The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 05, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 A
Public Debt of
Country Reduced,
Mellon States
Obligation Substantially Cut
From War IVak in 1919,
Dcsju'le Im reune I)ur
ing Oclolirr.
Washington, Nov, 4 Despite Ihe
t'liiponiry Increase vt K'SS.ftno.OoQ In
til pul-llc ijl;t during October, (ha
triirx lies imi'l" a lm t unintcr
rupln iirognns In ltd rr-lnctlon from
th nr vnk of l:'f.Mi4,noo,fiftQ,' fcScre
lry Mellon declared lust night In
formal statement.
, Hiru-o the p.,,k of Auttust 31, 1319,
hi (.Iiowk) I lie ilebt hml been reduce)
If i:2,IJ,0)M,0(i4 on fccptnnber 3,
JJK. Titer have tiei-n fluctuation
from time to tune, however, as a re
sult of tin l,oi rowings fur refunding
pMriiKi-a and temporary deficiencies
In (ha current revenues. Tliia wm the
esse In i toiler, lia declared, when
llo-re os a temporary Increase In
the debt ua ii rmult of refunding otc
rMUoria Involving tha luut if j00,
00J,ioo of treasury honU and tha ex
cess of current expenditures, arising
from heavy payment of Interest on
tha public I ht.
Tae I'syshle Quarterly.
Income aii'l profit taxes, whlrti eon
atlttita tha Kovernnnnt' heaviest re
ceipts, Mr. Mellon explulned, art paid
quarterly In March, June, Hepleiiibcr
and JJeeember, wlillo Interest pay
mint", avtil'li constitute tha largest
single Item of government expense,
full chiefly In March, April, May, June
Heplcmber, October and November, o
that the cnrieet vlgw of the govern
ment's finances can only be obtained
from tha operations of a ouurter or
tha full year.
"The progress mud In dealing with
the ahort dated debt," Mr. Mwlon said,
"ha been mora striking.
"On April 30, 1921, whin the treas
ury first announced Ita refunding pro
gram, there was over $7,600,000,000 of
debt maturing before tha end of the
present flecal yeur. Hy October 81,
iK2, t tin t la to say, II montha lutcr,
spoilt 14,600,000,000 had already been
retired or refunded, leaving about $3,
000,000 to be refinanced, during the
balance of tli year,
"Treasury certificate outstanding
ill have tax maturities, and tha to
Hi I l now less than $1,000,000,000, tho
lowest figure for aeveral years back.
As for tha December 15 maturities of
certificate and railed Victory note,
the refunding operation have already
reduced than to manageable pro
portions and thera will b further re
tlrementa between now and December
IS out of exiting treasury balance,
purauant to general offers already
made to redeem called Victory notes,
and December 15 certificates beforo
"Against Its December maturities,
Ih treasury will receive, It is esti
mated, about $276,000,100 in income
and profit taxes, which will 'still fur
ther reduce tli amounts requiring
to ps refunded. There is every as
surance that tli refunding which re
main, to be accomplished, will be
completed without strain on the coun
try's financial machinery and with
out disturbance to the market for
outstanding securities."
Six Hundred Men find Women Thrce-Cornered
SI 4k aftW r- a w sT WW s t a, sf w W ff v s m I
on Carnegie Pension Lists
Majority of Those Receiving, Benefits From Fund
Created by "Iron Master Over 60 Years of Age
Appeal That Receipts Be Declared Un
taxable Granted by Supreme Court.
Nw York, Nov, 4. .-On the tomb
stone of the "Iron maeter," Andrew
I'urnegle, In Hleepy Hollow cemetery,
is the epitaph h wrote:
"Her He a man who knew how
to enlist In his service better men
than hlmaelf."
Document made pubic yeatwday and
tiled in the appellut division of ths
supreme court, In supjiort of an ap
peal asking that a $4,000,000 pension
fund creuted by C'ariiegls's will bs de
clared untaxable, sounded a practical
overtone to tli keynote of th epi
taph. The appeal wa granted.
