The Omaha Sunday Bee SPORT NEWS WANT ADS MARKETS AUTOMOBILES VOL 52 NO. 21. PART TWO OMAHA. SUNDAY MORNINU. NOVKMHER 6, 1922. 1-D FIVE CENTS Syracuse Upsets Dope, and Nebraska, Winning Annual Game, 9 to 6 V a rV ll 1 1 iwm mmm m m If- il. . 1 ri . Eastern Team Outplays Hiiskcrs From Whistlp TlioiiipKoii Scortu the Only (lornliuxkrr ToucIkIuhii When Ife Krrovru FiiiiiIiIp. OlMht lie Jeaeed Mir. Hiiii'ii.c, ,'. V.. Nov 4, The rant ngln triumphed over lh went her this afternoon In a game which wm n spectacular t; waa ever tgd In Hi stndlom n( H;rii"use university, wh'Ti the Nebraska, university team of mania we, fort ed to bow down In dp feat Ik for rlyrmurie tiy a m ore of 9 to K this afternoon. The teams were very evenly mad bed and It ma not Until the flmil whlstl was blown i hut It waa any body's game. Klrsi Myrm-ua" led, to 0, at th I'M) of the first j mi it it. Then ut tha end of the thin iuart-r Nebraska n In front, 6 to 3, ml In tha laat period Hymens forged ahesd by a liillinrit offensive, wblrli r-n 1 1 1 In m Iditchdown which put Hyracuse ahead, 9 to t. Hymens carried off tha bon ier h'-rtiusa II possessed th greater drive when It yol within hailing die tanre of th goal line. hrH un (! Hreak. l,.-h than thre minute after tha aiurt of piny Hyracus got a break when I'rcston dropped tha ball after making a right end run for It yarda. Anderson of Hyrscuse waa about to tackle Preston when the ball rolled Into Ma arm on Nebraaka' 20 yard line Hyracus started a drlva for tha Nebraska g-oal line and Nebraska fur nished "tiff opposition, finally taking tli bull from Hyracuse on their six 'jnrd Una. Tbla forced Mwelyn to boot Him ovnl from behind hla goal line, lis kicked to Frugon, who made a fair catch directly In front of the Nehraaka goal poata on their 35 yard mark. Mcllrld tried to fre kick via Koni jrum jnni.-oiii.jiiv ami ui. ball nailed between tha crone bare for three point. Muring the remainder of thl period play waa pretty well near the middle of the field and the earn wa true of the aecond quarter. Tha teame were fighting desperately near midfleld In tha early part of tha third quarter and with tha ball on Nebraska 46-yard line, Frugone tried a double paaa with Zimmerman ache tiled to reclva the oval. Tha ball allpped through Zimmerman' fingera and aa it hit the ground Thompson, aub end of Nebraska acooped It up and raced 2 yard for a touchdown. Hartley failed to make the extra point on a forward puna. Open I p Drive. There waa sadness In the heart of the 10.000 Hyracuse aupportera when Thompaon made hla aprlnt and there waa no Hyracus Joy until well along in th fourth quarter, when Hyracuse opened up a drive from near midfleld which tarried the ball to the Ne braska 20 yrd line. th,en to the 10 yard mrk and flnnlly to the foot mark, where It took three assaults by An derson, the track line bucker of the Orange, to make 12 Inche. Finally on the third rush he went over for the winning touchdown. McBrlde failed to kick the goal, a try from placement. And the remainder of the game, play waa In Nebraska's territory. The cilila were 2 to I on Nebraska and the defeat of the Cornhuskera came aa a big surprise. Backstroke Record Set by Illinois Star Milwaukee, Hla., Nov. 4. Johnny Weiaamiiller. etar awlinmer of the llllnnla .. t., hroUe the world'a retold In the HMIyanl bat Ualrolie held h WaiTen Kealnlia. made laat year In Honolulu In 1:06 1-5. WeUa inuller rovered the Hlatame In 'the JJ fmil lank at the Milwaukee A. C. loilay In I 03 3 3. Welaamuller alan lied Die world' record of I1J 3 3 In the lofl nteler hai l.alroke held by Kealoha. 2)o you know that t H - rittU' aHMfuli f'r at ftliHtl( h ', 'I ('4 I ii 4imtmnil ' lUf ng fyx r I ! J. M'4 h ll ' .ttl.taC ( in-iuiti'niefil t9 ttnit A.t Hi 1 1 ut fiu '4 Urh , aW t Ik , fctfi . w . . ak.,.l tv.a,..t ttt( hkt llu trl ' I t - I . a,).a a ....... t . fc,lai kal a, a h . t m." tk. M .i4 ! iMK l- i ke aa t kaiaesa atk Tke laeseal aaaat aeeea la lha a arid la a4e ewaattwelkea al aeaktea faih. le eenlaa aaiea a leeaea lha aa ,w. a 'tl fcaU 1 1 aaa re al aa. aM a a ke eaaiee) W wa .a.a e. t.arf.a M aaHea, aaX eaMa la tieeaaa. bom aa " aaaaaarta ttaea a ka aa l ta htl M aK kt M laaee a war Ik tea ka aaaUaa. 