The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 19, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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    1 (
f It
English Cousin of
Mrs. John Redick
to Visit Here
Mr. Joi ltdk-k and Mr. W. A.
Jlcflic. nave .on to Chicago to
meet Mr. Rupert Cumr nf Knrlnd,
ruin r,f Nn. John Iteduk. They
will return ith lhlr -uct HumMy
nlKht. Thai la Mr. Currier firm trip
to Attwrloa and many affair ara be
ing ilatiB4 la ber honor.
Mrs. Burgess Hostess to
Miss Barnes.
Mm. Iwla liurfc-eae entertained ot
luiichnon Wedncdiiy at th Hurnena
Nneh tan rtm In honor of Mtaa Flor
ence Jtai nee of HprlnKflold, Jl.( gueat
lit Mia. lUifrt Ktors. Cover were
Ih i'l for tba Mcadome Chart. AIII
ti, DoiuclKa I'cti-ra, Yal Holland,
Ifenry T. Lubr!'-r, Victor 'laldwell.
Jack Hummcra, liiirdette Klrhendnll,
llobert Hun,, f f r 1 -1 1 Ifvi, )(oil
nca Kouritac, and the Mltwie Jiorolhy
lU-lt. Ikirolriy Judaoii, IJlcunor lluik
ley, ('Mr luiuxbciiy und Marie ,N'e-
Affairs for Mr. DeHaven.
Mr, Irvln Oirlr.Uuri lielfaw-n of
InduinapoUe, Ind , in rived Tuecdny lo
be Ilia tow at of Mra. John K. Morel-
ron. Mi. Mia-rlaon had 1Z kij-mh
lor luncheon and bridge to mwt Mra.
Delluveii ht rty,
Wedticeday Mra. Jt. M. llunemi rn
t'rt.ilned at luncheon In honor of Mm.
Delta ven and Thuraday Mr. Itoy
Walker ill r,c her hor.a at the
l' nteradle atiJ for hi ntlee.
(hi Siilui(l:r Mr, ami Mra. Morrl
on will mtit'ir their vMinr to Lin
coin for the MiKi iiirl Nibturka kiiiic.
Wedding Anniversary.
Mr. and Mra. Hl-mley Juck cele
brated their flint v.eMltift annlver
aary lt even'ng at lln-lr home lln
a br:le party, Tha khHm will In
cludij Vr, and Mr. Wallace llerrle,
Dr. and Mra. John Dlner, Mr. and
Mra, Howard Tuinluiui, Mr, ami Mra.
Daniel Crueniic, Mr, and Mra. Robert
Miss Kyan Honored.
Tta Mb Eleanor Carpctiler and
I.uiillo lAthrop were boate- for
luncheon and bridge, Wrdtifledey ot
tha HrandMa ta room In hotior of
Mlna Nell R)fi. ho la V t roarrte-J
Thuraday, Odoler 2, l Ha wthorim
lunl.'la. Mlaa Kliziibclh Cnaanuin of
l.rooklyn. flanw-e of Hurry Ryan, Mlra
Tlnn' hrol.hrr, ahared hofiora.
Thuraday lh Ailioih aororily lll
entcrlaln at auii"r at (he KlackatotiP
for Mlaa Ryan.
.Mra. Hirt !'i' U, ChilHir. ,
Mra. Vf. I'. Mhi'Iii lica returned
from a vtt ailth Mrn. Jeirra 1'eek
at Moltne, HI. Mra. I'tck M former
ly Mlxa flc'irclii I.Indr' y of tht city:
Wie In now cue of the Net.ranka rtlnt
exhIMtora at the F'ln Art aflcMy
exhibit lit the juiWIc llhrwi-y, A aln
Kiilnr fwiturf (f h-r loh-ct )a ttint r.he
had ne-er l'ai any flit wort until
two -Mra atro.
fb-tay Km Toil.
HetKf ICoaa Tent No. t. Ijaughtera
of Vetera na, will jnect Thunaday at Z
p. in. at Memorial hall, court tiouae.
Mra. fJeorr T. ITU-atly of Fremont
will in pert th K!'P. I'er Hoaa
Tent la one of the orgiinlzntlnna thnt
are HfMina'irltiir I he Ami lcanlMtlon
movlna to a atiown Friilay erenlng; In
tha council ebumher.
