THE OMAHA BKIS: THUIUJOAY, OlITOItluU 11 vm. llaiiiiiioiicl Named Chairman of U. S. j 'Coal Commission i" ' ' ' leader of Miner anl Opera tors finitcd to AllTil In 1 formal CoiiiYrt-nrn Willi " Mrfiibrr NVxt Wrrk. i, W.iahlngton, i"t. Jl The United 4luOe coul rtiniiiil"lin, treated by eunaraee la liivealluiite end report on f Imt fuels on nil jihmw nf the ronl In. Uotiy, mIHi ri''iiiiii'M'1iilkii fur lllil l-yliiion it government liiiiliillmi, lit I firt IWi ting today, Hg mired by ee-lliig John Ifuyes Kewiiiond aa rlmlrniiin and laid out a lirot.rini for future iif'-raiiium. At a pieltiiifniry h'i'I'. 'I1'' eorwuiH I t"ieerailid John ., Iui, .real iliin' if tlia I'mli-il Minn Worker ' yinl .i; A M, HkI', ii'Ki'li'iit nf the Still. Mini dm I mwii l.illmi, repi-caenf-mg I iliiuifiioiia iiii ifil'H, ninl 8. I). '.Im I'lni r, wlm li m aerved n chair iium of tin1 poliry ruiiiiiililio of mi' 'lr-'i"ll opi latum, nuking nil I hie j I'l .llt'll'l lllf'il mill l ollf'll 'IH'i-N Willi III" ' iliiinlili'" next Uecli fn' llm purpon i'f miHK'' IKK HK'UihiI of J ! 1 1 1 1 r. i till mi lliu ilillK- i I'l'lilioii, Ilioae Ifivllml wie hi In i lii piii:i4i' llm miiuea of ri'iire Ms'tliaf Ive i'f llii'lr nii iiukim liitlou. lio inlfclil ;( mi iimiiuliieea In lia ble mill in iiii',i(ii wild lli'i iiHum i i I tin In II Hoik. 'Afii r I In- nn'i'hiiK, Mr. I liiiiiiiiniiil, Willi I.I iiiiaoeiiiti', ''! K'- "(In wimllb, itinu'inr i'f lli' :i'iiliiU ul aur e; dark Itotvll, piIIIiii- (,f Dm ,u Inula I'lni, diiilltutlon; Federal lliUK'i AliM-liiiIrr i'f Chicago; I 'hnrlea I. N"il, ninl fiiinni' Vli I'l'ealddit MiIihIiiiII, l m : !- ,i furriuil mil non I reriiiiii I (iirrfifiif. Dr. J'Vlwii rrt lie- Itle nf New Ynrk, llm aeVentli mem imt ut Hi" i iiiuiiilixlnii, itlil nut Mili'iul l)i nii'iii"K mninii, C'li" eoiiimleeloii la required by law to render a. preliminary report upon i In mk nut .lumitiy, Imt la uu i;,t.i tn I'oiiilnu Invuttigiiiiiin tt)rraft(i'. WclroiiM hufimtlmi. "Tlia object nf lh roinmlmlim." Mild a atuiimint Uau'4 by Ha meni-ln-ra, a lwlnri at tlia mwtlnif l fl.iy. U to rnili-ijviir to r t all th r wniiflrU 'f(iiU InUi'hlnif tlia'roal Indim try to the end thai prai'tli'al mraaurva lim b fuijhil tu I in lim aroimUiit mipiiljr if tlil tnimt noi'MHiiry mm iniidily ut n a rKiiHimiililu prlrfa ua arc I'lmnlalfiit Willi fair nnu,' und irnflt lo thnaa i)kiim1 In llio liuliintiy, "Tim (Milli-y nf tln I'ihiiiiiIxkIimi I (' Invito nnd wHcnmft vl iy hiik- Mvatlun aa offrr i'f aamaliinco frmnt lit inliini wurkara, npfialora, dulira And rciiimnnom nf roul. Tim cuiiiiiiIb- rUm. will from lime t tliriv, make pnMIr la flndlnira nf fnrta wllh a vlow of Infill inliitf thi! tmlillp im Hi' 1 1 an nf I'lli UliiK iiddlllniiiil liifuriiiiillun Iwf'yu tin fin ninl ri'iiiiria ai' auliiiiKlri) tu the pii"lii i,t mid iiiliKrcs. 1. 