The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 12, 1922, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 52

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Letters from Little' Folks of Happyland
iV('m, )
tm-itiy yvpt m fo wl iwA Uy,
14Af m I w4 tv;
J- Urt m mm
IfrjfcMxM? Urn sbtHm w
mA4i m tnUA, I'U ,
tn44y w)f u k ttw tUey,
tmMf W w iidu o Je
A4 pvk w iW 0t ,-rue twk,
AM hadey r Mifc f u,
w W feety fee,
(Unm l4Wy ov , iA tu.
lMt iiawV' Tbw i 14
mto nut 4 & b ) kitten
a4 fc4 4w to
kww, a4 wpy4 fc
,, 4 W 0y4 tbw
fw a4 i torn, jvt t!B b
fw to ttwlmcfcywd fere,
twwe tiM 4 f ttoro
hUi? A limn, 4 (a
ffee uu4 w wlrM tb w
(MM Aw 4 tby
UmieH 4 mH ttft pl f
w f &vt w w4 twn4
ttoe to 4uor w " wj w
tfc itw4 w b 4 toiwai
y fww i I
to W (t-WMWt 4 I ben
It fM wy, Vvil, 0m mv MM
wMto Awg, I tuw f fcetter
fr - 1 w M (ha
(V (to write t
I m gi4iy Mmr KM UK
fiVfjV.W'M' tffay, lit,
f tow iiiw m4 u
rwf Www 4,
"f (to WWW wvwl
tm$ turn
T M tw4 tltl
A4 (twgr fM UJt3 Pwwfl
A4 tty mutsbt i)tti w
w tttm 4C,
,iji4 tiwy xU4 Wlw
Mam frW4
fiiwit lw wA wy fmm M'i kntl,
OfmtA, , - " ' - "
W 4 ffl 4(14 to get (t,
Wy fctirt ir wfKim-U but
,, f fee b4 H, ui4y,
jiHgHMt it, ww )y ftwlwr'n Mh'
4y, W wflt u vUy, N., on
tUr, U bout , vhvn w
gad t OttMh, Tbn w went to
4y Hou little while. Tbn
xgt W4 wnt Wll, I
tMuH. tti Wilt tw )utj for thw
f 1Jv t t Anu C,
J)r )(iy; I wnt to in yvur
(i llAwk TrUw, I wul promliw to
tm kin4 to Bit Lit4 nJ to dumb
niittiuitii, limit rar of ago o4
I m to tba vntb rai at hool,
I Mm ncUmiuK ft ?'nt tu) Cor '
tmv. Vou( truly, I aura Hainin,
Mji'(U"te, Kb.
A Mitiber.
)rar Itappy; I ul4 lika to Join
b ltij y Triba. I am aeiidiiiK a
I rtit tump ka4 will tw sla4 to st
uiy button. I m In tba aavantb
t4tf t arhool and I am II ycara
JWy taaehar'a nania la Mr.
iek. Your truly, Oladya fayna,
j it, errU, Keb.
H'aula tt-r,
ittar Ilnjf; I am wriiin to
iuio tb Happy Trlj, I am II and
ii !b flib era da. I am aemliua; a
2ut atuiii(i, VS'a hava It blrda
Mutt Uitty ra vary rtty, I liava
I'i'HiiUai to halp auinaoita vry
o m try to prott all blrda
a I dumb aniraala. I aoyl4 Ilka to
Us 1 ya a'tua ot (1m Go laka wrlu
u, Uy lattay la ltlnii long.
I M hiy to rluaa fur tbla tluia.-.
u, ei, Uttir Rotna, t'ou'
likn Mtlair. .
IVar lUfvy; I would lli?a to
hava butiofi J bava tirvvr had
Mi bti, but would Ilk to hava
ma now.
I would war it all th tlinu and
would ba kind to dumb nliuula.
f am a-nditig t-evnt atamp,
I Uka uiualo vary much. 1 am
la tba aond grad In tiiuali'.
