j UK OMAHA Br.K: rKIDAV, OCIOi'.hK lio. liu.', itv lllllll f f IWII1I. ull. Offers to Sell Self for $5,000 Man Ordered to Serve Sentence on Sundays rii, Wah , in t. 19 In onler that ii fnifiiri of five ilaye in jml ivn M. I'. t'arleon. a lilarkamlth f Repneali'k, hy JuaUr Herman 1 Wanle), riiey not Interfere with hi lht t'arlwn irv II on Murnlay I ndT Hi Juila-a Diet ri turn, I ail wn will rHir( at the rlty jail ev-ry Saturday nlnlil fur five weeka arvl ha rlrae4 In lime to .i to lua Wruk Mon1y lla waa i-on v i-l d nf tl.ilat ln( fraffie ordinance. Iv FaiT Atrlfmcil With- uut llliieions of Ho niMiitic lie. Inn ftfnln, ,( trt. 19 llr jjioii-)f alni'Mt gone, her hi-alth im ptlnA aa a if-euW. ut a Imllrt emunil InflliiMi four enn ago hy tha mmi mini Inter became her Imeliuivl, Mia. Km Ii H hunx-thorn, 21, a wiiluw, lie B'lv-iti'l In ii Chla nir (hut aha will hereelf to any man will ftirnlah h-r with li.OOO to hn need fur an -i at fun whlih alia hiira will reatnr to her hlth and I)MII" ''it I'dittaa, II a an entirely rummer i l.i I .f iiillinti." aha tutlrl lixliiy, "liav Ihk nt here fur four long yeai ai;arra ) ahlc to move, I have dona a great tlwil i.f r-fl tlnr. "I hi'llvva that matrimonial f-l f y la much rnalpr attained If one ntera Into iriurrJMHd without, tha lllualoni tliHt alwaya awonipany yon and ro liiiinlln love. I am not iartl-i(lr at all aa to tha phyalcal - la of my fu ture huHliunl." . Mia, Hclicrim-rliiril lina liern r- fliilly Hily.il for nearly four year aa u reanlt of hrlna; ln,t In tha tax-It ly I, II. f chermcrhni (i. H'-hermerhorn 1 ahot Mmm-lf, (in hla (trathhfil he mar rl'il the Kill who now offer herlf for !, fi 9 l2SXT ' W t fL, Weakness Blamed for Blimp Wreck Hull Antonio, Te,, Oi l. U. board nf officer at I'.rooka field lnt tilxht ioniiiitii tha inveatiMiition of tha rifru'tlon of the army dirigible C i!, whli h neeui red h'-re Tueaday morn ItiK, rnaiillliK In Injurlea to aeven rina;"re and member nf tha term, That h mrl of tha fahrlc: of the nv 1oi! wharn hanillliiic Riiy waa iiHieiii wan not ai rutin anoiiKh to rnliir tha ut rain from a atlff K'il from tha noitb waa tha report of tha iMinrd. 57 ; A new joy in eating You take a new interest in meal time, a new joy in eating once you learn how good Heinz Spaghetti is. And you find that you feel bet ter, work better, think better after eating this 'wholesome, healthful food. A complete meal just heat and serve. Ready cooked in a de licjous tomato sauce with cheese. HEINZ Spaghetti JRmufy cooJud, rtady to mtm Radio Controls Kleclric Power VTirflraa Kiigiiirrr l.itlil l.aniia ami fjnK J,., J,y . Magiiflir Uaw. Kan 1-rani'lao, (at 1 . Will the drannia of lh ai lntlata (una to paaaT "i nn trnnamlaalon of wiHfr hy radio liH'inn' (ha n-t i-p In tha adviini'Miicnt of thla lirw aelenraT Aeeordliit to an ntilioiirietinciit hy Wiilhica K. Villi, tn-ld'iit t tha I'nltad futa Hiidig coriorfitlon ut thla lty, trala hava lorn mada of tha aandliitf of l.rtrlt! power dlrvct hy tha moigia of a nollo franamlttr tin Vhleh tha riigirircra of tha com Vny hava haan working for tha mt lx rnoiithi, "Tha tlrat airliiieiila nf thla na lura cr held aft-r tha angliict-ra fiiilorJ hy th eotioritlon notlod 'that an Klartrlt lamp lighted with, out. appiirntly any rraaon, whlla they ra doing regular hioil't Ing," ald Mr. Vail. "Tha man at onua raeordrd tha hookup of tha art that thay were tialng to Iranarnlt and cornmfnrad in Invaaflgntlofi, "litar an alactrli; hell waa rung In Ut city of li kelry, right mile way, hy manna of tha annia