i t 4 THK SUNDAY BKE: OMAHA. iSOVKMltt.K 5. lU'J'-V 7 A IVorris Attacks Senior Senator in Lincoln Talk lilunlly Accuses Colleague n( 'trying to Lie Hi Way Hack Intu Office Chargfi .NVuherryixin. Uruulfi, Nuv, a. Hrrmlor .Norrle HuiiHy .cui Hi in I,. r Jlin h'.M a, In i ,'h at luiv-hion hero Krt'lny, t nlfi rnjitlng lis till uy li k lulu liu j-t,it nmi ii lai,J that lhi la Itlln tliffin i.m Uti,i.i iiiu ilrl,auh- ry i, Newberry and Ilia I) lug Wnt n( lliti'liuut M. II udilni that If lia liai to i-)iim, llwrn Ilia two ha wotill pitfir tha Nwliiry way. lie aid tlial JIiuI.imiU wu sj'Hi'ltr.g an Iriirui'iiia sum lu git Link, ni'.Ufcb Id inak .Ni-wln-ny 1-hjk lika 10 rt-nt, If all wei a fpoilfrt. Mi)li.r Nun In took up an i1vr llixiii iit In Jliii tvix k'a Interi-st 1 (lrin l tt (ha f.iiMH'in, In whlih lia clalwt-il ir'ilit fur varlou inf.iauin In lha lull rial of ak'i hull ur. Norrl aid Hint lllfi h'''k knew o Utile about what arl ullural rmuaurra wia pnam-cl; that ), (Hit nut know N'irria, aa member and rhalniwm f tli a aiiili ultuiul ruiuinltt, e, waa la a i,oifioji to ili-iiuuni'a hi claim aa lira. Ho anld It wee a 1) I hut lliuh ciii'k hua u ri' iiiiiIIdii fur hung a frli ml (if iki n ull lire. Tha ainutor atil'1 Hint lilt' hnisk wua almmt 1,11 fumy ill callti, Hint ot tha vuiious hilla hslnl ha Wul ilihi-r tint ,r-s-iit whin ihcy w-i conslitireij or liml m-visr taken eniiugll InlPicut to ,t,-iir brfur th mm inlltcc, nmi thNt hn wua claiming Ilia i n-illt fur ni'iisun- Nortl hiinsi-lf hail lull mlui cl. "Odd have iwrey on tha soul tif the limn or wmiiuii n-spunslbl for tha iiuhllcnilon of those fal-h,xl," ba siilfl. "Kalhioi! told In hnniat i(oila for th iiiii'lioaa of Influencing their Volca. I riimiiit cninprrhrnd It, Th vol I aiKrfd to a ii-rsin, nt-t to th-lr family imd their rcllKlim, and tha man who ili-haui-ht-e Unit vot ought to ho ashamed to look an him (t mnn In tha faca for tha rent of hi lift-" la auld Hitchcock' failure to he prrsi-nt at r.n roll rail roat tha fiinn art of Inliiiitcl NYbruska otrs hiilf the coat of tha I'athflnnr dnm. which Norrl hud propi4 ahould ha paid out of a Mississippi rlvtr flood an proprlutlon bttcauaa vrry foot of w' tar ImiHiundfd by tha Tnthflnder did not go to auirmant that flood, lia auld Hitchcock wnlkfd out of tha chamber whm tha vota waa belnf takn. New Knights of Columbus Many Applications Three Killed in Iowa Tl ni. flrnn nnn f ah Ai:n When Train Hits Aulo Sew I ariif Law '"';- ' , . , , .... . , -v. .' . . . ' V1-' - ' ! f (-. 7. " '' . L:HyijLiiasaa An hl'rrt drawing of new f. 100, 000 Knljilitl of Columhu club liouaa Hhldi will be atarlfd In Ihr aprlng. After 2d yeara of (fiotvlh tha Onui Went Virginia Coal Men Arrange Price Reduction WaxhlnKlon. Nov. 4 Kodi-ral Fuel Dfatributor Conrad K. fipena, when ha cloned til office Innt nlfiht, had r reived no flnnl onawfr from Illlnola and Indiana, cool opnitora to hli r quest for voluntary cut In the price of con! at tha mine. Mr. Kpan ld he exiectcd to receive word Haturduy mornlnn at the liteat, hnwevar, nd that aome' announcement reRiirdlng maximum mine price for Illinois and Indiana probably would be made ahortly thereafter. A n reault of a conference with a delegation of coal oporator from the t.oithern S'el Vlrislnla bltumlnoua feld, a reduction of $1.25 per ton In the maximum price of domestic coal