Till-: OMAHA BKE: THURSDAY. OCTOBER 10. 1922. The Morning Bee MORNING EVENING SUNDAY THE Ktl PL'BLISHIING ff)MI-AJY HT.UiOM B. tCWkt, fuhli.Ltr. It. :k,Mll, ti, Ktniiir, MCMHfB. Of 1HK AMIOCIATtD PBtSB taa 1uI I'nm. t l a I. ..a 11,0 lut la (Mil!, it r. Iwl if a4l.. I.. tl, KM I I ',l,l.l,l '! til . 4iut. rfM tt t-j ti tff "4 Mii.rw M .rln.i (i im. a.,.1 , ll. I--.I !.. m. Larala. 411 Cl,:i .J .7 iiiai Sit-anl. ... immrt ULC. TLI l l'IIONM Jrlat ffraafh Krliai,y. Alb f I Ilia In-rarl ml,t . T . of I n -hi Hail.. I. t-ur Nicm ( all. rr Id I'. M . ; lentic KSltunai paea'trnaiil. Atlanta 11 I i,r 10W JOOO wm view, and i-nmmiHi-t ha been appointed by the American Aoclatlon of Stat Highway Of ficial to consider th matter, A "Manual of I'rac- tic" is being prepared, to spread the ides of stand ardiration. If Lririjfo rompamea were not -ulll 1 upon to meet ao much variation in detign, a raving I to county fund might be poauble, 1 ontr Main Off.- 1 V i h acif lin.au Co. B ii ff . . l . oil Hi. H.i, rl, N W, luf : I'll ai.it N Mam v...,. .an fioi. Wa-lilfiKl.ia . . i t m.r Ijirfw. Oi .a.. . 1729 M.aar It iJa ! JoflK overdue, that Ann-lira l not fee earn, ir.i.ii- 4.9 ii (, Honor NOT A NATION OF MOKON8 Mental tot impoaed on tltu draft army have been coimtatitly quoted by alarniiU who ipjeatiuri tho ability of dcmormcy to survive. Will in mi Allen Whitn him written of tin moron in politic, and Cornelia James Cannon, in The Atlantic, nauine Ihut per font of our citizens are of "Inferior In. talllifenrc," Now, however, c onic the de bit at ion, ii The People's Voice' taMan.l liam raaaart al Tha Mmai. Mm. RaaaVra al Ika Muralaa Baa arc la ml a la ia ikia talaaia lrar aantataiM ai Mllm al pulilav latasaal. Bryan's Two Opinions of Hitchcock i CAH'fcRS l'KAISE OK JIOWELL. With tliv miirriHtinn of Jll' Ki-nyon, riti.aior Arthur ('. i jii r l'i hiiih th cjiokirmin in tlio I'niti'il iSUitu toutij (nt w'-li'in iijrii ul(ijr'. Jt In for tilt' pioli'itn.n of tin- lotcri'xtii of the fmniirii thllt bt rollii'n t.j Ni bm kll to uri' tbr l li'i tion of K. J!. Jlnwull t f tlio Ki liati'. No olid know bi-tkT thtn Si-imtor ('iipjii r tn 4inporimn f of ( oiiiiri'Beioiiul m lioii for Uu- iniprovB. mi-iit of tin- tmtuiiiif imlu liy. t'omiiiK a m iKh bor fioin KaiMiH b i f,imiliir aluo with tin iword of lliwcl from tbn iinui hu Iii(tiin u un irriKation vnitiiicer, nnd h ! ni;t limit lin prami; witli any ijilillilii nlion, Jlov.rlJ, hi? known, in u Hum of iirtioii anil the farm bloc in di'liriniiit'd on action, whiln the nouMiciii bloc uilh which Hitchcock in allii'd in bent childly on inaction, frcilit rul'-ii an- Ion hyh, and muni lotni' down, .ciiui,r ('iippcr dci bird. Jt in Mowidl that he" ioihiIh on aiiiinir I itri in tin, not Hitchcock, whom) aupport of llic ( ''iioiuiox ;!ii i Inw i now proving nui li an i 'iiibaru i. irn nt to the Jnrno''iiii.ic nun J'aik'ii. Ilowilj hU,tnl fur I In' policy of making Um rail ruadi (oiiijiilc, sit ii tin' yovcrnmciit. Kcttio, not a iiiMiiiiioi i, but a ii mini u in at" t'j be chaiKi-d nhip- pern and 'ii :'!, yin, tnni with nlal contrid over local iai' if"l,ori'i, Miiiiit()t' Capper now ban a bill lo rcpi.il the nu-cwH'.'il Kiiarantcif chium; and t' rcilori" control of local rule to utatu commiaaioiiH, Like Unwell, be IioIiIh ihut the iii"itiiiii of traiM poiluiion chaiyi will inker lio aUkfaclonly an nwpred until all the objectionable fatup'N of the ('utnmi'iM Kch act ace repealed. , Thi! inipoitant, IbiiiK in to K t lower freiKht rale no that finn proilii'tK cun be uhlpped to market without too heavy n toll. If competition can not be hrouvht 'nick in any other way, Howell ban raid frequently, he would favnr (("vernment opviation of one railway line, niiice.iiiK out tin) water and forcing down t ate by lu'lual public) compel it ion. "I am for public ownership riot aa an end, but n tnciiii" to