The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 05, 1922, SPORT NEWS WANT ADS, Image 15

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V !licI(Uewciglits
Arc sorry Lot,
Says N. Y. Scribe
New Vork, Nov. 4. With commend
til enterprise Ilia alftaya unique Mr,
MuMonn of tlit Now York tat ath
letic commission, hm tiam tight
niliWIeweliflit boxtra v.hnin ha con
siders worthy to entr un slliulnatlon
aeries, tha winner to tuke on the
Hllcd1''! chumplon, Mr. Mulrioon'a own
tor tho title. Jt la to laugh.
Th elRlit notninrva art Ixiu II'
KUHh, I'al ne(l. Mine OTXiwd, Jock
Mulune, Aut,'la Iutner, Tummy l.ugli
inn, Jtljun Dowiu-y ntwl Tommy Ilou-
son, gerund ruler all, mid tliei man
tha aurvlvor ll to met la Dave Hob
rnlHTK, th commission' champion
inertly by fon t of Wrcunistsnre.
To data Itugush liua amounted for
, Jleerl in a hoiit tlmt raised no one'
i , Itmprrutura In tho slightest degree.
y Tha reinulnlinr houta prolmlily will lit
niU'.'li tha same. You ciinnot get hlnud
out nt a tiinili nor flrnt class action
out of a second cIhh prize tighter.
Tim men In quetitlon are middle
weight heiidllnrra twlny. Ten year
nun they would have heen Jolly old
lumhovi-iH for such na Knt hel, I'apke
1 fv
Defy detection. Natural mo
tion. Not easily broken. No
1'ittfd at your home for ks than
half the old time price, No trip to
tho City or Optician. Can fit any
one no perfectly that no one reed
know you ever bought or wear an
Artificial Eye. A different to the
old style us daylight and dark arc
opposite. Write for booklet mailed
free sealed. Help oth en. Mail thie
ad to an eya wtarer. It'a a $50
favor to that penon who might not
tea the ad.
Pi5 Barclay B!ock, Dtnver, Colo.
Jii'olipn Out NUiii and Itching
Krzt'iiiii Helped Over Night.
Fur unsightly Nkln eruptions, rash
or blotches on f;ice. neck, arms or
body, you do not have to wait for
relief from torMire or enilmrrnnnriient,
declares a noted nkln apeciallat. Aiiply
a HtUo Mentho Sulphur and Improve
ment shown ne xt. day.
p lieiautiu of its genii destroying
jiroperlU'K, nothing lias ever been
found to take tho place of tills sul
phur preparation. The moment V'OU
ripply It healing bcRins. Only those
who have had unBlRhtly nkln trou
bles can know the ciHlKht thin Men
thoSulphur brings. Kven fiery, Itch
lnii eczema Is dried lit'lit, up.
Cet a small Jar of Howies Mentho
Sulphur from nny good druffsist and
use It llko eold cream.
IT 1
lied Tepper Hub takes the. "ouch
from sore. stiiT, aching joints. It
cannot hurt you, and It certainly stops
that old rheumatism torture at once.
When, you are suffering so you can
hardly get around, just try Hed Pep
per Hub and you will have the quick
est relief known. Nothing has such
concentrated, penetrating heat as red
pepiiers. Just ns soon as you apply
Hed l'epper Hub you will feel the
tingling heat. In three minutes tt
warms the sore spot through and
through. I'aln and soreness are gone.
Auk any good druggint for a Jur of
Howies lied I'epin-r Huh. He sure to
gel the gfiiultie. with the nume
Howies on ,-iuh package.
Woman Pug Knovhs 'Em
for Slumber Party
Fruu Thomas of Jlerllii la a cundl
dalt for heavyweight pugilistic hou
or among German women, and aha
has already knocked a flock of f
tnal "pugs' for a row of coals.
and Jack O'Jlrlen, Twenty years ugo It
would have been short of criminal
negligence to let (hem Ihosm In the
intiit enclosure with Hob Kltswlm-
mons, Tommy llyau, Kid Mct'oy and
a bit b'for that I he original Jack
Detnpsey, known as tho Nonpurell,
Robertson Han Firet Per
fect Game Since 1908
(I ontlnuril Krnm I'ssa One.)
were tabbed for a team, Last year
there were only 11 such guinea In tht
National and 29 In the Amcrlcun, Hut
the year before there were K0 of them
In the two majors, The record for
low lilt games of nln or more In
nlngs thia year follows:
allniist Isatur.