1 Koi-jiital In ma If .Sliuotn Self in Siniix (lily Ilnltl Kinux Clly, In , ori, ). I'riulili) lo iimli'iu'i mi (n r ji 1 1 ii lii'i'n nan nf the riiinllll'iii nf lila lii'iiil. mill Iiiiikm, 'Iiiii lien A. I'iic,' an Itmmtfl of (he K'Ui nun lit IiiImtimiIiikI hnapltid of lint HirliiK, H, )., almt and kllli-l liliiiHilf hIiIIh nt u Hloux t'lly hoti'l Mmuliiy nliJii, A iinin li ft tu hia wife nnd 2 inr old mm, wliii ) iikI Im'Iiii living with lilin ul finollnT Imnl hod I Mliii'n In I Thtiixilny, hiiNI lli-il In' fi'll. flint Im Himld iievi-p lie miy lirltir and that woiilil lie tiKtli i' off If Im well' ilind. I'ne left llm Imlcl whir", lie ninl hla wife with atoiilnK nlmiit ft Mmi dy cvi'iilnif mi'l wrnl lo iiiiullur Im lil, I'liKiiuid u rniiiii mid, It la Im lvnl, almt lilniHi'lf iilmnal lnimnllu(i ly ufl"r he filtered the rimm. Education Best Selling Method for Equipment Dirrclor of .National Iimtitute of IVogrfKHi'vc 1 Farming So Telle Imjilciiifiit Manufarlurrrt. Akn Divorce Afler 39 Ynirn; Nainpn Hrlalive Kiill Clfy, Null, (let, 1 8. (Hpi'rliil.) At the mt of UU and nfter 3:i yema nf wi-ddi'd life, (liwuv II. Adaina haa filml it pi'tltUim In illiitrlct t-ouit mI In ill voice from Miuy ,1mm Adunia. They wit married In JIIki'Iow, Mo,, Mm i ll 8, 1HICI, Mr.. Adam churKoa cruelly and Infidelity, nnmlnjf hi wlfn'a dlHtant relatlvea aa coreepon Hi' nt i'hlrKO, tu t, H.Kdurttlon of tha farmer to the need of Improved equip ni ut la the heat method of aelHng farm machinery, Ouy II, Hull, director of the National Innlllutii of I'roKrea- alve KurinliiK, toduy told the liuinufm:- tm-i-ra ut the unnuiil con- velitloli Imre nf tint Niillnnul Aaeorla- llon of rami Julpmetit Mtuiufan- turi'ia, "Ifcui't worry hevniiNa the fanrn'r Bcema mure prone to huy a new nuf(V iiiolilln than a Iranlor," he auld, "From Ihnt niiforiiolille the firmera aon la li'iirnliiK iiii'chanli'H aial he la certain to dcniHiul a triictor when fniher con cliulna lo do aome rlillnif In the auto iiii'lille and let llm Ixiy do aotne tua allilx wllh (he fin rime, "Amnli-aii nui'ta mnrhinery DO year hkh took the rake, the hoe nnd arylhea from the lunula of women and all (rue lovera of horea will rejoice Minn llm liinili-n of heavy work la taken from the moet beautiful und In- tnlllKi'iit of itomeallu unlniul. "i'Voiiomlo law nlreuily hua inljuill- Killed between the efficiency of the tractor ami the horae, A anrvey of the lioreo mid mule population Juat romuleleil ehowa Hint there are 1,00(1,. 000 fewer lioraca and inulea Iti.m lie fore the Wur." Cultivation, li declared, n (he only method of cure for the boll wee. vil peat which annunlly deatroya one (bird of the cotton crop, Uovvriimrnt and colli-M acleutlala attree that (hem Icala ara uaeleaa, ha auld. In (hla In atanca tie pointed out that etiulprnent manufAclurrr could perfonn a needed aervlca. "And don't furart thi boya and girla," lie aald. "There are a million or two of theut inw In f-um cltiha und in a few year a (he Imy will be (hiv ing a tractor and the girl ilrtcrmlnlutf whether there m bull lie a lighting plant on the farm or not," Jeffcris to Speak for G. 0. P. Candidates V ahliiKlon. Oct. H (Hpi't lnl Tele gram -Hi'preeentiitlve Albert W, li'fferia of Nebraska left Mmidiiv f"r Chicago. From there tin will tin Indliiiul and uliio on belmlf