mined In till field wua arranged. Tha upnitor elgnlflcd their willlngne not to exceed a maximum f. o. b. price at mine of $U0 per ton, rrevloua price have ranged aa high a f 5.75 per ton. Daugherty "Dry" Ruling Hits Passenger Traffic WaKhliiKton Nov. f Attorney Cenertil I)nii.erty' ban agalnat liquor on American ahlpa ha hit the riMKcngor trafllo to Peru In American bottom, the Commerce department wu advlacd by Commercial Attach Punn at Lima. Mr. Dunn' report wo regarded by department ofllclal a Indicating a (inference on the part of paanengora traveling; between the Vnlted Statea nnd Hem to tranship at Panama, do aplte the four or live day delay, In order to travel aboard a "wet ahlp." Heretofore, ofllclal declared, 7S per cent of the direct trafllo between the Vnlted Btutea and Peru haa been In American htr. Two FrUco Men Cliartnl With Income Tax Frauds Ban Ktanclmo, Nov. 4 Income tax frauda of more than IJ.Ouo.000 were charged against K. U. StranRe, Pan Vram'lsc' innnaKer of tho Pacific Lead and Oil Work and tho Nucca Putter company, and Iougtaa It. t rana of the importing "' t Cran Wlghtman. In Indictment returned hy the feteral grand Jury here to tUf. The government eek th payment cf $l,45i,0iiO In Uxea and penultba from th two men, who are aceuaed ,,f having defruuiUd the government cut of th proper amount of Income HI due In lil and IW. Honda were f!xv1 at I'.'J.w t-aeh, l.u council of the Knlghl of Coluni' hua la to l -f k ((round early In th iiomlng eprlni; fur thn new $200,000 club houM at Twentieth and Dodge i reel. The hiiililtng I to hu tlx eUirlcd hlKh, 152 feet wld and 140 f'-ct long, It will moilern chili rooiriK, banquet bull, iiinlliorluiii and K'm un!um fin MM lea, Incluiilnir a hireii KWiiiimluK I'ool. Theia will nUo hu hotel room for rcnM'Tii. Hlncn h rouncll wax granted a charier In !03 the Knight of t.'olum- bin round! here ha developed from a "null gathering of (0 to mora than 2,000 member. Th flmt club mom were elnlillhed In 11(08 In th old lionrd of Trade building at Blxleanlh and Karnam aireet. In 1H10 a hou wii purcnaaed at Twentieth nnd Iiu'Iko alieel but the gnullntf of the afreet neceaaltated a move to lh tii'cce'nt licadiuurter at 21101 Hartley alreot. Tho new club hoimi) will he ued not only a a meeting place for Knlvhl of ColumbuM, but will ulao be at tha (IHpoddl of varlou other o, cletlea and organlutlou. ( mi i r, i Hi Radio Users Must Expect Defects Radio Still in Infant Stale, Engineer Tell Rcatler. Can't Control Static. On a recent trip throufch northern Ohio and along the ehorc of Luke rlrle, llowurd H, Pyle fathered an linpreaalon that tha public expect too much of rad,o. "Whether thl condition I due to the denier, or th varlou new publication which have entered the held, or to aomo other tourre la problematical, but duubtlee nil have contributed their ahure to Cfiue thl regrettable condition," he miy In a recent laauo of Jiaclio New. Arty number of people cannot un- deratand why their equipment 1 ub Ject to gtatlc dlaturbancea, they hnv Ing the beat obtainable outfit on th market, It eem In aome caea that the dealer from whom they purchased the equipment secured them thnt tat- Ic would be negligible with their ap paratus regardlena of how strongly It wo apparent on other equipment, Similarly, the annoying "aqueal" which I alway audible fron a nearby