1a f"kl .IA aaaate t M., I te k'l aa t--aa a4 eta -t . e I ' ' ' ' a eN at I . t i.v.kI l aji.t a.a a . I ti it a . ail k e, l ei ... ...t tbt net a-i ka a ii.(i i ae -eel --ia at tear 1. . , . -. t . . tka a r' leak we.keek-e.1, ."..-aaa It, M koui tkM I ! el IM t ee...i !-.-.. la I aaea-a4 N.a-'aa k la a-aia W-ea, a--a-a ka 4al 4 aie-a. .. a4 tee ifcrea aaaa ikaeaa i ta k.a-a.ka - - O. . ka taaaaid i aa . . .. I a. ' t .aa a Ita a u I a - a - g I I aa .1 t,t i M gaa. el'at k t----l': l-a -9 ta St 4 kt 1 1 aaa a ti,n.i t ...,. ea-ae eett e--.--. e . ... a... li,. wt .... a. I a ll.l ta I 1'"l " a aa.4 a a.! ta .lil ID . To row, IHt tn rlahli (Wk Iliirrr M, l,rrrtti koliert I'lerre, enl j llalrd AM-I-I, nidi Jue IU t.trr, aimrds Hill Mrlihl, iihi I injd ( aid wall, uli "Had" Mnrple, frounilkriier, Schlaifer Returns a to Creeley Stable The inuiiuKerliI troublea of MorrJe Bchliilfer, Omuhti'a lending boxr, K'-i iii to be ut and end. Johnny Creeley, former nmnnger of H;hlulftr. who arrived In Omnhii laat) week In ad vance of hla feath erweight, Jack Kile, who la aluted to appear on the Hliaile Hchoell pro gram November 13, la credited with effecting the eettlement by which the "fight ing aiebrew" Once more enter the rlnn. Creeley, upon hi arrival In Omaha, colled on tichlnlfer and Billy Uvlck, hla manager, In an attempt to clear tha differencea between Morrle and hia buaincaa agent. At a reault of aeveral conference, Creeley and Uvlck have formed a pnrtnerHhlp and will form a atable of boxer with Morrle u their chief atur. Other boxer, whoae Intereatt Cree li y haa been looking lifter in Chicago, will come to Omiihn to fight under the banner of Uie newly-founded firm. The firHt match In sight fur Hchlalf r I a buttle with Mickey Walker, the new welterweight champion, accord ing to Creeley. "Walker la the atyle of slambang fighter Ihiit la 'meat for Morrle," on nouncca Creeley. "Morrle haa already atarted training and under Hilly Uvlck'e careful caplonage be should be In the bent shape of hi career be fore long and ready for hla blggeat seuVin." Illini Humbles Purple, 6 to 3 t'rbaii.i, 111,. Nov. 4. righting Ita beat Ktni? of the aeaaon, although hnndlcapiied by a crippled aggrega tion. Illlno; today came from be hind and defeated the Northwestern eleven. to 3, after the l'urple had Berti red a 3 to 0 lead. K;nli side made all Its pollnts through fltld goala. riaylug before a ertiwd of 23,000, the Illinois team hit Ita stride early In the aecond nuarter. 0ened the third period with a great burst of speed and had the visitor on the de fensive for the rent of the game, Northwi-stern made It points in the first quarter when TenfieM, North western tackle, took advantage of poh Wnnxke s 5 ysrfl punt and on the evchtnge the tall was placed on the Illinois 30 aril line and hooted owr fr a 31 yard dropklck. Nekllinger Stars in Yale Victor) a ii . f . ., a.' i itl. i aa erewei aaa inea Sew ll.itrn, Cmn. N-. -lhj,w , n.u 4- srect''u!itr and billlisiit runs laehla anlnid diaaiat a peaalit thai Sa.lhngar. .M.datnt.g rai . I ia pliya.l inn un.ifMii.i Hroan lltn if Its Slid r. till aj a M In ni.i W th. XU Kirt IvUr Thru Ni l , .Nr r. uiht lha V , attttj I t.,t i.f aala tr h,ra (if the. prsllUat eri'H 4a w;inraat n Nam It.itaa l )r tl'4li CoUfjtr Trouitff I'uritui H-kfit, In fi tt tiai r-li 111 V 4 the i W .1 eh ruilraa f aaWI le .1 taina I 7 l I tkl.u i4lu ita tae j? i .t I a a'e-a a iu l ! et a. k af'er t,.... h ! a u tk ! at n'itr Tha V a'-ae m h d.-aa taaa lUl whan fa'dt i.l aa l-k.l ! )..vtele-t kr V aea 'iia tut " I uivtut tha ( I b j ( '"' ' .... m. ' . J i),,!!,! t liri etltlllla) I v, t . It I. ..Il...i, ."Hlf I'lfl I t'tif liutiir: Um4 eVl . . I -IUU .l j Jat I .' J - ka I. M I a. k tt th '- x )-' t I.I 1 . t t aa la..i4 gel ..... .... .k . .a....... w lat t It te.uiilal. i aal . 1 1 1 .