I llr. (J.IaIi.a iu.i. : iiiu iMii .v ........ i, . . - . . Olifcrvrg Silvrr WrtMing Anniversary. Mr, and Mr, N. M. (irnliam will iHrhrnt Ihrir (liver WviMln annl vrrary ltli an Informal ruriiiloii Ttiutu lay i vinlnK at II o'. Im k at tlulr h'ifnc, 431 Ht.tiih Tw nty-aw-ond ire ft, to which all frl.ml ami nlih l.r,ur Invited. Mr. and Mr, fiiutiam wre mar iM 25 year mo In Alma, Neb, Tliey lv lit-fii rll.nt i.f the H..uth fUUi fr 21 yeara, Mia. (iniliam waa for- rriMly Mini. A1 June I'arllng .f Clay ('nlrr. Wit lm litrn aetlv In linrc li and club work on tha Hoiilli Kiila hiiI Imih alia and Mr, (liulmm ar rumlm-iit In Kanic rn fUar rlrclr. Will Kntertain- for HridrMiiaiil. Mia tniile MrKwan will b tinat4 lit har hnma at lirlilK Saturday iiflarnoon In honor of M! Zarllna J'.iIhI.ih, vIii nmrrliiK l' Joaih l,l v. Ill b alfiimiK-fl Muvetnlfr 3 HutiiiilnV, Nnvanibi-r II, Mlaa Ilrl bin berarlf will la hnatcM ut lirldf, hIiii 1 1-p thri-e tirldmiili, who will arrive on tha 151 li, and h-r mal of honor, MUa I.y.lltt liurni-tt, will ba honor piHHtn. Theaa Kiieata will ba (bf Mihhi-n .fom'phlno I wia of Chi in lo, rixfiT of tha r.nmm; Adelaide I'.viiim of O'l City, Pu., and Mlaa Mil ili i-d Kiitimiua of Denver. For Mm. S. I. Kuali. Mia. K. K. Kiinhcrly lui'l eight ii. kI h tn luiu hfiin wlih ln-r Monday t tha t'lilvetalty club In honor of Mia KylvcKtar I. HiimH of Chldiro, who la atopplng ut the liliickmorie ho 1i llila wei-W. Xmiiiim.e I iieKCIiieiit. Mia. yiiini n, Hoai'tiHtnck ut a fam ily dinner imrty Saturday evenlnif at Ilia Hrmili-! n-Mtii urant aiitioiiiired I ho 'nifi''in,nt of her d uiKbtiT, .! ), to I in v 1.1 Hoai'iiatock. - Mlaa Ko untuck la very well known In Omaha, mid la Kencnil i.-rctary of tha Jew lh Welfare naaoclntlon. Mr. Ho i natix-k la it Hoiilli Hid.' alock dealer and Uvea lit tbo Kluckalone hotul. No date hita been aet for tha wd-illiifr. Wed in Dcs Moines ) s ? J j I ji Mrs' Mrs. Merrill Talks i on Season's Books Mra, Alithopy Kranch Muri'lll oprnrd her aenra of I lIKn fir I ha ucull M ni'liiy inortuiiH, llliickxliiiiH li.it. I, aiieiikliiK on 'KriidliiK 'I'li.il llnlivi-n l,lf." "TldiiKa Worth Whllo for Ltlauia Aiiiioiincfrneiit of tha initrrlaKa of Mlaa Mury h. Myera of CIiI.iuko und Nim-I it. Jlfiith of (imiiliii hua been re- celvad br. The cernnimiy wiia per fm mad on Hut winy, Novemlwr 4 1U22, t I'ea Molnaa, In., mid lla nn lioijiireineiit cornea na n ).!. on n t aur prlaa t.) ninny frlaniU of tho yoliiiB b'opla In Oiiinhn, Tha brlile la a d-iuuliter of Mr, and Mia. Kllla I., Myera, former renldetita of fhla city, Ihn fnmlly lmvlni( ra moved to I'IiIchko nily In Hepiem her, Hha la moat. (IiiiiiiiIiik mid will incclVH h wiiiiii welcome upon her te turn to (irniihu. Ifouia" la tha aiibjmt of her aer.'j "Ixilaur Imuia ai our Jewela, uar precliiue poaamaluna, a,h t lrliniliK Ilirtliday. Mra. Ouatina (Juat celebrated liar Mill birthday at the home of ht-r In lighter, Mra. Alexander Beck, on Xovcmlier 3. A dinner purty waa Blvfti In hi?r honor, ut which 10 of her cloae frlenda were preaent. In apitu of her an Mra. fluat la hiile and heiirty and aient her birthday rccclv Ini? conifratulatlona and enjoying the Klfta and flow era which were ahower ed upon her. 1','vi'lilnif Miiaicalt. Mra, T.cna KUnworth DhI enter t.ime.l et a ibumUhIu lant evening at her homo whfn liar ptiplla and frietida preaentpd the aec.ond act of Carmen. Mlaa Kithcrlne