it end in teslnrini; competition and brcukinif monopoly," Mr. Howell declarri. H addx the thouifht that thn acquisition of all railroada would hfi iiindviKiible, (in wan hown by th! venture of thn WiNon adminint ration. Thin m thn wine, earnr-nt way in which the mid dle went i viewing lh railroad problem. Senator Capper hail been t.rivinjr with miifht anl main to redjut tht tratiaportation dyaletn, and he known that in Howell he will have an untiring, tntelliKent and fommon-ncnnibU) ally. J I "I me Ii. hrilflmli, who hinm If nupcrvined I hi) t. K t. It. I ni, t i,.n u, Villi .I.....1... Ik., ii .. u .. I '. i. 1 .. j w nuiiiiiimiiiii u in iiiim fiuiinjK v,,i- mil) ;illlliin ill me survey for iictoiier the onion of thn nmiakeii report. The army. p'j'rholutfimK, he ,af, aimply dubbed "inferior" that fifth (roughly) of all ru- eruita who made the lowent score, "mperior" and "very nupcrior" tho uppermont liflh, and "average'' the Jhree fifth in between, I'nd'.r an aitatiijemeiit of thin aort M fifth of any colteKcj faculty could be clacned a "inferior." The gcneralixation that the aimy tent (bowed half the population to be leu than i'i year in men tal ii 1) also in critically examined by I'rof, Knliidi, "Mental aire," w find, i Jut u conveiilional term Iliiilrmul Men ami Hum i ll. '.ill it). Ni. - Tn tliv J Miior of Tim (aim 1.4 Je: Tim fniiit of ,cii,i!i-r Mill ln oi It a "WoiJil llemlj" chihij I tin lufot tjintiort Unit W, II nliri'l'Mlilir, im ll' linlllil rnc III" llliitliulliiaul ill K.iiUi.y T i 1 1 f i j 1 1 ' i j , Iihm oi.iilnl m in I III II I.I ll lil.liia if II,,. Iii,.,a,il,i minded, J lem to nth. iti.l, mixilmira mul , THIN. In lint ( iiiniiiiilicr of A n II, !5f!0, 'III) all lunt the (olluMli.a lo my of i llm prrwnt ijemocmlle li"liilli fnf the nii'e, puilinx lei-tnlii ii i ,i.ii il It (Hid licot k'a lril cliiliii tli.it irohiltinii ia a IiKAIJ lii mnl llMt Mr. Illti lieiH-k fi'lnjicy of Kin ami li'-r ilnea lint i .ime a 'li.ii;iir laaoe.' He ilnea not ilny tliUt Die tMiiulnr Irleil to lirrvent tl;liv i,f h tfunln .( I'li'lill'lll'ill Mild refi!M to Kive e I iriiii r' iniinoa l , lii nlm iIi.ihmihi: loa I tin i.J. kn i,ri,i.(y ( ( , if ii'i'ilntil ii iii a. imIivik of Um aliuji i rnf ainl ii.iiiKit.ii, a, im . naiier .ini In eiiilmaiiig Hi., f.t intt'lit' V of l(. If. Ilowcll, ill it li.e.liiitf ., M I A in nlll, I icli.liur ,i. 'I lie liifnlioiiaiixaa of tlie ulUi ln inn ' iHily l, Iruep'l thliiiiuh H'. II. (Ilei'll tti'iiif In Aitliur Mullen, "political lim," il.ioocMii, i,f NedrdKkii, Vilm ill 1. 1 fl i llI. O ki'i fiiil,a fur Vote la IH'ikIIiim la .10 ii era of ailver In Hi'. u d im. of Jinl.ia, aoiini i,f Mln 'in I'm y l" I"'iin1 iinfi.i luiiiili.ly in th mull ami lilti of luleueia. llm miiy till k. iiia ui tin. I.lnnilii mi'lliiif weie W, II. Hliriiililio anl .1. I'. iMnn 'lick, 'l lieao nu n iittcinlei) lhi. I. Ill, -i. In .i.i.i.l i.i, ( r.m,..r (,. indicating the level of general intelligence, Which aw.iy Hie hi Hi,,, i.f hi.lin tl1i repl.in- in thing differing from judgment, witdom or ''' of aimpciuru and triiiint- knowk'dge, practical and theoretical, "W' rnuKt nharply dinlinguixh between intelligence, which refer to native rapacity, and intellectual power, which depeiioa In part on experience," he declare. A report of the aurgeon genera! of the army I,h been ii jzed upon and diilorted into a dcclara tion thai 47 per rent of thn population in not above the grndu '( intelligence of a moron, which I that ol a child 'rjm 7 to 13 yearn old. Thin hlnj-c on the deiinition of fcebk'mindednenn. l)n the ntund- of IMifanm tit the known wlnhea of Ion l mill mill a m Ilia, gucatli.il. It ilnea not Kive H.iniliir I lili li.m k a il'IniHIoii i.f IIAKMIil.HH l.e.r .i(cn nil oil. In- i iintent I not tiieo. in. mil - or ktiiliiii why the nninr illKillll.j It," wine l.ll'l .cer laane hv limklllll It