THE SUNDAY BEE: OMAHA. NOVEMBER 5, 1921;. 3-A r. 4 350 Children Arc Aided in Year by Humane Society Aid Divioion Heart Report of Secretary for the Year JVine TruMees Are Ke-KIectcd. Thrta hundred and forty-si cases irnolvlng crurity, abus and neglect of chllilren nrrs hiimllH by the I'hII 1in'i Al1 division of the Nebraska lluinunn society during Ilia fiscal year ending tieptemUT SD, according to a rrport mmla ,y Welcoms . W. Jlradlpy, sc rrtmy of tha oriunliutlon, ht (ha aiuiuul rnri'llng and dinner of llm society at the First I'rfabytmlsn i.hurcli Friday nlxlit. During tho aaino period the socio! y handled 6,400 live iniliiiuls, thu report allowed. Nina trusters, whose term expired Hi-pt ember 30, with re elected. They are Otla T. Alvlsnn. luindull K. Crown, VV. h. lloUiniin, K. 8, Mnrlln, J. II. KeverblKe, K. lliickliigliuin, Mra. :eurg A. JohIjii, J, J. Hulllvun and A, J, Wruvr-r. A meeting of trustee will be held Monday to elect officers fur thu coining yeur. Cieorge I., L iMvy. ft trustee of tha society, gave a abort talk, reviewing tha history of the society and predict ing grruter pimnibllltlca for the organ ization In future. Others who apoka were $layor Iftihlmiin, Dr. Edwin )lart Jtiika of First Presbyterian church and I'hlrf of I'ollce JJempaey. The dlnnrr wna . served by tha women of Hie Flint f'renbyterlin i liu r'ch under the supervision of Mra. y, V, Muiluirh. Driuorratic MiMtalt-nieiit h Nailed by County Clerk Km uk Hewey, county' clerk, cnndl- ililu Cor rn election u the. repub' limn ticket, hua replied to a compiini live Kliitement nilllni, l in I Ho World Herald und In the Midwest Iiibor Sew, He siiys; "In a comparative stnteincnt pub lished In the Win Id llnild nnd the Midwest J.nbor News, showlnK the ex f. ,r the year 1!U8 lit 1921, In the county cleik'a office, nit error mi tiimln In iiuotliiK tli total expen llfure for lull) m $M.r70.SM. vh-n In fad I Ida minium covered but one di vision of llii- county clerli'n iifllcc, and dlil not Include the expense of the lax department In tbo : ninount of $9.3.'2..1II, mid the expenses of the inditing (te!intment In the nmourit of flT. ""'-'. ami Ulnar a totn! expenditure of 3i,67fs:i fur the year 1318, ii shown by the annual reHrt of tha roimty clerk nrd by th, record 'on tile In the county cleik'a office. "To UNO thin llgoro of H.&70.3 ha a total expenditure for Iflltl In n com-pii-ntlvu Htutement allowing the total tluiira In , the three ilepnrtmeiits slMive itemized roiublned In one liiiure for the yenr 1921 nnd other yeara, not only wna nilalendlng to the rubllf!, buV a misrepresentation of the trua flgurea nnd records, and showing auch an erroneoiia enormoua Increase In tha expenditure of the county clerk's ofllce waa n groaa Injun tica to Ha Incumbent nnd thla explu tuition la due him 1n thla matter." Memorial to Roosevelt to Be Unveiled Nov. 11 Portland, Ore., Noy. 4, The flrat I tury parade i planned nnd w ill ilia- AinUllTIMCMKNT. Banish Pimples By This Method Stuart' Calcium Waferi Hava Ra- markabla Action in tba Skin Texture to. Aid Beauty. If your fnf ami ihouldera are trou hlnl with plmiilM tint lifom raiihy at certain prl '". act a box tody at 8tuart' ... n.if . .;-i38aaafc Cnleium W(fr ond In a few hourt yu on't fiuftttiun by Ihey r the bet known, muni widely ul and mot iue tPkRtuI romt'lexion brautificr tver found. They clear yuur blued. Ihtr reniova lh lucaiah impurilien that aather t make rimiil. buiU, rah, blaekhrad. btotebcv, mudduieaa and audi blamiahea. Tha raleium iuelt la tha areairtt akin intluanre Known. It raunea Ilia akin to wake up. it baeina tla work at nnra. you nhaarva tha reault and In a faar dan there ia absolutely no queation aa to lh wondrrtul anion of Hiuart'a Calcium Wafara. Uat a kt-cent boa t nlay at any tlrua atora. Ibay era truly a eomr-thn marvol