The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 19, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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    niK OMAHA DEE: THL'KSUA V, or.OMKK .'.'.
Motor Car Thief
Is Identified as
Escaped Convict
Have Slijfil in
Says Jbirelar, "Hut
I lliil to ;-l Hark
to Wife."
Approaching Stork j Voters Will Not
Blamed for Capture! ,c hV ,
Bryan, Says Wray
"Theodore Taylor." brought in
iitlia Tuead.iy iilkM to a
ikrg "f trnllrig a motor (tit, w.i
l.Vntified terdav morning by the
IJertlllou I uon i of til fiollco l.--nit
imnt in Cheater Cowley, 17, r,
who w wnt to tho refin tnn'rti y at
Lincoln for robbing tin- home of Inn Id
.V, Newman, 1.3(1 Month Twenty
eighth trcet, laat June.
for Ihkio tvtu inotitS follow
Inf In evpe from th J I wt n
apartment at 'he reformatio)', Cow
icy hud I.' ri a f iik m .
"I fouM Imvo at.iyed in clour,"
tit to III John J. lVz.inokl, chief if
motor iii'l' live, "but I couldn't bear
th thought f my ife li.i It her
f.toJriK maternity alone, 1 Inul In Ki t
l4rk In tier ide."
I nlUN In Army.
Mm. Cowley li.m i-nidi d at 13.'
KOUtll 'I'H'I'I) drill NVillllo.
After Cowley' iwiii.. from llin r"
formalory, according Id hi confc
ion In l.enowikl, he rnllxii'il In I r
uriiiy nml w atntmncd ul Knit lniig
1x4, I hih. Iii deacrled himI atarted
back id (iiniilm mm aoim an . hl wlfi
wiule of hr cutnlition. J In wa nr
rotd nt Kii riu y while mi hln way,
I. lit eecupcd Jn It.
On October II. according lo hi
liiniiit, h ul oil' u motor car owned
h Ocorgu McHhiino, h'J,A Houlh Twin
ly llflh alreet, with a view lo taking
li wife, buck lo Yvrt I 'on k In Willi
him. It wn cold, no hit din with
lil Wife to Kurt Crook, look u pllo of
hhnkci niiil II automatic. iilMtulM,
tlin began the trip,
Captured ut (illiholi.
When li inn out of Kim Tuemlay
ut OIIiIhui, Ni b , hi' iitlninptcd to trad
n pluiol for aaaollne, nml, when it
nnleairtan became pilvpliiiuiN, broke ran. A nioti piicnu"1, ithot were
fired nml li wa captiin 1. After ru
mauling Ki'Vi'iiil hour In tlm (!li!ui
JiUl Omlcy wan lniiui:lil luirk to
lltlillliu l.y Ili lirllVrM BiikI'H'Ii. ami
ll will l m mlKiiiil lo'lny on
a chmK of iitfnlinn nml ri'iflvln a
Ntelrn niolor rnr. Iln at"') tuny li
luotprilli'il for liruklnK Jail, iwul liy
th Kiivi'rimiciit for di'MiTtloii.
l!l il nt Ifli'Ht Inn In lh Xrrtfllnn
i K r k
11" t - I
i r 4 .
jlotiil til i "llli I' til fmlfllll I'vih TV
ftji'ii-iii liito nun Ni-w York rHii
lirliil. Iln f.U. r. 'l III" llolllllilltlull n( I
; tioM'i nor lliiinun, ttio Willi ativt j
i iihIIiI.iIii, fi r iiiMI.I.'i.t. llii Mini m
j lli l h I'mnniHm rallrmit liw. II
i fllttl to vnt lii th wnnt mi ninny
I lniKirlHiit Mil lull In will' h Ilia er
il wi-i vitally lnlrmti1.
4 I "Mm rli lily ilom-rvM dfint.
HrotlltT Illllllill(I ' li.lully, when tli iiili hnvr
tin- iii,n Klliliy or vIkiIImk K H. II' w
ll, whn rlrmly rniiMriii tli iii-
ul i'f NVImiiikii, U'lioMt ri"onl for
CI I rHl'll' till' Hi llll'ViMlit lit 111 U ltllllllt
IWIkllll III thr I'lilUil Htnti'D, Willi
H'lnm(l lli'lllllll: Mr llHllt'inliln, nml
who will . m iTil!t lo uur atato nt
Wimluimti ii,"
T . m nam m
Iitlfrfkt in
for Gofriur I'lat-e Gnu
liioinT in Awkwunl l'oi-i-lion,
uinnpiii Acru.
i ,
( lifter Cowli y.'
ill Iiurlinf nt wu fffi t'teil liy Kmlly
Ki ffm-r, f inKf i iirlnt micit.
