.lM r.illnt "uIk ' lirr vlxii ill Ilka I llu Wllite hcil Iron I
the buttery i.f enno u men atoinj ar- driven Into the eye of Hiiiikespcare'a
runglng f-ui ami llkht. To i.f'l'rllice Clarence. The wind hit w her,
them unci h-neia that would in ike breath h,o k Into h.-i lunii If she I
eloeiji, while the othera rauglit the, hud not sullied a llitla aupporl from
long hot. for there would hn no niiti aluiit bough uf the tre she Could
ihnnr of taking special roeiip. 1 f"Ver have reached the margin ut thnj
After an hour or mors of harrowing . dci ''"
delay th. army w . ready for Hie bat-1 vendn. k a lent Wa ulvl Mli trl-
uriii'll (! fi" iw ii -r ivn "U 'l inr
til lV-TIMt TUll
My Marriage Problems
Ad. la C.arlaoii s New haa f "IteveUtioii of a Wife."
tie, At hiii ilimlMd up the aciiffolillnc
Imck of the point la I front door and
porch. Tha aiiiitit lln !r
plained the signet "hn was to relay
from the director, and the torm was
ordered to begin.
A gentle rain Ml from the pipe.
The tlr tin, iilmrd up in th ulr,
added to li volume. The wind ma
chine set up II in.i'l clatter. The r un
lieciime a ileliiKe of flying water and
the lightning fllb'd It with shaitering
Then Mem wa called forth. Mlie
clutiflifd her cloak about her ii ml
camera, rang", lie called I 'ut: anil
th- i .inn in men wera jut. ill, nit a
each of Hum lioiii..j -u, K. for lite:''
Then Kiiiilrlik beard wreuuis of
teirur, wild howl of fear. He run for
ward iilid Saw the hlilidd little figure
of Mem still prraing mi eiimulit into
the blur of the airplane propeller.
Hi In-nit slckrmd. HOe would beltliu maple
alli ed lo shre I, h tould not hr j ,),Hi -yard.
iiih yciic'i w irmnii in ine iioish hi
the liiachlne.
II Ti;u , l
The Toy ll illmui.
If Johnnie III ecu h nln I hipptie.!
to gu In the village and buy ii toy
balloon Una tni y would never have
l een written. l''urtheinuiie, it
wnuldn t b.ivs been wrltlen if tha
balloon hadn't got a ay fioni Jobnnic,
He was very proud of his pun bime
llu t'Mik It out Into the yard aa anon
a ho re.iclse-l home, tied M lull' h
longr siring to It, and watched It
(tout almost aa high aa tha biggest of
tree that stood In tho
Tl.e oieni,,r shut off Ills engine.
Ami then (he string bnk,e ()
Johtiiil (ireen a knot came untied.
Anyhow, tha balloon laid upwuid.
Silled nwr the barn, swept acioea the
thrust into Hie t.nipesl. It wa Ilk-j but Hi., propeller, rull awirkd at I meadow and ll-aled off toa.i.l Hlua
driving thiough it slightly rarefied
cataract, Hie hardly remind (hn pil
lar ilt the I'd? of the porch, ilutihtd
It for a no'iinnt, raught a iiutck
breath, and flung down the step. And I
that wa that. All this prepuintlon I
for one minute of action v for n :
brief reiurn to tha porh to po for'
anil plioiogiiiib
Hho was dripping mid so lost that
she ran Into on of the property men,
who ihecged her, Kenililck lame lo
her n lid give her un accolade of ap
proval. Hn pntt'-d In r sopping shoul
der and said: '
Fine! Hut In the next scene hold
your clonk about you a little lighter.
