The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 08, 1922, EXTRA, Page 3, Image 3

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'llli; OMAHA HKK: U fcihhSlA , MA h.Wlihli . in:.-.
(ir Forces Able
to Protect Coast
Mitcbell Says
Rriadirr General T Murli
PlearI With Honibiug
Trf Held at Hampton
Road on Monday.
wtilnton, Nov. 7 ftrl. rn.
William Mitchell, axuietant rlilrf rf
thn army air irvlc, annniiiired on
Jtrrlviil from tha tmiuliln hHd Mm
lay at Hampton Honda, that p.otr-1-
tlon of Atnrlra'a ronoti m,w ili-pni.lid
Upon the natlnti'a air forcia l,o Kfl l;y
Rood army. Air liomtiera, It wild, hud
iippianttd eoant artillery men n a
I'rotectlve mlllliiry weapon, adllnK
,that the demon! rat lrn totally rpMit
"tiling UfDrft attmtipted ty aviator
4"m atandpolnt of acourwy In
MmlilnK and iritlal di-fenae
atreriKth of aircraft.
"Flva Mnrtln timber, Innded with
full equipment Including four 200
pound dummy homlia to tha hlp,
bomlwd two tawi under townwe
from a lieiRht of niwnii 3,200 to
3,700 fret," On. Mltrhell mil. I, "nnd
every bomb dropped waa effertlva,
poaaltjly with one exception. Tha ac
curacy of thl la without parallel,
MpK:aIly lnc Uie turiteta were only
20 by 20 feet In lw, and tha avlatora
themitelvea hnd ha n under limtrurtlon
wily for a abort rjme."
I'ion, Mitchell drnliired It waa poa-
lM to protect the Untitle roaat from
her, pi nka hny ti Himton with "a
vrttple of pursuit uroupa of aircraft."
"'Jive ii h a lme in New Jeriiey," h
ald, "and we could reach uny point
threatened on that part of tha coaNt
with two hour notleo.of tha approach
of an enemy."
Kxpcrlenea hud riaibled pilot to
operate at nil tltnee, went her condi
tion notwithstanding, It waa aa
aerled. Kxti-ridlva rnaneuvera wrro Mng
planned by the army air aervlre fur
next Kiimmer, Oeri, Mitchell auld, ex
Hlnlng that they were Intended to
J.riilr-h additional data relating to the
comparative value of artillery and air
craft for coant defenne,
"Airplane can poxltlvely guarantee
defenne of the coaata," he unld, "and
with Kreater economy to the nation uny other orrn of the military
Army General Makes
Fast Time in Air
Caponing Opinions on Hail
Shop Strike; An; Kxpressed
Chicago, Nov, 7. -OppoNito view on
the preaunl Mtatua of the ahopcrafta
atrllco were ptonented before federal
Jud9 Jiimea 1L Wllkerwon, counnel
for the shopmen contending that, the
utrlko no longer exiKta while, axxlMlant
Hollellor General Illuekburn Knicr
,''ne, repreaenting the govern incut,
' 11 affiduvlta that tha condition
yplulnod of when tha bill waa
tetlll rxlt.
Jkt rther hearing of the case waa
.nued Until Wednemluy morning
.en Attorney JiHterune win rettume
hi argument.
Germans Lay Keel of Giant
'Blimp for United Mates
Frederjekahuvcn, Cierniany, Nov. 7.
The keel hua been luld for the giant
Zeppelin to b built here for the
Vnllcd State government under the
contract algnod June 28. Construc
tion detail are atill awaiting declalon
following refluent jrwda by the com
tnlMnlon of expert which the Ameri
can government la underatood to have
txalgned to upervlaory duty.
Hi IK. .eti. Will.iun Mill lu ll, aih.
ant f lilef of the I niled Mate army
air service, set new nflli lnl world rec
onl when he Hew at mln of 2'.'t index
nil hour at Detroit In miiiin plune In
which I .lent. MuiiKhan made unofllrlul
llllilit of 2IM.S mile n hour.
S(iialters Chased
Off Ohio Property
"Tin Can" Homos Along
Canal Tow Pfth Mttet
Minimum Wage Law
Is Declared Illegal
Waahlnglon, Nov. 7. Peclnrlng
that the modern tendency toward
Indlxcr. minute leglalatlvn and Judicial
Jugglery with great fundamental qui
tlon of free government, If pemlated
In, would lend ultimately to "social
dlMorder and revolution," the District
of Columbia court of appeal today
held unconstitutional the minimum
wage law effective In the capital. In
holding the law Invalid and thereby I
rHlahliHhlng what I regarded an likely
to be a precedent of far-reaching Im
portance, the court of appeal re
versed II decision In 1021.