N. HIT ii.SK.
Mty 1 t. Uurnes Nw YorlO sfalnat
,.n t ,A,ir.D.
Miy 11 L)ok (HI. Luulo lnt New
toiK. ... . .
July 13 poaic it. i.ouio ssKinai
Jflil till .jnir.o.
Jun JO CoikU (Clin Inrntl) aaalnat
July Aiirmse icnitiio) iin
July jl llln (St. I.oul) aaklnit
Bciitenihar 2t Ontiorna (Chlcifo)
tfHlnat St. I.'piiik
Uvtolier I Mc.Namsra (U'nton) flnt
Nw Tork.
April U Haines (HI. Loulu) sgalnst
April 2'i rionanue-uiiieapia icineinnaii;
ltlnt Chlteao. ....
April it Kluey (Clnclnmtl) asalnit St.
LonU. . , .
Hay 1 Slniver (urooKin isamai
PMIillphl. . . . L. .
Mhv to Mi'a4ows Cphlla4lph1a)
May 17 Lononua tcinuinnaw; amn
Phlladtlphla. .... , .
U.incinnau; iiibi.
(1'lttaliursli) saalnat
Orlnies nrui,klyn)
May 19 C'oU'h
Juna 11 L.uqu n,mcinniu
Nw Vork.
June si Torwy (.iw iorni
July 14 Cooper
Wutemner 21
asalnal Ht. Loula
Heptrniiier a .Harm iiincinuu
afalnit Uuatnn.
Amrrlran liil.
Anrll 31 Riilierlaon (Chicago) afalnat
Detroit (perfeci.)
April 22 Uuab (New Voifc)
May 6 uayne ((. lxui) aganiat pi-
troll. .... , .
May a May lfi( jors; iiiinn
May 7 lone (.New lorsj asainai
May Jj rennoca tuot'oii) agamai
:"" . . .... . ,
May 2w Kricsaoa maaninsiwnj Kiuv
J una II I'lllette (Dairon) sgainai
Waahlnrlnn. , .
June 13 Ilobertaon (cnicago) againai
July 2S Flllelta tueiroii) againai new
or' . .
Auguet 2 uuaii tivew rors;
Auguat I Piuetie (Uatroii)
August J3 uni (Cleveland)
New York.
Auguat 26 Uulnn (Boston)
April 12 Faber (Chicago) agalnat SI.
April 15 Van Glider (St. I.ouli) against
April 19 Van Glider (St. Louis) against
Mar lo stoner (uetroiti tgainit Mew
May !0 Shoclier-Bayns (St. I.ouI)
agalnut Niff York,
May 27 Shocker (St. Louis) against
Chicago (10 inning).
June 14 coveieakls (Cleveland) agalnat
Juno : Loverett (Chicago) sgslnat De
July I Faber (Chlcugo) agalnat Phila
July li Cuveieakl (Cleveland) agalnat
July 16 Faber (Chicago) agalnat Mil
July : Qulnn (Dnaton) agalnat Chi
Auguat 17 Kerguaon tnoaton) agauiai
Auguat 53 coveieskl (Cleveland)
agnliist New York.
Heptemiier 10 llarlla ( rnnaaciuhia)
agalnat New York.
1'hoenlf. Aril., Nov. 4. Kamlr IHrh
r.rlfrtn of Fort Worth, Tea., won the rr
rrer'a ilectaUin oter I'unny Msrllll nt l'a
ronia. Wmh., in the eighth round nl a
xbnlulrd 10. round Uout here lat night.
To doxing Fans!
You've been demanding h i g h c ! a a boxing
Lot's ?ee if you really will support one.
UouglttS County l'ot of the American Legion offers
at great expense the
Dave Shade vs. Frankie Schoell
Bout aUhc Auditorium
Monday t November 13
Th support given this attraction determine
whe!ir Omaha vluts can afford to pay th hitfh purses
nucoary t- secure men likt SHAUK an4 ISCHOKLU
t?nah tmtbM Itoston, UuffaUt an4 Sranton, l'a ,
( r th, match.