Idea, Tha engineer wara hl fllao t light an alaclrla light at a d.alaiiea of l.OuO feat erilirely hy U trariatnltted power." Will tha r-ompleilon of tha taala which hava ben maila In tha preai-nc of anglneera prove thiit futura wr will ha next to Itnpoaxlhla hecuuae the 1'nllcd Htatea will hava the aecret milking It pomiililo to drxtroy fort, powder mill and other plnrea at a dlatanra of hundred mile or mora? Death Penalty to Be Asked for Hammer Slaver l.ifr for a Lifr, IhnianJ of Stale; fniuuily l!jrrlrl to He HarkUlr,, of Drfniae, Angelea, I'al , (Ml, II, A lifa for a life. It waa learned at lha dla trlrt attorney' ofllre (mla y , will I lha demand f tha alata at lha trial of Mr. Clara MiHUo for ha iniir ir of Mr. Allrla Trainalna Mead o, 20, widow, whU-h lll rirn In tha auparior court hate tomorrow, Mr. I'hllllpa la aeeud of having Ionian Mr. Mendowt to death with "Tickle Toe" Con ff Men Hurglar to Police Ml. I .OKI", (l. It lviiiaid rer dande, who waa returned here from fiellert III, Ind, he( lie waa r re.ieil aeveral da) ago, Ima ion feeaed, arcorillrig la police, Diet lie I the "tickle toe ' huiglar, who laueed mo ii in a to nunirnr of young women Uet aiimiiier, III lfn, ihiIIi eay, w to enter a homa al j lilglil, pick lli utiMt vahiMhle he coiilil, liikle til toe or eletpllig women and flea alien tha woman e reamed. Weird Solution Offered in i. J. Murder Case Iowa Band Wins First Prize at Legion Meet ew fnleim. (let. 19, The Uind of K)WNrd II, Mouiihun Ht No, , of Iowm and lha drum and hiigle rorpa of Itm-lne ot No, 7, Itaelne, Wie., won flrat price In I heir ri' live cIh In the ronli-ef In the Aroer- tiammer July 17, lnl, In an laoiuiid prao, n " r.cnlKe'l Kiel Mailt, The hniid winning part of tha rtly, and the proaecutlon plan to offer in evidence a llood lained hammer hnndle, tha clothe of tha dead glrl-ldow, a 0 pound rock with matted hnlr and hhenl allll on It and the door of Mr. Meadow' aulomohlle, en Id to he covered with finger print. It wna In the victim' machine that ahn, her alleged tuiirdereaa and the liil (era friend, Mr. I'uggy Caffey, were aal'l to hava gone l tha apot from which only two returned In tha earn car. It la lielleved Iriaanlly will be tha "biK-khone" of the defene. It I known tht allenlata for hoth etiite and defen hava aiumlned Mi, riillllp. Kx-(oiigrcinan Die. f'hurleaton, Mo., Oct, it. J. J. Kuaeell, former rongreman from lha 1 4 h Mlaaoiirl rflfrl:t, died at. hi home her today, lie w a hanker, lawyer and extenalv land owner. He w yenr old and dernocraf. eeeond honor tin l hit t tit 'iarrelt Cochmne l'it N,i. I of I'ennaylVMnla, While I he ecoiid phica ilrufi and hngla core wa llinford f '(. No, h of Iowa, Th hand of John H. Miller l'ol No, 14), ot lieuver Iwim, Wia, won the ihlrd prize for auch (rgnl'cn, Thora waa no Ihlrd ri for dimi at.d J-iigle corpa. The preaentatlon of the prize, (oil elallue "t h nwirda hy the 4mer linn legion and Inetrumenta given hy manufacturer, will le made Kil d,i moiiilng. I'oaloffife Onlcrn. VVaaliliigton, Oct, l.