The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 04, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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Y Meelinjrs
Greet Ha mini 1
on 82-Mile Touri
I)iMil! Doxf of KqiiiUican
Mrdirine at Vfrt Point
r -
c:il Democrat,
ity A. it. Mtoir.
Mff ( ofrsaiH.tiilriif Ilia liiuah llae.
AVI'tii-r, N'-li.i J.'uv. 3 (Special
T' I' KMirri y - 'I traveling- over
nil. uf jnii'Mv, tiii f y rnii'ln eii'l"!
!; ;iijilil ly for htalli II, llufi'hill tu
Tiicht Wl'h I l-'H, iilliiiiiM:i! Inert
ln In tin- ipr ; riou licm. lr,
K imlull I li I" tli" frnifl t'ir the
ntilit of c Mi imtor O. 11. Thompson
jii liin fuiii home. .'.Jr. Thompson
.ii'l Jink l:l lirnuti'l ir.i t Mr. :m-
lull I'll III mriviil nt Weil I'nliil.
Win li Mr. It ill n rlv.-' u,
Point, Jt. H. Ilowill v.-m -Kpiiifnllriif
repuMli 'in 'I'M trill" In it rowrl uf
flii'l on a li i I corner. Mr. ;;iiiiI;iH's
mM-il ilosn nf Id In wholcnoini) im-'ll-(In
I siiM to liiiVn fucfl "Ver;il
(I'-IIIOI Till 111 1-pllU I'f the fili't Ol'lt
Hi-riiilur llllrlnmk Vtus nt Wist I'olnt
In thi riiiiininif.
Henutor JCuit'1-tII liiul spli-mlM mi" t
Jiik nil iliiv. At lliH'in r, nt V) u. in.,
li Mir mull' m 4i k ' ' 1 ' ' 1 Mm in tho
Allium! tin iili r. i In wii liilroilU' '1
liy I)r, M. T. Z.-ttei. on (do com
mutes which iih t lilm win I'.i iiiiml i
M'Hilr'f, lir, 1 i'iiii'MiMnii nnJ John
Jvli'liimli-r. . I
IIiti.M Tell of Mi'illn.
At HnllinT Mr. Hiimhtll mi tint
liV Arthur HIiuHz, mmmlttccmiiri;
Henry KiMinnli-r unit Jo MHIIcin, Jr
Thn iiiccllhtf V..I iiiwlpoiii-il to 1
ii'clf( k. '.Iiiiii'h li' iiv r, t-x postuinster,
liroi ut'il n Mk riici;;iphoii't nml went
up ami ilown llin xiK' lH prm IiiIiiiIiik
lh tow In till fnshlon:
"(Viiri'i to tliu Crysfnl theater nt 1
fi'rlo k. You'll hear I'liiirli-H Kiinil ill,
Nehru bkfi.' next ifoviriinr. J lu will
(civil ft KOO'l. hoill-Kt Illlk it'nl II" t'tlllk.
I 'mne tiii, cotiw nil."
They mum, li Mk, iilterilivfl nurtl
rnm In lh mov-lnn picture thwitcr,
thouiih this rumuiunliy In ilcscrlhul
about 6 to I ill mocrutic, "nor
lnnlly." Wlllluin H'-hncll, who live l-r, rv
rnlli'fl that h km w H'-rminr Knndnll
7i yi-ai-H lino, vihvn ho v;ih "Kklrmlng
Iirulrl't" tip n'tir 1 '
J. (', );illutt, couiity (hnlrrnan. In
Irortiictil Hfiuilur Itiiniliill nt Wi-ct
I'olnt. Homo hml roino from a iIIh
taricc. V. If. WiiKwr nnil bin fumlly,
who livo 20 mllos iiwny, wrre In tho
Crowd t IIiiik roll. -
A crowd wan wal'liiK on tho Ktri'ft
In Huwroft, wln-n Mr, Rirnlull r
rlvcil uftT ft 1't inllo drlvi-. Amoriff
ihimo In th audience wore: Mr. nnil
Mm. v.. Krimur. K. M. nr)iiz-, U.
A. Jonliin, Jli'rnmn UuHKinan, Mm.
Ch in Ward and Mri, J. If. Itimiinmn.