The documents showed that (00
men and women, most of them mors
than (0 am many more tliun $0, wi
on the petKlon list of the Hootch "iron
master," who died in 1619. Bom of
th bcncncliirles receive $10 a month;
others get Incomes that approximate
1 0.900 yearly. Home of them are
workmen grown too old for their
trades; some of them have btun
downed by sudden misfortunes. One
of them Is a viscount of I-ondon; an
other Is the widow of railroad engl
KnlisUd In Service.
l',ut most of themrre' "men who
wera enlisted In tint service ot Andrew
To Miss Helen Keller, the famous
girl who Is detif, dumb and blind, the
Carnegie pension fund grants an an
nully of $2,600. Viscount John Mor
ley of Wimbledon park, London, Is
provided .with 1,000 pounds sterling a
year after reaching the age of $0, ac
cording to the pension provisions
Hundreds of others, whose names are
unfamiliar on news puges, but which
were once written on tho payrolls of
steel mills and plants In Pentisyl
vuma, receive Incomes of varying size
from th fund.
Hi vera I letters from Mr. Carnegie
In regard to tha cure of obscur
friends were made public by Hobert
A. franks, who for many years dl
dected the disposal of tho pension
fund, "ne say, of an old man and
bis wife:
"They ar old, no longer able to
work, and on the verge of losing their
minds. The arrangement I suggest
I hope, lli make them comfortable
to the end." ,
Another letter concerns an engl
near. who. close to death, asked Mr,
Carnegie's aid for Ms family, one of
whom was a crippled daughter. The
Four biir groups of' silk ami
cloth dresses in scores of
clever new styles for women
and misses will be on sale
Monday at the followinif bar- ,
gain prices
911.75 815.00 810.50
and 82-1.75
Juliuo Ortin
1512 Douglss Street
t m- :
4 V -m :u t ;
1 my v.M,
x - - .
11 r
j County
m Treasurer
The best Treasurer Douglas County ever
Knows the Treasurer's Office.
Always efficient
As Treasurer 1912 to 1916 earned for tax
payers $40,000 per year by investing bal
ances in County and City Bonds and
Practiced economy.
Ran the Treasurer's Office in 1916 for
URE'S Successor made it cost $103,S1S for 1921.
URE'S Klection will ston Waste and Extravagance.
URE Always helpful to taxpayers.
The ritfht man for the job.
II. C. Utt ft Coni 7Vr4iiuref;
HaAt li Alt aic
out it Mi'ia
ik a hull
All t A, IVwtV
leoaati tivt
IHU . M tHH4l
Mat. aiaat
Mat a. m IIHUI
M w 1 (.at HAM
Mat Maav lAPiot I
mbs . r. tt.t
Mas, ItKI MtH
Mat, lis, f. naiM
Ma. fMtts, latttia
Mat, (.loeii a. nni
A a. VtilW
engineer. In his feeble days,- had been
lnionl and ths letter directs th
continuation of aid to his family, say
ing: "If more Is needed to keep the
ldow snd her daughter, it Is to b
given tliem, sure," ,
On letter, directing th nrollnint
of th name of a woman on the list
of pensioned, tail directly of a "man
enlisted In th service" of Carnegie.
It ays:
"Please any her father loaned m
$117,60 In order to mak my first pay
ment on sleeping car stock. Hay that
h took my not without security,
ssylng, 'Yes, I'll land It to you, Andy;
you're all right,'
Appeal Orsnled.
"So Ms - daughter ned have no
hesitation In coming under my wing
Th appeal for the ruling dispens
ing with taxation of the fund which
was granted was partly based upon
proofs offered to show that th pen
sion fund was but a small part of ths
philanthropies of the "Iron master,"
who guve away, th accounting
shows, $369,000,000, snd died worth
Andrew Carnegie retired from busi
ness in Aoi, the court was told, and
from then until his death at Htiadow
brook, Ienoi, Mass., on August 11,
3919, was most Interested In the dis
position of large portions of his for
Fights Feature
British Campaign
Total of 1,370 Nominations
Alrrady Made! Conner va
tivri Lead in umlr
of Candidates.