of tli( republlciin cuiiillilale. In thoae alalia, aiieilklnif fur lleverldxe and Kme. Jjiter lie may go Into the I'millc re gion. II will be. at the Ulepoaul of the Hpeukera' blireaii for (ho next Iwo weeke, 017 TIIK W.TKHK OK V.XCKL- eiH ernixiH, minhoi hi. Tin mix! varlril and vuluable group of nnn'-rni Hirinr;i in Amaru-a. Thin I Ihn Hum nt (hi ymr ti renn vm. His HKI. in. (loud rlliiunallun I the nmrot of amiil limlih, 11 fit for wlntar lticran your miwar of n-alaliinct. Drink Ilia WHlnre, takn tlia lialha anit eiarelae. You will aloop Ilka a baliv. li e natura'a uwn rciuidy for ell rnmir ef fill. Very lilf-Hanni, toe, 'Ilia aporllMt golf eourae In the wtat. (lonil liorai-a, ilrHiit bridle pa I ha, good muaiu tad danilra. Wnndorful branlna air. Vrlie the Klma hotai for rate and llter Itura. Accemmodatlona for Ide guaaia. IHflKM? SO GO Don't accept substitutes dont buy baking powder that is sup posed to be just as good, as Calumetdon't think ffiat a . big can at a low price means real saving. a Uco (SMIlJKaiSV 'tit. Economy D RUING POWDEI1 Avoid disappointments. Millions of housewives are using Calumet because of its dependability. They know that " the bakings will always turn out just right. Res, cakes, biscuits, muffins,1 will always be perfectly raised, light and wholesome if you use Calumet, the real economical leavener.- Calumet sales are 2X times as much ... t - A J I I 1 BXtT BY TtXt 88 inac V any uuiu unuiu wnavs call for it. THE WORLD'S GREATEST BAKING POWDER. kid g Frequent Coughs iMmj do not reAllz um itilflctux- of the all too frequent ould or couli. Cure hould ba tairn to build op Um powers of rttUunce. Scott's Emulsion bundaot la health buiMlruj fvitamint factori, help buiM up r mtv of Mrwuju. tnJ Naiataoca. IU turt on J ask vourdrvg. ffltt hit Scotft kmulsJon I 4i a M atjawaWia m t urn Vl$mm(ilmnl A, mm Cosfort Baby's Skin With Cuticura Soap AndFrejrtatT&Icun NawMoi'm 4Aw a I il I I When m Omaha Stop at i Hotel Rome Nagging pains cease Rememttfi nl t l lh a-vl ji niii. n uf ih nne im vil' ai.itn.rt u'Hte iieJ 1 14 I fi liee f .ikI ae flurik. Med rtf)4 Ma. iaoai 4t at lk- X VaM aaje MitMetatemtieJi,i. I, ' .p a)ml. U fieta i h. ( la ai aaearw . In vt IS U!a. a ! r it ind . a a ft i m - i t B.a, 4 Imh .mi . .. ADVTUKMK.1IT. Doctor Ordered Womah Obeyed Took Lydia L Pinkham'i Vegetable Compound ndiNowWcU Chloiffo. ltlinoia. "Yoa aurelf tn wuttMit one ruo4 madioiiM bett 3Cl USkTliKK WANT AOS-THKV UIJINU HKSULTS immi mmmm wmmm hiikham'i Vrge table Compound un the market. After I h4 my baby 1 wtaailnw 4)o aa4 iver. wta It et ma from in(C . My kU 4)4 . tamf a chI4 U builJ IM UV tfcej 'J he etiere4 ma In ijt.V, .t4ia K. Ivfikhra'a SatU iamp.rvj iUi lua maiy an4 I am ea , I ae aa4 laee catk are k4 IJtaf kr all l j4 t t. ( kaa I1m, t ka. reen waited uit imJkim l-i aeial I twa4a ft4 Ihef .ak aifkiyef il, Y aie eee I if uf r a! "fcta lata !!. Mra Aiiti TMiHa a. lail Wt la A , s lUiavta, t te ta autkmi r attaefa aWanl tkaVW tHfkg Mia. 1. aeiMa ka ke . i kka Va- lOx iWaioml 1e ki ikMf tk .: aW raMflaia)4 It IM ! ifH U kJe. vawai eVa .re airawaA ly. iajim. 