1 iv k, u ar en ssle at $'J " S I t TAX YHV&
at ti follow jn itstions: Auvliiortum, Mrrttt'a I'rug
ire, 1h prlman Ustba!l Ha4 juarte r an
Jv hnt'y's Ciar Nr, Slfh an4 Karnam.
N 'W, f vol re.Uy ant hih-laM loxiit: hws
tn On. aha, t it by )aar support of thU hw,
DNilat Cavttvtf f ! N. I, AmrWav lta.
91 Cities Report
Housing Shortage
lMir ey of ( !oU(litioii 0 er
Country Show iml of
Building Activities
A r' titt iurvt y of frail ttt until -tl'tng
in h L'niUiJ tflitlrt iiisjj ii Ui
llHKf by the )ttlMIl 'tlOU HI)J t'
ttivttl NoviiiU-r 1 by ih oinwhs H I
Kaint tmairii tiMjlmtri. ttistt thm i itll h"tiaisjtj m h niJurify ot tli
l itis of tttw lounl r.
M.i.rirla finru 4 t.f tli 1)7 nth. MuW
(hat ths-tsj it m shrtagj, Kuii-iu ut
thu rillrti rsfpori'il nu liurlnf. Th rf
Diallllllltf t ts) Stani r lIUNllllfll UltlUVrsj,
Unly 11 ut th. 117 liMa rpurtJ that
t hsay Mr lsitiM "ovs-r lul it itf Iliac Ihfjr
r ntHirtHaf !( 'ovs-r built" puinU un
huri4rl lhlty-lx t4l4 U)y ar nut
"tsr 1iilM,"
Thd urvi-y ahoMa tltjtt tmtt nra r
inaltiihg utiAtioiiftry hi ut lh i-Mit-t ran.
tttRMviJ. It alao nht'Ha J.i iinatM t-ii-d-rny
la rioa In 4U L'HIra, lncluJi.i
KrtMii M of th ritlia ftM-ria ar that
rantala r im irajtfiti allifhlly,
Anri from (Htt rmamin cMIm on
lh rrnt 'lUvaliori wv i)Ujlifi-. hut n
(IlfnttnJ Ui rw n i tliaiytrg mt i.
liiMlnlttsf utmut afallnhary.
In Oi rififtrt "ft avMliabtiiy i.f tthritf
lii'-nty, Otniitu wna JiafttJ In th iiiinociiy
Hhl'li h nuffl'isiit for nurt$u
fiuriNiat-0, DruHha'a ir.mjr bulltllny ana
aii NUhniis iiMtrVJf'l lha Krai fcaiala
iH.anl t n. u, Mn afflrniudva tnawrr
on I hia Mtivai ton.
In newt mm th cltlf-a havlnff auf.
rtf iwtit iinirttfuaM innnay aUu bav build
)rif ami if ii tfaam-lallutii.
Real Estate Sales
Centra if
ttii'l """",,l""m " ' Johana.n,
l UMllrig alreel, I), 000
ii.itru1. K. 1'aih-r lo A V. trc.h.r.
22II II llaiaey and KI I 1 J H.17 Far
nam airreit, 146,1.00,
l.oula .1. Alllaon la . 3. Alherle,
I'll Harney and 4 1 u Ksaeiwood svenue.
iiaiaha Mualk Verln lo Omaha Aerie
No. ; K. i. li., 4:1 North tnrenih
SI I eel, :7,K)0,
K. J, Norman (o Mills K. Turner, !I0
Chi'Hgo airer, ;,,!l'.0. Kkairom to Anna T. Vernon,
STr.o Caplini avenue, II (00.
I,. M. I'egau 10 All H.ilnls church, IIH
Turner boulevard. I.'J.HjO.
North Hide.
A. F Hntp to V. Jl. Halt, !: Kvana
street, M.inii.
Carolina F folllns lo Frank Sadors,
anuihweat corner Twentieth and Hpragus
strecia, lt.700.
Itoy Fleblw lo T. K. Hunl, !72 rink
ney alreel, 14.160.
Hophla W. Peieraen to Mollis C, Clsry,
J202-4 Wirt aireet, 7,too.
Fred Arnihurat lo Martha A. Lynch,
2321 Uojd alreel, 14, C00.
Meet Leavenworth.