W'hi'ii t'owli y l "Mini tlm Niiwiiian
Iioiiii. in Jinn' In- took a nil vr frvlc
kUui to ,lr. Nowtiimra fnthr, At
wiil'liiiK, ly MiiikIiiiII Kli.lil, CM
ciiii'i ini'irliiiiil irliii'e,
Iljiilcy (ilicck fur Hiiicld
Ortlfrrd Kfturncd hy Judge
Mm oln, (nt, IS, A rlirk for ItJ,
kM wrllteii hy K. ('. Kpily anil my
ii hln to VV. K. 1'iirkh.y, fonnr ro-
(flvi-r of Hi Nahranka JloUl com
puny piop'Hi"i yi'Ml-iiliiy win orJcricl
(hihcIIciI hy DlKlrlrt JuiIk1? MornltiK.
1'hii chuck V.UB (ilvcn In pm I pityiiiuiit
for hotel iiurchHunl hy Mr. Kp)ly
fniin tlm r'lvur. An the upim
ii hi it Inter lii'I'l the nulc hy the re
i elver Mil lint Vulnl, til dlMrlCt Court
jinlliu lilil the (heck llilhtfully h
loiiKcil to Mr. Kpplcy.
I'lljiiiiii'iiitiit Sfcu for
I!cianili(tih (lotifcrnicc
I'mN, (id, 18. (Hy A. I'.) The
poHi pm iiii-nt nf th pi'opoMeil confer
cni i? nt 111 iihwIh mi icpiiiHtloii Hll(l
inlcriilllcil (li'hiH, (he dntn of which
hn hi'i'ii tiitntlvi'ly ct for lwcm
her, In foitxi'cn In wi'll Inforim.'il
quiirtera hci. The Hrltluli govern
nu nt la ini,'ltikr d'luy.
here, shoes
are fitted
not mrely tried on, rubbed
unci pulled until they "look
all right," then sent out
invariably to give the
wearer days of aches and
Here your fiize in first de
termined; then the proper
last to match the hape of
your foot is selected; then
your choice of color, weight
and price is asked.
Interested attention assures
your comfort. Our salesfolk
are trained fitters, not just
nure "salesmen.' To sat
isfy you is their business.
Our xurgvon - chiropodist
restore ncplcctt'd feot to
normal health.
,H : -ft I
W. S. Stryker
117 N. 16th St. Opposite Po.toffice
"jool fitters"
York. Noh., i, IK-Aitlitir l.
Wniy, In ii mutciiiciit tmliiy, t-alh'ij tin'
m uk I iitf to in- of W. .1. Hrynli n f.iil
ii-. Jin mild:
"What W. J. Hi ) mi Kid mul fnlM
to y on hi i'iikliiif lour iiiiiIii
ilcarcr thnn rvor Unit It wonl.l h
nlt"Kthr wronc to aupnort Hi
l lection of (i. M. Hitchcock,
"Th'in of ii who have followed
W. J. Hryan In all hi great hntllc
ti'inii I Hln! ii mn lo th pnm-iit Mm
hav Imd ocuilon to illlTrr with him
hut twlcf onre In 19o4 when h ad
vled the election of I'nrkcr, thu re
lullotiiiry (leinnomtle riimlldiil for
pi'mlilrnt, uii'l now In 1 1122 when he
fpvnka for lllli'ln oi k, who nt lieuit
I nun reiirtlmiary than l'nrkr,
"W nil knw t lut t Mr, r.rymi con-
lilcreil It a piirly duty to it'iimln ier
tilar, In tin) l'ark"r ctiuipulun of J 904,
hut we went not inlalcd hy It, and
Ni'hiiinkit nml mot wenlcrn atnle
repuilliitcd I'nrkcr hy an overwhelm
liiK vole.
"Wo nil know now that the liutiian
Ititerent of one' own hrothar running
for Kovernor hn placed W, J. Hiyan
In an iiwkuiird poHilton comrnlng
th reuclloniuy Hitchcock candidacy,
hut wo Khali not h nilld hy It.