tli" OM.V line melitloncl In h'.n I.Ii;iiiiii In tlii-ac In china" of In llln ili.! Ciiiiilnti int Ikiiujii I Till; NATION IAN NOT KN TIlt'HT TDK KNKOIlfKMrA'T I'g I'KullllilTKiN I'D tlNi; WHO ihikh Mr m:i,n;vi; in it. jii liiilolnntlon wmilit lie an tiianll to I Ik, 45 ntutea llmt lt;tl.l ir.lillo Hull mnl li liuliilicnp In lh ileiine . ra'le cmiitliUile In the 14 alalia Ihut hi ail.pled pri'lnhitlon ami In tha dry illMrict of the elalia that hava not adipted prohllition by mat anion." ' mi of ina'nlity lo inani.tte one n atrali with or dinary piud'-'n'P," I'rof. Knglinh cutiinale that 6 or 7 per cent of tho adult of the country are defi nitely fueblemlnded. Thee, of eourae, represent a national prob'em, but not auch a gigantic one a would bo up if only fi.'J per cent i;f tho people were in full control tf their facullicn. Ono can not indict half the na'ion. The net writer who make une of thn min-.tale-ment concerning Um American intelligence de rerven n vote o' condemnation. To juggle theiio fig ure fa rot helpful, or even omuing, tlini oiwinliiitioon, from every terrain I ill In N. liiiiaka, i xiept liianil loliinil, I ami without tic. luring l!n lr Int. nllnii if lint ii""itlna the deei,n of a: nial'iiiiy of ihiiMe princnt, have flunk loin tlielr filmy hole from wIkiii! ii.i.en Vitiiiieiiitlve nintini'a analnaf Unwell in I im Intcriel of Ifeehc, nnlli d of w hk Ii 1 pilnfi-il In liil' licock paner; Howell ciiuM nut pur allay l. uioie rinlnaoliinlle to hihiir (Inn Illti tn-ia-k ha heen. In I hi. 12 yen! Hitchcock Im I... -,i In tin a-imle Im h:ia not Voted favnrahln In on" bIhkI rnujur ini'iiniue wherv In Void e.miitrd, arid thla Ml'einpt of Kfeiopnliue, lirn-n, .Mullen ami nniiiiiiny to ntauip''!' thn li.iiinpoiliilam lii'ul la rtiond and nlmii- ei.'iflii llni'iiL-li'iiil N'-lirnHka In tlu-i Interi Ml of (Hlt rr M. Hitchcock ( to llmi out Juat lie a ntuplil hm It, In vicuna Hhro'.alilic i'f the "From State and Nation" Editorials from otltr nvicmH'r. NOW, III a tee Il lunda Ifc tniicr it, DC!, to Ilia W i alien a t'tirlntull Telllief h nr iiftkiu, v. J. Hr)n attemiaed 111 nanne the Wmiii.ii viaer tlmt pl lul'lllill wonlil I ai.fr. In tha l.aixl if Illti tn ni I,, He Mint there: "Th' whu till im tiint you a. In 11 1 1 1 ' I .tc fur uny il. iiMa ratte unit:. I. ilea tliut are aiiitMu-4 to I"' iipMii(iiia rii-tiatnr Ititi hcia k am putting their i I'lll'llrtiltl-lil al'e their prohil'ltni'i. "We hm lenl a luii'l tilit ill thla ltt ami riuw Imve it M-uie.1, und j all i Hiiilnl.-iti a lire an l "lt:etl tti III! limit. r Who ! elvcte.1, J.nilill.l lliai will al.mj No one can af fnrd to nine thin nuixlinii In an att' iiipf to n lire iirfCtlnHii ad iintaae fur uny iiaiiilidiite." j llili In lak lia nirl )cl aiiiiinmi-ril .Hint lie bellees In pri.hllillliai, hi laical alaleiiM-ul merly aiax llmt lie will not tote lo wenken the VoMratl I law, Im auke of Hie afdfint id I lie 1 nitiW of .Neliranlia, mil Imauae of jany runt Icli.ai on III pari. Mr. Id) all 'a endor-aeiiienl liaa lieew .l lowed by eiidnrwiiieiit by Hie "wet" la-KaiHaliiiti iMjiponlna the IDtli aiiw-ml-ineiil. Waali'l Ida III at pmllioll, thai lanlilhiliiiri la not a dead Inane, Hie line lie alinold date altn k h)T d the plnBiu le, where ha mii;ht l j XH led lo I if mm in. Not al all. Th in nan un Aincrleuii of ItnliHn iir'iiK'', only ?l yearn old, who wrta to hutr wnneihliiK to any nlmiit Um i levn'ioii if VV iil'cr HHtf.li it aiiylxiily el-- lo I lie fnma and f inula thai no wnh a ii'fetioiiaj Hull cliaoiiiloiiHiilp. 