The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 16, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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""LaUcrIlinff Girl"' (Disappointed School
?., u -1
Meets' Failure
-1 and Disappears
".yoniiiig I!anh With
Vnliiiiilrd Ki-iir Ac-
. count Soulit ly Sietrr
iiii'l Pol ire.
l.i.,ii. aba will I..' unable In
graduate from " limb school
fxt pii In, Aim liiiiMt-rkp, IX,
"biuahunr kiiI." disappeared from her
fuoimiig housw at Z'.'l"! Webster nil cel.
Hazel, older umi'T and roommate of,
Ann, yesterday appealed t" polU-e t
lock I e III'! f orim-i Wvoinirig ranch
fill, who linn Mil unlimited i-apeusti
lvrn lift Ik Hooks. ,
rAnn, niter it 'iir on tier fathers
i'.iiii'Ii 20 mil' from Murrain, Wyo
found life too ilull, am) the two girl
Rime to Omaha, according fit Hascl,
bo Ik working In Him ait department
j( I ho JJure'-Nan store. Their
tit her cave r,n li nt them a check
bock villi Instructions to "let their
Oil) lences In. fhi'lr gullies," lb elder
filler I., i iiili'e.
. Arm was home loving girl snd
didn't fine f'r frivolity ir benux, ftp.
4ff nllMR to Mri. Thulium I'lislrk, Willi
iiom tint Mlssc LuddcckM lived.
"l "Him Mint always laughing nnd hap
BV," wilil Mm. Cimlik. "We called her
eur 'Inui-hing Kill ." .
; (.'mills Nut ,VitiIiit.
..Ann Wild sick fur a week after
(turning credits nli" liil'l obtain
ed t All Kilnts school lit Won Falls,
', l, would f i't be iiei ' I"t ! lu re. Kite
,jiappeared hlioilly after K Monday
Slornlng, having H note to lief nlm.iT
ftpuiillliitf In T action.
!; The f.illi'-r. Merman Luddeckc; In
il;iniilnif to ship twit nt cattle, tn
Jifatkct here.
;" Ui! will lie broken hearted If lie
(ipds tliit Ann in gone," mild Hazel.
Farm Conditions ! Nebraska Hotels Are
GirUDisappears mvroxmcni
Banker Declarer
Ann J.nddei kr.
20 Nelmiskans to
Take Bar Tests
IVrhlirr of Two Women Who
Kcffihlerrtl Will Appear for
Tincher to Demand
Grain Exchange Probe
MVanliliiKtun. Nov. 16. (Speelnl Tele
St 11 m .) -K'i'priwciitallv Tltiehi-r. Kait
tag, flimoinieed yemerday h will do
Btaiul 11 cdnvrriwI'inHl InVPHtlBatlon of
(ha poll! If u I activltlc of Ktaln ex
ImnifeH. Mr. Tlmlitr U ono of the
'fliilriorfi ff the CapperT liifher bill
t eonlrol Kt'uln exehanKC in their
pmrket oppiutlonH.
. Mr. Tlneher Mid today that
jtaln pxehiitiKa eonlrlbutnl l.'iO ench,
6r a totiil of ::i,0OO, to defeat It.
' lis oharifei tbo name program
;Biokg to the defeat (if Benator Cap-
'fcrr. .
;Mr. TlneliT, nilil0 lie thought the
rain i-xchanKtit worked in conjunc
tion with tho democratic congrHHlonal
CoinniltteeH. '.' ; ,' " ;,
. in .
K If fit, 0 Otliertf, Drowned.