J atartcd tbla year.
f rad your a r ovary Hunduy.
I lika Itappyand tba beat.
I am in tba flftb jfra-lo at avhool
and I em 10 yaara old.
Jiy tu ir'a iianui la Mlaa Agio-a
' f wiab aoma of -tba tlo-iluwlia
would writ a to to.
I am af)dlrie; a wupon for my
jln ura folU-y, Ag 10, Alex
andria, Nb,
H'aata "to Join. '
Ihmr Hapity; I would likv tj jl it
tba lo llawka. 1 duiva baou raud
log Ilia Jiuyyplutid atorioa for auma
tlio and I think tiwy aia very Inter
aatitig. am a llttl boy II yuura
vli. My birftidtiy la Dcvmlr It
and I am in the flftb grade. I will
try to be kind to all dumb anlmula
and tirda. Your little friend, Cllf ,
foid Willlama, Malaon, N-b.
iMwr Ilappy: I would like to join
your Happy Trll. I am,, encloa
log 2'nt aUrnp for the button
and nope to rclve It aoun, I will
promise to be kind to blrda and
dumb animal. I enjoy ' the pair
vry inupb. Well. I will clou, fluth
ftotu:b, age 12, Alnawurth, Nb.
A VUih CttA.-
r tappy: f am 19 yeura old
and in tbe fifth grade. I wlah to
become a mcinlxT of flie Go-Hawk
Happy Tribe, and o have encloand
f ciit atamp for my pin, Dorothy
Jfewae, ftulaton, la. , t
Yirii'i'Awr. ' '. Z. ' "
)vt Ilappy; I am lt.yeur old
ui4 am lo the fifth grade I wIhIi
to become member of the Qo
Uuwk ituppy Tribe and o I have
f)'ls(l a 2-c.ent etump for my pin,
-VMt Tbl. Kulaton, fa, - '
Will He KM. ,
jDar Ilappy; Whn I wa playing ,
at at'luwl I lost my Go Hawk but ,
ton, fo'loi4 find a atamp for
return poatage of my - button. I "
promlMe to be kind to all dumb
anlmula, and X will try to help
aomeone every day, Youra truly.
Herman Mertena, ag 11, 8514 Cane
Street, ' , ,,
IJkea School.
Dear Ilappy; I received the Go
Hawk button and I em trying to be
good Go Hawk. I do a good deed
for my mam mi and pupa every
day. I am 7 yeara old, and I am
In the aecond A grade. I Ilka to
go to Bchool, My teacher' nam
la Mlaa Doty. Vrnoiv-IJeik, ago
T, fJorth Platte. Neb. .
W'iuitT to" Join.
Dear Happy; I read the eouiBhii
fie and would like to Join your
Happy Tribe and get a button. I
am 9 yetra old and In the fourth
grade. I wea 10 In July, I-pasaed
' thie year. Opal Cartor, Onawa, la.
Mkee lr Teacher.
Dear Happy; A thie I my aec
ond Mter, I thought I would write
to you, I am at et-hool writing thin
letter u my arudy hall I have
nothing else to do," '
I go to the Junior high echool. I
tiave eight aubjeola and eight
teaohya. One twuoher to one euh.
Jert. '
I like very one ot my teactiere,
They are very- kind to me. I like
to go to achool very well. I am In
the aeventh grade. My brother,
jewrence, la In the aeventh grade.
He la up with me. Melvln la. In the
fifth grade. Hennle la in the fourth
grade, Thoy go to the Lincoln.
Wiah come of the Happy Tribe
would write to me, I will be filad
lo anawer thflr letter. Ethel
Craft. 2l South Lincoln Avenue,
Huatinga, Neb.
Ila five Urotbera,
Dear Hi)Iy; Thia la my flrat let
ter to Happyland. I go to (.'hum
plon achool. It la about two a-nd
a hulf tniU1 from our home. There
are many puptla In the whole
achool. There are four room end
four teachera, I like my teachor.
