8 B ,THE SUNDAY T?EE: OMAHA. NOVEMnF.lt 5. 1922. Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Omaha Grain Omaha, Nor. 4. Oraln markcta wera alow but steady nd while moat of tha trading was of x an averting up character over Sun day tha news generally favored the eonatruetlva aide of all grains, and specially on wheat and rye. The Greek order of about l.BOO.OOO bush els wheat waa reported placed this morning and the export demand for rye was said to be ecllent, (00,000 to , 1,000,000 bushels having been worked at tha Seaboard. Itecelpta of wheat at Omaha were 109 cars of wheat; II cars of corn; 41 cars of oats; 11 cara of rye and bar ley aa compared with total run of 41 cars last yesr. Total shipments were 131 curs as compared with II cars a yen ago. Cash wheat demand waa fair at the ruling prices, w hich were 102c lower. Corn sold miIHe lower. Oata were fc-enernlly ie lower. Itye whs un changed to He lower and barley tin changed. WHEAT. No I dry h.rrt: I r.r II JO (imullr); t rata, II It; 1 cr, HIT. No dark hard. I rare, II II; t rar, II.I7 I rar. II II ( 01 per rent hard); 1 ear, l U (verr smutty); I rsr, 1114, No. 1 hard winter: I can, 11.11; t car, II IT. iv o. i nard winter: 4 ran, l ll; l rar. It M (44 per rent dark): I rara, II Mi 1 rara, It II; I rar, ll.lt (euiufiy, semi lark); I car. II IT (71 per rent dark); I Sr. i ll ( 01 par rant hard). No. I hard winter: t rara, 1 II (.01 lr cant hard): I rara. II 13. No. 4 hard wlnlac: 1 car, 11.11 (01 par cant hard). Jo. I hard winter: t car, 11.01 (11 par cant nam;; i car, II oi u par cant mua. tri- riampl hard wlntrr; 1 car. II 11; t rar. II UK ll prr rant hard, llv we.vlls); I car. It 01 (smoke ndir); 1 rar, II 01 (llva weevil); 1 rar, II. OS (I I par cant hard). No. J fallow hard: 1 car, 11.14; 1 car, 11.11. No. 3 j-eilow hard: 1 car, H 11 (4 par cam n.ru I. a No. I spring! I cara, H IT (dark); t rar, II 24 (daik); I car, 11.14 (dark); 1 car. l IT; I rar, 11.11. No. I spring; 1 car, ll.il (dark, .mut- ty). No. I aprlnr: I I rar, II II (dark). No. J tiilaad: 1 car, 11 IT ( par rant aprlnc. 14 par cant durum); 3 ear, 11.14 (spaulsl Mlllng). No. 3 niliad: 1 car, lln (durum.). No. 1 mlseil. 1 rar. II IT. . No. I muad: I I rar. 96o (durum), No. I durum, 1 car, lac. CORN. No. I whit! 1 car, 64e; 1 can, lto (ahlpprra walshia); 1 rar, (te. No. I yellow : 1 rar, 67 4c. Nr. I yellow: 1 car, 480 (shipper weight): I cara, lia (aparlal billing); I cara. IT Ho. No. 3 yallow: 1 car, II o (ahlppara welghte); 1 rar, 47 Ho (aparlal billing). No, 1 mixed: 1 car, 18 o (apaclal bill tag). No. 3 mlxad: 1 car, ITU: 1 car, tle (naar rye); I cara, I6a (near wnlte); I cara, lie. OATS. No. t whlta: 1 rar, 42a. No. I whlta: I rar, 410 (apaclal bill. Ins); 10 rara. 41 o; 1 rar, 41e. No. 4 whlta: 1 car, 41 o (apaclal bill ing); 1 car, 41c. Sample white: 1 car, 41 e (apaclal bill ing); 1 car, 41c; 1 car, 40. (heating). RTB. No. 1: I can. 79e. No. ll 1 car, Tic; 1 car, Tle. Sample: 1 car, lOo (wheat mixed); 1 ear not wheat, 11 per cent rye, U1. BARLEY. No 4. I can, 2o. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. a (uariota. ) Recalpta Today. Wkaat 10 Corn Oata 41 Rya I Sari? .. Shipment Wheat Corn 1 ' Oate Rya J Barley a PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Buabela.) Receipt Today. Wlr. Ago. Yr. Ago. Wheat 1.T62.0O0 1,6.18,000 I9T.000 Corn 1,T,000 107,000 664,000 Oata 111,000 110,000 476,000 Shipment ...... Wheat ITS. 000 110,000 741,000 Corn l.ltt.000 114.000 700,000 Oats 112,000 684,000 481,000 CHICAOO CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Week Year Today Ao. Ago. Wheat .I' Corn t0 l "J Oat ' KANSAS 4TITY CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Week Year Today At. Ago. , 211 101 juj IS 11 41 31 I ST. LOUIS CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Weak T-ar Today Ago, Ago. Wheat ...II 1"T 44 Corn 71 It It Oata II 11 21 NORTHWESTERN CAR T.OT It KCF.IPTS Or WilkAT. Weak Tear Today Ago. Ago. Minneapolis 441 4(1 1"! I'uluth 163 131 IT Winnipeg 1.413 Lilt l,04o CHICAGO (7081 NO MUCKS.. Ti r t'pdika drain Co., DO. 26JT. Nor. 4. Art. open, High I Low. 'loa. I Ta. Wht. I I I lee. 1 ll 1 1114 1 14 t ll 1 IS 1 11U I US I lls May II1V 1.11 1.11 1 14 1 11 1 14 114 1 lit July 1.4 i.oi 104 l.4 l.4 1 0414 I 04 I 04 Rye lie. .11 .HI. .11 .41 .13 May .13 .11 .121 .13 .12. Corn I I tae. .471. ,11 .ITS .IIS .11 .41 May . .IIS .ITS .91 .ITS .(TS July .its . .ITS , Oate l-ll I'eo. .42S .42SI . 4 2 . I .43 .41 .41S May .414, .41 .41 .4IS .41 July ,3IS .IIS' .3Sl .IIS . Lard I I I I I . Jan. I 170 J I II J I 70 I III 1 I TO II I be I I I I Jan. I 71 11 7 I 71 I IT I 70 Weak Year Ago, Ago. 04 . 2 I 40 4 1 I . ' ' 1 , I II I 33 7 2 .. 