1 1 1 ree yi yrn ao SOLVED ------ t, ; TJl UV yjj , li.. i . v r a - : t . al aiujv-tt- Vbut Do Vnu Ainnuiit Tof In. in Ilia linrlllif jinx IKun 1 r.ntlf rlad- I'liroiil' 1. , Hay, fell' iff, let take a Jitll walk out to the c'Vic of town and alt ilnwn In lh October auiikhlno and &k our "Ive a few ijuaUoii, Tha ldt la mi,. Ii w amount to In the e.inniuiilly; juat, how much alvim hlmaelf a.er.lHry We kin ilulna or have done for Neliranlia tlo lealalatlve l.nr Uiiki rn. a einldy, lii-iic Haiaen lu.lay carrlia f . . . r( . I cup Inaleli'l .f elnlia. i liat lie wnu A fh ) )? the irfa-ti ehBiiit-hm'-hifi al rh.ito iJfUll UJ I UUUff I otlifr men h wmi tli oi u eheoi- ' ' ploui-hlp ami then have al-p"d anile for iiiiiiliiora in nitnr louinamwiia Not an w-rlli ll.ne Warnwii. He at lui lied Ihn wuthei n np. il ( liaoiimil aliip and the profi -n ,onal Kolfeia i ly cniimiionanii, rni emiieiil Willi elinv Inn I he "old (.'Haul-' ailile In tourna inenta. tie (t. f. a'wl llaKen, Hull hln Mini a ad limn. in run I'll phi v. f'-u' Karaw-n'a anpi-erne tel came )aa -imi. uin, hi ( v.'-rt.n-T - m ..iiiil,n ISMilt,g I'tim i'uli'iwhiht C'lil- t! i.i , )'liiiaa.'ielea The author atatea il earn' unci ll.' t ;li the iiinnihd (huplcr and prncee.la lo uninld ii Her.' of event a "TWILIGHT SLEEP" AND TRUTH. Another prison doctor ha announced the dia coviry of on infallible way lo get at the truth in criminal cascn. Jt ix to admitiwter "twilight alnep" to thu accuHcd, He ay h lui experimented with a thouniuid prisoner, and i convinced hi method j infallible. Even with the doctor's ussuranco of renulta obtained in bin own experlmcntt, some heni tancy may be pardoned a to acceptance of his view, ' One of the phenomena accompanying onontheaia is that Hie subject will talk, but unually at random. "Laughing gna" long ago was recognized as pro "voking irresponsible action when administered to certain types of individuals; ether, chloroform, and aimilar drugs c.cite thu patient to talking while yet in a M-mi-consciou state, but generally the talk is incoherent or at random. , It ih not strange then that scopolaomin, or "twi light sleep." will induce a similar effect, but can statements so made be relied "uponT wnat couri would accept as evidence testimony so gained? Some centuries ago torture of various kinds wus resorted to to extract the "truth" from suspected persons; how often the facts were obtained will never be known, but tho probabilities are that in most cases innocent prrsmm suffered because of lacking the fortitude to undergo the ordeal, while the guilty a frequently escaped because they could steel them selves to the trial. People suspected of witchcraft onco were bound and thrown into tha water; if they floated, they were guilty and accordingly were executed; if they sank and' were drowned, they were esteemed inno cent. "Madame," said the foreman of Judge l.ynrh's court, "the joke is on us. Your husband didn't do it, but we didn't find it out till after we hung him " Something like this attaches to tho thought of aturcfyii'K prisoner to make him con-ft-. REGISTRATION ESSENTIAL TO VOTING. Omaha haa a permanent registration Ji.it for voters. It requires correction and revision from time to time, however. If a voter ha changed address since the lust elec tion, fresh registration is necessary in order to vote at Iho coming election. Any who have come to the city since November, IV20, and have been here loutf enough to establish reaidencc, also must be regis tered. Civic duty requires that each voter exercise his privilege and east vole at the election. Those who voluntarily (Unfranchise themselves by failure to vote foreclose any right to complain if the outcome is not satisfactory. Our government is just what the eit.i 7,en make it, and "the man who does not vote con sents to the result of the election in advance, be it fur good or for evil. t The most cherished attribute of citizenship is thp franchise. , It is denied in this land only t criminals and absolute incompetents. A riti.en who voluntarily neglects to vote unconsciously allies him self with the proscribed clan, , Issue in the approaching election arc clear and important. The candidates have aligned themselves on one side or the other of vital questions. Prosper ity of the nation, state, county and city, good gov ernment' for all, are included in the possible result of the voting. For all these reasons it is desirable that each voter be registered and that every one vote on elec tion day. hoard, hut be voin jnal lita own lit Hi. opinion JnallKal"il ly the well iii.mn.