, Quebec, Nov. IB. Father Tortelllr,
A pi lent, nqd Ji), t(bpr persona were
iJtowned when 1 In j'noh ovcrturtied 'on
ijho Ijflke of Shelter River, 30 mile
trom lierHimiH, (Jutbcc, it in reported
Ijore. '; ,
T:Thn accident ioccurred Monday
lllljlll. WJ1I.'II . u. (iUVUIIO iUil, tl i;t,u-
,falnlnJr tho 11 paaneiiKera was aunk
and all ' were dtowned, according to
Ineager dotallu which reached Ber
'jirnla. Knthar Tortelller, a mission
ary wan fuimerly Htatloned at Eer
(ml. It waa reported that the boat
$nd theliodlea of tho occupants had
tiot bocn found, i
Cream in Nostrils
pen Up Air Passages.
. Ah! What relief! Your clogged nos
trils open right up. the air passages of
our head are clear and you can
ineathe freely. No more hawkinc,
snuffling, mucous dinehnrge, head
ache, dryness no struggling for
fcreath at night, your cold or catarrh
tl gone.
Won't stay stuffed up! Get a small
feoUIe of Kly's Cream Halm from your
dmgglwt now. Apply a little of this
fragrant, antiseptic cream in your nos
trils, let it penetcite through every
air panxagA of the head; soothe and
bcal the swollen, Inflamed mucous
temlraiie, giving you instant relief.
,Kly'a Cream linlm is Jui-t what every
cold and catarrh sufferer has been
seeking. It's Just splendid.
Not a moiiUiii will Mi union,' the
2J fSinlliliiles to iippenr beforo the
t-':nle Jlur Kxnmlnlng romrnliiHlon lit
Lincoln Noveinlier 31. Two registered
for tho examinations. Miss lJessle
Junes und Mis. ,ola Vincent, both of
Oinuliu, but health or business roa
moms will prevent both of them from
luklnx It. MIkh Janes, who has been
rcudjntf law in the rifuen of W. J.
Council, expects to be a candidate
next June.
About half of thu law students who
u)plled to take the examinations are
from Oniiiha. The list follows:
John V. O'N'ell, Omnlia; George W.
Hufsmith, 2121 Douglas street, Oma
ha; Harold C. McKinley, 4'J3 Lincoln
ttvuiiuc, York; Oeorge A. Carrlco, 1346
North Kansas avenue, Hustings; John
L. Maltox, 3320 It street, I,lncoln; Na
than 11. Cornell, 2715 Vano street,
Omaha; Dwlght II. Williams, 637 Omtt
ha National Itank building, Omaha;
Thomas J. O'P.rlflii, 4160 Cuming
street, Omaha; Glen It. Gardner, 2351
North Klxty sixth street, Omaha; Mer
lin I,. Hprlnger, McCook; Guy K,
Thprnton, Nellgh; John 15. Hlianahan,
2238 Houili Fifteenth street, Omaha;
Kdmund I!. Morcom, TAlU Pewey ave
nut', Omaha; William H. Flint, 3015
Pacific street, Omaha; Alvin H. Green,
Valentine; Arclilliald K. Kelley, 2437
Kllison avenue, Omaha; Arthur B.
Peden, Oakland; Anthony T. Mono
ban, 1117 Blaino street, Omaha; W.
C. Buford. Stockharn; J. A. Pound,
$60,000 Campaign for New
Nebraska Stadium Stats
The campaign to raise $60,000
among Omaha alumni for the Uni
versity of Nebraska stadium started
yesterday morning nnd will continue
throughout this week. Wrection of
the campaign is In tho hands of Wil
liam C. Ramsey, chairman for Doug
las county; Virgil J. Haggart, mem
ber of state executive committee; Dr.
Irving S. Cutter, president of the
Omaha alumni.
The solicitation will b conducted
by committees headed by Warren H.
Howard, Dr. W. P. Wherry, Vincent
C. JIascall, Melvln Bekins, Herbert
W. Potter, Bess I. Dumont and Lea
Huff, jr.
Enthusiasm has befn given the
drive by the word that more than
$100,000 was subscribed by Lincoln
business men.
