11 THE OMAHA BKE: THURSDAY. OCTOr.EU 1?. lyJ2 INDOOR SPORTS Drawn for The Bee by Tad Coach Schmidt of Central Giving Purple Athletes Hard Workouts Copyright, l?llntrnl 8rvlc Tech High Team Putting on Finishing Touches for Beatrice Omaha High Vt i II Idtumh Strong Aerial Attack Agaiiiht ovvau. Pchmlilt nf Central High III waafintf no Urns In rounding u faat fur Ilia l'urplH grid clash with Jcffrraoi HI oh a.'hool of. Council IHuff l'llday.TIni lllltoppcr hav never been defeat ed by ilia lma ag gregation und hope are becom ing higher than ever ut repealing ilia former victor ies In till week's ci.iiteal. Tim J o w n n hope to glvn Crm tml a hot liiiltla when ih' I'uiplH athlete em the big muddy, aline they will bo liprn-ai-nlcd by a twiiii it veterans who Iihvh been rleiinlng house mi nil tlii'lr p Ilt4 Hill far tlllH cllol, Captain Willillng nf Central will probably bo iinnbln ti) piny brenuaii of injurlc ri--i vi-rt In liint week's fray, till t lnre several new footballers have lilt tlin ilUHt lit thn Central rntiii) during the limt frw practice, tin great misfortune Im struck thi Nchriis knna, Tim l'tiri'lo mentor Im found h valuable mnn to rati-h thu ovnl In midair when I t-y noltlM wn shifted to till) halfback position. A Strong II cl'llll HftlK'k Will 1)11 llllllll lied ngltlllHt till' Iowa footballer and a stronger line will enter thn contest than him gnno ng.'ilnst tha Dliiffa team fur several years, Marrow anil Cogllr-cr urn two new possibilities for the wing posi tion tin the hill ntid K. Clarko Iiiih been doing good work at the viienn ry left by Hlrlbllng. Tho Central bark a to oppose tha Jefferson school will b chosen from Oiillowuy, How. ell, Uiwaon, Molicrmott nnit It y- tlllld. m i h h tkamw.an to KTOI 1U Ml Or I KNTIIAI... With h Central Hitch niin tint two ilnya (iff, Coach JS'lggciiicycr of Lincoln High of Council Bluffs In whrklnf hla men overtime In order that they might bo In thn boat of aliupa to rmnlinf the huaky Central athlete In tlio riluffa Krldny after noon, lining; the Notre. Dame shift to good advantage, f'onch Nlggemeyer, who la a. former Pinko unveralty star ath Mp, yratirily aent hla men nimlnat the acnoriil tram. Tho varalty aroieil at will anulnat tha rcaorvr a, Tha I-lncoln couch will two avery piny In tha hook In order to atop the Omnhana. Captain Owen will ha In t.h linkup after an ahaenco of two wctka. Itouac, a new man, la showing up well and may pet a chance to ilny. Johnny Sudenberg to Box Jimmy Delaney Johnny findcnlicrsr, who atoutly r fnara to hHhW hla flatln aaplratlona to ba lowered into a grave, will tonB mlt tena for tha edification of flatlc fnna at Piiluth. Minn., Friday rlffht, Jim my Delaney, Ht. Tanl mldulewelfrlit, will oppoaa him. Kudenberg and Delaney each honat a decision over the other. Stewart McLean of St. Tatil and Hernia Ilnhn of Cincinnati will flht the aemlwlndtip. ' Tho Omaha middleweight la pre paring: to launch a cotnehack In Krl day'a fluht. Ie once waa regarded a a Kood middleweight poaaiblllty. PAR STYLED? Arrow COIIARS ClurtUVabody CCo.Inc H 1 0 V4 u u iU 11 u rut ftnUi MijX lr" j I each LJ WTTHTHE Milniiktt, Wli , I 1 1 JnJtnny MmiiMiiIiii. t'xnt Mtt htwwiKlit Ufjiicr, tcUy .Kiit mtiilM tr j ti-rouml, tti-lt linn hi Mi i with l.tw 'h.Jlifi, I'lijiM'lfiplHa, Imi ftr J"i nl t lit i uci Nm Vf in (Mr I Tim ft-f t inatit culls f it WPlKhlitf in t U Milwmihf. U , ir. M Hi. wair! 4iv (tn it, M( . fit il fttrtt Imi welglif huArr, (h in nifert friiiUiH u nat rtt