The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 10, 1922, Page 12, Image 12

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People of France
Well Pleased With
Election Result
Krgan Outcome in Amrrici
m Indication Tbat Proiiibi- ,
tion Will !! Lifted '
Speaker Would Mobilize
Laymen in Work of Church
Orpanizcr to AtMrcM Lu
theran Paetof ami Laity at
Informal Dinner.
Former Former
Salesman for
Check Protector
Par., Nov. 9. The I'reiu h kie de
I glited with 111? democratic victory In
the I'liiled Hute. regtiidlnif it
iron Indication that prohibition will
bo lifted, reopening the American
market to bordeaux, burgundy
r hmiipame.
Th chaoipngn Industry hT I
hardest hit itltti Jw-ancr'f four-point
customer out of th market, th Cm
Hian bloc broke uikI tha German too
pour to buy, th English with a pro-
hiHtlT tnrln America, dry.
Klielm nnd F.peniay eellitr nr
Chitted with million of aurplu bot
tle of win and rxoepf. for the fuel
tlmt the Gernuin atole iivA lrtroyd
hundred1 of thousand of bottle
there would be no place to tore tlit
nncrvi atork.
The chmpKn lntret r hold
ing up I h hupi'IIoh and reliilng only
amnll niiantltle In ordir to keep th
I rlee up, Amerieun ruivo ured
them th"t eventuitlly the Voltiteiid net
Pould l ievled permitting- the re
ft. try of wine,
Apart from the prohibition i.-iue,
tlm French were distinctly ui pnm-d-,
by the demoerullo vktmy, h Wood
tow Wllaon repreneiif the demoeriitu;
tarty here and Tuesday' reult are
regarded ft an Indication that public
confidence la wlnf;lng- back to the
former preldent.
Prtaldent Harding- and (Secretary '
mate Hughe have proved a dlaap
pnlntrnent because of their refueal to
join ronfi renreg on Kuropeun prob
lem and their atern attitude on tha
war debt.
The Wdahtrifcton conference la alao
churned ngaiiiHt the republican for
forcing I'runce to have a Pfivy equul
in alao with itnly'a and for backing
the British euhmarlne policy.
John it. Sundenn. lecturer and or
ranlzcr for the Lutheran churcli,
and a former Xehrakan, was the
speaker Thursday evening- at an In
formal dinner for pastor and laymen
of the Lutheran cliurcht-a of the city
at tho V. f. C. A. He diNi-uf)
the t-p tieceanury to mobilize It;
inen In church artlvlitca.
Mr. Sundcau insist that the clergy,
chun-h board nnd religion lnUl u
Hon are doing all liny run and much
inoro than tlic wild haa u right to
expect, from the !AjidMlnt of the
ettfnij and Inapliatioii pruvlded, to
make the Uihle and' Ita formula ef
fective. He also aaa that women are
c-fponalble for church activity In a
dejfren that would mirpriHe tlie patrl
orcha of Clirlatendotu.
"Hut tly; laymen could do
luoie nmj would lind It coiiKenlul and
prolllablo If thfy made thcnim-lve
more ' active - participant in ayle
rnatli! Iltiea of work for the churcli,"
atiid Mr. Rundcun. "At the conference
thla evening we ahull aubmlt dellnlto
plana for paatora and laymen to act
upon, In hope or giving vlalble ex
prcanlon to the enthualaain develoiied
at nicetluK l"t week,"
Mr. Hundean, whoae home Is mow In
Minneaiiolla. hai Im--ii In Ditinlin for
10 dnyn mid Iihh been a frequent
j Out, Dcinonatratioii lay Kx
Convict Con inert Hanker
How Kay It It to Hr
Hpeak'-r. Il id an authoilty on the
I'riili-hiiiiit r formation.
Allies Admit Equality
of Claims on Germany
German Money Experts
Urge 2-Year Moratorium
IVrlin, Nov. .(! A. I'.) The re
port of the expcrtu who have been
InvextlKiiliiiH eoiiomio condition In
Germany, TrofenHora Keynen, Brand,
.lenk an I t'aHMfl, advocate a two
yeur moratorium front reparation
p.iymenU of caHh or In kind ' and
siahlllzatlon of the mark on the bania
f S.OoO to 3,500 mark to the dollar
hy utlllziiiK the i-cichHlui,k'n oid re
s' rv. Tlie report contend that the
hnanclul frolilem cannot be Bolved
i .ilecg tlie mark fa utaliilleil, and
lint alabili;:niion would be Impossible
without a moratorium.