C I. Kninicr Inlroduppd Mr. JUindnll.
'I'ho fiirni hoiim of O. II. Thompson,
1hr' ttilli from VVImiht, In ono of tho
tnoMt up to iati In tho Hlate. The blx,
linn hmiHo ha cv ry modi rn con
vcnl(inc, Ini'ludlriK flcctrln HghlH and
vacuum cli'uniiiK nyntr-tn. Mr. Thump
oil liUH nmnriK hlK KtniU i ! pu;Hcut
libont 6.000 nhi-ep.
Mr, Humlall,. in bin ftddren today
diK'liiroil for tho Mont rigid I'oonomy
in running the utiite and rupld reduc
tion In taxcii. ! explained how Iho
jepillillrnnH hnvo already reduced tho
latn tax levy for next year by ono
third. Ilo jiolnted out hla own mi
meiouii aetlvltli ii In relieving tho dlu
trewj of tho farmers In tho last two
yearn and declared that proapeiity
munt romn to the farmer before any
n c!mo run vroper.
Evacuation Complete
Constantinople, Nov. 3. Lieut. Oen.
Ilarlngton, commander of tho allied
forccn, nnnounccd that all tho Creek
troopg In Thraca had crossed the
Marltza river and that tho military
evacuation of that territory was com
plete. NEW YORK
Coats and
I f -
si n l
:iS:M s
iF J
Howell Is Greeted
by Crowds on Tour
iCuitllimvil t'rum t'm9 f)nJ !
ilftif.1 jjuVBrnur. 1'tyun ha;
failed to Bimwer tho rhflllrnr'i '
riepntor Itundull then ternely tntl
bin nf ind fur a .iinne"Hki ndinlnl-1
tr.itlon i.f tlii) Kf ,'tin c"Veinmerit." ;
"1 li'L' irl the enifnliient fif Ne. I
bni'lci nt tl.o rno-t Import itnt lainl
urn In tho itiite iind every man and
tsumiin a rtw kholdi r In It. You, a
ii'ih kind I "in, hnvo a rtuht to demand
tl nt It In conducted on bumnem prin
ciple and with a (mat ef!1i'ency
and ecunomy uh n ptlvuto iultie,
"Th t iinm di nmnd not oiily econ-
ou.v, but riKid iconoiny.
,,Tl i l ivp tyi r l looking at bin tn
ricilpii and woiideiiiiK what liai
I beep duno with hi money.
Tixc ( inning I'oMn.
"Tnr.' n urn ( omliiir down and roni
I int.' diiwii i .if i M I y, t'eKRidlea lit Whom
; j'o'i eh i t your k"vi rnor. Your tat
! lax levy bait already been reduced for
1 l::'i one ihlid lower than It w foj
j IHJI. It will (linn rapidly. Why?
! :eeiiuio varlouH Improvement ar
i belriK riiiileted. U'u bnvn B.OOft mile
of fine lirt toad lluiHlieit In the tut.
Nut only I iilln d but paid for out nf
I tbu tux'- you hv teen pnylnir. We
republican btlleve In puyliuf a w
no. Ho i havu paid fur the road
iiiiitwid of flniiliiix bond and leaving
them to be paid for will) Intercut,
"Nebmk 1 one of only four
ptiiti which have no bonded Indebt
edniK. The oilier three are Knna,
Kentucky and WUconnin. lietter
than tliii'-Nihriiidoi own U,0(),000
of bond which are drawing Intercut.
'Tali! In Pull."
j "That' what wo ineun by K""d
j bu iiim-kh In u hiilnlKiratloii of the
Hfiiio li.o Ineci. ve ri puoiican
ninto rnpllnl I (inlnheil nt n comI of
etuiid for II. Winn tho tiiugnlllceut
I ;i.l;00,'i'M there won t be a inorlxaKe
I on It. for you to atruxiiln under. It
will bu paid fur beeiiuiio It coHt I in
! eluded in your taxeu our toxea, for
' 1 urn n heavy taxpayer myne!f.
