T!ir; OMAHA flKK: FRIDAY. OCTOIthK L', r-. TP tj -ri IVyT r TJ XT T XT "D "MTV lnr-VTXeA in '"a" the harvest thiit followed hii i. Jti & iVI U K -N I .N (j ijrjhi! I'l'li'lf. uih " survey the titles of Omaha MORNING EVENING SUNDAY THE aft PUHLIftHINC COMPANY MI-lN Iri'lUkK. J'ubli.hsr. B ftHr.WKH, in. Mna;rr. MtMHt.lt OP HIE ASAOCIAlfD PR MS TM Aas.ltld Pmm. f TtK l'- It a MtlilM, If f-lttlltlr tftllll.4 (' Ois um trf faiuhl of at s.s. Hi.lt'. I.,-. rf1lfl to II e fariM ohIiw m o,,a ia;f. .! alas Ilil lal s.sa ulHfnt btwi. 11 !' ( rtswl.tl'-to,,. uf mi t.r'al rf..i l Art al rrtM. ate TtatpiloNu Private flrtn.h tii-hants A.I. fur tht lisparlmrnt f Virion WsriOol Kae M.shI I nil. Allcr IB f Mi diluriai il.fanin.iii. Al latiiin 10C 1 or 10U. 1000 AT Unlic fa. Staffi . . Wsahlnitoa Off ICrS Main illl 1 7 1 h and lament - li f'it hi m. ma, N w. Cur, 2nh and N Near York flit av.nna m tar Mid. rhi-ai 1 72 Sl.jaf Bids. Taria, l-raiir lid Itua H. Iliinur WAGES AND TARIFF KATES. W hat shall it profit anboly if each family auve 1200 a year by reason uf free trade, ami loses $:i00 a year in income? American wage mien )-iil on the mainten ance of American ptMmlii rlx in all direction. Care ful estimate, based on Ionic experience anij close examination, place the Iiibor cost 'of turning raw material Into the fininhvd urticlo at 85 per rent of the total. Comparison of wages paid in different countries may help the reader In understand what in Involvf l in thii fat-tor of the protective lariiT. Here are fliurea rum official noun-en, bused on 'JZl report, foreign currency reduced to dollar and tenia at rata of. exchange prevailing when tablo was compiled: Industry ritlil 1 nll.-il (ici - lcciiiictiun. HHili-i, Iriiiny, f'hemlciiln i'roees Inni f;il n.'l I'olllllliill lllhnr, 1 H . I ,", 1'oltery Mini i-hinriwnre; Porters, kiln placer -n. 3o !l Hklllcil tkers 2n M rvtitf In ml. Jit.iil, Iron ami steel; Mill labor 4312 Wonitworkln: Cabinet imiklriK 27.21 Aarlculturiil: Krm labor ,. HVj Fsl ii nd prov iMloim, hi fiul nuiklnii. ... . . 20 32 I'Mllrly MUikiliK Jirlna- Xi.li T"tllri: Colton wnvlna- 2ft Cottnii xiiiiiini. , , Woollll KCHVlllK Wooli-n iliinliiK MM rfllk iiinniifiii tun ; Hilk (in. I mik Kooda, 20 Tit Clolhlnn mirri): ('littlna ami tallmlliK MM f Muiillily with liouiil. Hy th yiiir with board, for avullulile. f..r,2 (Hi) 6 24 r,3t t, ID f, i ;i 4 m 21 4:. 27.3K 17,40 J II f,H 4 U 9 l 13. 9.911 .78 Z,7 6.21 AM 4 3.1 4.74 t.m ir,.l4 13 J 1 1.1 I2J 11.24 J 7.7" 15.:. 7.00 J 0.32 f. 4 4 UH 4 M t.DO 2.10 1,13 l'JJ7, Junt (lnr-H (Jermany, EiiKland and Japan will be the jfreal Mt ahippcra to our market; if the American wukc acale ia lowered to meet that competition, an it muat be under free trade, or American factofiea will have to cloae, who will Buffer? Will the blow fall on Amcrion, or on the for elKnera? Incidentally, the lax on handkerchief, to which reference haa been made, in 16 per cent lower on tha unhemmed Und 10 per cent lower, on the hemmed under tha 1P22 act than it waa under the 190V act; on all aorta and kind of clothing and wearinic apparel, the 1022 tariff i 15 per cent lower than waa the 1009 tariff, and on ahirta and cuff a reduction of 10 per cent ha been made. Compare the price you paid for thee thinjf in 1900 with thoe prevailing now, and ank if a wer tariff 1 going to increaao the coat. LOSS OF THE C-2. Definite announcement of the cauae of the din ait tor by which the C-2 waa lout ia made by Major Strauia of the Air Service. He anoribe the de atruction of tha dirigible to the failure of the fabric, which permitted a hundling guy to break, and thia led to the failure of two others, gaa escaping from the renta in the bag igniting from friction and ex ploding, No blame i attached to any of the men who were engaged in taking the big alrihip from it hangar, nor wa the wind nuflkicntly