Tha c-xperta nukgent tliat half the
i r-ii-hHliaiilva uolrl would MinVe, and
should ha devoted to repurchase pa
per marki, the repurchases to be re
Ht.icted to German bank notes), eg-oc-ially
thoie ,ln forc-ipn poaaesxlon,
Out excluding exchequer bill.
Wahlnirton, Nov. 9. (My A. P.)
Itecognltlon of the equality of Amer
ican claim agalnat Germany with
thoae preaented by France, Great
Diltuin and Helglum In connection
with the maintenance of troopa on
the Rhine, I underatood to have been
Ignltled in allied propoaal communi
cated to Kecretary llud-hea by Am
baaandor Juerand of France, Am
haaaador Geddea of Great Britain,
Charice Rol of the Italian einliasny,
and Duron de Cartler, the Belgian am-
The dlplomuts 'an; understood to
have pointed out the. view of their
government a to tlie Impracticabil
ity of revlelng the whole sytt'm of
reparation allotment at thla time to
meet American contention, and to
have outlined a counter plan for
American reiJiibin-Hement which their
government believed might-be ac-!
ccptable In Washington,
Oldest Bank in Nation
to Pay Big Dividend
New York, Nov. 9. The oldent bank
in the United Biate operating tinder
It original charter, granted In 1 7f9-
tho Batik of the Manhattan company
I preparing 0 distribute a atock
dividend of J00 per rent. The dlrec-
tora of th In hank, which In lie pre
ent form combined tlie bank formed
by Aaron Burr and Alexander Ilamll
ton, have already voted to Increase
the capacity from $0,000,000 to $10,
000,000 by the traimfcr of a portion of
the fturplu of the corporation to capl
tal account.
A a result of thla arrangement, the
corporation will have a capital of $10
000,000, a surplus of $10,000,000 and
undivided profit of approximately
. Miners Killed.
IlarriHbtirg. Pa., Nov. !). The state
department of mines wan yesterday In
formed of a mine -accident at the
Olyphant mine of the Hudson Coal
oompnny In which five men were
killed and two Injured. The accident
I 'tid to have been due to a "blown
out shot."
Grandfather Would-Be
Eloper Saved from Prison
Whiteplainn, N. V.. Nov. &. Prof.
Albert Tondra, Yonkers music teach
er and a grandfather, was saved from
a prison sentence for the abduction
of a 15-year-old girl when Tondra'
wife pleaded with County Judgo
Blakeley for leniency. Tondra wa
placed on two years' probation and
he wa warned to leave Yonkers to
keep away from Hose Besssede, tho
girl be was charged of having abducted.
(ionijiers Well Pleased
, With Klection Results
Washington, Nov. 9. Tho result
f the election "are magnificent vin
dication of every contention made by
i he American Federation of Labor,"
wamuel Goinpers, president of the
federation, declared in a statement
. night.
"One uftcr another the stalwart old
i I'fenders of privilege, greed, oppies
tioii and reaction went down to de
feat," ho added. "Compulsory labor
injunction, tho over-riding of luw and
constitution, tho railroad labor board,
t be sales tax. the ship subsidy these
were things typifying the general con
.pt that was i"pdlatcd and con
demited so forcibly and overwhelm-my1!'-
Road Conditions
( t-'iirnifihfHl bj Omali Auto luh.)
l.liifola hallway, ctist; Rnada Mill rough
)i ntP'ttMiHB between CoiiU'-U Bluffs Mntl
MlMOttri Valiy. l'air to lenlon. Katr
10 ffmil to Ce1ar HitpUlti.
Lincoln lilifhwaj', wM: Lffour 11 ml ten
w-iHt on Io1h nH1. one mile north ami
t lie 11 v tt. i'eiour wet of Valley annio
i. 1ml muuh. Reiorti rwinlnff at Schuy-
t.'p. Oilu-rvlflo rvjiida fair to good to i
".Jiaiul I1mi):.
u. I,. U.: Kqlluw Lincoln highway want j
'0 miles out ff (tnaha, thnnoi nmjtli. i
f'.oail ruvfrt to MUhiiJ. Rout) a aonirvliat :
routtli between limn ana Atlitimd. i-Mir
to Lincoln. hotour bet weu in rchtt e r
ami Krlud rotih. Fair wtt to JtnNtliiffa.
