The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 20, 1922, Page 16, Image 16

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    Nation to Uphold
Dry' Amendment
Hardiiur Believes
J'roiiiVnt THU Dclegiitre to
Christian SirirhVs (.'muni
tion Country .Should Help
Hot of WorM.
Washington, ''t. U F'rni'Jft.t
Harding Hm quoted by di-lcgnlr t"
th conference of Allied Christian Ho
flelle, Hhn caller) lll-nn lilill tit III
Whit House liixt night., Juki la-fur
the i i)m nf their lo day ( I nic,
i'i I'liirliig that I he nation, In hla opln
tun, hi mill never depart from t tic
lull amendment. The iM'Pnlnvnf, ih
delegate null, rprcd IiIk further
belief thiii Hi ri.iiiilry, in 11 Inter
national ri liiHmi, should tin 11 ill
iM'Hl fin the ret t'f (he. world.
Th pi pMlilfnl greeted Hi delegate
In hi Hi inly mill listened in til d
1I1 in iiiudn nn their behalf by r"rd
11. Hiiilth, 1 1111I1 num. nf the confer
ence, who said Hi" conference wad lu
ll liHlml In iwn things: Kiiforcemrnt
! r,f ll. Ulk m...-..A.. . U -
'. lit lHI II Ii-llilltl IBI,I I l TM'
nun i,r America' full duty 10 lh
mt nf the world,
tiklng if Hi International ilra
llilil iy the delegnfea. Hi piealitenl
aa mid to hat told them It waa
exceedingly difficult fur tlx govern
ment ti iln nil Hint It would Ilk.
II inh HlxfHl, member nf the dele
gation mid, Hint tliU munlry might
never to make a t limit; it waa nut
prepared and willing to hark up, anil
asaund thrill that mull would rtir
M hi policy a Ilia chief executive.
- I'revloiia to lli tull at th Whit
Hon, thn conference a warned by
Hugh 8. .mgill, aecretary of Interna
tional Hntiilny Hchool I'niini II of Ito
liylima Ivlin hiIi.m, Hmt Hi Miitiiluy
'liiMila nf III ruiiiitry were fulling
hull nf I heir poihte ami Hint
Hi eiandnrd must 1 1 raised If heir
work I to tin crowned with full sue
. II declared that even Hi het
friend of Hi Hi ill ihIh y achiHil recog
nised that It rin'1 hixla many tint
ere haphaai and Ineffective and
fall to I'oiniiiiiiid Hi tii't of I'lill
dren ar-rualnnifd to lit education
method of tlm iMilillii sorumls.
Man Claiming to Be Ginilitlatcs Start Fear Mxprim-d
"King of Hcalcre"
Appears in
Third Week of Tourj Over Future of
National Guard
Feature Tramactlom
of livestock Exchange
Men'i Suits
2217 f arnam St.
AT 034
Falls City Lcgitfn
n . p t n
rost oues rorrun
aim r itrimr-vr.
Klunh your kldneyx occaHion.
ally if you rut too
much moat.
No in.'ili nr V 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 wli.i on In lot of
ih'-nt ifKiilmly inn nnikii 11 rnlnl-iik
liy niiahlng thn Kldiifya iHi-iilonilly,
any u Hell known nuihorlty. Took,
lunch incut n v form uric ncld,
which cIuki th Milm-y iora ao tluil
tlicy HliiKKlMhly illicr or Ntniln oly
liii it nf llin wiiatu 11 ml imlmin from
Hi Mood; IIikii you I-I. J(hU
IniitlHiii, hciid.U'h", llvrr lioulilo,
iii-livoiiHiir, ci.iihtlpfitldii, illr.lncm,
ali-iilcNiiiiaa, Wmldcr dlionlfra oftc-n
coiiih from altifciilMh klilnrya.
'I'll moment you fwl a ilyll urlie In
the K1ilniy or your luck hurts, or If
th uilno I cloudy, oftniMlvo, full nf
M-illnifiit, lirt-gulur of iuhhiii; or ut
li'iiilcd hy 11 Hi'tixitlon of auildlriR, get
uliiuit four ounces of J ml Hull from
any ifllalilo (ilinrmucy unit tuk a
tuhlcKpoonfiil In 11 glim of water be
fore liruiikfiiNt for a few day urn!
j'otir kidney may then net fin. Thla
fiimoiia aiilta I miide from thn Held
tif anipo 11 ml lemon juice, combined
with llthlH, 11 nd Iiiih heen imed for
irniieriitinus to ftuiih cloKgeil kidney
and atlmuliitu them to ntilvlly, alan
tu help neutrullz the ucid In iiiinn an
It no ImiKer ruuaea Irrltntlnn, thua
often ending lilndder dlnordera.
