The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 30, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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    run omaiia r.r.K: muxdav. ncvonKi. ::. inrj.
Denim rals Fail
to Slick Willi
Senior Senator
Organization Seek in Vain
toIM.l Voter. From (;. O. P.
Tirkrl, Krport, From
.Mate Show.
Lincoln. l. III. (Hpri u) V The
desperate effort of it fine nrKUiilZiiilon
la muster ri.n u; )i strenKtli tu Nt-i.riie-h
Ik semi liilun M llllihiois Uirk
the 1'niuil Htates senate Is !
Illicit to full, rcnrdltig to opinion ei-rr-i
n tnuny '-(fi(ii uni t vl-lted
in the Uf Kih ami hremlth of the mat.
ltist.inee of ilernoerutle votes vhleh
vrill ko Id If oh HI r mentioned hy
ilio humlrida. .Mom of then will I
omen's voles, for the foir,n of the
ft t, lii tire democrats, wont, nhove
nil, to hi sure that eotmress won't
loosen up on tha prohllillon r s ul
lions ami of them don't fe run
tiin'4i1 of Hfiiiilor Hit" him'k's bono
dryness, Ho they rr going to cunt
their votes for loll.
I rnoi ruin hplit Tli kft,
"flonly of democrats around her
Hlefi't Hmlig to vote for Hltehcoek,"
deelared Mil h-lkr of Grant, He
dldn l know Juki why. I
rinrene Mi 'ledum! of Kullertoti !
ti Inrc-d lie ban of evial demo- j
i rut Hhn will not vou- fur Hlti h"oi'k j
"Tin y me i hlefly women.'' he siild,
"who do not hi lit vi- In the senator :
nllr 'dryness ' "
'. ).'. AWiotl of Fremont said thai t
In that p.irt of tha slut there ara j
many wotni it Mho wilt tut Ifltehcoik j
whn they Vote their democratic tail
(il'I'lllilllS OlfpOS llllclK'IN'k,
All over Ihi: Hull the defri tlon from
the senator, nmomj the Hermans la
inarXM. .1. . Ouks of Heward, a pro
rwuneed Herman nelirhhnrhood, declar
ed th'it none of the German will' vole
for Hlli h' oi k. Kven lha senator's
eleventh hour (leirumd thot Kreneh
hluk (roups he removed from the
P.hlne has nut mollified the German
voters. Neither h the rerelpt of
letters written In the tonue of the
Fatherhmd In roost eases, thoiiKh one
Mroiniiii remarked that ahe hud In-
tnilt-d to vote ii;.iitit Illtrhrock. hut
thul lit' liml written h"r a peraonal
letter, a vt-ry nice letter and ah had
iWUloil to vote for him lifter all.
"About one fourth of the vote In
the territory euiToiiniSJn ; Hchuyler la
)nl -pendent, apt to ! tut one way
ot the other and what Ihla vote will
do rariiiot he predlited," edld F. L.
t'uiroll. "liut I know of muny old
time dunorn ' i who will not vote for
Churle Hiyim nd a few that will not
Vote for llltrlicoi k."
Five fV'Tovs Bier Army Blimp
j.f i u.-J..
x -A f .j n
1 flit " v -' 1 1
O I ' htVlIin 11;
-vvjt . X - ..ff ...... L
ISenator Norris
Tells Broken Hon
About Colleague
1 .iMi I KM
- .'
I". ill A ant II
'Dust, Dampness
,uA J I U , 1 I
lOmarkahle iclion plioloKiiMih ahaw Ms nnny blimp C I, nrapiwd in f lamia In hangar at Nan Anlonlo, Tex., where It wn ilralroji'd In 10 nifiiulea
after making fimt tranncoiillneiital balloon flight.
Fascisti leaders
Declare Stale of
in Italy
Nationalist Dirtatoreliip for
Nation f.ooms if Delay in
Forming New Caliinet
In Prolonged.