1 Minneapolis drain. Mlnnaapolla, Nov. 4 Whaat Caeh No. northarn. II lii M 22; December, II 11 S ; May. II US. Corn No. I yalliiw, 748e. ii.i. No. I while, 3tjltc, Harley 402r live No. 3, 7S7le. Flag Ns. I. I2HW2IT, Kanant Clly drain. Kanaa City. No. 4. Cloea Wheat, Da rambar, I108S bid; May, 11.00; July. IK So aakrd. Corn Herambar, 16 So aaked; May, I6S apllt bid; July, 44 So bid. Ml, laiula drain. St. lyiule, Mo., Nov, 4 Cloae Wheat, lirramhar. 11 16; May. II IIS. Corn December, OtSOOlSo; May. HSc Mlnnrnnollg Klour. Mlnnaapolla, Nuv. 4 Klour , Un changed. llran 123.00 4124.00. Chicago Grain ! Live Stock Nrw York Cotton. New York, Nov. 4 The cotton market moved aa-aln Into higher ground today, ctnalng at tha tup, 11 to 41 point net higher. rtrlak local and oulalpa buying bonaieil prlrra from tha opening 30 to 40 polnta, and eurh waa the preeaure of bullleh aentlmant that unuaually heavy profit takeng enrountered on the way up failed to make a moro than temporary Imprraalon on valupa. At one time It did carry tha Mat tmrk within I to 10 polnta on prevlnua flnala, but the 'llat quickly rallied. Scarcity of pot offerlnga, eatl mataa for a amnller crop and atrnng cloth and yarn advice were contributory fartore In the rlffi?. Houlharn markrta were: Oalveatnn 26.160, 41 polnta advance; New Orleana 24 40o, 26 polnta advance; Savannah 26 26c, 10 polnla advance; Auguala 20.61c, 21 point advance; Memphla 24.60e, 26 polnta advance; Houaton 36.20c, 60 point advance. New York Sugar. New York. Nov. 4 The raw eugar mar. ket waa ateady and unchanged with no enla reported. Cubae ware quoted at 3c mat and freight, equal to 6.61 for cen trifugal. Raw augar future were quiet. The un dertone waa ateady and prlcea moved with in a narrow range, oparatora being Inclined to hold off and await develnpmenta In the apot market. Final prlcea wer unchanged to 1 point net lower. Cloelng: Pecemliar, IfiTc; March, 1.20c; May, 1.33c; July, I.4TO. There wn no rhang In refined augar prlcea. which are Meted at 10 to T.OOe for fin granulated, but a better demand waa reported. Refined future nominal. Wheat Corn . Oata . New York Coffee. "Nw,Tork, Nov. 4. The market for coffee futurea wa a little eaaler under acattered realizing, but eeemr-d to be promoted by the rather unaettled ahowlng of rablea from Uraill. The opening waa unchanged and tne market hem ateaay early on aoma further acattered covering, but tha demand aeemd to b aupplled at 1.700 for Pecamber and l.60o for March, with prlcea later easing off 6 or 10 polnla from th reet, March reacted to a 460, witn in marxet cloelng at net derllnea of 6 to 9 polnta. galea war eatlmated at about 21,600 baga. December 0.65c; January, 1.64c; March 6.46o; May, 1.24c; July, 1.16c; September, 1.680. Turpentine and Heeln. Savannah. Oa., Nov. 4. Turpentine Steady, 11. ITS i aalea, none; receipt, 141 bbla.; shipment, 10 bbl.; stock, 10,223 bbla. Roaln Firm; aalea, 1 111 caaka; receipt, I. 171 caaka; ahlpmenta, 1,056 caaka; stock II, 716 caaka. ...... Qfuoto: B. D, Jt. F, O, H. I, IS TV4: K, IB 76; M, 15.16; N, 11.00; WO, 11.16; WW, 16.10. Ily ( IIARI.KM II. MI( IIAfclA Omaha He l.eaard Wire. Chicago, Nov. 4. Omln values were lower In the early trading as I't'csaure from local trndvra and sent tered longs wits In evldrm-e, but the markets became oversold toward the lust and even.ng up fur over Hund.iy miide a sharp rally, with the cliwe unchanged to 7 8o higher on wheut, tyh tc up on corn, unchitnKed on onta and unohonged to 1 4c higher on rye. Cominlmlon houses were goHl tuyere and provisions with lard 12 1 -2IBc and rll.s 17 I 2chlgher at tha Inst. rtulllah sentlmont predominated In the grain markets a good part of the week, but the flolsli was on a good reaction from the top, due to profit taking and the fnllura of speculative trade to enlarge to any materia ex tent. At the last wheat wns 1 6 8c higher to I Do lower, corn l l scty 1 Mo higher, oats unchanged to 7 8c hlKher, and rye up 2 1 21 t te. I-ard gained 40o for tha week and ribs '11.371-2 a 100 pounda. Setback Eipected. European political condition!, while af fecting the atock market, failed to attract much attention from the grain trade and tho bulk of the eelllng eerly waa by local tradare who were Im-llned to look for a Ijoosl eetbark on account of tha eeaing In premium on raah grain of late and a belief that there would be liquidation by longa previoue to eircunn nay. Itei-ember corn, which held at S ever th Mn on Friday, went to So under to day, th greater part tf th decline com ing Inward the laet. Trad waa not lame and the market really Influenced t'eah hciiera bought December and aold May early, but tailed lo affect the market to any extant. Krpurte regarding hale from i.utalde markete war decidedly mixed from parta of llllnoia. with New Orleana out bidding Chicago S S Ho a buahal In aomo Inatancea for deferred aHlpment, lie. relpta 206 rara with the bseie In In sample market about unchanged. Th bulk of