The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 29, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 A
Sloan Accepts
Brvan Challenge
on Tariff Issue
Former Congressman Fxposes
llrotlxr Pnli'lit-ians Cam
tiign of .Misinformation
Kumluli (Jains.
Norfolk. Neb., Oct. : (H'iul
T Ngnifii Ciiatic Jl. riloun, former
Prices and Terms
All in Your Favor During Our
Month-End Sale of v
Pianos, Players, Phonographs,
Band and Orchestra Instruments
This is bargain week in our Bt'orc and many won
derful values are offered for your selection. Whatever
you want in the way of music in sure to be here at the
price you want to pay. COMB IN MONDAY.
'fib I lk0t
Pier., thl. .pl.ndla' hrln In
your hum.. It I. VSF.O 8cb.(
l.r Uprlnht, but In plnlid c.n.
dlllon. lu been ov.rhaul.d by
our factorjr tpert.
Terms $5 per month.
McPbait Upr
Conservatory Upr.
Dunham Upr. . .'. .
Harrington Upr.
Jumnir Upr. ....
W.gmin Upr. ....
Schacf fr Upr. . . .
P. C. Wravar Upr..
Sohmcr Upr. ....
1 35.00
.9 105.00
Our immense stock of high-grade Pianos such as
Steinway, Hardman, Steinert, Emerson, Steger & Sons,
Mcrhail, Lindeman & Sons, Behr Bros. Premier, Irving,
Camp & Co. and Schmoller & Mueller offers you a rare
opportunity to make your selection with care.
New Uprights... $275.00, $300.00 and up
New Players.. M. $365.00, $450.00 nd up
New Grands... ,$635.00, $650.00 and up
Priced $30
j to $300
Victor ..
Victor . . ,
SS2 1.00
Four 1 0-inch record
fr. with any u.4
Our Small (tomls Depart
nu'tit is the larvcbt in tho
Miilillf Went nml carries a com
plete ftock of practically every
known ami popular mimical in
ttrument. Come in and ee the bar
gains, Make jour own terms.
II Dim, $20.(H)
Millard Cornel.
I . ... $25.M
XW.,h.aa . $2.Y0O
I llly C "'!.
i ...... $r..voo
king Cernet, $ 13.00
Walt Trambeae,
T... Hern, $02.0
Ya.h lb P....
.... $U5.lMt
M VIKMI.H!. rv.i) i .f I ln.iiiin .i t cr tv I ry u a rt
fiit on w Tf.., I huh.'g'ai'h, I lh..inl.:y r-
hjl. In fur 1 ty ..r n 1 t Nifg ?.Ut a uhV,
AdJ. . ..... .
I rU I haicam 1
4 m .li, J if I ji..'h
coniir-amiei from the Fourth Ni-br-
k district, in In nddree befvre
lain cruHd here tmLiy, l-;tstr-t h
iceipl the clulli'isu of Wllllum Jen
nlni,' Hrynn Unit tin- republican turlfT
I th paramount ! pl'smt
II declared, urnl i.iiot"d esprrU of
nil political faiths, thru Hi republican
tariff minus s to 11 tents .i r bushel
niontto the f inin in of Nebraska.
ll asserted thut 'hrle Hrynn.
brother of th World resident, who it
tunning for governor of Nebraska, I
misleading tho people wnn hi slut"-
! merits, that tho r I'liblnnri tiirift
jwuiilil put u. duty on shuis anil f.irm
Fhi ii ml f.irm machinery
'ihe free Hot. Mr- "'t''
Mak. you tli owntr ol Ihl.
Whlln.y PUy.r Piano, but a (ocd
a. .w In appmranca, ton and
quality of workman.hip. A aav
ui el $200.00 for you.
Terms $8 per month.
Schmoller & Mueller
Cable Nel.on Upr.
Stgr V Son Upr.
Whitny Player ...
Milton Player
Hartford Player , . .
Artemia Player . . . .