Genoa, Ot. 29. Illy A. I'.) The
Beoolo prlnta a telegram from Rome
announrlno; that the romnnimlvr In
chief of the fasrlatl haa algned a mo-
blllzutlon order for all the chiefs of
the movement to appear Sunday at
headijuartera to receive apodal In
atrucllona. To avoid dlaaaler. fas
elall Iroopa will be poeted at atratexlc
polnta and at. railway croaalnga, while
the atatlon will be occupied by fan-cietl.
The newapaper anya that ronrentra
tlon of the faaciati ia taking place.
('upyriaht, Wl.
Pail.i, Oct. 2. The faai-lHl I nation
allat, linperialiatic and bitterly null
bolahevlat took over the government
of Italy in every way but form.
A Mate of Mege - waa . procTnlmeJ
throughout all of Italy at noun by the i
retiring Facta cabinet. It waa mockery I
with an army of 100 per cent fascist! 1
not to apeak of the entire navy, civil
aervlce and an overwhelming majority
of war veterans. No aerlous dlsor
dera have been reported.
King Victor Knianuel rreelwl auc
pensively Tommaao Tlttonl, Slgnor
Denloola, 8lnor Cocco Ortu, and An
tonio Kalandra In the hope of oatah
Helilii new government not dominated
by the fnaciatl. All thcfie reported
thnt the faaciati held Italy In their
Strict ( enaiirahlp.
. Tlieae are the outstanding facta of '
the situation which reached I'arls to-
night. Drastic preaa censorship, effee- j
live with the state or siege, has shut
Italy from the rest of the world, ex- :
cepting for a few official commun
iques, but complete reports have
reached the French government and
foreign embassies here through diplo
matic ch.innels. The nver helming
control of Italy by the fascisti ia
emphasized hourly.
Fascisti dictatorship In Italy, if the
for $200,0(10 Heart Balm ".S
lomatlc reports from Home and Milan.
The leaders of the faaciati wish the
party put In power through a legally
created cabinet, hut the rank mid tile
are clamoring for power Instantly.
Mllpn Center of Interest.
With the return of nenlto Musso
lini and the fascisti generul staff to
Milan, that eiiy. which is the larger!
In ltnlv. becomes the center of inter
en. Tlie general staff Is both in III
tary ami political
Stranger Found
Lifeless in Hotel
Unknown Man, Well Dressed,
Poisoned liy Gas in Far
nam Street Place.
A man about 88, whose identity waa
till unknown to police yesterday aft
rnoiai, taa founrr dead In a room at
(he Main hotel, J 01 3 Farnam street,
shortly after noon Bunday.
I.lzzio Nuneman, a maid In the
hotel, found the body. Attracted by
the maid's cry of surprise, Wayne
'Jackson, 312 South Fifteenth atreet,
rushed Into the room and lighted the
gas. He told police he didn't remem
ber whether he turned the gas Jet on
or whether It already waa on-
rolli-o Kurgeon f.rlcr, who pro
nounced the man dead, said he be
llevod thnt death waa caused by as
phyxiation. Paul Ftelnwender of the
county attorney's office haa ordered
an Investigation.
The Initial "S" was on the ninn's
fcelt buckle, according to F. J. Stack
A Co., undertakers, who said that
except for his rather good clothes the
man appeared to have been a laborer.
The, man'a cap was purchased In a
South Omaha store.
Hotel nttuches told police they be
lieve.1 the man used the name of Ed
Smith, but thnt he had scrawled an
undecipherable umne on the register.
Inquest Bears Out Story
of Slain Pastor s Widow
ti ontiriiird from Page One.)
my hushund had passed through. Mrs.
I'arleton stood with a gun In her hand
and seemed crazed.
"fthe raised the gun and pointed it
at me, but either did not mil thu
trigger or the cartfldge failed to ex
I plodc. aa the gun wavered a aecond In
j her hand and she turned it against
t,er left breaat and fired without a
Mrs. C'hristler declined to say what
conversation passed preceding the
shooting further than to Intimate that
only ordinary affairs were spoken of
and that the visit of Mrs. ('arleton at
1 In the morning waa supposed to be
a friendly call.
The funeral of Mrs. Turk-ton will be
held at Helena, probably Monday. The
peope of Havre are quoted aa united
in their belief of the story of Mrs.
