The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 02, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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    Business Boom
Throughout U. S.
Shown hv Figures
Grain Loading! Increase
I'roiluriion liearhri
Jlipli .Mark Rising Mar
ket fur Manufacturer.
Wellington, Nov. 1. Indication! rf
miiiilly Improving condition! In (he
i nun! i y'a (antral bunlnfM Ufa wer
Klvrn tuiluy In reports to tha car airv.
c stvllon of thn American Hallway
asuodiitlon, whl' h, among other
thliujs, showed tli grtat weekly
loailinir ut freight from which tha
lallroail! thrived revenue In two
Tim report! fllsclossd Hint, with the
firi'iitinn of four weeki In September
ml octolwr, 1920, Hie loading of 1..
Ii03,7f.9 mm cif revenue freluht the
week of October SI, win the greatest
on record.
Ilecoiil in ( at ,iuliiiKii.
A rword of IM.iDt curs loaded with
rtin hiirnl!e anil ml cllaneotii freight
which Include! manufactured product a
alio, una Mtahllshed during the week,
the association reported. Thla win nil
Incrraso of T.2H4 curs over tho week
of HfitemNr , when all previotia
high toMika for thut kiss of freight
wer broken. An compnred with the
torrcspuiidlng- week In ll20, the asso
elation anld, the week 'a total allowed
on ln riiH of 36, CM, while: It wna 2p,.
230 curs mom thun for tho corre
aponillng week hint year.
Tha loading; of groin product! for
the. week, a totnl of OJ.Oko curs, also
allowed aiibtiintlul Increase! over the
corresponding weeka of 132.0 and Inai
year. Hlmllor, iilthough aoma aniiil
ler Inert-nsea were ahown In vlrtuully
all other commodities handled In bulk
Miff Coal Production.
t'fuil production on Monday wna
float- to a high record outiut for all
times, uncording to the association'!
reports. There were 45,29)1 cars of
bituminous taken, away from tha
mines on tlmt day, amounting; to 2,
500, 000 ton. On only one day In tha
last three years hna ao much coai '
been produced.
The railroad on Monday loaded
Mai ours of anthracite or over 300,
000 tona. Thla whi a total greatei
than mined on any ono day In the lust
three years.
Fuel Distributor Spens has eitlmat
ed that a weekly production of 11,.
000,000 tona of bituminous ooul would
carry tho country through tho winter.
Iluslnrs Title.
Cleveland, Nov. 1. The business
tide la rising, the receding tide has
curried out moat of the wrecka of
business and the Incoming tide la
raining the tldo line of business, ae
wording to the monthly business re
view of the Fourth Federal neserva
bank, lamied today. "
"Were it ptwalble to sum up in four
words tho expressions of our many
correspondents in the district they
would bo ,'we are buying now,'" the
review soys.
An analysis of 7fl basic materials
shows that 4 Hare higher today than
they were a jrar ago, according to
the review.
There nre many instances which
Justify the belief of a rising tide of
business, tho review says,
The head of one of the lnrgest tex
tile mills in the country, wltli general
olllcea In this district, says orders
now on their hooka are auttlclent to
tarry them at full capacity until the
(list of February.
The purchase by the railroads of
I alia for 1923 delivery, immediately
preceding the advance In prices on
October 1, are estimated to have
totalled 1,500,000 tons, the largest, rail
Inlying movement In a given lime in
the history of the steel Industiy,
Blaiklisted (laptaiu Sues
U. S. Shipping Board
rhicago. Nov. 1. Suit for $1,000,000
danmgva was tiled in the I'nltcd
htates district court agalnat the
United Statea ahlpping board and the
Munann Steamahlp line by Capt. P.
T. Haagensen, formerly employed by
the Munson line. In the bill of com
plaint Capt. Ilaagensen charged that
he had been blacklisted by the Mun
son line and the shipping board. The
blacklist, the bill alleges, followed a
leport he nmdn of Irregularities In
volving shipping board employes.