Her name la Mr. Anna Harmcler.
I have a brother in high achool, I
have five brother and two aiatera.
My oldeat brother la a barber at
Champion. I will close, anrting a
S-cent aUiup for my button. I hope
to receive it Velum Goddord, age
12, Champion, Nb.
A New tie llk.
Dear Ilappy; I have juat been
her on Hjiuluy. I like your page
and tha Tcaiile Weent atory, I
want to join your Happy Tribe, You
will find a l eant atamp for my but
Ion. I promt la b good to all th
dumb animal. I have a dog, rab
bit, ranary and goldftah. Jneephina
Cn.ilxa, W Cniiltol moitke N-K
Mary' Klndiieee,
Mary lived with her mother and
father In a anuill houee; ' They wer
very inmr. Mary'' father wa alck
and the doctor auld he wouldn't
live 'and in a few day ha died,
Mary and her mother cried very
hard. On day ua Mary wa out
picking her He h' heard aomeone
Mb went over and there waa
Hetty with her foot In a trup.
Mary helped her out find cnnled
her home.
Hetty father' waa a rich muii,
. It look a few weuke before Bet.
ty.'a foot was better.
On luy lletty'a fulher nulled her
into hi office and wild, "Hetty, now
thut your foot I better I want you
to take Oil to Mary."
Hetty did o and when he friich
ed Mnry' hoiia Maty whn nil ltd
to e her,
JMty bunded hrr the nllp ami It
wa a 1100 bill.
Hetty went horn huppy anil
Mnry and her mother, lived huppy '
ever after. Jean Ciimirt, Aged M,
Sm N Htreet, Botith Omaha, Neb.
Jennie Mud.
' Jeuol'i Llnd wua on of America'
ewoeteut alngera. Hlie wa horn 102
year Ago on Ontolwr t. Kite wa
a email ugly baby, but a h grew
older eh became prettier, ' annil
began taking alnglng Ikhhoiin of
Muater Colllne. . , .
When Jenny waa t ha wa eent
to a elimlng echool and at an early
age became a very attractive elnifcr .
for on o young. Bhe often eenit
In the grand opera. , , ,
v By the time he hud grown Into
a women, and finally went to Tart .
to study under tli Mnnuel Gnrein,
a great flinging maeter. At flret
he did not want, to take her, but
afterwntd ald that nho waa the
moat attentive and Intelligent pupil
, heever had. ,
In 1M5 elm returned to Hweilcn
arid eaiig lieforo Queen VlotorU,
and the queen wa , Intensely
ploaNcd, and Jenny waa offered
many valuable gift", but elm would
only accept a alinple bracelet,
Hlio j-a now called the "SWeillMh
Nightlngnlo. Phe married her Ger
man aucompanlet. v
The luet aunitnor of her llfo ehe
epent with hrr htmband In a Utile
cosy houe In Malvern. She wne
HI mucli of the time but (ho hum
ahine of her oul never departed.
' Hh left thl world In November,
18d7,a on of the world' greateet
and aweeteat alnger.
When my great-grandmother wa
a llttl. girl aha wa very pretty
and had beautiful curl. One night
after a concert ah had been at-'
tending, with Jenny Mnd a 'per
former, ' th great alnger aaHi'
"Com here, little girl, and let me
ee your pretty curie," My great
grandmother thought It an honor ,
to have aat on 4he lap of euch a
great alnger. Virginia K. H!, Hox
823, Merna, Neb. ' , " ,
Like Wcliool.
Dour Ilappyt 1 enjoy my button,
very much. I wear It all the time.
My teacher' hamo la Mia Paroon,
I like her. I aleo like school, Rome
of, my leeeona are hard and aome
cay.' I try to' bo a good Go Hawk
My, how, quiet It I today. Daddy,
1 roadlng. - Phil and I are wultlng ,
letter to you. Barah Whitney.