Uourh tn rrllp to Ofo:4. Fair to
i; c ot wit t Ociivrr.
?!irHIati hifthway; Una da fair to good.
ornhutkr hlahwy: Roadi good.
.i. V. A.; Hoala food.
WlgUUnO Tutoff; loaJ fair to ood.
WathlitKlon hlnhwuv: RoMtta omenhut
rouih bt w ran t'alhoun and PUir. I If
to f-oAtl rorth to tt!i;anit. Him mi
"rW at OaklanJ. r'n.r to gooj to Slu
i'nahaTuaA li:gha: lUuda fair to
tootl TopfKa.
VMiikh Tifiia hithwk; ; RMuUk f?ir to
Oo4 to tt lift
King of Traua, tmi t h : Roti aoin hat
?oiff U Wt t ('nuni'd ill uff M t i -atrtin
V&ty. Katr to gooU north lu
Vinaa flt.
King of Trail. auth: F.ada fasr ta
oot to lliaatha
Kr to Hir roMttl R! fair.
1. t. A fcnoriHnt: Ho-U f m tr f isl
Whtta May ' Mhwa : Hoi t fair
t t'H'd
I-lua dr Trait: KI f od
f 1 Lit X mm
A Written
to Grow Hair
Costs Nothing
t'nleftf wa grow hair.
Th Van K.i treat
ment U abnolutely
oaranted under
tho 80-day treatment
plan. You ar tho
ole Jodae. Th war
rant U Ifned br
jour own dniadat.
mi aaaiim no Hik
makln this tent.
No Hair No Money
is our proposition
We have a new method of treating the scalp. It
grows hair. It stops falling hair. Under actual
recorded tests it grew hair on 91 head in each hun
dred treated,
This is to offer it to you. Results are guaranteed.
If we fail, it costs you nothing. Your own druggist
signs the guarantee we assume the risk.
The name is the Van Ess Liquid Scalp Massage.
' Infected Sabum
Accordlne to uthoritt.
evr D at !l hair trouhlci
ara IriciJ to Infecwd .Sobum.
Hbum l n oil. Tt forms at
tho roots of hair. In natural
function la to tupply tho hair
v lth oil.
Fat freq-inllv It bacomaa
Intartad. It .ki on tha
K-alp It piu tha tnlllt-li-a
and rhokaa thrni. Ir forma a
hraadlna pU- a for ta, larta-
arma by tha ui!tf?ia fai
upon tha hlr and utiro' It.
It Invltaa a-ml-l Ulnaaa.
oon total haKlnaaa flio-a.
Hut It Mom kllia Ilia hair
tool, rttiaaia tho lnfLis4
Sehum normal hair srowth
nauallr follows. Thla la tclrn
tlflo fact. Wo uarant ra
ulialn wrltlna undsr 1-bottls
traatmant plan.
Now Science '
Overcome It
Tha Van Faa
i-omhuta tha Inftrtad Kfhmn
anii rarnoaa It It ftnatraifa
to tha fnlli, !( f tha Imlr
It ravlvta rtiirttmnt hair roln
inl itnarally (rows raw hair.
We urfa jou to try It.
Obtain It at your drurftt'
iinnaf J.rn,tis plan
Your monav rtt.irnad If ra
tuila art not ohialnad.
VAN ESS UI0IAT0IIU, S07 U. rati At.. Cki..,., U.
.Ml, tula I. a., Nov. r'ian!t
Mitehell, t-aahier of the tJeorKlu I tall
vy mid I'tmer coinpny, la "sold" on
til ii tii-oi-woty of a chei-lipiolectliii; ma-i-hlne.
Iiii-ldruliilly, lie hn toiua to
the ciiiK'lualoii tlmt there I no talent
tvhli'h (iod ha trlveii inati that tannot
be fi lit to profitable puiioe.
A youtiit fellm lerently entt-reil
alltihell offlee and tried to mil him
a inai'liine for protuetion iKalnat rnlel
or frtitd rhn-k. He t"i tlin In
dtiatrloii stli-fniBii that h dlil not
need tifh a machine whereupon the
vernier of t-heokprotectlng nmelilmtt
"Wrlte your name for me." t
Thl CiimIiIit Mltehill did.
