THE OMAHA BEK: TUESDAY. NOV h.MHhH V. n n i i tiuniiT unicrcii Held for Death of Peacemaker Man Puhlml Friend Aside During Quarrrl Or dered Tried ly In quest Jury. A coroner' Jury yeterduy after- r.oon recommended trial of OeoiK It. Turner In district court fur tha death Of HukH Riley, hi friend, who acted peacemaker when Turner menaced hi mother-In law Holiday rilht it "9 avonwnrtli street. KlKht wlt Iiesse were examined. A a result of tho recommendation, fcrrorrilnir ,0 Acting Coromir fitclti wendcr, tha chflrKi will h one of manslaughter. Mm. Mary Turner, wlfa of the ac ended nmn, testified that Kllry hart been In tho hublt of visiting; with her mother, h-r husband and herself fur the post three or four years. Hund.iy afternoon, dim Ruid, Itllcy came to the renisa ahout 1:30. According to her testimony, aha and h r husband hud a (mail argument over the correction of their baby. Mm. Turner's mother Joined In the dincusslon. At this point Illley enme Into tho room, "lie ah Id, and her hus band pushed hltn aside, Klley falling to tlie tlnor on Ida fata. iHialh vi-m due, testified l)r. M. C'leneKhun, from mi extensive heninr ihajte of the train, which could have Veen canned by a full or by a blunt Irmtrumenf , but not by n clenched nt, Turner did not take the tund In his own behalf, Blank Shell Wounds Boy; Cousin Sought Jakle W'HK'ier 14, and hi two cou lns, Joseph Wagner, 15, and Hennle Wagner, 4, wvre plnylnB In a house at Thirteenth and (irac streets Won d.iy afternoon. Jakle was running tho sewing ma chine, according to the story he and Hennle told police, lie was using paper ItiNtend of cloth and wan mak ing all ort of artistic, fancy and fantastic: designs for the edification of little Hennle, A he rounded out. the form of a lion, Joseph la alleged to have called to him: "Come on. Oct away from that sew ItiK machine." Jukle kept on for the sake of Hennle, Joseph Is suld to have snatched a fchotgun, cut off that portion of a shell which, contain tho buckshot, In serted the blank shell Into the Kiln, filmed It at Jakle and pulled tho trigger. Jakle was wounded In the left thigh. Joseph fled. Police surgeons treated Jakic's wound and police officers began to sourch for Joseph. Joseph lives at 2409 North Thir teenth street. State Fighting to Keep Democrats Would Mrs. Hall From Grand Jury Trick Voters by raise aiirmUurr Km.' . V I 25 w Jr tA jf 1 m svaMCMtflBsaBRtatanataaasaaaaaaraMM Sjairiou Cirrulari Endorsing Di-mocrutic Candidate Sent to Merlon of Jewish Hurt. Radio Aerials Across Streets Frowned on by City Council Tho city council approved yesterday the city electrical department's refusal to grant permits for the Installation of radio aerial wires across downtown streets. The standard Bridge com pany wished to place a radio aerial from the City National Bank building to the Hurgess-Nnsh store. It Is prob nble that this aerial will be placed on top of a downtown building. The standard Bridge company Intends to communicate with Its Pacific const offices by radio. These are the first posed photographs of Mrs. K, V. Mall since Hie murder In New llrunswbli, N. J., of Iter husband, Ituv. Kduurd Wheeh-r Hull, and Ida "wonder heart" choir leader, Mrs. Kh iior Mills. New Bi'unswJi k, N. J., Nov. 8. (By A, P.) The prosecution In tha Hull Mills murder Investigation, It became known Inst nlchl, Intends to avail It self of every legal right to prevent Mrs, Frances Noel Htevons Hall, widow of the slalt rector, from appearing be. fore the grand Jury which probably will convene this week for an Inquiry into the crime. Mrs. Hall has expressed a willing ness to