th trade In oata waa of a local character Price held within rang of SO So mil rloeed ateady with other gralna. Receipt 13-rar. Selling of Pecemliar ry by aaatern long reduced It premium to " over th May at tha laet, deaplta reports that the 60H.OO0 to J,000.00 buehela had been aold for export overnight. Hum of the seaboard exportera, however, rlnlmed they had no acceptance on over night offrra, Pll Notea. Th sharp rally In grain pafoe at th Inat after Ihe early brnk howd Iradera that the abort aide Is not alway safe anil that the mark-la are eaally oversold on l.reaka that last over 'laya. "u,"ln- tlal buying of wheat and corn on in break cau.ed th. Pit 'lament to even up at th. laat anrt mad. the higher close For the preaent the market are aa two aided with a atrong leaning -to the conatructlv Bid. among the lrongeat ln- '"niy'ng of a big line of May nd July corn by enstern Inteaeata aurprlaed the local element, who wer. rath.r b.arl.h early. A few local bull alao took th offerlnga on th bre.k. December waa un4r preeaure early and went to c discount against even with May at on time today. Weakening in cash premium th poat few day led to the Belling, ( aak houaea bought December and aold May. December wheat wklch aold at 2J over May early Friday, dropped to 1 cent ovor today owing to Increased pree aure. Cash premluma war easy and mil lers and exportera ar more dlapoaed to take .io!d. A larg trd In th way of buying of May and aelllng of December wait on. th May being preferred by local Int.reat to favor th conatructlv aide of tho market. , The Oardlner B. Vannea Co., I to retire) from business, a Mr. Vannea I tired and would Ilk to reet. Their eight office In Iowa and South Dakota, and fivo in Illinois, together with their private wire, ar hereafter to be operated by th Rarllett Frailer Co.- All open trades ar to be closed by th Vannea company. The -company ha a capital of 1100,000 and la composed of Oardlner B. Vannesa, president; Herbert J. Blum, vie. presi dent; Albert V. ITatch, aocretary, and (loorg A. Koehl, asa'.atant treasurer. The latter le to Join th clearing house and do a brokersge business. Herbert Blum I to devola hla energlee to Bteln, Altln 4s Cq., In which he ha been a partner for several yaara. Albert Hatch la to make other nonnectlone. Oardlner Vanneaa ha ban a member of th board of trade Ince 1821. Chicago Stock. Range of price of th leading Chicago stock furnished by Logan at Bryan, 141 Feter Trust Dunning: Receipt war.; orn.ial Monday ,., Official Tuaaday . official Vta.inea.lay. official 1'hurailay . official Friday .... tvetlmate ttalurday , alt days Ihle week 41.lt Maine da), laat w K.ll 111 (am daja I w'a a o il.liT Kama tlas 8 a a'o IS 114 Dane da year ago ;4.4UJ Otnaba. No. 4. Cattle. Unas, a he p. .l.4l i.l-t 4 1:4 .6'l 4 l4 1 IH 27.46') 67. D3 I4ISB 17.0H4 26.004 e.1.13 T.24I I T7 3 HI .110 I 10 1 ID l" 11 I.4-.4 110 14.041 71.671 at 111 Ts.174 n.6:i Receipt and disposition vt livestock at th t'num atorkyards, omaba. Nab, fur it hours ending at 1 p. in, November 4. 1131. IlKCKirTH CARS, fettle lluaa h'p t . si. m nt, i-, riy vAbasb R. R Miaanuil I'aelfle Ily ,, L'nlon Pacific H. It C. N. Vt'. Ky., eeat .'. N. W. Ry Meet C, Ml. P., M O. Ky )'., Jt. a q. Ily., eaat l', Ha at y. Ry., west...... R. I. as P , es'at C, R. I. F , weet 4 II IT Total receipt IT DISPOSITION HEAD. 41 Armour Ar Co Cudahy Packing Co Hold I'a- klng Co Morn Parking Co Mwirt a co J. W. Murphy Hwartx at Co Armour, Bloux Fall Total Armour at Co. pfd., Cudahy Earl Motor Nat. Leather (new). Plggley Wlggly .... Stewart-Warner .... Swift A Co awlft Int Union Carbld. Wahl Close. ... ... II ... IS ... 1 ... 41 ... 64 ...101 ... 31 ... II ... 15 Safeguandii.3" aWn bt q, YourFamilys - 1 future - L - i i5 , . Should I mktWll? j i .- - 1 - . - 4-1 1 i:. . U' I WttttoaUriiTrurt? I ' . 1 !Vanlpret4rrt iryEmtg? J IT IS tvery tntn'i duty to provide protection and cir for hff family In the event of his death. As a well-informed man of affairs, have you the knowledge that you should have about wills and trusts? "Safeguarding Your Family's Future" is a compact book let of 24 pages which supplies answers to the questions above and many others about wills and trusts. It may be read with profit by men who will leave either large or small estates. We shall be glad to send you a copy. StUt t a CotiMtrvatitt Trttaltt Stottcii tatra Srmit (Unmijatui iKn4 tela dlif llnitrti ftatrtt Xatimtal Hank 111 fesM i. llnga 431 67 ., 44. ,. I6 62 14 44 220 ..1.1(11 rattle Recalpta, 100 bead. Moat of th cattle received today wer not on sale and all c leasee were nominally steady. Week auppllre of 42 400 head ar 12.000 ahort of a week ago, but th trend of value baa been lower and wht! there waa a.itti re covery at the close, weetern cattle of all kinds still show 16j'26o loaae for