-(r)N In I Tfl- egram.r I'oatofflce (lepiirlm'rit an- nounce that the following fourth' clue poelofflcee have hco(ji preal. denllal with en lory polumira wjl re'elve: Kddy vllie, I,W; t'eele City, 11,00: HKekvllle, tl,200; Whllmin, ), 000; Vutan, 1 1, (inn, I ' ii t ii r (t i loiiiiniiiiii'tf tin I'urfiorlrd lit Coine from Vr Uiliie. DeN-rilte (!oiiiiiMioii of (.'rime, Niw Krnnewlck, N. J , Ik I I) -ifly A IM- New evldenca In lha Hull Mill (llUlder ( I In Hie Ii4lld of I the aulhurlllea, II w declared today )ly In' 0 coae In I lie cobfldenca of I'ouiily 'roee-u(or Hefcmn of etom- ne eoun(y and Mrlker of MuMleeei eounly, The aeeerliou WD given Color hf cohtlliUNtlou of the '(lvltlr of th it three day on the rtelh defective ii ml olio I on the rae. Trenton, Oct, -;ili I'mW, liurtlnglon county dciecdve, tieiay mnda pulillc an mulgued communlca. (Ion mnlle from 1'hiildelphU purport ing hi aolve thn llill Mill uie aa oh of murder and auli-ide, Th let fo. lot; "tin afternoon ahonl three week ago I lay down In (ha grii on the Phillip faini and fell mleep ahoul duk, I wna awakened hy loud Voice gcoldllig, looking U( I W ' tint fur from toe g tytin and woman, Ha waa altllng clou (o tree -,d wh cutting (he hurk, Xh waa alt ting nenr hy, aortlng letter, "Mhe aeked him to keep hi prom, lee, II (old her ha had mad none, lie took lha leller and threw them away and waa going to leave hr, Hh giahhed him hy hi coat and ('ire It, Ha honed her In the face, the pulled hi hair and crifched hi fiice, He fhhed hrr with hi knife and ahe ciled and told him eh would tell hia wife M get him atfeatril Then lie ahot her In the fe. Mie m ie. lined loud and long Then h ahot her more, two or three (line. "Tltrn he w me. He looked aw f it, and then he ehnt himeelf, After 4 time I went over to offer help, hut tt.ey ( dead, I elrelghten e out their iloihr. aw a card Wi(h (he letter lie.ir hi feet. I ht lieen ale, elme that day, hut told (' one. When the fell he knelt on her and cut her throat." Plan to Assist I I) . 1 (ieimnny. (lerniany neieeted . J ome gem Harding Giving Second Term No Consideration f'ohmhue, -t, H - In a iaimenl leeued here lent night Attorney lltn nul Haughertv, atho etopied over on hie way to t'hl'-ago, declared that "piiMlceflon arid propagaiula,' to the efl'ct that I'reeldeiA Herding due riot expect to he a earidldul for r election "aie for irpoe altogdher dieeo cleted from ny lnfirmlon to th feci." Mr, I XiiikIh Hy' etalement follower ' 'Whet I am now eavlng will not he considered aa an official annoume. merit, hut I i mi Bay (hat the rejection of l'reldeiil Harding' candl'lacy for eecond term haa not y( heeu given any conelderMllori, It la no diiild recogulxed (hut the prealdent I I he man In lha Coned Mtale who alway rinded to th eaiiectirtlon nf th reiiihllcan party, Th publico Doha and propiiguuda to the rffwet that he doe not expect lo he it carulldiil at for puipoaa altogether dlHeo. elated fioiu any IriforiuntMi a lo the fuel, It may at l'"t hu more or lee otD.-lilly announced that m conelder- I loll h heen given to the metier of a aecond lerm, i(iecally none hy the preelderit hlmlf. Th prealdent h alway waved the ueiori aelde, ylng, 'It Iheadmlnletratloiiaucceede, nothing n etop giicceeeloit, arid if It fall, It oughl ( he eucceeded hy an other,' And hi wlehc will hava lit tle to d't with th mutter In cither. 1-Vi'tM Ii Virtually Kefue llrit l'rooal lo 4 r ret tit MorMlorimii. fan, Oi t. U - Hv A, IM Th ie ply of the Krem-h goternuienl lo the I ritleh lepnralion proN.eil laliina for a to in four )(' nioilnrliim for (leriiiany he heen drti hy M. Karthou arid presented lo 1'iernier I'lilniiire for Mpprotiil, All Iijk It ile tail ar withheld until the liein I ireiM-nlei lo lha rotohilMloner lt In the week; th chief fmitiir I firm Ineleli'lic upon firi'lher and more rigid (onlrol of tiermaii flimine -foie any relief la grunted hy Hie couimleelou, M Itiirlhou, In preparing (lie replv, h ot I he allanc of (he heel Kiencli (ineri. and Ilia piemler will go over (ha UKelloiiB Wltli Hi liilliletei of firm in a and hherafed legion. 