-i' d Intellect of one Arthur V, .Mullen, If he does not already know tblM. he will sunn l eriHaliteiii.rt. The Iniiiniiortaf um l.rotherliood lb-re i a Hat of questions w are KolfiK lo Mh: lio f ever attend a ae.hool exhibition or take any llittiest In Hi public Nchooia? Jar I ever KO (o church or help in and ahnpcrafl of Omaha, may be ot "'-' 'hurcli activities? MOW ONE DOLLAR TRAVELED. Over t Chicapi a dollar bill has been traced "on tu round ihr.nmli the town," thu period cov eting Week. It wan a aotise, resiles bill, for it was spent thirty-one tmn-i in ix days, or an aver age f t ctrr flvB tint. a day. Net once did it et.tcr a thi'.iter, n r di I it k to rhuuh, l ive lime it w u, t. pay salaries; I've time it bought tobacco; liva t.me it paid f.r cigaretaj thrve time It wnt fr meal, thru time fei lamly, Iwica each f,.r shnVtM and rnt'' ilntl inc, and once each for au'.omul c itnni t n, wrbutg powder, e.d Ur tu'!"i'. r) an I tctU p.ute. Jiurely Uit rifibtr ! .., and tt a !n lutri kivo a firlv gi..d 1 k-!it vii the diS) vxp.-rt if the ' ii ' prop1. Peihapa n Mult n ilin.nn ny be h..rg on th; .-..r t, but It dut- a f r.t an in. sHt n.ti wh.tl Vf t -in.rtu n li-t t 4fir '"' WHO OWNS THE AIR ROUTES? When the automobile first came into use in Eng land, it is said, a man bearing a red flag was forced to walk ahead to warn other travelers. It was im possible, of course, ,to attempt any such restriction of airplanes, but it seems remarkable that thus far scarcely any regulation has been attempted. It would be possible to challenge an aviator's right to fly over another man's property under the common law maxim that the owner of the soil owns to the sky. Yet in the last two years aircraft trav eled approximately 12,000,000 miles in the United States without a single property owner filing a claim for aerial trespass. The field of the aviator's rights and liabilities remain for the present in a twilight none. When the Constitution was adopted one of the things never contemplated wa that man would fly through the air. The question of what governmental agen cies have power to regulate aeronautics, and to what extent it not yet answered. The commercial future of aircraft in America will be influenced by law that are yet unwritten, although there is rea son to believe that the law, within limits, will bo colored by the requirements of this an yd infant industry. TO ClttCAlrK UKllG.a. A WAY trJfc Willi u a ti!y iu-w u n.any N tiatta Ueuiitivs M'' l!X I" B-Mirn U p ii ' l"it T at in. '" .Uit U' t't i aiti in M V I fa lcn at, w. tuira d a ts t. Url iim a i.t U n i u I ' iirtf i' !. i .!i.-m in ir n.i,n a4 fru.tiAB f I. U 't4 k ti Wir f :wVi U rf v I'ai"". .1 f . ft la antoif l Wi ' ' I ' i f . i..-. t ,'!. ea Ht U-B. B4 lat ll la! l a' " Pta'.a ?.' H i . :' i t-t Ilenioeratlc spellbinder are going ah.iut New York with "tariff kits" to show folk how they are being robbed. These might well tie accompanied by soma of the exhibit made in lha I'nited .State senate, wherein It shown that the profit i n one article imported into New York a 2,'tod per cent, and that a pipe made in London and imported at a tout ef II" retailed for f'V Uejd George take o. i -aatnn to pi.i liic book written bv tieerttary of La'-r I'aMi - whieh inaj Im Ukrn a evidenee that Wel.h blood, at U-fiit. 1 i tbnkr than water. ! ........... . 