Darker com puny lo Nauru W. Flnlay
eon Flfly-aavantli and Lmlla streets,
K. H. 14. Stevsns to 'E C. Anderson,
322 Leavenworth street, 14 12(1,
Halay tl. Mlnlkua lo Inns C. Tsiton,
4222 Mayberry street, $0,750.
f'nnaervallva Savings anil Loan saoea
I I'm to llernard ilroaa, 2i"t Douth Twen-ty-fourlh
ati"el, I4.2HO.
Mathilda M. M.yuarle lo Iills Lamp,
!30 south Fourieenih i reel, IS.2C0.
4 alhedral.
John llapp lo Mary S'hueih, 5t
norm Foriy-e'on1 street, 7.ti00.
Mary Schueth lo Kathryn B. Collins,
H2I North Fnrly aecond aireet, $7,ti7!i,
W, J. I'alnier to Lucy A. Hurlburt
laaa aireet, between Forty-fourth snrj
Forty-fifth atreela, lr,.7r,0,
It It. Neely lo S rim I la Ar Maltion, 341!
North Forty-first street, Id, 600.
John Kegan to H. A. McKachron, south
weal comer Forty-flrat and Burt streets,
Minna Luaa.
r. w. Martin to A. L. 8-gur, :6I3 Msrr
atreel, 0.fiO1,
Mnllle c. Clsry lo M. O. Johnson, 6417
Redlck avenue. !4,ooo.
Marlhs A. Lynch lo O. J. Zuber, 330S
Ornnd avenue, fo.voo.
(I. C. Flack lo If. r. Borenaon, 32l
North Thlrly-aecond atreet 4,f.0.
il. C. Flack to A. 'V. Sutler. 11208
Thirty-third aireet. 15,000,
If. F. Thomas. to Krnliia M Bragg, 4S1
North Thirty -nirjt h aireet, 14,612.
Temple McFnyden lo II, F. Nlelaen,
Fiftieth atreet. between Corby and Mania
adeem, 15,260.
West Funis m.
Frances Hallabury to Fannla S. Tavlor.
2I North Furty-flrst avenue, 17,000.
houth Omaha.
T. J. O'Xeii to ookar Knulsen. 2612 O
Street, 14.000.
Allen Jones to Tt. E. Cleveland, M3I
South Twenty-fourth street, 34,020.
Velva V. I'almritilat to Leonard Lund.
rU North Fifty-ninth aireet, 14.710.
I). E. Buck A Co. Sells Set
of Uriel. FlaU for $14,700
Included In lint of 10 aalea alp
poun'sa by 0. K. Iiui k Co. for tie la that of a set of brick fiats al
rllS-ll-14 M Deaey svenus from Mre.
Luul.a Ailieon of L,s Angaiea lo an Oma
ha inveeior for 114.700. The emirs lial
tolala laiiiou. Fallowing sr Ilia sales'
in asaiiMm in in riaia:
217 fleuma svenus, K. Fadderi o A.
Tjaaon. .6ii0; 1144 t'urtia ,v,nu., Au
gn.l lug. in, lo O. K. Kepler, 14.710;
!.; Nurih Sevenleanlh lo V. O. klillar,
H.110; lot at Foriy-aeeond and Dewey
avenue lo (' I. Klpllnger. 11.000; lU
Florenca iMiulavaro to Frank Sadaro,
M.nnt; I'acifir, R Sneiger lo Kits
Laraon (throoah 1. ) Mulvlhlll). 4
42'ia Tactile, Frank Mneli.r lo J M. Sulll
Ian llhrousll Mulvlhlll). 14.000:
Crown Tolnt svenue ('. tl. bmen in J
Tennani, la.lko; 412 North Flshleenlh,
W J. I'lar, ,i i'. (' Wlggley, ;.0li.
Wrililins; Breakfast Firm
Succeeds Farrell Syrup
Tli Wedding Mreakfaal Froducla enm
tany haa been organlseil by ssverst
iiinalia rapltallats as suereaaor In lha
Farrell Hyrup loliipany Slid has leased
from the Vogel Inveatment rmopany the
properly at SI7.1I liavenpnrt aireet.