The wind wiie so stormy mid your
clothe so wei that there wiisu't mm h
of you left lo the Imagination. In noiihi
alatea tha renaore may cut Ihe whole
sceiin nut. Hut we won't retake t,"
When, iwo duya later, M"tn saw
the rushes III the projecllnn room, she 1
could hardly believe that the storm I
w ii matter of audi clumsy artifice, I
Tlm reality of It fairly terrifiad her,
The rain swept porch and the fury i
of light nlnga iibont the pillars gave no
hint of human devising,
Hhe felt a aurmi of pity at Ihe brav
cry n( the Utile figure aha made plung
ing Into l ha wrack on her errand of
rescue. The gale flung her clonk and
skirl about her In Heeling sculptures
of fir ic inn beauty. Hut whea aha
paused at ttus edge of tho steps and
slagvered under (he buffets of the
wind, she was aghast to e herself
modeled In the b-nsi, detail like the
rlny of a aiatue, all the more nude for
th emphasis of a few wrinkle in n
framing drapery. Wis felt her first
sympathy for M!a Hevnna' prudery
and blushed In tha dark projection
room, Khe did not lit all approve tha
groan of the director.
"Wonderful! Jt'a like nn Ivory statu
on nn ebony background, To think
that tha dlrty-mimlcd censors will
call It Indecent, the blackguards!"
Mem Imped that the company a own
censor would egclan t before the out
eldo world saw It; but she said noth
ing, Hho belonged to her art, hodf
an dsoul.
Hut ihi revenlatlori wa for n later
speed thai inada tloiii nnly u whorl
of light. The HllliexsiS WCc pnru-
l)reij py ihe horror of the moment,
T'niu Holhy broke from a IiIk til in.'ii f
that miiI run the liiiinedl.ilo beauty of
(lie little woman walking forward to
it hideous fain. Mm run ami dned for
her like a football tin klcr, honked In
rlnv bVti lha riPiiUitnl lh ,11 rttti , tm'm
lis a hard time finally sipinrlng him- .,,,iml , ,,.. .j,,uk ,.,,.,, .....
was iilarmlng crinugh,
Hhe wa taken to n warm room and
wriiiial In blankets while tlm next
scene was prepared, This was a mat.
ter of another hour's delay. Huin
pipes had already been erected, but
tha lights had to be trundled Into
place, the cainerna placed and pro
tected ami it hundred detail iiunln
ready before ahe waa called out again.
Holhy and Kendrlck were solicit loua
for her and asked If aha chilled.
Hho laughed, The adventure kindled
her youthful arterlca,
It was not. so pleasant to Kland still
and have tha fire hose lifted above
her. Hhe was supposed to have run a
long distance between tho porch steps
and this scene, and she muiit enter it
Hhe had ft bit of chill In this shower
bath and there was a hitch In shirt
ing. At length she. got her signal find
went forward again, head down, Into
the wild storm. Tho propeller ?nn too
fast and she could not proceed, The
blast carried her clonk entirely away
and she had no protection from the
What a (lulling J'rescllla lieari is as
Cigarette in that ancient drain,, "Cm
der Two Kings," revived In movies
and now at. the Hun; Prlscllla la a
handsome girl, especially In her little
French rhauswur uniform, end more
particularly when, fur ft brief apace,
she poses as n iiueen of the desert and
nltnoMt of tho harem.
And there' James Klrkwood, than
whom no actor J fuller of manly vir
ility, taking: the stern part of Cor
ponil Victor, the mysterious, with
whom Cigarette fulls In love with all
the. power of her Jealous, passionate
nature and In spite of hi apparent In
difference. Plenty of action In a big way, too,
galloping tJy-oiiKh the sand In great
ahiiit, , Kthel rirey Terry mnkea a
wonderful Princess Corona (not porta
ble), nnd you'll tint Hliiart, Holmes,
that two faced screen villain, worse
than ever.
mon jense
Screen Program Today
nlll. It. l.s.,.,.K ur,,l Ik. I.i.k ..mlM HU
.u, n,.....,h n, . ..,. 'ithlea scrutiny of the lightning or
un "Cnder Two Flagn."
Illttllo "Cow boy and tha I.ady.'
World "Confidence,"
MiMin "Snowahoe Trail."
Strand "Pink Oods."
Km press "I'p and at 'Em."
Muse ' Top of the Morning.'
Victoria "Proadway Rote."
Grand "Rich Men Wives.
llamlltnir "Bllent Cull.'
, i,
Han't He n Eye-Service Individual.