and navar aaaia will you ba in dpir to find aomathiaf lo rnaka your (oaleaioa braul (at and ka it kaly. An KTI.M)a.r. COMB M TEA INTO GRAY HI great memorial to Theodore Itoone- telt will be unveiled here on AiiiiIn- tire day. It la n magnificent bronze eiiien trutn alatiie, deiiictlng the late prcx! dent In tha role of "rough rider." )r, Henry Waldo Cue, Portland physician and friend of Uooaevc-lt for over ii yciua, la tha donor. Twenty five thousand achoijj chil dren ure to take part In a pnrndu the morning of November 11. Am the line pause the veiled tdutue each child will depoMt a (lower at the ham) In token of eateein for the man who dearly loved children. , Cerenionlea of unveiling will be b'ld In tho afternoon aa a finale to olmervnnee of Arnilntlee day. A mill- IuiikI at. the Kite or the alatiie, at rona from I.jild public actiool, In the park block. Hinutor lieveiiilge. lifelong friend of KooHCVcIt, Ik achediileil to mnkii the principal adilrexN. Hlate, city uud county oIIIcIiiIh will take part In thu exerclacH, which lire eXM-cted to be wltncHHi'il by u great ciwd. The atatuR la the work of A. riiimlHter Proctor, nationally known aciilptor. U la 1.1 feet IiIkIi and will rent on a fiuiiito Iuihu eight feet In height. Proctor completen) tin.- atalue In Ilia New fork htudio. It cont ap proximately $to,na. a replica, of the no will be placed In a North Da kota town, where Ir. C'oe llrat met JtooHevelt. Packard Salesman Here Is Held as Forger - Bigamist liiirttm lltlwartlt, Ijnjiliiye of colt-Bury Auto Company, Taken After Flight in Company Car. Kart'iit LilwanlH, aiilaainun for tha 8. olt liurv Packard rompimy In re, waa airiatfd In llalienton, Tex, r'ri- day on ihartica of foi ueiy and blganiy, Accoi'dmij to rtpoila Hirivrd Jiri Kililny night. According to A. C. Scott, head of the company, Kdwarda left llaatlnga nbout two weeka ko In a, Packard, belonglinr to Ilia company. It U aa legvd by hentt thut l.'dwarda deaerted hia wifo und flute i-hlldreu at Hiiat tnga and inurricd Button (Neb ) girl here before ha departed. t.'. W, Thornton, manager of the company, auld Friday night that the forgerlea would amount to about 2.U00. ' "Hdwurda forged tha nniiica of prominent men In and around J bint Inga to notca,' aald Thornton, "ila would coma to our office here wild a note, auppoacd to have been algnud by ' a. pr.inilneiit mini In llaatlnga, After calling tha bank to lee If tho nolo waa good wa would turn over the car ti Kdwarda. "Later the note were returned aa forgerlea." !ctecirv Fraud haa gone to Gal veston ufter KdwurdH. Relapse of Scarlet Fever Brings Death , rtiapae aunrred arir a pro nnumtd cure nf ecurlrt fever, lirukad fatal to H' lualliiiio Mangmmell, ami of Mr. and Mra Tony Mauglamell, H.t North Eight eenth alreet. Ha waa 13 and waa In tha aeventh grade at Kell'.iu achonl. When Tha Oma ha !ee ahort tuna ago held tla btcycla pilxa con teat for Omaha boja and gtrla, Fe bnatiano waa one of tha wlnnara. 'I'hera are two other children In tha family, C'armelo, 10, and Joa phlne, 9. Mr. and Mra. Mauglainell wlah to thank publicly all frlenda who aent flowera or aympHtlilzcd with tuaut In their bereavement. f50 Ex-Service Men's G.O. P. Club Meets James Walbli, Veteran Repuli V lican, Kxplains Principles of Party. i ' . The Ex Service. Men'a republican club waa nddreaaed by Jamea WulKh and Hyron Oberat at an enthuxiuHtlc mi.ctliiK held Friday nluht at repulr llcan hi niliU.'irlcri, r Nineteenth and boiiglax Ktreeta. Mr. VValnh, who bna been through many political campaigns, told the young men that the republican party haa a proud record. "We want to keep that rerord atralght and we ara going to keep It Hlrnlght nnd we know you are going to bo with u," aald Mr. Walah. "Tha republican party la it party of prog. reaa and of vlalon. lta leadera are