hoy, in in riMiml h'MK limn tin en -lubrr 27, (hit Wfitrht lu m 12b p( udiIm, ( wan u nfimincjj to.lny. Brands False Reports Notre Dame Is Weak Mucoid, (lit. iH-tli1.) t'lnr eina Hwannon, capialn of hint jear'i vlciorlona' NcliiiiKka ilevcn, who la uaiilatliiK t'omh liuwaon thla year, re turned to Lincoln yi'Kteriliiy from l,llfiiyeHe, 1 ml. , Wheni lie acoutnd thn Mot I'M Diitne I'lirdux gnnie. Hiiultlti(f of thn Notes Dniiio Imm, which I'oini' hern for tho TIhuiIihrIv- IiiK ko 'tic, I'oin li hwiuiaoii atnleil Hint llm ilcBcrliitlon iif K'niito Itockne'a flxlilliiK iiiMcliliii, an Ktei-ii waa hIiii ply u iiilanoiin r. Hwniiaoii anya the Noire Dame liack flilil la na good If not hctter than laat year. Knifing tlin heat team I'urdim lum turned nut In acvenil yenra, 20 to 0, la mtltu ivlilelico of tho teiim'a atreiigth. "Noire Diinie will win all iia gnmea up to TliiinliHglvIng ami ll'a going to ha iulghly hard for Nehrimka to con (iucr auch fighting aplrlt na waa dim oiiatniti'd In the l'urdne game," Couch Hwhiihoii auld. Central Reserves to Play Deaf Team 1 'on. h l're.t Jllll of the (Vnlral Jllgh Hccniid team of foolhallcra will acrid hla gridatiia agnlnat tho N.liniHka School for tho Jicaf fit Jtlvcrvlnw park thla uftcriiooti. The KcHervca liavo been working hard all week In preparation for tho cIiinIi and 11 fairly faat niachlno will enter tho fontcHt, Thn preliminary content before the Hloux City ganiu gave Coach Hill a cliauco to ao how hla protegea alack up, Tho Deaf tnachlno haa a victory ova thu Tech Heaervca to Ita credit and tho Central team la out after tha acalpa of thn whole Inatltuto nkven. Ileeuuan of tho wtallh of inulftal no lineup of atartera ciin bu (riven un til thn content la atarted. "Zip" lllll haa a liUHky lino and a faat nnd heavy quartet doing the plunging. Siki and Beckett to Fight in December 'ari, Oct. 18. (Uy A. '.) Thu fight between "Haltllng" Will and Jon Heckelt, Kngllah heavyweight, will take place. In London on December 7, It waa officially unnoiinccd tonight by thn International boxing union. Tho art Idea cull for a 2Uround en counter and will bi for the official heavyweight tltlo of lOurope, na neith er Heckett nor HIM nro ablo to make tho light h.nvywelght limit. Tha Senegaleae, who recently defeated fieorgea Ciirpcnlicr, will fight around 1S5 pomula, which la 10 pounda heav ier than tho weight he fought In tho Curpen tier atruggle. Tho Aaaoclated Preaa uuderalanda from a moat rellublo nuthorlty that Hlkl will receive 7.000 pounda. win, loae or draw. Husker Athletes Fourth at New Orleans New Oi'teaiia, , Oct. 18. In a drlvliiB flnisli liulxiantt Imrely noteit out New York In the Ameri can IjPkIoii track anil field meet at Tiibine htuilliim here yestenliiy by a more of I'.l'a points to 47 w.loln for New Virk. MlsnU.lpp linishrd in (hire" place with 4:l'a point al ter giving New in k m tiisnla all thn . Nilnnka waa fourth with TH'j point. J'raiiciH llynl nf Yirciiila waa tha liiillxldiml atar of flie meet, a urlnit ?i, poiiila, every miIii inditrd to MrslnU. I!rd wa tha only entry troiii li elnirt. Central Gridsters to Sec Lincoln Game C.,ti jl. I.uii.lt of Vi.ti.l It.nh aenl ti .:t..ii 111.11 lttrtitih a itf work cut )trrd,iy im neprtiii. n f.-r tha ruii; iiiii nh I.uhvih m I'oun Nil I luff lu tiv. Th itui to !' J j iu . 1 1 a tt.y la 11 Kf i-i a'lew ta tVmial nwnt.-r t ik hi ei'l.i! I in In I Iif s. .! n . t,t thrv .' H.' I'uMiIrr l I t ii It iiim',im 41 t ri'ifclilnn l'l !.! t I. rl .' l l.. f ( In... ,'... 