W hen you ere rut on jour honor
Hiui allowed to do things as you wish
.ilthonl rlicli linn are vou more Oar-
Ravrnna Man Trie to Hang
UiniM'lf in Kearney Jail
Kearney, Neb., Nov. 19. (Special.)
r'red Puker of Ravenna stopped oft
lieulur thai, you would be if under j Ml r,r()lld Kf(ni whe , n route here,
pirental or school control?
If o, you are to be trusted.
Tut if you are ready to seize the
brut opportunity to do a lot of things
you have been cautioned against,
whenever you can slip out from under
or 5011 only await attention to be
turned elsewhere to t.tks advantage
for your n n personal pleasure, you
riv s pretty specimen cf a man,
woman or child.
'VJore is nothing so disgust an In
t'lligent person a to be iirul'l
itli one of these "eye service' indi-
It doi not slum a tu! .lined mind
to t mucins hither and thither a
Hin it )U can g't oat fiont im.b-r
r ti it e ties or control
V . , : 1 will atwio b n undeilmtf
went on a rampage and wa locked
up. Hi was brought to Kearney and
lodged in the county Jail. Last night
after having torn out all the plumb
ing In his cell room and smashed the
furniture, ha attempted to banc him
self with hia leather belt. Deputy
Sheriff I'arr h'Hid the commotion and
Investigated, arriving in time to cut
) Kaker down. A physician, hurriedly
I calM, revived I1I111. He whs later
1 transferred lo the hospital for the
ii.tane tl Hasting.
Parents' Problems
itl,lte Ul
r' lent,' as
! , I I fe.
f te bl M goirrn lf -t'ul 11
s .11 or.lrd lif l Ihe r.iu:iie
if ., ttVlidtl l"f-B
I .. h.. h . ! d )o ti. loi.g
, ,... i:li
Shiiiild children I Pnl for doing
t here SI home f 1
1 If pmeiit can ff"i'1 to r-y chill
t null sitinunt. tl is a ..! iv
Mo fninish a 1 l.l'.l Willi "in.l.i.s
, oicnev If e..i, a clilld tliould t-e ol. ,
tStt lhv no afb rd In v. v. lmt
' 'tit thi-v sie d it all th rn (or
'he i Mid ed ! t him 10 di hia.
! niiti 1111 rl illy 1
Durintf tolil. damp weather Ink on
Uxativfj I1K0M0 giUNINE TabM
just iMrfure r-ftirliijl every niht.
U tonU' aixl laitttivf efTtvt ill f-rf ify th
syteu u.uit CoKU Crip umt InMiif IU4
;iv ir IVu
the unedited record of the cameras
Tlm noise was so appalling (hut Ihe
director ripped hia throat In vain, lie
hud to run to the, wind machine nnd
check it. The picture had to be taken
over. Mem's cloak wa recovered, nnd
the mud washed from It. Then It was
laid clammily about her Icy shoulders
and she made, another try.
This time the result was better, and
wlia returned to the room and her
blankets for another hour. Hhe could
not seem to get warm. Her bones
were Ilka plpia In which the marrow
When she went out again Kendrlck
asked her how ahe wa. Her teeth
chattered together a she said, "All
rlght-t-t." Ho looked at her with sym
pathy and admiration, and he decided
to cut out one of the moi promising
acenes, lent It overtax her strength.
During her absence a telephone pole
and a tree had been brought down
by the storm and photographed ua
they fell. It was her busluega now to
clamber acroea the pole and puah
through the branches of the tree, and
so fight her way out of th picture.
The rain pipes bad been brought
forward and set up In a new position.
The cameras were aligned. Next to
them stood a truck containing a great
sun are. Next that was the lightning
machine, abreast of It the wind ma
chine. In the preliminary testa it had been
bard to find the right angle for tho
gale to blow from, and the wind nia
1 hln had been shifted several time.