I "Tliiii venr wn finlMll buvlnlf 12,000,-
O00 bond, the Intercut to bo tilted In
year couio t"r the relief of needy
e. B.ldler ami their dependent. TVho
kith bouht out of your taxe and I
mil miro there ln't a red blooded man
or woman who will beKrudKo the kIIkIiI
liicreami iicemary to provide thi
"Let u I'-meiiiber that there are
hlKh taxe In every mate at prtiwnt,
ri Knriili H i t wnciner nicy iiv r-wc
ayatt-m of government or not. They
are much too hlh and they are about
ft bo reduced very rapidly In Ne
br.'iHku." Laughter awept over tho audience
w hen Kcnator lundall aaid: "Tlity arc
Kpic-idliii; a report now that I am ft
member of tho Ku Klux Klun," And
thin wim followed by tremendoii ap-
pliiumi when ho added aerimiHly and
alinoHt Hlernly: "I am oppoxed to any
and nil forma of Invimblo govern
ment." Itefrnrdlnir a report aiiread that ho
had pi-iimiHi d to reappoint tho prewnt
atute employe, Benator Itandall de
clared: "I havo made no promlwes
of any bind whalHoever, I would
rather not be governor of Nebraaka
than to ko Into office hampered by
any promlaea which might hinder tne
In KlviiiK tho people of thi great
Mato tlie honest efficient aervlce to
whl'-h they nro entiled."
Ho referred briefly to the work of
tho emergency tariff and tho war
flnanco coiDoratlon in rc-lievinK the
dlHtrea of tho farmer and declared,
' There can bo no real return to pro
neritv until tho purchaalnir power of
tho farmer hn been restored."
I'li-Ht Appearance Ilcrr,
It wm Ilandaira flrat appearance
before an Omaha audience and com
ment beard In tho crowd after the
meetlns allowed that he had produced
tho name very favorable Impression
that ho ha on audiences throughout
tho atatc a man of extraordinary
capacity, few words, absolute honesty,
great energy and business efficiency.
"KemindH mo of Clen. Grant, Just
tho a.-imo kind of an honest, straight
speaklnff mun," wild one G. A. II.
Mr. Kandall wa among those
seated on tho slago.
which possess those
graceful slender
izing lines so much
desired by the
.woman of irenerous
Ik the Has Hr.
"llruy fhip" you
flll.l Wi'liiltlful H.
s-rtmeiitj of heauti.
fu! Wr.ipi an. I Cuat
l .-;,.l!y ilrUfciic I
fur the iiinaf r'.
iuini! sn ff.-ni
1 t i .
('..a ittikliu-ly
l lir. ir S nvtujaiy
fur ti h i.. 4 - J -
i ! ; -1 !ti-ni Ihmv
i . h m. f ' t u i
to ,i h hi ,",. th 14
W Ujr-,;.:
'Roosevelt TlTt'
on Capitol Lawn
of Alabama Seized'-
I'oijin! WImtc Trrc
"No TrtTK lion
or SoutlicriiT at )X'
inpton ('ajiitul (Jroitml."
MontgoiiH ry, Ala. i .Nov. JThf
ItoosfVi It memorial tre, Whl'-h hn
been tb mibji i t i'f ii f ont rov ry
nine phinleil on th Al.ibnuiu cup
ilol ln n by Muiilgi.ini ry i'.uy Hruulu
lint Friday, rnylerloiuly rt)uiippiard
bi-"I night and tod.iy offlcliiU still
wer wltliolit III Ideiillty of the lul
i reant.
A note discovered
where tlie tree
bud tood, by the iiipitul iilL'ht watch
man rend.
"Montgomery, Ala
"To nil roncriied:
"Tfi daughter of the roiifi .b racy
are our niotlu r (war mother), and
this I the hoiiiIi, There are no trees
In honor of southern gi nth men In
thn rapltol yard at Washington ""d
our war inoihei do not want this
one here."
Drought (u (Umax.
The controversy resulting from Ihe
objection of tho Iiaunhter of the
("itifederai y to the treu remiilnlng In
the Capitol lawn wa brought to a
climax yesterday by tho White Iloune
association president naming a com
mltteo to co-operate with other con
federate organization committee In
their effort to have the mriuorlal re
moved, The association I a bund of Women
organized for the purpose of preserv
ing tho original "White House of the
confederacy," where Jefferson lavi
resided when the capltol wa located
in Montgomery,
Tho variou organization contend
ed It was improper for the memorial
to ItooMi-velt to stand on the Ciipllol
grounds within earshot of tho place
where Itavl became president of the
Contract for Purchase,
Illchinond, Va Nov. The Jef
ferson National Memorial association
has contracted with Jefferson I-vy
of New York for the purchase of
"Montlcello," the pictures') uo home of
Thomas Jefferson, and has 'three
week In which to make' it payment
of $.10,000 to make the salo binding,
It ha been announced. Official of
tho association stated that the prop
erty has been pi Ic-d lit jr,00,000.