Akron, O., Nov. 7. Squatter
ereignty has no meaning in tha actlvl
lie of the state highway department.
Aenta 'are busy ousting itintter
from their cherished home on the
to path along the old Ohio ranal,
There are sbnut 85 hoiisci In ho
neighborhood of Karberton, construct
ed of tin tans, scrap metal and old
lumber, occupied by workliigjiien and
their families. .Most of thenj work
In Iturharton factories and paddle
across the canal In tha morning and
back at night.
A the dweller are mainly tran
sients, trouble waa expected by the
highway department when the exodus
waa projeeteed. However, the squat
ter are submitting stolidly to the
ejectment proceeding, which are In
Unded to free state property.
Our New Telephone Number Is ATlantic 8606-Ask Our Operator for the Department Wanted
Numerous Mexiean Rehel
Chiefs Request Amnesty
Mexico City, Nov. 7. According to
EI Mundo, In addition to request for
amnesty made by Generala rtosaol
Hernandez and I.uxiia Ilorcaaltas, nu
merous other rebel chief hav made
similar requests during tha past few
days, among them Juan Carrasco,
l'orflrlo rtublo, Antonio Ijirrnga and
M guel Aleman. Tha newspaper says
the war office la considering their petitions.
W ife of Rancher Surrenders !
After Killing Neighhor j
Ordway, Colo., Nov. ".Mr J. F
C'urllm, wife of u rancher living ;
northwest of Ordway, shot and k.lled
J. h. Todd, a neighbor, at the t'urllss !
tanch yesterday, and (In n, with her i
huflimid and five children, drove to j
Ordway, where Mrs. ('iiiIIks stirren- i
dered licrm lf to the sherilf.
Thn woman told the sheriff she bad I
shot In self defense after Todd had
attempted to nirike her with a ham
mer. It was said that Mrs, Curiiss
and Todd had quarreled over fences
and livestock.
Ship Hreuks Ocean Record
So Passengers Can Vote
New York, Nov- 7. Spurred on by
pusacnger who wanted to reach their
home in time to vote Tuesday, Copt.
Voldhcrg yesterday brought the Scandinavian-American
steamer thilted
Htate Into port 10 hour ahead of
time, breaking all records for the trip
from Chrlftlnnla to the United State
His sailing time was 9 days 14 hours.
The previous best record was 10 day.
Free State Has Deficit.
Dublin. Nov. 7. Latest estimate
Indicate that thn cost of governing the
free state for the present year will be
$200,000,000, while the revenue for
the snipe period will not exceed
THERE is a real
cushion tire. It isn't
half a solid and half a
pneumatic. It is the
Goodyear Patented
Hollow Center Cush
ion Tire resilient to
the last mile.
The Good-year Dealer
hat the right type of tire
and the right kind of
tervice for every hauling
condition. Call on him.
AT 0629 2205-7 Farnam St.
Series C No. 4
usiness Administration
is clarified bit notes made
with aAf
r V MB IM MM W4M flM I f I "v ' 11 i
A " "- r " ' 1 ak f . .
VajB-t-f-"" ,
Come in and
write with it
Wednesday Sales in Which
We Offer a Very Special Price On
Women's Winter Coats
New Styles and
Good Fabrics
When we say $25 coats you probably won't imagine anything
half so attractive as these new arrivals. It's hard to explain
how they can do it for the money. The best way is
to come and see for yourself.
lor instance, you'll find a handsome model in Ha
vvaiian blue with deep mandarin sleeves and back
embroidered in silk set off with a smart collar of
black caracul. It is lined in gray silk crepe. The style
and quality is that of a much higher priced coat.
Similar coats in Normandy, Orlandolctte, Delysia and
other pile fabrics are collared with Manchurian wolf
and caracul. 'The new Jacquette of caracul cloth with
side fastenings is shown among these models.
Then there are unusually clever utility coats swag
ger belted affairs with raglan sleeves made of warm
double faced coatings. Two big ptch pockets of
course, but also two muff pockets above the belt, if
you please. This type of coat is partial to raccoon for
its fur collar. Astrakan cloth is a novelty fabric
that also finds favor in this group. Sizes from 14
to 44. Second Floor West
Assured Style, Dependable
Quality and Moderate Price
Characterize These
w w
At 15 and
Every smart new style is
represented graceful
longer line frocks with
drapes or panels, uneven
or circular skirts. Metal
:rlmmlngs and embroidery
or sometimes soutache
braids add to their at
tractiveness. Such superior materials
as matelanse, crepe backed
.satins, canton and flat
crepes and I'olret twill are
Included. Tbe assortment
Is so large there Is
style and size suitable
for any type of figure.
Second Floor West.