itrong to cause the mishap. The explanation aeem rational, and easy to un derstand. It has a aimple lesaon, although one that may not readily be overcome. Fabric uxed for bal loon envelope or bags must bo made light a well a strong, and the point at which strength can no longer be sacrificed for weight is a delicate one. Thi accident and several others of a similar na ture givea impressive value to the work done at Fort Omaha while the war wa on. Thousands of ballooniata, officers and men, were trained at Fort Omaha; the only observation balloons put up in France by the A. E. F, were manned by men trained at Fort Omaha, where thousands of ascension were made for training observers. Vet, with all these activities, only two balloons blew up at the post. Thi ia a record of which all who were engaged there may be proud. A fortunute aspect of the loss of the C-2 is that no live were sacrificed, nor anyone seriously hurt. Experts will again assail the problem of making the ship mechanically safe. The flight acros the continent from Virginia to California, and the re turn a far ma Texas, prove the usefulness of the craft, and justifies the further expenditure of effort to overcome demonstrated difficultica. HIS WORK WAS PROSPERED. He built the first church in Council Muffs in 1851; he built the fust brick church in that city in 1854; he built another there in IHily, He worked hi way through svhool, and in 1H ,',(), "i year ago, t out into the wildernen a a niiMjonary. ,M hi active life he devoted to the work of religion and building up the community in which he lived. And, finally, he died at the aire i f 10:1, loved and re elected. Thai bri fly summarize the life story of (Seurge (a. Kiev, pioneer t'oiigri-gutloiial minister, who ha just l'd aay al hi hum in Count il Ittuffa. How muh of hi hh.i .Inl h i fulfilled? Kr Be niuat hae had imn when h -t out Into the wild rouiitiy long ago, to ge hit atieogta, to it 4jKini-itt. He did not ith tyvt that lake account ef and Council Hluffs, a they have grown since Mr. Rice built hia first church, and note the houses wherein (iod is worshiped and the athool wherein civilization is advanced, Hn work surely waa prospered, LLOYD GEORGE THE LAST, Uoyd (ieorge retire from the leadership of the liritlsh empire, last of the Kig Four of Taria to suc cumb to post-war conditions. A great deal of political dul will be atirred up by this fall of a mighty leader, for Lloyd (ieorge ha been that, ' As a member of parliament he at tained u-h prestige (hat when C'ampbell-Kanner-man gave way to Asquith In 1008, Lloyd (ieorge wa made chancellor of th exchequer. The bud get he brought forward the next year waa so sen-' national that the government wa forced to go to the country on the issue. In this campaign the fiery Welshman put 'up such a buttle that he not only swept the country, but so extended his own Influ ence that in 101.1, when Asquith proved unequal to the demands of the war, Lloyd George succeeded. For seven of the stormiest year in English his tory this man has dominated. While he had the support of Northcliffe, he had srnethirig more Im portant, and that was the opposition of the Tories of England the confidence of the people. That he could not bring to pans all that was requested of him simply denote bis human limitations. Inability to lead all Europe as well a all England is not to be wondered at, no matter who esnay the task. Lloyd George retires great man, a constructive statesman in the truest sense of the word. Clemen ceau, Orlando and Wilson, who with thi, English statenman, made up the liig Four of the great peace conference at Paris, bnd preceded him irdo retire ment. History will contain more than one para graph concerning this group and the plans they laid for the reconstruction of a sadly knocked-about world. The next premier of England