sign a wulver of Immunity. The widow would muke lier plea to appear, It was understood, on the giound that she regnrds herself as having been put under suspicion by tho account given authorities by the socullcd "eyewitness," Mrs. Jane Gibson. Under the New Jersey law, she is entitled to the opportunity to clear herself of this suspicion. Deputy Attorney General Mott, spe cial prosecutor conducting the Investi gation for the state, will be In New Hrunswlek on Thursday, According to present reports, to prepare fur the I presentation of the case hcfoia the Jury. James Mills, wldotvcr of the slain woman, ulxo expressed a willingness to appear before Hie grand Jury. "They know my alibi," he suld "and I'm perfectly willing to appear." iyocul authorities said that through tlm discovery of new witnesses, they bad been able to account for almost every moment of tha time of Mr. Hull between tho hour when ho was colled from his home on the night of Hep tember J4, until afier II, when the idioritlngs a ru believed to have oc cttrred. The new witness Is said to be Imvld ripeliler, it grocer, and his story, which Indicates that the rector took h little used route to reach the Phil lips farm, Is that, hn met a man an swerlng Mr. HiiII'm description on the road beyond tho end of the trolley line by which Mr. Hull Is known to have ridden from Ms home to the city limit. Yepginen Fail in Attempt to Hlow Pipgly Wipgly Safe Yeggmeu foiled themselves Sunday night when they attempted to blow the safe In Plggly Wiggly store No. 11 Kt 2211 Miliary avenue The safe ' contained between $.'i00 and $500. The yeegs soaped the cracks of the safe door, planted t lr long fuse and then spilled some of the nitroglycerin on the fuso so that when the spark reached the wet portion It was extin guished. The safe was unharmed. Reward of $200 Is Offered for Chicken Coop Raiders The Bennington Protective assocla tlon has offered ;W reward for the capture of the thieves who have been stealing chickens from farmers In the Bennington vicinity during the last few weeks. Sheriff Clark, though he his "planted" deputies near Bennington, has been unable to apprehend the thieves. Dog Hill Paragrafs By George Bingham Two Rabbis to Officiate at Hier of Mrs. Kulukoftdty Ttabbl Itlvkind of Des Moines and Rabbi Herman Cohen of Kansas City, bi'other-ln lttw, will officiate at the funeral service today at 1 for Mrs. J. Hurry Kulakofsky, who dld early Monday of "sleeping sickness." A large number of out-of-town relatives a I. no are here. Pallbearers will be Harry A. Wolf, Herman Auerbach, Carl Ketleman and Pr. Barney Kully of Omaha and Harry Olnabcrg and Kills I.e.avltt of Beg Moines. Burial will bo In Both Hamedrosh Hagodol cemetery. Driver Dazod When Truck Overturned by Flivver W. 11. McQueen, 1821 Davenport street, was thrown to the pavement and dazed Monday afternoon when tha American Transfer compuny truck he was driving at Tenth and Jackson streets was overturned In collision with a flivver driven by Jack Man dolff, 806 Pierce street. The flivver was demolished. Mandolff whs ar rested on a charge of reckless driving. r High School Students Hear Howell on Efficiency The valuo of efficiency In any worthy enterprise was Impressed on an audience of Central high school students by R. B. Howell, republican candidate for United States senator, when ha spoke to them and to the school faculty In the school auditor ium yesterday. Father's Love of Children Halls Wife' Divorce Suit Threo little children were responsl bio for the reconciliation of tho Clydo Mlckel family yesterday In District Judge Wokely's court. Iwist