Far 1rt, llnhh-ird.
Mra. Arrrf K.iiicaKler had e-'lit
ttueata to luncheon lit her home Wid
neai'or In honor of Mia. C, J. Huh
hard who luvca Monilny fur I'ullfor
nla to titftk her home.
In the afternoon Mra. Arthur Ic
flimsf kni fiumlier of frirnda Infor
mally to tea wiih Mra. Htil.hnrd.
Watch the
" ?S)7 If
"NaMa, I at. INa reee ean (
.r ) Ct tUtmt. I
t htdif aw4 I'l I awn .
It'i great U $ child otbuiiuiwn for Ktlloeg'i; (rot
U ttttrtty en U th family eJoy thtir crUp trutcbinm
and wonderful fliforl To lit dowa Mott a hrapinu
bowlful f then Joyoui otin-browoed ,,wet heart-of-thtKora"
and om milk or crama4 frtih fruit, if
it's handy 1 Juit about tha tery lt word In af j tliinj
arr!! And, your food will proo that!
Ktllceg'a Cora I'lakci ou(ht to U aujxrlor thy aro
tb oritaat Cora I Ukwl Ktllog'i aro
ntvvt tough or loathrryt ttr hard to
Tuesday Lecture
r li
I! 1v4'. v"' I I
I 1
(WriA V.AI
V.'ill Irwin, noted war rorreapotiiletit
iiml I'tiihm', will K.ieiik in (aiialii
next lite-day for tha Una Arta
ciety. Mcifilira urn ark ad to remit
their due at oire lo Mra. I'hurlna
(entire, Z Chicago alieet.
Chuke C,JI lina one lo AUntitir
City on two we-ka' trip,
Jfine a V hoh hiia returned from
I" ilnya aiieni ot J,xn !)or Hjninna,
fir, J'nul l,iitlilltic,ton of I'l lii'iton,
,V. A., f rrnerly of Onuiha, arrive thl
week for tt r.fiort vlrll here,
Mr. and Mra, John Jt, VVehater and
Mr, and Mra., Jack WeUter r iliiu
nlMK a trip to Collfortilit lo aitid
Mveral montha. '
Mi, ntid Mia. (I. W, are
lnilliiK li ahort. time in Chicago,
They ore idfMinlntc trip to rlorld
latr In tlm f itpim.
i i
Mr, end Mra, K, Jt, Warren, M,l-
coinh, 111 . uiw sueata of Itev. and Mra.
A, K. Irnf. They ar lelurnliiK
from ('iilifoMita lo thHr home,
Miaa Eleanor Hayea of New Vork
la expected (he end of the month fi
n ahort vtait ivnaa r;rna jtemi,
Mlaa J-fayeii mid MSaa Head were
cl'iamte lit Vaaaiir,
Mra, Ihinlcl H iritent haa arrived In
(im.iliu after four niontha In Ibaton
and the While iiiomtl'iiiia. 8h! will
he with h-r ilotiKhier, Mra. Cliirke
Colt, for a few weekx ;id Will later
take an iitmiiment lit th Ulaekatona
for th" winlcr.
A leleKiarn haa hecn received here
from I'r. I.troy ( rummer, who, with
hia wif", landed in New York lut Fri
day, anyitiK they, would ruttch Oliiahft
Wcilneaday of next week, I'r, Cruin
mer la dolnif aomc hoaiiltal work In
New York In till meantime, Mra.
Iloxic unit ilauclitera met tha
Crtiinmcr tiiin tlu-lr iiniviil In New
York from ohroad.
I ndilalna at Tea.
Mra. l'hlllji rotter will t-ulei tain
the TiitiHy ('nth-oral xulld at ten at
her Inano Thurlay uiiernoon In hon
or of Mlaa Hann, a new member of
the KUfld.
little folks
speed home
for ,
oat new ft duuppointnu at I
Mo ferula to t Kallogj'i iho
dtlldoui kind of Cam Flakta la tho
RXP and CRECN wi(ka(-Uaua
oao aro tauloo without tho tlgaaturo
of W. K. Kallc. tho oiljlnaur of
Toaatid Con ruin.