xtaloua to maintain the faith to maintain tho confidence which the people have In the party. I wlah to congratulate you young men who have atarted thla splendid organiza tion" Byron OberRt, Itowland P. Thomna and llnnn C Lumen aerved na a com mittee to prepare n coiiHtltutlon which waa adopted. The count it utlon re cltH tliHt the club will udvancu re publican prliiclplca and will help elect io public otlico exaervlce men and tomen und repuhllcana who nro in harmony with tha principles and Ideals of the organization; alao to fur ther the aound prlnclplea of military preparediuHM. The club will meet again next Mon day night at 7:30. Sholwell Speaks for Beal. A. V. Khotwell, county attorney; Irvln HtalmiiKter and John Veager, apoke at a atrect meeting at Twenty- fourth nnd N etreet Friday night to a large audience which aerved quiet but firm notice on nil democratic becklera time their heckling would not be tolerated. Hhntwell not only booated for his deputy, Henry Ileal, republican can didate for county attorney, and Sheriff Mike Clark, republican candi date for re-election, but eupported the tntlra republican ticket. Stalninater and Yeager apoke in f.ivor of the nd tlonal and at.tte candlilatea. Drknt Btutifulty and R tor Its Natural Color and Luitcr at Onct, t imi""B IrH ( t-rawaj li.t.i a hy taiih aulphur an4 aUxitwd a.btt wdt luia gratr, a'raaal and fa l.J bar Kraut. fully iWtK an4 lut u'.miI M.( ig lh Ta at V-tl i hue roof at Krn. Ih-'UgH. la .t..-,t ;oK.a. An aate way ia Iw f" l rawif ttaua owrtlu lHfud If tla 4l.ita t wtbaf tngrod.enta l.r, b-iila, at Im! "t, at wiwat t. Vajuw a "W)tk' a-tl J 't e k' r.wa4." tnua aid r . t . ft k.ia ). Ml Wa t ta aM. ! J-a n t.i ii lolb d a(i,-a a4 at'i i. (if v - M--f W I h Hiatal kiitf a4 k-a-tk-ta I uMyaa wi." k I a VH. ktaM It V l aa r A. .v aw v-et truak w.laj it a .1 4 M livat . kt. a a a . C. of C Directors to Meet. Membrrt of the Iward of direclon of tha Omaha I'hauilier of t'oinmerca have been tailed to H apicial meeting to b held at tha thanitx r next Tue day to it'avuaa the l.uia and Pur- poi.ea of tha tnnaha Ixvally aunl veraary und to t-ndorae tha ttiamber hip atlmulalion now temg carrn-d on by th chamher. Pi for Wimlow, A! iok'l. Twantj alatU and Q atraata. waa tiuJ ll and roulal la nay fr a, windw h la aikged to hava eliaturad wkea h rkk at the grocery atoaa vt A'a l.tmnmi, :Set y atreat. when ha fi4 Juda Ivaiar In lulh 1U puks curi It ta Mid H'-kal waa lt.Uat4 at tha tiuia. M anttbiug t liiwttanl t a .tAn. but, taking than aa IU fta an I a-v e.-lMeg la t'ti: lut f Ht4n la) a tUkk tit!a It affwia k.nt t;n4. ully. Englcr Home Looted of Silver and Clothing F. YV. Kngler, 113 North Fifty fourth ulreet, reported to police Friday night that prowler, obtained mora than fl.OtiO worth of allverware and wearing apparel at hia home. The bonne wan ranwickcd ThiiiMday night. t9r. Kngler aald ha did not notice the loan when b came borne because Slia. Kngler waa out of the cty. Mra. Klla llypae, 2119 Cna atrcet, reported to police that her home waa runaucked Friday night. No ratlmata wiih given of tho limn. Neigbliorfl Hiiid that they aaw u man leuve the hoUKc but thought It waa the yardman. Kiul of Franco-liritibh 'IVouhles Believed Near Parid, "?fov. A. Count te Ht. Au lair, French aiiibaMwidor to (beat ilrltulii, arrived In l'arla bmt night to confer with Premier Poiucnra on 'J'uililhli problem, which have been the aubject of Franco ilrltiah conver nation for nearly a week. I'liotllcial circlca aeo In tha conver- aatlona u rapidly approaching accord between the two govr-rnmenta on the nrur cnat and other iaaura. Count 1 Kt. Aulair will return to Loudon after receiving freah Inatructlona from the premier and rem me hla inter views with the new British government. Quintet Keleaned. rtlchard Went, John Koch, Kd