- - -1 aa aea e a.i aaitaearv 1 taa taa , , , : " " " " ' ' " !,, kaie 4 ik , (. Beatrice High Gridsters ! Mernml row. irU a rlalits "Kuk" Nrott, j eeiilrr i "Mtiili" KoUiul. tilfllii I'rln lrBllli, hulfliiw lii Melvln Heerldr, nuxril: ( Inrrurr 4,nrjf, rndi "I'u.n" Kyle, , aalii (oarh H'. I.. (Itiah) lluahra. , Beatrice, Nov. 4 (Hpcclal,) Ilat-5i ri High school 'trimmed University Place recently, 45 to U, and with prevloirt victories over falrbliry, AI llitnca and Omnha Tech high s liooU, tho outlook for state championship team I bright, , However, llcutrlce must beat Omaha Cuntml and Lincoln In succession dur ing the next three weeks to claim the titular Inlersoholnstlc honor. The Lincoln game nt Nebraska field No vcmber 24 will probably be the tell tain game In the high chool cham plonshlp nice. The Scat rice tum Journeys to Ap pblon, Wis., Turkey day to play th probable, Wisconsin state champ In an intersectlonal game, Uist season at JJcatrlce tho Appleton crew wu beaten, 42 to 0. Badgers Defeat Gophers, 14 toO Omiihn lie leased Wire. Minneapolis, Nov, 4. Minnesota's green lln, after battling Wisconsin to a standstill In the first half, broke under the determined attack of the Tladgers In tho second half and was swept to victory, 14 to 0. , The game, played In a sea of mud, before a crowd of 24,000, ws des perately fought, but against the brilliant running of Williams and the clever forward pass game, the un tried Oophers, mysteries of the con ference, remain mystcres no long er. In the third quarter, a clever forward pans, In which Tels-ll carne around from his end and, grubbing a throw, twisted and tore to tho corner of tho field, whr-re, with two of the gold Jcrseyed warrior clinging to his lcg, he Cived across the line for the touchdown for which they had strug gled for (wo long periods. Then, with tho green line cracking and commencing to weaken, Wil liams, one of the greatest runner Ira, the conference, ripped, twisted and tore through the line again and again and finally after being knocked to his knees twice, slid and dived over the line for the second touchdown. FootBallFacts WorthKnowing 0y &bl JHttzger Q On Itlrkoff, kicker mi.nea ball al mnl eomiletly. It toward aide Una and before It haa cone III yarda all opponent touchea It, but ball sots out of j bound. la ball to be aleked over asaln or la It tn play with both teams i-llilii i to ret-over It out nf louiwln? A. It I. In nisi and men of both teame i are ehalMe to reeover It out nf nounda. Hale li. arrllon 7. Q On a punt from aerlnimasa tn whb'h wa have a man behind tall anil onelde. if thia man I. flret In Liu. h ball, doea ha iut hla own teatitntalea an.lde? K. Sn. Amy man aha la behind tha hall when ll la kicked, rirent Ilia bicker, ma? rerte the hall liefora ll haa losrhed an vpiHinesl. Hula IS, aeetma I. Q Afiee ball haa been kicked off aid la In tha air. player of feani klrklnf off luaa p..oneot nn opttietiia' 3.-;ard Hue. Who yete tmll and where' A.' la-all im la the offended aid at tha aiwtt altera lha alussiaa lali plaea. Tha nftandee la Haaiahed aVom lit lama. Mala li, aeellan . Q fHt bira.tff mav a plater of team fcb kins aff run aul of tmun.ta ea ht way itnan lha field and hrn le-kia runner r f'-er he In If n'.t, whet la pen. jaiiy if in s na cut -f te.uode he da au j ta e.f- - tan! Ce I tta kl. h"lf lilaiee ata tun aal 'ZIZJV'ZL: .Ir.Z: a itaaa aee-aale aa Ikal ke tM I . I 4 ' at. 1Mb.,. ralea e al ratee aotia ee.etit ' II, taelkea I WTHTHE PUG& loal tit it. i"'"i a re- i ' leai.J ( ua.ii la k.f a m .. e . t at t a s . ..i " I I I t ' 1 I I . .. , ,,1, ! ' I . let . e t- a t . tt i t i i a 4 t, at a I 1 1 lilt. a kg' - - a- I a 1 ,..... , t tat I a " '- " ., ,.,,t a.,,,.. a,.... . - a i -l . ,,,, , t - t . l k i 't ; a t at -.t . I ta... a. 4 I .'