Assurance from three Now York
liniincierH that they would underwrite
lir.0,000 of the amount If Virginia
subscribed jro.000 in cash have been
received by tho association, it wa
said. A state wide campaign to raise
Virginia' allotment aoon will be
Dcnionntrations in Italy
Rome, Nov. 3. (Hy A, I'.) Keporl
received from various part of Jtaly
tell of enthusiastic demons! ration
which have taken place In greeting
fascist! returning from "the conquckt
of Rome."
Republican Speakers
nniiiKH if. i(viii i,. .
('ttiidi'liit bir i.otfrrufr,
Pllg'-r , 111:110 A, M.
Hiiinfnn 11 A. M.
N'irf"lk i:H V. M.
Mes'l'iW lrov .o I: M.
A'nllKh .!') V. M,
frrelKlit'in .Hl-.Otf A. W.
Vliin-ln,ii ll:?-0 A, M.
Vonllgra 2:00 I'. V.
Outer , 4:ii'l I. VI.
IllouiiificliI :'(U I", M.
00 P.
Jlnnvxr f'lty . ,
Caml-rlilKo ., .
:U(I 1'.
?.;00 P.
11:00 1.
Htnlln 11:00 A. M.
Humboldt 1:30 P. M.
1'ttWiK.e City .130 1". M.
Falrbury 11:00 P. lb
f C. lilltltl.K.
Nov. 4. Mead
. . V. M.
Nov. 4, Hluart
.t r. m.
Hiiturilay, Nuv. 4, f'llveralty lar.
Mi,D-jay, Nuv. 6, Aurora.
Soma of the well-known huaineta and
tiriifi-aninriiil men lia aro barking
A. r. Scott, Pnniiltnt of th Scott
Tent and fomnany,
lleti. Jamra ( . liahiman, Mayur of
thu lily ef Omaha.
Griirgt T.. Niirman, labor I.tader,
Ihuuiaa C. lljrrna. Tronilntnt Omaha
Whiili-aale M'l-ohanl.
Ilenrr It. tierinif, Prominent Jnliher,
Jay llama, I'rranimt uf tha Jay
Puma Pakmc Ctimruiiy.
A. !,. M)ar, tiiiiia Man.
J. J, FUirhfr. I'ri.nimvtit Atternay,
Irii.V W J.iil.-n.
' I., hhame. lii" iwi .-nal ft'r
Trvaurr tio!herh"il vt tr'iranita anil
'lhima P M. I'hn, anman ail
tar lha t am-mt l.l rti n-k tifew
f . '
Arthur C Kora, prvaijrnf rf tha
Wvttrrn Ajirt SMi-riir I -nuasy.
f M but, l i...lri, uf th C. H.
.ir a l i-stiisi
W. J I ...J. -;f...!.t Omaha I k
It 'la t . leea'.y
Jn.9 t I I.,'rfl Vtnitf,!
tl ! I'll). 1 U.I H,'! Ui.klf, WW
llin'v V Hath..-, i, i.,fi Manaaci1
uf M. P .fcl, r l'-ii-ia i' i
. V -! nf ih ia l Aula.
In it Mt.'tf, a i ,a -f 40an,l
I ' .
I". J I ia.... a, fl.raMiial aa
ti t n
J Ka A -. h. lt.J.Ni f tha
' V a ' i - 4 ' .
W I' H J t. -' Masaea at
ii w t, . . .k . f i J i a 1-e.ii
I .
' W Snu'.f, An ,a aa4
Hi t. I i ..
t.m : .., i. a4,,.a(
Va a Ii p, .aa.
t I ' t 1. . . huiU
It I - i. . .
I- I ).- i.
i W k, I
, ,
' a t V -.. i ...