Jud Knlta la tnexpenalva nnd can
not Injure; mnkea a delightful effer
veacent llthla water drink, which
everyone run taka now and then to
help keep the kJdneya rlcnn nnd thn
Mood pure, thereby often preventing
aerlou kidney complication.
Kalla flly, Net.., (h t. 19 ( Hjuclol )
line thn Im la nr from a war fund
ralaeil hy local citizen and glvru to
th local Itvd Croaa chapter, to he
lPnt for Ih comfort of loyal ly
In aervlce, belong to thu iiallonal Red
I'roa nr to the American I,eglon a
Ih moat repreaenlutlva bmly which
would mora nearly cany nut th aen
tlliirnt of th douora? '
Thla iinlliiii, probably ralaed for
llin flint tlnia in Ni-braaka, la to In
anawered by the court a reault of
th Kail I'lly l'oat No, 102, American
legion, having filed ault in dlalrict
court, to recover fi.Vl'2, the balance
remaining from a lln.Oon fund ruined
by cltlzena during th war for the
comfort nf home boya In camp,
lied fro official claim that the
dlnpoHlt'on nf the money can legally
be decided only by national Red Oo
hmiiuartr. i Legion partlaon con
tend (hut llin iIiiiiiiih Intended the
fund to b Uei only for local war
ncllvlllca and that the I.eglon la en
titled lo the balance of th fund fta
th only organization actually mini
terlng to thn comfort of ex aoldlera,
A pull recently taken among local
citizen allowed more than MJO vole
In favor nf giving thn fund to the
legion and none agalnat It. Hhoulil
the court declilu In the legion' favor,
I ha )iot will uxe the money a tlio
founitiitlon for a building fud.
Dtt-Urt't Francin Srlilattrr,
VI ho Dird in St. I.oiiin
Monday IS ifjfit. Was
la Antfela, tjrt. 19 A man iiho
aid ha wa Kranda fd'hlattar, former
ly tenneil "The king of divine heal
era," IMtd th ln Angele Tluiea
last night and d -dared th man who
Moiiiluyd In Hi. lunula, under lhat
nam reputation, aa In "hn
pnater." Th Time' V 11 1 or aald he waa lhat
rrancl Hchlalter who waa aenlenced
in th ('lilted atate dlRtrlct court
hera In 1917, to aerva H month In
th federal penitentiary at McNeil'
lulu nil, WnMilngloil,' for Unllig th
mall to defraud In ronnactlon with
receiving fee for "hleaalng" hanilger-
chief, which were purported to hav
power then to heal,
According to th Tim, It caller
1 th original of photograph It ha
on file of the man convicted her In
II mii UJ hi former affluence awa
gone; that hu lived In a cheap lodging
hotie and pard much of hla thn In
a park dreaming nf hi old day of
prtlg a "healer," or giving an
occasional extemporaneou lectur on
"Tlio pnier nay I gin 'dead," h
aald, "thla la not true, J am marely
in poor clrcumatance. Th paper
any I hav a wifo In Ut. Ioula. My
wlf hu been dead for year. '
Foreign War Vetera na
May Huild New Hall
Member of th Veteran of For
eign War poet foted nt their laat
meeting to procure a larger meeting
place or build a hall for the organize
tlon, becauae of Increasing member
ship. A radio outfit ha been Inalallcd! In
the post headijunrters over which
election return will be received elec
tion night, November 7.
Triangle Club Hears Ttalk
'on City Welfare Activity
Henry Monaky, Omaha attorney,
epoke before the Triangle, club of Oma
ha at It weekly luncheon at Hotel
Kontenelle yesterday on "Hoclnl Agen
cle and the Community Cheat," Ac
cording to Mr, Alomiky' entlmute
there la approximately 11,250,000 ex
pended annually in Omaha by social
agencies and charitable Institutions,
Hallowe'en Party Is
Planned in Kearney
Kearney, Nrb., Oct, 19. Special.)
