rllK OMAHA BEE: SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 4. CnfnrrlnTT Last Day f "Made -in -Omaha" OdlUlUdy Show on 'Our Eighth Floor After Saturday midnight our Telephone Number will be . ATlantic 8666. Ask our operator for department wanted. m Saturday's Sales of Ready-to-Weai Offer Quality and Style at Low Prices Sale of Women's Handsome Winter Goats 39 00 and 49 75 Saturday presents an opportunity to purchase your winter coat at an extra ordinarily low price, yet fashioned of such fine fabrics as ' Ormandale Arabella Panvelaine Lustrosa Velverette Normandy Self trimmed models for those who prefer tc wear separate furs, but many have rich collars of Platinum Wolf, Caracul, Squirrel, ' Beaver and Fox. Sizes for women and misses. Second Floor West Frocks in Silk or Wool for Afternoon or Street Priced at 25.00 Scores of clever styles in Canton Crepe, Metelasse, Poirei Twill, Roshanara Crepe, Crepe Romaine and Tricotine are here for your choosing on Saturday. From the straight line tailored frock to the circular skirt with tight bodice or draped effects with, side fastening, the collection is complete. Individuality is given by quaint sleeves, unusual neck lines, the new Bertha collars; beads, braids and ornaments utilized in a novel manner. In black, navy and the new shades of brown. Sizes, for women, and misses. Second Floor West Petticoats of Radium and Jersey 2.98 ale of fine radium silk and silk Jersey. Some straight out, others with pleated flounces. Well suited to the lines of the winter modes. In Tan, Rose, Green, Navy, Purple, Henna, Taupe, Gray, Brown and Black. Second Floor South, Fur Trimmed and Tailored Suits23.85 These suits have all been substan tially reduced and are extraordinar ily good values at their new pricing. Velours and Duvet do Laines are trimmed with Heaver, Squirrel and Caracul and some with a touch of silk.embroiderv. Short jacket stylos have a smart flaring out. Fxuigcr coats are found in the plain tailored styles of Poiret twill. 3 iv navy, brown and black. Second Floor West Showing of Advance Winter Styles Millinery at 7.50 Arriving Daily From New York A. the season advanrc now shies arc brought out that differ ilteidedly frt'in early Autumn faction. At the present mojiunt the turkm .f .satin or ciM u silver eloth i the rvivnitv.; f.rit With furs .r th lu fur e!lar that nearly rery e.vit 'fM i s. ;tMn, tic elM' fitMn turban it tiw-t be enuin:. Tiny are srti tilarl enfoHaMo for dtnin,' and fit snugly muU r a vul tor mtrimr. (Vine itt mul trv on M.mf uf tlu-e turbans Saltudav and mv how ih'u thev trv with xur winter otvtt. i Mj J Early Fall Hits Reduced for Clearance to 11.00 An Unusual Sale of Manufacturer's. Samples Women's Knit Underwear at Greatly Reduced Prices Women' Heavy and Medium I Women's Wool and Silk and Wool Weight Cotton Union Suits All styles, in flesh or whit In fine and heavy cotton, with or with out fleece. All sizes, but mostly 38 and 40. Aver ape value, 1.50 to 1 flfl 2.50 suit. Sale price V V Union Suits In knee or ankle length, Dutch neck with elbow sleeves or high neck and long sleeves. All sizes, but not in each style, mostly J5S and 40. Aver age values, 4.50 f pi to. 6.00. Hale Z.DXJ price Third Floor Center Long Gloves and Gauntlets for women are more at tractive than ever this season. Imported Gauntlet for Women Fine quality gauntlets made of extra selected kidskins; novel combinations of tan and beaver, and beaver and champagne, white and black, P. K. seam. Charming styles that will add a touch of the unusual to the C AA costume. Per pair, oUU Bacmo Gauntlets for Women American made gloves in dark shades of beaver and gray, with adjustable wrist strap. P. K. seams. Made of splendid O quality cape suede. Per pair, 010 Kayser Silk Gauntlets Suede lined; in black, brown, beaver and gray. Sizes 6 to 8'; O AA per pair, u,J) TWO SATURDAY SPECIALS 16-Button Chamois Gloves and Suede Gauntlets At tractively embroidered backs; in gray, 1 AA brown, beaver and mode; per pair, lvU Gauntlets In chamoisuede; adjustable wrist