4 .- ' .-.4 1 m t a f,f j f.'UtjlH l-f 'tiS Hll..n j 1 '. mbi inn imi t-t t iot ll t hi- r it ,:(.( t I j. t .tii i( ,t t i t. v . 1 j '' !' t t"4' I P.tr 1, I .i.i. a.i i is a tan It r 1 ; - : I 1 4 lU I ' a i.fv-4i 1 at Ml kill unit,. at. "(ftJ . I l I b Ml IHOt t k I .t li 1 1 ! h .j. -iKri t I k . ! M 4 tlat I 1 I I i itit a 'I i. f ( k i m .1 I . " I ..! 1. 1-4 1 la ' ' V 4 I . . I lj M l l t.i Jk ll t'.l 4 'm TiP A -Sir M AT THC Lm-e POO ' - " aja.ajlww' j ft rve QAFrW itouJB 1.1, lHTX r.Tlwt ,vlcr. ,Wf j y Advocates of Busy in Omaha-Team to Be Formed at Ft. Crook Will Omaha breathe the zip and tang of polo? The fuHcinatinp; sport is tukinjf the country by storm and thin city most likely will see the game in progress soon. Even women have accepted polo in the east as the big sport of the season and every day sees the equestriennes on promi nent courses dashing expertly across the green, at the same time deftly swinging at the polo ball. With army teams reviving polo at Fort Snelling and Fort Des Moines, Maj. Gen. G. B. Duncan, acting commander of the, Seventh army corps area with headquarters in Omaha, is enthusiastic about introducing the game here. Though nulto ioMt mld.llo age, Ma. Gen, Duncan la an export horaeinan nnd would participate In polo hlmaelf, ho auld. Ho well would the odlcer Uko to aeo polo Introduced in Omaha that h would allow civilian teama to play the game on the Kort Crook parade ground, an Ideal courae, he aald. Intenan interaat In the great out door aport -could bo nroued lajtween army nnd civilian teama, tho major general bellovea. Waiting for Iloraea Id Arrive at Fort. "America la turning morn every day to outdoor aport," aald the of ficer, "nnd polo, the greateat of gnmea, la faat aweeplng the country, I would Ilka to aee every outdoor club In Oma ha aupport it polo team, I think tha hnraea are here and Oninha ahould not' be behind In tha aport. Tourna ment could be Arranged ao that team from different cltlea could compete In the game." The major general aald ho would organize an nrmy polo team at Fort Crook aa aoon aa more horaea arrive at the poat. Nebraska Athletes Place at New Orleans New Orleana, La., Oct. 17. (Special Telegram. Flying the colore of the Nehrttaga legion, track and field ath lete from the Cornhuaker mate won fourth place In the flrat annual Amer ican l,iglon track and field chain plonahlpa held hern thla ftflernoe. Th Nebrnaka athletea flniahed with n total of I'll -12 polnta nguinat the beat apike eho performera In the country. IIhvhHp of the Nebrnaka team waa tha beat point collector for thn weat erner. lie placed third In tha 100 yard dnah: third in the 440, and fourth In the !;0-)ard daahea. Kretjilt-r, former I'nlveralty of N t.raaka dlatanc man and mamher of tha Dougla County poat, placed aee end In tha three mil run. Dlvaney of New- York won tha event in thnlllni fimh. Iitxkard if Nlok pUed third In Ilia vaul high tun dim, and eect.nd In ttt - l-'W "I'huih'' Mi t.irUy of Omaha, finlh d third In tha antnding broad Jump, and third tn tha hull Jump, lie fin ttiv. f ourth tn tha h pik-ipae ! jiiiup Urihait f Nvtrk en J la th pi -la ul A 11 if He.aii ..(. an'oa-l Ho to d'- '' -I'luiba. k t I fun H a but I ef f'tt, t h fit rlirs. i.v I'i i ? t l.. t . M l ,4lll U' !l l I M M.p. in iNiiU V uiuirH and Nta Vein Til HrtJr.l. 'fall. It l i T It . l M - V , .,lt I i i...-l Ki M :. i4 n M vt Int.... 4 I. k 14 ISl'.li ! vluk ll. k .. K k ... k fc ... a - I t. vft I f t ! I '!