he wha ii , Otto Klack and Jack McDonald, printer and preaameii from Chicago, arreated on charge of Vagrancy, were dlxchargud by Judge Koater In South Umalia police court when they told the maglritrate they were on their way west In queat of employment. f'har)ea M. Etaulter, i-andlduie tnr Vu nlrlpul JuilK". wta Ti-canlly elf le.l Hon nrury Memher nt lha omabK MuaielMiia AaiujcfaUon, laical Nil. 70, Aliieili-un J-'eit-t-i'Hiiuii of MiiMlt-liina, for noiuhlo ai-rvice ami rontrlbullon lo lha art of niualv Ad-vartlMnnipiii. Insurrection on Samoa. ' Pari. Nov. 4. (By A. P.V-An In aurrectlon baa br.iken out on the inland of rlrunoa off tho Hinyrria coast of Asia Minor, according to advices received here, tba rebela declaring an autonomous government for tha la- land. Creek troopa have been called out to auppresa tba outbreak. Burglars Take Clothes. ' Burglars pried open the pantry win dow at tha home of Mra. F. M. Dwo rait, 3609 South Twenty-alxth street, Friday right while tho family waa away, and stole $82 worth of women's clothing, according to a report to South Omaha police, Hundreds View Bodies of Slain Train Bandits Wittenberg, Mo., Nov. (By A. P.) The iM.dles nf John F. Mack) Ken nedy, 02, notorious robber of western Missouri, and Harvey fiuumi, it com panion, who were killed yesterday by railroad detectlvea and itoll!ce liiapectoia after tha men had robber a passenger train of tba Ht. Lou la Han Frunclsco railway near here, II In a local undertaking establishment tonight awaiting disposition. During tha day a, steady stream of curious inhabitant of thla vicinity came to Wittenberg und Viewed tha remains of the men, ona of whom, Kennedy, had for many year delli-d the law and outwitted th effort of the ehrcwdest detective to capture lull). My royal edict King Alfonso of Hpaln has forbidden all persona who come n contact with him to eat garlic. NOTICE Turn to Page 3. Society Section Take Advantage Save Prices Raducad Wa claan, wa repair, are altar Man's, Woman' and Chll. Iran's Clothing of ovary eVacrlstion. DRESHER BROTHERS 2217 Farnam Straat Tslsphonaai Omaha, AT Isntl 0348 South Side, MArkat 0060 LunrlaiiasiaaartJWJrftlaiwiaraiaia Is it any wonder Kinney Stores are famous and popular? Note Prices arid Values Below For Men For Women fa? Tne reason 10 manj- Omaha men are finding complete autufaction nt Kinney' in because we tiive to give not only the beat style in Omaha, hut values thut are not urpaaed any where. We are showing a (all line QQ of Mow's Or... Shoo, at w, . VU.JO We are makinx hit with Omaha women these days because we are showing beaded aatin, kid and colonial pumpa QlA QQ at only VsivO Kvery woman want a pair of high shoe in her assortment. We anticipate a rush on these $3.98 "4 $4.98 Road Conditions Vu.i fi'.tit whs r in tba rmjr know the wear that I acta m buM Intii ir of ih-a, Thf f can I h !. I t w rl, runt.iig er kAini It AL SHOE VALttJ (OR IMRCrTIC BOTJ Al . . $3.98 $2.98 Ti t liit.nait and a'rr.-t Wear, the popular thiPg these d)t ia a pair of forli. ar iha li t unit tuost iniarbb!e slje n thi l)p ft fixtatat Ihlikvfil! Q QQ Lal.o' O.I. .da . , 03.a?O "at ef ixii.narjr bua na In n.t a I tiiildien't sh- at . :r.$i.98 4 . mr- i Pift - '; a)-1 Ka4. -' -" llVl. VAtOt IVIN9 ito-. The Store of Service, Value and Satisfaction I?o$pitalitjJiivJouP- .jtoonv I'r.Ti.OO eight piece Walnut Dining Jtoom Suite Buffet, Ohlong Table, five Hide and one Arm ( hair 91210.00 Joy ' mm Mil,, 1 1 41 jl I I 'gpSI and Thanksgiving The success of a dinner often depends to a great extent upon the manner in which the foods arc served. 