A new device has been Invented In
France which detects Iceberg within
a distance of six miles.
fill ITU l. U rHTIt.MRT.
She Will Aid in Laying
of Capitol Cornerstone
t )
K 1
a .
Norfolk, Neb,, Nuv. 1, (Special.)
Mra. K. C. Warner, pnaldcnt of the
American legion auxiliary of Ne
braakn, will deposit u box containing
the auxiliary emblem In tho corner
atone of the new atate capltol nt Lin
coln on ArmlMtlce tiny. Mra. Warner,
who Uvea at Warnervlllu, it village;
near Norfolk, announced today that
she had accepted Governor McKel
vle'a InvltHtion to be present at tha
ceromonlea. Mra. Hall, thn auxiliary
secretary at Lincoln, Is preparing the
emblem for Mrs. Warner's arrival.
Woman, Paroled
After Sentence
Fairhury School Teaelier
Pleatlrt (Juilly to Smuggling
Can Into Pririoii.
I.eavenorlh, Kan., Nov. 1. Mildred
Ward, Falrbury, Neb., school teacher,
was sentenced to not morn than 10
years at tho Kansas industrial farm
for women, and Immediately paroled
when ahe pleaded guilty to the charge
of smuggling a revolver Into the
Kanana stato prison at Lansing in dls.
trlct court today.
She was required to give a bond of
(500 and promise not to violute the
laws for a period of two years.
County Attorney I). W. Hooper rec
ommended that MIhs Wnrd be granted
a bench rarolo after he had conferred
with Warden M. F. Amrine of tho
state penitentiary.
Mlsa Ward was arrested Into In
August, when it was charged that
she hud smuggled an automatic pistol
baked into a cake for "Doc" Ward,
an inmate of the prison, In an effort
to aid him to escape.
Mlsa Wurd, who has been confined
In tha Leavenworth county Jail, left
for her home in Nebraska after her
255 Killed Since Terror
Reign Started in Spain
Madrid, Nov. 1. Klnce the reign
of terror began In Barcelona in 1918
there have been 255 killed and 753
wounded, according to puhliKhed llg
ures. DiHorders In Madrid, Valencia,
Seville, Bilboa and Snragoza have
resulted In the death of 124 and tho
wounding of 420.
. Im
Norris' Expose
of Colleague Is
Warmly Received
lufit) Crowd at Central City
t.'hiTr Kejiniteflly as Jun
ior Senator HeatN
Offitiul Heeonl.
f'eiitriil t'lly, Neh., Nov. 1, tKpn
rlii I . ltounda of applause with a few
addlfloiml shouts of unrestrained ap
proval greeted Kenator tleorge W,
Norrln, when he liriiiiiintcd his ad
drops tin Henalor Hitchcock' record
In conRrcta by declaring he ought to
l.n i lectel to slay nt home, Henator
Noiria traced his rolligiio' record
through his two terms in the I'nltcd
riliitcN --iiato showing by the con
sistency if bis vole that ha h.
always stood with wealth und agnltnd
Hie common pontile, who had to foot
tho bills. Kt-nntor Hitchcock' record
l.eforo ant after flection reminded
Senator Norrls of the patent medicine
advert Iwcsnent present ItiK thn two
photos of before and uftcr taking.
However, there Is this distinction,
HonalAir Hitchcock nhvaya behaves
better b'l'iau taking than after tak
ing. In laet, he would make Ne
braska mi ideal senator it elections
worn hel l every 30 day,
rictuitor Norrls dcclured that dur
ing th Wilson administration Hen
utor Jlltehenck was a cog In the
democratic tnachlno und that hit was
even gov. -rued by tho cracking of tho
leush. Ho ai voting mate of Pen
rose. Ilo foght the excess profits tax
In tho days of tho war when prof
iteers wore nailing million over
night, wiillc the runk and flln denied
themselves morn than bare necessi
ties, "llryan told tho truth about Hitch
cock two year ago, but no is noi
telling ths truth today, ami ne
knows It," Henalor Norn ueomreu.