week Mrs, Anna Mlckel brought divorce action against Clyd'J Mlckel, secretary of tho Mlckel MuhIo company. Hlie alleged cruelty, Mlckel told Judge Wukely that lie could not be separated from his chil dren, so the reconciliation wns effected. Chicago-New York Through Trains Restored on R. & 0. Dulllmore & Ohio trains Nos. 7 and 10, canceled during thu shopmen' strike last July, will be restored to their original through runs between Chicago and New York next Kunduy, November 12, according to telo- graphio Instructions received from Chicago Monday by D. O. Heynolde, district freight and passenger repre sentative In Omaha. An 11th hour campaign trick Involv false signatures to circulars sudors lug democratic rand.datea was rx posed yesterday afternoon. Onn circular urges tha reelection of Hemitor Hitchcock . Tha other favor I.loyd Mitgney for county at lorney and M, I.. Hiidre for sheriff, Both are addressed lo voters of Jewish race, that of Henutor Hitch cock starting out; ".Senator Hitch rock tins always been a good friend to Him Jewish people." "I wonder If the same trick la be- Ing pulled on Methodists and Baptists and the rest," asked on Irate reclpl ent. The Hitchcock endorsement carries 21 purported signature. Here I flic score on these: J i. lllrsi h, moved to California, J, Crounse, did not sign, A. Itosen, did not ilgn. Max Hoseiithul, did not sign. Moses ffchatz, moved to phllu delphla three years ago. William Helm, did riot sign. W. Hplcgle, did not sign. Of the rest, several are not known In Omaha. Tint Magney Kndre circular pre tend to carry an endorsement of theso candidates by thw Omaha lie. brew club and the local B'nal H'rllh, Presidents of both organisations, Ar thur Jlosenblimi and Dave (Ireenberg, hsvo written a letter repudiating such an endorsement. Of the names signed to the circular, Alexander Dee, A. Itosen, William Hani! and F. Hplgle have inado affidavit that they did not sign, Cripple, 75, Tells of Robbery by Violence Joe Hmlth, 211 Hotilli Twelfth street, wa bound over In central police court Monday under 1500 bonds on charge of highway robbery preferred by Mike Volor, 75, a. cripple, who ac cused Kmlth, In a drurnatio appeal In court, of choking him mid robbing hlui of $S.D0 bh he sat on o street corner In Omaha a month ago. Volor included In his dramatic speech a story that Kmlth married a gypsy girl In Austria and two year Inter brutally murdered her father. Kmlth denied this, snylnjr hi wife now I living In Austria with her father. Police have communicated with Austrian authorities to check up Volor' Htory. October Breaks Record for Auto Accidents Here Ot toiler set a new I !22 record for automobile accidents In Omaha, ac cording to figures compiled by Jullu Ktlgge, secretary to Chief of Police DcriipNuy, , Ktlggo' record show T accident during tha month, causing two death and injury to 72 wron. The high t for any other month In 110 J 7U accident, In September and July each. Tho October total Is mure than double tin' number nf nccldents com blned fur January, February, March April, May and June. Ths total for the year to date are DT. accidents, 12 death and 437 In Armistice Day to Ra Observed in Schools Armistice day will be observed In tb schools on Friday. The general method of observance will bo to Im press the children with the signifi cance, of Ihe event, It will be an oc casion for patriotic lesson and thought. POt lTir At, ADVKHTINKMKNT flfanley lor Congress 1 MEANS REAL SERVICE I For This District DRESSLSNDw.r.Vu MODERATE PRICES JmliraOrTkin 1512-DouglasSt Andy Gump to Get Election Returns at Rialto Tonight