28U 16th St., CoUimbii", Neli ,
.' I, Ike III Hutloil,
r Happy!" I am In the thtnl
grade, My teacher' name hi Mlee
Wlnneel. I like her. ,1 am T year
old. 1 Ilk 'achool. I thank you for
the button. Philip Whitney, iU
15th St., Columbue, Neb,
A' New Member.
Denr Oo-Hnwke: I would like to
Join your Huppy Tribe, t am aend
tng a J cent etamp, for which eend
me a Goltawk pin. I will be 10
November 11. 1 go to Webeter
echool. t am In the fourth B. 1
will done for thl time, Maurlo
I Pepper, 3107 Lincoln Plvd.,
Oninha. '
A Fifth tlrader,
, Dear Happy; 1 am 10 year old and
In the fifth grade. I wlah to, be
come a member of the Oo-Hawk
Happy Trlb and o t haw en- .
closed a 8 cent etamp for my pin.
Very truly -your. IHirrlt Weaver,,
age 10, lbtlatcn, la.
Read All IHerw
Dear Happy! I am o inline a 1
eont atauip and a coupon. I would
like to Join your Happy Tribe, 1
read tha atorlea and the letter in
the Sunday Do and like them wi
much. 1 am )0 year old. I will
try to protect all dumb animal and
bird. Your llttl Mend, Kv
Ktynn. age 10, Pender. Neh.
. Sixth tit ler.
I war Happy; 1 am II )mm uU
and In the aixth a rude, I wlah to
become a niemtwr of lh U-llttk'
Itapp jTrlt and o I box" i-tosl
leeht etntoi tw mv nin. Very
trulv join. IM'ti-Pnow ltliM I t
ripot. ,
Dear Ilappyt 1 am enoloalng a 3
cent atamp, for which end in a
(Jo 1Iwk button, ' I am a member
but I have kiat my button. 1 have
dog and hi nam I Spot, and
I am Vialtlug my grandmother, and
ah ha a black cat whoa nam i
Tabby. Hh alno hit a bird horn
In th jard, and every year Jenny
Wren make her bom In It, I
will try to keep th pledge and oe
kind to-all dumb animal Youra
truly, Prank llehn, Agu 10, 3012
Cue Ktnrt, Omaha.' Nek
Dear lluppyi 1 w my leiiar o
thought t would writ again. We
have given our llttl puppy away
but now we have a little white kltteb
whloti w call Bnowbnl). 1 enjoy
rending the lluppyland very much,
I wa very glad to get the but I In
and will try lo lb a true On llnwk,
1 will eend Vera,
There I a girl In our town,
Hllk an' aallu I her gown,
Milk an' Nittln, gold and velvet,
Uue her name, three time Ive
told It. , . ,
Your new friend, Ivo lliildenn,
tlumlolph, Nub,
A HI Hi trader.
Dear Huppyi 1 read uho.ut lit (lo
Hawk trllie In Th Omuha Hutulny
tie ami I would Ilk very inuili
to be one, 1 am In the alxth grade
and I like lo read tha Hitipylund.'
I have one llttl brother and he I
4 year old.' I urn liicliwlng a 2
cent atamp for n. button, I will try
my beat to follow , the pledge, 1
will clnae, Doi'uJhy Owlnn, mm 10,
Ilulterlup and IU x,
' , Dear Huppy I I am very much In th Ilappylnnd ktorle,
1 am a llttl girl ( year old. I
am In the third grade. I alao am
taking mualo, I have a pet kitten,
rtuttci-odp, and a dog, Ilex, 15u
closed plena find a 2 cent etninp for
a Oo lliuvk button na I wlah to be
come a member of (he Go-Hawk
Tribe, t.uellii Halter, Hrnwuvllle,
Neb. - ' , :.
Want to Join.
Dear Huppy! 1 nm 10 yeura old and
In the fourth grade, I wlah to he
roine a member of the Uo llnwk'
Happy Tribe and ao I have n-
cloeed a !! cent attimp fur my pin.