., lea i t. it a kat4- 1,11 eaaaa u I f . t0 ,4 Wa , , , , ,. j a , t,. .. J,, ,4 g. ' M -a) ge Tlilrd row, Mt In rtbtl Kill Cook. i avurdi Mom Mltlrm, liu-kl) ( uiittln Vrni ( ImHoii, laeblri "Julr" Artiirhnrn, Kinery j .lli, nub halfbarki "I'M" I'urily, qusrtr bail!. Central Beats Lincoln, 19-6 An avalanche of Purple backs swept down on Lincoln high on th Western lengu field yesterday and crushed the capital city team's UZH chutnplon ship hopes under a li) to t score. The Purine colors of Central high of this city gained n fitting victory over the undefeated, Lincoln eleven. Not only did Coach Schmidt's grid sters outplay the capital city eleven in all departments f the game, but they showed a brand of foo.thall that stamps them as one of tha foremost contender for the stat high school football championship honor for the present etin. Central ;red a touchdown In'the first quarter from straight football and Us second touchdown In the ec ond quarter fr?iin straight play mixed with a forward puss, the latter scoring the touchdown. . Lincoln showed a reversal of form In the third quarter and for a few minutes had the Purple guessing. It was during this period of the contest that the Link put over their lone touchdown. Central scored Its final touchdown In the lat few minute of ploy on straight football. The lineup: Onlnil III I'na. IVrelvnl I, V.... Thnmaa I- T. . . Hlrll.liii I'.') ...Aj ;.., Cokhii C. . , . Hull ,,...K O.., Knula R T. . , ivikIIzit H V.. . ICyieiNI. ,..,.....y H . , , Marrow I. H.. llowrll II It., (Jallnway ...,K U... MiiliNillulKin.: Central, I.lnroln d . , Ali-lnllra Keller , ,,, llatiers , i .'onk . , . B. Jonea . ... furled Oariln.r H'.l .... llrnwn .... I.ewlS ... Thomas Krela MrDi-rmntt for Murrow. Marrow for CosIlz-r, Lincoln, Hhh for Tlow.ra, Tlewera for f'url.h, W'hlt Mratmi for Jon-. Jones for Whtlllnsion, Ctirrnln for Thoinaa, turt-h for Kftltey, Krus for TVhlllliigton, Whllllnalon for Jirown. nfflilala: Rfferea, far-y; Headllnfaman, Sf orlarlei y. tirit'lrif. Hurdlrk, HrorA by guMrter; ruilrnl 7 0 If I.lnrnln V V Toui hilownai Howell, Marrow, Thomas, Galloway, Glial after tnurhdnwna: Htrlhtlna. Iowa Trarkstfrs Lose. Mount Vernon, lit., Nov. 4 -Cornell college won the annual cross-country race from tho I'nlverslty of Iowa here this afternoon over a four and three fourths mile course, 21 lo 39. Special Stake Races Added to Program at Havana Meet General Manager Frank J. Uruen I so well pleased wlih th number and quality of the horses already booked for shipment to Oriental park for the meeting of the Cuban Ameri can Jockey club at Itavanua, that he haa announced his Intention nf adding feature races of substantial values to lleraet Hurt a. awae af Ike Oataha HufaUea. reft ha ellv kalatda fue ale kwiiae ta aaa kalMala. fee. Maraet aeeela la aa aa aallt allee lha hull. Heaea krvaaiaa aal af Iwwe. HaeTa ledueaied wa that ke ha aeteeal deala aa hi !, wkeeekr tleaaka a III t a aw lailild 1-4 al aae-a-tsetkliea IS 4-ala a I kei- a I-' t.nlfla ll-llekl I'lkl llet.l.a III ka let aett a. ' tee " aa ae get It leue IWe.ei. a III h Ik taHUI ea.k aaleea lk aa taaaagea la a Ileal eaaeea. I aateaae aa4 fraecallv a aw4 I ! klea Ik ae-a- Ike Weleea tea e It areie. it.i ke J. .a. acu ... u . ... . I.. t. i.a...... keH ana Ike He'a lane k t.e- ewle-l tt-tt.e4 k( Ire. t- .t el Ik ttl'etl lea-" I ...l-t.l tl .ae at Ike M laa a l4 sal aval aa I aaa ae. t( la It latae la ke ga. aaaat . tke a M - ... t. ...... 1. .a a a.t i.t ea la !--. Ia llkl , ta ttee ! t -1 It. ek"tetee ka laata tail aett a-i I laa latwt .4 hi agitata t Nert el I t I 4..i' tta e . .Iiatl"! .1 ike a.aita t . t- k,4t I ta ketaag UH.ii.a lt.aa. g lite aa'ae tke tM .1 la ltt.a kakl aa aaghtut ta lh aeataet .1 Ik.t e-e. a4 aaa ta t . I k .k. l a. k.i a a -4 k i--a ee..3 ta tka keiki laa hat a- Ik li I att... t vi. .1 aa at k. Sea a 4 k -..-.4 taaa tti ee fca a.a ! .ee4 la. f.t aettl a-ae.aaatea ta I i.t--ai hat aa laat.a k t u a-aktg teaat a k4) .. fr-ftaf? HOT STOVE FOOrUALt- RESULTS Srraruae, f Ndiraaka. . I rrlabom, III noma I'akoU, a, , ( ealral, t If I Mneiiln . Mllllania, ill Heneeelaef, J, le, IH, llrown, . Hlaranatn, U Mlnneejda, . Mlrhlaan, Mi Mlrhlsaa Aaflas, . Uatmeh, 7 1 Ttirdua, a, Voire Dame, ill Indiana, . Kanaaa Asslea, 14 1 Mlaaouri, It, Kaneae, IWi llklahutna, I. Itrimn, Si Marirlla, 0. I nee, 0 Mt. I nlun, . Healers keaertea. Mi lllranl, t. Itrnulaon, lui MmMlrr, , I oe. I Albion, 7. (.rlonell, IS i Haahlnsliin, f. I nrnell, AH i ( olooilila, II. Maine, 7 1 llowdtdn, , ( ororll, l I olooilila, , I'arlnuMilli, li Ituelon I nliarelly, 7, W. Vs. Me.leian, ISi liuuaeana, . ' Sprlnsfleld. II i Kordbani, . W, and arfferaon. III l..frette, If. V. I nlterellr, Hi Trinity, t, Alabama, tft ari,naylvanla, 7. I'llletiurvli, SI (tenets, , I'rlfM-eton, t'li Swsrthmitre, 19. 