For Winter Wear There Is
Nothing Smarter Than a
Fur Trimmed
Priced 23
The first thing that will im
press you about these suits
is the extraordinary values
they represent. Velours,
Stevana, Duvet de Laine
and twills arc trimmed
with beaver, squirrel and
caracul. Some are a bit
more fanciful with silk em
broideries or braiding. All
have been reduced from
higher prices earlier this
season. Sizes 14 to 44.
Second Floor North
1,500 Regulation Olive Drab U. S.
Army Blankets
Purchased at recent
auction of surplus
government property
at but a traction ot
their original cost.
They are classed as
75 per cent wool by
The government t but
a great many of them
are all wool.
Sizes Range From 64x80 to 68x84 Indies
Extra heavy and durable, these are undoubtedly the greatest
blanket! values offered by us in many, many years. Hotels and
rooming houses should supply their future needs. They are
unequalled for the hunter, construction camps, the tourist,
camper and sleeping lurches in fact, for all outdoor uses. Not
a blanket worth less than l.fiO and the values range to tUH).
NowThat It's Over
Now tli political ritmiuiitiu I over and we
may all lay auld our liliindrrliuiwra and re
sume friendly relation with una aiiiitnrr
In our attitude toward public mini we may
all profit by (lie lialilt hlmoiy lis nf sepa
rating the bat from I lie chuff. It uaunlly
accords place to an Individual on arneral
principle rather than in cunxlderatlon'of
liotulliirltloi which uiay have been offensive
to the men tif his time,
The KhortcoiuliiK of Alciandcr ll;uiillton
seemed very Important to the critics of hi
day, but we who olmurve him in hlntory give
scant attention to things whirl) brought
upon hi in condemnation l,y hi enemies. VV'e
e blm a a great conxtructor of constitu
tion, a man who was big wioijku to com
proinle upon hi own wvll-tlxed opinion
and who rendered ImuieuHurablu service In
laying the foundations of our government.
Our altuniiou I fixed upon the c-almnm
and tbe soundness of the couuhc.1 given by
Washington rather than upon tbo fault,
real or Imaginary, which hi enemies kepi
ever In view. We give no concern to the
alleged weaknesses of Jiifleriton so busy are
we In revering Mm tor hi Incomparable
work In the building of America.
The bitter things auld of l.lncolu are only
recalled In order that we may smile at the
way In which he towered above hi critics,
put self In the background, as no other pub
lic man In history has done, aud rendered
service to humanity.
Even the Irranclble Stanton in remembered
for the big ability and strong determination
be gave to America's cause at a critical mo
ment. So with other men of Lincoln's and
Stanton's time.
All of the no-called Inconiiltitency of Theo
dore Roosevelt becomes Insignificant In tbe
bright light which history ha shed over his
useful career.
It Is, then, Just as well that history has a
way of Its own In distributing Its honors,
and after all, history Is not what Napoleon
said It was: "An agreed fable," It Is pretty
accurate and In Its estimates much fairer
than current comment, for, as a rule, Its
writers are removed from the Wtter preju
dices of the period.
For Men
Men's Silk Striped Shirts
These are made of excellent silk
striped madras in attractive
patterns. Each, 1.98
Men's Flannel Shirts, 1.95
In navy, tan, maroon and other
desirable shades. For outdoor
wear men find there's nothing
more comfortable than a flannel
shirt. Each, 1.95
Men's Wool Socks
A special purchase enables us
to sell these at about one-half
their actual worth. They are
all wool heavy fellows, just
right for the man who works
outdoors. Per pair, 39c
Main Floor South.
Sale of Knit
At Unusual Prices
Many sensible people prefer to e spend
their tindcrwmtr money for a greater
number of ganin iiti at a lower price.
Here U an neeuMon which encourages
rich a plan f expenditure.
Princess May Union Suite
for Women, 80c
Medium and heavy weight units in fl'h
or unite, with or without fleece; no
leef I'odice or reputation top in an
kle length; these unit are ecuiid; firM
quality auitt of thU grade ae pried
at i ::.
Women's Woolen Union
Suits, 2.50
S. ivi arid odd I. .t-i tf ! wo. 1 ai d
part wv.l uiH, ! i.k!c ! iv!h wih
hik'h tieek atid bCf VtfVr ,r iv flrfli
ifid nn !rer; a fY I i 'l !' , I it
bot:y In ttM . d , !, i'm 4
Boys and Girls' Union
Suite, 70c
n e.r.W ini ,1 b s w. ' J i s t
a'l ',,'e, dr j an e! -. kn
nl liij,l,i ! ai e, htit t.i. in
rtry '!! ri !r I .,
ThitJ f.'..rC""r.
with Clip
i'tlrtthn nnd Stnicr at lift Wi r
the W orld Our
Zu i in i in i i ' ' i T