"Now lend me one of jour cheek.'
Mr. Mitchell complied with this re
quest. The salesman wrole on the
check, went to th window of the pay
Ihk clerk and mine back to Mr, Mitch-
til a office with I Mil) In currency,
"Now go out there Hd e how I
(jot the money," h said,
Mr. Mitehell followed the suttues-
tion and found hi signature ilupll
caled In ueh it tiinnner tliut lie
thought it wfi hi own.
'Needles to say f lioupht tlie ion-
chine," ho said later. "That young
msn was a Knulttute from our (union
Atlanta federal penitentiary, where he
won en adruiHinn for forgery."
Th lioUHf of parliament In
Britain cover an area of elitht acre
and have a river frontage of 940
feet. More than ROD room are de-
alttned In the building.
Andy Gump Gets Omaha
Red Cross Membership
American National Keel Cross 1023
Chapter Uccortl Cord
Nam c 6rW.lIiUueJ'
Street 1t0LJfucXJU3J
hos ttiUmcrihccl a tofuloft of Hliicli
in fur (he clm of membership ihciketl lclo'W
iSfgli'fiiffi )tfrioiiliile
for Coal .Mine hloioii
Hpniiubi, t'H., Nov, 11. -NeKllKemv
.i ii-hioiiililu for the -a l aploalKii
in the Iti-illy foul coiniany mine Moti
lity liiornlnf, ce.nlln tq 'te
non! lihni out by t'linf Mine Int t.
or reftrd ftuitoii of ll.nriaburv.
"We fapt-i-f tu dclcrmlim Tliurlu'
Jual whit w.. -ullty of lieslmeme,'"
aitld the inapi-ctor.
I auatAiaiNo
h.o I a 100
I I Li ft I emgii
auucitow wiu. CfttvA uail or rxa(Hi Misck
Uid the halcincc 5 Jbr local Chapter work
payable Vy I)a,c '
Mil tA'Q ttUft BC MI-rtMNlD ti UUftH
Mere in the lied t ro ineinlicrililp raid mailed to Andy (uinii;
Amly liuinp, nlth'iiiKli b" ha np'-iit
more than lM.''iia in tho n-ient cite
tion, bait enoutili money left to bll.v a
ineml-rnljli in tlie iniiitli.i K'-d Cinxa.
Kellx MeHhalie, Jr., ftolil'T Hheilff
ihapl.-i- of th" Iti-d iYhm, No, Iit7,.
4.'i0, Iiiim been iniillial to AmlV tliiuip
by I'r. A. I '. Htokea, t iiaii iiian of the
th It c.
'I1ie Ui d froi drive will be
here, now nnlilent of t'lilciiK", H-iit I laoiii hetl
$5 to Omaha f"i a inciiibetKhip for
A inly tiump.
"Our next coi(,'ieBiooulii waiitn to l"
A member of tlie IU-d tTToHti, o pitioie
tic-ept thl $' fr iiieiiiberahlp," wrote
A nieniberlilt card of the Onmlm
here Not eiiibcr Kl, to !nt
three tl.iy. .Mme than Too women
will lake pm t In the caiiipniKii. t'very
home in Omaha Mill be vlMlteil.
omaha.' iiuota Ihl year I fZj.OoO,
l. 1. O'JIrleii, director of the cam
paiKii, Mtate tlmt thin quota nhould
bo reached eiiHlly,
Sprt ial Hail Kalf IVoiiimiI
pulill'-lly will civc encli iiliiiimii mi
lioi.'ili-t lct fri'tn llili-li i'Ulenil tilt
for (.ITIUMloll llOMIfrOIIUIIgjblii.. arid uliile i-olor of the uiilvir
8pei.ini inllroiid rate have beeu;H'ty.
jToiniHed CrelKhton alumni conilnur "' ''"' the vnitlty 1 to play
from adjacent lnte for the annual j Hie Michigan AkkIc and In tha eve
liomeeomlng dny nt the unlveralty, i nlng tt dance will be given in the
November IS, by the Wentern j Byinnunlum.
enger l(x-lation, , . -
Nearly 2,'in0 letter h.tve been aentj In Kngland C. 127. 30 peraom re
former atudent by th" Oinuhii Cham-j allllittof with trade union. The
tier of Commerce, urging them to at-j meiiilerl)lp ha decreawed 1,299,502
tend thl ri:lbiiii.lon. The bureau ofiln the at ear.