4 1.M I euea t aueneeia) at4 . Ui I k t a4 twit) aWtati a fai air a fwea. aaaeJi a etr'Ma W 4 fen tki'J twaiia I. 0. O. F. Officers ;!. to.!. MllCiiln, Ncli., cl. IN.-OIMi'iM elected nt tliu Ifinn'l cticiiliipiiieiit uf the 1. O. O, y In aeeeloii laie, In- cliiilo Hie folliiwItiK: 1). K. riiltnti, York, gniiid mlrl- arch; W. V. (inive, Huiierlur, fcmiiil aenlur warden; i'liul Lyanna, Kalla I'lty, uraiul liltfh pileat; K. H. Puvla, North Plutte, frnnd acrllic; V. II. flryant. Omaha, Kiand trenaurvr; W. J, McKelvy, Heneca, irmnil Junior warden; 1. W. Drown, lliicoln, V. K. Knight, Kulla City, K ml icpre aentatlvea; A. K, llunnn, Ululr, Kninil miiratiul; ticorne It. Juckanii, HolilreKe, gruriil aenllnel, and CI. K, l.wke, I.nuifl, ifrflnd KUHtd. I'avors Elastic Ocdir System 15. II. Thorpe Dcclarf Low Irilcrcul Loan N'piilnl e ly Furmrr. 'i'hu I ' 1 1 II tl Hlulea inuet liuve a mmo eluntla! Pjatenl of fiinn (li'dlLa ulilch will' emilile iiiiiducara lo borrow moimy at a low rut nf Itilerret und In, Id It long iMiniih t ii tide tliem nver in any pi i IinI of prire deflation. In the opinion of H. II. Thorpe of Lincoln, ri'piililli'iin cnndldnte for rnKrea fium I he e'lral dlalrkt to fill (li.i un- eplrei lerm of former Ui'iurecnliitivn Ili'iiVI, who rcalKileil Id help prone i: u I o the nlli-Ki'il war friiud i-iiMce, Mr. Thorpe mudo (hla iimmciIIoii In a hiiiiiiiIiik wtuit lie con- stiller Hie luiportiiut lui'e of the pien- clit Milllli,it ninipiilj.'il. KfVlnlon nf Ilia fdknul n-Hcrve lank act oJu la m.t-fili'd liy 1 1 1 1 i . "j'he prudmera and tar nine ut tlie ct liuve Juet puHHi'd IIiiihikIi n Very ili'eti'urllve perl 1 of in li e deflation and enforced lliiuliliilioii und piilllon of dolliira luive ln'cu loat." Mr, Tliorpn auld' In III Mil lenient. "Tliia cirl lie I'i'ini'illed," lie nddvil, "lijr H ri'ViMlon of our federal reer act, We unlet liuve a. morn tiliiHtlo ayatnin of f;n in I'l-i'dllN which will enulila lho pnxliniT Id liorrow money nt a tow ruin of Interi'Nt fur n Kufflclciit letiKlh of llnin during n period of pi lce deflu tU'ii In Have lilin front ruin nnd bunk ruplcy." "Nut Ion, am mriiHiiied liy I lie pnlrl otlNin nf their people," he euid, "13 ve of otiei country la drought alKiut ly irood iiuvernment nnd thnt Kovcrn incnt'H rcapeet for Ha defundera. We owe ii ilcht of Ki'iidtudi; to our aoldliTH, Wo iiIho owe a ilcht of rcnumenillon ...II ..,,.1 .I..U ..,11.1 1. ..,.1.4 K.,1 111 IiIkIi .ounilliiK won! nnd phraaea but in ruali or It etiilvuleut. I am there fore in fuvnr i'f a aoldleie adjualed rmiipenaatlon act, haaed on length of eervice, finunelol Iinui aiwtalned while In aervlce, auffrlin ending! and wniinda obtained." Rilwthii Full nty footbnll ernmo tn Mr. and Mre. pean Jonea. Nclirahlca Prehbytfrinn Synod in Scbmoii at York York. Neb., Oct. K IMpeclal r The eynod 4t Mchr.iKkn of the I'l'- liylerluii church opeiud It 4'Jlli no mini ai'Halon In thu rreahyterlnn cliurcli of thle idly. The opening ecr limn wna dfllveied by the Miring iniiilerator, Itt v. I-Mwln II. Jenka nf