'rules I nlterelfr, 3 Arkaliaaa. i. I iilver.lly of Mart Virginia, 4 l lm-ln-nail, . I'epsnw, fit Taenron, 7. Houlhern Melhodlel unlerralty, 41 Inutile eetern, li. HiM-knell, t Miihlenhers, (. Ilaterford, IS liuilford, 0. erioool, US i .Sear Hampalilre Stale, 0. Arm, Ml llonsteiiliire, ll. Mar lor, Ml 'leae A. M 7. Illlnola rolleae, 11 Monmouth, A. ( enlre. IX : kenlnikr iioleeeily, f, Korth ( arolloa, IU Tolana, it, taoderblli Mi Tenneeaea, , Akron nnleerallr, ll Oliln Noiihera, . HIMenlH-rs, l Oherlln, I, Mueklnsnm, I' Karlhsm, . SI. Xntler, 11 Oliki I lllrereltr, 1, Senlleblnlf, Jl Miitard, II. Aleaandrln, l t'1ielr1 It. Iiuoimfleld wine from I'lerr by fnrfelt. Ilenrdlct, Ml I larke, . I'awnea ( llr, i Wmre, . ridiimklle, lllS) Athlon, 7, Aurora. 4" I (enlral ( Mr, Mlddlrburr, l T n fie, , Itnlea, Maeasrlllleetts A(flM, t. ( olrale, am l-eman, n. Heelrrsn, ll Amherst. . SI, etuines, I4 laniard Mall nf Ilaltl ThHrlealns, . ('., l Pealaidf, ftle.) I nltrrally nf llrlroll, l lomlmrd, ( (llr. I lielswsre, 7 1 Stetene. 0, (nrnrsla Tech, 7 Allesheny, 0, llolf I'rnaa. I0 (,eorelown, 0. I nlon, Tt liolinrr, 7 uie.) ( hirkeon. 7 Norwich t'nlrersllr, , llnllrr, ll Koaa I'olf 0, HI, Isnsllua, Ml PavKm, W, Miirlrim, ; drove, ll. llll. rlrlil, 0; MeldellH-rg, . Msbneh. 7l Purdue, H. f. . Krrahmen, 4S llerkelrf lllli, 0. Wllllama. J Kemieelner, 7. Siirlnsfleld. 17) Kordhsm, . Moelon l ollese. ll Villa . M.r.liind. Si Vlrslnla I'nly, l. South t nrollns, i Sewsnee, T, llatldaon, l S. V. Male, In. Mount fit. Msry, IS) H'sahlnsina tl 'ere, I. ... .lolm llopkliie. 8ft I W. Mnrr'nnd, 0. I,ellrburs, IMcktneon, , Cnioklln and Miirehall, 4J IVnn Mill- 'io'iith' llakols SWte, II) Aberdeen Korfh. am Normal, 0, ... Tenia I hrlnllan rnlaereltf, tt Okla homa Asslea, 14, .... Onlenarr (oll'se, 41 livota, 0, MncAllloier. 12) arlel-n, M. Nor Hi Imkiila I nltrrallr, 7 North lla kofit Asslee, II, l-mvleu lllsh, Hi Kltrhburg (Mass.) Illsh, . Melf-rnn, l Miami, 0. IU)ls, 7t Hi. )Mul; H 7RIIMVM KKM IT. Th, IV Mouth, II. Crrisliton lll(h, 25 1 llsveloeb, T, MTATK, fraod lelsnd, 1 0 1 llroken flow, 7, Kiiroam, M; t'sllaway, ID. I smlirldse, 7 Oberlin (Kao.), . I'olk, 7; Imtlil t lt, 2. Iliielliisa, Hit Itrd (loud, . hroll.bliiff, Itutsrd, 0. Hampton, ill (.rood lelnnd Keaertra, 0, lltford, 7tl Met'ook Kraertea, 0, Ki-arorr, III iiirk, d. Ua-ne, VA Irftilrel, . Wavn llraervea. Mil Norfolk Raasrtta, . Norfolk, 7j HIiinIoii, . Iloldn-se, t Mit ook. 7. MuiIImiii, IS Tlldrn, 7. Adatiia. M llolmeevllte, 0. I'rrmont, 8 Vte.t Point, II. Superior, IHt Kalrliurv, . 4'lirtla Assl'-a. ?l Mllid.n. ft, Hrwnrd otlieraii". Ill Krleiid, 0, HnrtliiKlon, I I reUlilon, 12, lleiitrlca. III; 1'ei'umarh, 7. I'olk, 7 lliivld (lit. Ixilhriibuis. 7 1 North I'lslte, . Ilnnllnse. K7l Krd ( loud. . lion-heeler, IS; l.lnt-olit Kaai-rvea. I'hittftmoiith,- 7; Nehriteka City, . Aahlnnd, StS; Ncliool for Deaf, 0. COI.I.KtiK. Sliile. Niehrueks eVeeleyan, 13; Cntner, 0. I'eril. 27l lloane, tl. iiearney Normal. 1 .1 1 I'ltsdron ormul, 7, fit here. Peon rolleae, 7 Mlmpeoil, 0. Pareone, at loan Teal-llrra, tf, Smv. It; I'm ii Stole, ll. Moriilnselde, 7 1 I'ra Molnea, 7. tho program of every rtunduy and holiday throughout lh season, which will open on Thanksgiving day, Nov, 30, and continue for 100 day or more. Secretary Martin Nallmiiacii, whose generous program bad alrt.nly attract, ed tl.a atteiillon of horsemen, bus been Instructed to frama special races, carrying added values of 13,000 and 12, So'), The first of these will be run Th inksglilng day. These vent will coiiirilitit inatt-rlally In the sue craa nf the tticrtliig and liivulvt aan v rruge ilialll.milini( ITj iieO ol the diy on w bit It Hi' ) i nn i'i. Mr, Nullum. son la it tl inaali-r in his pu feeal.m uli I nlw.isa li.ia an un ut itr know lt4 of I Im i i .iii; tikiti'ii il at hi nun lll.tll'l II 10 IV la ilrp, n I d utMitl In t i . at to lliv el i.y )n. i a nf 14 nail iU tint la nn !! g"-"i' ' and I ntdy i to I . . 1 Tha li' in. t a ti tt if d dii av with a'oke f... tin e an li.. 1 rtii He) lha 11 Ma if i..,i. ii.eia a I -I led lr !' 