receiving set when your own tube 1 ocl!!titlng and the other elation la hunting a lgnul, Reenied to a num. ber to be entirely enperfluou and they were demanding equipment Im mune from m;h aqueal, Thl meant nnnrcRcnerative set, which, If pur- chtted, they find to require many more stage of amplification before reault equal to a regenerative cir cuit lire obtained: another cause foe dlHHatlnfactlon. Then tho question of spark Interference nroae. Too many manufacturer claim that their equip ment positively elemlnate such Inter fenng signulH. This Is absurd; It I not entirely up to the receiving aet to do thl; the best aet I powerless to eliminate Interference from a nearby station If that station I broadly tuned. All th tuning In the world NOTICE Read and Heed Turn to Page 3, Society Section You Will Save One-Half will nut eliminate th Npark set of a special amateur In tho next block, working on 375 meter, perhupa a bit broad, when you are tuned to a wav of 360, Ilemember, further, that nny radio receiving vet ha tha following limi tation; They will pick up static dl turlmncee, or they will Involve such a multitude of circuits and control for It elimination, that you, the av erage mnn, cannot handle It. Hlutlc elimination I not yet complete; what decreasing of thl troubleorne Inler ference I In practiced radio tine I In the large high power station, which have spent thousands of dollar to fil ter some of It out, to enable reception of transoceanic signals, II, S. Judge Resigns. Washington, Nov, 4. Tho resigna tion of Marlon Devrle a pjeldlng judge of the United tiutc court of custom appeal, offered recently, hn been accepted by tho president, It watt announced last night. Judge Dev lie leave th government service after more than a (core of year to resume the practice of law. Majority of Request for Change Under Section Giving President Right to Increase Duties. Wnhlnlon, Nov 4 Application to th tariff commission for action un- rhfle!d, ( . Nov. 4 Three per iod Wi re Itllliil and Ihii olln'iK were seriously Injured when Chicago, Unr It it Kt on tyulncy pasnenger train No, 8 rrushed Into an automobile ibluii by W, K. Miller of Itrlghlmt here tins evening. Mr. W. V. Miller, her I month old daughter of llilghton, and I 1 1. Ituih of queen ty, Mo., weir killed, Mr. Itlilh and Miller werj aerloualy In lursd. Mr. Itulh Is not expected In recover. It I reported that lier buck ws broken In th crash. 'Hie lltiih family arrived In fair ier inn nexiiue tarin provision or inn ; f eld this afternoon and had Jut com new Kordney McCumber law now jl'leted negotiation for the teiitlng of total neatly 100. More than half of farm when the accident occurred, these have been received since th i publication of regulations governing procedure before the rommlaslon hist week. Most of thn application aie for changes In duly under section 315 of the new law. which authorlxr the president to Increase nr decrease duties by not mote than DO per cent, There are a few application fur the Imposition of the retaliatory dulle onilir section 111 relating to unfair methods of competition In th Im portation of foreign good and under section 81 7 relating to discrimination of other countries against commerce of th fulled Htnte. It waa alated today at the tariff commission that preliminary Inves tigation 'if some of the more Im portent applications