Princeton Alumni
to Gather for
Ihila will no more Intelrelid
aiM ctalora at Hi" I'rlie etou llllin la
Kama nut Week In I'hlniKo thaii Mr,
and Mra. t'arl 'Irey, for their aoii,
Howard Orey, luj -rt end lor the
I'rlnrefon 'tarelty. Mr. and Mra. lry
will leava week from J-rlUuy rr
t'hl'-MKO iir will ho Joined ly Mr,
and Mr. ('ml (iiey, Jr , and lhlr
ihlhlien from Kancta '"lly. I'r. and
Mia. I.', li. lirl'lK'a will nlro m inene
Ura of the rf'.
A iiumher of Oninliana me iliiniilri(
tu attend tha Ituom and tha aluniiil
reunion that week end, anionic limn
Mr, and Mia. Arthur Wella and an
Thewlore, and Mr. urn! Mra. Knye I'or-
ter, who wi rn louriiwl t'iy in .Mont
i lulr, ii lid who Will Includa ChliuKO
III their wedding till', lfiaa they re
Iitii to (itiiaha, Mr, and Mra, (ilm
Wlui i ton, who me now lit Kxei'lalor
Hi noa", alao itan to hn In ChhaKo
for iha tacaalon, aa will I'r. I'aul I.iel
Problems That Perplex
Mr ItMtl.Ire lrf.
K.xenlM I Ilia TMnii.
f a line with Anloliiotta Uoiiiiell),
who alvlaea aula to no In for awim
liiilitf, for lauiket laill, for nitlMlhK
aii'l jnmplna;, for l.ikmit and t'-inna
and aolf; for any iiml every form of
apoit which i-ome w li hlu your trtov
inie even to hiin(biaiiiH, vaultluk,
Javelin Ihromlliit an IhltiK an lei ry
ibloa that will k"ii you aeiively on
our feet and will lender you miilu
and lively. That a your iciIiicIiik ttn
rl, your he,ltli accrrt, and your
ln 'ily aei'tel.
Ild you notka In the nunieroiia
I'll (urea ireaiiled of the till nllili tea
( to-ail to i,,retit Afnellea at I'aiia
u l'aullfal delo,meiit of body not
(added with fat but firm and lull'
i:ercle la the thing fjr you, young
alrla, If you e.iiiliol. get Jt any oilier
way, take ui aym work,
it three meala , day fiKd that
i are et i -iiijt li Klvlna; and body bulld-
Iiik, liniudltiK I'letity or frulla and
Viicetablea, And diet only on the ex
I'ea ove anel: Holloa! And li e cream.
Vou do reo,uir a certain amount of
aui;ar, but In threa well balanced
meal t day you will get nil or nearly
all tha aujfiir your ayatem iciulrea.
tttjirchra, when uaalmllat1, tuovidu
the tMimtt licat eneryy,
1 4i M iiiirlla: A combuiaiion of mi
luonlii and lieroxlde, four ;iita of th
eroxlde to one of ammonia, will
bleach hair. Jjon't uac it on your
head, liuwever. It would ruin your
Mary; Thera la a awlmminif pool
at lh Athletic club, but, of coura',
aofuii man i f your family haa to ! a
intober liefora you can enjoy III'
irlvilK of the iiool, Creih-tiioii nut
veralfy haa a fine fool uml there are
claaaia for Klrla thero which I think
you could Join, Iti'iuire ot tlm Y. VV,
C, A, for their cliiaaia In icymnualuiii,
cookln, millinery and ever no many
intereatluK tbliiKa. There la no e
cua for a 16-yi ur old old xlii not hav
ing iilnly to ilo. Are you In chuol7
Mlaa T. T. T,! Any good hairdieaa
Iuk i atabllhment would make ill)
your hair for you. If ymt car to
aend Hi" a alarnped, addrecaed en
velope, I will hive, you tinmen of ev
mil placea in Omaha. l,(ea-at your
iU"tion whn you write,
(. li.: Kvery day ut om rruaty
food ao aa lo give proper employment
to tha teeth. Com ho, llbroua foiala
are rleanalnr. wberai hilily eoiu-eii-tratl
fooda ar the opposite. The pre
vent pyorrhea apply Juxt ordinary
table ault lo the twlh bruah, Juat na
you apply a ileiitrilicc, and hruah the
teeth and KUtna with it u cotiplu of
tltn'-a t wee-k.
oAl Your
HIM (fr. ,
rrr. V 1.