Andrew Gump, 100 per cent for the people and the Independent candidate for congress, who wears no man' col lnr, will receive the return from tha general election today at a special midnight show at the Rlolto theater tonight. State and county election re turn also wilt be thrown on the fOl lTK At, At KKTINEMf.NT. rOIJTirAIi AnVKHTIMCMKNT. Jefferson Pollocks wiy a f.milly ernnitimen inns out "f to irlv eny. think, a be bad to r t op hi mom- , .v' ' itm FPU CONGRESS WIUIS O.IUftS se I e. ' . i asl Wir s a I in t' Kt' ii I es 4i - a i f1 4 ti r n 4 4 i. u. t-. , m r U'.l felt II t to-t t f- V . " 4 t f a C !.. A!f !. - ( h () fvt.iS t ! lift' it Ik I ,-.!,. VS I- o- aswai itti I i .t m i tMvsiaKy M i U ks ! ' .i t m lr imi!( I . .J to . .e I ! -w VOTE for Judge Sears for Congress. He has served you faithfully and ef ficiently as a mem ber of your state legislature, as speaker of the house of repre sentatives, as a judge of your dis trict court. He will serve you with equal fidelity and e f ft c iency as a member of the national congress. Remember that Judge Sears is a Re. publican and that good business judgment demands that you send Republican to Congress to work in harmony with the Republican Administration. Remember, too, that you must go to the polls next Tuesday and vote for Judge Sturs if you want him elected. Remember, also, not to be u over confi dent of Jud; Sears' election as to denenj oa someone eli to da the voting for him. Remember that your good wishes for Jtntje Sfars will cot b counted when the balM boxes are opened election nifht. Kememter that you rami actually vote t9 make your wUhts count Ironize More Foods Ona of the body dairy need 1 food-lroo for toe blood. Radio furnlih Ironthe Ctt oral, organic Iron which i mott easily aatlmiUted by the tyttem. Add raltini, therefore, to rakes, cooklet, hreilfait foods, iread, etc, and you add thit tut fit ai well ii luiclou flavor. Sun-Maid Riliini thould com you no mora than th following prlcf : 9mUJ (in U m. Miu JA Stdtd SmIIw (14 M.-lt AlwiT ik for Sun -Maid Raisins lUccasiesi.aint urAOAftic, M l M M M TkM. t " 4tHMi I ob4 twutk tim) lAWh, Cat.. tbWaVw itw ,fcV'sai cfc;ftT.f iU oy DUi M Jttill km M IWituJ Ik . Wi tt Mt t.Mt S lJf imml . '. m4 Crciirlilon Plans Hir Ilomecomiiijr Arrungeineiitrt to Re Perfected for Kvcnt ul Meeting Wed- nemliiy Kvening. Arrunkement for CrrlKhtuu unl- verslly'a liomeioniin duy, November IS, ar to be perfected Wednesday even I n h" at a rncetlntf to be held at o'clock In tho bluh school library, Twenty-fifth and California afreet. President John F. McCorinlrk of Crelghton hn Just sent Invitation to tha secretaries of alumni classes, members of tho athletic, board, off! ccr of Ibo old alumni asaoclatlon, stil dent union official rind class presl. dent, uikIo them to be present at Wednesday evenliiK'a meeting and to assist In puttltiK 'ho flnlshlnu touch c on th arrangements; for Creleh ton's first reul hornecomlnK. TIio university band and the qunr tet will provide entertainment forth evening. Approximately 120 classes havo boon aradunffd from CrclKhton lnce the university wu founded and whllo thoan of tho curly days of the lrintllu- lion were small, sometime consisting of not more than five or six; tho classes of later year liavo numbered scores and score. Pohtal ReeeiptH Increase. Kcporl of postal receipt for Oc tober show that Omuha Ruined In October of this year over sumo month last year llfi.fifjS or mi Increase of 7.8 per cent. ItecclptH for October of thl year were $227,741 find for same month last year, $211,083. Insured person In Knxlund and Wall' entitled to