Schmoller 4c Mueller
Solo Concerto . . . .
aw j 5.00
n . mi1 -; H
If You 've Ever Wanted a
Nou) is the Time To Buy
For one dollar down
and the purchase of a
few records of your own
selection, the Columbia
Grafonola of your
choice will be sent to
your home at once. The
other payments can be
made on your own
terms. These Columbias
are BRAND NEW and
guaranteed. Their beau
ty of tone, appearance
and workmanship is too
well known to need de
scription here. Make
this your opportunity to
purchase a Columbia on
pleasing and easy terms.
Schmoller 4 Mu.ller, $78.00
Schmoller A Mu.ll.r, $05.00
Rii" $05.00
Eltinola $115.00
Schmoller A Mueller 20.00
Schmoller Mueller Hllft.OO
or eight ..taction
tfi. ia nh an "t "
a. t i r i 'n, , t t
T rt-uhlU'uii l.tiiff merely protect tli
I'IcmIimH of tht furtner mil agrli'lib
turuhht i'f ttil country against til
foreign competitor..
The people if Nebraska hav been
blinded to Indict c tliut oilur ruutitrh'
)llk' IIO I'lllltS I I llUtleS. lit' shows niimy tif thi counliic' of JCu
rop ai Uilug 'JUJi over 35 ci'M a
IiuhIipI unl l.njiy jl unlH u pound.
II !il Hint hi iin r I'liunti'ir are ru
tui'tinit tli'lr n. iliK-i-r an'l tin' to
imiilii'un in" U'liiu: t' piuKit Ani'-ii-niiiH.
.Mr. Hliiiiii ciiiirle W.
Ilr.viin li.m oiiM'-il tin- naiiii' u( Nc
lnilii r!i irill li iT nnl tlittl tlio
xtlPimUi f final'' lliiiilull, llio re
pulill'viii nuinlii' i . N prnwiim iliiy by
liiy (i tin ifiil I' .n il "f th. truth
nf th (MimmlKii.
Jin u'Ttil t'nit tin- t'nltJ Hlutf
liul'l tliO wmli!' arriileat fioitrit
ln, hiI f l.i '1 tin- ili-morinllo (!
mliilalrutiiiii f'r tuming ovt tu tin?
republican mrty til" b:li'.t ulicure(l
id ht lu tli" mirl'l und tlwn critklzlntf
tho MiliiiuilxtniUiiii which I mull I tig a
unlmnllit rwuril In H, firt yr of
KUiirdlurMlili at th puiiplc l)iiliif.
. i i ii
Man of Hour Warmly
Greeted in State Tour
(( unllniird From I'M. On..)
ovei' rri:oiriiiii-nil lilimulf In th hup
of getting into offlc," laid Mr. I(c
vl. "II hu mado a nurrr of him
rlf mid lie 1 now offering hi rv
Ice to the peojil of tliln great state,
nut fur the honor of holding office,
but bwnuao tie want to do a great
niTvlua for the tal. I am profound,
ly Itnpreaaed with thl Jiluln, unpr
tintloua man of the people und I pray
thut NcbraMka, will ba fortunul
nough to get him for hrr governor,"
Frank ButtrrflcM Dr. W, V. Our
ver and Mnyor Alvln UlnKerlch wi-ro
among tho many who greeted Mr,
Itandall hor. Mr. linlpli William
on, Mm. Jth-k WllllnmHon, Mrg.
Cliarlc Ho, Mm. Hi-lcn Storn,
Mr. Vred JIM and Mr, Ham Hobat
were among the wumi-n In tho audi
!nf:e, Miin of llin llinir.
H'-iiulor Himiliill mude 29 pierhi
thl week in 27 town and cltlea ond
travelwd about COO mllc by iiutomo.
blln and 2.10 by train. In ni'Hrly every
roinmimlty a atendy nnd atrciiRthcn
lug drift ix apparent from Churle
Hrynn, the Vnny promUnr," to Hon
n I or Jtiindiill, the ;uie, devoted, able
and t'liergetie man.
The duy aftr the big meeting In
the Lincoln midlUirlum, where Mr.
Uatidill wit hulled a "the mnn of
the hour," neveral bel were record'
ed at "even money" thut he will car
ry even Lnncimtcr county.
Republican Speakers
k. ii. Himr.i.i,.
Candidate for t'nltrd Mute grnater,
Cemnco 10:39 A. M.
Valimr.lao 1.-30 P. M.
ftromiiliurg 4:M p. M.