My Marriage
My AliM.K UXHHlmm,
The May Mother (.rahain Met Madi;.
At lr. refill' annoiincement that
Tom tiierior loual bv bruiiyhl to our
homn b ei a u xe tint hoopllal wua over-
rrowilnt wih "accldenla and iera'
IIoiim," I tone nn Involiitilary little
!' of dlamay, which I Wa thankful,
lii'l" !. tio one om-i hi-iiid. Kut IIioukI)
I lolwht ciiiiceul my diKcomfoi t 1 could
not UuiImIi h, f ,r I had a awift, vivid
vieloii of litclty a fai-e when ha ahould
come homu and find Tom Cheater
bed ridden, lielpleaa luuiiil of our
gueat riain,
Time waa no hint f any Inward
ijii.'ilin in my milliner, however, aa I
iui' j 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 ! I y uml In ui : Jl y :
"it lourae, doctor, wn would not
coiiaent lo hia being taken liny
where olae. ilia leg la hrokun, la It
not?" I made Hie liiHt ( Ileal lull audlblo
to lr. I'eltit lilone.
"liiidly," Tho muitrreif monoayllabla
confoini'd uiy own iiiiiueaKloil of tha
young toau'ii Injiiiiea, and ax I climbed
Into the loiuieaii lanMe tha aiifferlng
lad I tried to put from tn avary
thought auve that of ronalilvralion for
Jr, I'rttu followed ma In, Indicated
the iielluri In which I waa Id alt, ami
Jifilng Tom I 'healer' ahouldera with
Infinite caullou, no aa not td dlaturh
hia rlKl'lly elreb heil out leg, glv In
awift, eii'iint illrei-tlotia:
"Nlip onr arm around tila ahouldera,
that' llclit, I'ut hia heMd ginat
your own ehoulder, no mora lo Iha
ilghi. Now braeo your feel againrl
the foot rail. Can you alt. that way
wiihout moving or letting him l loll-
ed until wn got lo your houaeT 1 "If
ill He a a carefully a a (loaalbln,"
"What Una lliippi'lieil?"
"I ion," 1 reiuriiwd ahortly, for
there wua aomethlng In hi voice, or
o I fancied, Which Implied tt, doubt
of toy being able to catty out hia di
rection. I wondered riilw-llloiialy why
he had not detall'-d my father to tbla
duty, and let tun drlvo the runabout.
Then, a a wuvo of anmethlng cloaely
rea'tnlllrig iiervou hyateria awept
me, I realized that I wa In no con
dition mentally or phyalcully to drlva
a cur, nii'l that the phyalclan' coldly
piofeaalonal aye hud without loubt
reeognl.ed Hint fact.
That hi iloulit of my endurunce of,
The laak lot hud act me had bean well
founded J reall?! In for a tha ahort
drlvo home wa ended. Kvery muacia
rebelled at tha uncninforlublu poet u if
which I wua compelled tu hold, and
only by tho giimmeat will power wa
I cimbkd to kep rigid and ahteld tho
helpleia youth reallng agalunt rim
from u. loll.
Manage II, 1 did, however, but when
i wa finally drew to tho farmhoiiao
lilo door riy f un wua wet with cold
peraplrallon, and when almoat at
once J)r, I'etlt tel'-aai-d me, I Hugger
rt in i;ettlng out of tho car, and would
havo alleu to the ground but for Lil
lian, who had rualud out to (tin ver
umlit when he heard ua driving In.
"What lina happened lo you?" Ib'i
olcc eelioid the question which Jr.
IVtlt nud my father hnd ahot at mo
When they had flrat eeu me.
"Never iniml that now," J.)r. 1'ettlt'
voice wa uibck and c-iiKp. "(live her
ono of tliomf Immediately." HI hiind
went to Mn pocket unci h paaaed I.ll
han u little vial, which I hazily aur
m!"d niuat contain aumu atlmulatlng
pelh-t which lie carrl'd for bltimi.-lf In
time of need. "Then ll'ip tll! get till
hoy uiiatalrK. Am there tiny men
around here now?"
Mollicr (iiahuiu'a (liiislion.
"Two of Mr, Cheat i r' own men nra
No more trouble with hard
water. LINN makes washwatcr
sot t as milk and just as pleasant
to the hands. Use LINN -a
epixinful or two to a pan of
water. A whisk or two and
your dishes and cooking utctuils
clean as it' by magic.