flalliialirr Interpreted the Carmen dnnce. k'orty gueala were liivited. MImb Pntrlrlii McAvoy entertained 14 Buests I'rlilay evening In honor of MIm Mary Dontlly, who la to be mar ild Ihe latter part of the month. Personals MissWinkelman Is Awarded Honors Helen 1. Winkelinan of Omaha baa Juat bien nwuiiled upeclul hnnora for hijfh acholaatlo nl taluim-nt iIiiiIiik the fliat two yeitra of the. homo uconomlca courae, accorillnK I" in nnnouiicement made by the University of Wlaconalti. Ten of all the atudenta who com peted wera recoifiilzed. Kludetita In the unlveralty from the alutea of VriKlnlu, l'eiiiiaylvanlii, .NebiAHka ann Illlnola furiilxhed thu HicIkith with their hardeat competition. Ktu:h year atudtnta at the college of aKrlculture who have completed two yeara of college work and who have the hlgheat ecliolitMtlu record are aelected. For IiIkIi hnnora It la neoeeaary to avernKa n Ki'iido of ex cellent In nearly every auliject. An iiveraKO ffiado of good, or a little bet ter, la i(jiuirnl to gain entranro to the honor cliiaa. Mra. J. II. HtiiiHen la the gucat of Mra. Karl Koater In Lincoln. Victor Dletr haa taken nn apart ment at the Kl Heudor for the winter. Dr. mid Mra. 11. ('. Kiiuiney are x pected home Friday from .in extended fciiHtern trip. 1 Vred Kvana la apendlng the week end In Fremont aa the Kiiest of Mr. and Mra. O. p. Martin, Jr. Dr. and Mra. lioula TUiahman re tinned Hunilay from Hnaton, Maaa., jind other eautern poinla. Mia. K. V.. Kimberly la expecting Mlaa Kllwibeth Rolfe of Itedliinda, i'al., to be her guest during the Xmaa holidaya. Aiiniveranry hurpiihf. A aurprlse waa given Mr. and Mra. John Iaraon, on their twenty -fifth weddinK annlverHiiry. Thuia.lay eve tiltiK. November 2, at tho Kwcdlah auditorium- Five hundi-cd people were prcaent. After a program re freabmenta were aerved. The remain der of tho evening waa apent In dune-InK- Mr. and Mra. Laraon were pre aented with a beautiful cheat of all ver. The "bride" waa alao given n bntiutlful white gold engraved bund ring arid the "groom" 76 allver dol-l.-ira. Mr. and Mra. Laraon have four children, Dorothy, Ieallf, lli-hn and Mra. It. D. Voun of Columbiia, Mra. Turner I-eavea, Mra. Kupert'Turner of Manchestr, Kngland, who haa been tho guest of Mra. John rtedkk for the past few weeka, left Hunday evening for Hot Hprlnga, Va., en route to her home. Sunday morning Mra. Turner waa honor guest at a riding party and country breakfast. Fur War !b it her . The Jolly Henloia will give a bene fit dance for tho American War Moth era Tuesday evening at Crounae hall. moat atiitvl. "It la poMlbl t.i create by dealrlng," ah aald, aiikwertiig Ihe oft heard com plaint of "no time" for reflection ami aiiidy. Hooka diacuaaed by Mra. Merrill weie; "Marl Cli"lnlli. " bv t,nula llolnnn "AM, l'irr," Ijh J William llieli-'B "AUiimi T.air," It Anna iuulmi a..1a lrk. 'Ullinpa of Ilia ttoun," hy Edith Whi.ri.ia "li... Vlimnt fl!!!." Ii Wrort tllne.l. ''lh l.uit Vallay." I'lf Kathflnt OmhuI'I. "Milln.in," Krnt I'u'ile. ".l.,ann Ou.lil. ii," ly aim.l K HlliHIl, ileiilt ,lll." t.r Iloiilh Yarkluitaa. "iiHianii." i.r iinii-ir lwin. "in,, ,,f Oui," l.y W i 1 1 a I'a.li.r "I hl I' r. 't.HH." Ur A, a. M. HutrlilwiB "l i luin l'.'