may b com pleted within about a week. No hear lugs on nny of the applications are Nine Des Moines City Employes Are Indicted Slati Iioesligutor Say Irregu larities With Fund In ole More Than $100,000. A Queer World Man Wins Heart HjIiii for Itrcach of Promise Married Life for Two Spokane CoiijiIc Start W illi Rang. A Hoothrr, (Inilnnull, Nov, 4 A verdict for $1,500 dHinagea In. lavnr of IJeorgc Carter, 1.1, who dunged .Mis Alice I 'eel, 41, with breach of promise In wed him, ws returned by a jury In superior rniirt here yesterday. Carter declared Unit lie ami Mis Peel lierillllM lllffltfed til llim-l-v in il. In prospect befor. December and po.; I ,,, ,, tf.r . sm all.lu ,.. In.l.ira .Tm , N Uhi,mu T .. - ...... ilhiiniiiid ring. I.aler she Jilted lihii and refused to wed film, he declared. Mi Peel did not defend Hie suit, vihlch wn for llf.O'lO iliunages, Willi Hang. Hpoliano, Waah., Nov. 4. Mar ried life for two collide started with a bang hero yesterday when an ex plosion of a pmind of flashlight pow der blew up the studio to which they had gone for Wedding pictures, painfully Injuring one bride, one bridegroom and the photographer, beside calling out tha lb depart ment, Mother and daughter had planned to b married together, hut the plan had gone wrong. The daughter, Miss lidna -Cordnr, and her fiance, Warren Wood, were married In the morning;, and tho mother, Mra, Dolly Mao Cordner, and her Intended, Ma rlon Hurl Davl of Kplrlt Luke, Ida,, In the afternoon. The vlxlt to tho tndlo followed. Mr. Wood and Mr. Davl were cut hy flying kIiihs, Thu Injuries were not serious. slbly not before January, Heverul month will elapM before th com mission Is prepared lo make any ree oiniuendullon to th president for changea In duties, W, ft. Ctilbertson, vice chairman of the commission, I In th middle west In a search for technical expert. Mr, Culhertsun hu been visiting varlou universities. He will not return to Washington befor th latter part of next week. Railroads Must Keep Equipment in Repair Washington, Nov. 4. (Hpecla! Telci gram.) Attorney General Daugherty I about to erv nolle on the rail road they must keep their equip ment up to atandurd. The attorney genera!' decision Is tho result of representation mud to him by railroad men who claim the demoralisation of equipment 1 much worsa than ha been understood. Thl ha been In part du to th congestion of trafllo and car shortage which I Just now hitting the west with tre mendous force. The eastern situation 1 about clear ed up, North Pnkota Is complaining because, Hens tor Ladd says, hundred of cur a i being sent Into Canada dally to bring Canadian wheat Into Duluth for export from New York be cause of th congestion at the port'1 of Montreal. Kuhat Adv. for county commissioner. Mrs. Catt in Budapest. Hudapeet, Nov. 4, On the Invita tion of Hungarian feminists, Mr. C'arrley Chapman Catt, th American suffrage leader, bus arrived here to study the effect of woman auffragc In Hungary, fih also hn been re quested to attempt to effect a union among the warring women' groups, Omaha Chapter to Fleet. Election of officer will bo held by th Omaha chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People at tha annual meet In the fit, John A. M. U. church. Twenty-fifth and tirunt street, this afternoon at 2, I alia.ll vol for Churl H. lOlsutter fur Municipal