'lha reily vlrlually rejeel (he Hilt lli proHiillon a biiiiiiiiiii ed hy ft John lliiiilliury and cffi i a aiiliellluia KhM h deal InUi h Iraa li iuenllV wilh Mli ee la In Id uu I lie in-rn-III iie It o.nfi rem e and of ueial lindrratendliig on Inl'- allied ile hi and Hi Whole re.ailloi iiieaioi Ufote Jiiniiuiy I It I thought Hint Hi I Hindi gov. eminent will eci for Hie Hrtineela, meeting, II l-nwdir plun fur a 1 1 le nient of delila Mild llid-lnlillle limit. Ing (he ioiiioilliiii meiely In (he r) plliadoii of fill me couliol of finailog In (lermeny, Hoover l!rfr HcKlcriioii " of Senulor 'loHllefllll I . I roil, Oct. IV 'loo linn Ii iegul lion nf the loliritft' roml I tini elide for Ihe lunhlllly of the mi'1 ( meet the i,iuiHiliillou ilciiiMUd if Ih coiiiitiy Mild Ihl f.illuie of Hi i.iil )lcm met prmlucere alid cui" iiiiiii of iieci iele t,f hfa a eom eiin to Ihe ci-Ht of adiululelerlng lha fedeiul governtlieul, llerheil llooVer. eeireliiry of comriieice, nli in an al line here )eledy. Tn Inaerl )oiir Hani Ad, "Tell Ih Telephone" Atlantic MW, ltnll-r lleaiilta at leer t'oal, EXCELSIOR SPRINGS MISflOURI'l NATIONAL RKSOKT UrtT HrrKMTION and r.ttHiMrf itweina, gieid mu.le an elea are." l(.Af,lll il t ". Mil"' "'" , ,''"k " H'-Ml'veol'. Murine It H.lh (.,M.e.. ll. .e.m.llei te lit ;., ll.ll.l tr,,e.l.... nMU-lH. "'' w e,.u ol c.ufi. tlr. t'li rl4ie. elr.me run, T 0 Pip or Pipeleif FUIKMACE! tW,A fgU TW furnace) In ftr How, Thej .mail MimlMf l'g;menU. MID WESTERN APPLIANCE CO. AT. 419. H r. Ulk M. Opp. Orpbeani. 11 Unions File Motion to Vacate Injunction Chicago, Oct. !. By A. P.Notl: of g motion to diaaolva interlocutory Injunction retraining atrlklng rail road horr)en and union official from Interfering In any way with rail lranportatlon, waa aerved on the I'nlled Htatea diatrlrt attorney hy Donald It. ftlchherg, cnunael for th ahopcrufta, Th motion will he pre nted to . Federal Judge ). W'llker on Thttraday with requeat that It he t for henrlng. ' One of tha principal objection to the Injunction I that "Tha condition (leerrilied In th hill of complaint, if they ever eilted, no longer ezlat," It la clnlmed that a large portion nf tha railroad Involved have gettled their difference with tha ahopmen and that th lettlement automatically dlpoe nf th grievance alleged. AOVrKTlMfcMICNT. MRS. MVIITIU HTRWKf, Women Fire First Gun in British Campaigns London, Oct. 19. (By A. P.)Tb women fired their ilrat gun In tmr campnlgn for tha general parliamen tary election yeeterday by tutnhlttlng 1it of 23 qucntkm to candidate for parliament In the hye-electlou he- Ing held at Newport. Thia liat of queatlon wa prepared hy the Na tional Union for Kqunl fHlzenehlp. The Intention of the union la to force every candidate to go on record be fore election. " One of the foremoat queatlon on the llt demand an equal moral stand ard,, the abollahlng of the preent lollcltatlon law and the Insuring of equality In the divorce law. Equal pay for equal work; equal property right and equal frenchlae alo are In tha lilted demand. Insurance Claims Delay Probe of Mine Maacre Chicago. Oct. 19. Attempt by ut torneya for two lnurance companies to ahlft financial liability for death and livjiuic In tha Herrln (HI,,) mlno atrika rlota nf lat June delayed pro ceeding before th Jlllnnl lnduatrlol coinmieilon. Report received by the coinmlaioii aald that many of Hi famine of th victim were nearly deatltllte, owing to delay In collecting iuiniieniitlnii now being aought. One iirvivor of the riot teatlfled (hit he had lieen hot In th leg aid 1 ill inwr imiiif nuii imii wrii iivairii iit.1 i the head with a revolver. It m j I i waa forced tn walk three nillea a id ; 4 ahot when he tried lo run away, W ... i ARE YOU A SUFFERING WOMAN? tl.ilh M.iet lHtMif1at m I i ik .n, .Sell At ioa lime I l-e inn. iiiiaerehl Willi Wiknt . n. Wb.