10 IJIE OMAHA W2B: SATURDAY. NOVKMHKK 4. Norris Exposes Record Colleague Made in Senate CliVrrs Echo ami Kc-Erh'o at , RfpuMiran Senator Anki Election of IfowcII to AiI Him. to "(lv n Howell In the ent Id peopled fltfht," Kenator !. V. Norrt iirjfed the voters cif Omaha In rnncliiillnir hi nddre lit tlx audi torium Thumduy rilKht. Cheei erhued luck and firlh a hi" nnila til tl' t for relnforremeril fur th group ut forward looking en ator, rririHt of whom hv com from th mlddlo went. rVnntor Norii hn (tun over th rcord nf hi coHena-u from Nebras ka, Henntor Jlllibeoek, showing Hint In tm h crista where th welfar of h common peotil vv t atak llltehroek hurt fulled. II had shown Jlltchcmlt'a repeated vote annlnat mcnmin to tux war iiloflteer and lighten tb burden on Hi common jmnple. Jl had ahown Jlltcheock walking out of (lie enata hla vote wn needed to ssslst tha Irriga tion farmer of western Nebruska. JIo had ahown him voting with I'en--os and with the southern democratic Woe, iln ha4 told, ton, of hi own flstht anlnnt overwhelming odd for bill to llnlilon th burden of taxation on Hit ordinary oiflen. , "I Iiuvb do III will, no feeling URiilniit anyone." h snid. "I am warning you to reject Hitchcock a a . duty I owe to tlin iieoie who hdv Wn o kind to me. In lime when 1 liuve hern cruelly tnlMrt'iu 'iit1. I Wish to go out of public; life ut peiio Willi my roriseleni-e, mid I could not do no If I had not told you of the fata aorvlm done Nebraska by It demo erotic senator. Waul I'poph 'a Man. "There la only on wny for you to approve tha fl;ht I have made. What w want In tho a.-nnla la aome addi tion to lho.nimi1;er of nun who havajj tho, people' welfare at heart. W hav been whipped hy special privi lege. Thi-ro are too rnnny senator v.-ho r run hy wealth." ' Affaln cheer arono in Norila de clared that llryan had been Hunt In former year when ho denounced Hitchcock as a western man wltli eastern Men. "We want Howell added to our num ber, Titer nro ninny crucial hill com. Inf up in Cointreau, and wo need help to protect your Interests." Tho main floor or tha building wn filled, many stood and tnoat of the hal niiny aenta were taken. Tho audience voa , conservatively estimated at 3,0110. Unn, Peadunea hand played while the crowd wa getting aeated, , Jinny county officials, business and professional men and women were umong thora on the platform, Tha crowd wna enthualaatlu with the feeling of republican victory In Ihe air. When C'harlea f. Itandall, candidate for governor, tho flrat apeaker, wna introduced, the audience cheered for aomo time and gave him m rlalnst ovation. Tho an ma waa done Jnter In honor of United States Sen ator Norrla. Splllman Also Speaka, O. S. Hiilllinan, candlduto for at torney general, inndu a few remark I ctween thu a'peech of Mr. Randall and the arrival of Senator Norrla, who vaa Introduced hy K. A. llenaon. Tho Whole meeting moved with re publican efficiency. O. K, EnRer, re ' publican county chairman, presided. Ho introduced Senator ltanilall as "a man who will fill the gubernatorial chulr with dignity and efficiency, a man ot sound hualnea jnilKment, In tegrity and lofty principle, a plain tnan of tho people." Aaatirlng; the crowd that there waa no foellnn of partlaan enmity in what he had to any, and reveallntf the fact that ho had entered the campaign in defiance of tho advice of his phy aiclan, Senator Norrla made clear the emergency that faced the .men and women of Nebraska in next TJuea day' election. "Only One Way lo Vote." ' "If you believe in the jrrent com mon people, if you have faith In hu manity, there la only one wny to vote," he declared. "Ninety-nine out of every 1"0 democrats believe Hitch cock would represent aumo eastern atate better than Nebraska, and that he would be more at home In New Tork than in Omaha, hut we are not yet able to let our conscience guide our vote. I'olitica ought to be next to religion. It Is the silence of gov crnment. nffeetins the life of every Vjiunuin being, and of the children yet unborn. "If the Mien ami women votera of this state le -t Hitchcock to atay at home, they will have removed one of the main apokra In the wheel cf ape rial privilege. He h been there Inns time, and la correct when he eliiima to have built up a (treat deal of Influence. That la one of the beat reaanita for dcfeutiiiK him. Alway h I on the wron aide. H vote foea slnt the people t.f til home ut and fn favor of Will street. ha tH--n traveling ever the tut telllnf lh people iul Wht t hav ern a 1 t In Vh!ii.ton with JiltcliKKk during the Uat JO year. In the morning World JleraJd I notice an attempt to reply to my charge ly faying that Hitchcock vote againit taxe on war profiteer wer way hack In 1917, and that they were only emergency ineaaurea. Ho waa lb war an emergency, and con scription. Joa h think tha people should not I told of what happened in 10J7? "Ha had just been re elected to the ent then, and waa aura ot holding hi seat for tha full term. Anyone ran vote right part of th time when election time upproarhea, hut It 1 difficult for any man to alway We wrong." H then told of hla effort to tax war profit and of Hitchcock' op position. "While tho men and women of America were attcrlflclng to win th war, the profiteera were awarmlng In Washington," he said; "tha extrava gance with which tit public money was turned over to them waa almost criminal. Our war costs wer almost double what they should hav been If the Wilson administration had been capable. The government had taken the heat b'ood of tha land to fight on foreign soli. It had conscripted the aona, brother and husbands, and Hide group ther In con grew decided that It tbould conscript wealth also. Iirg Income, w believed, should pay a Jaeger per cent of taxation to relieve tho common people, "Hitchcock Voted 'No.' - "Hitchcock voted against every on of th amendment that would have thus adjusted th burden of paying for tho war. He nnd those who voted with him have mortgaged unborn gen trillion to pay th Interest and prin cipal of this gigantic bonded debt and replace tho money that escaped tax atlon. "1 know tho viewpoint nf the man, I don't mean to any that hu la dlahon. est, but he has looked through golden spectacle nil his life. If the people knew Just how big his Income wo, they would understand where hi heart la. With amendment nfter amend ment to tux war profits and swollen Income more heavily, other senator Joined our group, hut never J (itch cock. These profit escaped then, nnil they can now never be reached. The burden they ahouid have borne hu been ahouldered upon you and mo. Kvery dollar of liberty bond must be paid for by the sweat of some human being. Yet if the tax bill that Hitch, cock opposed had passed, 7,000,000,. 000 or -$8,000,000,000 would have been taken out of . war time profit. Add to that the other billions that our of ficial gave away to any nation that would ao much aa declare war against Germany, and our national debt could have been cut In half. I Protector of Weallh. "It tho people of Nebraska want a man whoau nature Is to protect weallh, that' their business. But 1 want the peoplo to know the truth. In hi paper he ha frequently de nounced tho repeal of.tecxces prof it law. Yet I voted against thl re peal, and fie voted for it. On Octo ber 28, 1921, Hitchcock voted for the amendment repealing the excess prof it law. On final passage of the measure, Hitchcock was registered a not voting, Ha hu a wonderful rec ord of not voting." Senator N'ogrl referred to the fut ure of Hitchcock to vote on 60 per cent of the tariff schedule. Yet Hitchcock was present to vote In fa vor of the Ksch-t'ummlns law ha allow ed. And when a bill to impose higher postage on newspapers was up, Hitchcock was also present to fight H. Norrla revealed also that the Wash ington correspondent of the senator' newspaper Is carried on the federal pay roll. The audience listened Intently throughout Senator Norrl' speech, which contained a great many figure and other material scarcely of a na ture lending themselves to oratory. When he closed with his contrast of the public record of R. B. Howell, the republican candidate for United State senator, agninst Hitchcock, the ap plauae waa tremendous. Hotly of Former Governor of Hawaii to Be Cremated San Francisco, Nov. 3 The body of Lucius V.. IHnUham, former pov ernor of Hawaii, who died yesterday ut tho Lettermnn general hospital at the Prestdip here, will be cremated today. Bank to Aid Sufferers. Moscow. Nov. 3, The Al". Russian Jewish public committee plana to or cnnlze in Kunsia a credit co-operative in the form of a lttisno-American bank with capital of $1,000,000 for aiding the sufferers from the famine. Tho Itusslan reprerentntlvj In Ite vnl has forwarded $20,000 in gold, a gift from on Ksthonlan firm, for aid tn famine. 