Syrup Pepsin Loved
By Hosts of Babies
HK ttaiBtaalal ill auk irttlal
;sattttr aaaff aa4 plat tal
rpili; uiotlier il lier lu'i" of
I- many remeilic for her Imby
minor ilia, but she should Ian enrr
fill whit'll renietly alio aelecl lest
alio tin tlio ilnM harm. What
nuKlit I mi aafu for
heriM-ir iiihv do in-
I fir .11 jury t an infant.
I Vt on will lind that
f i M if tlm lit tin ono
criii anil anean I
want In play thai
-ft iinowfirocon
f ,J atinateil. l int
.l I'Hia cnreiiilly In
11 the diet nml (tive
the) child one-half tcnftpoonful of
lr. Calilwell Syrup IViisin.
You will tlii-u -e result in a
few hour. oi will not have to
forco it on l)ulie or children:
they actually ask for it, it i o
InVnMiiiit-tuslina; and frea from
I)r. CiiliUell' Syrup Pepin it
roiniMiuiid of lfypliini aenna
and j-ini with agiecnMo iiroiiiii
tii. the ingredient urn atnled
on (lie pinkiiK' Jt j n milil,
gentle vegetaliln l ualivn that ev-eryonelind'ielTi-trtJveand
ItUhelterforyoii and youralhati
purgnlive, coal-tar drug, or alt
ThnuutniU nf aafnl art atwff
fAfoiarlara, " tt Atrf ron futd a tuaf
feoffor Juralot thai mnf tn foa
nooty rsn um uotn ronittpalrj?"
I Uff veil lo fry Avrup I'fiistn.
I lull i rnlly fiuf a hhirnf frtt
Htmph onffi. fnitVirnl lor mn ailrvml
Irtl. Hnla m u W tit sfvi it
A6tnu lr. It. II laUwII. AM
Hojoioirtan St., Mimlittlla, iltuwti.
If U nmt!
water nml powder, wliich may
roni-enlratn iiie MiwhI and dry up
Uin akin; or mercurial rnloinct,
wliich my ahvato anil looaeu
Die teeth,
I'ao a aafu Imnlno like Syrup
IVphin, Mnd panwially for 1li
children, for invalid, growing
gill, miming mother, elderly
people, and x-ron recently oer
aled njMifi who need bowel a tioo
Willi in leant (drain. Air. Lillian
Krenington of NSoodruir, S, '.,
nlway tivf lier rhildien Ir.
Caldwell' Syrup i'eiwin, ami
Mr. A, V.. I l tin J in of Aliiakrifon,
Mil h., will not linvn any oilier
luiritne in her home Your
druggist will supply you, mid it
only cl n rent a done. Try it
in const ipulion, colic, liilioiisue,
llHtulemy, headariiis, mid tu
brruk up fever and cold.
Raisin Bread
trovt-ir rulej witH IikiuI
tii ta-airx - it rvow avail
Mt it wm rt4 riMrf.
Koa aKofo,
RmI ttieirt KtJ witK tt
Wall f'lt teiTtftilH ?iift t'-t
K !, S in4 ttw l tt.
OtJe t rr arvj re t-
VVt fat irWt,
MtJ it
Seeded Rnitini
S Wet fatten M M
tU htm kf itwtv
Mtt TfB I "a T''
IAmirJ '
ta total kt M tat
V- v j. mom la attltiaaa of
vfTn Aaitttaaaa. Iioomi j
VyV. il ' af I
rrS2? . sattatn. OMk.
i ii tkwtt tatorrk. a
a I
n T-iVJ2,,.V iVuKjitta
a im aaa V VA
aa4 aaMaoaa V-f N S. tt
loatCK: (V.
Wiasaaaala. M ft. Va-asM i
. i
SAVE 16.50
tm vane .