..i.l ft iiiMirtlir," ty Kmlili-'n Nuiiu. "ll.ibbltt' Mra. Merrill pronounced the moat vulteir hcaik aha had aver lend. "Inexcusably vulgar." Him an- ciiiled l.ewla tha mot marvelou photographic skill of any oim wi lting, lilt hi picture, of a modern Miy an low as to be an Instill and a lie. "lla leuvea us u city so coarse, mean, Vul gar mid dry that ww tin vn no hope lwla seems to hate," Mra. Morrill aald. "lie hated 'Main HI reel' and he hatea 'HalibHt.' il aeea With distorted Vision." 'One of Oura' should not be men tioned In thu same brent li," she con tinued, and "Millions" aha rvferrxd to as an artistic, dellculn picture of American llfn with slight plot, but compelling and iilisoibliig. "I'ertaln I'eopla of Importance" la "clever and amusing but baldly worlh while. The charnclnra are futile, ivunesci-tit, ahallow and poverty tilfk. n Mentally, morally and spirit-uallv." "(lentle Julia." according to Mra. Merrill' brief review, find In mild humor It own excuse, fur being. Joanna dodden" la a remarkable Kngllsh atory, aullled to aoma extent, Mr. Merrill Inferred, by a rldlvulou atroke of aex which may have been the Influence of W. J'. Oenrge, a clnaa friend of tho author. Mra. Merrill spoliu In strong term of fleorge' grosa and continual nso of the ccx appeal. "Tho Vehement Flame" reveala the poison of the passion of Jealousy, the. speaker aald. It la a wholesome pic ture of what absolute, absorption -run do. "Love 1 1 in t will not learn and insists only upon being loved, riefeata Ita own end. "Adrian Toner" la ft atudy In the dominance, she continued. Adrian goca through life, riot learning by experience, but turning from one situation to another aiway seeking to dominate. 'Abho rierre" la "a prelly medita tion on life, rnoro aelf consclnua than Mar.u Chupdi laltiR." Tho la: t named book, waa praised tinstlntlngly. "(lllmpsca of tha Moon" la Kdllh Wharton' best book In the opinion of Mra. Merrill. It possesses strong moral farnestness. The bond of, marriage Is (dearly presented in this work. "Truo marriage reata not In the laws l ilt In tho soul. Nothing la so dllllcult to adjust aa a senso of honor," alio declared in speaking of the Wharlon book. The pew Idea toward which we tend la, Mra. Merrill averred: "If we wish with all our hearts to have or to be, wa shall grow toward .that goal. Violent combat frequently creates the opposition we should avoid. I m Ml Sit IPV-TIMt TALCS FATTY COON MORE OF HIS ADVENTURES I IIAI'TKU xx. Not Hotel. (inn morning tha coming of dawn found Fatty Conn far up tin ld of f'.lu mountain, wher h hud wan derinl during lh night. "It liter than I thought," h ri eliilmed aa lia came out of the woixla into tha back paature, Intending to cut uerosa'the field and (o reach hi home In Ca.lar Hwamp. At that hour the light In the wood was dim, Hut In the open paature It wua almost Ilka dav. All ut once Fully felt ao sleepy that ha made up hi mind ha wouldn't go horn that morning, but would find a snug place to sleep right there on th edge of th woods, A tall hemlock towered above him. In ita lop waa a neat of aome kind whether crow' or iulrrel Fatty neither knew nor cared, "That look lik u good bed," h muttered, And climbing th Ire, ha uulckly iiindw hla way to tha neat, curled up Inaldu It and murmuring to himsvlf, "It a a crow'," he f II asleep. lla slept all day long, F.van lata In tha nfli riioon, when ho usually dew wakeful, Fatty Coon atill anug itlcd lusldM tho neat In th top of the tali In uiloi'k, At last he awoke with a atart. A lioaraa and a nary vole wa bawling, "(let out of I hut bed! Do you think this la a