Chrlsder and have united In a de
mand that nn inquest be held to clear
up the tragedy.
Allen Launches
Campaign to Hid
Kansas of Klan
Governor Ordern" Attorney
General to Hring-Action
Againxt Officials of
"Invisible Fmpire."
Coffeyvllle, Kan., Oct. 2!l ."-Asserting
that he had instruct! il Attorney
flenerul ltlchnrd J. Hopkins to bring
action to expel from the state every
official of the Ku Klux Klan, fiovernor
Henry .1. Allen said that the klan had
Introduced Into Katisaa the greatest
curse that can come to any civilized
The governor spoke within
miles of the scene of the flogging of
the mayor of Liberty, Kan., by a
group of men. ,
Extravagance of
Democrats in War
Told ly Thorpe
GongrcsH Candidate Speaks on
Profligate WaMe Sav
ing Under Codt! Is
Sat Dt mot ralic Guiididate
llt'I'd to Hulnark Mon
opolies a (rr
flow Meeting.
Hiokeil JtoW, .Sell,, (K , J!l -iHpe
Ml,,t Tojegriiul.t line hundred nnd
) l.p'' opl eat down In hn luin.iii-l
tbiiH for Wenator tieoigo V. Norria.
; Muny wrr nnalile In obtiilu pln. ee.
After the neul Ihoee present ad
Journed to the Hun theater which waa
iilleudy uo ked In ovei flowing with
people nil over the county.
Alpha Mori; i n, ihalrnian, called the
I meeting to onler and Introduced
l 1,'iili H M ilwn of l.liii'oln, who had
I been a pen king at other points In the
uoniify ilunnn the day. Mr. Matron
I rpoke for 30 iiilnulea on slate iaaues,
lilMi lliig prim ipally on Ihxps.
Mr. MiifMMi show el conilusiM'ly
lint footer county pays only 1 j cents
on the dollar for stats expenses. Ho
Is u f .n i fni speaker ami made a con
vincing argument on the aliito lax
liiesllon. Mr. M.ilzen a ls addressed
an overibiwlng meeting ut the illy
i'IihIiIiiiiii Morgan then Introduced
I Menu tor Norris, who spoke for two
bonis on u'ltlomit Issuea. keeping the
i towel intention of his mullein e, wlil'a
he uni 'iveied Meimtor Hltclii'oi ks
rciiiI In Va.'lilii;ton,
' I have iijwuys Blood for lbs coia
inoi; people and iignlnst the big inter
ests, a principal which 1 Inns udvo
caleil for moie tliaii l!ii years nut I
'st.nnl for the a.iiiK! things today. I
would not ask Mr. Hitchcock to do
ha l I myself would not do."
Senator Norria read Henator Hitch
cock's voting record In congress,
showing him lined lip wlih big inter
ests and at all tlim-a using his In
fluence for the bulwarking of mon
opoly. The speaker agreed that henator i
Hitchcock had s.o'd nnd done some line
tilings for the people Just before elec
tion time and thought f wo could'
have an election every m day Mr.
Hitchcock would make a splendid senator.
I II ini III S, mil II RS llll!
! tin ti-i, ' In ,il. etc, Hie loadii su il'iiU inn be plsn on the coo-
io 1 1 f -. but many times It Is ilif-
i til It to Imike lb- illuU ol klloba hold
; I iinly be, nine the olutfis uru lonnd
nnd smooth. An ey wsv tit nrr
: I'ome I li 1 4 is lo file one side of lliu
,, i hsft slightly, pinking a fist surface.
Iwiulo ran Humid Keen ' ' '"' iighifiinig ociew n pin. p.l ju
our this nut side, Tlie .linl, will not
I slip.
Cause Leakage
Plates Hint Contact Point
Free from Dirt and Wet.