-ii W. n.rn uftr, I attrd I I tha tin.. ti,a 1 1 ur weitl'tHM . 1 to I.. Uk l, l'ie I I '! rifcli.m le.u w4 i nre.1 tr .tilr n.(iii-. I lvkl v i t-ilit M 1 b f Mil ln U t .1 awti !! I t k f"ur !. . 1 i.iu.i, n4i in iktl en el t I k.H.I t te 4i i !i tt.tn ll.v i,in ng iiiu aa-t the . i.ii., T . ink i.r " (i I ia ! Me t - l'e iiidi-a' - t u rea-.h lt I il l . iMg ii kivkt ai ata ll -,l) l t . k '. tul ,' h ! i .!. ... itl gkv Itik a II I " t- t't ttutukv V , , lnl i kg I i.e. i tk -. a V liite Way Aeociation Will Hrmark Koitte in Iona (ekelouea, la., Oct, l Th annuel meeting f the (treat White Wav ; -. lall.. II hei elected W. II wlr j nt I'rlla, I'lrtld.-nl. II K ghw nf Mwiiri, vice .n-idniii t'harir A Hi..IUi4 it telii, awrelary, Thai vUMun utel to iriiew Muiking iiwa Imteniwrt ami Council I'iutr and adopted ro4uU"ft pro , l.k'ii g In th it'll Highway ni n..i..it i. nh i t the W hit Way j inn i maikiiig hy oilier rvntea Srlllrniriit of Troulile. ( ill Irrlaiul Itrjmrtril Nfar ', tS t 1 l ee. Htni.iM hke Iwea teiy txi-il r Ihe Uat few tl l la ip-ri that pioii.liunt rpteAtii tl W . ! la the, I'mN fourth h ri-fit.t h n,i dii kHtl lit fifti ink lt i. il .iiittt H'a l-i .' ft all .. Hiuteiueiilt kul -..i.l,cg Id w-H ii f rv el pai. uu (e k Ih and and a iu,i.M I iit4 I !.. erel la Ji. a ' i- r1-- ! eV e m .-eu(.- la wk.k iar t Iwei an t ifc tikukit l . . ehl.J.t. la t t-e u t.4 t Win Valuable Prizes mi Heb Elect 66 99 Who will be OmahaV first Queen of Industry the first of a new line of "royalty"? You and others who buy Omaha-made goods the next three weeks, starting Monday, will decide ,by your votes. Voting Coupons will be given with each purchase of Om.iha-mack goods. Some Omaha girl between the ages of 16 and 25 will be chosen. The voting will start next Monday. Those who turn in vo(es for the Queen'also will be eligible to receive valuable prizes, which will total more than $500.00. Read on: For a period of three weeks, heffln nitiflr October 23 and ending November 11, The Omaha buying public will be Invited to vote for its favorite candi dates for "Maiden Omaha." Every retail merchant in the city will be given coupons, one of which will be issued to purchasers of Omaha made goods only one coupon for each purchase. There are blanks on the coupon, on which the person re ceiving it can write in the name of the dealer selling the article and the kind of article bought. In addition he should write in the name of his candi date for "Maiden Omaha" for 1923 and sign his own name. Each Coupon Ten Votes Each coupon is good 'for just ten votes no more and no less. A coupon issued for the purchase of a loaf of Omaha-made bread counts for just as much as one for the purchase, for in stance, of an Omaha-made auto truck or an insurance policy. The coupons have a double value. They will be good for voting toward the choice of the Queen and also for prizes. Prizes worth more than $."00 will be awarded to the persons turning In the greateat number of these cou pons. The person who turns In thf most coupons will be awarded the rapitAl prize; the second prize will go to the one gathering the next largest number, and so on down the line, for othtr valuable prizes. Fill Every Blank No coupons will be counted unlet II blanks ere filled in by the perion depositing them. Cohtt'atant should rount thfir coupons carefully, ami bt sure that all blank spat es are filled in, Then the coupons should be taken to the office of the campaign manager at the Corry tt Mckenzie Printing Co., Te!fih and Harney stretts, where they will be given a special en velope in which the coupons may be sealed. 