has hi work ahead of him, and course no clearer than that which confronted the man who ha just laid down government control. "From State and Najiori" A(of(VJi from ulht'T AMONG MOTOR PROBLEMS TAX FACTS VERSUS "TAX TALK," A sunpicioua fact, taken in conjunction with the numerous misrepresentations about taxes, is that the democratic opposition so diligently avoids any mention of state taxes for the year 1 022. The way in which the fact is ignored that one third ha been cut off state expenditures thi year doubtless shows a desire to confuse, rather than inform the voters. , .Senator Hitchcock's statements in hi paper which purport to discuss the subject of govern mental expense very properly are entitled "Tax Talk," and they are Idle talk at tfiat, leaving out essential facts and refusing to regard- the matter squarely or entire. Abandoning his former posi tion, in which he added1 county and state taxes to gether and called them state taxes, he is now singling out a few pieces of Omaha property, say ing nothing of the increased valuation set by the county assessor, and discussing, not 1022 taxes, but the 1921 bill for state taxes. It is enlightening to examine these examples, analyzing them from the standpoint of public in formation instead of partisan blaH. For instance, let us consider the following incomplete statement made in one of these aptly named "Tax Talksi" "The ntnte tax of Mrs, McDonald at Thirty elalith avenue and Dodae street Increased from l!.9 In IHU to 22,11 in 121." From the. World Jlorald, October J 3. Stripping off the pretenco of fairness one who goes deeper will find that the atate tax for 1022 on this property y $ 1 3 . H if . This ia the figure that (he democrat refuxe to look at, although it is the latest, and is $8.22 less than 1021. While the owner of this property is called on to pay $13.80 to the elate for 1022, the county tax bill is $21.74, the city tax is $01.64, the water dis trict tax Is $3.69, and the ichool tax' is $80.40. How wag Mra. McDonald' atate tax of $13.89 apportioned among the various afrlvitie of the stategovernment? Where did this money go? That is atiMher thing thai the democratic politician do not discuss. As a matter of fact, the largest item, amount ing to $2.56, went 'for the support of the state uni The upport of the normal schools received 92 cents. Charitable and penal Institutions took another t $2.f30. The relief fund for war veteran took $1.39. The capitol building fund took $1.81. Roads, bridge and paving took $1.85. Thirty-two cent wa apportioned tothe aid of weak school districts in poorly settled part of the state. Seventeen cents was spent for the eradication of animal diseases, including tuberculosis In dairy cow. The final item, including all other tate ex penses, cost of the legislature and all other activities carried on in the state house, including the code departments, amounts to $2.37 out of Mra. Mc Donald' total atate tax of $13.89, and out of the total tax bill, city, county, statu and ichool, of $181.36. These are the fact In the case mentioned by Senator Hitchcock in his paper, facts which the democratic pre never feel safe in presenting to the citiien. The total state bouse activities actually cost Mr. McDonald $2 63 in 1017. as against $2 37 in 1922, These are the facta which democratic opponent of the candidacy of Charles H. Randall and the other republican candidate are attempting to conceal. rather rle, I full lha Siuua Palls l'it 1 kn Me Will tiuv a aw'triai Hill tci imtuifr woim-ii are wrurlii l"UX fkllla mid tillimin Ix-li'K ' Woikma lik lt,iv-i to stock llieir ctll.ira with coat," lli miHrrow Mid, o bird look Hill and flew In thn outll li fure tnoinr hud gone, 'I li aim I rot chuckled mid lnH to enjoy the iiluinlmi- which hud Icen left ) hind. Timl 1m why, It I Mild, the ..irrnt I never inciitloiii'd