-Kearney retailer sprung some
thing new when they announced
plana for a big Hallowe'en culehrallon
October 81, beginning at 111:30 In the
morning and. concluding with a Hnaj
lowa'en parade about 9 in the evening.
, A f mii lure that promise, lo attract
statewide attention la a rttuch-adver-Used
goat purade. Bv ry' retailer I
ohllgalsl to -enter a goat In the pa
rude, inaiiuerude the animal as ho
sees fit and play tha charoli to him.
One hundred and forty gout have ul
reudy been assigned an1 it Is believed
SO more will be avallablo, Profession-
al men are spared the contamination
risked by association with a billy or
nanny goat. They are ohllgefj only
to masquerade a clown And act the
part, or act natural. But they must
full Into line.
Thl parade open the festivities of
the, day, Hlx free street attraction
have already heen bonked, th serv
ice of four hand have been contracted
for and other feature are pending,
The committee plan on spending
about tfioo'fnr Hullowe'en street deco-
ratlona alone. a
All attraction will be free and
everyone la Invited to be the guest
of Kearney for that day, No aales of
any nature will be held in connection,
the Idea being solely to lulve a big
Kolierl S. Simmons and A. H.
' Iliirunlirey on A!greie
Analey, Neb,, Oct. 19 (Mpri !!.
Hubert (J. Hlminons, republican camll
iIhI fur III regular term, and A. It.
Humphrey, republican ruiididat for
th unexpired term In tonare, open,
id tha third week nf their ai lhe cam
palgn at Mernu, Monday morning,
From Mernu they plowed through a
.vci dust storm and arrived at Ar
nold two hour iitnl a half behind
schedule. Hcciia of th condition
they were compelled lo abandon theu
trip to Hlapleton and tlaiuly, and drove
from Arnold lo CalluMny for a night
meet lug.
At Arnold a large audience greeted
them for an afternoon meeting. Ira
Mill, I'oinlllltle.iiiall l. O, I'eiRln
A, fii oh ii and Mr. HiH'tor liurnhaiii
were In charge nf the meeting.
At Callaway the meeting was held
In the theater where a well filled house
greeted th speaker. The IocjiI com
miltee cotiMlslliig of W. It. Wright and
Mrs. J. J. Douglas placed th meeting
In charge nf Jl. II. Andrews who Intro
duc1 the speaker.
Leaving Callaway the candidate
went to Octonlo where the residents
crowded the city hall to rapacity to
hear the speakers.
At Uroken How the Woinens' He
publican club had arranged a meeting
In the city hall and there at t in the
candidate addressed Hid women,
leaving llroken How they made a
short stop at Herwln. At A naif y a
meeting waa held 'at the theater build
ing with Dr. Hanna presiding. The
candidate report that Iho election of
the entire state and national republi
can ticket seems to be assured at this
Iload snrlnklins carts were In use
In Kngland In 179 They were sent
before the carriage of the king.
Mr : ll II: AN ' OMSMBab.
Th Standard of Comparison
Burglar Victim Awake,
UufJiiHt Minute loo LhI
Mrs. L. 11. Noble, 2414 Valley street,
heard the light feet ut a burglar
trending -thriugh her household at S
yesterday morning.
I"ha kicked .ier reef, pot iigniiy,
fitftui Mr. "Nellie's back and whis
pered; "Hurglars!"
"Vou must be dreaming," Mr. Neble
replied. '
Just then a front door slummed,
some one tramped off the pondi, and
Mr. Noble, 'seizing a revolver and
rushing to the exit, aaw the man
disappear down the street and heard
him whistling as if to a companion.
Mr. Neblo discovered Immediately
afterward that the burglar waa wear
Inf hla vejour hat and that he waa
carrying a $10 bill taken from hla
Official Aroused liy Confer
ence Called hy Secretary
Weeks for Keallotmeut
of Regular.
Washington, Oct. 19. ontcials nf
the army ut Washington are aroused
over the forthcoming confeienc call
ed by Hi-cretary nf War Weeks for
Ih purimse- of agreeing upon a
scheme for a n-alloi incut of regulars
lo I lie National guard service,
Herreiaiy Weeks recently sum
moned a group of general staff and
National gdaid officer in deliberate
on thlA iibject and make recomnienda
lion for -tha guidance of congress
and the War department.