U-i '- t. tt. .t
i , , i . . , r .
4 a - l
t'ri'iik of llriwy Pfvp
I. (vuli (I l,y fisherman ;
Clatsal A "iriuit'tit"
w York, Nov. I Fishing off
y Islind yesterday, Anthony Itu-
ilolpli pulled a thing out of tha sea
that n' all the fienk and fulhli
of ih,tf meeting plum fur strange gru
i'iueii n the shade. And lie
culled It n "wliiifslt "
Kuiiolph f'-U an unnrmou yank at
bu line and begun to haul In, Th
thing he caught bodied thu water Into
a white f. aim and fought dcKperatily
fur freedom, Kudolph gave a great
heavo and luiiih-d It. Then It at
finked lllin. Ilo killed the pionsler
with a pocket knife,
Fiamlnnlion showed It to weigh 20
poiiniU, iiawtly head. It liieasure 20
Inch.- lung nnil It wide. If inoulh
1 cavrnou, equipped with three
tow of teefh. I'nder the body aro
two Hide protulwrance that look hko 1
land, four finger each.
The skin
with hairy
I leathery
and adorned
Woman Convicted
of iWanslaughlcr
Mm. .Malxl Clianijilon Sen
trtwrtl to 20 Year in
Oliio J-formatory,
Cleveland, O., Nov. Mra, Mabel
Champion, charged With the first de-t-ree
murder of Thomas A. O'Connell,
carnival promoter of New Jlaven,
'oiin., in n restaurant hero last July,
wa found gullly of manslaughter by
i Jury composed of seven women and
, . . . .
iivb men in cuiiunon piro court lieto
last night.
Judge I lemon Immediately imposed
the maximum senience of !!0 year lu
the Marysville reformatory.
Attorney for Ihe defense entered :i i
motion for a new trial, which wa do- i
When the Vet-dfet kiii ri,! Mvu J
f hamplon broke down and cried.
O'Connell wa shot to death in a
downtown restaurant hero last July
while he nnd Ausley Champion, hus
band of Mr, Champion, wore engaged
In a fight following an argument over
a drink of whisky,
On tlie wllnes atand Mrs, Champ
Ion admitted firing the fatal shots,
but swore they were llreil by accident
when O'Connell lunged toward her
and seized her arm,
Btat'."' witnesses testified Mis.
Champion bad risen from her seat,
held the revolver at her hip and cried
to her husband: "Ktand aside daddy,
and I'll riddle him with buileln."
Mr. Champion, telling her life'
storjf on tho witness atand, said ihe
v,a married in Ilrownsvllle, Tex., in
1 1 7 and had lived there lnce, with
the exception of the time she and her
buxliand "had been In buslnes In In
dianapolis, Kansas City, Missouri,
California, New Mexico and Kansas."
Una Want Ads
pen booster,
are the best bus!-
Your Coat
Is Here!
n Just in Time
During the past few S
S days we have re-
ceked splendid $
new models
In I?
y Dressy Coats
A choice Variety
of styles at
? $49.50 to $150
Our llest Assortment
jor the Season
Exdutive, but
5 fagfi-X X
i iih 1
taV 11 "
Snarl Wear
t ii"
i j,
fi . M
The Lowest Prices of the Season at
Toiletry Sales
llind'H cream, 39c.
Pepnodcnt tooth paste,
Mavin talcum, 19c.
Six eakcu of llaskin'
hnrdwatiT catile oap for
HiiKiien' Ideal hair
b r u h h e 8 with triple
bri.stlPH, $1.79.
Main Floor
Black patent leather
handbag with two
utrap handlcHa moat
ties irable companion
for a chopping tour.
Special for $f.
Linen Specials
Bleached pure linen dam 70 inches wide, pc
cially priced for $2.75 yd.
Pure linen hemmed hand
towels in size 18 by 30.
An unuHual value for 50c
Taffeta Hair
Ribbons 25c
Plain taffeta and satin
stripe taffeta in h'i and
C-inch widths most appro
priate for small jirli' hair
bows. In every shade for
25c a yard.
Main Floor
II and - em broldcred
while linen handker
chief h of a very fine
quality are now 39c ca.