1 1, - Hid .lk Hull itom i,, B,.,.le trt d ,.t With .t.i a- llteia Wtlt'll Mr In ...ii nu l tit- l I .a i... 1 Ian ntuiilba it' It tie.itia a .1 s 1 r kei,.i taiiia' 4tel a a. . i dittfil.ii ..a 1 I lha lo.ine , tl, . I f. 1 ! 1 ' 11 i.. , 1 . 1 1 .( an ran , l.i ta ..( hi.t'et,.,) niillih. ( e r t. ' . ", e ll.ii.a a, wiutatr 1 1 t ,. 1 1 i 1 r iae; tie . t I U 11. i'l ' I Wl.ei .fit,,., I : '.' a 11 . I ... i . i, l . , . , . I ii.. I a I i - k tela n t i t . i ... la tl 1 1 -4 t i ... I .1 $ t i t l it l 'it ,.lt ati t - ' t i .itl ht i a - I 'ta Wet l I a I . t I . . t. I la. i, I . St, if ta ' .t a. .( 1 1 t . . 1 1 , t, ...t. 4a gj tea la r.ftt ..... ! lui I aet .t.t t Ik i . ' r A t.,1 (.! ij tk k t t - I Ik l I -. Dcmpsey Dresses the Cake-Eater, lint is Same Jack When Fie Meets Pal of lloho Days' JACK DKMI'DKV Is still the "cham. plon of champions" tha tiger of the ifng. The cunning eyes retain their Judge of distance; th punches still hsv th nop and "kick." Kut Iempey's dress belles all this. He's lempey the "cake-eater." If one would judge him by hia toga alone, Pompsey, who Is here for a sude. villa engagement lit the World, Htrode through Hotel FoiiWriclle lobby yes terday ir.ornlng. Ills patent-leather oxfords shlned spick and spun; his hair shone with the lustre of many application of the "lounge lizards" preparation: hi suit bad lines of the "cake-eater," and lastly, but not least, he wore a wrist watch! Johnny Hudrnlierg, an Omaha lioxcr, who had known Jack back In the "hobo days," wa flubbergasted. First Annual High School Tank Championships Friday The fust annual Nebraska Inter - scholastic swimming championships to be held Ht the Omiiti.i Athletic club of the met ns 10 of the fastest swim next l'Vlday night will be the sriautlc i mer of the Mid West ore entered. classic of fhe s ason. I'ete Wendell, ' riie list Includes three men from I til swimming coach of the O. A, C, who veralty of Iowa, two form Nebraska is in charge of the meet has cluaed 1 university, two from Oram! Island V. the entries with teams' entered from Grand Island, Lincoln, Crelghton, ('enlral, Technical end Houth hlgH schools, A total of 42 swimmers will represent thene schools with Central heading the list with nine men on it team. Tech bo eight swimmers, Crelghton seven, firand Island and Lincoln six. itecords made will stand as official Interscholiistlc kink records and some remarkable fust time is expected. Hick Welpton, captain of Die Central tejim, hits swam the DO-ynrd free style Itl beter time than the Mld Wiistern A, A. I'. record for this distance. Lincoln and (Jrond Island have de veloped some fast distance men and have good reluy teams. Bert Oarvey of Crelghton should make a good showing in the SO yard breast stroke. Ifen Cotton of Central I diving In fxcellr-nt form. l .Mov I'At it-it: i.KAtii i:. Team Mlundlnxa. Won 1.0t 6 Pet, .mm .')0 .liOl) .I.U .1117 .167 .4117 ,U3 ,767 .171 .173 I'aaeaoaer Aucta. , , Jn Trainmen 9 Car Hhoi .', . . . 9 llvjalon Knsineers 9 Car Keenrila I (lineral Audltore 7 Auditors, Freight Avt-ts. 1 Mnrhlno Hliop 7 Audllora, l'lNbiireementa, f Htora Lepnrtiniit 4 Indlvkluul Mtandinsa. Kanka !77Hehrnia Mt'Aultffe 1 75! Kent ... HOONTKK I.KAt.l I!. MlnndinsK. W. I.. 3 l 4 e 9 IH 1 1 I j ii. N'avlsator I'laara 15 Harney Aulo ItepKlr ..14 I'anforlurn IJ Hwlft l'o 12 Hlyletex t'oloii Outfitting fo I Kins t'ole Oybtera II Imlian Motor t'ope 4 Photo Kngravera .1 Hobrrla Sanitary llnlry ... 8 Indlvldunl Avernaea, Sclpla I7:tiln ... Koran l7,linrrun .. .:I3 77N .722 .600 .600 ,44 "ui .167 16 US AM KMC AX KV. KXrilF.S l.l'.A(.IK, htandlnga. W'vn l.oel o 4 17 7 17 ; 14 10 I! 13 10 14 10 14 7 17 7 It 1 Pel. .i-.l IHraiTia- Krlvrra .... le I'nlie Audtture ... I' ll. It's... I'reeaya .... I'larka Headiiuarlera AtAountania toil 1 T .417 .313 :tt Individual Averages, lleherna !' Sodomek . Uateftil Ij!adutl - 1, ait. 1 irT"i.Ev;i r. Standing. .117 .11 Won l.'lt i 7 1 l"t Median " Vluilliy 1'id H ' Hern A h h t o l aitlk Aikina ml t o. ... ' 1 ,i .tJ ,7 li Ml 1 l' I'-ie U h . . ........ I; ll.aeilr.a aie la . I ! s....rlleg ili,-..te i t J ' llankere It-eeiie l.lle l it. 4 It l.i, t.u Vi e' nil . ' Slai . 