A. W. Haydn Is manager of lh Wed
ding Hreakfaal 1'roducls rompssv. Th
hoalneu of lh new eoneern will b o
nianuraelurs sud dialriPui syrup prod
Ui is
Hubinrss Is Booming
ItiiBlnees ! booiiiln. s'rordlng to lha
real eeia'a firm of I'ariaeh Mullalinsler
with offices In lha F.leelrlo bulldlns. Thera
haa been a etrady Increaa during tha
pnat two week. Mr, llueltelmaler said.
"I find a hrlak demand for medium
priced property ih down ftaymema of
from li.iio to ll.eoo," Mr. Iliieltalinalar
eald. Thera la slao a great demand for
fire and tornado Inaursnce," hs atated.
"Service I th public," eal4 Mr,
faria'-h, "la reaponslbls for th rspld
growth of our eompsny."
Helen M. Snow den o Fred A. Bailey,
tlllllary svenue. 11,1)00.
W, n. M Rarhrnti to Kate Regan Forty,
eighth avenue, between Harney and How.
id alreeta, 7.t"
Ids II. Sheldon lo A. W. Sydney, 1101
Florence Heights houlevsrd, 11,360.
.1. F. Troy lo H. F. Simpson, I0H
Merc street and 1201 Uellevu boulevard,
Sale of ToHiisite Lots at
Auction Growi Popular
Selling: townslte aIdltlons at sue
tlun Is becomlnir popular, aceorrllng
to Jittnea L. liowd, Omaha suctlunr,
Vnw persons know that Mr. IKiwd
has conduituJ mors townalts uddillon
sales at suetlnii than sny othr one
man In tha country, Tha greatest per
cent nf Idea sales Is In cities i( less
than tn.OoO population.
Tli system Mr. Dowd sinpls In
pnimotliif ant conduetlng surh sales
Is to set ths Chainlxr of C'oinmerc
and buslnaas men Interested In ths
project by liiyltn hefors them tils
plan to malt tlielts a bigger and bet
ter town, Then tha plot of ground
In be sold la cleared, surveyed and
Next cnnios th advertising In sll
direction for 40 or 60 miles. Ther
Is a big carnival lsy inuny res at
tractions, southern bartacua and svs
nlng dams. Many prizes ars glvsn
awuy, Including on lot, W'hn th
excitement I at whit heat th suc
tion atsrte and lota ars sold st tha
rata of on every mlnuts until all
liav liven bought.
Mr. Iiowd had 71 townalt sale this
year In nlns different states, ranging
from th C'snudlkii border to Canton,
Miss. His next sal Is to b at ,Tf
ferson t'lly, Mo., Thursday, Novem
ter 9.
Dreslier Buyi Property.
The ground si JJII-11-16-17 Fsrnsm
atreet, having frnntag of feet on
Farm in an1 ealandlng through Har
ney aireat with s frontag of 41 feet on
Harney, has heen purchased, by A. V,
llreeher for I4f,l0.
The property has bees eonlrotltd by
Mr. lriehef aloes January 4, ll, when
ha leaned It from William O. Chambers
foe fifty years.
This Is th ground on which the fireaher
nrne elesning snd dyeing tstabllshineul
ITenls In Ilsrlln hsvs gon up 150
per cent of th prewsr figures.
$98,500 Real Fstate Salt s
Are Reported by Broker
Real ealsls aalea totaling lei.iet ware
nloeed reienily by Oito hiemeeon, real
aeiai nrnser. iiiiisrig, rvalionai fiaos
building, as folloa.
Two fists, southeast rornar Twenty eittti
snd liousiaa streaia, sold for itara Rose
water lo Wars Hall; roneideraiion, ISa
Southeaet t'orticr gatentenlh snd Caea
alreeta, eold f' lha imalia, Muelo
to ins K.sle lodge, 21 luu.
Ninety-two scr.. of I he Armbrnat farm.
Hated by u Ke. f. iteslty onipan,. lo R
U. I'hllllps 114,000
Mr. glemeeoii reports that there la quit
s demand for good acreage property, aa
well as hlgh-elaes buslnee properly, the
nailnga of which srs hsrd lo obialii, as
inosi downtown property is paying s goo,)
rental snd foe ihts reaaon the nwnrra U
not cars I dlspoa of their boldinga.
Ilea Want Ads produc results.
Leon Tukes Theater Lease.