1 Mont every houBcwife likes to have the furnishings of her dining room in keep inn with the other furnishings of her home, in fact, the diningroom nhould receive more attention along these lines than any other room in the home, for in the dining room the whole family is gathered together three times a day, and particularly during Thanksgiving and the holidays, U Thanksgiving und the holidays are near at hand and you should sec to it that your dining room Is properly furnished. U The selections we have to offer leave nothing to be desired. You are sure to find here, at value-giving prices, just what you want and should have. If you wish to exchange your old dining room furniture for new, we will allow you what you consider your old furniture Is worth on anything along these lines you may select, and yours will be placed in our exchange department for disposal. H What we sell you will add to your joys and pleasures, not only this Thanks giving, but in many more to come. WE FURNISH 3 rooms complete for $189.75 4 room complete, $270.00 5 room complete for S408.75 1210.00 rlKlit-pitce Queen Aim Dining Room Huite Buffet, Table, five Hide and one Arm Chriir. Choice of Hound or Oblong Table ....8150.50 $29.50 Walnut Finish " Dropleaf Tea Wagon .$10.20 SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK $17.50 Dull Mahogany Gate Leg Tables $10.00 $45.00 Brown Mahogany Gate Leg Tables $24.75 $29.50 Five-piece Unfinished Break fast Sets $18.00 $22.50 Golden Oak Dining Tables, at .$17.85 $75.00 Jacobean Dining Tables, at $41.75 $55.00 Walnut Finish Buffet. fit tf $?4-75 $85.00 Queen Anne Walnut Buffet, at $56.50 $52.50 Oblong Wal. Finish Dining Table S.14.75 $8.75 Fumed Oak Lea. Seat Dining Chairs . $5.65 $7.50 Mah. Finish Blue Lea. Seat Dining Chairs $5.85 $39.75 Golden Oak Library Tables. at $19.75 $85.00 Two-tone Walnut Davenport Table $47.50 $60.00 Mah. Queen Anne Dnven- port Table $38.50 $175.00 Three-piece Cane and Mah. Living Room Suite, velour cov., at $121.00 $ J 45.00 Golden Oak Three-piece Duofold Suite $70.50 $275.00 Three-piece Tapestry Over stuffed Suite $178.50 $59.50 Queen Anne Mah. Spinet Desk . $33.75 $67.50 Mah. Finish Cedar Client. t $18.50 $15.00 Day fled, complete with mattress $33.75 RUGS $95 00 IJ Wilton Hun 970.50 j ,i no I3 Wilton Ytttvti ttugs, y.O.7 lUOu 913 AiminaUr Ruf . . :t7.l. I US Oil 9,13 KruaU Kuft . ., a!t..7a Ait thr ! isllirf at Mm (iruorUt)n, I $35.00 Mah. Windsor Rockers. at $19.75 $4.50 Gold. Oak Pedestals, $1.95 $8.50 Mah. Pedestals . $5.65 $65.00 Gold. Oak Duofold, $42.50 $17.50 Wal. Finish, Brass Trimmed, .Steel Tube Bed ,S12,25 $35.00 Brass Bed JRJ54.75 $59.50 Mah. 4-Poster Bed, $38.75 $55.00 Mah. Dresser $37.50 $65.00 Golden Oak Chifforette, at $36.00 $35.00 Golden Oak Chiffonier. at $19.75 $39.50 Wal. Finish Chifforette. at $17.85 $65.00 Walnut Dresser ...$39.75 $65.00 Mah. Dressing Table, at $42.50 $75.00 Ivory Vanity Dresser, at $49.75 $207.50 Wal. Four-riece Bedroom Suite $147.50 $378.50 Mah. Four-piece Vanity . Suite $275.00 $550.00 Bird's-Eye Maple Six-pieco Bedroom Suite $375.00 $425.00 Mahogany Four-piece Bed room Suite $298.50 $600.00 Four-piece Walnut Bed .f00 Suite $394.00 $800.00, rour-ptccp, I'archment Finish Decorated Bedroom Suite, at , $598.00 $1,080,00 Four-piece Mahogany Bedroom Suite, Including Vanity. l)r(,w $760.00 DRAPERIES Mf Crrtuili, irooj SrUitinn a llt'O St) itikh Ms.lrss in roa, mitlhrrry, Ml or hrvwn , , , t.'.tJJ 45-inh Mslrs. fomlilintiuns ...... CompUt ihajrif tf I'ttirls hy th yat'l. U.a in i hull of rotor i.:m Tuvsn Nri mni Kilchtn Cabin.!., $9.?5 I It. i u UmJ Bam Buriwri, Sit. 00 Oak INaltm $10.25 Ut v taaa. at, ll rs U 4 ! Ait I a.kaait i M Ka. la M.M a.-aaa.4 . tola iaaM as 4 a. aaw .1 at S.a. a. ttrWAVAllM ! ITOI0 Honnrd, Httuttn lith ant lUh Strrttt Htt lV MalfaaUU 4 )it I M.ii ) a a 4 s aa aa aa a4 I . - kaa t. pmn I a DRESS SALE Juiiao Orfun till tU.U .o axaatt ari4 at I've t aii ta gr ki a-a 4iF4 ar l . hr m la bxW j 205-7.9 North 16th St. Opposite Post Office 4 iv-a, -! t4 .4 t,l C 1 V i