Juris Nnvamhar 7. Who's your inanT A(lvrtlnifnt. He Moines, I,i., Nov. 4 Nine fofmcr city employe were Indlete'J by lbs Po'k county grand Jury here jidteiday on 21 counts of fur nery, fulo pretenses and conspiracy In iviuici Hon wllh iilli gcd Irregularl tlr of d'apiwlug of city funds. Th Irregularities are said by stnt Investi gator to Involve more than loO.ono. Hurry X. Miller, brother of former diy superlniendi nt of safety, Mar shal! M ill t, who formerly was super inti iiiieut of gin huge disposal, wn llieilllolieil III 12 count. W, O. vVelkei-, former clly pucha Im; Ih:i'oI, was Indicted on two count, oilier indicted are; Max Pecker, II. i. Marsh, lj. !'. Iilreman, Kol Htaley, II. Wlnl. -rhottnm, Cole Ih-rtoff and I'M wn i-d liiiadiworth, Total loi. da for the seven men have bei-n fixed at (125,000. Frico Roy, 13, Confesses to Starling 29 Fires for "Kick" Hun Kranclaco, Nov. 4 Thirteen year ell Jgnallu lirniria, confessed today, police announced, to having set fir to 29 building In the Ituseian hill district her within the past Sev ern I month. "1 got a kick cut of It," Ignatius explained to Defective Thome Ren Kan, while tiiklns the latter on a round of th house the lad admitted having set afire. Property damage In th fire to tuled nppicxlmaiely 111,000, police s ild. The boy wa captured yesterday iul o fleeing from an Incendiary bl.iie. Two Homliing Airplane )iiui.'i;:ed in Forced Landing Kane Clly, Mo., Nov. 4. Two liitj-c ImmliiiiK urniy planes en nuitu from l.;iio!cy field, Va , In Kelly fi M, Ti-k . ivere ,,-er,-lv diltii ived when forced by engine trouble to lurid hi MIAkduiI yesterday, according to a report In ic- nt l,y o-. m.- .h hi a third plane which landed safely at ll, Ininls field. The occupant of the two plains wire sllvlitly bruised and scratched but olhi-rulee not Injured, It was snld. (me of the bomber wn forced to In rid nt Napoleon, Mo., 30 mile from K.msiis t'lly. The other went aground ut Troy, Mo. The planes were, on thn way to Kelly field for use In tho advance bombing, achool conducted by the army, Irish Barrack Attacked. Pdf.iHt, Nov, 4 The military bar racks at Ardee, County Louth, was fln-cely attacked hy republicans to day, hut owing to the great strength of tho hull. linn, the wall of which lira five feet thick, the assault fulled, Tho office of the. Ulster bank was wrecked by hrm. Why do more thnti Ion Iswynrs lnitor riinrlen H. I'ilguilnr fur M tiiii,-l,a JuilKut 1 1 1 ' A I H !; ho i rmnl'iiint .nil ha lh cimflih'ni of lh iiil, Advarttae nint. Our Big Christmas Phonograph Club Now Forming You May Have Your Choice of either a Victrola or Brunswick e" Jk Psv at W !1 the Kate l ' p-fl - 1.1 II III! . I q a ween n J I for Foul A I iAWceke I I WTsfWaP-ffc .-hi - it m'l ; ; If Victrola I a. I I oiri R 115.00 H 7C I It U 11 Until Paid For A small deposit will hold any instioi ment for delivery on Christmas morning1 then the above payments will prevail.' ORDER NOW Juit a limited number of inttrument to be told on thi Club Plan. Main Floor Wast CARLOAD COAL Scraanad Illlnola, C 4 H'K per Toa f e.b. Mln.a V ' Aak for prlca dallvered your towa. Club tosethar. Johnson Bros., Mine Agts. NEBRASKA CITY, NEB. Aftnla Wanted la Every Town r h' M iiWirarew i , I " i,Hiiiiiiiiiiiiinmm,ii u.- m.imii.iim n,.m.u.,11f v - ...