O.c.ola :! V. M.
Il.vld City 1 0:00 A. M.
Hralnaril 2:00 P. M.
Wahno 4:00 P, VI,
Fr.inont t:00 P. It.
North Hi-ild 10:00 A. M.
Bchuylnr 8:00 P. M.
Cnlumhu. 4:00 P. M.
Central City 8:00 P. M.
rull.rtoa 10:00 A. if.
Henna 8:00 P. M.
Platia C.nt.r 4:00 P. M.
Stanton 8:00 P. M.
PllC.r :80 A. f.
Wiint Point 1:30 P. M.
Hcrlhner 4 :00 P. M.
Hooptr 7:30 P. ii.
Candidate fnr (lovrrnor.
Wymor ..10:00 A. M.
Kalrbury 1:00 P, M.
H.hron .. 8:00 P. M.
Brunln 4:3(1 P. M.
Oen.v 1:00 P. W,
North Platte t:0 P. M.
Central City 8:00 P. M.
Columbu 8:00 P. M.
Omaha i 8:00 P. M.
David City 8:00 P. M.
Ort.ana 3:00 P, M,
Buv.r City . .....,.... 8:00 P. M.
Cambrldg. 8:00 P. M.
MoCoolc B;00 P. M.
Candidate for OnereM, and
Candidate for eongmaa, abort term.
H. mtnKtord ..... :0 to 10:00 A. M.
f'hartron ........ 1:00 to 1:00 P. M.
Hay Kprlngs ... .6:J0 and niuht.
Ru.hvlll 8:00 to 10:30 A. M.
ilordon 11.00 to 1:00 P. M.
Cody 4:00 to 8:00 P. M.
(Conditioned on train ronnoitlon. )
Merrlman 7:0 to 8:10 I'. M.
(Conditioned on train connection..)
Whitney 11:00 to 1.1 "0 M.
Crawfiird 1:00 to 8:00 P. M.
Harrlaon 8:00 to 4:00 P. M.
At. S:M to 8:30 P. M.
Cedar llluir. It 00 A. M.
Wahoo 8 .0 P. M.
Yulan P. M.
A.hland 8:00 P. M.
Wt I'uiei. 8 08 P. M.
Hi anion It :l A. .
Nnrrulh ...... IK P- M.
Ma.n.un M-
Alt-ioa . 8:0(1 P. M.
l-lainvlet 3 o P. M.
Mioumtlrld 4 r, U
t.aur.1 M.
Utt'lial'VT. NOrui'k:H J
II A. M.
I'.uJ.r .... I r II
Ham.oH 4 . P M.
It .ir 8. M.
MIIAt. M8.MUt,lt V
Hi.,i.l...4 . II .. M
n..P.- Wat f 8 P. M.
,.. " J
I. . ,..,. r m.
I t HI't ', Vi'HIIIII M I
., ,ai.. M
j .,M4I . I t" M
... t lit ' i. P M
let.. .'
Dying World War Hero
Gives Farewell Dinner
to 25 Soldier II ml diet
i;.it f (taiitie, N. Oil. . Tli
al'ii V of ii farewell (Uiiikt mvn bv
uyiiig aiiiivr to li ' iiuiiuiu ' Lumiiu-
J km.n i)(jiiy,
The iwldlitr I Percy Kvaii. on of
the firat New Ji'iaey mm to eiillHt in
the wiirlU wur nnd one of the limt to
Iti'llevlng thut ml many mure iluya
on eurtli reninlni'd for him, Kvaun,
Nufferinu with tulx'iTiilonU after luiv
HiK been ifiiiiKed, rone from hi U k
bill, tiixlnl to Din WuhIiIiikIoii fo
cl'ly rliilihouw and, propped tip un
pllInwH, pr'lileil over tho uffulr.
"Ming ii 1 1 you want, hoy, iiuikii fall
lh nolae Jo" want, fight if you witnt,
but phaim do not wreck the placa, '
he told I hern.
"Fellow, I have only few
thought to glvo you. One I the fuel
Itiff of a lellow on hi bark when a
friend viHlt him.