The wind man in hi confusion for
! got to nniive that ihe protrty men
! had forgotten. In their confusion, 10
, set up the fence betore the propeller,
j It was after midnight now and every
t body whs numb with cold, drenched
'with th prnniiNcou rtln and a little
Irrtsponslhle, Thur working day was
jalrMdy I'i hoiira oil and It WngM be (
' ! bast five hours more I
1 'Ihe nreat,,r wh-i hid gathered!
l i W Iti h tile f 1 rat Hies hoi beB
driven from th h-l by Hi fold their
j IM - k t l'siks an I o -rc.ii eeul l nut
everioiiie Tom Hflby had b.n pine
j l-'Siaphe.l In climb up in wt ai t
if 4 mm., ami w halt trni-n In
hi soaked ilt'the. 1,111 SMtl l lO
,.ii h M ill Ihrmisti this m en-
i Hn pUnl in Hie Initialed r a! I nn and hi In ut o h.. s h
ti Mi in 111 her I. Hie Wil i!rr Ihinw
, eff Inr I hiiWi-i. .gl en Hi tli. iliil
ICitMle id Ihe W.I. mi, I eul
i,i,i iti j nn 1 it .1 d . v c I H mi s 1
if ili. univrH
t he sluilil I i OS dill i.. St Hi
In. 1. it 1 h ni l..-i,. I
, sn4 Uiaid u bri.i hf .-f th t'-
I'tte llu, (be I ,(! 1 Siiil l
ml finl ami ii ji iiii H'd it"
. l.l'l IM ( Slllll,.' WI4.II
1a ib 'i ( I '' t.n
rv (id 1 1 a. 1 1 I i,i o n. r Si. 1-i. a
' t -SI. I 4 fat,, l ,..' ,11,1,1..' fil lll
iii 1 m . I .'h ,
I I . l.i.i , , .., l., an. I I t
ft '! "li. I - I'I- I" I. II ..I ...-l.i
1S . 11 t t .-, . if u,l ll ..I.. I
11 i i.l i( 11 .!. r i. ik k
,. II r I ,1 I f th. !.-,.
, st ( 11.H14 a,
1 left linn nhoiit her knee and flung
her bin kward. thrimtiiig In riubl arm
and hi head benealli her. so that
when she struck, her shoulder were
ipi'ii hi breiisl, lur drenched hair
fell across hi fair like seaweed.
Hbn opened her eyes In It chaos of
bewilderment, Just ahovw her the
flying propeller hluip-a woe glistening
In the light of the sun arc.
They were slowly revolving when
the wind machine liinn, l.uiplng trom
Hie, post where he bad fttixsl expecting
lier fate and hi iwn eternal reinorae,
run to lift her from tlm ground. Other
helped up Tom lloll.y,
ll hud kiimked hliiui'df Uncon-
acloiia when hi head struck a. rock
In the road. His cheek was ripped
mid gushing blood.
Jin came lo his senses tit oin ii and
forced 11 ghastly IiiiikIi.
Mem screamed with fear for him.
Hhe had not, yet realized her own es
cape. Hln. w all pity for Tom Ho.
by, nnd anxiety,
"if nothing," ho said. Th'-, h
staggered with dread of what Mem
would have looked like now tf he had
waited nn 1 iih 1 0 nl longer or missed his
aim nt her knees,
Jlu drew her from the votteg of the
propeller, which was subsiding with
thi. dying snarl of a leopard that hn
missed its pounce,
Now Mem understoisl what her own
adventure had been, nnd her knee
weakened with 11 n e5c post facto
Kendrlck came up and, after a de
cent wait for the Incident to have It
dignity and move on, hn thanked and
congratulated Holhy on retrieving the
girl from tho massacre,
"It wouldn't have mennt only the
horrible death of this beautiful child,
but it would have meant also the hor
rlblo (bath of this bountiful picture;
for hardly anybody would have want
ed to are It If It were elalnc'l with
"And all my beautiful nrt would
have perished with me!" said Mem,
with only partial Irony. She had
reached tho estale of the creative
ami! who long for Hie Immortality
of Its work more than Itself, nnd
feds II a death Indeed, a death entire,
to have, its record lost.
Just to have a book In a library,
even If It is never read; Just to have
a. painting on some wall; n tune in
somebody's ears, a scientific discov
ery recorded somewhere that 1
honey enough In tho ashes that fill
tlm mouth of tho moriturl,
Kendrlck' next thought waa one of
dismay, Tom Holhy had not yet
fought his big fight, and yet his face
was torn. How was thia to bo ex
plained In the preceding; scene where
he was supposed to leave the arms of
his sweetheart In Inr defense?