hotel?" It waa old Mr. Crow. II bad com home all tired out from gossiping up and down Fleuaaut Vtilley, lla want ed to go to aleep, And there wua somebody In hla bed! When Fatty (Toon law who It wa that bad disturbed him lie derided to liava some fun with Mr. Crow. II wa not sleepy, II wa feeling In high aplriia. I "Were you railing m for supper?" Fatty Inquired, i '1 wa not," cried th old gentla num. 1 "Then oti wer Jut a going to." aald Fatty. "Thank you, Mr. Crow! I uccept your Invitation with plea lire." "ll.i"' Mr. Crow anorted. "tlupper, , Indeed! I've had mine: and imw, Ilka all giaal people, I'm ready for bed. You'll get nothing to eat here. I'm J not una of these night pmw Ura, who , rat at all hours and never go to bed until dawn and then sleep ull (lay III somebody else bed." "What did you hav fur your sup per, Mr. Crow?" Fatty Inquired pleasantly. "Never nti riilnd!" Mr. Crow re torted. "Never ou mind, young man!" Fatty knew well enough that Mr. Crow bad inudo hi supper of corn. My Marriage Problems Ad.la (iairitsa't Ntw lki af "Kevelations of a Wife" ICupfnaht Kti) 14 Problems That Perplex , lit lleabdra lalrax. Iftihtebs Twice. Misa Hutli Heatty will he hoslnss on Tueailuy ami Wedneaduy at bridge at her home. It' Heat to Walt. Dear Mlaa Fairfax: I am 20 and I am seriously In love with a girl threu yeara my Junior, whom I have been going with fur the laat alx months. My salary la small and have no other tlnunclul backing on either aide, but I am pursuing soma atudie which i be lieve will maku me a real man In the next few year. Kliu la Intelligent and Industrious, and also good nutured, On tho whole, she aeema to be th exact type of girl for me, I need not muke any com ment aa to whether alia love ma o. not, us I have found her to be sincere In every respect. There la a problem now existing In our minds aa to whether we should marry or not. FREDDY. It would auem Infinitely wiser f r you two young folk to wait, way, three yeara, at least, Ky that time yuu will have ucuompllahed much la tha way of buslneaa progress when you have the stimulation of ao fine a girl, Three year puss quickly, and beforo you know It you will be all act und ready to establish a bom on a aound baala. Another Faint Heart. Deur Mis Fairfax: There 1 a young man whom 1 have met only once, and I like him very much. I know he likes niu, as he lia told my girl frlenda ao. It wa In my own home that I met him. Now, Mlaa Fairfax, I would like to go nut with this young man. Kindly advise me what to do. He Is very bashful. "JXJHOTHV." I gather you have already Invited him to your home, which I about th only preliminary step a young lady I allowed to take. You will have to trust to fate, plus a tactful Interest In the young man, perhaps through your girl friend. Tha bashfulneaa may be overcome ere long. lliicl: Why not tell the boy frank ly there la no girl whom you feel privileged to Invite and suggest that they provide the extra girl thennelve to make up thu foursome. Etrainj good hotel fv $f thy Umt a da taoa tucurttl. II never at anything el whan he could get that. "Do you think there' enough left for me?" Fatty inquired. "No!" Mr. Crow thundered. "There Isn't." "I didn't mean corn," Fatty aald. "Oh!" Mr. Crow exclaimed hastily, "Than perhaps there la. . Hut you had better hurry. There may not be any left by th time you get there." "Oet where?" Fatty asked him, Old Mn Crow began to fidget, Me couldn't quit ee wher all this talk waa leading. Me closed hla bill tight ly, telling himself that lie wasn't going to anuwer any nrnrl quest lona. "I didn't suppose" auld Fatty, settling himself comfortably In Mr. Crow' bed "1 didn't aupposa there were any birds' egg to be found at this time of year." "Birds' eggs!" cried Mr. Crow. "I should any not! Miuven't ceen one for months." "Kvory good hotel serve egga three times a day," Fatty Coon declared! 