"Hltchrw.c." said Hcnntor Norrls,
"voted ycN on the KschC'ummln
law, be voted lor tno repeal or ui
exec. profit law and ho walked
from tho aenutti chamber wiinoui
ousting hi vole for the fanner of
western Nebraska, who was hookiuh
fcderal aid In tho construction or
dams for Irrigation, Tho Washington
cornpondeiit of the World Herald
und Ills wlfo wcro on tno govern
ment payroll In Washington receiv
ing a total of approximately $10,000
In throe years, with few exci.puons,
llltcheook'H votes on constructive
legislation were registered as no or
as not voting."
The meeting was lutd In the ais-
trlct courtroom or mo cuurumuw,
everv available seat being taken.
Henator Norrls was presented by P.
n itiato.-i. for many years a closo
personal friend. Mr. Norrls was
given the best of attention and was
Interrupted muny tlmse by prolonged
uppluuiic. At tha close of his aililress,
almoBt Ih? t ntlro assemblage remain
ed to congratulate him.
Mexican ConKulate Reopened.
New York, Nov. 1. U!y A. P.)
The Mexican consulate dosed laat
Friday an a protest against the ac
tion of New York courts In Issuing
a writ of attachments on its property
in connection with a civil action
brought Iry the Oliver American
Trading company was reponed today.
Road Conditions
(Fiirnl-hed by thf Omiiliii Auto Club.)
Kuh'Im tti pVHry (llniutitui h i e report ("1
practliraliy lmpiiiiniihle this morning.
Yht re rifin bovti a ctnuinuouii r:i! n durfr
I h ? nlKlu and evory utatlcu r p'H t 'hat
l h r' it i & will huvy ral -is t hit) rm in trig.
S:iu. v in ivported thro'iRh Wyoming a. id
id- HI,r k llllln district.
The California Limited, Navajo,
Missionary and Scout.
Spick-and-span new equipment
on the California Limited.
There is every out-of-iUx rcaton for
lakins onr family to California this
inter. tvj e er t mvcUiamfort r f aon
for going v is the SunU IV.
uvnnk0f rr klovr rrfvl hig rai
the iir h b of (n-tll
nMUirt. there at Ut fvl h4U anJ
or )iii vn tcm KuiK , arvj
AH'i n in t-u.Wn.
Cdf Imkt (akw arvl tiftlfnt . h. f,
1 Wi i INUhmuv i ( 4 ivl Crfr s tn Sji
Ta. I l. AnU in K-lh tl CIttont
linut.! aiv.1 h MtMh-nui. t ,il iu'
jour P'ibun m .,.tui ao you i1 t at
7 I 111., . L I 1
Harmony Sextette
to Play at WAAW
Da nee Orrhotra V'ill (live
Snappy iNiinihrr for Iteo
Hadio Concert.
Humn of the latest dance bit pl.ieil
by a six piece orchestra, will be the
feature of The Omahit lie Jtadio inn-
cert from station WAAW Thursday
Latin' Harmony Sextette will glvo
six number Including "llaby Line
Lyes," "Nobody Lied," "Don't liilng
Mo rosins." "That llow I Jlclleve in
Vnii," und "Martha."
The orchesira was organized by Mr.
ninl Mr. Joseph llaui-r ulmut seven
month ago und h i lately been filling
engagement In Waterloo nnd Irving
ton. This wet k they have been play
ing In Omaha, at Iiruld hall Monday
night and for a t'relghton fraternity
dance on Tuemlay evening. The mem
ber are all Omahan.
H.iKel Haiier I thn pianist and Mr,
Ilauer pluy the ttnor saxophone.
Other member nre Clydo Frntt, lead
er, violin; Lloyd Huffstctter, cornet;
Don Hogers, alto Muxophone, and
Floyd Ib'irlek, drum,
In uitilllloii to the dance music, P.
F. Hoatignrdls of Crelghton university,
has consented to sing on of Harry
Lnuder'a popular hit. "A Wee House
Among the Heather."
The concert will begin at 8:15.