I lllllplir .il ai(
Which lll'iat be
After II in- tenia of i perliuertis
the I till- d rOiiles air limit scrvlcn
ilul are two tbinus I ''' v ' H ,,, vl,'e whnh iitlllxei
guaiih',1 UK,,!,,,., i lei troniu jiietic waves lo Inform nit
a isdin nivninu station. ') . , jiilf pilot hen be is over the cenici
lenlng i should ,f Kept i, , ,, v ."i lbs Minting Held. This app.iiatu-i
loom, nthei'wtes 'moisliir will aiiili. rl1" t' l'tneil r "b" ali.i r " A bi p f dc
on the (uintda (, (. ( n i ;ptioi i nll.i'd by ti air mud seiv
b'fmlmils and switi he. i-aiiii,'v i Ice follows: "Tim lm nlixer l a ib vice
I o, i.n.ibiiiln i,iu
HI i ss ei ti lllly
r...-M i...',.
' 11" f. Iillltelli
shouM lr ke, in ,,!,. f,,.n fllM
dlin,pnes or I hey ,p ,, ,.,
within it short lime. All r.nho ie.
diving olioiis should hate as pail
of llmir eoiiipment a miimII brush to
keiptjutit from I'ollix tliig betusen (lie
teimlnuls, ciiufai I poltiia, on th.i
plates of (lie variable coiidenei and
III crirnere of (he inliinel, It w,.;
fo duet I lie Ml .loh ,y. Iliollo In
struiiienis are ijeliim.) mill leoulii. loik. ii A pb-dgo bind
euro and iitlentlon similar lo a mill li i about i;,,niD,'iiMi win- velemns lo
If I hey r-; tu function wiih efficiency ""ppoil -ill movements v,,i h look to
The antenna should tns ! wur'11 1 "i,,,,,ri"' "'""' signed
s-lped off o.-casioiially pecans thcvl'" ,h" U'A'1 ,VI"" lw"""
ISIS certain lo collect u ll.u. ,.n,.n. Ie.i esililal H e or Hie veteum, or-
Hollo signiilM Iiioro
so as to form mm
i l' i tromiisiielif lidd gver the lending
Till Itself, and eatcnding lo a siifll
1 1' til aim ide to enable the pilot to in
tern pt Hoe gone of sound above the
i nu lls or fog- "
War clcr,tii Sign Pledge
for Inteniatioiial Peace
,Si w oik. (i t ;"i
of dirt, especially f ,.,- r),,,
Hue or ihimney. A film of dirt ovr
tin- surface of an antenna Insulator
vail causes leakage. Never place a
ban In I'llio so that nun or snow i a i
fall illicitly Hid, it, for thai v I...
(mother fcfune of leal. age. Ilennm
ber Hint the radio Impulses picked
i'p at a lecevilng station ate hi
liiiliuie, ii'ni It does not require much
leakage to weaken the strength of
such a fnble current.
KatilaUomi of 1 1 r nation. Tim
'tlgning if the pic. I;..- tin- f ,11,, I
; ict of H.l foreign leternns who e.iibd
ion the (iioiv W'a iliingloti afti r
I iitieinlli.g 111" Hind aniiuiil con
Ifiieiici. of Hie iali i-.illbd itiriiie
! Federation At New i leans. II. Nel
J miii ,.i kson of Ituiliiigtoii, 't,, signed
: for I In- Any I lean I,i glon.
"Iemocruts make debts; repiiblln
an pay them," declared It, II.
Tliore, candidate for congress In the
First district, at a republican street
meeting held at Fifteenth and noug
hts streets. He spoke to an
audience that reached almost be
yond the hearing of bis voice. On
a few I the same corner a small uroun of men
and women listened to democratic
As Mr. Thorpe launched nio discus-
Officers to Quiz
Woman Regarding
Murder Mystery
Vandals in London Squirt
Ink on Dresses of Women
London, Oct. 29 Ink splashing
vandals are causing terror among
women. Sidling up behind finely
gowned women the vandals squirt ink
on the most delicate fabrics nnd ruin
I am lu re to tell you v ery frankly j sion of national Issues Interest cen-
Republican Speakers
(snilldute fur t'sitnl Plates Benutur.
treM-n ,,.lfl:0 A. M,
Valparaiso 1 -. V. M.
Hlrornnbura 4:30 M.
DctulR 1:30 V. .".!.
Ill' lit I'ity I 'l :'iH A. V.
lirslnsril ::l)'l P. M.
