The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 04, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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i-ni iTir ti .it imnvr.
Activities of Women
Vote for
Morning Riding Party and
Dreakfast for Mrs.
Sunday morning a pnrty of equina
nthUDluiifa will meet to ride Into the
rountry ftr picnic l.reakfaal. Ur
llupert Turn-r ot Mnnrheater lung-
land, herself an arcomplliihed home
woman, vtll be the honor ajunat
Among the party will tt tha M'aara
and Meailamee John Itedlek, whoaa
Itueat Mrt. Tumor U, Ilnrlon Millanl
Lawrence Drinker, MIm Iaphne
I'etera, and Meagre Will Burna, and
William U. Cllft.
HatuMuy evenlnir Mr. and Mre.
Paul OulluKher will have au ffunt
at buff.'t auppcr, at tlielr home In
honor of Turner.
Dr. and Mrs. Karl Sage to Be
Honor Guftds.
Dr. and Mre. Kilwln Davla will m
tertaln at bridge Monday evening,
November 13, at tha homa of Mra. C,
):. Ualhach, In honor of Dr. and Mra,
Karl, whom marriage waa aol-
imnlz'jd October 4. Bis toolea will be
plucad for tha name. Mre. Bags la
again to t complimented whan aha
will iihare honors with Mra. Hunt
1.1-wla ( tho tea nlvrn ly Mra.
Milton Jlurlow on Wedneitday, Novem
ber I.
Thurnduy evening Mr. and Mra. K.
)(. llowlind will he hunt and hoateaa
10 I)r. and Mra. Huge for tho perform
ance of "Mtnporor Jone" at tha
llrandcl.1 theater.
Firt of Two Bridge
Parties Friday.
Mra. Mux Miller entertained at her
home Friday afternoon at a bridge of
fix tablea. Hnturday Mra. Miller will
again he hote. Tha guimtn Friday
were tha Memlitmen Henry lltjrnhuiii,
Marlon lliando, Jtohert KeHitoner, Ed
llueuhe, Albert Ituticha, Wayne Hslby,
Warren Howard, Oeorge Kngler, Hub
ert Rnrna, Itohert Mefngue, f'.uy
Klddoo, Alfred Ittirr, Norman Cuv
tlra. Will Noble, jack Hlmrp, Kveretto
Murk, NaiiHHon Younic, Milton I'eter
n, fieorge 1'rntft Klihed Hart, Chca
ler Nlemnn, Zora Hamilton, and tha
V.,ee Jientrlee Johnaon and nurrl
rtte Mctz.
(uetita of Sir Thomas Lipton
in N. Y.
Mn. "N'llllitm T. Dlnklna and tier
father, Henry P. Whltmore, returned
Monday from New York, where they
had the pleasure of being Jhe gueata
nt Sir Thomaa I.liitnn at tho opening
performance of Kir Harry lAUdor'a
Mra. Dlnklna and' Mr. "Whltmore
pent the numrner at West Harwich,
Man,, and Atlantic City. Mra. Din
Ulna has been with Oapt, and Mra.
James H. Pinking of New Orleans
In New York and with Mrs. J. II.
Mcintosh nt Hronxvllle.
Afternoon Tea.
An afternoon tea will be held at
tha home of Mrs. Chris Covington.
4108 Franklin street, Wednesday, No
vember Ik for the benelit of the Ladies
of tho Altar Guild of St. Andrews
Uplscopul church.
Vote for John I1, Matzen for state
superintendent. Advertisement.
You Vill Enjoy
66098 $1.25
Moments Musical
18940 75c
Three O'CIock in the
Morning Waltz
18945 75c
Zenda Fox Trot .
18947 75c
I Wish I Knew
Fox Trot
18943 75c
Stuttering- Fox Tret
64976 $1.25
Fy MiCormavk
Hrr the nw Nowmbtr
Rt-v'orvU. N o ' i the
time, Hert'i the Uc.
1 Ilk 4 IUr 5uU
Py M K(i Alii T (OI.I.IMiWOOl).
Earh tuiih a gow uf ruior,
Fa-h lr" a fiaah ef afnic,
driobtr, Chi!! of Auiumn,
Wa would ynur At) a ruiong.