In the tnpsy tiirvyiliini of film con
struction the scone In which Mum
nnil Tom Holhy were act upon by a
puck of ruffians had not yet been
taken, though Mem had already al
most completed 1hn scenes In which
she rati to call distant strangers to
Tom's rescue.
After r long while of puzzling Ken
drlck decided to make nn effort to
photograph I loll so that hia dam-1
aged Jowl should be hidden by Mem's
face or by shadows. It would be hard
to manage and tha men who had
promised to lieat Holhy up to the best
of their ability would hesitate, to pum
mel a mini already so hurt. put the fight off till tho cheek
was healed would cost the company
$1,000 at least.
When Mem understood all the trou
ble it had cwt to snatch her from
destruction, she said;
"I'm not worth It."
Kendrlck wa in no mood for polite
denial, but Tom, Ilolby gave her a
look that made the fishing worth
(To He Coattnoed Tomorrow.)
Johnnie soon uw Hint it u.i use
less to try In follow, of ionise be
twin much disappointed. And, if
Course, ho never dreamed that Ilia
balloon waa going to give soim body
K) aC5 If-
If ht lidcf ttubbtd hit to h oilht
uvb cpd bit lets, playmate.
else ,t great deal of pleasure. A great
deal of pleusure for even u shorter
time than Johnnie himself had en
Joyed tho toy!
The balloon was a red one. Far
over on the, ridge tluit reached from
Ihe mountain down lo Cedar Hwnmp
it began to sink to the earth, Over
there Fatty Coon nnd Hilly Wood-
chuck were havjng fun together. Hut
when they happened to glance up
ward they both forgot what that fun
was. They saw, both at the same
time, a, great red ball that was drop
ping, dropping gently Jut over ther
"It's mine!" Fatty cried. "I saw
It first."
"Von did not!'' Pilly Woodchuck re-
torted. "I saw It first. It belongs to
They began to Jump into the ulr,
encli trylnif to reach the red ball be
fore tho other.
Hilly Woodchuck touched the bul-
lonn first, Hu he didn't succeed in
holding it, It only bounced up out of
his paw, to settle a moment later
right it Fatty Coon's grasp.
Fatty did not pause a second. lie
dashed away down the hill, hurrying
toward the swamp at fast a he could
"Hfop!" Hilly Woodchuck culled
after hltn, while he tried his utmost
to catch the runaway, "Thnt'a my
"Ho it's on npple!" Fatl y Coon mut
tered to himself as he tore down the
hillside. "I dldnt know what It was.
It's the biggeat apple I ever saw."
If he hndn't stubbed his toe ho
might have escaped his lato playmate.
Put Hilly Woodchuck was upon him
In a flash. For a few moments they
rolled over and over upon the gross,
And when they picked themselves up
Fatty Coon found himself clinging to
nothing but a sort of skin, which waa
limp ua well a a red. Though neither
What kail I old M.idue lli.l Mule
ll.r "Mad."
I.ili,ell 1 1 .li t '.. .U .1 p
III of wind,, lifting the I iln-ma of
s'l-nn leu fruni n,v iin-nii.! Iior'nui
After all, I ktnw nothing nf whit
...lli1 tin! hlll'lli-lli'll ll'11 lli'Wap.ip.-l
i'n we., plun ly t x.isiieintiil -it wu
.am nf Ihe fieakisli stiiiii with h with
ullciicd bvimiir iiilniltl'dlv sacrificed
.ilwiitu'n Mil 111111 y to 1 li-vernc--and
I'liM's ( wa simply another
wontini. of Lillian's appeal to reserve
Hiv judgment until I bad semi htm
I w.i nut tin- ! lit 1 ' at I'lckv
bei llie 1 . 1 1 r 10 (I. I 1 1 V llil'l li'lnmcd
111 feat, ring sliver from Hie wound
he had given me. No liialef wilt III-
lltlllll.U 1 ,li'llllii"l'llll I IllelC Hell', II
still uai a tnot huinlUaniig evperl
end to which In wa sot.ieiiing me.