"I have been that wuy. It I (lire
ly a wonderful thing. I know that
the church bell down tho treet will
oon toll for me. I huve alwny eher
lahed the UHNoi.'iutlon of tny friend
and I wan I od in thl way to attt my
regard for them."
Kvan' voir broka at thl point
and hi frlantta t ellently by while
ha recovered Ilia compoeur and called
on a trio to alng.
Wallace Explains
Farm Laws Enacted
(l oiillnued Prom Tai On..)
piaetlce or unfair treatment and bo
ur that their complaint will receive
prompt attention. W are making
ii4i(1lt of the book of commlailon
merchant und before long will know
whethnr the rate they are charging,
aru fair. We are ulso looking Into tho
charge made by atockyiinla com
panies, a well a the munner in
which they are handling the livestock.
Vt ara studying tha packing bul
liees and how it Is conducted.
"Already we have stopped wmny un
fair practice. We buvo put an end
to boycott by commlmilon firm and
stockyard trader. Fanner co-op-eratlva
comirilalon compunle, properly
organized, can now go Into any of the
livestock markets and hanillo live
stock for their members with the as
surance that they will have a square
deal. Tljat was not possible before.
Uuform have been made In tho way
livestock 1 handled at some of these
market. Considerable Improvement
hu been mado In tho price paid for
animal which have reacted to the
tuberculin test. In due time w will
have complete Information concern
ing the livestock and packing busi
ness in all of its details and will be
able to correct and prevent any
"Along the same line the depart
ment has been studying the retail
distribution of meat. The margin be
tween tho price the farmer gets for
the live animal and the price the con
sumer pay for th meat seems to be
too greut. We are trying to find why,
and how to reduce thts margin. When
the price of livestock falls, the price
of meat should fall also, ana tnu in
crease consumption. We are making
aystematc studies of tho whole bus
iness, especially in the larger cities of
the east.
"There was opposition" to the pro
posal to bring th packers and stock
yards agencies under the control ot
the government. Many people felt
that It waa an unwarranted interfr-
enc with private buinii. Some of
these people still object,-but many
who objected before the law was
passed have changed their views.
They are beginning to see that the
law Is a good thing for thm, ss well
as for the general public, and they
are co-operating with us.
Control Grain Exchange.
"Another law similar to tho Pack
ers and Stockyards law Is known as
the Grain Futures act. This law
brings the various grain exchanges
under tho aupervlslon 01 me secre
tary of agriculture. It gives him au
thority to Inquire Into the manner In
which grain Is bought and sold and
future contracts made upon ttie prin
cipal grain exchanges of the country.
It gives authority to -make a careful
study of our entire system of grain
marketing and especially of the prac
tice by which grain price are regis
tered on these markets.
"This law does not prevent hedging
or legitimate trading, but it does car
ry the power to prevent, unfair manip
ulation and correct Improper prac
tices by those who deal In grain fu
tures. When this law was pased last
ummer an appeal was made to tho
courts and It waa held unconstitu
tional. It was redrafted and again
passed promptly by congress, Borne of
th grain exchanges have again ap
pealed to the courts. They think the
low 1 an Interference with private
bulne. They object especially to
th provision that they must allow
farmer' cooperative assoclatlona to
become niemlier of board of trade.
Wa hoi that the supreme court will
find th law contltutlonal this
"Neither of these U will hurt any
honest buin. Th nhole purpose
i to help hont biisin, and to
make a that farmer have free,
upen ami rompetltl-. market for
their grain and livestock."
to Have) Your Overcoat
The Pantorium
Dr. Bur horn's
Health Service
Hultg eUa I k.U I kirtlit
tm th wetldV Vegti ate el
Utile tela at t the ' !
Ilk. V tet U at I ll
it te tare).ttm .tt i.tvlu
tht s) te ig a,1 i ..
Am X ef will W th
lt Wtwe ! the aai.fUt.wenl that
t e.4Mia the. t
e !t 8e t'U
(Mlw I.. l 0
HIM OIIm . . .
te . M.e ..' a.d. vli.a
WW I k I. .Mh
C. 0. I Meetings
Will (Jive Voter
Election Facts
Only Muii Who Clor-c Ears
W ill le rniiifoniitd Vi lien
NVt'tk Clours SnuL
cm Aniiouncril.