W'a ravel In yuur beauty
Arnl all vour i ulura sv:
Wa raniu,t atop f.,r iluty,
Hut oar tha fiulUa sway,
Tha tiilla arr friwnfd with varduia,
(Ir.ut (limUi iluini'l ut solit,
Rtimaaaail with rrit and putfla
Warm b.nuty navar oltt.
Tha mllkwaad porta ata buratlnf
Aixl fat tail'a fuaay 'brown
Ar a'attrrai a'ar tha maailowa,
Lika atlky ah. pa of dows.
A Mua ky nrrhra or ua
A briaht aun ahlnaa oar all,
To ma tha liivllaat araauri
r In tha fliwlnt fall.
It aiama tha aitlat, Natura,
H (lalniad all tha a.-.n
With ap'Ha of and irlmann
Juat tou.htd wltu brown and r-cn.
So whaa aorua dav comaa atpatlna
With dark ami ulnomy hniiri,
I, .la look bark then In intmoiy
T'i Autumn's lovely bowra
(if haauiy bright and (lowlnf
Twill fill our tiearta with jot.
And tho' tha annw ba Uuwlns
No darknaaa can annoy.
This beautiful pleture of autumn
Is the work of Margaret Colllngwood,
Omaha Carnptlre girl, fciho Is 13 years
of age and a student In tho eighth
grade of Mason school.
C'umpHre Ulrls have been specializ
ing on nature work this fall and are
given honors In this subject. This
oern Is Margarct'ii contribution and
for It i:hn was given nn honor. She
Is u member of Ivan group, under
Mira Lucille n.nulall.
S L E e P Y -
Johnnie (i recti Hears u Cry In the
Juhrmio Oreen was a sound sleeper.
Almost always he slept the whole
night through without once stirring.
But once in a while, something would
rouse him out of his slumbers and
therr he would lie awake for a time
In his little room under the euves und
listen to the katydids making their
music, or the frogs glvipg their
nightly concert. Homet'ims ho would
hear Solomon Qwl's unearthly laugh
ter, or Bolomon's cousin Simon
Screecher's quavering whistle.
Johnnie Oreen learned to know the
night noises most of them. Hut
there came a night when he' heard
a sound that inado him sit right up
In bed.
"My goodness!" he exclaimed. And
leaping out into the chilly night, he
pattered downstairs and called, "Fath
er! Mother!"
Weil, the Green family had been
abed fur hours. It was no wonder
that Johnnie's parents were starteled.
"What is It? What's the matter?"
Farmer (irecn cried as he dashed Into
the kitchen, his wife following him
with a lighted candle. "Is there a
fox In the hen house V" ho asked John
nie breathlessly.
Jittt) VSt mitbtn hut vnhajpy
( "N, f.nh-r"' ti l Johnnie. "N'.-t' ) i nt nt sore 1 I a
w h.O't'. rlitaT aa-in. here out of d. r: "
It flutter huru lh" sunt ln a on
jths hooka whre h alw.ttt kept tt.
j Ntf.' he Mid. 'Vtl tie beii drenm.
'int ii N t Iota I" 'I and go t J
laSm emeh.t i,np;h. J -hs-'
lira. i i-.o,-r, . itajif ' I
ert !.-( un.Vr the rmut J.ial aa
h f .. ftro b - tbl j
t('t .1 w t.l a,' .t
I J.'f.lttt, h4 h!maa:f.
'Int It tm ) a a, l. a- I
, "Ih. Wty nut Cr. I -
' there t"
1 t'n.u tt, r V il- liaUil.
tOtn tioi f.trnif tin. ( .11 i m 4
aj !-.. t. I i -. i I ti I. ' v -a
a.iit " an I ' a t,'. sot i.uu 1- e
,4 . lir i-t l, ' I wHtt .I
t--i. t Ilk a , I'.ii
' s.i ,t..i.t 'l.-.M l . l.t Al
iN I n a k iim.s taitiat l
i-j lt ns r a, t..
oa nue - ike ut
j ear I ts n I I( "'", SI ' a i t if (r -
t IJit a"t t t. tH.a ' - " - - '
U - tt D4 aa ,'''," V.'.'T.H,"! "? V
4.-t a f t a ;. I I.. t'-t .i.- . . a 1
hi ., a fcaj.l .'.. tt.- ' '
Problems That Perplex
Hr 11m trim rlm.