With this hoard about, lo function,
soma of th regular officer of the
army who re vitally Interested In
Iho National giurd a a component
part of the national army are aroused
ovr what- they fear may be don fio
the guard.
With them affuir of thu National
guard are rapidly moving tu a crisis,
with the fat of the btlurd resting In
tha conference group called by Hccru
tary Week, Home army officer who
have been watching the situation and
have learned that an effort will be
made to readjust tha guard allotments,
due largely to failure of congress to
provide sufficient fund, fear that a
step for the worse rather thun for
Improvement may be taken.
Maiden Omaha to Be
Crowned at Exhibit
Omaha is prepurlng to crown a new
Oiieen, Maiden Omaha, who will
reign over the 1923 Omaha Home In
dustry exposition.
Voting will begin October 23 and
close November 11. Coupon will be
given by Omaha retailer with every
purchase of gayds made In Omaha
whether a louf of bread or a 1500 fur
coat, and each will be good for IV
After each coupon Is properly filled
In, It tony bo cast in tho office of tha
election manilgeiat the Corey Mc-'
Kenale Printing company office,
Twelfth and Harney street.
Prizes worth more than 50 will be
awarded to the persons casting the
largest number of vote.
Nominee for queen will be made by
sending their names, addresses and :
photograph to the election manager.
William A. kh i Mniiiii, cattle nils
er and brecdnl of lennc, l.i,, re
ceived the record price nf 112.7b H
hundred pimml at the Omaha yard
fur 22 head of Angus tattle that aver
aged I.ouo pound. Thl I thn high
ei price paid on the oniitha, limrkut
fur to yeiir.
II, K, lleeruiuii of Jamison on
tha I win hit market with a consign
ment of 70 head of choice I iurm:hog
averaging ZH pound that old for
Ih top price i .f the day, I 'J 16 a hun
dred. Thn shnent mud the record
of being the lust load nf poikers of
that weight to bring such a good
price and bidding wa Strong l,c -n n
shipper and packer buyer.
Tho top price for the week up tu
dale oil loud lot nf weeteril tei
wa paid at th stock yard, when W.
W, Newell, Hloiix county farmer nf
Hurrlsoii, received $7..'i a himdrei)
for five carloads of range I wove that
averaged 1,, 1,111 pounds. They wer
sold a feeder and tis ker.
W. T. OrlfTHIiH, Maryland, li
of Montgomery county, who hu been
on the local market for the past two
weeks buying and shipping feeder at
lie, left lust night With 17 cars of
stock. Ha had previously shipped 21
carloads for buyers In Maryland,
"NcvVr In my life have 1 lieen as
many good quality fending cattle on
a market at one time as 1 have looked
at In Omaha tills week," said Mr,
(Irltlllh. Ills shipments will be ills
trlhuted in Washington and Frederick
and Montgomery counties, Maryland.
Ncbraxka City Farmer
Injured in Auto Wreck
Nebraska City, Neb,, Oct, 19. (Hpe-
i idl.) A ugust Hchrader and i'A
lirown, farmer resldlngfii tlio south
western part of Otoe county, were
si-rlously Injuied when the car In
which they were traveling? Id Lin
coln, overturned at ft curve north nf
this city. Herman hiader, a pas
senser in the rear aeat of the' car,
w throw clear nff the machine and
was but slightly Injured. Ha snemul
assistant and thn csr ws lifted nff
thn other men and they were brought
in th huepiial. here for treatment.
II .if fa 1,7 Coi7u7y"vtV C. T. 1 1
Htiya fom for Hospital
Kuiine), Ned., Oct, l (Hpeclal
Telegram.! A deal wa iloel her
whereby tho W. C. T. C. acquired the
Mr. I. Herbert property, which they
plan to occupy fur hiip!faluitloii piir
piiee and a tneetiiig plm-e, Th con
sideration waa llOftiio, The hull-Una'
I Ideally situated, with spacious
grounds, arid ha J2 room, It l
modern throughout. Inning the past
two year thn W. C, T. I', hvn been
looking after the welfare nf lliifralo
county dependent. Since abolition
of the poor f irm. The newly aiviulreil
building will give ampin room for
limmlng Hum uiifurtiiiiHle, a well
sa penult carrying out other work In
Which the organization I Interenli-.l,
!. NT ls VI rT.