LINN diAjKiIvri all prva trukf
chini nj jjliv jte .paiklo nj hine.
LINN kr.'i1 the runJ hrjutitul 4nJ
ltirftiunujl'ruKluni!ui KupyJiit
fwrtver. Try LINN ux it 4lii,
f.V.V ji t fLt in
yvut aHinf ftr -
(!tdH m parent, iti
it (.Jav ir aii'Wt
buk if Bt
wailing for huil liialde," Lillian re
piled, "Then I all ill t feed you. )
can tak hltu up to tha una roomT"
"No," rallied and Hke awlflly.
"That la my fathri a. Hut tha gUiHl
iwim acroaa I he hill la all leady,"
"Will you make a hoapital bed there
at nliceT" lr. I'eltit den ninli) of Ul
Hun, "I want it mnly by the time wa
get him upatulra, Now, Mr. Hpetrcer.
lie turned from ua to my father,
who had ill I veil 111 lehlnd ua, and ut
I, Ilium with lo-r nun around me, fairly
dragged me up lh atepa, 1 heard hint
giving quick rrlap dlrectlona for the
Improvlaatlon of atretchrr,
I clutched Lillian' aim fiercely.
"(ilv lu that pellet, gulckly-t0
of Ihem," I ald, "I'm not going to
play the baby. 1 ran help you with
thai bed."
"You'll liuve lo," Lilian replhd in
matter of fact tone, and I realize,! af
terward that ahe could havu l iken na
better method of aootlilng no-. "Hit
here Juat m aecond,"
11 wa hardly loiijrrr befor all una
back with li glaaa of water, 1 a wal
lowed the pellet, tiKik a alp of water,
and went on up Iha aiulra with her,
fei-llng no whit latter, alruKggllng
fli-riidy to keep from awaylng, wiah
Ing fervently Jlint mime riilriuie
would put atrengllt and will power
Into me.
Mother (irahaiu, ttiiijeatlc In cap
and bathrobe, nut ua at tha top of
I h atalr.
"1 Juat looked out of the window and
heard your father and I'r. i'eltit talk
ing of bringing (hat I'luxlcr fellow up
hern on n. aticlcher," aha an hi Willi
the unpleaaant tniKaing mte which
nlwnya Infurlalea tne, "What' tba
matter With fh hoaillal that he ha
lo bo brought heri-7"
iCoi'ytliiif, 1121)
League of Women
Tha Ieagun of Women Voter will
meet Thuraday at 1 p. m. at tho Y,
W. C, A, to henr Hi Hire candidate
for rongrea apeak. Judge Willi
Her, Jamea ilauley nnU Hoy I la nop
will b on the prngrnm, Tho nicellug
I open to the public,
Mr. I.alliiup a Vlallor.
Mr. Amo Lnthrop of Hi. Paul,
Minn., la tho gueal of Mr. and Mra.
Iloy O, Ma km one. Mra, Maguona en
lerlalned 20 guealx at ta Wcdio-Hdny
In compllim-nt. to her vlaltor.
Mra. K. O. Tulley, Mr. Knii Iinib,
and Mr. Italpli filenn will bu hoat-
eaaea to Mr. Lalhrop th Ih week.
For Mr. Tliouipaon.
Mr. K. r. Nin-ly wa hoatea Wed
neaday nL u ten honoting Mra.
Kohnrt Thompaoii of Lo Angelc. A
alallng Mra, Necly wera Mra, Karl W.
Jone arid Mr, K. 11, Von Crdel.
Art DepHiiineiil 0. XV
Mra. Z. T. Llndaay will give a
atereoptlcoti talk on the "Art of tlio
Ndherland" Thurfday at 2:1 S, be
fore tha art department of tho Omaha
Women' club In tho larg parlor of
tho Y. W, C. A, All club member
aro welcome, Mr, C. J. Hubbard la
lender and Mr. V, 15. Ward
Koclute lender.
HERE'S your old-time fa
vorite full-fruited raisin
bread with at least eight tempt
ing raisins to the slice al
ready baked for you by master
bakers in your city.
Simply 'phone your grocer
or a neighborhood bake shop
and have a fresh loaf for lunch
or dinner to delight our
Vec arranged ith bakers
in almost every town and city
to bake this full-fruited raisin
Made with big, plump, ten
der seeded ratlins. The raisin
lbor permeates the bread.