'On the outside of this enve lope the holder will write how many coupons he is turning In, his name and address and the number of votes he, is casting for his candidate for "Maiden Omaha," with her name and address. Coupons may also be mailed in to the contest manager at the'above address, provided a slip giving the above information is attached to the package. All coupons must be de posited on or before November 11, in order to be counted. Coupons Everywhere The committee in charge of the ex position has Interviewed many Omaha merchants, and all of them are enthu siastic over the Idea of electing "Maiden Omaha," and will give cou pons to their customers during the period of the contest. More than that, several stores plan to hold special sales of Omaha-made goods, In order to stimulate Interest. Whenever you or your family make any purchases, from now on, be sure to aik for Omaha-made articles, and be sure also to get one of the voting coupons for each article so purchased. Save them carefully, as they are valu able, You may win the capital prize if not, you can at any rate, by work ing steadily, capture one of the many other prizes offered and you will also help elect the Queen. Send in Photographs As soon as you have selected your ranili lute for the honor of "Maiden Omaha" be sure to send her name and address (with Iter ' photograph If possible) to the conteat manager, care Corey & Mih'enzle Printing Co. Ile ysnts to know how many girls are en tered In the contest and who they are, If you cannot send a regular photo of your candidate, send a kodak picture but get a cabinet photo if you can. On the back of it write the name and address of the girl and your own name and address, so it may be returned to you, if you wish. The sooner you send in the name and photo of your candi date the better chance she will have of winning. Who Is Your Candidate? And now go after these prizes gather all the coupons you can nominate some girl you would like to see elected "Maiden Omaha" and get all the votes for her you can. And remember that with every pur chase of any article that Is made in Omaha you get a coupon. Also re member that a coupon for a 10c loaf of bread or a quart of milk Is worth just as many votes as one for a $500 fur coat. A Great Honor . Who will be elected "Maiden Omaha" first queen of the Omaha industrial Exposition? '.She will have an honor of which any woman may be proud. She may be a school girl she may be a stenographer. She may be a social leader and she may be a factory girl. No one knows who she will be until after the votes are counted. Hut one thing is sure ahe will have a distinction of which she may well be pM'iul all her life, Let's Get Busy liny any Omaha-made article Mon daya loAf of bread, a bottle of milk, a mattress, a suite of furniture any thing al all. (let your voting coupon when yttti make the purchase, Com plete Information about the context Is printed on rath coupon, All re tail storrs will give them, "Let's Make It and Buy It In Omaha" Omaha Manufacturers Association I Miai ke tH tM l e il w ill i ! -. tnuu ti la h