Uc Antieilic Liquid Zemo
Thera I onn remedy that seldom
full to stop itching torture and r
lleve skin Irritation, and lhat make
the skin soft, clear and healthy.
Any druggist can supply you with
Zemo, which generally overcomes
skin diseases. Lexeme, lli-hf pimples,
Kashes, Hlack heads, In most rases
;lva way to emu, lYequently, minor
blemishes disappear overnight. Itch
ing usually slop Instantly, Zrino Is a
safe, aritliM-plli! liquid, clean, easy lo
usn and dependable, It cosla only
36c; an extra largn bottle, f 1 .00. H
Is positively safo for tender, sensitive
Healthy liver
Healthy life
Your liver heaitay f tt'it4, artree:
or alugg1al makM all lb djlluef e
tsTwern a etgnroua.
cheerful liU and low
apinta and fail
ure. To auhdua
a alabborn
llrer, orer-yj
coma onsiH jm
pttkm, 6ttth 4
aeaa tall, ma, 1
pea, indigestion, hssdsrh trai tis
blue there U not hlng on earth ao fnotl
eCarte iUttlfUrarrUk Purely vegetaolej
faufl ra-atoail D-ma Prfc
Ait ,Hfisy.K'.isr.
Appetizing Soups
make a stimulating ap
peal to appetite. Good
oup is so important. t
lie sure you do jtiatice
to yours, season tliem
Hard, Large and Fettered. Itched
and Burned. Cuticura Heals.
" My trouble wa eauwd by eatlnf
too much aweet IwA. My lace bfke
unt wlih bsrd, laf, I'd pimple
that toured uver. They were -
tared all over my fsa and Itched and
burned great deal, Th trouble
lasted (our or Ave month bsfof I
began using Cuticura Bosp snd Oint
ment. After a (w rtsys they afforded
relief, and when I had used on cake
o( Cuticura Soep and ore bo of
Cuticura Ointment I ws healed."
(Signed) Arthur E. Sendmenn, 191S
Denleon Ave., Cleveland, Ohio,
Feb. S, 1922.
Cuticura Boep, Otntmenl and Tal
cum promote and maintain skin pa
rity, skin comfort and ikln health
often when all ale fail.
iMMUIot W H" MH "eMtrsrtU B SeMtl, Mm " Mee
Ou,MIi0 1'm 14.
g0rCtumm Im tkf M vilMirt a.
rVhat woman hi nit hesitated to
put her hands Into wsshwaler Maturated
wllh odorutie, Irritating cointnon soup
Ingredients? Pre caustic, and ly bite
the hand, making I firm rough and red,
Murh discomfort Is rio lunger nceary,
I, Inn, th soap powder with th lemon
fragrance, soothe th haiHl, whll It
woman In iynn, Mass,, wa steep.
lug herbs on her kitchen stove accord
ing to a reel i mi of her own, to fur
nish medicine for the women of th
iielghhoihiMal. Today, a stone' throw
from the lilt In house where she lived,
iher Is a four story laboratory, rnak
leg I he same: medicine for the women
remove, every trae cif gresse and dirt - l)f ,n world. During thn-last year
from whatever needs to Ii cleaned. The . , ,, , . , , ,
lemon eonslltueat of Unn kills all other l"i""t f''' rarefully se.-.-lei
lire Instantly. No wonder Linn Is 1 Itfrbs were used In th rwtnufacf urd
mch a household favorite 1 Kvery good : , j yiit j-Uhain' vegetable Corn
roer sells I.lnn under a guarantee of i ,
i positive satisfaction or your money
I iini-k. nuy on package etien be im
A woman' medicine for woman'
aliment, Have you tried 111
The. Outstanding Closed Car Value
1923 Five Passenger Six-Cylinder Sedan 1985
nick DrtMS Through
TaW Mewsevrr
aa awb-k rare e iWwek a mm We
m0ibm mm nw
MfeM I1TIIT. "I MM Am n b MM
w ii ku o l mm tKai
mmwbm tmt mm ea seal S
The I
taUserWIfU t
fWteai MuaasU.'
tawleMlakM M trWTe
SVesi.tM, I raW4Mk Jlli. -
k mmtm, liltv, t rW tana,
SIMaTI kaSMk l, t IW
i s... M, rmKw M. I INm,
Iwmmm t tmlM, III.