when tin man tiiiK, Immhii their forrcjint on IIih coinliiK.il of mi I inn I and veKeluhlt life, (.1 .!) t weiilllttr VUllillloliN. All olii-rver tin HlilioiiM' thiit h Ullili-r Hill le severely i-ohlr Thin Is shown, tie sold, by the fm-t that Imr m-in hiivc hoilt ihi-ir iD-nts tush in I In- ulr, I nit IIhi nwl of Oik mt-lill l,i r I Murk, I hut lechriit are iiior Imply and l-iillf 'il thuii loom I, xiij Hint inoontmn anh berries ri liiiiitf tifllnoun. Mii'-h iroilift untiiilly hv a ih-u did sciimi of burner, hut there, wii m lime when I heir prediction were tiiken MTlounly nod loduy iniiny per noli li I Inch weliiht to I hi III. t. Iliiymond l Durum, clone' student of jiiiIiimiI life mid I'lirntor at th liroiix Zoo, in culled upon every year to rout lha tiiiK'ihoo, ''Hii ywir, he nuyn, ary nxinlrrH deserted lironx puili bi-ciiune of si-vera wmllor and built home on unimproved properly to the north. They stayed (hern or nev-riil yeiirn before they .wild be in dued lo leftirfi to Ihsiark where lioih food and nhcllor are provided by hiirnuo bund, illrdn still follow old roiiien to l tie nouth, formerly il'iiH i-ohkI linen, but now extending fur onl over the O'-emis beeiiuiw they urn too stupid to chanai their coin no lo conform with chiinaed conditions, Anliniil mi mora nennltlv to cold thmi humiiim, but their ability lo pra- dli f went her i hina I restricted to a f"W diiyn or hour, 'fruit Is why bird am found starving above tha Mil on Dixon linn when winter come suddenly an wan th ennn lunt year. Doth Miilrgul and w-icefiihln life are Wat her hhfforliiiiN and furnish a fairly ueeiiniie record of what hfin hiippMied around them, but lhon who would point to i hern as prophets first should eonniilt the weather bureau. I.vii hniniinn with Inntlni'ts shiirp. ened by hundred of ynrir of study and thought are not Judge of that wjleli I to come, "Know Your Muff!" Prion lti .Vobraak I'll I' rem. That's a polptidtif, virile phrrino "Know Vour HI tiff"' To the purist, Hho deebire with many a whin that our luriauiiK has become a crnnpwol of verbal Iniquity, that phrann brlria pain, perhiipen but It's typical of thn times arid descriptive of thn national needs. Too many people In thi coun try urn four llunhlna through Jobs and punnyfootlnic through life, living on their wltn, hoping and praylnif they Hnn't be found out, urging themselves on nn unsuspecting public, nurglng Into the holy of holies, heneeehlng atid u bluing nhd demanding a chance. If you "know your ntnrT" you'll make good and no veneer In needed to put you over: If you do not "know your nturT," there's no earthly chance for you to make good, no matter what iiiiiounage hated word you use to I paint over fhe Imperfect ton a which will eventually peer through after a battle with the weather. "Know Vour MtufT!" And then let th world know you know It! The country cries for men who "know their stuff." Hunlnen men are groping arid renehlng for Ihem willing to pay any price to ob tain their service. Isn't It Strang that with all thena "ea-gant" oppor tunities for advancement, all then brilliant offers of financial reward, there are so very, very few people In tha country who "know their stuff?" v it I : ! 1 I ..... I I , I i ) t 771 I cHr. omr,tmA r , "The People's Voice Ltlllaflal litrm rtwltrt Ik Mrnln B, ffaailar mt Iht Morsln H r htviie I wan lint tfitumn I fly tmr taertttana ) maltara ot public Ifltttat, Kroot Ilia Mnvle Dlclnlnr. New york. To the J-Idllor of The Omaha !