Lift Glossy Hair
r ! aa f CotMau a4
f I ta aaaltlnf eufc Cwiia
P a aw sal im i ewe aaaax l
v ad a4u t4 a
a keaaaja ) aia
tWf k4 M mmm.
aaaw a mM tfc taktalaV
. k a Iwiti aka ankt
Front Jaea Corset In a
litavy, double-staytd coutil;
ilze li tu W. tspeclal at,
eifh IU.98
One lot medium ii1 low
bust model for Irrlday, pe
clal 98c4
Ladjea' pink sateen and
crepe Hloomer fur J-ridav in
a apeelal sale, 2 pairs.. 08
Outln- fiowns, 9He
Boys' Outing: Gowns In slu
J to Id; wonderful value
in Amoekfag outing, t.98t
i hlldren'a Uletprra
(.'hildrcn's tileepera mad of
rilKh-g-rade outing-, In iir
2 to 12, at. ,.SO and SC
Our flora' lndrrwear
Chalmers knit, In alzea t to
lt years, at only BSC
Dais' llraif Fierce Lined
Should, sell at $1.00. Spe
cial Friday 704
Mlaars' Lnloa Balta
The heay and medium
grades, all in a sale .'riday
t 96
L-adtra' ladtrwear
A heavy fletce lined ault for
ladlea In all styles. Knte
and ankle lengths. Other
storea ask 11.25 tor this suit.
Special at 08
We have a new number In
children' hues in black onlv.
A double solo, heel and toe.
all alsea. Special for Fri
day only, tier pair 1Kt
7 pairs for 08 1
I.adW Hose
One lot ladles' heavy cotton
Hose for cold weather. A
regular 2ia value, on sale
Friday, per pair 15
One lot ladles' Sport Hose In
all the wanted color, all
sizes. Ter pair 98
Another Great " Bargain Day"
All Over the
In Every Dep't
That Mean
MMkliR Barg
fl I III! am k. V ak.
b im i w
Clipping Prices Right and Left
, Sales
Tnu Goons i;i no
b.oo'l yards, 3 to 19-yard
lenKins, an colors In llahl
and darks; worth double
what we aak. Yard.,. .13
yard for nt
A new lot of Crelonna In Si
Inch material, all lilit and
datk pattern ineludid; leg.
ular 25 value, for l-'rldHy,
a yards for 08e
J.OOO yards dark outings, all
in this Friday sale at (
yards for 9g
A hlr plaid hed slue Blanket
wim a sort wool f n all. An
extia value for Frldav nd
Saturday, pair 02.49
One lot gray cotton Blankets
in large, neavy trade, f'r -
day, per pair 91.89
A sptclnl number in a heavy
white cotton filled Comfort,
large size and well made.
An txtpe. value for Friday
at S2.49
On lot lame ! Hurk
Towels, red borderad. h'pa-
elal Friday, each 10e
10 for 080
Colombo Sanitary Dollj-acta
For the breakfast table or
luncheon these sanitary cut
out covering are wonderful.
Kexular tl.nn value. 200
set Friday at, set 25 e4
Annex Sales Friday Will Be a Day Long to Be Remembered
Annex Dress Sales I :- ?". i!?v"A Annex 0at Sales
I f 1
Canton Crepe Dress 8le
at f.9
Canton crepe frocks, new mod
els, including; the long sldo
drape, pleated panels and
matalasse combinations in pad
ded silk and sold and hIIvi.t
embroidery; regular 115 00 to
I1J.50 value. In th Annex
Friday 88.08
tew Veel Trteetlne Drtasrs
at Xl.ft
iklmt) cuts or trashy
II dresses; welt made, nicely
J trimmed dreaaea. Our buyer,
now In the market, snt tins
J out at We than one-half regu
lar price; regular IU50 tn
111.09 valuta. In the Annex
rriday 8.08
Children's Coat. M.98 Chlldrea' Coats, T.9
Age t to 6, plush and cloth Ages 7 to 14, fine all wool
,. , ,,,,, wtfh or with. cloth, large fur collars, full
coat, full lined, with or witn- ljne(J box p,eawdi b(.Hd alld
out fur collars; pood, warm raglan back, all new models,
winter coats; regular values bale price In th Annex Frl
to 10.95. Annex Friday 9-1.08 lay 97.98
Rxtra Slse rettleoata, tc ( hlldren'a rilnhm Dresses
at ttse
Fine black satoen, tegular !0 dozen i-lillilien's fancy
11.49 value. Annex 98 (iliiRliam Dresseti. ages 1 to
It. Amoskeag ginnlianis in
all colors, fancy small and
Oetlng Flaanel Ptttleoals large checks, plain gingham
trim; all new dresses; sash
For those chilly day; regular models and latent styles; reg.