-i, 'I I 11 l I i 5 1 MM ! f; i Hi. itr A i 1 si - n :, -i . .. Jitotkholders of Oil Firm Called to Flcc Director NVw Vk, Nov. 4 A wl call li lor a tii..-llo "f I'"' pffei'd st.Hkh.lder f th ivi 'd i."n Me vf pnh'iniul. , on l,nuti ; tsae - Hut iT'oe . t t .-e Jm (VHv yierdv Th it,t:r m t- f"f th :. t.ow ct a h. l-.ld f d.iwtol. it i iit. r u It i.auit i f an t!.-a It thi a, ' l.i if -i-fnd .. tlviy crc llaopit iliiMlion, l i ,e K. N.. 4 -.tjoii M Cty, ,i i,i,.l oiesmiKr f Ail . H In. o. in wKst fc i r-4 t six )- ti Pol nr. ml t a, M Mi d ! -it ttl. '! lotk .. i a it s h fc' ti niuiutua a b- , It I n Mf, -.! tba b.n.,u- Mtk -iejm ii i I I tt I ) ill 2. lrM ki, I lni4 b.4 IUuJ In el t .i4 . i, miuiMj. " ,..'. ik.' u m . i e t- l:l - ps.h'x-a . .() It l t. ( tV..J t' t .1. t.-4 T ! ;., lu . ( fcl 4.i rl Anart".rgT. OUCH BACKACHE n o p o B ( Ah' Pvii i gonr' t. J.t (Ul :.u. .1 I d '. v.' i a - A'n-" instant i l.f f.-vm ..iii, at '.'una. Uoi ii f m !. a .iil ib lo a wiia si J -."( ltd. Hit. it, tiia,eg ia(t.i .l r'i'-,t a !.. r-muf.l a4 ritf ..!.. ). iu m b.iti y. k h, Ui t-i an I . wv- ur t , hr d i- et aet aii I. ,l Oi k n .,.. bl U - '-i- i.ti-i i',,.41 s .. -. r I 1,. tRt ,4 s i vtt iat jj Ml a a . b II " n M -. t taw li . I -.- I I t 1 i f I t ' J i - a I tiMii .. . . til t u. t,k4 Value That is the foundation upon which this new furniture institution shall be built And supporting this value policy will be another of courteous, painstaking service. Generous varieties of carefully selected ar ticles for the beauti fying of the home. Comprehensive and Noteworthy Showings of All That is New in Furniture Rugs Stoves The W. J. Claire Furniture Co. aims In every transaction to give the fullest mesumre of satisfaction with ever)' purchase, You will find thla a delightful place tr hop, H'rWt'icY ImnwJlutt 'unn.iKt ,-tj CimttmfhiUj ft .Vol ll'f tvify Vu Ij I'ulf 7'i AVb Stit V. J. Claire Furniture Company Monday An Unusually Brilliant Collection of Women's Smart Low Shoes Models for Street, Semi-Dress and Dress Wear-All at One Price Some remarkably smart, new styles are included in this sale of shoes that were formerly much higher priced. A Few of the Many Models Included in Sale.4 Two-Tone Dress Pumps with patent vamps and beige suede quarters and hand-stitched, turned soles. With covered French or Cuban heels, 5.95 Black Satin Colonial Pumps with covered French heels are suitable for street wear and dress wear, for 5.95 Black Satin Dress Pumps with cov ered Junior French heels, ' 5.95 Patent Leather Dress Pumps with covered Junior French heels, 5.95 Black Satin Dress Pumps with vamps and straps beaded with' tiny steel beads with covered French heels Colonial Tongue umps ISO IUrj Slrt .) AT Ufttit 1031 for 5.95 PerPr. Black Satin Dress Pumps with flex ible soles and covered French heels, 5.95 Patent Leather Dress Pumps with flexible soles and covered French heels, 5.95 o - - o Patent Leather Walking Oxfords with sensible walking heels, Knvr lUh toes, 5.95 Black Kid Two'Strap Dreis Pumps with covered French heels, 5.95 fht flluitratlona utre $lftchtd from .Ws iitctuihd In Out nlt, Our ! ulndmr ui I?th $trttt disptayt thr nrurnj in uottnn fiKttmur. her of Women's New Fall Low Shoes ) Kwi CKWia WIVie . ot. I W $) ? fa ltoi llkt, aV4 Valk. 0leeJ Tkt'tJ HvMMT 3.45 HUW RrMJ) Sat.s) lfe I Saw ll.ae (HhIi U lU. W Sli ri. tealk.a )!'. t-4 l i i. ke fll ! fa 11: j? t r I