11 tf '"lo - l lealltldual tieraaea kanka ''" II .eat,, II' aheCil . 'O I : 11 , !' ; l . Ill I imvii triiiMi himi aiaatiiaaa a. . r.i ri.ui ..i" a.--,, . 1 tadu .... I I .. ... . , , ' 1 .- -.1 ........ t" f,l aa. l(Ma f 1 I... a keen a . ' I. . Iwcee I ' 1 T..i ... a 1ca H ''i 4llaaal 1 1 eaaf e I. t,s 1 1 ut He Site I t w 1. ... a . , . 1 1 W -t I ' ' I t .... I II ldliuiia) ltte Mcrliiig li ( In1 r.lll I Vdlurr I k rtt J l.,.' til Ma4 ; U IK t. 41 - I U-M .V I fc.f I I g a . ft )H k.ilUtl ft K 4 hi lift v i i4 ki-1 i 4 t t h 4 U fc t I m to.' I al i i St a !. V it -a - al g-. a . t. ilit ka kaaw lae hl I t Ik aet i ke at.t l !. I t- h - ' . I ti . l I .. tk 4-t' It.4) t.dae.ti. I . k-I tea a gal k.,1 it a, I ka Itl wok I IM ! Ha Itl.n. l.l ! inFashijonsof "Why, that ain't "Jack," he mum bled, "Hello, Johnny." exclaimed Ilemp ey, rrcogiiizlng hi pal of lens pros perous tltuea, "l'o oi remember thst awful fight we staged in (iol.tfleld, Nev., In I HI 6." he saked as they shook hands warmly. Then turning lo otne sport wat ers. Jack an Id: "That Uiy gave me my hardest fight. Ik knocked Hie down seven limes and I'm not kidding you. I was tickled rd. white and blue to get a draw," Then he turned back lo hi old friend of "hobo days." Hut Johnny's hulr hud no tltnter; no patent leulher shoes adored his dogs flails mi bits been leas kind tu him. ( The open A. A t', id yard free style swim promises to be a feature event j M. C. A, anil three from Ihe O. A. C A special closed d".yard event for ladles Ims, some of the fastest club swimmers entered. Kntrles Includt Helen Moore, Frances Muxlleld, Jean Cosnrt, Kthel and LMIlh fllrthhuffer. Other closed events will help rnak the program most successful. The water polo game between Cen tral and Tech for the city champion ship closes the program, Floyd Johnson to Battle Bill Brennan New yoik, Nov, 4. Floyd Johnson, Hun Francisco heavyweight, and 15111 ilrennan of Chicago, have been matched tor a JS-round contest here December 6, the Republic Athletic club announced today. MBKt AVTII K I.KAOl'K. Mlsndlnge. Won boat I'et. NVhiaftka Power l'o IS a .714 M. K. Smith Co 12 .671 I'lly Hall 12 .671 Omaha Hallway Kxpreea 12 .I71 Omaha Printing Co 11 10 ,;.24 liuaranle Fund 11 10 .(24 American T. 4t T ,11 10 .624 Aioni Preaa 1 .31 Kllpalrlc-k A Co K 1J ..1st Melchlor & fo S 111 .23 Individual Avernaea. Pfelffer 177'K Moylin 17 Huntington I70l rtnbcria 172 FA It N I'M AI.I.F.VV I.KAdl F. Htillidlnga. W. 1.. 3 4 1 1 1 1 13 13 19 19 21 I'et. .875 .Kill .7611 .l,f .643 .t,.H 4H4 .20H .I'll .135 Hter Kurnnee Oo t.Hfnyetta I'afa .21 .20 .IS li: .1.1 .11 .11 . 6 . 6 . ,1 Km nam Aileya , Tonerelo KiiHlneerlng l'o. Iti-eee Printing Co. riniea Printing Co 1 'eehoa Woodmen ef tlfn World helay Rosa linker le Moiiilne Co. I mil till mi I Aterugra. Kr,y ,A$lT"u,n 'i Illtl.ll IIIIIVI.IM, I standing. K t.l i:. Vf. . 1 1 .11 .10 . . t . i . 6 . 5 , I . I I.. IM. 4 .7:13 I 7.1J l i , K OI .367 .337 tU . 3.13 1.' .300 .eo .Inn HJ H3 l.oal Pi t 4 .' til i ."II 7l 10 i:i I ta 11 111 It I It I'old QmUlly ... W hitu Huao , . , , Nunluera ..... Sterling ValleyLrouka ... W'eelihallaa Keihehlrea tluf fit loea ....... llirl Team No. I. tUrl Team No. !. Average. .. !;. Ita ..Hi: Small ni k Ham r.ukKHN' i Maadlnga. Won Hailii I'leoium .,, 1 7 hold a i-io ij 1 uUh a i'utitan 13 Aiieuura Star 13 a 1 meur a in al 11 Saifl e tm.,k(irld I I U lekr a keg , ...... I l-.el Niai ladltklual Ateragea. I'rtf toa t'vll lit IK II tea, 111 . Ill 1 aik t I ll It. I E. hft ,".1 1 ei ,1 te , ak a. i.,i.i.t t -e ! ei.i IM.1I1 I li a t (.Ht I I' et.,i t U'IV WM kill (It If VN at ' a tta Ite "n ti It t I t I i b-4k tk It r 1 t.i ' taaittdteal laa I: .... ' it... U a kiiainti aii aa mim.i 1 1 I l u t k Saa4a4 M I tl laatataaal I .eagt . . a lu ll I lit I ieg ,. . Crcighton Trims South Dakota in Hard Tilt Win' anil While Overrom Six-Point l.nnl in Sitoiii Half Fiiml Score U 12 to 6. st mm iin on mmk. . I rrlahlon. S I. turde sained In a rlmmasr ... talk in ante thrown for loee , IS II Number of flret ilowlia , . , It 7 I oe ,all uu don lie 7 S rorwsrd pa-era ullempled It It lorwnrd patera t-emplrlrd ..... 