The campaign In the state, outside
of Lincoln and Omaha, will start next
week, and the total amount of sub-
scriptions will be announced at the
Thanksgiving gnnie with Notre Dame
at Lincoln. The entire amount to be
secured is $430,000.
Road Conditions
( br the Omaha Auto Club.
Itnsd i-ondltlonn are only "lightly Im
prove! slur ytitorday. While rou
r not yr Ihorouslily dry, thr ! s
prny gixiit trfk worn snd car ara niiv
inf tn most wilniia without cnali.a. Tha
ithar i repurird rloar at all aiallona
and In Alt probability tha roaila will ba
dry nnunu to parmlt drasung tamorrow
Special Prices for Three Days
Hawaiian mi Spanish Guitars
$9.50 $16.50 $10.00
Ukuleles $3.00
Our Band and Orthtitr Department en
the firet floor of our building carric
complete itock of the) world-famous J, W.
Yoik A Son e Instrument, Thoy ro lh
kind used fcy profettionalt.
Time payment are gladly arraned. Reardlet
of Kat you reed in tha way of a email musical imtw
men I and teachers' supplies, ha it at tha prica you
want to pay,
Rememker maintain a repair hop for all kind
of hand and orhettra inttrumentt and do tho work at
raenakla pi ices. Our factory tpita can do any
thin from reshaping a violin to smoothing tho denli out
of a aApkoo. tiling in your fcroken horn.
If you want on of lKeo spatially pitted kaigaini,
call or rle at oo
Strotijjrr Support of Irriu
lion and Other Keclamutioii
ProjHis Urgfd ly ('. f
(!. Speaker.
in Bankruptcy Court
Looking forward 20 cbih, John L.
Kennedy preilleted 11 half inlllloii pop
iilatioii for Onmhn In 1 !52, at the 30lli
SMilveraary dinner of t lie t'liamUr of
Coniineii e Tuewlay iiltjlil. Twele mt
preoldents, Including C. K. Weller,
isyr, 6; Charles II. I'll kns, I'.iOi, nnd
Major It, B. Wlleox, I tin:, were honor
guest. 'Walter llesil presldcil.
liut io make Omaha a great city,
tlm locs t.'huiulier of iXiniiiicieo miiHt
give greater attention to Nolmixl.a
fririiiers' aiii mm liuien's i ol'li'tnf ,
I.'i nneily i'iiiiliiiHlj d.
"Farm tenancy is ruining Nebraska
soil and impairing future prosperity,"
ho declared. "Wo must do sway wlih
It. or put the lunaiit on a perma
nent, profitable basis.'
Ho said the Chamber of Commerce
co-operated with II111 I'lilveiKity of
Nebraska Agricultural depsrtruent In
preparing a kaso to Imiirovo the con
dition of the tenant farmer,
Advocate Irrigation,
Failure to rotatu crops Is also tak
ing richness from Nebraska soli, Ken
nedy warned. He commended the ef
forts of the Chamber's agricultural
committee, liendnd by Carl Gray, pres
ident of the Union Pacific railroad,
snd advocated stronger support for
irrigation and other reclumallou proj
ects In western Nebraska.
A concrete infthod whereby onia
haris can aid the farmer is by creat
ing a market for tiio hundreds of
thousands of bushels of potatoes
which are rotting in the ground, Mr,
Kennedy declared,
The speaker displayed a big poster
with tho slogan, "Muy Potatoes Now."
He said that 10,001) of these colored
posters would bo printed and distrib
uted throughout tlm Omaha territory,
hure of ItesiMinse.
"I am conflJent that these posters
will bring tu the mind of people the
need of consuming potatoes to help
tho farmer," said Mr, Kennedy. "I
have seen bow people responded to
appeals for tho sulo of Liberty bonds.
Tho need of today is of another kind,
but Just as urgent,"
Among tho legends to bo used on
the posters shown In rough draft at
the meeting are the following;
"You can lay in your winter sup
ply of potatoes now at little expense."