Very truly youra, Vlolu Cluik, Htita
ton, la. ' .
Waul lo Join.
Dear Happy! 1 would Ilk very
much to Join th Go-Hawk Happy
Tribe. 1 am very fond of anlmula
and wilt keep the pledge. I em
encloelng a 2 cent etump tor pin. I
bin 12 year old and am In the aev
enth grade. Margie Downey,
O'Neill, Neb. '
. I, out I he llutlon,
V lear Happy! 1 have loat my Go
Hawk pin, Wilt you plena end
ma another one? I am Bending you
another S cent atamp.. I am hi the
fourth grade and like i'hoo) very
well-Jnwn. L, Bib!, Verona, Neb.
' rona, Neb, : , :-'
, Tim eivund
Da Oriut
fSiai it aUitaro tia-o
i-4 H'aw i,'a -.o
- , S! ' -
' M i-
! , if
i io . 4
" Oo fbwfti MhoaiM titt tatn.
Jan wa th 11 year old daughter
ef Mr. and Mr. Brown, Of eour,
telng th only ehild, ah wa very
pulled, and th worat of all wae,
he wa vain, Jan wa very
pretty child, but ah knew It.
- On Hi! certain Sunday morning
Mr, Hiown wa In a hurry to get
to church. She went out on th
porch to wait Until June gpf
through primping.
"Hornet sing muet be don with
Jane," ehe an Id to hereelf, "What
will h bo when he I older?"
Hh elgbed h picked up th
Mundny Hee, Not having anything
In particular to took at, b etnrted
to look ef the Happyland page. Her
eye were attraotrtd by th erion,
"A Go Hawk Hiill Not He Vam."
Hhereartthe aectlon and thought It
Would he a good plan lo let Jnfiw
aee It,
(toon Jape came out arid they
a i nrted to church, Mm, Hrown
didn't pay, much attention (rr the
pi'euchlng, but kept thinking about
Jtcachlng , home after (hurcb,
Mre, Ilrown called Jane lo her anrf
read the aectlon to her, Jane knew
her mother referred It o her and
bluahed' with aha me. Then eh
aid eagerly, "Mother, my 1 he
Certainly, ah replied, .
A the week flew by Mr, Hrowr
aw n different Jane, A happy,
care free girl, not a vain, footiah ,
child. "And Juat becauee of a mll
Oo-Hiiwlt pin," elghcd lief mother
happily, Inch Hardy, Columbue,
A NUlli Grader.
Dear Happy; I received my hut
ton quite a while ago, but 1 fa?
not had time ta write. My teacher'
nam la MIhh Croteher, JPher are
two room in our achool houae, t
hV on brother and on aletee,
Their" name ar Ruth and Lowell.
Lowell I In h seventh grad and
llttth la In tHb ninth grade, Their"
leacher'i nam I Mlea Obr.-
flea trie Smith, Pelgrade, Neb,
Hear Happy! 1 wleh to join your
happy trlhe, f am In th aeventh
grade and 11 yer old. I h
ona pet, a bulldog, 1 call her "Port
nle," I have lot of fun with her.
She will play hide and go aeek with
me, too, Kncloeed you will find A
2eent atamp and coupon, Jtneaei
Iliirger, Fall City, Neb,
, Dear Happy; I am (tending a t
cont atamp and I wlah to Join the
Happy Club, My teacher'a nam I
Mine Dnnlap. 1 Ilk my teacher
very much, Tell aom of th Ort
Hawk to write to me, I will
kind to all animal, 1 am 10 year
old and In the fourth grade. 1 think
ther are 88 In the room. Fv Mae
Meaecr, Mndale, In.
H'anta to Join,
Dear Happyi 1 would like to Join
the Go Hawk. I am tending a 2
cent atamp. 1 am 10 year old and
In th fourth grade. Paul Li lea, tit
Pluckburn atreet, York, Neb.
ti elahiyone,
tn-m VVIUnlngtiia,
t c , IN
, k,inf ltt