The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 05, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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ft A
Paris Laudiing
at Social Effort
of Millionaire
VTur Profiteer Arranges Elab
orate Hunting Parly at Cha
trmi Only Ohsruriiirs
Appear for Event.
!.ri, Nov. e-ijiy A. PH-I'ar in
l.nirhliiK t ti w tilly wjr
mllllonulr who aumptrt to hrmk
tlirniith muMy't upper inut ly tl(o
noat elutx,rato hunting puny franc
hu a'f In many era. liivltntn.n
ra t to -nea f inH'liilly prom
Inent peraona, tii't t whom the. Imli
Ml never mH, arid to mimy pull-
tic aria anil it )rum frrotin of uctreaara.
VlUf unlf'irniMl nrviinti with iow.
dVed wix ri n-.riil(.'l In I'm I
and J.009 pnrtMc.a e lmpurt4
from lluim irr and luceij In cokm at
tiatrlc point, to t- rcleaaed ao Dial
titer mlKht Ixi rixmI aH)i( fur avail
tha poormt ah"ia.
Hh"n th lima ruma for lha opan
In of tha HvaiLiy parly ther ar
rlvi al tha lioat hewly acquired
thiiteau all tha aoHulJy unimportant
ItwniM n rid a tvimplvta at of reareta
fnin tha prominent (inn, Tha hoat
revenue hlmaelf for atich monu
Mental aorlal f.illure and wlf1eaprenl
nub hy k"ilnK hla purtrl' ami
trovldiiijc riihhlia for tha uimelect to
ahoot at,
Mualr to It I'rotm ted.
inopina runi'im man-h will no
luiignr a-rva tonijo rluiicer. nor will
theme from H'thovcn, Moziirt aivl
WiiKner ha iianl fur ahlinmle and
fox trot a, If the aoclcty of authoia,
rotnpoaer find riiuxlR puhllahi'ia haa
ita way, Tha aoclnty him Ununl an
'Hi t flK'ilnnt tha J.izzlritf of climalcal
theme fiml Ita wiirnlntf la likely to
ha heeded, fur it la thl organization
which laatie permit for all popular
rnualc to ha played ami collect tha
conipoatira' royaltle. -
Tha queatlon fir ft cam hafora tha
aoclety Hire month ao, hut wa al
lowed to drop In tha hellef that tha
dancing cruza would anon dla out,
Now tha orimlwitlon la Bending cir
cular a to tha director of all dancing
place notifying them that thay muat
reaped tha dmid mnatara and that tha
oclety conaldcra Itaelf (ha moral de-fi-nilrr
of thalr work, which, hence
forth, muat ha irlvim only In tha form
originally lnti-nlid.
Taxi to Ita Honored,
"Tha viti!rana of tha Mama," that
f t of old foahloned, Infirm, two
cylinder taxlcaha that have been
(ruining tha atreete of Tarla for 17
yrnri, era to he elitnally honored by
the mhUatry of war for tha declalva
p:irt they playi-d In the hlatotio battle
which anved I'arla,
The olilcat moat dilapidated taxi la
to ha eolcmnty acortd by a body of
viran j-timiftVtfra to tha Invalldea
wur inuaeum, whire It will be given a i
prominent place among the rallce,
Thcaa ancient red cabe, which are
ititnrdpil by vlaltinjr Amerlcane aa
pnnt curloaltlra, atlll ruati around
I'n rlii duy and night, In rain or ahfne
at breakneck apised, thlr progreaa be
ing marked by a terrible rattle, but
they are rapidly being replaced by
modern cara.
kt wna In theae machlnea that, at
the critical atace of the battle of the
Murnti, Oeneral Oalllenl aent (,000
French troopa from Parle almoat to
the actual fighting area, where the
French left wing waa eerloualy threat
ened, The chauffeure, who were all
too old to fight, were conacrlpted ae
they drove along tha atrecta, Their
paaaengera were ordered out and at
leaat five aoldlera were put aboard
each cab and atarted for the front.
The taxli drove back and forth for
two daya and nlghta, aupplylng freah
troopa to atop tha German drive on
the capital.
Faater Tralna Hanned.
Tralna operated, by electric power
on the prewar echedule time, or
faater, and offering to the traveling
publlo three claaaea of aleeplng cara,
are provided for In the governments
program for rehabilitation of the rait
roade ao thoroughly diaorganlzed by
the war.
Second and third claaa aleepera,
with three tlera of bunk are already
,ln aervlce to a limited extent aa an
experiment, and electrification of the
llitee haa been ceremoniously Inaugu
rated between Tarbea and Ldurdea.
The flrat email atretch will not be
opened to the public, however, for
eoma time. The ceremony conflated
In the operation of the flrat electric
locomotive built In France.
Three Hurt in Explosion.