'Applaud, Boys Pleads Democratic Leader Norfolk, Neb.. Nov. 1 (Special Telegram. ) "Applaud one In v a (while, bcya." appealed Louis Light tier , pi ofutn ly for sev.rul week, and the , nwJ Mrtif llltUrlSt ... ....I i .. i,. ...... i. ...-., ,wi,- nl iiiw.i waa assei iicl oy iiroimsre " -- a t iinuilet of 1.00(1 d'-m at of tile j of a band, good orchestra, fine din- Third district her last niubt. "It I a triumph of m Kaimutlon," said Senator Hitchcock, who a vn of the paker. 'J'h liiftting had been advertised mr and "other filing.' Th military fore of IVisia I tn lt reorganized and copied after the Kiench army. Dies at State College Ames, la . Nov. 3 8. A. Beach, tt, tor the list 1 yinrs head of the hor ticultural department ami vii-e than of tho agricultural dllion of lows. HUM college, died her today, lla was ono of the most popular member of the teething tnff her and was known throughout th country ai one of the leading horticulturist. He wa ins'rumentiil In developing a down new varietirso a.-iv. - . and hi t-ook ... horticultural ul. jeeta wer regarded a authorise all over tho world. II faced her In court and Jutlc Ab.rachauser gave them a week tt think thlnus over. Aittr".itr. STOMACH UPSET?! Get at tlte Real Oausr TW j Df, Edward' Olive TMct$ T1 ' what 0...ii..U i t .. . j .,(. rt l l ' ' ee ne. ft , k,nrf tit', r ti'ipg t I ''(! up 5 pone !.! a " k:" ml i.jm f th a !i . .i- i--mt l.rr " I d . clvtvt t- ' f. llri" tti t"' " j f .r In h h .. f.. j Wkn IH h -! "" t I MHid lh ' 4i J HH!n. t ; gyrnt r. t!lii .1 ' lt '. f IU t t t. (- t"'F I l ! . . A I- 1 t-.ln. ffl ..-. v. Ine.li fci ' I t 1 Hn T ' ' ..' t . nt. lm $:! T Bf . , i S-'i nl -' I : mn vi t ' -' 4'ie t- j mm .v -. '"': r j TUt f' tj t lt " 1 '(' WORKING GIRLS LOOK HERE Rear what Mri.LucaiWritf Cob ceraiBf Her TroubJei, vfhich May b Jutt Liki Your StLoukMa.-"! hud trouhlea that all women are apt to have, w ith pain Its my back, we. tired, ntrveu feelings and a ak ttotnacb. 1 i tJ born thi wsy bout a year an.) . at unabio ta ' work or stand tn my feet tr aay Wr(tl) f liana, j My auta4'a j sunt UmJ m hvw ! mh r4 t Jd ( I-. -I k . ... glae lipw4HN f r n4 $wfeJrtoUy Itaaltfii. Al Hit r atiJ k!i aw (uiw, f Mi.a M a.l t'ht mllay I t h aa-l a-M M . ( rpay. I rev-.si4 . wf VftUi i4iip."iw14 la my ft 4 t" l"y fH.Nua ff ktr a Hh.aI' M . Ilt tf lt , Af a4 a" ns-iVt vf lh awtl lia t. tfV !' t (W IWyvniM. M iMMl jrwirt' 1, 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111" i "Union Outfitting Co. I Union Outfitting Co.- Out of the High Rent District Union Outfitting Co. An Extraordinary Saturday Offering ig 3Piece Room Living e,' i-mL rpy F"WTdSFii 'SO 'MM' K7A AWQ A xL D' f Purchase of Regular 75c M Records On Sale Saturday at Tlilnk of U-I7.B0 worth of those fa nioiiH, 10 inch, double face rathe llecorda lor $1.0U. While these are not late hit, there are scores of popular numbers to select from, embracing souk, dance, band, orchestra and instrumental piece to suit every member of tho family, accords by Hilly Murray Lewis James Jack Norworth I'eeilos Quartette Ail Star banco Trio Joseph Samuels' Orchestra, etc., etc. These Splendid Records Can Be Played on Any Machine Except Victor and Columbia , The Most Delicious Chocolates in POUND Boxes 39c Here la tha "candy buy" of Omaha-dillcloui whipped cream, caramel nougat and nut centera covered 'Mi thick coating of dellclou Hit ter fiweet and Milk Chocolate the pound box only 39c, fiomea Furnished Complete; H -v imm- ssM iB nne KhIi stocks are at the very peak of completeness. To select a Homo Outfit now Is lo choose from the very cream of what th market afford. 