'W. J. II" found ' e itrouM of w unit a li ioi.ll ! not hvi m U! t'.' bebev Kg UmI "i V H" .rt.hbitti'nt TK. r ar a lot m i t' NMia-ka i'i i, h aaai n lati! tt l' ptrot wt.. K n I itt t1" Unff toll ar i.lrri.l,ii(( f-r th (el '- ' not foul a t n b a a Jj f -r tkv I nt. but it I k 1 ,tt r tk tift.k. ed to the alaiiarhler by Hi" leader " the Hhropnhli! type but w out In thn sta'M refuse to follow; wo ara Kolna to supiiort Howell, and that 1 not all, wc are lining to elect Mm, In aplle of Hhrnpshlre, Omen, I 'a be or Mullen, HAItltY KOIfU, li. ot 11. T. Ixtrlnlatlve t.'nriimllteo, Iruinmsihle ,Miloi-e. Omaha. To till J-MHor "f 'iho Olnali.t lire: KliouM a leplibllcau ever voto for a. di'inncial, find vice versa, linl'-sn Hie f'-puhll' an eandldal) I so mil' h in. fi'ii 1 1 v blacker than the denee cr-ilie nne, that the colnr runs? Never, r.'lliii-H.'iieaKii'.il ileal like rclii,-ion and eouimunlcahlK dlneaei-s, irilier lied: and lo tlolale the Inws of na line Invit' eerialu retribution. All of un have heard nn-ii any Hail they run worship to one chilli h as Well a In another. MoeF nC us can not do it. To a Mitlioill.'t a lfaitlit secmon ina lo be uttered in a sort "f for' clmi dlaloef, the c"ii(.C'a.illon iiii'-irn far away, tlie palhos of Hie. music. a tnin IiIiik, and we lik'-ly drop nickel In the contrlbuliin bos wln-ie-as we would slip a dime In our own. Ho It Ik Willi poll! Ira, Wll'-u a demo crat, voti-H foe a. republican he feels sort of stuakliiK, as iIioukIi hu was sikkIhk away Inn blrthrlalit. one of the very few smart creations nf th democrats In tho phrase, "I don't, cure anything about a man's politics, it, I the man I look at." Thi insidious phrase was rnado only fur stale iinvlnif republican majorities, and shnuld lie copyrluhled a auch. (io south mid auk almost any man you meet what his politic are, arid Instaiiti.r hn will reply, "I'm a iliuuiil erat, b' ijosh." This (,'eiii linn cauijht Iiuii'Ii-ciJh of thoUMandH of absent niinded reiiiblicaiiM during thu past ID year. H ra unlit the writer and lie voted for llllherl M. llitchc.nck for railed States senator. Hut aix n of Ki-ovcllini; peuauci shnuld wipo out that blot. For while Mr. Ilitcheoi k 1 a boo. I, clean ritJ&cri and ;t man of g'Hjd ability, coiiHidi rliitr Inn environment, of late he xtatidH con- victed with the old Asian I,eodecian church, of Ijelni nelllier hot nor cold. He. can not quite Ki t in loving fellow ship with the progressive of hln own party, nor lie down In pe.-n-f. with It old Knapls. A Holdler of fortune, much out of accord with his con Niltueuls and with no heathen ii-laml to Invade, while hi opponent, K. H. Howell, Is an all-over progressive, a man of high character and ability, who no man can us or coerce. It l said that roinparisnn are odious. They must lie with I'liarlle Uryaii's friends. I'liarlie, iho inlnla tui" edition of the once lllustrlou, now politically semi) brother, who In trying tn furnish him nutriment for Ma irre.it iiideal, compared will) I'haile.i Kami. ill. the man who does tlungN, who knows the inmU of both illy and country, and who vainly in vit.s Mr. liryuii tn pulilltlv delnlii ataiH mutter t li'it the taxpaji-m nuiy judge their merits. Mnle d'slgmg bun Mr. Itryan, In hi aprio he, r niiuiis in i H if a lutt.-nt no dii inii vni 'lor trying out Inn cure all wmr wlill" icfualuK to kiva ttieir f m-ui ulna. Ai.it who Knows. If bv any ch.mie h fhuiilil be .leitnl gov ri nor, hi fellow .III, ha nt l.llii.'ln loiglit not I .'fur lo u. i i pi Ii i ti . un ttiey r.fux d In in" Hiivo I ever i-lven my time lo so licltliig fund for any welfare or rlvm eiit.iprlw? W) I cm on ;(ly aek and shutlii fellow iltl.en? tu I belli III laiia. from which I derive no peraonal gala or are all my act prompted by selfish motives? Ho I devote innre time In the pur suit of my own pl'iinm-ii than I do to looklox after my family a welfare? Hate I reeeul ly told ft fairy story to n young child or spoken to n dlrtv faced yoiingMler on the vljlugn alreei? How mn u, y genuinely charitable d'-eds liava I perfoi med since the lust of the year? Hate I listened lo slander, goesip, and falfte rircM.if Ions against my neighbors without saying a word in protest? Ho I live within my Income and pay my bill promptly? There are JiimI 10 almoin little .juifi. lions. Answer them hoiicuflv and mid up the mini total. Then see flow much uii niii'iliut. to In th.. conimiinliv. and how rnin'li you will be missed when tiny cart, you out to the (-"inet.