"Nehruakii voter ahould repudiate
t)i unholy iilllanre thnt llitchcork
linn aoUKht In order to utOnii hi in
lu'tlomiry candidacy lo the proifreealv
record of Chnrl W, llrynn; ahould
overwhelmliiKly repudliito It a they
did the aiiKKi-atlon to vote for I'ai-ker
In lltm.
"Hitchcock' record I had. lit nil
reprcHiMiled Nehraiikn on atntn and tia
tlomil prohibition. Jin now atiadillna
the beer, wine and enforcement lemie,
"He la au undi'inocratlo that he did
verythln In hi power to prevent i
nmr of ZSeiiranka citizen from votlnir.
Hn (ippnwd holh Hint ahd iiatloiml
miffi-Mife. Hln iiiK vote In the acn-
nte detileit Amnlcan women the rlc'il
to vote for acveinl ytura, ilo haa not
announced Iliul lila f. inner piiHltloiiN
were wronif.
"Ho I ho unproirreaalve that he
lut her Ixraguc
Holds Bii'ltallv
C '
prnkt'r pffrnd Vtniiiffrr
(CII lillldll (.llllllcllllM
VialOIIS tlf IVhfiilllihlll,
Alaska's Firt S(;t
j hnnidciiticd hv Itit.liii. The iiii-iojr
wii pn ked up It th (ovtinnient liu
I r nu lici t'.
J.iiiik II Itoaei, a Miuyinnd hi
veiiior, claliim that h ha received
I liiullil iueiiai.'e from illalHIit tthiu
through Dm ground hy lmily tauy
Ing II wire.
Tmi Kc Oilier Clin A tatioiiH
LiVtril in Si iti ialiiT; Kin on
Claa H riiinu An; Ilitilt.
t'ondeiiinliiK Hi".' who hemoun
"thai the world U going to wrack and
ruin," lr. , 11, Hl.inckc, Newton,
la., rallied In the defenac of the young
er geiieratlon In an liddrena Tuoiday
hi fore hlg rally meeting of the Oma
ha I Hut riot Luther league at Kuutit.
Memorial church.
"Thla la the hext day In thu liUloiy
of th woi Id," wild Dr. Klmicke. "Hut
w eliould remctnher thnt tlm advan
Inge wa enjoy In modern Invention,
convenience, aclenca and the church
were hroimht a hunt only Otrnugh
the toll, aucriric and even hloodnlied
of our fori father. It I thu young
people' privilege to irearve th
vhiirch In it pmity."
Dr. Ulancke anbjoet wa "The
llleednea of Hiving Now."
tj. )'. Hwanaon guv a vocal nolo,
accompanied hy Albert Hand, Mr,
SWHiiunn nimi led In cotiunuiilty Hing
ing following a eliort hiiKlneea acHHion
of the dletrlct league. KcfrcahmenU
were erved hy the Hllther lengun of
Kountue Memoiial church, Ted (jloyer,
prHldenl of thu dlatiict- Icuguv, pre-elded.
'h.,iao. tkt. H Thlrieeu regular
hioiidciiatlng ll.ciinea, now known n
t'luxa A, were iNemd hy (lie )ep.ii(.
incut of t'ominni (luring Hi ptcml.r,
Among II,. in In ln fliHt hrointi'ualiiig
elation In Alimlia, WHAV, the alniioii
of tho Northern roliimeiclal company,
In. a i i d nt l'nlii,ink, in hi ly in thu
center of that teiilloij, Tlm AliiHkan
plant Will hroail'MNt ii prourniii of
( nlei lalnmi nt for the henefit of the
cillxciia within it ntilliiM nf it l nit fiiMI
Imrliig th wok of Oi'tnhcr X. the
I'ep.irlmciit nf ( omini-ric lli-ciinl H
liro.iili anting atut ImiM In the m w
Clnea "H." Thin In thu flrnt leaiiniice
of th" new liceime lo Hie aupcrhi Had
ciiHtcr and celihialea the luting of
the firat hin.iilcnaiera a year ago. All
of the atalloii llccimrd under the new
regulation are old one which have
heen llronaed n limited cnltimerclal
atntloii for puhllo gervlco hroadcaal
Ing fur Honin time. They oomprlae
Iniga Ktntiona which have iUallflei
with the rigid ri'iiilremenia of the de
part merit, and are now eiitllled to lino
tlm apeclal 400 meter wave length n
algned xclulvey to thee alntlon. I
Only lilgh i'Iiikh enterlnintneiit will he
fnrrlcil. Mi chiinlcal mimic I forhld-1
den. The latloiiH which remain In
Clan A, over fintl In number, are per
mitted to hrondciiHt "ennned" niualc If '
they no dcalre. !