Wuhoa 4 -no I. M.
I rcmont ri0 P. M.
New York Hanker Sued
New York, t. 2H, I'ol. Wade
Hampton Hayes, wealthy banker and
distinguished us commander of the
179th regiment New York National
guard, has tieen made a defendant In
Ijuo.Ovfl alienation suit. It wua
learned, by a former subordinate,
Lieut. I'hillp J Fitiipatrlck.
The papers In I he suit involving the
love of Mrs. Anne Logan Filnpiitrlck,
dem-rilicd an a teaiiuful blonile, were
served on I'olonel limes through his
attorney, Mai. I.nlih ihi.-ll. Friday.
three and s half years ago. They had
been m hot ! frlendi when (biUlren, ac
eoidirg lo her mother. Mri. It. J.
Nnnh Hi-ntl
1'olilnibus City .
( 1-niia . . . . . .
I'latt,. f'entcr .
W Point.
Ifon'i A. M.
4 cm
2: OH
. , . , 4:do
ni.)Vi;mhi;r j.
1 :.:!
Heriliner 4:in
llm'li.r 7:30
lamlldHttf for finvernnr.
H'yiniirn . . lu:lio A
1-nlHitiry 1 :"il I'.
Hi-hrini Jinn t".
Pruning 4:"'i I'.
(ioimva S : 00 P.
I that I have directed the attorney geu
era I to bring action against the offl
.dais of this klan and expel them from
this slate," Governor Allen told his
j No charter In Kansas has ever been
I granted to the Ku Klux Klan, the chief
I executive stated, adding that the
klan's charter was granted ut Atlanta,
I'i.'i,, and that to make the organization
I legal III this state the sanction of the,
j Kansas chart r board waa prerequisite.
Governor Allen assailed the growth
if the organization In Kansas us "an
astounding development of prejudice
which Is racial and religious, seeking
to establish In this state the un-American
Idea that we can Improve the con
ditions of this state by turning the
rights of government over to a masked
organization which arrogates unto It
self the right to regulate the In-
"We arc confronting In Kansas, an
astonishing development of prejudice
which fs racial and religious," he
"It has taken the old Ku Klux Klan
from its grave and reclaimed it for
the profit of the organizers. They have
added to the old antipathy to the
i.'atholic, the antipathy to the negro
jand the antipathy to the .lew. In the
Uoiith and In the far west they have
committed many crimes upon the In
dividual. Only receniiy tney nave in
vented this state."
MUNliAY, OCTtJllKIt 3".
The KiuprtMHks were married I Aivoitling to Fieiuh ufflcia! dis
patches, they already are elalxiriit lug
the following changes In the Italian
foreign policy;
t. Pisavownl of the treaties with
Jugoslavia over the disposition of
the Iialmattan coast, particul uly
1. To amend the Wusttlugton naval
North Platte Sum P. M.
Oillral i'ity H:0l) P. M.
Columliua 1.00 P, M.
TlU'ltM'AY. M)Vi;.llli:it ?
(im.ilm :mi i. M.
Klllli.VY, NOVKMUUIt 3.
1'UWl l ily ;IHI P. M.
MATl'miAf, NuVtMlllIR 4
tirli-aea :l 0 I. M.
Hi-a-r u .n P. M.
'allll,rt,lk 1 I'O P. Vt.
Mi 'I'lii.k I '10 1 t.
llllll SIMMONS.
4 SMdlilflD fur iansrrs, simJ
I unillitsl fitr tunitrw, short
TU trtl tsj iUkl C4 ts4 U
Thm. Um Mit l t m mt
sm4 M ail muii4 iW4M.
Be nure you iiet
rK Wi ri f7
timty to allow Italy a much niea'rr
3. To demand a tnncli lamer
of r(irs!lnns and ten lionnl peui e
Vf illf ini'iiia
I TiV ln-lt Oil I'lVl s,es'.tl
of the iHvlaianra intind" linh now
are d npulr I bv Ureal Hriiatu, well
si tire-e and Turkey.