Sharing Kxprtines,
Dear Miss Fairfax: Hera's ourprob
lem: The boy Is The girl is It.
They have been very good friends
with no thouirlit of marrying for
three years. Now several times the
boy phoned tha girl and cancelled en'
gunomi'iiU becaune hu was "broke."
They did not go to very expensive
pjacrs. The girl feels us though aha
i in t allow hltti to spend money mi
her If he cannot afford ll, so she
wants to stand her share of thu i-X-penxs
whenever tliey go out.
lis won't listen to It, so we are auk
lug your advice. Hon't you think
ours Is a special case? We ure such
good pals that It would b Juxt liks
two girls or boys gulng together,
K, H.
There Is no reason why the boy end
girl should not share expenses In the
way you suggeat. I have known of
several cases where two good "pals
did just this, ami managed to make a
friendly common sense arrangement
winch was humiliating to no one. Too
many girls nowadays Insist on being
taken out and shown attention, r
gurdless whether or not the man In
the case can afford It. It Is refreshing
to II ml a girl so honest and simple us
the ono you cite.
He Moved Away,
Pear Miss Fairfax: There Is a boy
who loves me, and I love him. We
lived In the same house, but he moved
away, I see him ones In a while, and
when I do sea him ho doesn't act as
he used to. Hometlnies when I, am
wllh other girls he talks to them and
fools around with them as If ho tries
to make mo Jealous. I hava known
this boy for tlva yearn, and he moved
away n years ago, ami since then I've
been trying to Mud out and have not
suectedeil. This boy Is two years my
senior. Kindly nnswer me how I can
And nut If he still loves rne, ns I urn
dearly In hive with him and cannot
get my mind to stop thlnklmr of him.
It's too bad, you should care so
deeply, when the young man's fancy
Is not akin to yours. If he did car
he would coma right out and show
his feelings and not expect you to read
any affection Into riddles of Jealousy.
(iin t you try real hard o forget him;
That would be my udvlce, Anxious.
Mrs. Martha Iloquet lefives next
Tucsilay for Ited Oak, Ia where she
will spend several weeks with hir son.
Mrs. Mn r thu I.ockhart leaves Kat-
urday for Illinois where she will spend
several weeks. Hhu will also vlcit In
Iowa before returning to Omaha.
llalph T. Wilson, ron of Mr. and
Mrs. K. II. Wilson, who Is an Oxford
student at Lincoln college In England,
will finish his law course the com
ing Juno and will return to Omaha
after an ubsonce of three years.
FATTY coon
UKt J v n i o
Johnnie (irecn hail heard. 'J'lioiign
llio sound was like that of a baby's
cry, Fatty was anything but unhappy,
he was in the best of spirits.
He ato a good, big supper of Juicy
corn. And then, Utile dreaming that
bo had been tho cause of tho whole
Creen family getting out of bed at
that time o' night, he shuffled off to
Cedar Hwainp, where he went to sleep
Just as old Mr. Crow began to caw
hoarsely over on the eugo of the
The next morning Farmer Green
teased Johnnie a bit, telling him that
he must have oaten too much cake
for supper tho evening before.
"You bad a nlghlmutc," Farmer
"Oreen said.
Later, when Johnnie came back
from turning the cows Into the pas
ture, he happened to crows the patch
of corn. And he saw something there
that mado him hurry into the barn,
crying, "1 was right, Father! There
was a baby mound the place last
night. I Just found his trucks. Come
and see!"
Well, Farmer Oreen gave him a
queer look, then said, "Hhow me!"
Johnnie ran ahead, to tho garden.
And there, pointing to tho loose dirt,
he Haid. "Se 'em?"
His father to konn look nt what
seemed to be the prints of a baby's
here f"et. And tlu'M he laughed.
" "T'wus a coon that inudo those
tincks, my boy"."
"Hut what was It that I heard cry
ing In the night?"
"A coon." Farmer Oreen repeated,
"Well, I wasn't dreaming, unyhow,"
Johnnie declared,
"I don't know shout that." said
Farmer Oreen, "But I do know that
no boy ought to eat six pieces of
rske for his supper."
l'pyrlKllt, t:j )
HD EQCL CNew Arrivals
UKiLOijEaO Derly at
fount w. AnTirtisT
Htnley for Congress 1
Kim mi sehice I
Fcr This district I
Ataari i .'. j
Best Cough Mixture 1
Is Home Hade
Avte With fipsej LiH.rti the,
I'aSt'tM lh Irf'tatiutt i
an. I'tfUgtvn
t ints fur Vbt l r.M, T"i. alt'I
U t hf tjily !alo at H"in.