-i y. Anil When lie I. rows I pi IYum lln. i lin-iiiiiiiij Tlan-s Slur. Vor iw-verat yearn Walter Hag'Q had been aceialiued America's greatest golfer despite hi Inability to aieom pllsh abroad what at home he seemed capable of. Mo when ho finally cams through and won the l!rinh open chiuidorisbi) if l'j'i'i. everybody settled back ft If It whs all over. The man whom the expert had picked to be the auprcme gulf player had reanlc ' 'J.-Milillr., ifirough iitairlage. a social vi r 1 1 Ion whali be Imil If-on .l-tilei He bluntly 1 11k I'ourtliiridt Hint the liortgiiiie w ill be forei liweil williiu 4S i houin unl-u Xieer Ciirrilandl agrees I in marry ijeriildin Tin- I'oiir-ilJiiid i won nrrreea to Hie marriage for hi j fiith.a-a siik-, und ItlUil d- vol son iro.ta l ki I ili.tfii.i nun a!rl la l.ka Ibeil UlM ! ''be young rouid begin l Work wbii il in volte imiiilicia of If. o fa lull , out then salealjoti un a ranch win re li whoa blatolie aie m.rarigely dlf IStev rneiiimteia n ovMcoine in fcnrit. but whose inli-rest are j troaiori try outlaw and mln-i wi u I., ly ... .1. lAi .... ....I t.- li . ,".-'"r.M t.j r. oiiu . " , I ri . . . . ,,. ,,m m r- i 'ill. ton,...:..,-,, '-: week in the 144 roai.h with Mallei j Oiiirtlaii'ti, l,ead nf a nmtior .ndltb. Jitgfowth A ihh. rnarrlage uf llagen for the iriformul i hamiiani I.,...' , , . i r.- ....... i.. , . , ,, , , ,,. , , 1'iiinii i i,..iu i mniKr, ir I ill -a .-ti.-. ( .. t mr-iii--, .... ri in i.i v ja iiHiiiir ship of the woild, ') down whcnlA, ,,' f, '..,. ... '.,, i.ni I . ,.,. , ,.. ,h. JL,,- t.u ' ''. ... ,, ,. .,..- ooro.o , ,,lV j,,.j liLuiMiiajri, who rose from jrean-la ov,t , . -., i . .i .i .v. I of wealth and neilf inluintiori. . ."J v" V v OlBinorgan elHr-rlf.hes the ambition ' " :. """ w ""' "'"J of ol.taiuing for hi daughter, up and two to play, " .. Ilelie KaiaKcu Is (halupioii of the World, ilifol mally, bill effectively. The Kami) Ihut Was geinilnaed upon the 'lour dunes of ro ot la nil has found pa supreme i ipoioi, m a son of na live of Italy's sunny shores, playing Ihe game on Aioertcgil eoilrsi-. Ill a golfing aense, (ienii Kaia.en may be regarded a it great inleriiatioual event. nan-la ovu hating rnd the e'oiy. "I bava a firm conviction thai a person can pnt through any worthy thing on which I. is determined," said ilia morgan t CiairtlMndt, 7eaItk. 7aks VV NET AVERAGE CIRCULATION for SEPTEMBER, 1922, of THE OMAHA BEE Daily 72,0!K? Sunday 76,202 B. BREWER, Gen. Mgr. ELMER S. ROOD, Cir. Mgr. Sworn to and aubacribtd beforo me Ihia 3d day ol Ot lobar, 1922. W. H, QUIVEY. (Seal) Notary Public Tha net atr-mir daily rfri-ulatmn gain nf 'I ht Omaha Urn fur Kni. tcrnhrr, IVil, u ll.Zlt over h. i l"br of 1911. Tk nt avrragt Sunday eircuiation gain of 1 1 Onmha Haa for Scyitnnlitr, I7,3SS ovar Kvptrmlx-r of 1U2I 'Ihia la a larger gain than that inada by any oilier daily or Sunday Omaha n-'ainr. If you have health, watch it well, for it is the most valu able of your possestdons. If health bits passed you by, (here is no time better than the present for regaining that" health. Chiropractic, while it is not a cure all, Is a very sensible way fo relieve unnatural conditions that have been hindering health. Health is carried to the body via the nerve-lines. If these nerve-lir.es are pinched or their free flow hampered, (food health is endangered. Once the impediment is re