th week. At midweek all weatarna were oil ing at lb iiiwoat prlcea of th seaann. Choice to prime cornfed rattle hav again held ateady, but ehortfed and warmedupa are mostly tbutoe lower, Quotations on rattle: Choke to prim beeves, 111.1011.00; good to choice beevee. H76IH1.26; fair to good beeves, I Hi lift 76; common to fair beevee, 17 26 60; choir to prim yearllnge, ll 0a 1100; good to choice yeatllnxa, II. 76V 11 36; fair to good yearllnge, l.26tt t.lo; common to fair yearllnge, I4.60WI.00; choice to price grass beeves, 17 ,404g.on; good to cholc graa baevea, I460s7.16; fair to good graaa beevea, &.76l'4 60; common to fair graa baevea, 4 606 O; Mexicans, I4.00fiii0; good to choice grasa helfera, ISlteeino; fair to good grass hlfers, 14.26 621.60; rholc to prim grass rows, 16 I64J6.76; good to choice graaa cowa, I4.60ty6.00; fair to good graa cow, l.64rf4 60; common to fair graa rowe, 2. 4044. 40; prim heavy feeders, 17.16417.60; good to rholc feeder, 16.60 7.00; fair to good fredera, 161604.60; common fair feedera, 6 00Q6. T8; sood to cholc stockera, l6.16i7.T6; fair to good stockere, 16.766.76; common to fair atorkera, 4.76fti6.76; atock helfera, 13.76 6 26; atock cowa, I1.00&2 T6; stock calve, tl.60OT.T6; veal ralvea, 16.00010.00; bulla, tags, etc., 1 00lj3 40. Iloga Receipts, 3, TOO head. On fair shipping demand the 'light run moved readily at steady to ltie Light hoga wer moatly ateady to atrong, moving largely at IT.760l.lo with a top price of Is. 16. Mixed load moved at 17.60 07 10 and packing gradea largely at IT. IB T 60, with extreme heavies at 17 00W 7.16. Bulk of sales was 17.1601.10. Price hav declined 36 0 36a during th week on all grade. HOOS. Financial New York Bonds II. ..411 21. ..421 J4...I20 7...2H4 64.. .201 41. ..201 74. ..233 34... 203 33. ..201 360 IT 00 7 20 220 160 160 7 40 7 61 7 66 1 60 7 10 I 00 I 16 24. ..361 61. ..161 64. ..Ill 60. ..623 61. ,.161 26. ..277 71. ,.177 72. ..101 N. V. Central Chea. A Ohio Oreal Northern. . Illinois Central. . , , Kansss City Houth, Lehigh Valley.,,, Mlasourl Pacific. . higher prlcea. y, a fj. H Northern Pacific. C. N. W Penn. It. It Heading (!., K, I. ft P Houthern Pacific , Nnutbern Ily,...,, (!., M, Ht. P..., Union Paclflo TO IT 16 430 1 16 260 7 60 ... 1 0 ... 7 76 ... 7 16 ... 7 0 ... I 10 Sheep and Lamb Receipts 160 head. Fat lamb prices hav fluctuated from day to day with prices a tittle lower for th woek both fed lambs and rang stock looking 10026a lower than a week ago. Western lambs ar moving largely t 113 60013 76, fed wooled lambs at 11126 WIS. 66 and fed clipped lamb at 113.60 &12 66. Feeder have ruled steady to eaaler with current price steady to ahade lower than a week ago. Choir sorted lamb aold up to 113.36 with hulk of th movement I12 60O13.00. Sheep are fully ateady, beat light ewe selling at 17.00. Csjotatlons on sheep and lamhe: Fat lambs, good to choice, 113.(0013 T6; fat lambs, fair to good, 113.00013.60; fed clipped lamha, 112 26012.76; feeding Inmha, 112.00012.36; fat ewes, light, 16.76 Hil. 00; fat etvee, heavy, 14.0001.26; feed ing ewes, 13.6006.60, Chicago 1,1 T Stock. Chicago, Nov. 4 (U. 8. Department of Agriculture.) Hogs Receipts, 6,000 head; market generally steady to atrong; bulk, 160 to 210-pound averages, 11.400) 60; good 220 to 100 pounds avsrage mostly I. 6606.66; top, 11.66 ; packing sows, mosty 17.2607.60; pigs, strong, 11.609 1.66; estimated holdover 3,0011; heavy weight, I8.20HM6; medium weight, 18.40 08.66; light wclghta, 11.3601.60; light light, l.35.60; packing sows, smooth, 17.30 to 7.76; packing sows, rough, 17.00 to 17.40; killing pigs, 18.6001.76. Cattle Receipt, 2,600 head; market compared with week ago; Strictly choice and prime natjv beef ateers, acarca and about ateady; bulk grading below choice, unvenly 76o to It lower, with apota off more; extreme top matured ateera, 113 60; bulk long yearllnge. 113.30; weetern grasa er, atocker and feeders, largely S660o lower; beef cow and heifers, 'around 60o lower; common and medium helf.ra off more; cannera and cutters, weak to 16o lower; bulls, largely steady; val calvea. moatly 76o off: week', bulk prlcea native beef ateera, 18.25010.76; weetern graaa era, 16.0007.26; butcher ah. Block, 13.76 6.60; cannera and cuttora, 12.8003.26; veal calvea, ID 60010.26; atocker and feeders, 16.76 07.00. Sheep Receipts, 8.000 head, mostly dl rect; market compared with week ago: Fat and feeding lamba and yearlings, 60 076c lower; sheep ateady; closing fop native lambs, 113.76 to packers; bulk, 113 60013.66; culls, generally 110.000 10.60; range lamb, largely feedera, cloe lng bulk, 113.60013.76; best handy fed yearllnge wethers. 112.00013.36; good aged wethers, around i8 60; heavy top ewes, 14.6006.60; cholc bandy weights kind, upward to 17.76. St. I.ouIl livestock. Eaat St. Loula. 