I n M.ewtM v r
t kn m W . u. m
Measured by any standards you may
choose and for every kind of motoring,
the Buick five passenger six-cylinder
sedan is easily the outstanding value
in a closed car.
It is a handsome, richly appointed
sedan; tasteful in the quality of its
interior fittings and in the comfort
able luxury of its wide, easy seats with
their fine plush upholstery.
Every driving convenience is found in .
this car, so perfectly arranged that
each function is recorded before the
driver's eyes and every control is at
his finger tips.
And in addition, there is the depend
able, enduring performance and the
economical, satisfactory motoring that
always has been so marked in the
Huick chassis and the fanous Buick
vthlvt-in-head engine,
ta MoH, m Pm
it, iimh, a. ?.
When better AtjtnblUt art built, Rulck will build tbeta
4 Full Size 16 Ounce Loaves ol Hoyden's Famous While Bread-All Day lor 25c
Art Needle Work
Stumped centers, 44xM-lmdies,
mad on Indian Head muslin,
hemstitched ready fur crochet,
Kegulnr II. CO values; QOrt
special at , JJOt
Oloves, Etc.
Ladles' 16-button f'hsniolsette 'Glove In beaver, mode,
brown and gray; 11.25 value; per pair ,
L dies' 2-clssp Kid Uloves, broken, si zeS; regular fl.fiD
value; special, per pair 9- -..98)
Faloon T-lnen Stationery, 24 sheets and 2t envelopes, all
;olors, 25c value; i boxes for 98e)
I mbrella
Ladles' and men's tap edge American Taffeta Umbrella,
regular $1.35 value; special, racn 9S
MMmr&B'mm fas
tun , i '
Centl) f3t 1 ) (Q)Q Cent
70 Day WjfcO IO
Full of
Cotton Goods
10 yards of wide, fast color Chlnts end J-lb. roll t,t best
quilted Cotton, In Friday's sale If'i.UH
All Wool Masuny While l-'liinni-l, II 85 Miiallly, ymii WM
Moid Mlsed lllnnki la, pretty plaids fur double bels,
Friday's special, per pslr $8.91
I oil ii lllhrl In gray only for full l2i-d in1'!. Ffij
day's hm-i-IhI, pair ,..1.91
Comfurlafcle, llk niutl covering, plain color bolder,
bet auallty cotli.n fillltiit, 7-r.O value, t ... $r.H
linih 'leneU, large aise, blue borders, regular J9e vslue,
Friday, 4 for , ,9e
Main Hoof
98c Day
Rugs, Etc.
1,00(1 yards crisp new Cretonnes,
hundreds of patterns and every
color and combination represent
ed: arranged for eny selection;
valuea to buc; 4 yards for,.98
Teaeaa Nets
New Tuscon Nets, plain snd fig
ured, In natural color. Very sp
uisl, yard 98
Hag Itaga
Hlt-and-Mlaa. Hag Rugs, fine
quality new rugs with sxaortvd
oolored borders: 11.26 value at.
V' 98
Trlnted Linoleum, genuine bur
lap backed, Nairn A Armstrong's
first quality; It Si value st, per
yard QHo
Third lr
98c Day
Children's Dept.
Seeond Floor
laranla' Wear
A big table of Infants' Wear
aulea. Including wool and silk
and wool skirts, baby dresses,
flannel akirta, muslin and flan
nelette gewna, aweatera, rubber
ilieeta, pillow cases, lace trimmed
petticoats and many other arti
cles for the baby. Kvery article
a real bargain. Friday 98
Children' Wear
Friday, In our Children's Depsrt
nieut, one big tsble of Children's
Wear. Including rompers and
creepers In flannel and glng
liauii, dresaes, bonnets, allp-nver
sweaters, while wash middies
and many other articles for chil
dren. Home slightly rtmaaed snd
soiled, odd Iota snd samples. Val
uea tu I J 00, Friday 98
98c Day
Men's Wear
Huaklng ;lote
Men's Husking Uloves and Mitts,
regular 2bc quality. Fridny, 7
pali a for 98
Men's guspendera
Men's Preanleiit Sunpender with
French leather ends; 66c value,
Friday, 2 pair for 98
Mercerised o
Men's Mercerised Hox. color In
brown, black, navy and wlilt;
regular 2fo sad quality. Fri
day, 6 pairs fur 98
Men's Silk Tie
Men'a Silk Tiea. new patterns.