T ! the roar et pea-e
eorferetice until J iHUAIV to SIli'W llifl
taaatstt government a breathing
tear f imp uil llunte,
vj ,ivi dHv t gt-nu.nriv aUili-d
ti'LiV ioer Ih'i ptifcsM.t of any oi ii
"Hit l Fl in , he h -"il I bn. w all
IN p j llina l, , n. r ni i,.,ii ,i , I
m all irtrf the -leli. llv !nil.'.
laeinoa ttii 1 i 'J!:m bs
ore sr'.oii ii.ii ti i In n-tittol
f'i .ma I !. ih. U'l- r ia a purl,
h;i in In suatn'e tii-a'a aa l icoii l, f-erl
Tss I n in h i n
ol l i t e ak.l a !.-
1 I t M .!. i rr4 - 4" "
II. in.
I li.!. ,,i
IU Hio ... .
1 1 I.;-HAY
C" .lou , ... .
uiU'IIKK i"
t.ii t.i " i" i A Vt
, no n ; i r M.
t t ai J insltt
in lulu. It Jl.
I i'l lu III el V
ll. la I ! !
1 H I . "'I oi '. I'
ll ..inlitu ui l mi lt ii ii.nli. I"" a
Vtt-i f in. a -i t I Irt 9 .1' I'
11 .il,ll.-nr. .,n l.a.T 'win... ' in. )
i.susnvr, ',i a m in u i
WSlliia, II il U II ' M
i .a t - i i , I im .i i -it I' VI
II .1 i:,.. n , .... i i I -, ! VI
Vaa t 'ii I J I I I I' VI
.uata a. ft m htlMt .
7j Lands Send Letters to
Labor Office of Leapue
fieneva. f-t. !!. Out of 10,000 let
lets from "5 countries using 19 lan
guages, received during a recent pe
riod by the International labor oftlce
of the league of nations, the largest
number were written in French, of
H.HHii, Kngllsh came, second with
3.137, written in the lalter language.
The largest number of letters came
from France, but the I'nlted Stales,
though not yet a member of the or
Kiiuhaii ion. took second place In this
respect. The languages used weru
Fieiuh, l,nu!mh. (lerman, Hpanish,
tittllan, Fsperanto, lltltch, Hwedlsli,
Itn niiiiiniiii, I'ortugiiese, Punish l o
iisb, Norwegian, Finnish, i"ei h, Hun
Kuiliin, Hi-il. inn, Itissinn and Jap
s'' -re.
letcd on the republican gathering.
When he told of gross mismanage
ment of affair during the democratic
administration ha waa greeted with
enthusiastic applause.
"We didn't need to buy seven halt
ers for every horse in I ho army," lie
said, "we didn't need to purchase 13
shoes for each one of the four mil
lion men In the army; we didn't need
lo buy 11 saddles for every horse nbr
did we need afl spur sets for every
officer. Yet that Is what the demo
cratic administration did."
Mr. Thorpe declared himself In fa
vor of a bonus bill that would "fully
repay the soldier for his financial
losses during the war," anil said the
republican party favored such action
when it was possllnw to put. It Into ef
fect without Jeopardizing business
conditions of the country.
James Itodtnan gave slntlstfca
showing that the Pepnrtmnit of La
bor, In the three and one-half years
the code bill haa been effective, paid
fl. 100,000 In labor compensation,
while In the preceding four years the
department paid only $168,000, mak
ing the average compensation f47
under the code against 16 before the
code went Into effect.
T, A. Holllster showed that fees un
der the code system paid back Into
(be treasury of the state enough
money to operate all the expenses of
nil departments but that the muds
department with f.2.r.O.nno surplus, He
sal that, outside of the roads depart
ment the cost of running the stato
government under the code was 1.2
cents on the taxable dollar.
'i"niV! iVoAcft llomimvti
of .tnuritan I'aintvr
tmd Sitter 'oft ier I'p
Kansas Miners Take Stand
Agaim-t "One Dig Union"
l'lttsbuig, Kan., Oct. 2! After
adopting it resolution penalizing miners
who worked In violation of the Inter
national policy during the nntlonal
strike, the coiiMlltnlloncl convention of
restrict II. l ulled Mine Workers, ad
! Jon r ned sine die, ronclulng sn event-
I fid fmir days session.