London, Nov. 4 Hy A. I'.) The
lint of parliamentary candidates In
th approaching lt'ctloni, represent
ing sll ths parties, were Issued to
night for publication Hsturday. Al
together, 1,370 candidates have been
nominated, distributed a follows:
Coimervailvrs, g'tnrrslly culled un
ionists, 4C$; As'iulthlan or Indepen
dent liberals, 228: national or
Georgian IILcials, I'D, and laLorilles,
There tnuy still be a few more
nominations tu tors the lists si made
official, but they ar conxldered te
be practically complete, and alt hough
there have been conflicting reports
on the subject yesterday, apparently
Mr, Jloyd Honrs; has no Intention of
carrying out his threst to nominate
a host of "carpet bagger" candidates
to oppose the conservatives.
The first actually elected member
of the now parliament were an
nounced yesterdsy, They are the threu
members of th "combined Scottish
universities," two conservatives, Hlr
Henry Cralk snd Hlr Oeorg Ucrry,
and one nationalist liberal, l. M.
Cowan, who, being unopposed, were
declared duly elected.
An outstanding feature of the
nominations Is ths wholesale nature
of the contests between the conserva
tives and tuulitluii IiIk'IuIs and I")
tttven tlio Independent liberal and
th latioritta. There sro ery few
Ishor candidates throutihuut the
country, but these will hav to fight
for their seats, and In no lees than
140 constituencies liberals and
labnrltes will l fighting each other
with unionists waiting to tnku ad
vantage of this ipllt In tha progreS'
slvs ote, as the labor parly still de
clines to agree to any accommodation
with the I'lierals. Thus.'theie will he
sti enormous number of three coin
ered contests, making any forecast
of the on; com ut th elections almost
Ownership of Christlrr
Death Cun Being Tiat ed
llavie, Mont,, Nov, 4,-KIToit to
trace ownership of the pistol with
which the Hcv. IeonHrd Jucob Chris
tier and Mrs. Ma ran ret Carlctou were
slain a week ugo, I being carried
Into a number of cities of the coun
try, Chief of Police Monin emnoiinccd
lint night. Mrs, Carlctou did th
shooting, and for thut reason -the
cltUs selected are those In which Mrs
Carlcton Is known to have been re
cetitly, Ho far no headway has been
made In tricing the weapon, be said.
Cooperation of the Chicago police
department was prnmjscd bini In a
lung distance telephone cmivty nation
tonight, Mr. Mora n stated.
A coroner' J-;ry which investigated
the shooting decided Mrs. Carlcton
hud done It, but her mother, Mrs,
Joseph I'yle of Kutte, refused to !
cept the verdict, claiming the fact
that ownership of the gun hud not
been established was one of several
points not consistent with the jury's
Hlohoom Time Wing Futurity.
Ilultlmore, Md,, Nov, 4. lilossom
Time won the first division of tho
$0,0oo futurity, distance one mile at
I'linllco this afternoon.
"Suit Club" Men
Face Stormy Sea
Rearrested After Police Court
l ine Attat'hment Served
on Hank Account.
It looks like a stormy sea sheud
for (ierurd Meyer snd Ienn Wolfe.
They were the proprietors of ths
tiersrd l-ea Jilrect Advertising Tailor
ing cotiipiiny, who were lined $100
e.ich In Central police court Friday
for obtaining money under false pre
tenses through "suit clubs."
Shortly after paying their fines, they
were real r sled on another warrant.
They were released again under $100
bond each.
While their attorney apfieared In
police court to get their arraignment
continued until iteit Thursday, Har
vey rl. rlchuulls, ho says he was h
member of one of the clubs, hlrd
himself Into municipal court.
There lie secured a writ of attach
ment against $200 Meyer and Wolfo
bate In the United Ktales National
The consluble served the writ and
tho hearing was set for Novem
ber 10.
Judge W'applch said he Is going
to try to induce Meyer and Wolfe to
n tii r n the money they have secured
from Oinuhans, which City Prosecu
tor I'lneen alleges will total several
thousand dollars,
Strong Plea Is Issued to
Women Voters of U. S.
Washington, Nov, 4 A strong plea
to women voteis to cast their ballots
Tuesday wa Issued by Mr. Maud
Wood I'urk. president of th National
I.eiigun of Women Voters.