Unly the vuiii' who ix tli'tci mlncil
to clone his iiii's to the fact of next
work' election wilt hu uninformed
next Mm unlay nitilit. The program of
fpimlilli'iin iiii--I luif m I Ilia v..k Mill
sftiiril every pimslble opportunity f"r
the gathering of iiifnimutipn a to the
merit of the respective tickets and
Die issue which divide th tandl
dales of the varloti parties.
Thumilav evening will be the peak
of republican activity. ' Henutor
(ieorgn W. N'nrrl I sto speak Ut t
that cvcnlii gut the auditorium.
Henutor Noi l Is I attracting large
crowd and wiilcspruad attention
throiiKhoul the atuto by his expos
of rii'iiutor Hitchcock' record in the
lenale, both when voiiug for meas
ure which he now assail fur politi
cal reason ond when dodging a vote
for teasons beat known to himself.
For 10 year Hvnatdr Jforrl ba been
at a point of vantage where he could
watch the record of his colleague.
On Wednesday evening, November
I, Ilcnmngtoii republicans will hold a
ally at which Irvln Htuliuasler will
speak, Vincent C. Ifaacall I to
peak ut Valley at 8 p. in. Frljlay,
November 8, and Kelso Morgan at
Waterloo at 8 p. m. November 1.
County ciinillilutt, will hu present at
all of the.') meeting.
Ward, chairmen and chairwomen of
the republican organisation ar to
lunch together at the ltome hotel at
noon Monday.
Hired inditing downtown and In
Kouth Omaha will continue each eve
ning this week.
Widow of Murdered H
Minister Threatened
(Continued Frum Pag On.,)
Walsh, a life long friend of her fam
ily, would have charge of the invest!-
nation for her. Kenator Walsh Is
registered at ft Havre hotel.
To Hold lii(iiest.
Great Full, Mont., Oct. 28. Chief
of Police Moran of Havre Informed
tho Oroat Fall header today that
there would be an Inquest Into the
death of tho Rev, iA'onard Chrlstler
and Mr, Marguerite Curleton, as he
understood the relative of the dead
woman bad demanded it and that
Fulled latate Henutor T. J. WuUh
had been retained a attorney for
Mrs, 3. 11. Pylc, mother of Mi.
Curleton .
Chief, Moran announced that fol
lowing the shooting he locked up the
room of Mrs, Carleton In a Havre
hotel pending arrival of Mr. Pyle,
who wa accompanied by Mr. A, J.
Davis of Dutte, wife of A. J. Davis,
millionaire banker of that place, The
chief said' he found a small caliber re
volver in tho room,
"I believe that Mrs. Carleton killed
Rev. Mr. Chrlstler and then killed
herself," ald Chief Moran, "but In
protection to all concerned in the
tragedy because of Its aensational fea
ture and the prominence of the peo
ple concerned, It should b fully in-
You Can
Still Get
a New
for 25c
Down-if you
Th Michel White Club
Plan i. a wond.r. Yeu
pay 2S anal w liver
th machine. . Then you
finish paying (er it la
payment a .mall you
n.e.r mis 'em.
Don't Ut
tup you. If
yeu c a n't
get In, phone
or writ,
ami we Will arrange to and
yntir iii.ii hi'ie, anyway,
'in.,:.,i 'i-Ma;'
veitigt-Kcj by law and the finding
should be public. Other action
only giv a different iiiipii.alntl to
th utitilile world and 1 unfair te
tli Innocent,"
Admit Hi Surprise.
t'hlif Muritii wit probably th but
person, besides Itev. Mr. Chrlatlrr
und Mr. Chrivtler, to see Mr. Car
let on ullve, Chief Murun said today
h met Mr. Cnrlelon on Third street,
Ave blocks from th f honi,
at IMS Friday morning, and went
over tu Imr, not knowing who ah
H.ia. Discovering It wm Mr. Carle
toil, he pok to her and sb remark
ed, "I aupiHisn yjiu are surprised at
si-aing in lirr at thl time In th
When the chief admitted he wa
nrprlsed, Mr, fiirleton said:
"I am waiting here to meet a
j ''"i!''
Moran left her there.