'Ilia teaes taken U"t wek ly lha lon
brothers on Ida rorn.r s'oie of the url,l
ihi-aier havea only ' aniail shop In
that building to bs rented
lha Leon tease is for I years The
tiw el i,t - will have a 0 foot shove win
dow on Imusiaa street, lha enilia ftoni
of the sluia Is belli rbalised I aisel
ths neds of the hsberdaanery roni'ern
Tha remodeling will Include sn eiiiran.s
on finusiaa atreel Ivat seat to ths sa
ltan) i t lh Ihealer.
- ' 4
Amos Grant Keroveriifg.
Amos, Head of the Anm ilranl
eoniiianv. who haa keen 111 al
his home, ia leistering, sueoidln lo Ilia
Hindu ur vegetarians snd regard
tha cow a a suord anliiiul, In their
eyes, to kill a row Is a graater sin
than to kill s man.
roi n ir i. 4H4 rai ii m sr
Vote for
Dr. C. B. Foltz
Member of SciiGul Boam
This I sn impartsnt efflcs, out
pay so salary. I am tatr(lal
bscaua I hav four ckllrjrsa Its
The Wisdom of any expenditure dependa not
upon the amount of money spent, but upon the
Boundness of the investment.
Months after the Investment HANAN SHOES
retain their distinction and beauty, which are as
permanent as their sturdier features of crafts
manship. The BALTIMORE, shown here, comes In the finest
grade of black or brown kid leather, and is only
one of the many styles we carry for Men who ap
preciate the soundness of an investment in
Hanan shoes.
For Woman we hav them in
styles just a attractive.
Good Shoes Are an Economy
Exclusive Hanan Agents
1419 Farnam Street
Mail Order Solicited Post Prepaid
New Prices
F. 0. B. Detroit
Effective October 17, 1922
Chassis . . . $235
Runabout . . . 269
Touring Car . . 298
Truck Chassis . . 380
Coupe .... 530
Sedan 595
Tractor .... 395
Those are the lowest prices in the
history of the Ford Motor Company.
Orders are coming in fast, so place
yours promptly to insure early delivery
Authorized Omaha and Council Bluffs
Ford Dealers:
McCAI FREY MOTOR CO IStS sr. J Jackson bt.
C. I PAULSON MOTOR CO 20th anj Amu At.
UNIVERSAL MOTOR CO Zl.t arJ laavsiiw th Sts,
ADKINS MOTOR CO., , .491 1 South 24th St.
GALBREATII MOTOR CO 60h and Military Av,
HANNA.N ODELL.VAN BRUNT, Inc. ... 3002 rrs.m Si.
BOWERS BLAIR MOTOR CO .. .25 37 North Mai. Si.
lll'GIUS PARMf-R MOTOR CO 141SS W..I BraasNay
The good Maxwell is making tre
mendous inroads in public lavor
because it is a better car. Matching its
wonderful record of reliable, econom
ical performance is a beauty that can be
found in no other car in its price class.
Cord tires, non-skid (font snd rear; disc stsl whacls, dmounubl at rba
and at hubi drum fyp lamps; Alemit lubrication; motor-driven lcfri
horn; unususllr long sprinp; new typ water tight svindahkld. Pric
F. O. B. Dtroit. ravenu lax to b dddi Touring Car, IS85, Roadster,
t68Si Qub Coup, v65; Four PaaMDger Coup, 123Sl Sdsn, 15
HA may 6066 Farnam at 27th Avenue
The Good,
The Link That Connects the
Job and the Jobless 1
The Omaha Bee "Want" Ad
ft' t A JBk
ft - i asTecaak
Kvcry day more men ami women are finding good
paying positions through the "Help Wanteil"
folumna ot The Omaha II. They are the link
that connect you to the kind of a position you
have long wanted.
Read thei 'Want" Ads thoroughly, Don't misa
an ad. Your whole futuru may depend on any
one of theini opportunities offered YOU. If ou
don't fiiul the kinl of a position ou want tiulay,
try tomorrow anil every day until yon tio. Make
a rtart. Turn hack ami look NOW.
If )n want rfficimt help insert Jour atUvitii
tnent In th? "Want" Al toljtnns of Th O'liiha
Mornln,f Met The tuning !f tl. ir. tor
the price of onj,
Omh Bee MWntM Adi HrtnR Better
Keiulti ftt Leiier Cost
Ask for Jht Omaha
9b OarJia ilcrntr B?on