Among the 11 lafloii are tho well
known call of WielliiKhouae, flenernl
Electric, the A. T. A T Co., Hamburg.
era, Rnrt audi paper na Trio iierrou
New, St. Hoiil Pout DiKpatch and
DhIIii New.
U. P. Officiul Kftuni.
rrcNldrnt t'arl (liny and Vice 1'real-
denla K. K. Calvin ami II, M, Adam
of the Cnlon I'.-tc-lfjo ayalcni, returned
to Omaha yer.terdny after a trip of In-
apecilon of t'nlon raclflc line which
took Ihern to the Went cohhI.
Chicago-' Itaillo wbm UHed for Ihn
ft rat tllne recently In trnclng army de
Mcrlera when William (..'. Maya, a full
blooded Indian, waa arroated liure by
Holico Hcrgt. r.lclifird Mnckey, May
deaciled from the (lying field nt Hang
ley, Va,, and new of hi flight wa
"Hi llo Hill" In iniiaio and oiig will
I In oad rut liy I1'"' ttinlglit
from atiillnn WAAW when th Oma
ha, lleti preenta "Hob" Hheehim
chorim nf vouth nml mi '""'t ,,,n
IiiUbIc reV lie h I PoW directing for
the HlkH.
Among tin- hit lo I breail'imt hy
the chorii will I Hhohan new
novelty niniilier, "If W Heml Andy
fiiiiup to OngreM Dur Country won t
lie lr" and "Haglllii Aviator."
Florence l:ilullh Hcealnr nd
(I. laid Mii'ieaiy, In "lli-Ho
Hill." will ing eevenil olo Tho
radio conceit will begin Immediately
following th announcement of mar
ket repnil.
The Latest Columbia
Music Roll Hits
Only 79c
Com in and hear tht
hit. Ther ar ur to
b teveral you will want.
Remember the Price
High Brown Blue.
'Neath th South Sea Moon.
Rock M in My Swane Cradlo
Juit Bacauto You'r Yov.
Ten Littl Finger and Ten
Littl Toe.
SchmollerSc Mueller
II4-11 Bl a II A ff rhon
I Mil W WW.
Uodi St.
DO l23
Hee Want Ad produce reult.
Feel "Old?"
85 cent Bottle FREE
(32 Do0
i , I ' ' '
al i,.i4. '.if t- ' '"
aa (. k i ( li.4 .'i" 4 '
Hiu in " ' ' ' "
itr . '. ' -
iltV !. (- ' I
h- .!..... v . .a n-i
m It- . t hl"ll
H l.J H. . .. -I t !'
,-4 I ' li.14f
t... I - ' "
k . 1 . i i i i ' '
ft ml i . . - ' '
rMll 1
'Ht: I
a k
Save Suffering
Tht huitle anJ butl of
modern life often fu weak I
kitii()i Overwork nl worry I
invariably viral ponuin faeler I
than the wntkertist kidnrv
can filter it front th Id nod I
I'alt i m th. t' k, nreu- I
frit, ai j l.ttk cf anhiUai.
are tome ef tlv warning (hl
tdf k. ilirjn tV l-t t ( I
tltii mc 1 1 ' ti) I
Warner's UU !
Kl.oeyioHiver Remedy 1
Style Without Extravagance
1519-21 Douglas Street
Tomorrow Omaha's Coat Headquarters
augments its vast showings with 280 new
especially purchased for the event of the year
Involved in these new arrivals are many
models that you will not see again this
season, because they are just one-of-a
kind others you might see again but
never at these ridiculously low prices.
Truly Marvelous Values Centered
in These Four Great Lots at
- if 1
i a tj 1 4
ft. 4 i w -- . - -
th. ! I t
a. ii.iii
r .'el tlu t
a .! iron l.ti i
. I f U'Bff.. Ul
f A y ai I K. W
it n l ht iMtJ
n er'cing ttatur t
iif-i t i t-ft
tin r f . i i it
-,.- . l ,
' -' '
74- '9
Coat Week has boon brought about by
the . pk ntlitl cb-oporution of many loatlinj;
manufacturt'rs and ftttnprNin tho jjreat
t event of u kiml twr held In Omaha,
Mjileta IVJvi
'an IVjfK Dim
JJt "li,liM
n us
fhifti Squint 'Jffirft
.;u'ir! .IfK'iujft
l.ijlV.! AmIhJ - Cti'J"
, ahuAin cf hir (Vat and Wrap in all eompbti-no awaitn
jti htre tlurir-4 (Vnt WYtk nt rovptIt.!i.t!!y at!r.totIe prioe-.