Oiniiha. llev. T. 1. Hinlili. I), I of Central (.'Ity waa eleeled moderator mid W. K. I'm y of Auburn and Jiiine (i. I'lnrk i Ici ltH) Thorn ure IM inuinilMiiloncra In nt t'jnilanoe. Thu aynnd look netluii pin-I'-Hllnc Ngiiinat the opening of thu atiilo fair on Kiiudiiy. High School I'lipiln Marry While MhI- Sec Hull Giiiiii' Katie ('Ity. Neb., net, t.Mrtpeml.l KliJilieth I ley und lcuii Join a, frenhrtinn nnd Junior reepeif tveljr fti )n l-'ii 1 1 Clly hlh achiHil, left In an lililoiiioblle, oNleiihilily In iitlend the Hiilietlia, Km. They did not vu lu Ha lethM, however, but to lllawulha. Their inlaaiim lo Hiawatha wiu learned, w hen Ihey icporteil to eduHil IT ipnl t. M. Hrliton, who la atU- I' lio dlre'tor, Ihreatena ta maaa a aa- tour iiruund lliuwiitha when thu foot. Lull team tnkea tripa Into Kunaaa, Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION 25 and 75 Pacnege Everywhere A new fall nnd winter oxford In bam boo and black tuedr, patent trimmed. .Sizes 2Vs to A A to C width. Priced te tell lo diacriminatlnff beer 5 95 (An Eatraordinary Value) S20S6 BCLL-ANS f LMtelt0-J Hot war 1 ISZZP Sure Relief 1 lr?" I I.AMr9 r vjiiuc market "Omaha'f Popular Priced Shoe Store" I 320 S. 15th St. i f tr inaiiiail lainnaiiH Tamil llnnaaajia llljniai anM ill ' It ilni I aaarMrf'BnaaaMaaaBaBaHaaaHHaM"aaaf ,r Will-U-B-l-of 0S WX. the 1st 200? n:Wi L. M ' HA nTr5i NOTE THE ' ' W CASH REFUND The First 100 Checks have been mailed .(More Will Follow) i Will YOUR name be on one of these checks? This is the. greatest Electric Washer offer ever made to the housewives of Omaha. 'An opportunity to select the type of washer that meets your re quirements on unusual terms. There is a check for $1 awaiting .YOU now and if you hurry you .will receive a $3.50 clothes basket FREE. (You must act at once for we could secure but 200 of these baskets and more than 100 Have been snapped up). When 100 washer are sold the sum of $1.00 will be romittcd by chrck to each of the hundred purchasers; when 200 are sold a total of $2.00 wUl be remitted to each of the two bundled purchasers. When 300 are sold a total of $3.00 will ho remitted to each of the three hundred pur chasers, and when 400 aio aold a total of $l.00a will be remitted to each of the four hundred purehtiscrs. A $3.00 1'arugon Clothes JJa. krt with collapsible stand attachment thnt will nave ninny a baehtiehe. We could seeiire only 1MK) of these has. kets, therefore wo advise early pureliase of your wash er, aa this nffer is limited to I he first L'lHl purchasers. A ryllndai iyp aa.h.r id r aork mauahlB ami material, (uiantred l fja perfect aenlr and ialiafanloa. $125 Cash, $131.25 Payment! mm. j t'kt aliituiniuu riy. a MjQ "naiinior ' ti hr lhal perfeeilr ahea li- or aaull qiuii-liib-a A prrreei mulia. 'toiaxanda la uie the world arr $135 Cash, $141.75 Payments AiitoTTaiic raehg IUi heady iwrunatrd euppar tub, "ill k Ii. ill urn aUntrit, inniniii peilvet drain anc; l.'iiiih riertM imier; all iteel tiama aft I lub $98.50 Cash, $103.50 Piymtnti 5 Cash and $5 Monthly B-l-of 1st 200 f,?aX mm ru 'wj I