(.; ( bavo read your ell toi'laf in The Omaha Ken of Kepli-ru-her IS, erilltb-d "Taming th 'Wild' Mnvle," end am glad to li'iva thi comment, , Jt munt bn tha purponn of tha liidun try to a'rlva lontinunlly to make pn nentjitlons historically coie-t nod give a in bent In tiorlrayaln of ciintomn, conlumen and habit. That will be done. Kvery angle of the dlculon of motion picture Improvement I helpful In one way or a not her, and the Industry appreciate your vl-wn on the subject. With If. JIAVM. The Trul b About , drain Milpiiieiits, Omaha, -To thn l-lltor of The Omaha, liee! 1 wlnh lo illrcel your attention to an editorial appearing In the morning World Herald of Wednes day, October II, beaded, "Mr, 1'p dike's Active Interests," and In which tha member of this exchange are done a Very great Injustice, 1 fully realize thin In unintentional, and that all may bn Informed as to the exact condition and facts pre vailing give you below a statement of the arrivals of grain In thin mar ket, and the shipment from October i to 11, Inclusive; f'n ra fit m Jee,,.,t, Slil,j,i lt fulnhff iH-tttW-r OiJolier Ocl,i,-r o-n,lr ieti,hr luinlmt 10., (IvMiicr 11.. ,,.. I.,.,,,...., ., ,,, ,..,.,,,,., 7.,, ., ,,,, in 17' 141 1H 1X4 Ul tZI 12' in I a nn HI 141 M' 77 l !,'7il Mom ihun Ititi.mui Londoner, rh'ierty poor folk, paid a spontaneous tribute to Mane Lloyd, the muic hall star who died recently, and the public houe bung crape behind their bar. Sarah llem hardt ecu! I n aW mote. Spiritual and chKgu al tieatnienl of dmeata ! tll have a Jipartmritt In new hpital tn Mill ! brook. X. Y. The cotifrii' 'f i:piopal mini- Riatertal thiiK. r he might have amac I a fcrtune, , Ur, tnj Uymtit who have derided thi are to b a dij ethet who im later and had no mor tu j fnr.g-atu!td o their open mindedne. Invett thatt he. N. r i it at a I bkcly trst he , taatible ta th upportumt; that lay around him I ' !uii (sail do nut a prison make, luT lion b an ery hand, fi t he an e.lu.atel man, and i (," sung by one f the orld' immwiUl lover. I'lilitlelan. Krmn tfiit lltrl'- Kxpriri., When the average citizen think of politician be usually thinks of subter fuge If not of chicanery, Why7 10s caune ha haa been so busy with his private affair IJjat too generally he has left the public, bunlneKn to men who nometlmes mix their own or their friends' private business In the af fairs of city, state or nation, The remedy, of course, In for the amid citizen to broaden their concep tion of what, conntltuten their pernonal hunlneen until It Includes all that af fects them as members of a s'Tf gov erning community. The good citizen In the pant ha had a habit of grum bling a lot when thing went wrong, hut doing little or nothing toward righting them. He either does not vote, In which cane hn Is not even a good citizen, or If ha votes, ssnumes that his duty begins and cod with the polling plane. Helf government Is a burden as well ns a privilege: a burden that all self. respecting men should be proud to henr. liy taking part In self govern ment, not merely st or around elec tion time, but throughout tha yearn a citizen Juntlflnn our democracy. To I tnke part In self-government mean being Interested III ocalleil politic ; (another name for our public, busi ness) and by study of affairs laying thn basis for a broad and Intelligent i Judgment an to how tha public's in- ' tcresi is tielng hamlied. If councllnieri, legmlalorn, congress men and all others chosen to repre- 1 sent the people felt back of them, cor recting or encouraging them, a wldn awake," Intelligent publlu opinion, we would have more ntalenrnen and fewer j politician In public! life. For the politician, an we have come to know , hint. In thn result of Intelligent voters li-HVlng public affair lo men Intir estd in I hern only for private or pro fessional rensonn, Thn politician Is the result of public Indifference to thn nrTiiirn of government. I'rontlng be the iiigbct to safeguard hat really concerns alt of us, lie Income n nkllled specialist In representing only a fw of u. An.l thai, mulct linen. In thn Hoist pi.sall.ls Hay, The Amerh-nn liny, a uiHansliin de voted to thi. growing youth, ban ; niurts-l a campaign to iimltx Anieili ufi I lioU politicians. Tim I la. It hopes lo j get tliiiu Interested In public attmrs, In Inakti Iheni Woiket Instead of alnwnnr.ls in til.