Athletic Club's
China Crashes in
Kitchen Battle
Clirf and Waiter CUbli Over
Breath of Ktiqurt
IJinner-Set IJarrage
A battle between a temperamental
c lief and Sin irritated waiter ijalurday
afternoon threatened for n time to de
molish the Omaha Athletic club's sup
ply of high chins china, according to
The walt'-r, John Dullus, was In s
hurry for un order of potatoes, o the
story goes. Tli second conk, T, M.
Allen, 231 8 Douglas street, was too
busy to give the waiter immediate
, Vexed at the delay, the waiter
started to help himself to the po
tatoes, according to the cook. Thl
wa a breach of kitchen ellquct th
cook ay he couldn't possibly have
tolerated. It was his duty, not the
waiter's, to fill the ordars.
Hence he remonstrated with the
waiter, first gently, then with his
fists. The waiter responded with a
barrage of china, according to police.
Hostilities ceased only on the arrival
of Patrolmun Hudson, who requested
the presence of both the chef and
the waiter at central police station.
Several stitches were taken In gashes
on tho cook's forehead -and chin by
the police surgeon.
Roulette Doll Revealt
Earth "Tremors in Alps
Paris, Oct. 28. A slight earthquake
lasting two seoond occurred early
thl morning In the Alps, the inhabi
tants of several town rushing to the
street. Although the earthquake wa
not noticed at Monte Carlo by tour
ists, the shock was sufficient to make
the roulette bull umrue. Th queer
actions of the spinning bull caused -in
Investigation and the seimogrnph at
Nice revealed the quake.
The Wintry Mode
Has Arrived
And brought us varying
silhouettes. One is draped
and slender. Another is
circular and full. A third
is tailored and straight.
You of course will choose
the most becoming one or
In selecting we have weed
ed out the uncertain styles.
You will find here the fall
mode at its height stamped
with fashion's final ap
proval. Frocks
$J8.S0 to $98.50
' Third Fleer
Three Smart New
Styles In Street
Tart Russia oxfortU
with military heals
ami shield tip, $8.50.
lilac k kill slippers
with military hetla
and a a ml a I strap,
Patent Ualher tttdmU
with military heels, $9.
Mai I !
Jr.,7t a (71 sunt a a I
mrrdrapr wiorra, in
rose, blue told and
iHutbfrry; in $IJS a
Progress Through Service
and Long Trustworthiness
-The TiiomiiKon-lJpldon si ore lias
been a part of Oinalm for lliirt.y
six years a most effective meas
ure of usefulness.
Casual methods of stoiekeeping
have had no part in iitlainintf Hie
position of respect which comes
only through serving conscien
tiously and well a friendly patron
age. The progress of Omaha is reflect
ed in the growth of this estab
lishment which has maintained its
first ideas of ood service and
worthy merchandise through each
successive year.
The Thirty-$ixth Anniversary
Sales Will Commence Soon
Velvet Commands
The Fashion of Fabrics
Anil extends its favor to the rich autumn
shades. A H'-inch all silk velvet has
chosen cocoa, malay, wal, navy, wisteria,
wine, henna, Pekin, cherry, rose, wlver,
orchid, jade and orange to be colored in.
Price, $AK yard.
A 3Uinch French chiffon vehtt
wssc u soft heroin finish ami will not
cniKh easily, This piece has (he IU!c
buck. It comes In tuy, brown and
black ffir $1.95 a yard.
IVrliaj'-, fvcond Ut velvet conies b
Inch heavy quality all idik canton or c b
hit? rjejie. Thr?t arc shown in ftry
lovely fall color. I Vice a )ard,
Those desiring em
broidery work done be
fore Chrlnlmm are re
quested to turn their
orders in as early as
possible. Dresses and
blouses are given spe
cial attention.
Art Dapartm.nt.
Leather Gloves
You May Wash
Arc an economical In
vestment, for they may
be fresh and new ap
pearing without ex
pending the cost of
cleaning. -
Dacmo strap wrist
gauntlets ure shown in
brown, putty and silver
for $4 and $5 a pair.
Kacmo 1-strap style in
brown, beaver, putty
and silver for $2.75.
Main Floor
411 :
11 J.u lift
Itlh ) IO lfi
Mie fleet,