M a it la
i .... w it. i
.a. . .i'.i . - a h. . t M
, . a t . - I . 'i J
. a ' . a la -. a tt.t
Chamber of Commerce
Division Secretary
w Vfe ' t'Va.
' V US.-. ';
Leah Iicllmsn Is secretary of tho
women's division of tho Omaha Cham
ber of Commerce. Who has been Very
active In the Chamber of Commerce
for many years and when It enme
time to appoint someone in whom to
Invest thu lespotisibllltlea of tho wom
en's division Mil's Bellman was chos
en as tha perfon most efficient and
best, qualified to handle It,
Mlns Hellman has entire charge of
the financial end of the concert course
being: brought here by the business
and professional women's division of
tho Omaha Chamber of Commerce.
It Is her duly to take enro of all of
tho money from the sale of tickets,
the reservation of, seats, tho standing
of the different teams, groups and
Ml.'.s llelle P.yan's team Is now a
small margin ahead of Lulu Oiace
Johnson's lentil, according to Miss
liellman, who stiys tickets are selling
fust and that it Is only a question of
a short time Until the entlip Audi
clrlum will be sold out. The first
concei t will be November 2t, when
Florence Macbeth, coloratura soprano,
will appear. Tho second concei t will
be the Criterion quartet, Heccmher 4.
Other numbers ore: January 10, Paul
Althouse; Bebruary IS, Barbara Mau
rel, and April 13, Hi humdnn-Helult.
The cost of the entire courr.0 Is tl
and war tax, with an additional charge
for reserved seals.
For Mrs. Ingwersen,
Miss Frances Custetter will enter
tain at bridge Saturday afternoon for
Mrs. Kobcrt Ingwersen, who Is In
Omaha over tho week-end with Mr.
Ingwersen, en route to their new
home in Klgln, 111. The guests will
be the Mesdames Leslie Futt, Herbert
Negelo, Hyrno Holmqulut and the
MIhss Margaret Harte, Mary Find
ley, Izettii Smith, DeWcenta Conrad
Frances Burt, Lillian Head, Catherine
Ooss, Lydia Ilurnette, Kllzabeth F,l
llott, Miriam AViley, Ruth Wallace
and Almarlne Campbell.
Miss Anderson Honored.
Miss Mary Amrson, principal of
the Kdward Itospwater school, who
has been absent from her duties for
a year on of illness and who
will return to her post next Monday,
will bo honored at dinner Saturday.
The teachers of tha school, with Miss
Therei"i Loughman In charpre, will be
hostesses and covers will be laid for
U'. Yellow and white chrysanthe
mums will be used In decoration.
Iforn-rlmmed spectacles have been
adopted by the French people.
$2.00 Alarm Clocks for JS
$1.50 Yellow Cabs for J)S
$5.00 Electric Curling Irons
for S3.10
60c Kotex, tho sanitary nap
kins 19
$2.50 Hair Clippers. .SI. 10
$2.50 Electric Hot Plates
for Sl.ftS
$1.25 Pocket Knives for 7
f 1.00 Household Kubber
Gloves, special OHf
GOc Peaton's Kmulsion of Co
conut Oil Shampoo. -liUd
60c Pcpsodent Tooth Paste
for :!
Wilson Clciiner l7tt
$1.00 Herpicide 7Hc
60c Uvoris ii!)4
15c Do.Mar'i Coca and Almond
Hard Water Soap, speei:il,
per cake lOf
P.r iloten .t.lO
$1.5 Pinaud'i l.ilac Xiit' lal
for Mc
50e Peheco Tooth Paste, Hltf
6tle (idnrowi Ii!c
Il.tO Pyr..i, for the teeth sod
1,-tims, for 7'tt'
ft ml Krank's lemon Cream
fur 7!f
R0c Ml'Vweed Cr.-attt . , .:,'
ft eu.!h Cr.tft It-air
Tonie 7J
"3ft! Mi'onsH, kr the hir
ia dt' itl'
tl SJ Van It H.r .r..-r
We line thi Isl i at si.. I i,nt
popwlar .' t)0 I, .i.'. l' '
C nibmaliuit P. ".rf a ii 1
Pviedtr, Hp S'I i. P.