"Our country Is seriously Imperiled
hy Just one thing the apathy of en
frsnchlsed men and women, 'and the
danger thut threaten I greater than
ths menace of any armed enemy,1
said Mrs. Park. "Destruction of our
commerce, bombardment of our ensst
cHles, Invasion of our shores, could
In no 'Also destroy ns. Our country
Is ton large, too varied, too rich, ever
to be coimuered but It can Im wrecked
from within. It can reuse to possess
a democratic government, representa
tive of thu people' wishes, their
lduls. their best Interests and become
an autocracy ruled by the vicious or
stupid few, and every man or woman
Diphtheria Taken Toll.
Another death from diphtheria has
been reported to the health depart
ment, bringing the total to four with
in a week. The lulest victim was
Joseph Cjjluk, 5 year-old son of Mr,
and Mrs. Joseph Clrtnk, 3C17 Wirt
street .
You Can Save
Turn to Page 3,
Society Section
who falls to vote this ear eontributee
all Hint Is In his puvwr to urh an
overthrow of the Institutions our f'
father left to u."
rTtTlTU A l,AI .Mt isfcw t.S 1.
frJ." ,.l
Dr. Milton Mach
formerly With
Drs. Mach & MacH
Will 8 Asoelatd In tha future
With Dr. H, M, Kim,
504 Barker Block
11th and Farnam
Over Bsston Drug Co.
, Tslephon Atlantic 2184.
Psnonsl Attsntion and MedrU,
Prlcii Astursd,
Let's Be Practical
and Help You Plan
An Increasing number of our friends are finding that
a reaBonable allowance on their old furniture helps in the
purchasing: of new. This may be effected through our
Exchange Dept." Call for an appraiser without charge or
Shown in Many Stylet
Plain Marquisette, white and FA
ecru, pair , . ,pl,0J
Plain Sheer Voile Curtains, (Pi QfT -at,
pair p.VO
White Crisp Muslin Curtains, dn 7K
dots and small figure, pair, . P-i O
Barred Voiles, small and long: checks,
sheer and durable, PJ '
Sheer Dotted Marquisettes, $0 QC
fine quality, pair tpO.OU
Blue Checked Voile Curtains, Q QC
pair .,pO.OU
Plain Voile with pink and blue M QC
hemstitching tpO.OU
Sheer Marquisette Curtains with colored
dots pink, blue, gold
$4.50 and $5.50
Sheer Barred Marquisettes, colored dots in
lavender, blue, pink or (PJT AA
gold, pair ipO.UU
Msta Fleer
Toy Shop
Miss Peck says: "I have just ever so
many books of nursery rhymes and
scrumptious painting books and I am go
ing to sell them all out at 104 and 254
each. They art worth ever so much
So many attractive toys are now arriving
that the early Christmas shopper will do
well to look them over. W will be pleased
to pack and store any holiday selections
made now and deliver on the appointed
TsU Fleer
Newest of Handsome
Living Room Suites
that appeal to the home furnisher who wants some
thing really different. The suite pictured is built in
our own factory, with careful attention to every de
tail of construction.
Price, in rich blue figured and plain combination velour flhrce
pieces complete ) $305.00
The same suite in other coverings, $225.00 to $384.00.
Other overstaffed suites in wide variety from $161.00 to
rl h
i ?3
t )
For tha man r woman wha Is taeVlitf
for fully squU'peJ Wardrobe Trunk that
n Krone tnauft) o staiij ih hrJl
uu, )t lifht nu(H 14 avoid h icm
rs!r. the I'e (lUwiii nuas
r iU b ef rt l"Wfvi
UsMmssn's (1, A W. tj'evlsl Wsf trnes
trunk UltMNI
IttMMtM'l O. A VV, Hkea V sr.lroN
1fj ttl'J.tVt
HsHsssKH'l 0. A W. All I'ureut Vsr.lrKc
Trusk f:i7.50
A M lntrttif . ef C:lt'.
o.r N kt, ntuM v.ft ii't.J
Is sn-l ! kat ettntJ Tke tatty
I aristmst !"))- r will d!Ht4 wit It
Ike t jtumius t. 'ti" flr4
In Mahogany or Old Ivory
Style Bedroom Suites
This furniture is strikingly different in design,
supvrbly finished and built for enduring service.