The new iniiHtlliillmi of Pistiiel
11. v bu b will become effective Janu
ary I, was completed,
i iiitstHtiillt g nninng lis sections was
the declaration that any member of
Hie I'liltcd Mine Workers of Ann-r
, ,-1, wlio belong to the Ku Klux KUn,
i-luill be snapi-ndcil 'from iiieinhm shin
The mine section pri hlbl's member
ship In the 1 W. W., "i re hlif union."
atllnl (be iitolinl t handier i f foul
on 1 1
Authorities to Prolie Kurnoru
of Screams Heard Near
Shallow Grave Where
Body Was Found.
Cleveland, Oct. 2i, (liy A. PI
Prosecutor Ostrnnder and deputy
sheriffs of Lake county tonight an
nounced they are going to question
a young woman living near the woods
where the mutilated body of Mrs.
Hazel Hums was found late Wednes
day, burled In a shallow grave, re
garding a report that the woman had
heard screams from the direction of
the woods early Wednesday morning.
A neighbor who gave the Information
said the girl had told of being awak
ened by shriek of terror.
Cleveland detectives, ut the same
time, announced they have begun a
search for the diary of Mrs. Burns,
reported to contain passages which
would give a clue to the motive for
the crime. Iuke county authorities
were also searching the scene of the
murder for u shovel and gun which
are thought to have been used In the
Hcareh Is also being made by Lake
county .authorities for $2,700 which
Hums claims he hid In tils Cleveland
home and which waa nut found in a
search by authorities, and for dia
monds which Mrs. Hums was said to
have worn. Authorities now Incline
to the belief that possibly Mrs. Hums
might have had the money and
diamonds in her iiosseHsion Wednes
day and may have been the victim of
Authorities have virtually aban
doned hope of securing a confession
from Henry .1. Hums, husband of the
murdered woman who Is held In the
Paluesville Jail, charged with the slay
ing. The prisoner la a mental wreck
after 55 hours of almost continuous
questioning. He waa aent buck tu his
cell today because authorities feared
that further questioning might un
balance his mind. Burns steadfastly
maintains his Innocence of the crime
A panel grid Irak that looks well
and cos's not ding may be made as
follows: Cut a section from a broom
Inndlo ahour oiiefourih or three
e,;hls Inch In length and drill two
boles about one half or three-fourths
imll apu.'t. The holes should Is
drilled to n size suitable for bolts yoii
have on band, I r III two correspond
Ing hobs lu the panid and bolt tin
block In place. Draw a pem-ll inuili
between tlio two bolts on the block.
A cover for this grid leak may bo
made from Die top of a small adhesive
tape can. 1'alnt the cover blaivk and
you have an Inexpensive, yet effcctlv:,
grid leak.
No piece of radio apparatus pays
for Itself so quickly as a battery
iharger, I ortimilarly if the receiving,
It's toasted. This
one extra process
gives a delightful
quality that can
not be duplicated
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New Vol. tx .l-J.i.iie I'bl,
( inter ami "imii uiii, ai.nii l I. r
; l:oin on Hi Maji iilic In si I
i for the llnid linn- iha wmniii wiio
fiat brmnn. .i .fi. In In l'i") ,m
tiie ' i a ' t . i . I riiiidine liiiii,- .sn
I b. up . wrrka a.-n n (Irnii (
;. h. Cm, n , l i Um Imi, or Mi
I t lo tot h in ainii
I Id, linn .aii ln tmiioil M m
I!;!., 'h N.i i.s, il.n.lil i if II. ni ;
I ."nn is , in. if !,,Sj,. i, ) ..J, in.
hli .In oi ii- I. .in in ihi ,i
'" si.$ Hv'it it.ii .- u a t
ail ll I., il. I In bit 11,
H Mr Until I UoV Wait.