moved and thn flow of vital forces released, health is re stored. Make your appointment with the Chiropractor by phoning AT 9244. The office addreit it 205 Paxton Block. -f Y raaoc when you drive 5 You ca w Jifii jour raiiatui.sf.ion anrl dif fen filial arc wilh C,YA( llm Ukl gear greubn we tnow. It clingi to the gears, iloi not. free?., AtilJ not cliaiiiit-l, ihrow off, turn lo oil under iVat nor congeal tsitb cold, (iEAHUi jrri'VcnfH gear noineg oik gear wear, it knfm an oil cushion between gear leftlt al) fhc lime. i'rt a fill today any 'i(;lw,las sta tion fHnilant ran do the work in five minutes. Nicholas Oil Corporation "Business Is Good, Thank you" J.ft.narHwcll fcMirtcrRKACTOf, I Hee Want Ada luodui e n sails I FORGET YOUR HEAT TROUBLES 'jl.tiao winlrr" lt a. a I mm - tw r H tae it .. t,J, B'4 M tittaaw it a. l,ii it. ( J n,t pai' it li t llllll aa lu.IV It lii brothti-, VV. J." Kni- SO year w i Inn c ti p(-i.i. hate looked to him is .( M. atn til b td lia oil Hut nlh' tin liope, a. In ti. Itu luia i1r-' -t.l on : I tli" f.ialtirsa.a tf I Itu il'to l 'two t.-.tia ago bn I-I! lia. eut lita w.'i I wua go pel with ua, lb it ihia tt. ir be witill tty n,i flout Im w iiiii i . . I IK Ih- ai li'll and alll'i p H n 'ilr ... i, nat Mi lhnli.,.i t . I t f " I ' I i in II. r VV ill Mii'l o-110 I rl .lot if '...'in in a ain.ila Ifi.tloll an I IO.I-..1 ot 1 1..- , it I lata. Iltll M 11.1. k. lit ! - ... U-l.t.M.ll, I'lOtl'H ll't ill nil of t . . .1 . .- i,..t il.l W 1 1, t t . a.- siti" v 3d i I i .n v- it )...! i- - I'd 114. ( t'o. -.l, II. lo . .. t .t. lu.'li lit il, o.i-ii.'a 1. 1- I f. l ,1 I- al m t, : ,ii I . ; . ' . I I i - t I it V ;t J.!;. tl'll ltll I'. In rtMM. . I out i f ll a - I to. .1 ul 4 i I ll 1 h-t.. . It k I i.s.j ..ii s , t i. . in t i -i I Ho oi l. (to i.o tt. a i t I ( it.lll I'll ' 1 Milt,.-. . II. l- 111 I . 1 it tti 'I I it (.-( I.i.- ua t il. hoaioin It a,l.ii tan i t t -. i i.t ,H. to to n I I f . I ' i' t' I" t'l i ' ol t.i.i.t; i a I li l tt, taliMttu aktll all !- a . . . - ( IS. fi.ab S . ' a .... , ( i 1 1 i i ( - . ! . 4 l I I- - ' I f Jhk Ut It .II I The Economical Home Oil Burner Solves the Problem -- Pt'vixtil aiul pt'ifottttl in the labnrat-OJ'its u the I'enjilos (Jas Company, patentfer:, I'ittx liui'Kh, I'a., !' .H'atint; t niruiiH .whu haf made a life htmly of eomliustitm. -Miiilt Ly the I'itMuirk'h Saw & Miy. Ct... of ritt.btirj,'h, t'xeltbive liecnsi'il rnamifartiuvifi and maiketcr.'. Tt'stt'd and apprtivi'tl in tin Cinh rwiitt ia Laliiiiatmit , t'hit.a'n. aiul adopted ainl li-trd an Staiidan! y National !ar nf I iiv rndiiuiiuiji. la not a iiKtki!iift 1 1 . r paltri ia tt afttT any olh r oil .turning tlit i'. - Can lie inta!it l in any t ic furn.u e, - Snjtl undiT a ptwitlve k11''11''1-' STELK-ATKINS OIL COMPANY 21 ? Ik.. I.. a tlld( IStltiUtMl rts.a IKI JliB (.Binlinr, Krruirn. CuaUno, t,urf U alinf Oilt, Grtri I 13 j.iri-i-r-. i. is L4 ,tik i l vJ- .' W Aqricnlturc A Mut mil Interest Like the merchant, the fanner must cotutautly ttive .y the use of new lalwr-savinu Uevite to lung hi land lo a lnuhrr stale of cultivation, an,,, at the aanif tin t, lofr m o-iativr touts, Tiacti'i. nl wer iiuthtnny un thou-vand nt tttt larm in thu oeviiuit aie inulltinn; nun iwtt, iiHie 4in,: 'itiilintin an, mkint; d (ut th 4rni in.tir l.n.Mal.lt ami jilfaaanl, lit lint Natpnal ink. in o o; etaticn with Nnkt tha t,unif in dutu emit l with tb Unrtri, ,h'l it prtattott with the nuntJailurti and di. tiitaitui i t tbr pM,,Ki if.Hiite.l tut the im. it ;ld t.t l a j ail i.l ibt v,t ojif lativs nraiMiatimn whuh an icmtantly lnvMi( jat even citatci tievtl nifi n nt Ihii ttal faimtii; itamiiy u the Muld! VVlat. First National IBank of Omaha I ',it. .- a i ., . . n ,iiu t . . It ii i '. e.H i ui . .1 - i -.-' ..4--il I t w U t k4 Iwta it B ..ii. I ! as at I 4 iNOugaououuavaouuuvavtioaonoucatacnu