I woii'lenil how be would ad wits
It lu.snlMc tin me to hnve given 'mil
a si. mlnr Jolt, mid lin n I imlired tluit
Lillian- looktni; nt me and that I
had tint aiiMWeti.l hif Mo'teei
I put tin- tin inling iIohii, v 1 lit titer
to Iter and kied her
"Vou lire Ilie )! ft lend either
Dicky or I him cn i had." I mid
w.irtnlv, "Vou have I be rii'ht to re-
pterl anything toil like nf Uie. Ml
tl-V til be V I. IliUieillV I Will "
"The I'lrale I rati."
Hhe limited lip nt me with eyi Mid
.linlv iii"t', nnd the sight nf Hie
l.iir which eh" dashed aside Impa
tiently himiIh tin. reallw. hnw deeply
slie was feeling tny 1 rouble It takes
strong einolliiii to bring the Intuitu
of even (lushed away tear to Lillian s
"Vou ilMir!" eh" exclaimed lendetly,
"Iteiiieinber, 1 know eKncily what
you're going throuuh. It Isn't any
summer iunll. It a ft real storm, but
you're going lo weal her It through
like the heave Utile manner you are."
Tlm diairbcll pealed, and I gave a j
nervous el art, Lillian patted my
elioulder reassuringly. '
"And here are the pirate craft, the j
reHii ter." she smiled, "or I niln my j
gues. Do you want lo see them first, i
or shall 17" j
"Will ou?" I queried nervously, .
then added quickly: "Put I'll do what
ever you snv."
"I think I'd heller take the firnt
whack at them." she said. "I've had
more experience than you have, al
though ou had enough l"t summer
when Junior but this I different, .re
member," she hastened lo say ' At
Hint time w" wanted all the publicity
we could get In our hunt for hint.
Now we want to throw them off the
track and make them think the story
Isn't wortl while. And, believe ine,
foollnff a repm-ter Is no Md's same."
Lillian Id-strain Mud".
"Don't appear reluctant," ho
smiled, "nor yet ton eager, and a far
uh you Hisiblv can, tell them the
truth, llettieinlier line.- vital facta,
however. fins thing 111 l seiuiu.
It's a natural thing fm Dicky In have
taken Churn Koater for air rides, and
eii" 1 a dear friend nf out. Mini
mi'.. Hn. whole thing as far a po
sit lc V hnile. Come in."
Imii In was breathless 11 she i.ime
into the room,
' laie's three funny p.iiples down
stuns '' iliesiild n sein full , "Isit Is,"
she amended honei-ilv but leluctiiiitly,
"Iwn of di 111 ail riuhl.' but vun mail,
lie sIiinisI heeg hum h nf aoiip green "
"Who are the people, Killl.-'" I
Him (landed me there cant. I read
the inline iilniul.
"Mr, Jiiiiihh llhkcit, MnriiitiK Htar;
Mem .lesu 1 .11 mil. Moining Kenir.l,
Mr. It. r.ilniiard Hmyihe, Mm niiig (!
selte, '
"Hm 11 Mm y Hiolih." Lillian com
metiHd 1 A list Icii II e. "And the bunch
nf oup green or t ml my glles.
Mow iiUnit II K.itte. What a the
1, nine of the mm oi don't like, and
what did he do? '
"lie lake fi bill from her p.n ket,
Kul in said resentfully, "und show ret
lo ine," she pimtiimlinrd expeslely,
"und be ask 11m ei f I can liu (Ind
snnie new phiiiogi a plia nf you und
M.-r.i.r liniham, und ibd V' Kc.
ter Vol heir, lie snv h""ho,l't
tutit to low' il on '
"lh:' 1 spi.uig tJ my fet Indig1
tuititiv but 1,111111 pui nut a ri ".r.ii.i
ins h mil
'What itiil HI- ntlnl .iv"
Ssk-d m
"H-y awful liuid," Kail letllinrfl,
"uinl do isler 1111111 he snv, 'M "'
Imni to do. Hunt. loll Hi whole
same by pulling rough stuff like dof
Hut He (list man b- no iai be i-k
IIIH llldllll,"
"What did you mi lo Mm" '"'
llBIl lllied
"I I old heem to go qvlrk lo bnl
phlie, ' Kulle f mllieil linm I lllsldly
LiitP Slrawlii rry Crop.