"The farmers of Nebraska, Wyo
ming, South Dakota and Iowa have
produced tin enormous crop of potatoes."
"Let us all help make farming
profitable fcnd thereby help ourselves
to prosper."
"If every family in every city ana
town in Omaha territory will im
mediately buy five or 10 bushels of
potatoes It will benefit every person."
"Immediate action is needed to neip
the fanners."
"Buy potatoes crown in Omaha
territory, Buy bushels instead of
pecks and save money. They are
cheap now."
Grain Marketing Plan
Discussed by Farmers
Chicago, Nov. 15. The terminal
marketing of grain was considered
yesterday at a meeting of the tann
ers National Grain Dealers' associa
tion, which was attended by growers
from 12 slates, from Ohio to Colorado
and from North Dakota to Oklahoma.
A farmers' grain elevator at each
shipping point also will be discussed
at the meetings, which will continue
through today, according to S. J.
Cottington of Stanhope, la., who pre
sided, and J. W. Shorthill of Omaha,
"We have corrected excessive mar
gins at country stations, saiu iir.
Shorthill, "but wo are seriously con
sidering the terminal marketing of
grain. Wo expect that the problems
we have, to contend with will be com
mented on In resolutions or other
Lincoln, Nov. 13. The Nbinka
Hotel Company, controlling hotel
A proper " 111 Omshu, Lincoln nnd in
n number or towna In the etute, was
thrown Into bankruptcy by Federal
Jui'iie T. C. Munger at a hearing late
lust night.
Tbu effect of the action, according
to attorneys conncru-d with the case,
U to take tha affirs of the company
entirely away from tho stale courts,
and bids fair lo terminate the many
iuts now iM'tnifPg li;vc!v:::.-ilie own-
eisliip of tho pnis rties. It will, the
lawycm assert, do away with the sale
of the Iml i. In of I Allelic C. Kpplry,
ir.aile several months ago by W, K.
Markley, receiver of His properties nu
ll' r appointment by Pbdriet Judge
Morning of Lincoln, but whose ap
pointment was annulled by the su
preme court.
Attorneys on both sides lo the litl
Kaiion were said tnnlkht to have con
rented to the bankruptcy order.
Varied Program
for Bee Concert
Talented Musiciuns of
Omaha Will Sing and Play
for Radio.
Harding Now Favors
Soldier Bonus Bill
Wasliiiiijion, Nov, .",, It was said
at the cspltol yi-Ktcrduy that within the
lust few days the president, in con
vernation with a friend, stated that he
now believe tho country wants the
soUllers' bonus nnd there Is 110 reason
to delay the passage of the bill until
(he new congress meets.
The president, it wu 471M, based
bis opinion as lo Hie country's posi
tion 011 tho returns in Illinois, Iowa
and Oklahoma, which slates voted
liormscs to their ex service men Inst
Tuesday. It was said flint an effort
undoubtedly will be made lo pass tlm
bill before final adjournment of con
gress March 4, 1923.
Parents' Problems
How can a gay, fun loving spirit
best be developed 111 tho family life?
Plenty of fresh nlr, wholesome food,
n proper amount of sleep and exer
cise. In other words, if "good health"
can be maintained In the family, good
spirits are almost sure to result.
Mis. I'rftikk F. Gill, Mrs. M,,
Miss Marguerite Keiuier and J. G.
Pattella will all Like pint In The
Omaha J lee radio concert Thursday
evening at station WAAW.
Mrs. Gill, who lias a deep contralto
voice, Is a newcomer in Omaha. Hhu
Is n member of the numb; department
of tho Omaha Woman's club, snd Is
one of the Peerless iiunrtet. In Ht.
Louis, where she formerly lived, slio
was acthe In conceit and publlu work
nnd was a teacher for ninny years.
Among tho men slio has studied with
ar Gwylm Miles and Alfred O.