Jolin D., Jr., in Sanitarium.
Il.ltlle Creek. Midi. kt. IV-Johll
I ll.H kef. Il.-r, Jr. tiday began to en
Jny a r"t at a local nnltailum, M
low nu I,;, nriival In' bight. Hti r
(lined to llPH'llaa III leantlll for 'ek-
ing tieiiimi ni. Th flnm lr had l"
pn arnnce nf lllnee.
Julius Orkin
1312Doula5 St
jbr Every Floor in the House
V :
This modenioffice of
The Standard Oil Company
has 2000 yards of linoleum floors
IT is not nurprisine that a large
modern office building shotjd be
equippfd with floors of Armstrong!
When the luhjcct of floor i con
sidered thoughtfully modern linoleum
ofTim o many advantage that it be
comes the' logical choice.
The qualities any. business floor
should nave arc permanence, good
looks, quietness,' resffulness to the
tread, and economy of upkeep.
Mnolcum floors, when cemented
down over builder's deadening felt,
have all these qualities.
Linoleum floors can be cleaned thor
oughly, more quickly and with less ef
fort than almost any other type of
floor. They ncver need rcfinishing.
An occasional waxing and polishing
keeps them looking like new.
Armstrong's Linoleum was selected
as the most suitable by the manager
who chose the furnishings of this ofhee.
There is a pleasant variety of plain
m colos and pattern effects in Arm
" strong's Linoleum that offers even the
most staid business an opportunity to
combine individuality in floors with
conservatism in appointments.
Your architect, contractor, or any
good linoleum merchant can give you
more extended information on the qual
ities of linoleum mentioned here. If
you arc interested in floors for any
tvpc of business or public building or
shop, write us for free booklet, "lousi
ness Moors," We gladly furnish data
and specifications fur laying linoleum
ov er concrete or wood.
Akmsikuno Cork Company, Linoulm Dihsiom
Chicago Office 1206 I ley worth Building
CUJvti CinCLC "A" t-JtmtJk m My
b al
We flint y.'U t un 1 1 in cm
beauty of your hair to i vi-n
a-U'intiigH t-v willing it with
thu . It iii.ikea a v. i j aimpl
expi-Mnii h.uiipi o. wh'li t'e.n.n
h hiir end e.'ilp tb'.i.'iir'.Iv i-f nil
di'iilniff, ihlt act iV"( i., I, leu i
a wmid," f'liiv rle.tii. w ."i. K-me f.el
leg Afl'i It m-i a d ! 1 W.i '
tin hnir tlii.e iUi' to I mi"! I
l,..'-r etink. I :n -iH m t i
),! tt: i ..!. '! 'i t nt, " riot
f. In f,.l (h't I i ' l ' I "v "l I
i.l llllB il ! " -t f
t in, In II I I ' ! ' ' I
. f , .th,., Ki d.
":, . .i'f 'I'
,1 f I. . 'l II
I' : I ! ; Il
t.i .. t V It I..
I I '.I -l ' H I' f f
ationallv Priced
V ! , '"1U
i i i, r t v
h:i !
I-: 1
iQO M03
ni3 !5 DuMglat Mice!
Vht ty nvw fwu; amut lh K h(awitdy lvkm..
lava" tx-vauaa '("' 4 ihemiMiiMMii ik lthu.f
t4.l" A nwn loay vi4 IV0, MU1 kin p0 mi ia
ivu ( J hvatthy at at (th m Uil jk fonuilva)
53.afh.-h4a tATXUOP'tt ltl an4 your
ivm U ail J. ti It t7t , fun nU b iv.
pya riai'. rV)' 1 Vf' T""! '
WkiA th Kii mt tnn t4 yur
hm U4. t'tSJiUXiSt niavaanai4ittl
mm. h, t b.n ,ti r:X'ttir. -
Ita 4 Vnm fj
.-.J, I
w v afc-.t a4if
a w i .ft4 atia
I..-, - a
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l m 4 tl ft I
aia aiwtftna a I
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t aar
ri a
B l ) !