Quality considered, the price is extremely modest. Dresser with 'JHx34 plate mirorr. as illustrated, $00.00
34-Inch L'hifforoba with removable tray compartment, a tllus-
trsled I5.(M
rull sue lloM i.Ht lied, H lllu.lrstcl , SUM. Oil
Triple Mirror Dressing Tlile to match ' $13.00
Urgn Vanity lrMr, wiih one IMxSU tmh mirror and two small
mirrors, a illiutrMed $7H.(NI
Rocking ( hair, t'hsir and Ilemh to maUh.
Just on of mny suites it will be worth your while te look at,
Everything for the Kitchen
at Kspcciiilly Kctmomical Prices
lVtri; J i', lUi with 4 burns r
,ikh hi-n sil l (Tv.iUr, vnemvt trim, $ I5.4K)
5 Ih, ll.rruk WkU i:i.smt I liJ, lry t
ufr sttiif n;
Iwv Wtll l-imtie nU t'iokf !tr
tsmplsl, with iuimiit HU.",tMI
I' SOU it'iMiH-. Ii.-u O. A W, K.k.n tsllut
nil imKrlii "tk l, ai'fa front, ! ,
Wer I f Kitt i tfc ',
$ I.U.I. 9..03,
kit. h. n t sluh.i with msil wetk lop, $.'J..
hit Wuutl Tt'i kit hut Table w.lh Urrr.
st $U.IM
V)ih( Vultl To KtU hi Table. ht
insn'!l i'. dravtsrt. M..M)
K: fm.l Nm.l Top kit'kfa Tble
si.smsl utulrr pert S I 'J 50
K!.-k.s) I'hatM , pa.'-.l
XMf, VjverUl floe ast Wh't Porrelsin I f
K h. T" "otsi. u.l' '.
hi 'tart
l?.tv I t;s!U.n Hoiltrs iik "-.
V " SJ.50
Oriental Rugs
In a Most Attractive
Women who have looked at On'enUI
Rugs and felt the price too high, will be
truly delighted with the possibilities of
this sale. Not only are the prices low,
but the pieces offered are of excellent
quality in very good colorings, indeed,
20 Ladic, size about -9x2-10, $12.50,
$14.00 and $10.00.
15 Bclouchislans, si.e about 2-4x3-7,
$22.00 to $23.50.
25 Belouchintaiis, size about 2-7x4-6,
$25.00 to $28.00.
25 Beriram-iH. size about 2-7x4-8, $38.00
to $ 15.00.
15 Hamadan and Irans, size about 3-fix4 8,
$50.00 to $55.00.
10 liokhHras, size about 3-7x4-2, $15.00
to $05,00.
Many wonderful values are offered in
room size Orientals.
Whittalls Body Brussel Rugs
Hundreds of women appreciate these
rugs becouse the are easy to clean. Most
of the patterns are suitable for bedroom
use, but this season we are showing soma
especially attractive patterns for the din
ing room and living room,
Sizo 4-6x7-6 $21.50
Size 6x9 37.50
Size 8-3x10-6 52.00
Size 9x12 55.00
Extra Heavy Seamless
We are offering a few slightly imperfect
Dxl2 size specials at 852.50.
Second Floor
of Fine
' V 1 'I'
' This Is an open stock
pattern and one of the
finest examples ot gen
uine English Porcelain
in this country,
4.' piece Pinner Service fur si..$3I.OO
7 piece t'hup Sets (six plates and ont i liop
d'sh) $7.00
21 piece Tea het ix etrp and saucers,
six plates, nifsr creamer and tospoti,
at $18.25
M.ia ftoa
Sale of Victrola anil
Floor Samples
(initio ins-UK llfown Mskosxy of
turned Osl iirunseuk $IMI.00
Ilia ua I't's1"1" i'ruwsi Mll(iiv Him,.
uk $i:i5.IMI
I. '.'S OJ l.iisl H ilruen Makoeany u.
..U mo.voo
fjiooi) Ki(!h liin Mhu4v lirui..
II. 'hmi i,.Un Uk HH5.IMI
1 1 Ml (Hi igm.ltUV hlrul ,.$10.(HI
11f la I i'.'..H llrues, Mht.- v
i.-tr . , $et.'t5,(HI
An ! etksis,
tsies II Vet Wtsk
ink ike
Haas.!. um:LM CO -