medical benefit totul approximately 13,200,000. How to Keep Well Br OR. tV. A. EVANS QiifttUnt Mtarnlni fcrfien, ,' tlon an sravtstiaa l dlxa,, mb. mlttrd I Dr. tvam ky ! n al Ik baa, tar ill k ssawatad paraunallr aubltrt I prop limitation, -hats a alampad, addiM-i aavaloua It an, cloaad. Pr, Evan will sal maka diasnutli ar praicriba lot Individual diaaaoa. Addist lattara In car el Tha Ha. Cnprrlghti u:i CANCKIl IMII UITAM K. Cancer I not an Inherited dicnn In tho senso of a child of a patent who liu ninl cancer will be born afflicted with the disease, or what nil of the I bllill en or ny considerable percent afro of the children of parent that hiivu had cancer will never have the disease. If we broaden out the term "In herlted," w can flinilly vtretch It iioiiKh to make It Include cancer, Knr Instance, because of tli Kienter ptevaleuc of cancer In person over i' year of tia, we aometime call Hint span of life the earner sue. The cuuitu of death of onetenth the per son dylnif In thu cancer an Is at tributed to cancer on the certificate There or certain fumllle where thl pronortlon rise to one fifth, or oven hinder, 'i rieo ara ciillej "cuu- ccr fanilllea." This, In a certain fashion, mlglit be called Inheritance. I'Mirthermore, cancer I a little more likely to develop in certain unpin In moiiiu persons than it Is In others the word "other" applying to both ttio person and oraans. Maud Hlyii say: "That which I Inherited I a tendency of the tissue of tho oiKan or of tho rienplo to yield to those factor which brlnw ubout cancer" When It come to the tudy of In heritance of cancer, we learn far more from the study of lower animal than we do from man. The spun of lire, tho distance between aeneratlous, tho vital statistic record, which were lKun too recently, and the bko at which cancer develops nil these In tho caso of humans make observation and conclusion difficult. Not mo In the case of a mouse, which may die of old age In less than 12 month after birth, and which rarely lleves to be 4 year old. fortunately mica ur very eubject to cancer and practically all other form of tumors which affect man. Therefore, we have learned in mo about the lnherltablllty of cancer from studying mice thun we ever will Jcarn from studying men. There are strain of mice that are very prone to develop cancer. 'There are other strain that rarely develop It and cannot be inoculated with It. This inberlialilllty relate to thestruln of mice and to the strain of cancer, He hum iHiiirr intta, and !"' earner 'rules As u rule lhu V.11I1 tim et r tatm also develop cancer early, but 'a ha I., n said, the luu of In heiliuc nro not tin- S'liue, I The tendency t form secondary 'ciuuer In r. itatii oinnn I Inherited, I I'V r liiuiici', ik earner which tends to reappear a a socondary iinmth In 1 certain elf ins, will bavs the viimu chai ai tei isiics uheii it apprsr In la tter t,cnciuUiiis Thl I well 1 in 'if lll.'.l III 1. 1 lain human cuueer. I,en Iw 011 Atvnltcnlnc. II. II, wi lts; "1 h,in tiotlced vour adWea lo, wloi vtlsbed to lui pro a tlulr form 11 I carrlnKe; I. e, to straluhti-n up the shoulder and make the t h.