1 ahan t stir until I have three for my supper." "Then you may atarv here, for all I care!" Mr. Crow squalled. "I!o lde, I've already told you this waHn't, a hotel." "I'ardon me!" aald Fatty. "I'll be going alow? now. It' my mistake, Miv Crow." "I should ay It was your mistake," Mr. Crow scolded us Fatty scrambled down th tree, "Vou certulnly ought not ever to try to keep a hotel," Fatty called back at him. "Vou know what a good bed Is: hut your meal are the poorest I've ever eaten." (Copyrlht, 122. Tha Invitation Jerry Tlrer lining lit Madge. My mother-In law would bava been amply revenged for my appartntly nomii. Hunt rrcrplioii of bar news could she buve atan in after aha had swept offend, illy out of the room 1 locked the door behind her and threw myaelf fu. downward on th lied to do battle with lb raging, piluil live jealousy wiilcli mm leant up Willi In me at tha eight of tha photograph or intra foster, with It buar In mrlptlon to Dicky. I iiiul.l carry off to her my slilly toleliint statement that Dicky bad dozen of such photographs, and my belief that neither hla possession of trie li.ti . kiii t ii in -I ihe liiMrriinlon up on It meant iinvihlng vital to inn Itui t could not convlncu my own jealous; amil, though my common aensu and my knowledge1 of my temiieriinien (al l'eler i'au tiled to whlsoer to hi that I had uttered only lha truth to Dicky wrathful mother. Ho for an hour that seemed a week, 1 tortured myself with conjecture aa to th true meaning of tha thing which appear ed to l.a correlated Dicky alienee, Dr. I'd l It's hints, arid tha discovery of th photograph. I.flllau'a knock I can alwuva dlstln gulsh It front that of any one else- brought iim. to an upright position, and a Wild eyed glimpse of myself In tho mirror. My eyes ware reddened, my faco gray, my hulr dishevelled, "Wll you eomo back In flv min utes?" I called In a careless an In tonation aa 1 could manage. "(if course," sha returned cheerily, and I frantically euttihived the Inter val I hud named In bathing my eyes and face, robbing my clu-ek Into color, and m ranging mv hair. When sho returned 1 looked fairly pre sentable again, although i had no hope, that her keen eye would not recognize my depression. A Kara .lest. 8he gave only a cursory glance at mi-, however, ami spoke with the amused Intonation which aha always uses in speaking of Jerry Tlcer. "Our redoiihtablu Jerry wulla be low," she an Id, "and rrave speech with thee, I tried to get hlin to un fold hi soul to me, but all I gould get out of him waa 'yea, ma'am, no ma'am. I'll wait for Mis' (iruhani, ma'am.' " . It. la a rata eat to Lillian mil Dicky, this single-track devotion of simple Jerry Tlcer to me, and they never full to give mo the full benefit of their mirth whenever possible. Hut I flatter myself that, neither of them ever guesses that sometime the Jest grows a trifle monotonous and an novlng. "I always knew Jerry was a per son of rare good sense," 1 retorted lightly, "I'll come down directly, Are you with me, or are you, too Jeal oua?", "It will ba a terrible strain, but I'll try to hide my feeling," aha said. "And Jerry la simply brimming over with aomclhltig that may be inter esting. J really couldn t mis It. Wa found Jerry In the kllchan with ! Junior on his Un.