111., Nov. 4. Cattle Receipt., 1,000 head; compared with week ago, good cholc eteere ateady; other. II to I6e lower; light yearllnge, helfera and bulla, 26o lower; cowa, 26 to lOo lower; cannera. 10 to !6e lower: light ralve. 60 to 76a lower; atocker ateers. steady; top for week matured eteere. 111. 00; yearllnge, 111 10. Hulk for week: Beet ateera. It 6 1160; other. 17.1601.71; weetern, 6.OO0 6 40; light yearllnge, SI on f a.00; rows, 11 7601 00: cannera. 19 1003.16; bologna bulla, 117504 25; docker eteere, l.K0 16'. Hog Receipt, 4.0 head; ateady; 11 46 paid for aeveral loada; on load rholc JlO.poetid buterbera held 14 It; bulk II. lo 130-pound averaaes. It !0tj 40: bulk llxht liable. I livi pigs. I4 1SO1I0; packer enwa. 4 Ti7 $5; mar ket cloeed active and etrun heep and Lamhe Reeetpte. an. rem pared with last week- I at lamhe. inoetly lo lower; yeerllnae. 21 ta IV lower; rulla, lamb and fat we. ateedv; lei top fat laajtb. Ill IS; light ewe. IB; kulk lemke roe ink, lel4. light isrI 4.tl l4; haavtea, 14 304 14 j laaeas fttf lie Wek. tfeneao t tty. No 4 t'etii Recatpte 6 444 head, fiwweak beef ataars. ata-r'S,, ttti gad tulfere. etaedv la I'.a It-war, !" . ., lit la, fat an -b, ta J hwr, rci.ar. steady I t e la-t . tuOe. j I la lie l-aae. t , It- t., l tar It R-al'e 44 ae4 mokal art. i lv .. M- fcet, futtr nti. ttUe Ml la' I I e.etaeaa I' At i i, Ml" "Mt - ;. a ' t i. , t a:a, l t .. I, ., a 'k na II a aj ; I Ik. e- - k yt liaa.4 .t .,aat, a a i 'i.t:i Neap aa4 P alf,ta 1st. la-4 i 4wt w- tal Ian.' II la . aat. !..t t - I' I 4, l at .a. ', et- ua 1)6 al 4ea s-.4 I. a i-.a '11 ea. I.aaiett., I ...la ,. I at lawtoet, ev weak I, ji u.ar J 4 rue k a- H ..ll..f.:,.l I . . . - I a.ark-4 a.a-4 le w.-a el S.a . - 4 laa..-e ett. a. I . . I I . . .tt S- a Sal - itt I' e-e - n., aa I kl.. a ..4i let a-4 , e-... ..a . ee ta, saia i a it.. tv, a t 4 ' 4. a..e ,. t - I' Kt i'- a -. e4 -'a-a eta.tv. a.a e-! k4.-B. r- I ..! .a ..., j a. a. I' t t., a- .. H tot I 1'H. '... I " fit. 4.4 I'li.tt. a aa i. .. i att.et , - '. 4 e-e a.- - a--a tag NKW ilHtK TIMM. Omaha lie I raard !r. New Vnrk. Nuv. 4 The tiat-tlnnnl decline which ikcuritil In numt of the atiw-k limrkct tittl-ty n-flcc toil, I'lmirly I'liniiKli, two liiMin-nci'S wlllliiRneaa of Hpet-ulHiive luiyns of a week Reo to Hike tlitlr irit1ts and iltiul't among mhi-r imii-ntliil Iniyer a to another Immwlinla uwurd rush of prices. It wits the mitrkt-t fur I'nitt-d Ktntea itcivet niiii-nt honils which naraln hflil th rent center of the stage. The new 4 14 per rents went above par, cloHlnu at lino.", whereas the f ioti.14 of OcttnVr 19 la th best price at which they have evrr sold on the stock exclmnif. Willi them the fourth I.llicriy 4'ej roue mora than H point to IU3.60, a comianrer with a'JH.OU handy a week hefora. Several Meanlnga. This cnnttniilnff movement of the a rtirltlrs inrana aeveral things sbumlsnc. of Invaatnient rnplial, belief In runtlnu ance of eaay money, great confidence In the trrasury'a financing of th war debt, and probably also disbelief In anything like Wall street "Inflation movement" In stocks and commodities. Korelan e rhanxe moved Idly within narrow limits for the wrek a a whole: th advam In Itollan rules ha. been offset by th fall In rates on Perls. Another notabl advanr In th cot ton maiket, where th epot prlc ra to 26 40 rents pound as axalnet 26 11 rente Friday, and 20 o cants month ago, again reflected the altitude of the eoulll and the peculiar aupply and demand position. Probably Thurrday'e census bureau eat. mate of a world ronaumptlon this sea aon, 3.01)0,000 ball a beyond produrtlan, with cnartient reduction of one-third In ur pltia cotton reeervee, ml a powerful mo tive Influence. . Mali Street Topic. Railway official hav been following with keen Intereat th negotiation, which th Pennsylvania has been carrying on with It varloua claae of employee and ita effort to adluat wagea, Iteraue nf the Prnria'a distinctly Individual method of dealing with 11 workers through It em ploy repreeentatlon plan the negotla lions are expected to produce a policy which may act a more or Ices of a prece dent throughout th eastern district. New York Quotations Rang nf price of th leading atock furnished by ligan at Ilryan, 241 Peter. Trust building RAILROADS. Friday's High. Low. Clo.e. Close. A., T. A S. 10444 103; 104 1044 Halt, it Ohio 62 61 1, 61 4 Canadian l'aciric,14i ii4 no 7614 2 'ik f6 I Hi 164, I'd) 21 '4 2114 HH 68 68 68 10 U'4 l'4 SO 2144 86 fVi 864 .. VI en go .. 4814 48 48t4 .. 83',, 12 14 12 ,, 41 H 404, 40S . 34 t2 1244 .. 16 '4 26 26 .. 30U 2 ll'i 21174 . .14744 141 14611 14441. STKKI.S. ..186 111 J 7 ... 41 46 4 44 ..121 127 127 128T4 ...132 131H 1324 133K 71 1"'4 70V4 71 'A 46 46 61V 1464 9 7614 Hi 11IT4 21 6644 l'4 30 4 t ID 48H 6144 41 344 26 'A 26 44 Am. Car Fdry. Allls-Chalmars A m. Loco, , , , llaldwln Loco. Helh. Steel . Crucible 78 Am. Bteel Kdry. . . 