FATTY fflflH
KpK i n ill vv vn
kU !Si
t'liclo Sammy loon l.rla Heady For
Cmiy Coon waa hurrying liiruugh
Ceilar riwamp toward Kiack , Crek,
wlii re t in lo Hominy Coon liv ed. II
had nrwa for tho old genlleiuan.
Klrat Kntty went to I'ncl Hnmmy'l
hniiae. lis wna not at home ao I'ncl
Rummy' wife, Aunt Amanda, aald,
"What do you Wjilit of Hamuel?"
"I havu u meaaaga for him," Kntty
PXI'liillied. .
"You tell It In ma and Ml tell It to
him." o!il Aunt Amanda Coon,
"No, thank you! I muat Hive Ih
meaeage lo I'lK'M Sammy hlluelf,',
1'nlty lualaled. "The nrwa la about
oui of hi relation."
"Huh!" Auul Amanda iihnd
Willi u aulff. "Then the new doeau't
Intereat me. You'll find my huaband
flailing down liealdu the oreek."
Ho l-'alty C'Kin crept down the bank
of Illok Creek, Cmin Haininy wa
there, A big talch of perch lay on
a rock neur him.
Homehow I'niio 8ammy aeemed
nolle too I'leaacd lo ace Kntty Coon,
The moment ho aplcd Kntty he Jumped
Up mid tund over hi flail, glaring
in a havat unfriendly f.ialilnn.
'Cfiutln Utnuel h the !( f,iiW
"Don't worry, l.'nrla Haminy!" ald
Fatty, "I've hurt my hri-iikfuat., I've
come to tell you that your coualn and
hi family are on tha way to make
yon a viait."
When ho heard I hi new Undo
Sammy actually looked dlatresaed.
'Which roiadn?" ho naked pres
"Your cousin Lemuel."
Uncle Sammy groaned now.
"CouhIii Lemuel hue the Mggeat
family of 'em all, "he growled. "I
waa hoping that it might he Amo. He
hn the Htnalleat family of all my
cm in. Well, I mippoae I'll have to
get ready for company."
"You've already mnde a good be
ginning," Fatty Coon obaerved.
It For You
no need to bake at
You've never tasted finer food.
Order a loaf now and count
the raisins.
Raisin bread is a rare combina
tion of nutritious cereal and fruit
both good and good for you.
Scrv$ at least twice weekly to get
the benefits.
Use Sun-Maid for home cook
ing of puJdings, cakes, cookies,
You may be offered other bramls
that you know less well than Sun
Maids, but the kind you want it
the kind you know it good. Insiit,
therefore, on Sun -Maid branil.
Thcv cot no more than ordinary
Mail coupon for free bxk d
reMed "Sun-Maid Rccipcv"
Sun-Maid Raisins
Tho Supremo
Oread Rtxiiin
"Thtf a nice lot of perch. Your
eouam'a family will enjoy Ihem,"
t'lui Hominy Coon made no reply,
lie gave Fatly an odd look, then guih
rd Ui hi flail tind almled for limn.
Kuttly went along with him, lit
though I'ncl PniiMny (tidn't Invite
lilm to hi houa.
"netting ready for company la hard
work," t'nclo Rummy complained. "I
Ilk to have plenty of notice, when
company a romlng, Ifci you kuo
when my coualn' family will arrive?"
"In alMiut an liuur!" Fatty repllr.l.
"Pnkea alive!" cried I'ncla etauuuy.
"I muat hurry." H limped along aa
fait aa be could go. Aril eoon they
reached) I'niie Hnmmy'a hoiie.
Aunt Amanda waa In Iha donryird,
"Coualn lmue' family ar going
tn make ua a Malt. They'll I her
In an hour," Unci Hammy told her.
"I there much food In tho liouae?"
"Yea, thera la." ah anawered
"Thera a a frog, (wo mice, a half dm
11 bird' egga, pven "
"Never mind!" V'ncl Rammy Inter-
rupted, "Don't atop to count every
thing! Cet thing out of eight aa f iat
aa you can, ' t wiali I hadn't riu:ht
Iheae flah, I'm tifrnld there' more
food on hand than wa run eat."