Mlil.llepoll, II, N". I. l'l'-ll
si law berries are reinated from a
number of gulden nil over this twit
i.f Ohio, due t" the long npin fall.
A number of Melg county residents
are credited w lilt buying been eailmt
1 liiuli iilio for h iiiitnlier nf day Th
I I.f wa iml large, but ample f"r
revctiil families
Ift.OOO 00 rail Ceslt fAS.TO
At I"; dividend rt-lurr lint rt
sder fir.t er; ers'ii'd tl7i !
i.vsr iOU mlllieiu. Writ Inr i'i-llnn
tii.llry st ur s
lioul d a mmr.r.
T20 l'lr Trust Bldt.
ho nor Pilly Woodchuck knew it, the
balloon had burst.
"Where's the Inside of my apple?"
Fatty shouled iingrlly,
"Where's the inside of mine?" Hilly
Woodchuck roared.
. "Vou ate It!" Fatty shrieked, though
he was greatly puzzled. II" did not
ree how Pilly could have eaten so
big an applo In so short a time.
"I never!' cried Hilly Woodchuck.
"Ton nte it yourself." Ho was not
piiiwlod at all. Hadn't he always
heard that Fatty Conn was the fastest
eater In nil Pleasant valley,
"What's all this trouble?" piped a
high-pitched voice right behind them.
it was A mil Polly Woodchuck. Hhe
had heard them quarreling and had
hurried iieross the meadow to sec
what wna the matter.
Little by llttlu, she managed to
learn their story. And then she pick
ed up all that was left of the big
red ball and looked ut It closely.
"This," said she, "is no apple skin.
Pesldes, It's whole or almost whole.
There's only a little silt here. No
body could have got tho Inside of It
out through this small opening. It's
my opinion," Aunt Polly added, "that
when you two were scuffling yoti
managed to turn the thing Inside
out. And the Inside rolled down the
hill and fell Into Iiinck Crock."
"Then it must be floating down
stream," Fatty Coon suggested.
"Or maybe it sank," saldBIIJy
Whichever was the case, they never
found the inside. And they hunted
for It all the ret;t of the afternoon.
And Aunt Polly Woodchuck helped
thorn. i
(niOlilllil, HIT!.
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I to Wash Dishes "with
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Miami Si., says: "My kiilni-ys rr
tasks ami I often hai attaikt of
l ackai h that mails nte su in si rnl In
I rouhlii't half ii my housrwork
I'uiV hraiiai'hes rr fiviitenl at i I
I felt fall ami th tion of my kul
nr) s nrt-g-viUi l.'n'4
Kt Iney lis ami th v xmn tlienfth
r".( hy hi k a in! ki,lne. 1 . .4. t ' 4
tt my knltisys In ri-J rJ.-r,"
K CODf R, retired ttunlil, 4401
N. IRih Si, yr "A coM t.ttl.H
on my knliirys ami ! ai urh a lame
m il si tting haik I enudl hatilly ki r
sti.nit. I nuiMn't r.-nl st mi;lit un
si Coil nt nt Hu' Sins In my hark Bill
tl,,- ft ion of my kilm-M n irrern
l,r, I ii wJ I it's Ki.ln.y IMU t .1
in a i ln.rt t'liif my hafk well
ami strnnir My kilney J, not
tr.'til'e me."
2Sln 51,, tayt; "My knlnrj were
sink antl I'tilten hail ii'iiii' hark
arhrs anl mit I arms my knlnr j
I rou!i hartlly walk t. the tloni
an.! whin I stuo.-i I .riin i ilii.-y
I almost fr 11. 't he silmn of mv ki I
tirM Wa lireitilai, I ui (lusn's
Knliuy l'il!s ami t'..y htliH-l tiiv
on. Ill f. illy M knlni') wile l.'t. I
ltn ami the ui hn an4 ln li ft."
El' try JruftUt hat Doom, 60c a hot.
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- -