3 Rooms $194.50 4 Rooms $267.50 6 Rooms $322.50i Throughout this entire piigc there is no offering that excels thin handsome laying Room Suite in valuc-givinn, The one-day sale brings a rare opportunity to ad4 three pieces of very attractive furniture to your living room at very little cost. The suite is very similar to picture and will almost furnish a living room, Good Design It I a particularly good looking, well made Llv; ing Room Sulla finished In dark mahogany with bolt and screw construction to Insure long service. The Table has a small shelf, and both Chair and Rocker have comfortably upholstered backs and coll spring seats covered ultti a pretty tapestry. $2 Down $2 Monthly Not only are we offering you a remarkably low price on tlio Outfit, but wc UTe giving you the ad tit.Ional advantage of convenient credit terma of $100 yoW'N and 12.00 Monthly. Theiw terms, wiih the low one day price, will make the Outfits move quickly, so we suggest early chooHing. V Three-Piece Bedroom Suite in beautiful walnut veneer consisting of a full size Hcd, Dressing Table and Dresser (Jl 1 1 A AA with French plate mirrors for only V & ..IvS-T Exchange Department Our Exchange Department will take in your old furniture, rugs or stoves nt a fair value on any new furniture you select. This furniture is, In turn, low priced for a quick clearance. Gold Weather Is Just Around the Corner Buy Your Stove Here on Easy Terms llflL ilSf Pi mim Oblong Dining Table In genu ine walnut veneer that extends to six feet T0 7 CA for Saturday a 2 (3m WmAm Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets Just $ I Down. $ J Week Fireside Wing Rocker uphol stered in imitation blue leath er Is priced at f 1 T f only $1 .01 CM Li Handsom Dresser In rich w bi ll tit veneer Willi plalo mirror ., Howard ."Overdraft" Heater l! keen room i-omfortablo on a third LKSH fuel. !odel as low m $29.50 Large Heater with 17 Inch flrepot full nickel run-treats, top and draft Willi tlsbt door, for TWO CARLOADS 120 Kitchen Cabinets were all we secured for this big Hoosier Club Plan Sale. That means that only 120 lucky women can take ad vantage of the low prices, the FREE Groceries and "Easy-to-Pay" terms made especially for this "Hoosier" Club Tlan Sale. The membership will fill rapidly come early Sat urday. ' FREE! With Each Hoosier a $10 Box of 'Advo' Groceries Pound "Advt" Tea "Advo" JeU "Advo" Wheat Food "Advo" Lemon Extract "Advo" Vanilla Extract "Advo" Cocoanut "Advo" Mustard "Advo" Chili Sauca "Advo" Milk . "Advo" Pancake Flour "Advo" Macaroni "Advo" Spaghetti "Advo" Salad Dressing -Advo" Catsup "Advo" Powdered Sugar "Advo" Tapioca "Advo" Rolled Oat $22.50 S49.50 Library Table Sturdily built, eome In liolden oak llnixd with inch top, apm-iouH diawcr Slid lower ehelt lor books, etc., ts oii'j-- tte.l Nna u ip'oi I tr:t;i-"(, Ur-i ttirH. ant !. Ho. n Lludry &.. mo h.iV Ut I I lautt try uik i s on km,, h i !l hl IV--IO. ,4 C! at J 1J prarM v ' -. -. rr- 11 i &sj,P- 1 $15.75 rzmm s. I l II ii till I . inrnjuii Pound "Advo" Coffee "Advo" Peanut Butter "Advo" Ric "Advo" Ammonia "Advo" Black Pepper "Advo" Bluing "Advo" Cinnamon "Advo Allspice "Advo" Ginger "Advo" Mutard "Advo" Nutmeg "Advo" Papriea Can "Advo" Pea Can "Advo" Corn "Adve" Pineapple Can "Advo" Peaches Can "Advo" Apricots Just Down Then J Week Hoosier Given Away Join Saturday during this Factory Club Plan Sale and a DOLLAR will bring a lime and labor saving Hoosier to your homo. . Models as Lew as $46.50 The new, Improved Hoosier is a real labor saving servant, in your klirhen, cn lbllng you to do your kitchen tasks in HALF tho usual timo with HALK the usual work and worry. W Are Sole Omaha Agents Next Friday Evening at I In Addition to 50 Other Useful Art cle No Purchase Required Simply Visit Hoosier Booth New Fall Rugs New Fall Patterns Attractive Axminsten in 7:x!ft. to?..- that will wear well, on Saturday -New Low Prices Seamless Velvet Ru ,s that ore fringed in HMn i vies fur SnltirdiiV Queen Anne Dining Suite nt- W.J Rich Looking Aim In iter tugl in H 'U b ii.- loc h 1 i I n lil Mtil yTtHn itt rvy rrini-fd Vi-- J- vrtx K ;t R'Ji Ut in tU, tti Ujr ....$21 50 JUJIXIEOT 0 i! i! i! i! jl j! ii p ij i! l! l! l! i! I i !i !i o-.l.tV !i !i !i ii V. H . .. i ,i ( t. t.J (Ul i :( ,'., I. . , j .( I. I I'll H ti'.i !ifi ' , l is, l ,! i 1 " 119 Kft .--M i. r 1 I MJl CtfJdbi at Low Price; uyi.(iiIJV far ... - o t ifJireif ,.! K' vt1:: $6.75 t ! -j ! t4 h . . 4 . f c j MMi al ! I w .1 etoerwg from knktruwt W $32.50 A L CC& tSth & MCXSGNSTS. . I uwaa entiia t, M lewd . gUt t'vewvM l kf ' t. v kt U JM M Hf4 UMit SSt-