-e and Msnon Iktien lug abiutietly to hi talk of lh XHllotls Moment hi Slid HI del mil nut Is whose patron saint h was. IK Jumped on a he saw me, with Hie liiiiat loiirtesv which ha lwii ex hibit, lh,.iili I am aura he nrvrr hit beard of the convention which ila maiida that man nsa when a worn an ent.-ia tha .'iu. "Oh, Here III MaII!" "VV'i mnkln' tl.ier down at our house, Mia' liiuham," hw aald, "an' Maw ah want to know if "il all won't come down. You know V.trion liked It when she wa mil her be fore, and Junior old enough now to di ink soma. Isn't ha?" Junior Jumped up and down In de light, though I knew be had tin cllahl est Idea of what Jerry meant. Hut Jriry'a appearum generally Hs hoiiim dellghiftd farm enperleliee to tha children, who ar devoted to til in, and mv I.mI.v boy Is mailing l( not demonstrative. "Doiuier love ll'ler," Iim announced "D.M.iicr dink drat big pailful!'' Jerry threw back hi bead and laughed so loudly that lha wooden beam of th kitchen echoed. To hlin, any remark of Junior' la th keen eat witticism. "Ain't he lh cut Utile shaver, though?" he asked of tho nearest wall. Then h turned again to m. "M and Paw got a rtundv nies of seal lop laat night, and Maw snvs If you all wll come down aha II fry a bi "We'll ba right over." I promised, for we have learned that mi of Mra, Tlcer Invitation la pot to be treated lightly. Hha I lha best cook In Ihe surrounding country, and her treat ment of any kind of e foisl Dlckv declare to b th hlgheat form of art. "That' fine." ha asserted heartily. "Oh, her' th mall and paperal I nearly forgot, And I'll go back and 111 ma'am. No, ma'am," and ducking III head after hi Invariable phrase, b went nut of the kitchen, tagged close ly by th kitten, while I sorted lh mall feverishly, finding, however, no word from Dicky, a I had ho-d ugaifial hope (her might be. ' (i'npvntii, mi.) A barber' idea of n enterprising citizen I on who shave-himself. f Ounces for ggjt K.C BAKING POWDER No better made regardless of price MILLIONS Of POUNDS BOUGHT BY THE GOVERNMENT a Mra, R. W. Nash will leave Tuea iluy for a visit with her daughter. Mrs. George Meyers, and Mr. Meyers In Dubuque, la. Mrs. Meredith Nicholson j f Indian apolia, who haa been with her brother, Charlea T. Kountzo, plan to leave this week for her home. Mia Mail Murphy returned last week from I.os Angeles and San Francisco, wher aim haa been for tha past six week with relative. Mr. and Mra. Charls I.evlngs of l!tes I'ai'k lell Sunday night for their winter home In Florida after a visit hei with Mr. nd Mra. Mark Levlng. Mr. It.- Towle returned last week ftr a summer spent In Wla inin. The past few week ll h been In chl. m", w heie Mrs. Livings ton Full bank Wa her hosier. Mr. and Mrs. It. chard Cian r-f Madison. Wis, will arri In Decem ber I" l nd I'M' Nm-i lioll.biv with Mr Crm mother. Mr T. I.. King--H. and M as iv.rotby liiegwall. Mra r C llertfy leave Omnha Khort'v sf'T lha holidays f r Sm JViim Is. o sad wills Iroin that i USI V f five inert h I ills-- ' b t IjI her aii'imd lh wmld Mi wtil i I.. llii.iii'u i r a sh-it ai d then, en