ii m i l In llt in in' 4 I ili-ii i, I l
la 191 ti ...-iii at a il l i.i-l li:i
taiHi a bsthf lltt Ilia. in.tii.n e,
atesllf .i lea a . i c Itui ut , i i
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.'t .mef iir lU'nursl
Hii itiriuh ,o l ''
fiv II willing I'rvwitt
I lsii,i,. Ileitlmi,)-, (St ;i lIH A
I -1 in on i l, iii. im WlUiuiu
rrpnU.iV i( isii Ilia! lm ilril
l-c aiviii mi tli tn'i siotl of bis mil
i l--i ii i - In I'lioiiaa Hetl-Ii of lietiaa
(la I cia i Ion litl linw lei
it . It.liii l .in in in. nan h
). i-. -ii I aa hi In-
At. ill J'l inoll H.ll " I I ttlia
l.ln.i Ilii.Hi I H. 111 Hit
' utn Isa'a' i Ii.
(t la 1., -Ill, n l!,llir IS f ill-
'I ta ! pio Wilt It, ltii, I ll lb
Wa i all sis a i In
ta V I II a la.-, a - n a f i . ,i
l . ra.. lil. .i. ' I Vil4iat
to know the dHc r
ence lutweert nuk
tire anJ "T1 Ji'
count" until their truvk
, UU UP hlU V
Ing taken from the rim.
aa.. X -"
ttmi WWa,4
lJ laaaia, aaaat
Tin SttnJsrJ Sport
Sa lit
Spring terminal dip per
mits wire to be instantly
detached and recon-
r. wii.WhyFori Owners Should
Sgnrtfta Change Spark Plugs Now
or lost iiiirrf ., .it
it your car starts nara,
misses, sputters, balks
on hills look to your spark plugs
first. Old plugs cause hard starting
at all times. Incorrectly designed
a a 1
s plugs also cause nara starting ana
A .r
yuui jjci iui iuaiiv.t.
Look the 1075 AC Plug over. It is
the best design ever developed for
Put in a complete set and see what
an improvement in performance
you have gained.
If your Ford dealer will not supply
you widi AC 1075's any other good dealer will gladly meet your needs.
No matter what car you drive there
is a specially designed AC for it.
New electrode design
fnrmi a natural drain
o that no oil can lodge
in apark gap
and ptug cornea apart.
Notice compact por
celain to withstand
hard service
Patented CARBON
tlh ita high u-niwta-
lute fit atLaina auin
rient hunt to burn oil
df llta, tlnia offering:
efle' tlv tetittaoce la
AC Spark Hue Company, FI.I N' T, ci
U.I fal.Ho. II. 1'U U S Pal No. I.IM.UB.
ran. IS, lilt, otuar faiaata iVanoinn
Pyorrhea Imperil
the teeth and health
ol lour persons out
ol every live pat
forty .ind thouand
younger. Nature
warn, you ol it
Cvwning uith Mml
Sug gums. Take no
i hanevs; Act!
JlmtA vr trtik nk
M"t lAat) m it IM'I
I tkk arti,4
t ait . w liatiasi
I'OI I I II l. AllVHI I Isr Vli' N r.
Hanlcy Endorsed
For Congress
I'. I.. Mi.imp, Ititernatioliii!
Set retai) 'I ! .uiel , llroll.i-r-lioml
of Kin-men ami llilirn
si-l. "Jim 1 1 hi. ley was never
to i l.tuy t i lirlp me plumule
lir.'f ! i lum.l husine v. hi ll I
iiilli il on hun in W ahmftoti.
When llelte.l III I i.lll' ttna he
villi jump r.tfht in to the aerv
iif of our pei p'e ami m'l i vc
N aij itire itrat In l i i-i-sea.
lie is an lip.,!it, i,iah!it
nut it,"
Jalnta I
4iiik'i r r
1'hiiie in k
ftnill l.e
Il4n!i y r
lip to it t
,lr t.
i f
I' . v . , In neral
i M t.lirll M
.a I ' pmiit n
, ion. oil .,i,,i.
...i.e. I , i y
r- in he
I 'oiah hee-l sn
r ti rri l tl
. Haul, y ia h.M
r the aiioiii.'
l-i - 'ii
t-M an'
Rusch Tire Service
AT Untie 029
2203-7 I .i nam $trt
r. 1.1.
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t ojtlljl
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