464 l.sckawanna Hteel Mldvale Steel .... 12 Pressed Hleel Car 84 Hep. Hteel ft Iron 6044 Ity, Steel Spring. Ill Hloss-Hcliefflold Did. Htates Bteel. 1074 107 Vanadium 4044 l4 Mexl. feaboard ..114 11 44 curruiu, 114 84 60 44 31 84 604 117 '4 HI 107 40 11 Anaconda Am. Btnlt Cerro t) Paaco Chill Chlno Oreen Cananea. Ineptratlon .... Knnnecott Miami Nev, Conaol,.., Roy Conaol Seneca ....... e, Utah General Asphalt Cosden Cal. Peteral..., Island Oil Invincible Oil 61 Ref. Co 60 . z' . 27 . 2 . 26 . 37 . 86 . 27 . 16 . 14 . . 64 OILS. . 68 . 40 . 64 16 60 67 38 24 26 26 26 33 27 14 13 1 4 11 41 63 4 60. 69 20 4 27 2 25 . 37 36 27 16 13 16 68 li 14 '4 71 46 0 33 13 61 117 44 107 31 31 41 6T 81 26 81 24 84 33 27 14 13 1 II 63 60 64 16 Mexican Peterol. . .226 221 23 226 Middle State. 12 12 l4i 12 Paclflo Oil 48 46 .40 -48 Pan-American ...,o 18 10 89 PhllllliS 46 46 46 46 Plerc. Oil 6 6 6 6N,J t-ur. un zvm ioi Royal Dutch 66 66 66 66 Sinclair Oil 33 82 18 33 Standard Oil, N. J.214 211 213 312 Texas Co 48 48 48 48 Unoln Oil 16 16 1 1 Whit. Oil 644 6 t 6 6 MOTORS. Chandler 42 11 HH M Oan. Motor 14 14 14 14 Wyllls-Overlnnd, ..6 , Plerce-Arrow 12 12 12 12 Sludebaker 129 1244 12H 130 ROBBER AND TIRES. . , Flsk 12 12 12 154 Ooodrlrh 3 3 33 33 Kellay-ftprlng .... 42 41 42 41 Keystone Tir ... 0 a Alax 13 13 13 1144 U. S. Rutber 63 RJ 63 68 INUI'SIBULII, Am. Beat Surnr At.. Oulf a W. I. 24 Am. Int. Corp . . Am. Sumatra .. Am. Telephon . American Can . Central Leather. Cuba Cane Cuba.Am. Sugar Corn Producta ... ! anions i iayere 21 33 ..126 .. 76 .. 89 .. u ..110 130 .. 94 96 23 31 33 2 24 82 34 Oenerel Kleo 160 Ort North Or Int Harvester . U S Ind Alcohol Int Paper Int M M pfd . Am Suxar Kef ., Sears Roe Stromsburg .... Tobscco Prod . . Worthing Pump Wilson i'l Weal I'n Weetlng fUeo ., Amer Woolen 14 33 81 33 S 124 124 124 76 7 74 XV I" ' 13 " .... 12 130 130 16 96 171 171 , 14 84 39 1344 171 84 106 104 104 104 68 68 63 76 86 II l 14 46 68 61 76 84 61 66 86 . .11 111 ,. 1 40 9 94 MISCELLANEOUS. Amer. Cotton Oil. Am Ar Cham .. Amer l.lnaee.l ... Colon Hag pfd . ll,.a h Magneto . Iirwk. Iiapul Tr. Continental Can . Cel. 1'a.klng I'.l. (laa luinbia 24 33 14 II 16 T 68 12 74 84 13 66 14 lii 11 16 US 11 11 40 14 11 IT 17 17 91 46 96 11 91 Fle..ie' im H tiraph . 1 69 67 7 64 43 111 40 II 34 38 3T T 3 ! I 104 1 7 44 ll lie 41 n 4 49 .9 if ' Maa I. 111 t , l-e I' I l a a- a i I'-.t.l t.eoa V.lloasl Kernel 4 41 11 lt,.r, nun ... 'k6 N.to.tal lead ...114 ll l l-kc...ieipk-a to . l-.im.a . P II'S Pua'a Al.ar. 1 l 41 41 k I- .nil ll 1. SMSar ... I II gr.r.e . . " a.,i ., it 11 l i U A H r . !! " tiral aa 4. I '. M .. -I , I ,v . ri..e. I t-ar .aat ln,i,.u'. "'ilX, f'tdei )'. . '.I l'.h,a-. ,.t a tlaaa, ?tlfca, 84.,iia-.9 1.. a MoriEY in ennuj !i k buy guarari lee cation on li."i 4-iekal.af whMltar eavai. !. A aeeseil 4a ll-es .ns at aa)He)rba- " e i. . 11 ale mall- . "A It-It I-4s-Tit 1 I k l k- 4 46T1I 1!J'H Itllt U. leaaMl l.eM svm 4 taa ..tat wets n j nit ion MuNNkCa 1 ) - tit. it 4tl' 1 , 4 4.,.k- Mill I - . t t I,"M4 I 4W J I ST X- 1 r 'AH 99 40 94.66 , 94 30 91'tO 19 2 99 lis 19 60 99 111 99 24 99.04 99 20 99 U 90 74 T Tl 7 8 3 811 111 78 101 66 12 Mew York, Nov. 4 Price, in mdaie mnn inaraat aaaia lantle.1 tlliaattl thilli tha Ileal esblbilion of strength m ropper I'.imfarit liana and Culled Kialt .ern. niant eecurtiice Trailing Was unusually brlak fur half holiday sea.,.n t lllle Cupper le were Ike individual fea tures, rllinning 1 points, th 4 prr tent bonds of the ! t'omiisiiy Biaing 1. 1 arra tie I'saco Be one of the nine! active of the ropp.r ItBuae, advanced IS. The paw govi-rtitiieni 4a par cent bund, rriiaaad par, rbs tig at lull OA or lo crnie above rrniuy nlabl a rloee Th other 4a per rent laaue r-.a.. a u 40 cant on 1100 ami tnau iiierty l,s la cent, lllli77m 4 Ohm di.1,1 4a, New Haven 4a. Ho k lalalid rvfiindlng and Cana dian i'aclft debatitur 4e, eaall UP point, wer th at rung apot. In th rail rind gttiup. In the indiialrlal llat, gains of I to 1 ware regteiere.l by IJggett Myr. la, Atlantic Kruit Ta and Cuba Cane a There wer a few esceptlolie to fb SP ward trend, llilerL.ir.iosb Rapid Trensll 6s dropping lo 1 (mint. American Tele phone convertible 4a, lepointa and Mex ican government 4s and Norfolk at Weet ern convertible ta 1 each. Total aalea, par value, wer 11,101,000. C, R. ttonde. High. Low. Close. 147 Liberty la Ml .0 loots I HI to I Liberty 3d la..,.., 94 10 94 71 94 90 11 Liberty let 4a., IM Liberty 3l 4 4,s. . 1316 Liberty Id 4s. .. 641 Liberty 4lh 4 '.a. 24 Victory 4e,- un d loo 34 on 36 ino 14 31 Victory 4s taileilioo 04 100.01 100 04 . Foreign. I Argentina 7 101 101 I City i t llern le. .1119 109 2 City of llo 1, leans 6. T 74 1 t oy or 1 line ss. , , . ins 4 City t.f I 'open 6. 