Chicago, Nov, 4 Three men were
poaalbly fatally Injured, two othera
were burned and 10 narrowly eacaped
Injury when a compreeaed air blower
In the Itedmanol Chemical Producte
company plant exploded here today,
irumlng fluid waa thrown over thoae
Hundred of ilk and ftoth
drrMr In acow of clever new
at y Ira will be on ! Monday
at thl atora at big bargain
911.75 915.00 91D.50
mt 921.75
Julius Otkin
I SI 2 DuUi Street
Old Slave to Help
"Party of Lincoln"
, 'J a.
Char lea Kolilaon.
Charlva Jlohlaon, k, vcti-rnn of the
civil war, who aa a aUve waa inudu
free by LliKoln'a pruclumatloii, will
work ii II day I'lrcljon day at tha polla
for the "atrnlKht republican tlcknt,"
he uld yeti-riny.
'Ita the 'Party of Mncoln'," he
aal'l, "It la the party of llm man who
inmla the colored peoplu u fi'te peo
ple. It la tho party that haa iilwuye
atooil for tho lilKh't prim Ipha of
democrncy ami vuuallty aa apoken hy
the great martyr, Prraliltnt Mncoln.
"If I live to be I'M) yara oil and
there are only two republican left, I
will vote for only the two republic
an '
Itoblaon la well known by realdent
of the north aid". He la u petmioni'd
porter of the Union Pacific railroad
and worked on train on which Lin
coln and Jeff I'uvla had been tfiil.
Roblaon llkea to tell of tha ailrrlnif
day of the civil war. lie tell of be
ing on a a'lamer that wa aunk In
the White river of Arkanaa and de-
crlbe In detail how he eacaped.
"I didn't eat a bite for (wo daya
and traveled only at nluht," he aald.
On time the confederatea aurprlacd
u a and I had to dive In a river to get
Unionist Want Fair
Trial of Anglo-InVh Pact
I.eedn, England, Nov. 4. (I!y A, P.I
Prime Mlnlater Bonor Law, addreaa
lug an audience of 3,000 peraon here
today, aald the view of the whok
unlon'.at party wa that the Anglo
Irlah treety be riven a fair trial.
"Thoan who are . carrying on the
government In Ireland may think," he
aald, "that the new government and
the party that eupporta the new gov
ernment 1 hoat lie in Ita heart. It
The prime mlnlater waa dlacuealng
home affair when he made thl aaer
tlon, prefaced It by anylng that the
mot Important and the moat diffi
cult (iibject of home politic wa tho
poaitlon In Ireland.
2217 Fmm Strati
Telapheneai Omaha, AT Untie 0345
South Side, MArkat 0050
Doou Want
to Save
Turn to Page 3,
Society Section
Read and Heed
IKU Furnac
Yr I Urn
A -,irf5U''1J.ek'
If. I '.'
ti) AT if "J u M ) ikiu-hu .!
a y 4 lata eeaUaf U f In a., II t ttfi ti
) ) ! t. )4 Mi a vay,
411 eik !. (Vf CVv AT, 4lt
1 ' " " ' ' " 1 " " " '
Man Exonerated
in Fiiiht Death
WitnoM-t )cny Conilmtant
Strut k OppoiK'ttt Over
Head Willi JlotllV.
John Mulihead, Utxin r, whoa huh
with William WiMMllock Nuveniber 3
reaulled in the death of the lullrr,
a fried yesterday morning after a
lornner'a Jury returned a verdict of
Itih reaulted from the blowa or
front the fall, wna Ihi'ir MiidliiK, lu
tin re Waa no evidence In prove that
Mulihead hit V'oodlo k wiikjinythlng
hut hla II -t In an ordinary rough and
tumble flight.
I'r. K, II. t'leneiiliaii, coroner';
phyalclMn, teatlfled that death wua dua
to concuxakui of the brain. The
trouble iHgaii, uccordlng to Mulr
head, whn Woodloi k, whom he had
known for l hi e year, aiiruiichrd
him at , Hnventeetith and Weliater
atreeta and anked him for a drink
Mulrhead teatltled that Wowlloi k
wore at Mm and atruck Mm.
"I hit him once when he waa
down," Mulrhead an Id. "Then I aat
him up, put hla hut on hla head and
left, lie fill over again, hut he wa
Intoxicated anyway and I didn't think
much of It, I didn't know he wa
dead." .
A number of wltneaar denied that
Mulrhead atruck hla opponent with
bottle or any other weapon, a wua
Drat alli'K'd by police.
Kuhat for county cotnmiaaloner.
IM Enables GoldiiUin'i to Sell
It Luxurious New
Coats Wraps Capes
Stoles Chokers
- At
25 to 33i3
Under Regular Retail Prices
Vielt Ooldateln'a Fur Hhop and
compare the remarkable value
that are ofered to quality,
atyle, workmannhlp and price.