11.00 quality. Friday, 3 for 98
Men' I la Salt
Men's Lewis I nnm Hulls In ei-ru
and wlilt-. all sue, 1,1.00 oul
II). FihIms, ier auit ...111.98
Wain liaar
98c Day
Cnakmere Una
Women' fin Cashmere Hone In
plain and ribbed effects, first
quality, all lr.i-s, sanorted col
ors; fl.&u values, pair -98
;ry Caahmrre Has
Women' casluneie flniali Hose
In grav only. Very special. 4
pairs for 98
Tare Silk Him
Women's pure silk Ho, extra
fin grado, blsrk and colors, nt
9M4 d 2 palis for 98
II. n' an) l.lrl' i turn Ho
Hoy' and I 111 I' fin ribbed Cot
ton Mine, firat quality. 31c val
ues; 4 pairs for 98c
Infanta' Caahmrre llnae
Infanta' fine canhmer Una" in
black and while, i values. Fil-
lb-, 2 pairs fur 9
Mala t'lr
98c D&y
Front Room
SI.50 l.nille' Keckwear,
A aplundid asNorliiient of popular
new Neckwear In collar and cuff
seta, vealeea, etc.; regular II 60
valpes. balo price 98
il.SO l ah lie r r.noda, H
Including Hyrlnges and Hot
Wutel tiottles.
I. Ml taruun. Bull Ira, PS
Kna hi-avy vovrugsted J
imiined csim .
I Bll Jewelry st Use
Including KsrruiKa, liar Tina
and tttiuio Hfl hpsniah Cuinlis,
I. SO afcnpplug llaaa, e
Ktr beavy, laign mm Hags,
sun a lino or it ,,u mis Hurin
llnlia, Hnle plH-n 9lf
Mhiib. la.l ' end t liildien'e! 11
llanilkeiiliii I f-r 98
98c DAY
Silk Remnants at 98c
Apiece and Up
A iUrne of i!k Pi" at a f . actl..n .f
thlr talua; In lnih from I tn I id. In nn-.l
tery .iid ; H la til lio'li.t ut.
las ul eulor.
98c DAY
Stools and Mirrors
uu ri a ! i vtvir
i-tta, ek - -
Vakil Ksemelad e M.ri.ta. ! an
98c DAY
., a askkuaid N
I... I la., a-. ..-.., ...... J
i i r-vil j,i-."in M- . . , f4
at u , i i.5 ii. ct--a !'
t.l . . .
II ii. r-.ti !-.-. Waa, J-.t ' "'
ia"a i. - , , r"
It t. vu'a t i I arl
That's Worth
'JVO smart trinnntil anl taiKn l hnls, marki-d
2.!KS for uuiok i leaiaMt i, in n hnm xelt' tnn
of tvlf" niulVoltus. Lirse lints off tin fat',
l,04ririm. 'Yhe an nil liili r j'tin tl
hat.H turn our riular Un ifltvtl at ll
juivt' ftnlay only,
98c DAY
lfi4riiai. M"rm I in M--ir ni M Lr "
llir)! k tll(ll (lit Hurl 1'inH Hifh'i, k H'kJ
fMltl ralrltlliiKt lllri 1 lit 4. U-t . , . tf
U iNt-k I Utl m4 Uth J.lrdlrsj I mwb I "!
v U'urs l . .
t ffSM ir !. kr t lsf
98c DAY
I....4 I ln
Win. tli :itul I iii.ii Si ... .'.. Hulk, t
Ii.i.ii tel. ill' -. . - a i-i h at aai a,
(ii.l.i.ii i.i.-a l.l-a"- i'."1" t'1" I1 I
fclUtaa I I... .4 I Snltt,
Cl,illi.n I -,.,! I i ii -i i.. I k- oH,
I eg (.. siikla i.oa '
I I. I , iuiUi i Hi1 4 la
98c DAY
4 4e las t'alia W t4 a4 ''
(i..aa i in ... , IS
. a - . t.ta im aaiiicai H it.iai,. i i
i.a a. ...a . i ia la ! ihi.i.i i
I aa. r a
i. . ..ii I I. 1-1 . J
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