Itobyn, both of New York City, Her
program will Includa Tosti'e "Good
bv," "Absent," by Metcalf; "Love's
Sorrow," by tiheltey, end Gaynor'e
"hliimber Hunit." Mrs. Itocco,
organist at Holy Name church, will
play accompaniment for Mr. Gill
and will also give a piano 1 1 umber.
Mr. linttelle will bn accompanied
by Miss Menner and they have chosen
to glvo a group of popular songs
"Sorter Miss You," "Tumblo Down
fihnck In Athlonc," "Dreaming Alone
In tho Twilight" and as a concession
lo Jazz, "1 Wish I Knew You Really
Loved Me,"
The conceit will start at 8:15.
Radio Carries
Election News
For the first lime In" history, radio
telegraphy has been utilized ,to trans
mit a full prens association news re
port across the continent. Due to
severe sleet, snow nnd wind storms
In tho Rocky mountain region and
the crippled service on land lines, the
International News riervlca trans
inltted a full election service from
and Band Instruments
Mueic is an instinct of human nature, planted
deep in the heart of everyone.
We all love a good melody, or a swinging
rhythm, yet there ia a greater joy in pro
ducing it,
You should atart now to "cultivate your
musical bump." In a short time you will bo
playing the melodies that thrill you ao.
PROGRESS. Come in and aee our complete line,
get our prices and terms.
Omaha, Neb.
Kama . .
: I am InUreiUd in the Instrument
. . , .Saxophone, Cornet,
....Trumpet, ...Clarlnt
4... Xylophones or Bails.
Mention any other Instrument interested in.
checked below
15th and Harney
ATlantie 4361
;"Berg Suits Me";
For Men
nit fn
i VUlltf 1'IHI
. I tt vtJy - M
t, r. 1
Price to
Mrokeu lines of this heason'ii overcoats all
.izcs 31 to 44 represented in the lot. Most
of them were made to sell at $:0. Quantity
h limited so shop early Thursday.
Special Purchase Men s
Suits and Overcoats
For Men
Young Men
Made to
at $50
Tha OvarvoaU-All around a!t, jn.utid iiU, Hi,-.
Inn sHuuUrr, oni baUMt'd innl.U ami mm,'
plaid hack,
H luiti TUd nr. j"ft iii'tdfU fr 'Hfj ui mi
and M uottarrtslue tmr (,(r .l , r Men Singly and
d'wMe trteted dli '
New York lo Ban Francisco by iiullo
through the co-operation of the li.nlio
Corporation of -America, November 1U.
Whlla the usages of radio have in
creased greatly In tho development of
iicent months, never Ix-foin lias tin 11
colli Ini-ntal transmission hivu at
tempted 011 sui li u scale. Under the
Mres pf a emeiKemy, the In
ternational News Hervlce report was
transmitted illltlently to tli ncus
xiper olllies in tian Francisco and
was us fast as that obtained over land
lines under ordinary conditions.
Radio Listeners
Hear Schenectady
H. It. Hughes stilted this iiioiiiIiih
Unit a party of friends at bis home
at fji07 California street "hcaiJ a
radio performance of tbo comic opera,
"Pliittforj," broaiKait by lliu West
ern KIiicihc tilant at HcIiciipi tady,
last nlgbl. This is ono of the few
times that Ibis station has ttccu licurd
by Mr, lliiglu-s ultliough he bus one
of the most powcifol receiving sets 01
the city, IIh says they have recently
made impioveineiits in I heir broad
casting appniatus and are sending '"i
a 4lU lien ci' wave length. Tho music
came Huong li very Hourly. The
nama paiiv bad no trouble! in pkklni:
up the Chicago (iraiid Opera last
livening, und beard Mary (Jurdeii
singing "Curmeti." IMIth Mason will I
sing "La liobeme" tonight in Chicago j
and tho music will be broadcast.