4 S rorward paeeee llnrompb-led . . . . 7 7 loraard paneee liitcnrpted ,,, I I Number of fllllihlee ,,,, t 4 f umhlee rerot ered , I I'llllla' , ., , , 7 I'niila (vdai ,211 list I'unta lnver;tae mi del , HO as I'onte returned l ard) ......... . VI In hi, keif. HNril.l 14 0 Nomhrr of l.bk ff. 2 Khkolfe ri'urned (ardl 4! I'rmilllee (rnrdal SI Inrnnrd pneera (ar,li.) sl J Crelghton unlveiKliy capllhlle-d Its liinktleld fur ft 12 (o B victory over Houth Ilukola uiilverally eleven Oil Crelghlon'a shut lugs yesterday afler 1,0011, The llllltoppeis cuwheil In tlielr two toiichilowtiH In the ki'coiid half to overcome I ho six point lend tilled up by tho Coyotea early In the. that period. Crelghtoii turned tha tide of battle by using an aerial attack, off tackle siiiiKlies and end, runs to advantage. Honors In tha first half were 01111 piirallvely even, a futiible when I'relKhton was lighting with Its back to the wall, having paved the way for the Coyotes' lone touchdown. The game was devoid of spectacular plays, and at any time the playing nf both tenuis was crude, but It was hard foutiht nuvort holers. A series of line bucks and end runs, toKetlier with a 20 yard penalty, enabled the Coyote grldster to carry tho brill down tho field within 30 yards of their goal, from where. iJe Klutz tubal tho ball over on a for ward pars from Dubel. They failed to make ihe try for point. Neither team scored in the second half. Tha visitors threalenod to tally once, hut 11 10-yard run around right end by I'lther swept the ball out of the danger zone. I'dssea (jalu Yardage. Crolglibin completed a number of forward passeg in this period, Kean receiving the ovul from t'echout for 20 yards gain one time and 25 on another. Fisher gained 15 yards on a loss front Yechout. . In the third quarter the fighting spirit of the Hllltoppers came to the, surface. Crelghton kicked off and forced the Northmen to punt, ball getting in scrimmage on Crelghton' 40-yard line. Yechout skirted left tacklo for five yards and Lane shot a jterfect pass to Ucndlage, who raced 20 yard before being downed. - Four Down In Row. Tcvliii, Mauley and Iine made yardage when culled upon and worked the pigskin down the field for downs four times in succession. With the ball on the five yard line, Ijine went through center for a touch down, tlelng the visitor. Lane miss ed a drop kick in a try for point nft,er touchdown. The quarter endid with ball on iKtkobi'a 20-ynrtI line. "With the count knotted at the open ing for the fourth, Crelghton launched 1111 attack on Dakota's line which open id holes for small but consistent gains by Yeckout, Tevlin, Mauley and Uine. tinyer Saves Hilltops. Ily this attack the Hlue and White. got wlnthln four yard, of the line jl.ant. then pulbd a blunder by at tempting a forward pass on third down, Mcdowell recovering It on the live yard line. On the first play, nn attempted run around right, Patrick fumbled the Imll and Cuyer recovered It within one find of goal. Ijtnn went through for 1 touchdown, clinching victory for th Hilltops. Crelghton again failed to complete a fiuward pang on the try-forpolnt after touchdown. After the klcknff the team battled mostly 111 luldfield. Irrlahtoa 111.1 Saulh leahola l Keen I. K. it r . 1. a H ll It I II ll. '3 M I. II M H I li yranueiife'l I en A. ki-lait ... t'hiiaienaen . ...... I'xe lea Vina I.... l.,tli!eia , kei.oil l.KMta . Iiul.el I'ei'l'ls . lieif .... M l',.. I Intfl I r K i f .r I ..1..1 tta- Nry .... . . I.orell t. A 'er ialtr Ilrit.rege . . l..k.-r M k 1 1 -I . I, a ,i.ti:iui-re t l'at l-a m I I I 1 t l" I ii I title. Her. i .. I..r li-i ...j. I. ','li l'ek"t' )a..l't W I IM (., ...... I .,., f 1 i 1'i.eail A 'ut. S i I! 1 1 Ifii.., I i'.i. a I 1 A Mine a . ehal Ii 13 '. , I,, ..-.,., ' .' ' t Ni,t I'o.jii.t It. a S I 1 ' .k a ' t at i. la timaeai 1. 'ea: II " ' w. a.... . l '.a'". u...i--e. H 1 la ' " k.. 1 , " ' i'S. 1 .... . I,.,,,!. . I '1 -a .!i' IDpsI Grid Play V; 1 TbUso ' t a a ll 4 t . -. . h i ' , . ... .... '... ... ii...... i,. i . ; ' : ' ; v.' " '' ; : .. 1 I - I t t a l t . e I lat ta ,k. !