Just a Few ol Our
. 1 Many Values
45-lnch Bay Seal Cape Wrap,
luxurlouMly silk - (POO 7K
lined 04. Ill
40-lnch Natural Dark (P1 1 C
Md 11k rat Coat J)11J
42-Inch Bay Seal foaU, natural
guBk $149.50
42-fnt'h Mink Marmot Cape Wrap,
dropped akin effect, chin collar
an tail, 17 0
trimmed ipLOI,0t
45-lncb Near Seal Wrap, wide
mandarin alceve, trimmed with
American mink collar flJOH
and cuff JeJU
12-lnch Hudson Seal ('outs, full
wrappy model of choice quality
pelts, natural $90
akunk trim $dVU
Repairing and r
, modeling at lowest
prices combined
mth highest skilled
Customers without charge
accounts may apply for credit
if they so desire.
fta f afLfeelZ
William F. Wappich
Solicit Ygur Vote for
Municipal Judge
OA Noa-Polillcal Ticket
Why Eaperlmeat Wkea Yw
Have a Capable and Etfirieat
f LtCllON NOV. 7IU, IB21
Mwaetl CmiI il U ike riie
law! alir J 111
Noonday Program
12:20 to 12:50
Rabbi Fredrick Cohn
will review
"Mind In the Making" '
the much dieueed publication
of Jatnr Harvey Kobinum,
whoae book l creatine unuiual
intcrent Just at this time.
rrojrm under jenoral HU
rection of the rhildrcn't theater
movement. ,
AualUrlum rilta Flaw
"May We Be
of Service?"
Quite a Important a part of
this biff atore a the every Any
clllntf of merchandise are it
sorvlcs feature. Service at
the command of everyone ami
of which tha BurgeM-Naah
Company wiahe everyone to
take advantage. For thoe who
ar not familiar with tha vary
in If phases of the service, let
u fny a word about them,
"Ask Mr. Foster"
service ran tell you anything;
about travel. If you don't be
lieve it, juat try th next time
you are In the atore, Perhaps
it' a winter trip you want to
tuke ticket, Pullman reserve,
tioni, hotel reservation, ' earn
er reservations, location, place
of interest, school all of the
matter are attended to and
question atifactorily an
swered. In fact, the lervica
can tell yon anything you want
to know about anywhere you
want to go.
BurfMt-Nab Third Floor
Pumps to Match
Afternoon frock and even
ing gown may have the added
charm of accompanying slippers
and hoie in exactly the same
rhade. We dya the stocking
and the white satin pump and,
if you wish, add a brilliant
buckle or a ribbon colonial.
Shoe Shoe Mala Floor
Pott Office
on the couth aide of the main
floor cave many a step for
busy chopper who have damp
ing and mailing detail to which
to attend. Here At Substation
No. 1 are all the conveniencies
of the central post office
stamps, money orders and tha
parcel post mailing service; let
ters are dispatched every hour.
Burf -Nih Mala 'Floor
- Check Stand
The little extra (hopping
that one -sometimes finds neces
sary Just before train time
may be accomplished with
greater convenience if luggage
is taken care of at our , Free
Check (tend.
BurfMt-Naah Mala Floor
The Bank
Checks may be cashed, and
Burge-Nah Company bill,
telephone bill and electric light
bills paid here.
Burina-Nasb Mala Floor
Fine Snapshots
are the result of our eert de
veloping and finishing. For
your greater convenience, we
have 12-hour service: films left
before 1 p.m. one day may be
had the next'day at 11 :30j films
left before 4 p.m. may be had
by .3:30 the next day.
Burftu-Nath Mala Floor
Needle Art Classes
are not only delightful ways m
which to spend a morning or
an afternoon, but a very eco
nomical way of getting most
gorgeou lamp shade.
Art needle work embroidery
and knitting are taught, too.
Her even the beginner I
taught to make the most Intri
cate ititche In fancy work -and
what a joy it I to make
lovely, useful article for one
self, for gift, or for tha home.
Burtit-NaB StconS Floor
Shined Shoes
are a matter of personal priJe,
The ronvenience and privacy of
our perlal booth appeal to fa
tldiou women.
urM N. Mala Flow
Diabetic Foods
Iloth th Tea Room and the
Cafeteria ar aid to aupply
you with the food at moat
moderate rott,
t'm'oa, rat SS
t.luten Hour, k. ...... 4)
llrrakfail f ood, SO
'r)itu!ln, 1 kg S0
lady r infer, pk, ,30a
Atmtind Macaroon, Vf, ..S3
Almond Pliek. pkf. , 30
lUoad PMrka, kf .!