Luxurious New Furs
For Less Than Today's Value
Preparation began months ago to assure a
comprehensive stock of the newest models in
best qualities for less than their present value,
The Anniversary Sale Price Are
Worthy of Careful Consideration.
Hudson Seal Coats
3fi to 40-Inch Lengths
Skin of tho finest quality with
luxurious, trimmings of squirrel
or skunk, Self trimmed if you
Fur Coats
A Kroiip of musknit, pony,
French seal ami ninrmot. Skunk
or raccoon trimminc. Aim tit
fifteen coats for this price Sat
urday. Stone Marten
litautifiil, larzo, full akitia,
Fox Scarfs
tjiildett brown, h.ttim msrtcii,
V- alliut Slid taupe.
Tlict are but a part of
nt liiuYfit pruts iluiinii
A Pure Thread Silk to
the Top Hose $1,59
Once a year we m!1 a pure thread silk to the
t! h -. made by one nf the- uMit manufac
tun is vt mIK bti .ii ty in tlie counti v, for an rx
tnnu lv l'"w j'lloe. ' Mu re will be over
pair tu M-!iet fn iu In tnloM, u.t wrll ft In
b!.u k ai; I w hhc, I'i let d mn.-h I than iHul
36th Anniversary
8 -Button Length
French Suede
Gloves $4.75
Thcc faHhionablc glovei
tame from Trefousne,
France. They arc nhown
In beaver, mode and gray
riuede Viilh three-row cm
broidcrie in self and con
traxtinj rthadcu.
Brassieres of
Satin for $1.95
This ti the popular
"V o y s h form" brassiere
which is known all over
the country for Its flat
bust lines. This model
encases the bust without
any discomfort and will
not raise whilt sittiiijr.
Fashioned of Skinner's
ratin for $1.95.
Corset Section
Our very bent quality
chlffom, 40 in. wide, in
every denirable shade
offered Thursday for
$1.09 a yard.
Trimming Section
Women's Lisle
Hose 35c a Pair
Higher priced hose re
duced for the Anniversary
.Sale. Black, white, gray
and cordovan. Special
values for .35c. Friday
only. m
Main Floor
Scotch Mole Coats,
Wraps and Cape
Six new models.
'i to 46 inches Ion?.
Meautiful Kaiment.i, exquisitely
lined. Distinctive new coat
wrap models. Full length capes,
self and squirrel trimmed.
Near Seal Coats
i2 to 4(5-Inch
New urappy sleeves. Chin or
shirred shawl collar. Squirrel,
skunk or self-tritnmt d. Four
new models from hich to maka
A selection.
Mink Chokers
rio quality natural Ametirsn
tho r xtHmiw stock offered
this .'Kith anniversary sale.
r'ar Shupe -Tkiral flaar
Hand Tailored Coats
' Fur Trimmed
Distinctive new coats, fashioned of
, soft, fine pile fabrics, lined with
lovely plain silk crepes and becom
ingly trimmed with luxurious furs.
Sizes from 16 to 462.
This price at the beginning of the
season cannot be equaled in Janu
ary. It's a timely event.
v . -
: Third Floor
Heavy Weight Pure
Thread Silk Sweaters
Slip'on Styles $12
Four different styles in brown, black,
navy, white, orchid, jade, lavender
and novelty combinations. Both round
and V necks, in sizes 36 to 42.
Tuxedo Styles $18.50
Six fashionable models in black, brown,
jade, henna, white, gold, green, purple
and jockey red. Sizes 34 to 46.
Made Entirely of Pure Thread
Silk Remarkably Fine Values
Third Floor
Silk Petticoats
Every Fashionable Shade
Heavy Silk Jeney Pctttconti in full cut
patterns. Five new and attractive styles
for the exceptional price of $5.
Radium Silk Petticoats for those who
prefer them, at the same low price.
All Wool Blankets
$8.45 a Pair
We iianrstoe them to be nil wool blanket'.
Hoth warj ttn,l tWin! am .'. irin wool.
Ktuirdneh block jdaitU in tntry new coloring.
The weight U H i j'ouiuU; the ijc, 70o.
H the ury be?t woolen blanktt rvtr o:T, red
for $5.45 a pair.
This Time
Saturday for $1,59
Hl return
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II I 4 IK N MtIMtN 1
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