American Missionaries
Kidnaped in China
Pekiu, Nov, 15 illy A. P.V-Linar
Horgh Hien of Mlnncapoll, an Amer-
I11111 missionary of the Lutheran
church, and his soil have been kid
naped by the army of bandits Id Ho
rn 11 province, according 'to a report
lumi Hankow. Altogether, eight for
eiguers, including three Americans
now are held captive.
Tho ltv. Mr. lioigh risen waa liv
li e with his family at Loshan, to
tho southeastern part of Hunan.
Tho foreign consul at Hankow re
port apprehension throughout Ilonan
over the Increasing activities of the
American legation figures show that
there are 340 A merlin m, mostly ml
sioiiurivs, ses timed tlirough 30 town
in llonnn province. The Chinese foi
e:gn ofllco has promised to exterml
unto the hnndlls.
I Trb - sl
II ""-w- J
I i I
Dee Want Ads Produce Result.
Fartiam Si,
ZSskiS 1 1
li U
w. 0. w.
Our Annual
Dollar Sale
Commences Thursday
and continues three days
This Dollar Sale will be
by far the best we have
ever held, and is a splen
did opportunity for you
" to select those numerous, inexpen
sive gifts which help to make Christ
mas what it should be. 1 .
A Few of the Gifts Included in This Sale
. ar Sill tUlt ; , Ml 1 1 It II 1 1 1 U i r
O.kUnd Dea''fl
Sn Francisco x Grand Ctnyoa
9 v y
eltenDie 5W
there is every out-oF-doors
reawn for taking
your family to
and every travel-comfort
reaxon for oing' via
the Janta Fe
Oraniit? gtuve aivl snowatappfvl mountain
lurJcruxi; n itunmrr tea.
Pofcct n wt or rwj ami tacll-krpt giU link.
Tiv-rlletu Itlwuil for owr ih.!Jrrik
Co:y imv and luutriitm rriort lvotU, or, rnt
a Knat.iw atwt rnjiy our ovTt roaa gardm
M.-autiful Yoaemitc ittiprti all th)rar.
tltiiv California mlm via the Santa Fc
Taa . ,lKn irr r.Unir . UanJI tastjee Nat'l fs'W.
Hsiwf mi i alt IS (! iKr.n
Mahogany or Walnut
A Good Christmas Gift
WsUI Deliver Them When
You Say
Good size Moth-Proof Cedar
Chests 13.75
Wednesday, Nov. 29
at 8 P. M.
We Will Give Away
, A 3-Piece
Bedroom Suite
45 Other Useful
Household Articles
Come in and Ask About It
No Purchase Required
Galvanized Water. Pails, lartre
size, heavy handles, special
t 10t?
Wash Boards, concaved, heavy
brass finished washboards,
t 55
Galvanized Wash Tubs, medi
um size (not small) heavy
galvanized tubs 65
Earthcnwara Mixing Bowls,
full set of five glazed mix
ing bowls at 70
Class Mixing Bowls, act of five
clear glass mixing bowls,
graduated size 70
Mahogany Finished Footstool
covered with mohair, velour
or tapestry ....79
Golden Oak Footstools, covered
with imitation leather, 7fJ
Clothes Baskets Close woven,
Hat splint clothes baskets,
a D5e?
Ironing Boards Good, rigid.
strong, folding ironing
boards S1.85
Clothes Racks 8-arm folding
clothes racks or driers, 85?
Wash Boilers Conner bottom
wash boilers $2.50
Clothes Hamper Oval bath
room clothes hampers,
at 81.25
Clotkea Hampers Fancy color.
ijii splint, urge clothe
t iui ,
IMber aiakea Ulill.T..
tUW ll..tie - ,!ttl.a.
I J r han.e.s ..Mi 1 .(Ml
i( ,'aJ, 4a'li
fate fc l.4 at.
1415 I ARNAM ST,
te He K,ifrt astr (til!!'
r vw
Grand Canyon Lino
H. V.k,.