(tl, ;i I Or 11.4B, .i j,,1 I
Kita'4 hutt. epeial
f' m.aa.l
('' C it- t' t P. ii, la
Hi (. It. t )ii an t t't"i.
tl ..! I a
I ' I ' na H Sail, I
t" tt.i.w ''"fj
My Marriage Problems
Adelo Oorlson'e New I'hnsn of "Kevchiilons of a Wife."
The Discovery Mother (raham Made
In Ditto's liooin.
Mother Gruham's transi
tions are as hard to follow us Katie's.
I knew perfectly well that the real
cause Itnck of the angry, nervous out
burst which had culminated. In her
slapping of Junior, waa her wrath
against me. But in her hysterical
apology to me over thj sobbing child
there had been no trace of linger. In.
stcud. her poignant regit t was pitiful
in Its meekneiis and I hastened to
comfort her.
"What nonsense, Mother!" I said In
as nuttier of fact manner us 'I could
manage. "Don't you suppose 1 know
how yotl idolize (he child? Besides,
you had a great deal of provocation,
He was very naughty, Indeed."
I made my voice properly reproving
for Junior's ears. With the blissful
forgetfullness of young childhood he
had hnshod his sobs and waa regard-
Inn mo curiously frorrj his t:i-nnilmot ti
er's arms. But If I had cherished any
Idea that this speech would salve my
mother-in-law's feelings I was doomed
to awlft disappointment. With an
other of her lightning like changes,
she turned a frowning face toward
"Well! If he was, whose fault Is It,
I'd like to know?" she dmanded.
"He'a always tagging around after
that ape ot a Katie, and she's the
sassiest thing that ever walked on
two legs, It's a good thing she was
out of the way. Khe probably would
have stuck a brcudknlfe Into me. Not
that I don't deserve It."
Khe burled her f.i'-o In Junior's
curls with a convulsive sniff or two,
while I mentally echoed her satisfac
tion that Katie had not witnessed the
unusual grandmotherly disciplining ofJ
Mollier Graham's Decision,
"But I haven't any tlnio to waste
here," Mother Craham declared ab
ruptly, setting Junior down wllh a
kiss. "I'm going to glvo Richard's
room a thorough ivorhaullng, Of
course, yiu'll think it's none of my
business, but it's a crime the way you
neglect that room, I can tell you I
would have been thought pretty
stracklsh If I had let my husband's
room go un'dusted."
"Did you have separate rooms in
those duys?" I asked Innocently,
"No," She snapped. "What's that
pot to do with it. I'd like to know?"
"A great deal, I think," I answered
mildly? "Picky and I alwoys have
respected each other's wishes concern
ing the (rrangemcnt and the care of
our rooms. Ho knows that I like my
room always In order, and he is al
ways most careful about littering It
"Yes, you are very particular about
your own room, I notice " my motner-In-law
said unpleasantly.
"And ho has told me many times
that It drives him mud to have any
Popular Saturday Afternoon Concert
November 4, 1922, 3:30
The Sixth ttliia artaon) of thrae popular tiatuMay concerts will be lialil
tomurrriw anil one hour ef raul enjoyment la promfai'd you. Choree and bring
your frfanda. The following well known srtiata mnka sp tha program:
Cclro Kenroducins, Kveniug Star: Vocal Wolo by Ml D'Anna Donnelly, pupil
of Fred Klli, scccmpnnlat Charlea tfheperd: Piano 8lo by Ruth Slohodinaky,
pupil of Francos Hot-tens ; Vocal Bolo by Kmilia Mitzlaff, pupil of Prof. J. K.
Carnal, accompaniiit Marguerite (annel, Celro Reproducing piano pluyed by
Rudolph Friml;, Violin Solo by Ml Killth WriKht, punll of J. K, Brill, ac
eompanlat Wn. F.. M. Wrisht; Pisnolog by Vtvian Wrenn, pupil of Amy
Woodruff; Vocal Solo by Mra. Nell Wakely, areompnnlut Mlxa E. Bnrhman;
Dancing anil Slnelng by Snrnh Adele Jonoff, pupil of Agnea Urltton; Orchentr
Selection by liamy Jazz Band, leader Utn Klsver.