10 4 Clly if (I ) 7s,, 78 3 City of l.voiia is. , 71 4 city of Mitts 6s .., 7 I City cf II d J 8s,, 47 I City of Tnklo f.s. , , , 6 I Cxerh Hep ka clfa,, 92 I liept of Selnn 7a., 86 'a 44 ll of C 6 p n '21.. (01 100 J0l " I' tn aa nil,, ys 9 b s 111 r, inniea as 47, , 96 28 I) K Ili.H-a a '42., 14 10 Krrnrh Hep e ... 99 64 Krench Hep Ta... 9l4j 1 llollnnd-Am Lin. la 84 2 Japancae 4e 80 I Ka-.liri of li.lg 7.,li I Kgdm of H.-lg rs. ,, IT 4 Kgillll of lien 6a.,, 99 219 Kgdm of Neth ta. , 96 4 Kgiltn nf Nor 8s, 110 110 lli 64 K ila ill of Swid 6s. 104 101 I4 31 I'nrls-L-Med 6s..,, 71 7f 72 46 Itcp of llollvla 6S.. 96 96 96 6 Rep of Chile 8e '46.106 104 104 2 Ml of ljua na'atiJ 7s. IDS 108 lot I Ht of (jue'ris'ane s.l'M 101 12 St of Hen P a f 6s, 99 99 Nwlsa Confrd 8. , . .118 110 23 f Ki.f'l Jl I 6. '29.1118 108 28 rKoMHAI 64B '17.102 H2 24 U M of Hrnsll g ... I fin 19 20 II S or llranll 7s, 81 20 I'Hofllrn-cnlUyKlis 96 14 II H of Mcslcn 6s,.. 60 III I Mexico 4 37 llnllwsy unit Mlacellaneoua. 11 Am Ag Chem 7B.,I03 103 '101 43 Am Hmlt 6b 93 93 41 13 Am Hover f.s H2 102 12 I Am T T cv 6s. , , ,117 117 117 3 Am T A T col tr 6a 17 26 Am T T col 4s... 91 1 Am Wg Paper (,s,,. 81 1 Am WW Kl 6... 84 14 A Jurgcn 11 Wks 0. 77 8 Armour i)r 4s.. 90 26 A T H V ge 4. ,, 89 2 It A () 6s 101 78 II A O cv 4s 82 11 Hell T of Pa 7s., ,.108 106 6 Ileth Steel ref 6s,, 96 9f. I Moth Hteel p m t. 4 Hklyn K T 7a clfs. 14 Can Pac deb 4. . . . 1 Cent of Oeorgla a 49 Cen Pac gld 4s... 26 Cerro do Pasco6s. . ,K'2'4 61 Ches A Ohio rv 6s.. 98V 1 Ches A Ohio cv'4. 88 28 Chi A Alton 3a.. 31 I Cbl A Alton 3 S3S4 94 24 14 99 99 96 96 96 0 60 M2 102 14 97 99 99 96 96 111 88 .81 4'l 17 1O0 68 10 49 17 IT 17 91, 91 64 84 64 14 76 90 88 100 81 93 . 91 M, . 80 .100 , 66 911 16 61 6 3 91 60 100 87 .... 121 122 96 98 4 - 30 r,3 10 100 68 11 C II A Q ref 6. A.. 100 100 100 11 Chi B III 6s 2 82 12 18 Cbl Ot West 4 ... 60 2 C! M Ht V CV 6s It 76 4 f! M A Ht P rf 4s 70 14 C M A St P ref 4 44s 66 2 Chi Rys r 79 31 (? R I A P ref 4s .. 14 6 Cbl A W Ind 4s.,.. 76V4 334 Chile Cop 7a 331 Chll Con 6s 6 Colo A Ho TT 414 1 Col O A Kl 6s 96 1 Con Coal Md 6b, . . 90 7 Cuba Can Sg d I 89 1 Cub R R 7s A. ino 1 Cuban Am Bug 8s 6 r A R ref 6s 8 IJ A R (1 rnn 4s. . 7 Tlet Kd ref Ss k. 1 Tiat Iltrl Ttvi 4IAs 28 Dpnt Nem 7a ..118 108 101 60 76 70 66 78 64 76 I'll 44 106 4 111 17 9f. 91 ss 6 10 89 104 107 17 60 , 60 44 76 76 102 102 102V! 66 lfej 60 n 7f) 66 79 14 76 68 96 90 99 1116 .107 60 74 J"l Km a A K 7a ctfa 14 94 94 ll Krie pr lien 4s..,, 62 62 2 11 Krle gen Men 4s.... 60 60 60 6 Fram Ind Dev 7"s 69 89 49 7 Oen Kleo fleb 6s, ...101 100 101 18 Goodrich ls 101 101 101 11 Good T la 1931.... 96 98 98 I (loodvear T '8. 41.. 116 116 116 1 ( T It of C 7s 1 n t 11 of c 6s, 61 (It N 7s A 34 Ot N 6a M. .. 32 ft A 61 ref 6a A. 6 Hud A M a.! I Ine 6s 81 8 H O A 11 a 98 8 III Central 6s....loi 8 III cantral ref if. . 89 I 111 Rteel deb 4a, . 62 11 Int H Tr 7s 98 132 Int Ran T ref 6b. .. 77 84 Int R T ref 6s rtfs 77 18 Int Ot N adl 6 wl 62 3 Int Mor M a f s. , 90 11 Int Pup ref 6a H 1 Ta Cen ref 4a 2 K C K S A M 4a. . 6 K C T 4s 6 K-Hprgfld Tire 8s 4 Leek fill 6a '60., 1 Lehla-h Valley .. 1 Llga-et A Meyers 6a 98 2 Lorlllard 6a 98 2 Louis A Northw'n 6s 76 111 111 111 .1113 103 10314 .111 1 1 0 1 1 .101 101 101 83 83 83 60 81 98 98 ino 100 80 69 91 14 97 76 71 62 90 87 89 80 8244 92 7 7 87 89' 8014 8!S 108 107 1 91 103 101 98 98 74 62 90 87 39 60 12 91 103 98 96 76 11 14 .1 11 99 I no .4 94 94 77 174 its' SI It 1"9 110 90 so 111 11 7 9! I I. A V ret 6a ,.lol 101 lei I Magma Copper 7a. 114 114 114 14 Mai, an Huaar ta 94 97 1 mat Ml My run da , 9 90 I Ita, land 4 HI Te .106 !" 101 14 stldtele Mteel rv la 89 9 ..... I Jl.tll-ArKfUl a . . ll'JS ! t MiihA T pr lien tall 94 94 I MhT n pr III 6eA 44 41 MK AT new ailj IsA 41 t Mo Pac run Is., loo 11 6to Pee gen 4e .... 61 14 N K TAT 1st (s ctfs 94 I N ll T A M In,' 6a. 71 1 21 NY Cent deb Ss 1"4'a lot 90 NY Crn rfsA.niU la 91 97 J NY ChlAHt I, ilett 4 68 I NT Kdlenn ref a 110 11 kv Kit a 11 , li 11 II II N Y Tel ref t. 4I..14 104 104 II N V Tel gen 4a.. 14 14 44 I Nor A Weet rv 4s,. 114 119 I N Am Kd sf Is.., 93 91 33 N P ref . R 19 104 I N P rl la C, 41 17 II N P pr lien 4s ... 41 11 4 N Sts Pof rf Ib A.. 13 91 II N W Hell Te 7. ...107 107 II (ir-Waeh IIIIAN 4s.. 62 lis I Otis Hleel 7e .... 14 14 I Pee A Ll IB... 91 91 14 I'ac '1T la 61 rt. 92 91 1 I'ackatd Motor la . ,l"1 101 n1 I Pan-Am lT Ts.oi loss 102 7 Penn It R t ....lie ln ., II Penn II l( sen 6s ,..! Ii t Penn R It an 4e 43 91 I Peoria A Kast Inc la 32 '-"4 I Pare Marii ref la. , 97 I I'hll Co nil tr s .100 I Trllnd II I. A P ta 14 II Pub Mrv la 86 I Reading gen 4a 64 I Itctntiig Arme ef 6a, 16 I It I A A L 4a. . . , 81 6 HI, I M AH 4s RAH d 86 . 