strap; in brown, beaver and gray; 1 AA l.UU Main Floor North per pair, Continuing Our Sale of Allen A Black Cat Hosiery for Women GROUP 1 Ladies' All-Thread Silk Hosiery Full fashioned, witii double eilk hem tops and double soles.. There are also a small quantity with lisle garter tops and hih spliced heels included. In black, brown and tan. These hose are seconds and irregulars of a 1 "CA 3.00 quality. Per pair, Ii)U GROUP 2 Women's Full Fashioned Thread Silk Hosiery With lisle garter tops and soles and medium high spliced heels. In black, Havana, beige, gray and tan. Irregulars and seconds of a 2.25 1 1 0. quality. Per pair, XtYL" GROUP 3 Women's Silk and Fiber Hosiery Semi-fashioned, with lisle garter tops and soles. Some have ribbed tops. A few have embroidered clocks. In black, brown and all the newest shoe shades. inese hose are jrregulars and seconds of a 1.25 quality. Per pair, Main Floor North 62C New Styles in Leather Hand Bags and Party Boxes 2.95 Some very attractive new stylos in brown lt-ather Party Boxes have ju?t arrived. Cood looking boxes covered with black vachette, and some fifteen clever tyles in Leather Hand L:i(rs are also included in this collection. Mention should also be made pf tho in h.imlsome too'ed leathers. In black, brown and tan colorings. Main Floor Eatt Chrysanthemums 19c Each Great, biff, beautiful fellowg that you ordi narily pay 50c apiece for. Persian Pink, Yellow, White and Lavender A few of these long stemmed, hom-Krown Chrysanthemum! for your living room will lend it a gorgeous color note for the week-end. Bulbs, mixed and named varieties, for indoor and outdoor planting. Cut Flower Department Main Floor North Neckwear Eyelet Embroidered Collar and Cuff Sets, 50c Six different designs in the attractive sets offered for Saturday. These arc the kind school girls are wearing with their sweaters. Bertha Collars A charminsr revival in neckwear these days is the deep llertha Collar. Last year's frork is quite transformed by one, and most people find the wide shoulder line very be coming. An attractive selection of luce Berthas are offered for Saturday QQ Main Floor East at -Jewelry - Sterling Silver Bar Pins Beautiful designs set in white stones with heavy galleried mountings such as is found in jewelry of the bet ter kind. These were intended to be sold at several times O CA this special price. Each, Indestructible Pearls A 27-inch strand ol graduated pearls in beautiful iridescent colorings. Each, 2.50 Newest Ear Rings Smart loop or pendant styles in pearl, jet, am ber, lapus and flame 1 AA colors. Per pair, 1.UU Long Rope Necklaces These 54 inch crystal necklaces are much worn in the east now. A charm ing assortment of colors include jet with crystal, coral or 1 nn jade with crystal. Each, l.U'J Bar Pins Set with all white stones or attractive color com- Cfln binations. Each, OUC Main Floor Eatt Drugs and Toilet Articles 50c Java Ris Powder JlJiC 2.00 Djer Kiss Eslract 50 Lsvoris t IVtC 25c Menlholatum tt ISc 50c Parker's Tar 3 Ham poo 35c Pond's Vanishing Crta.n, l!lf I.SiJ Pinkham's Compound tSIO 25c Mi TaU, S 50v Djr Kt PJr :.7o 33f rr's TotK UC.c tS Pnin n4 KJ' Sw 1 I l t U-M IS- 5stms'i aaj, If ZU J rJ J T, Ul 35c FrostilU, '2lc 1.00 Pompcian Night Crm, 50c Djtr Kiss Rou or Compact, H'tC 50c L Maria Hand Lotion, IJ,"iO 50c Pbc or Pr poJnt 50c Jardin D Rosa Powder, :.sc 35 Mirrwr Nail Polish a! U.V 1 DO M.1W.J Craam t 7J 1.00 MaU CorMoatt, 7,f MuUtdvd Cooanut 0- Shatttpoa, !,7 I CH) MatLA's Maltati Ml. 71C y Uatia, Jt M t, : 50c GilUtto Blades, I is dozvn. ;J5 50c Auto 5rop Blades 50c Prophylactic Tooth Brush, :J7c 50c No. 1249 and 1251 r. ::so 60c Cut Compact 51 50c Lister in, S0 llosuttal Cotton. I If-. Utl 1. 75 fountain Sjfinaa, ith .1 Sc 5(V JaUo Sanitary ' Piver's Vetetalo 1 Palm Olivo Soap, jn r lr. 7 ! Metal Hot Water Botll, SIM Coty't L'Oriian Fstract Rt . OS Napkins, :;;! 2!t (,IJ.n GLnt 5hamp, Jit Wtlltams' SKi( IN THE mtsmtPtioH MrAKtMtNt Fpsom Salts, 1 U. , Sc CaMot Od. 3 u . t ( Clfttttna and R- waUr, I . U Kukktng AUehftl, i