-Ht uiorn prominent. "A I have koihi tliroiiKh the 1 ierl rm n und know how to do It promptly and , effei nvelv, I rem mum ud my liu thod for any one who bus the aump tlon to employ Hie siiiiin method that 1 employed. "Oil uwukenliiir in tho morning- take In a baik" and full breath and. wiih out a moment' delay, sprlnx out of bed and sti'itlKhlcn up and Ihiow your arm back and tint chest rorward with all the riieig-y ona pimsrsis nud 1 halo nlowly, "Iti-peal thl every nioinliiif till It seems tint nut) to stand and walk with Ibo shoulder back and the ihesl for ward. "If one I not In dead earnest about 'e trilitenlnir up, there wilt ba nn UM in Hum," At ihe sk i'f J I went throoiiti lid method and experience, and no str.uithtrr marl could I mi found It hi'iamn iwrfiH'tly ristiirnl to stand und walk with lh shoulder thrown l"uk and tha chet protrudlnf." ItislhiiK ami Kypldll. It. C. V. write: "I am leplnj In a roi.m which i previously nccupled by one w ith sypblll. "Now, of course, the tied and bed clothe Imvn been charmed, but thera uie 1 1 11 1 1 A few bmlliiiK In th loom. "Is It tti,Hihl that these bus fed on the leneral (Term, nd If they Mt n.e, could I be Infeded?" UF.VUX. I kti"W of no evidence that bedbug ireud MVphlll. Kill 1 hem tor other reaaou. (Hiiibliif tlm HI alt 0, K. Mia. it. I,, writes: "Could or would rliiiil'liof the stair many time a day direct tho heart? 1 am tt. In od lienlih, liava no allmriit to apeak of," ItKI'I.V. It will not. nseumlnii that you have no valvular b-ak. On Hie other hand, It I for your heart. Home peoplo with valvular leak need to climb alalia. Othera ara harm- Tho ftKi at which cancer develop In mice I Inherited, a well a the frequency with which It develop. The law of Inheritance relating lo fre quency of cancer and thoso relntlnx to tho ue at which It develops ure not tho ;uno. Mice can be divided Into three group: Those with high cancer rules, Wmenthol ) cough drops l OI ITK Al AUVKICTISKMKM'. rol.lTKAL ADVKKTIHEMKNT, tbnit( a!riiZiirtaJV a a3tlCJTi I'OI ITICAI, AlUKKI thKMI NT, I'DI.ITK AI, AIIVKKn.SKMKKT. J) We, the undersigned taxpayers and voters of Douglas County, hereby recommend and en dorse Mr. OTTO J. BAUMAN for the office of COUNTY TREASURER. We are thoroughly convinced that he is the logical candidate for this important office because: He has been Chief Deputy County Treasurer for the past six years, and deserves promotion. His years of financial and business training espe cially qualify him to conduct an economical and efficient administration. He is thoroughly honest and faithful to public trust. He has never held an elective political office. James T. Wachob F. H. Myers T. P. Redmond F. J. Burkley W. F. Negele C. R. Pollard Frank Semerad James O.Martin E. H. Benner Lynne D. Upham C. B. Liver Alfred Bloom Lee W. Kennard O. E. Berg Sophus F. Neble P. J. Martin H. C. Miller Gene Melady W. B. Tagg Sol L. Degen Davo Rosenstock Otto 0. Wagner Fred B. Martin Thomas W. Allen John W. Hill Jr. Lee Huff Vaclav Vachal Robert Oilmore, M. t James S. Goeti, M. D. Y. A. Sr-dhcek, M. D Frank J. Rih. Robert S. Trimble N. A. Spiesberger James J. Parks JohnRagan Fritz Muller Fred S. Knapp Cirino Vacanti John A. Rind Henry Haubens Frank A. BroadweU George T. Wilson John W. Hughes Harry A. Jacobberger Harry 0. Steel E. P. Boyer I. A. Alexander Charles F. McLaughlin Bert Murphy Leroy Crammer, M. D, B. W. Christie, M. D. T. J. Nolan W. J. Foye Ouy V. Furay F. J. Uehling F. J. Schleier, M. D. Herbert L, Daniel Chas. D, Beaton Otto Nielsen Robert Rosemweig Chas. Grotte F. B. Johnson Sol Bergman Frank J. Kotera Dr. E. Holovtchiner W.W.Koller Albert Cahn Arthur Met W. 0. Swanson Mitchell Giannou Dr. F. J. Wearne Frank J. Fitzgerald Harley G. Moorehead Meyer Klein Henry A Thompson J. J. Sloup Harley Conant John M. Gilchrist H. E. Milliken Thos. C. Byrne Henry R. Gering B. F. Marshall Chas. M. Garvey Sam W. Reynolds S. Frank Ed A. Creighton 0. A. Olson John C. Barrett Frank D. Buffett Vaclav Tesar H. J. Albers Mike Kali ma J J. B. Kok-1 Ottto mm bt County limsumi Ml l-f I MNMS 5)ittn A MvCimiimiU