H itter Cookie, plf , . , , . J0
ZalrKitk, ktf J0
T S!m ! tWa
RJ Arrow RttotH
Outing TUnncI
Ysrvl, ITs
If lS -? la I ,l.t
4 tl tl-ra, ). o aa I
tl.MMHI Stwa
Again We Direct Your Attention to the
Importance of Buying Linens Now
With linens at the lowewt pricing in years
and the certainty of higher prices coming,
Linen Damask .
i Irish linen table damask, 70
inrhe in width. Very heavy
weight, in a variety of pat
tern. Yard, $1.95
And In the Art Section Are
Genuine Derryvale Irish
W to V2 Off Old Prices
Hand Embroidered
Irish Linens
50 Off Old Prices
You Will Like
This New Model
Colonial drees pump of satin.
The pump is a plain one-strap
style; $9.00; the Colonial effect
comes in several styles of all
ribbon or in combination with
suede or patent. In black,
brown and white. $2.50 and
Shoo Shop Mala Floor
It's pretty hard to get the youngsters into "heavies"
sometimes, but they'll like our garments, so soft and
cozy next to one's skin. Better start them off with
several suits they mean a comfortable winter.
The Fabrics Fashion Uses Most Often
4(Vin. Chiffon Velvet
S.vtr tfuro Kat vUn b-
litl In tKa Mad.
JM Ji i y (kmIl or (I.r.oc
.ini. (n r Htfil diot)lv
h a U ef tau n. Mm
fht . Urr rii 4ullj, vtn.
ain' ct tfimmlhf art wantr
ry I lata, . n rv.
Vrvl. U 41
Our Telephone Number Has Been Changed
From DOuglas 2100 to AT lanttc 8321
Damask Napkins
Pure Irish linen napkin, in
(everHl designs. Thcio are
an exceptional value at thi
Dozen, $4.95
BurffM-Nath Llnoa
Centers, Scarfs, . Luncheon Sets, Dinner Sets, Pillow Cases,
Tea Sets, Vanity Sets, Towels, Napkins, Doilies.
Burf-Nb Art Dprtmnt 3cond Floor
The Past Week Has Brought
New Patterns in Curtains and Drapes
Marquisette and Scrim Curtains
Pricecf, a Pair, $1.75
Attractively made of a fine quality marquisette or a heavy
mercerized scrim, with four-inch hem. White or ivory.
Ruffled Curtains
Dotted Swiss and marquisette
curtains, variety of pattern.
, Pair, $2.95
Voile Curtains
Beautiful voile, with insets
of real lace and hand-drawn
vork. Ecru and ivory.
Pair, $6.50 and $5.95
Burftts-Nftth Drapory
Won't Need to Bundle Up Yet If They. Wear
Underwear These Chilly Days
Are These
Silk Shirting
Heavy quality broadcloth silk
shirt intra in hairline and cluater
atripe pattern. 3.1 Inrhr In
we ask you to think of the ravings it will
bring you to invest in these quality linens.
Linen Towels
Hemstitched linen buck
towels, mude of pure flux.
The lHx34-inch size, that
make desirable cifts.
Each, 59c
Shop Second Floor
Derryvale Stamped
Irish Linens
3313 Off Old Prices
Mercerized Madras
New madras in plain or com
bination colors. 36-in. width.
Yard, 89c
Newest Nets
Heavy filet nets of ivory and
ecru. All over and border pat
terns. Specially priced
Yard, 50c and 59c
Shop Fourth Floor
There's no bugaboo as to fit about Carter underwear,
for every garment is knit to fit snugly without gaping
or wrinkling. It's fit that js knit in so it can't be
washed out. Priced moderately, according to size.
Mala Floor
of Moderate Pricing
Satin Poplin
Satin-backed navy bin silk
poplin. 40 inrhe in width.. An
exceptional value, prtred for
Monday. 1 OQ
Yard H 1 .Oil
Krimmer Cloth
tiry and brown 52 in,
Krimmer doth that i
uitabl for winUr roat,
and effoi'ltva a trimmlua
fr tuita, roat and
Yartl, I4.9S
Vr foala ad capo SaaJa f tug raw.l t k
fatiats will doff t14 winJa 1Ki malarial
U Ik 4 ik aMili Ut ui u alia, kia
"ly la warm a4 f U.
YsrJ. 2 tS
Luncheon Napkins
Madeira napkin of round
thread Irish linen. Hund scal
loped edge and embroidered
'i dozen, $3.95
Linens '
H: ' . :
Crepe de Chine
Fine quality all Uk rrep da
china, both the lifht-r (had
for llnKcrie, and darker one
for drvaae. A pn
Yard 01. Ot
New ruids
Suft plaid ortd In
adraciivo culor romSiti.
tmna are ! .(rest
favurito f..r th amtr
ttm. Woven IX ,1nih
Vara, $1.19
Qmm Sv- Smoj4 Im