- trieat tlrl.l of public i act iv il y, I Hii. of Us means Is lu rveiy . one t.ik pan in dentin i V uown j In n bievvineiil n. It got n nun nl. jfurelv am Iv nn vlT.irl to edmnts the j ; coming geii. r.itii.n I not ,,i,iv u m , itself but holt a) Irsnon for the sr.. no llisa Hii HolllSII Him ItnW .4 tu t to lb pi..I..ion offt, (,-tirr - - New Aula l ot I. 9.-4fti il, H mjt siti if.iue I an In . itw y tu ,..ful imi f nn s l!o. tntrnud by I 'le Mil n is n Tots It ...1,(11 This show w shipped out 4i2 cars less than received during tha period mentioned. For further Information, not IS per cent of the loaded cars forwarder! wero furnished In the shape of empties by the carriers. The loaib-d cars shipped by this exchange were made oyipty by our members and con sisted mostly of foreign cam, since thn Nebranka carriers refuse to allow us to load their own cars off their rails, but Insist wn return them empty, no; that they can be sent, out Into the country to be loaded by tha country ! elevators, I The ntalemr-pt apeaka for lla-lf, and ' 'it would fill) impel Ibloun lo enlarge on that poinr, but It must readily be seen I lnil nrib-sn He ship yr-iln out of the lemnal levators here congen lion will pi.vwil, and grain from thn country Hill remain on tracks, not only Incurring ib-rriirrg chirrgen, , ml naturally ib pressing tha price, i An a matter of fail, some of our elevator are already being confronted with congestion, and notwithstanding" appeals made lo the eurrlera to fur nish empties, ihr picfcrmc baa been (o I un the duplies to the .'ourr try, an In plainly shown by tl r celpts Versus shipments, Omaha ouain :x'HAN;i;. i'. if, WII (til IT, ('resident, Tao of (Dlfferenl) It bid, Kenenaw, Sfli. Tti the Kdllor of The Omaha J!ee; "No matter who In elected gov ernor, I here will b a reduction of laxi-n lo n-iine extent," no n-iys Mennlor liaudall. Thin appllcN to local laxen, whh III (iholil eight tenth of the tola), as well a to state taxes, it will come an i natural ieiliori from war time coriilltioria of extravagance, t'ongrena ban net the p.-o-o; the state ban made a good beginning, aom comrriunltbn are catching the step and individuate are Joining the pro- c nidoi, III coiilnist with lb:n fair arid rea sonable statement, Candidate lirvan In making promise that might b-ad (be unthinking to Infer that he can and will make a big reduction In the tax burden. Much n claim, without specification an to how and where the cut Is to be made, don t mean anything, Mr, Itryau would abolish the code, (( known he can't, for lhat In thn Job or trie legislature, r,nt, suppose ha could, what, would he substitute In Its place? And what, would be the relative cot of the code and lis sub stitute? ,'o attempt la made to an swer. Ho, with all bis claims of tax reduction, there are absolutely no spc'-iiicnlious, being wholly unable to put bin fingers on any Item and say, "Here In an expense J propose to cut out," It Is fair- lo assume that the candidate Is falldng ihrough his hat. That, the claim of tax reduction on "a large scab- is tio-ri ly foam on the ntt-dirn that In bonded for Half creek, Willi lenn than 2 cerils on the lax dollar cbarieable to the code, If It Were all wiped out It would not be a very great num. ' in vb w of these f.idn, In It. not a Hitchcock's Two Opinions of Bryan THKN. Ilitibimk made a sptctll at Lin coln on Aptd lo, IVs'll, in which be wid: "I belirte m iiniu crttary hatd liii u oi kul iii diptiving pnmlc rf light wine and In i r that i not inloxuntiug and some tune the people will ui.'tf on 4 more fi-4-solLiblc Ijvv, I lu te arc my views, Nunc ril the ib tnoi rtic randidatrt tor delegate lo the i,iIi,im ioII vciition an- will known dry mill The lupinr iniiti ,t i wtprd nut and has mi need ol further toiuid rration, "Mr, liryait did not alwnyn hold bit present extreme vn wt on pto blbittou. We all supported Mr, I'.tysii 'I yrrs uuo wlu-n be would tint hi a wold on prohibitum into, the democratic plainum w hii It In wrote. One drmoiut ome nUni lor a plank prolrclmg proliilntioii slates from Inptor, I'ryau snnl no, nut a word inn. I go in tin- p'.il form. "J'.ryan mice insisted f,u iIm gref birwir, l-tcd Met, uf,, of Omaha, tarrying the ebiloral vtle ul ib-rtioi mtic Nrbtanka Ik VVnh itigtou. Who wit it who won (he banner for gelling Ibc must ri - if nils in the Hryil Voluiltcrr j club I will tell yint. It w,i llairry Ilnywarif, partner of Walter Mam- of (nulu, who won (lie llryatt banner, I have i oiiiminr il mi tin, only that I have tint chafiird my opinion rpiitc a often a Mr, lit) an ba." fIr eom-lunioii thai Hie slogan of fas reduction, as plea bed by Candidate I'.rya n, l merely a nhlboleth to catch Vote? J IK HVASH, NOW. Two )cr ago llib bun k asmbd the n ior rd lirynn m the li'iuor iiirtion Today, bowevir, llitilu rot k is id fi tiding liiyau n l lirvati is ilrb mbiig lliti linn k. In nu filibuul pttnbif In llit'li- lOrk'n papir Ortolirr M, YUl, alter rrbtttiug riptlbliiau bd their mil i Kill id firvnn't Hltttildc, 1 1 if i In in k "ill tin interloper, nu uie and tni rrnnl prolnliiiiiiiiinl, tin matt who must be helmed by the Lliii'ofu Joinnnl mid 'lite ( Irualia lir e rm the (umbiiiu tifU of ethics and morality fell burl (lie pfotid ami glonnus trntb! The truth, ilcur brotlurs, shall set ymj bee" Only two trarti In bee llitilii"k liiin-uH was IciliirniK llruii mi fli fiiitdamrii'al rd i lho t and tni.iali'y. iWltat has bappelli-d to allrt the ie Jtlon beet went lll'w Iwu atn i nf Inn,' .And wllnl Is the Irutli, of wlihll llilillioik spenksi1 i -- " " H.MHI miloi, i Hlil. h Is Hie worse efi' imn'h lit a War, I's books or I'n ib-bls Crieii- villi rieiimi.nl, i trur goverriimr.t w iw foooded ori a nlern of "ibeik and balunee," but II ni-etos lo have evoluled Into a sys tem of cbeiks liltd llefleils . Col II lo I, 111 (14, C.i Iter oid, 0 'Mm rich 'an get eii ir,,. )i.i,,r they went - the old story: "Their s alwnv mrrr at the lop," Not folk V,i g.iibni I'ilol. A J.i) Walker is a dumb b II on hi way ro nowh'r.- Milwaukee ,fouinal, Hluie fb I tilled Hf riles hun officially "apfitoyed (be stand lkn by the al h. s',' f neeina plainly Un urobenl on ' Time Otspei. h. NET AVERAGE .CIRCULATION for SEPTEMBER, 1922, of THE OMAHA BEE Daily 72,09,: Sunday 70,202 B. BREWER, Cen. Mgr. ELMER S. ROOD, Cir, Mgr. Sworn to snif tuktrrlbrd bsfor mt this 3d day of Octnbtr, lfl?2, W. H. QUIVF.Y, (Stnl) Notary Public Tht' net svrrsgt ilnily i-lrrulatkin Ssin uf 1h Oirishu H-t fur Heii temlier, iWl, 12 21 ever K.-io tsmlier of 1021. His net nitrsir Hunrlay rlrculntlon K'on of 'His Omnh ft fur Mepieml.er, 1'iTl, 7, SUH over K.-c'i-n-l.-r of 1 2 1 . 'J hi ia a lrner rnui thnn that nin.ls by sny nlher ilsily ur Humlsy Omahs nw.)prr. Survival cf the Thrifftcst That it what life today hat cam to mean. Nation and individual survive as long at they suppress watt and prac tice thrift in money and char acter. Do you know that To Save 3s to Survive W. Pay .aaaat. y 7o On Savrngi Ststs Savings & Loan Association 315 S. 17th St. K.elin. Bids, C, C, Wells, Sae'y. Stay in the old ones they are comfortable ffo Ul Ui Giver Them h stfX'- vv nuic suit's r Kt $2.50 'i SB l III knw the '.! f the r.vioii, iu utoj.itt and its f.M.hr..tie. Hit ideal ' hither, tl erni, the) l lb he e earth, t evi t. K i h l tiic.v, ur ae iui I a.-t j etj.fal'y 't ea thf vhuri fcf IU h I al ditf, r k uuol at h"e a'.'e !! 4 a et'r'i W li at I dot i'oo I till it t ttaa.ma'o I" f,l.i ' tKl k.t ( b nl k .-iU t Wf'l til ttt lltt: U tto wita) ta.tigt en ius. AaJt it ). t I th tpiPt in whuh tha tvil ( IWtn appfvaihe tii t.