88 H I, A H r p I 4a A 7114 11 8 li 4 8 r ailj ta II N I, A S r I ta ... I M I, H W ron 4a.. 13 H A I- con II e Air I. adj 6., 26 I Hea A L ref 4a. ,., 42 I J S If 6aA 99 12 Hln Con o rol 7.,oo o oo 79 44 77 47 91 I lie) 64 81 44 16 11 at Tl Tl 81 aa : 93 91 12 1 1"4J 4 li'4 14 i T. 79 tt. 77 7 36 21 42 42 44 90 99 9a 91 98 ,, 96 '91 94 , 68 97 61 ,,84 11 86 ,.102 02 "2 ,, 97 97 97 ..' 18 41 ,100 100 tool. 8 Hln C (ill 6a. I H Hell Tel f.s. , , 12 H I 'nil r.f 4a. , ., II K Par col tr 4s. II H Ity gen 6s.. 31 H Rv ion I..,,. . 14 H Ky cn 4a,...T I S P R Hueiir 7s. I Htand 11 u( C d Ts,.o.'.i 106 1 ell 14 ITA P 1st f.s . 18 94 96 I Third Ave ref 4s.. 6T 64 14 11 Third save adj la., P"4 ao I Tldewnt (ill f., 11 ll 103 16 I'n II A P C,a A clfe ! 94 14 21 t'n I'acflrt let 4a., 93 91 9'U, 14 t'n Pac cv 4a,,,,,, 46 r, 16 11 I'n Pee ref 4 , ... 64 at ,. I t'nlun Tank Car 7a 104 103 .. 1 I'td Uru Is 112 112 112 1 t'ld Fuel (las Ita ,, 4 98 98 6 1'l,l Ky In let 6s P 8114 68 18 ICS P. ally 6s .... 98 99 91 I II 8 Rubber TB .108 106 06 13 If S II HI, liar Is 69 89 19 10 V M Steel sf Is, ,,,102 102 107 4 I'lah P A I, 6 ... 90 90 90 I Va-Cnr chm 7s., 96 96 96 7 Va.Csr Chm 7s clfa, 97 94 9r, 24 Va Ky 6a 47 94 17 I West Md 1st 4s..,. 66 46 14 West Pacific fa ,. 14 93 14 4 Weet t nlon 6s ,.l'i9 109 l"9 I Weatlni Hire 79. ..17 107 107 3 Wlrk-Hpen Ht 7s ... 97 97 97 14 Wilson A f sf 7B.I04 106 104 Total aalea nf bonds fodsv wer 16.108,. 00 compered with 113,781 000 previous day and 9,633,0'io a year a so, New Vork Dry flood. New Tork, Nov, 4 Cotton goods and yarna were steady, wllb trade nf better volume than In th mlddl of th week. Linen elcedy. Milk rnntlnued In annd call. Wool goods were firm on everything to be mode, but som.wbBt. enaler In stock gonda tinea of a heavy character, Uur. lapa ahowed a firmer tendency. N. Y. Curb Bonds New York. No. 4 Traneartlon n th New Yotk lurb market today wei '"i.."".1 m ii.iooi " I Aluminum 7. 'll...!'' 't IJJS 10 Amer Cotttm oil ! ."V ft Am (lea A Wee ta.lno loo 00 tl Am LiATren 4. ww oo 00 40 I Am T A T ta '24, .101 IJ 1 la.la Am O 7Vaa.,ini l8 l . 11 Al.nour A Co 7e ...104 104 l4l 1 fc ltl h Hlaal Te 1913 . I Ceil Nat Ity ei i. I Can. Nat Ity te. .. I Clllee Harv 7. "C" 30 Col tlrap 6a t C V.x Aaan 8a"'.i. 101 ! 0, I Helena Hal mi T-.mi t Or n, Tlk . , 10 II. f (III 7e I Inter It T 6a IJ . 11 Inter It T e ctf 'la-.Sk IAI4a 1064a illO', ll 110 , 91 98 , 96 91 96 . 10 10 10 .107 I0T I0T 3 Kan 11 A II a I' It I. ,M06 106 101 .1.11 1"4 . 9T 97 17 . 97 97 9T 94 94 94 14. 91 91 .1 I. JL I La 4 Kennecotl Cnpr' Ta. . I 3 1l 1nJ I ... Irila (laa la i-'is I I. M. N A 1,7s 1 01 t"l 1 Jt I l.lgH-Wln 7. H'8 101 0J'4 7 Natl Aim. 7. ... 91.' 96 94 I Natl Clk A Suit la. 10. tut 1l J N.tl Leather a. .. .101 IM H'l 10 NY Nil H 7a... I Hbawaheen 7a Hheffield V 6a. I Holvny A CI la. IS K W ll T 7s ... , 6 Htsnd O N Y la. 14 Ho a N " hi. an. t4a .101 ll 101 ,.oo loo lf 100 I OH,. Ill (it. 1064a , .10214 108 1"I .104 1114 I "am 99 91 '4 " I Hwlfl A Co 7a I93l..02 !! 10J 91 1 4 10 Hwlfl A Co La St' (l Cal 6a , . . I If o Prod is . I Vacuum (HI 7s 6 Hvdle HII s . . ee a , n.ii r.a w 1 AlA Huinstra Tob 7s 99 8 Cities Hervb e 7s II I '9 3 (llllf Oil 6s w I. ... 97 I Ind Hen Service la. 91 I Mo Pacific ta I) 99 I New O Pub Herv 6a. 90 Foreign Itonri. Can Sleatnalilit 7. 97 81 K,lm of Neth ta .. 96 1 Kg Herbs Croats Is 10 0 llilaalnn 4B II I It,,. .tun 6li.a 12 II Itoaalnn 6s Clfs., 11 I Hwlas fs )0t: H Mi'llco Is . .6 14V 91 ,11 l"l ll . 9.U -Si IV 'a 107 107 1"7 91 91 9 K9 97 91 99 90 91 91 99 129 97 ' 91 99 I 4 46 60 11 12 11 U. IOI4; mi, lot ti 16 16 36 17 96 10 11 13 11 li We Offer jl . in Fairmont Cream., pfaV $102.00 5 ll II ll M ; Stocks 9. 2a M.fSmlth. pfd. 1SV4 . SB 00 gp Nebraska Power, pfd . . 80 HQ 80 Omaha Flour Mills, pfd, 91.00 20 Coorh Food Prod., pfd. SS.OO 10 Union Stork Ysrds ... 103.00 20 Nt'l Amer. Fir Ine . S0.00 I Local Securities Department I I Bonds , fas' .aaJaU.l -eA3l 6 and 6V2 Nebraska First Mortgage Farm Loans and Land Bonds We have just prepared a circular describing a num ber of choice first mort gages and land bonds. Nebraska tax-free rates of "6 and 6Vz are attractive and your principal will be safe. May we sand you a cop of this mortgage circular? QmahaTrust rpmpany Oauht National Bank BwUInf New Issue Kennedy Building First Mortgage 6 Bonds Due 1923 lo 1932 f - 5 1 it i ll -OCT! 1aa.il U I 5--." I i I "V- a Mm -an is, iiUwrVaXsMrM, Jt-' ; LL'f ''- . 4.1- V V... 'yK .-. ' 0. . J i VsMilj ?aft-. .esi 6-S mm.,... 1 erasl iaiaJ. taal Ilea I, lateelateal Kennady BuiUinf, 19(h and Douglas, Omaha Free f ive Teeeeiaal T. la Net4 .t Writ Mortgage ta Ylr W Wt Burns, Drinker Gl Co. IU lewllk )alla ! Omaha, Neh. llae.U OH.ee fetasiasat blet( I I .e4 9a' waa .... e. (- a ,. I V,.. Itl lt ie b. lilt t4. h.. 14 11 a a l4 4 i . a aa' , . a a- a - as bhs ta- 4 a-4 . .. i , leaea