Ilmllo Ldltor of The Omaha Boo:
I wluli to enter u few iiuestlons In
your radio question box us follows:
1. I have 75 feet, antenna and
about l!5 feet high, is well Insulated.
I live about n half u block from a
Dcleo light plant, thero uro four units
or engiri"S and batteries. When these
t A4saiva t
t ax ut a' all u rtuMi t. I r
Aimtltoiii'ti- Kt' iui
IVh. Im-M U. V ) . hmtm. r
Or OTffi 'W-HII
WW XT 'l'l!Hi'4 ?
' Pfepft Come in and
' jp write with it
fir. in mi r With CI IP 6"
L EVatcrman Company, NcwYork 1
Seletlion and Smut at Pest Dctxlcn the H'orU Orrr
Mu-'r.., Virk Without the I ' STTJTTT '
111! I
" ' " ' "' .'- . i . u, -, ; . . r j
YoVH make MtnlihU If yx'M lrt i t. ' J. TT i
unit are running, should It givs any
inlet fi reuee t speak of to my re
ceiver? What kind if Intel fun-nee
would It sound like'.'
i. When listening in on KFAF
why do they, after tuning them In
loud, die away or aeem to tlecreasn In
loudness? My A and H battetle are
In good ha pt,
3. Homctlioe when t hae sin
thn tuneil In real loud, they nem to
come louder yet, o loud I have to
d'-rrense In filament oltage, What
cause this? llow should 1 remedy
4 I hinr KKAF, WIIH and
WAAW nr.d other loud station In the
evening. I ut why can't I hear them
In the mornings for tho inn i set re
port, ntc.'.'
6. We l.avtt a t'4 hour Deli o D. ('.
lighting system here. How would It
work for lue to use current on tho
Magnavox? How many watt In
bulb would It in m 1 1 1! to bring (he
voltage down to six In order to uho
It for this piirptw?
Your truly,- '
L. K. W,
Jmtinlnif, Neb.
1. It Is poHidbln that these plan
may taui Interference with your set,
If a inn ko and break coil l used on,
these engines It will cm lie a rattling
sound In your receivers.
2 and ?.. Question 2 nnd 3 may bo
answered together. 'Mil "dying
down" and Increasing of signal
strength may m duo to either a
natural wnve chango or "swing," or
to tho natural phenomenon of "fad
ing" that I prevalent on short wave
4. A signal are weaker In the
dayllina than at night It may he that
this I the reason you nre not hearing
them. AI,-io Willi and WAAW send
on 45 meter In tho daytime, while
KFAF has no daylight schedule.
5. I think It would work snttsfao
twlly. Ci.nsult thn electrician at
your local power plant as to what
strength tulhs you should u-e,
Through the effort of the American
Aid society in Pari, no fewer than
2,000 stranded American In ISurnp
havo been succored, and are being
brought homo.
'Wit. tyaMj fjwm, ee
(ere is a College
1 d
M - - ' ' "f t o. i S i f f- . V J
i. . .'..,.1 I cH, I,, s f .. I U I J
jvi hv ,) r
. I I - J i I I , . I f hi in I I
' .... .. , , , Jxclicvcs sotciic
ii I h vj"ii tf aWtvt i.v -"!' I
V ' T - - ....
2 Baby Boys Burn
to Death in Home
Children, Alone in Houne,
Ignite lied While Playing
With Matchffl.
Two little hoy playing with
matches In the bedroom of their home
Ignited tho bed clothing t 11:311 ye
terdny morning ami were an badly
horned that they died before the
flames wero extinguished.
The boy were Jean, l'J, and Mnr
celle, 4.