SchtiioSIer Ik EHuoEIei4
Dodge St.
You Always Save Money on Drug Wants
$1.10 pound Original Allo
pretti Chocolate Creams.
Saturday, per pound, (JJ)
1 pt. Norwich Milk of Mae-
nesid :;:j
30c Hromo Quinine. .. .1.3c
30c Weeks' Break Up a Cold
for 1 ft
30c Lysol 21c
Jl.Oti Mulford's 5-jrr. Aspirin
Tablets, bottles, of I'M),
for r,f(
Sl.Oti Vita Vim Tul.kts, ;
$1.10 Tanlao UtC
40e Fltteher'a Cuatorin, 1!2
t!0c Kesinol Ointment. . !'Jf
r.Oc I-heiiolax
35t Kreerotte IMC
ll T7i L
' - . .4 a .' n...
a ... -, 1 w 1 t
1 a-'-i. a 1 1 1
I a-1 a.-. ,.r,.4.a .1 i I I r
WiaVB-ll ii.. "-r;.V.i. ,.4, ,.., ? XmXtSt.
lone meddling wllh his things," I wenf
on steadily, , Ignoring the III patured
little fling. "Ho I never touch It
myself, por permit Katie to dd" any
thing save take out the rni.s and
draperies ami clean tho windows and
floor, His belongings 1 never handle,"
"Yours Claire."
"Yes, ami a flue mess they're In,
too!" my mother In law rejoined tart
ly. "Hut If you want to encourage
Itlclinrd In that sort of untidy non
sense, I don't Intend to, I happen to
bo his mother, and I will not permit
him to have a room look like that In
any house I live in. Ho didn't keep
his room looking like that when he
lived with me, I can tell you,"
I could have relorted rrushlngly
with the comparison Dicky frequent
ly drew between the nagging to w hich
his mother always subjected him con
cerning his belongings and what ho
termed my "cursed comflness." But I
only replied meekly: "No, I suppose
he didn't."
Then I watched her stalk nway to
her son's rom wllh the certainly thot
sho would so upset his things that, in
his old fashioned parlance, Dicky
would be "fit to be tied" when he
should come home again.
"When he should come home
ngaln?" My heart rephrased the sen
ti nee as u question, as I went back
Into my room with Junior clinging
tightly to my hand,
Marlon had disappeared when I
cntoe Into the hall, and I guessed thst
she had fled to her mother for com
fort. I h'td a sintilen poignant longing
for my own little mother, laid to rest
before I ever bad met Dicky. Hut
that she would have understood belter
than any one else the probms I had
to face with my l'eter Fan, I was In
stinctively sure.
I sat In my room for over an hour,
worrying over Dicky's silence and
Dr. J'eltit's Inexplicable hints. I was
so absorbed that I did not hear my
mother ln law's knock nnf entrance
until sho stood over me, her face
trim and pule, In her band u large
and expensive photograph,
"I'll give you something to think
r-.bout," she said. "Will you (ell mo
what Ibis Is doing In your husband's
I took the photograph mechanically
mid looked Into the pictured, laugh
ing face of Claire Foster. And writ
ten across It In the fashion affected
by actresses:
"Vours till the Hint apple falls,
Novelty Candy Dance,
The Triangle club will give a nov
elty candy dance Monday evening In
the Lyric building, fourth floor. Tho
public Is invited.
Dundee (iiatauqua.
The Dundee Ohatanqtia circle will
meet wllh Mrs. Fred Kllloft, Jr., D107
Webster r.troct, on November 9, at
1:30 p. in.
DO 1623
at Beatons
Add 5c on
thwvof on mull
ordor for purr!
post und packing.
M5c Nature's Remedy Tablets
for 17ft
$1.25 I.yko Tonic H
,".0c Mentholatum 17tf
a5c Sal Hcpatica 210
$3.75 Horlirk'a Malted Milk,
hospital size
30c Zymolo Troches 1 K
3fic Enercino Ii7
$1.00 l.isterino 7U?
.'ir.c Vitk's Vttpo Rub...