7c value; aoit, ht-avy Quality. ular qualities. Annex
I for 98 Friday 080
Infanta' All Meal Hsat, .1Uu Infaala' llabfn Rhlrta. 'iS
hlto or black, all wool cash. ..Hllhcii Shirts." smallest six
r;;.."! 'm. '"
Friday, ptr tali 30 quality. Annet Friday. 25
A Wonderful lost gale at 10.)
$27.00 and 129.75 coat in Im
ported cloths, rlehly enilirolil
erfd models, strap ami trinun
trimmed and with large allk
taimela; oilier plain tailored
styles, new sleeves, (.large fur
collars, Mouse, loose and one
quartf r fitted baeka. ?le prtee
in the Annex Friday. .919.08
Aak to See Our Stjllah stoat
t oat
Full silk lined, sue 43to 65,
$;lli.0u values. Annex Friday,
each 923.08
"peilol Hartal 1 sala at .
6!t Cnatr, good heavy garment',
II alvles: eonia with fur eol
lats: odd lota of foals tlial for
mei ly sold to t; f.o : in wom
rn's nnd mlat.eV sues. A uulek
t Itaratte pnet, tn tlie Atmtx
Friday 90.08
98c Day, Silks, Etc.
f r4rra
Bovd bat qualltv In a
full line of celoit. Ftiday
tl, par )rd 91
Otetgatt I rtfte
In atraei tnd fan n co
i. Spavlal. )'d ..
ttllk Itrwaaala
In dfurahla Pitiia aH
w r a v f a. n r ) a ri , . 1 S f
An. up 1 93. I1
Wa.l l'laia 4 t ktrke
l',.r I 1 1 it a ar h e I
iti a tli- C If. te
itf. r a.4 9t
98c Day, Gloves, Etc.
4aelttl I kasaataete
tale' ana ei'el 'at
tat taeni.tia u.t- "
l a, .a an !"
s t,.. t ri, .
ftfa' laid .lta. l
I a ! a'
' a 4 . I'
lat aaiua; tt-'
a i J.
latrilOet KM .
I a ' aa 1 - la.e ki I l e.
tn. tel., -! I ! ' k
i.( e la ' "
,-a ,1 a ..... -Ml
hit t.aaaiM .t.
t a t. .a aiiar t t "
k'l a tt at l i. -a. r -
aa ra,itl .. 93.
98c Day, Corsets, Etc.
- a in aia- a'
,u t ui m .e
. . I -a it '
.a i f a -
I ll4.a ,lil
I f 1
i I it I tin a
' ' n a 'ft
i I a 'aM ' a s a-a
j tl 1 t a.
etea l.t-.4
New Fall .Millinery
Srecinlly Priced
VtiHoai ill Ne iHrilil ke the f-t
Hae nwiiikli ( olfttlnfa klitt
Ihl la I-a o i et It ht, a. kla.t.n nt
lt at i t ti at i "
nt t a " "al ai. tl
H.,,.4 '! ,t ,4.' I tiaUt ' I"11 t
l a a'
98c Day, Bags
I. VI ktilMk
r.atia ln Ii"'l- a
k g vain at I' " ii'fi al
ri--e I ' 'day at . . . OSf
IVae laallt t ear. l
.in nt 1 1 ' ti - w
fittf-t lai,
.ii'lll run ia t li"i
tnit f ut. t-1' , ai'l i t'tai
i'olnia t n-' lit , P a' ia'u1
at , .i. .-a e l-r. 9I.0S
98c Day, Handkerchiefs, Etc,
Maaekt , Jaaatlit tatflata
j tat lieca, ta. vie, h a.' f
l ; vrin.iii.i . ilmr
t't'aa a a al
ma tu . -, !. f . a.
ta tj'l ta
kaala I '-fa. II l-r
Mae fat I let n
Maa.aktt.kl. la
..t f, ....
at ate I Wat
laawa Hail i.(a
Rtt-i ar I' h'.m at
98c Day, Hardware, Etc.
I'll 'l .. I umi
ia ota t
t i a t
a. a i at .
I . I I. . . 1 1 (a -,,, ,
, ! f.t (, t- g a
1 a - 4. i ., t
a . k-a.y I . ,
i v il l t
t t I . 3
Max at.