The bouse, located nt 23 Jeffer
ami street, according to the fire de
partment report, i occupied by Ar
chie Hodge. The flume were extin
guished before any damage was dona
to tho house, according to the report,
nnd but $50 damage wa done to tha
fin nit me,
Hoitth Omaha police are Investigat
ing tha fire. Their report atnted the
rblldren vcre tho aoti of Mr. and
Mr. William Austin, 227 Jefferson
street, both it whom were at work at
tho tlmo of the lire, tho mother at the
(hidahy packing plant nnd the father
at Kwlft Co, Tho Hodge ulso wer
away from home. I
Tho police report atute the hahle
were under tho cure of an older Mil
ter, Margaret, 14, who left the house
Sure Relief
6 BtLl-AN
Hot water
Sure Relief
25i and 75 Packages Cvvrywher
Series C No. 2
l, (. I U nl S.,
I 1 ... f tl I I 1 .i t'1.1
in n v .i ,' 4 y
V (..H-iirf. ttHi f
)rl!U( it. :, at at.
t t. I'-ii' ' . fci o4
I . S I . ! t-
I - I, k I ..!, !..
to visit a, iiiiurtti.1 sister In the neigh-' Johnson of Mobile, Ala., wa arrest!
borhood. When she returned bolus, , hero by federal scen t service deteo.
Ill bsblea were dead, the police itive on it ilimle of puna lug rali
port stilted. ltinrrve bank note.
Alleged Counterfeiter Held.
Atlanta, On., Nov, 1. -Charlc H.
linn i i i it i nil i ii i
I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 . 1 I I I I I I I I
Orchard & Wilhelm
(Built in Our Own Factory)
Comfortable - Durable - Sanitary
Supplying Omalm's mattress needs for
more than a quarter of a century lias
taught us just how to make mattresHes
that will answer the requirements of the
most exacting purchaser in this territory.
you will need a Mattress during the next
90 days you will do well to look at these
Popular Values
Built of 45 pounds of cotton
enclosed in fancy art licking;.
Price for full izo muttresH
Built of 45 pound of delected
layer cotton enclosed in pood
quality fancy art ticking. Price
for full size
Built of 50 pounds of Rood cot
ton, felted and enclosed in at
tractive art ticking, securely
tufted and tailored with roll
edges. Price
Built of 50 pounds of cotton,
felted, enclosed in very good
quality fancy art ticking. This
mattress is guaranteed not to
stretch. Price
I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l l l l I l
it ii 1 1 1 1 M tit i i ii 1 1
The Odds Are Long
4 to 1 Against You
Pyorrhea Folio $ Bleeding Hums
At the first sitn oi Mwlttig turn, utth
cut lor Iyorthf. It atrikes lour person
out of every live r,it lorty and thounml
yourtKer, kx
truth your iwh with IothW lor the
Cum 11 Uisl vonitently ami ul ir
lime, it V t'l prevent lyorrhe4 vt ihevk iu
pnvrcv At Ueniilrut, it Will Icep )our
ItH'thi hite anil ie.m, yv'ur gum llrm an.l
he!thy. Tie itjni . th. t tte.
The UmuU rl It J. I"oihn, S. A
11 druisti ISc an.l NX in ur
, , -tit aw
., AiJLLJjLL'J)L- SSS v j
fk thwi IW tm, Ntw wi
Jolini-iui, It Was statea ny me too
oial authorities, wu a member of i
gang of aoven who wera skilled lit
raising II federal reserve notea to $10,
mi ill mi iniii it i iS '
I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Pj
Built of 50 pounds of cotton
ericlobcd in fancy art ticking.
Price for full aize
fin ilt of B0 pound of cotton
felt enclosed in art ticking,
umartly tailored, Trice for full
Tifty pounds of good cotton
build this mattress. It is en
closed in a hand-tailored fancy
art tick mado up with a roll
edtfo. Price
Special Sizes
are made to order without ad
ditional charge,
hoth hair and felt mattresses,
are remade at moderate prices.
l l r i i i i i i i i i i i i i t Mi
i i 1 1 1 i it i,ni..i,.ii t
rt'suc LvsTsicnoj
Nfi-ftlUltal ItlUI
ftaf Kk tntrta.
M trU in rt m rili
HWett T.
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W i fiM m.1 m m J
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j ' . . at
Hotula-Pny Whsn Cured
I-.?. ,
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i-a a r.x. Im H-4. ifMi at,