$1.00 Imported Olive Oil,
l'it.t 7;i
$1.00 Hathinc Alcohol, ."', ,
fr IfHC
Hospital Cotton, per lb., UU?
(U)r Hi-iTno Si-ll:;er . . .
-FOR MEN- ;iliettu IUh.Ics. ..VtUe
$1.00 Cilleite Ku-.ors. . .UUC
Stic Durham Duplex Plud.s
. ft,r ::.
$l.iin Auto Strop Plades
t'f Il5f
$100 ;.m, Kvr Ktadv or
A ii in St run I'-iiiira . 7J'
C.uaranaa4 fur a Yaae
$1 . ;-.t. Velvet 't.tintin
Svni'k' S!)
J rivet 2 ,,. t 'i,n,t. ,
tt n Hot V att-r Hvttte (.i.
I'o'liilrt.ll f.vniif', S,2."
f I 'is) i', iv. ji it v i.-r
It- i V Sfr
C('i, Luftkf Sliikat, ,
I'.er.Mot iH,'..A
r I. r D hl.ii "laa
I: fi f i t. , $ .'J?
I'v 1 1 I I l i reun ,(
ii- . f t i . , , ? ?.;.
H ViiM M tat I, I, . .
ait, ah 0
tit'iti a ttiai
t t t!l Wa U I I
' '
ii n
The women of the Central Health j
council of Bethlehem, l'a , are urging
the appointment it a county dairy
Inspector, w ho would be required to I
look after the various dairies of the j
county for an adequate salary.
Norway's women have an exhlbl- j
tiott pavilion at tho ltlo Janeiro expo
sition this month, showing whut they ;
have accomplished In various brafc'hes j
of housework and sanitation, Models ,
of government schools for housework
teachers and the. tuberculosis anna
lorfums creeled through the efforts
of women are a part of the exhibit,
which is accompanied by Illustrated
Crescent Dinning t lult.
The Crescent Formal Dam-Inn club
will give a dancing party this even
ing, November 3, at the Hcotllnh ltlle
1922 NOVEMBER 1922
bun, Mori. Tua. Wad. Tbura" Frt. Smt.
1 6 7 I 8 I tfTIOTni
. S1TT i III
Gome and Ohoose
VOUfl Electris Washer
IB muni M
... ill At
You can participate in Our Big 3 Cash Refund offer
if you buy your wajher by November 11th. Offer
expires and sala positively ends in next seven shop
ping days.
You have' choice of the three foremost guaranteed
Electric Washers manufactured THOR MAY
Special prices prevail on each Washer during sale.
$5 cash and $1.25 weekly payments puts a washer
in your home.
The money, time and labor you save in laundry costs
almost completely pays for the washer you buy.
You immediately get our Cash Refund of $2.00
by check.
One of the handy clothes basket! FREE with every
washer while they last. We have only a few left.
This Plan Helped 200 Women
Since Oi lobar 17 we have laet
out 00 12 la 200
watker huvera In tkta aala. Tlie
firtt refund ef SI tkttkt wee
ana tie whan 100 watkari had
keen luld. Vtken 103 wether
keel kaan tuld a talel el waa
matte la eatk ef Ike 2 10 put.
tkattrt. When 300 wa.k.r, are
tU a (uUl el II will te tc
miMad aatk ef ike 300 eur-
tkatart. Warn 4it) wattiet are
al.l a tUt ef II will re
eiile4 t eeak ef ike 400 aur.
iltata.a. t'r ur frianJt I
frtille la Iki (.la Tlie
latiftfe wetKer we ten the
gieaUr wilt ke wur releaj s
etett fttketar,
.iffrf Shop Opm
Satunlau Till 6 M,
Oae al Out D.iIm.I Ratttetaalal aat W .11 V (,!J fat
a4 i-taU Ail laia,la
Nebraska ffl Pover S.
Dr. C. B. Foltz
Member of School Board
This it an Important office, but
pays no salary. I am IntereateJ
became I have four children In
Cleaning Price Reduced
M.n'a twe or jj. KQ
ulta claanad and preaaed .'
Dyaia, tlranara. Hatters, Tailors,
?2IT Farnam .treat
South S ea Bran.h. 4'1S ft. Uik l.
11 A IHeU WaV
Vah Day
II Yaw ( lal Csaae
I Oe( lUklaaat.
- v..