Well, I'ncl Rnmmy and lit wife
began to "get thing out of lght" ft
Illicitly 11 poMlble, They both bewiin
to eat greedily, Flrat Ihey at th
perch; and then Aunt Amanda la-gan
to bring more food out of Ih houae,
I'ncla Hammy nld that ahe had betler
do that part of Iho work, becnuae lie
wnan't aa apry on lila feet aa aha waa,
lie aald he could lielp more by etny
Ing right there In the doorway and
eating whatever ahe fetched to him.
Aa Aunt Amanda went back nml
forth between Iho houao and Ih door
yard h at a much n ahe could
Meanwhile th 11m waa fnal altpplng
by. Kutty Coon la-gun to think that
the comiainy might get there befor
I'ncl Mammy and hi wife were
ready for them.
"Don't you want me to help you?
ho Inquired politely, "I've had my
N-eakfaat, but I think I could eat a
few egg and a mouae, ninybe,"
"No, thank you!" Undo gummy
mumbled. "If we need any help we'll
aak for It,"
Well, at laat every bit of food Ian)
vaniahed. Undo Hammy and Aunt
Amanda lind e-alen It all bt-lewecn
"Let 'em come, now!" cried Uncle
Hammy Coon.
Juat than old Mr, Crow came flap
ping acroaa the swamp and aottled
down in a apruco tree near Vnclo
Hamiiiy'a houao.
"I have aome now for you," he
called In hi hoarne voice.
My goodneaa! I there more com
pany coming?" Uncle Hninmy cried.
"Yrujr coualn T-m atarted thia way,
Put he chnnged hia mind. At leaat
hi wlfo changed it for him." aald
Mr. Crow. "They've gone lo vlalt hr
relation, over on the other aide of the
"Now, laii't Hint a pity!" Uncle
Hammy Coon exclaimed. "W'e'ro al
ready for them. And they nrcn't
coming. I never did aee auch luck."
And Aunt Amanda wa juat aa
upaet aa he waa. Hhe aald that folk
had no bualnea to dlanppolnt their
relation Ilka tht, when they had
their heart full et on aeeltig" em,
(C'ni.yrlKht, I9i2
A ton. John Allen, wa horn Satur
day to Mr. and Mr. John P, IVtcraou,
d Raisins
f t'T TM! VXT l n IT I
llirlll Annoimirmenla,
Mr. and Mia. W. K. Ihuett an
nounce the hit III of a daughter, I'aul
Ine lUie, at th ytewait lioapltrtl. Oc
toiler IT.
A daurhter, l:lly lulae, wm born
tiitobar to Mr. and Mra, Clurlea H,
MnKr of Indhiinipoh. Mr, MvKea
wa formerly Mia Mlnne Loulia
N'ygunrd of tlaa i ll)",
ii- 1 ii ifiinr-r"
Blankets and Comfort!
Double IllankcU $3.05
r'in Hllkoliue C'ouitotU,
t $4.65
kitchen cabinets
$19.75 up
$1 Down, $1 a Week
Tuesday, Oct. 31st, at
8 P. M., We Will
Give Away
An Eight Piece Mahogany
Dining Room
42 Other Useful
Household Articles
Come in and Ask
, About It
No Purchase Required
S Mixing Cowl 694
Mtth. Finish Foot Stool. 79
Galvanized Tails 1Q$
Galvanized Tub! 65
Splendid WaHhboarda ..-55
Clothe Boskets 5
Blacking glands $1.25
Copper Bottom Boiler
at $2.59
UarlHuU Uas .Ranges
at $59.75
Other Styles $39.75 UP
New Oak Heater
Pa :thiirnArB i
iiw a aa v a
1 a , - k
I '' $7atl
Kfl for
Twu Ntna-KS; and i
LO Kl K3
mi j t inn imnui v tv, 1 i.k.h.s m.
9a aWai Reaa Ca
l tt t, Ik. i a ',
Pm -! m 4 t- (. ht
' l.l muk .
- 1 irt.-kt M l
lt,l .Me t.-t m SM'
ill. ii r-o.wj iiai
va4 m Uriti-I
ie iiliuMiiil I
mti 4 ta4M U I
i . . -i
-4 ma tmt Mi
(Ut mm i UUK41 UVUUi 4 llU(Kt.1 MUL t4 UmkiU
I f ; 7
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