-un. we.blmg. ram milt h.-ttr we tha thing p-l f lititi.l MawfcMa at IWiiuit. Ta g lh f l an Kvur f t t ii!! fa n ' aiiu h run a ii nu ts ml p.ia. of ' a iiln l.B I . I lis. IIKJ, il . If all u. I,pi 1.1113 1 1 ii, I. ml ollha Will I. olo itirsp . I Is oil. pst.a.y V e l . ei... g. i mm fioiii Ike evsitiit I'll-a 1,-eilci I1 l tui-ply il ikiiMit.i ueniit lain! I . l. IiIm-I I i d Brir( 'em In today! W n ri'soiV, n-pnir, n-liii aiui r.-' J i nil kiiitU of ahtrt's, i t tur nifikf them vol It.okitnf liku new, lait with nil th ni l tnmfnrt rtlhiticil. 1 . r i 1 1 af in n trial uW ttlay, Mail Oidait Hats tlat I I Alltnliaa Wingfool llreli Men Wpmen .n if thvsv deal la tt -:)tl I Mala eta . bi,:v tu tits I.MIt I . ' t.uM oi S U ii li i-i p. ui ,n I - I I . t I ol !!-.,, , j I. (. , , , I I 1 - f . t , , - l'.t I- VS)l.ll.1 L.lt - Standard Shoe Repair I 1 IKIU ( aiaaai 11 . I k.. .. a. .1 . i. . fl....t.. M.l. If II MotherWriles ! "If everybrxly cruld experience the benefit of J Mcnlho-I.axetie 'tw on?.a, Uier woubi not be I much t any other couli nMrriicine eolil". Another one writ-: "It's the'beet ever lokJ for a bay cough and cold ( " It coata les than li cent a do", Jt civntaini do chloroform or opiatl a of any kih'l. It ia com iioaa1 of Menthol, WiM Cherry bark, Tolu,Cacara, JJrinrlclla- all properly blen'Mto make theEtunnr Mnlho'Lasenfyxiperceritstron(er than orrlinary couh and cold yru, Jti mildly laxative, anti aeptic, tmic-artrl not only relieve quickly, but ai'l in (Jrlvinsrall cold and cmyM Inflarntnatrri out of the system, Yoti can mix tire K ,nce MenUio faxene with sugar yrup, trr honey, making a Pint of Delicious Cough Syrup oryrni can luV the pure ciienca in uVae of 1 OArtnm. hither way-it work quickly. A libit isequal toH tj 12 hot) le of rearly mails craich ayruri, costim iou save Mxntiiiwi-i aT5 Full Pint a-WaVvJ fs. t f X l r. Syrup Superior Prompt Effective Ueliof wzvm Uom?,,if) UitAM. iooaveabrutf!.rw-oryou can make a pint (or about 76 (. Make a avmii anJ mix-that la ell-rw trouble-direction with each Ixittle. AcuteCtaiffh and Colrla, old Chronle Couib- JJronchineAitbmt uml Catarrh are promptly relieved viicn this pure, good, home-mrnJe medicine f used. Children don't "ii;ht it". f!e,nt for H'M oik. Made, and otted by Intllivmt-. mothern-ovcr ?m,(m of them. Any good druR-irint can supply filacktrn' Jv&;;cnco Mjnthu-J.exene. Get a Iwttla ot your druglat and mai-.e a pint- It's delicious. "lAitxng mnlhcri maU U children gtadly lata it", ' Pvtr filn ; Tin Ural data ef MinUit,i glrta any dauakttr vt bar vtty em' rJif, u wt haa umd II tUaul.lr Uaai that t)m an, I ha 1Z thIMran llln! Thftt art mtnni and lu id thsm tay-h have lit ' M-,'M. Tlity, l, now eaa sftnf lie-J Mint mhtmntt t)y am MmU4 by OU a cuiiht. It ban aerfd all of at aitny duttmr-t lof, and mtrrh urTrlne, Mrt, Lawrune KlatMC, ' Qum St., 14. 8. I'tuluKh, I'a. Send Cc, portage for Trial Sample and Jfealth and J!eaufy JtoV to f It. iJl!lju!latfW MU ' D mi sn ii.e-mm !!' 0"' fj Passenger Train Service Discontinued account coal supply situation' en the MissoimPcific Will Be Restored Effective Sunday, October 22 Train 108 Lv. Omaha Unien Station 1:& P. M. Tram 107 Ar. Omaha Unlaw Station 8;0 P. M. .Hill tarnani.il., Oowttslaii ., Otiuil.a, Net. Af MM RESTORED! KiTective WeJneal4y, (XtoUr 18th, the followitiK tram weie reatuicj auriulluficous'y Inuu tariina: IKjitita: No. 16-40 Leaves Chic go . . .10 p.m. No 15-45 Arrives Chicago , . . 8 A.m. Serving Akron, Youngilown, Wheeling, I'llUbureli, Wasliiiit-ton, llallimore and h inlrnnetliate datiun ff far, t tar!, mmj nermfiH f nntWl amaesad taitrmt4 litiaf eeannt f asMrate MR. L. G. PlVMllfiV Deii.ut f re,k eatt raiM a He'alaiita, Mm 807 Welia -i lk Watbl HM. rk.a Ailaalt 1 4 all Omaha, Ssk, T,,(,DalriHioroOliio 'Atmrnvs fint raitrvad m ItlsaiistMsa) 8 V