to J in, fi lUrvry V-t-i H and dnH i,. Mix l:rl5 N,tjinh I i .ii , iLtii.i.Dy fr.oi I eg K.h, i ,! , h.o (hv bv ii ilHii.ef Mn ! K. mi, ! pifuit.l t-'h l.! I" t i . , 1 K .' ! V f S.re. h. h tt-u ' n l.lf-l' NfM4, M,lt i... i' f.i ii t . t' ( i k. .iiiMt a I r. (SBaeaiQ) Dontlistentocheap u w w JLr or big can baking Mtf&tRKwG powder stories. Re-: Are Expensive heX l Pnced p baking powders are not always economical their use many times means disappointments results are what count UCE Tha Economy BAKING POWDER be positive of results and cut down your baking expenses, you are throwing away baking powderand cxpensivemateriaU if you are not, using CalumetJ Millions of housewives use it, so do leading Domestic Scicnca Teachers cooking experts great railroads and big hotels. Calumet sates wo 150$ greater than that ot ny other bmnd; Huy it-try It-bo conlnced. HTlTTftT THE WOIILD'S GREATEST MAKING VOWDEll Indisputable fads IPS as true that there are grades in bread as it is that two plus two equal four. Yet so many folks, apparently, fail to realize it. Too often we hear women say, "Give me a loaf of bread." You'll make a wise choice when you select BETSY ROSS. It is highest in nourishmentand of unvarying quality, day after day. In BETSY ROSS we use the finest materials scien tifically blending and processing them. Thus we produce a loaf of the highest mod value. It is a perfectly balanced ration. Your husband, the children those who look to you for their meals quickly show you that they K refer BETSY ROSS to just ordinary bread. Sec ow quickly they ask for more. You'll probably have to order more bread, but it will replace other more expensive food. So, don't ay brcad-wy BETSY ROSS. The Jay Burns Baking Company I "emergency' trentiiio J) V VAPOflW - t'Vlsl r ; T l. Draperr;:; n4 I,.lll- tiimi ' &i5 k H D r" 3'' ti I ill I'n.- tr ir. '. IM"". 'Sj l.'lltllil..', I. Kin. inrii.t $1.00 30 inch ft";,';;;;';;: Kow, Mulberry .,,. .Mi IV r jara $2.65 45-inch Mi""""- "" Mullicrry, IU, I;' '" viiriiiii i'oiiil)iiif',i',,,r"' rolors. IVr yar.i .niillhT- 60o Oretonnei ii a jtu color, and hr, JVr yanl I hum; ok 1.25 Oretonnei tm Holccrioii of intl-71T-ho--- ynnl , KRTY. A complt howlns)MK Panl nd Ti'iean a" frm., yrd l pcll prioint'ii'i) t-r p """ i , 1 1 FREE FS&r- Wednesday, Nov. t, -at 8 P. M. V W Will Olv Aw)T ,-,'ir. FREE - 3-PieceMahoganr Bedroom Suite " and 45 Other Useful Household Articles 'Com In and Ak About It " No Purcha Rquird Gilvanizcd Water Pall, larga Size, heavy handles, special , ftt .lot Wash Board, concaved, heavy -bra Ilnlahed waahboanls, , at 5ft Oalvanlxd Wain Tub, madU urn ilze I not aruall) heavy ; galvanized tub .......65$ Earthtnwar Mixing Bowl,' full et of five glazed mlilng bowlfl, at -.794 Glas Mixing Bowl, et of ilv , clear glaa mixing bowl. graduated ilze ........ 701 ,.! Mahogany Finished Foottol covered wltli mohair, veloue , or tapestry '79t'," Golden Oak Foottool, cov ered vlth imitation leather,'' at ..70 . Cloth BaKU, hcayy ova shape flat splint clothe,' baskets Waffl Irons, every housewlf , should have one of these -for ..-050 , Galvanized Ash Cans, heavy ribbed 10 gallon ash . cans for 91.95 It Pay to Rd Bown' AO. Galdsn Osk Kitchen Ctblnets 919.75 USED Base urnsis 91100 UP Osk H(itr no 2i ur 6 T... G4 t,e ! Ve lu t ) a , i,M tm Mt te tm nmi r t m u ! wstialM (wvsr . fUkM M'tiWt tV m rWM. as- W r AfJ UitttMM t4 WU.t-it . USf AU HiM htif