( In. I I ,..i 4 It la I Uli II f-. I . t It Katph Ut I'&lmn Crtt Iti thy fur SfHtding h, lt. k 1 -tMi 'im auaVaanJua uk4 t I) Vi an di aasl Nw4 it a aiM ha fc- klt, Mk ImM, l t"aat4 aVtS twy laiy tk-Mt lin4. tle W ttael l fktaaa M lrIM at 4 I ! fca. Polo Get Torn Ligament May Coat Central a Star A: TORN ligament may cuuse Cen tral High aehool to loae lta husky captain, Harold Strlbllng. Tho big pilot waa Injured In Fri day' a game against Sioux City High, which tho locals loat, 9 to 7. He will have an X-ray taken today to deter mine the extent of the Injury. Should the Injury put him out of tho game for the remainder of the senium Central' machine will be ma terially weakened, na tho doughty pilot rips and teura great holes in enemy linea. Eastern Collcgfn Pluiinitig International Track Sleets New York, Oct. 1 S Elaborate plana are beiiuj m.ule by eaatern Athletic unlveraltica nnd rollegoa for a aerlea of Indoor track moeta during the coming winter, which pmiulun to ecllpae fornitti- effort lu thla direction. Following the International trend tn other (li-tmrtiuetita of aport, nffurt will be made to aecura a.ma of tha lending Kuropi-an attta a well na thoae from tha INiciflo roaat t- r. la pet In kVeil of the in.-re tmpurt.iut nifei of the winter. (irome Ilrcakn Window to iVoox on Kigiitir othute, lk, tlit. 1- Iiuiua, Miialilii( Ihruufctt a pUir l4 wind.. M tret mule anal ime quarter liu H llikk, fk w Ihruuflt the Mih el the m Ime ( h.dil aHl III m the rr tl are. iuvt rut at IIim U. t Students Buy Used Cars . to Get to Football Game i ua Ait-1, U . , ivi It M i ! ia ii nt l l-t,t f Ilia I 1 1 l I tl.t'mll, e nl '. I i .1,11 !.! I tat Ik nil. -1 i 1 It '! I f , Kil ,1 I . l I eitMi.l, tt, t. I , . w W . I, 111 I . 1 t m a-..-'ti"a l ! fct -ll 't A.IMa I Ml (I4..ll I--. . , ,. 1 tH4 I fcji-l -.- ..- '. Ik Il kv. t h ai I I t (i, ui-l hwHi kt nv ik a . I.. e. 1 .a t J u..k.., a.j I , aU (ti.ii w, 1 , j 4y MKti4 14 ilic :- t KavaJSnaj at e Ira-. -. i lka. llrtikwt IA k-t !.. , ik .. Wi li,,ul It Football Facts Worth Knowing Best Grid Play to Use iiy sol Q. J'layer cuught a forwurd phM,s): tan with It flvu yard and dropped it op Held of play, bull rolling over op ponctit'a goal line, where nnotlirr plnycr of hlH team Ml on II. Wua tlila u tiiii.'h.lownV A. Ye. It I ruled a loose ball and it man recovering a looao ball behind an opponent 'h gnul lino more a I. iiiclidimn for III aide, Kulo 6, hcc tion II. ii. An oflHldo mini on a punt touched ball, ltulo anva opponcnta get ball wlih llveymd penalty. L'luy evidently stopped. Jtefcreo had not Why fio thiy do ItT That'll what thu folku wlio don't hunt dlK'Ual Hatk Tliona wiio hunt 'em kjnw why. Thftia'n a mighty mil iNfy Imii H(iin"ihtnu about Jt thut imm a portujuilliiK mipvul, It miikiM mnn htavt it wrm bod ut 4 ti, in. or earlier. Drive thruiiuh tho cohi nnd liiuct or ml I-, Carry and UUa out voud and llv do oay. U'hU for hum in a rhUly wind or ruln swfpt blind. i i'ii fur rn.li on liutiiU nnd knoos nd Wjidj Ic-clfiKK1'! ut rem nm. MImh iuprI Oind wurlt.) Hlrup all mglit on nurnlliuri, aomHlniMi nnw-iiovt-rt'iU Gt th'fU and disappointed occasional- fipftnd inonpy for guns, nhcllii, hunting Clothei, ettr, iiuy Itcnscii. KtMk BluirfU In rlubn and hunting lodKf. Think about duck rnatlng; even through tha flom'd wttMiui. Hut It's worth HI So nay hunter of the elUHt ve, Hharp-pjod, nili'ttiry fowl. If you Hover Had Hti alarm Hock wurn you that the first mornlnit of fhft 0fumin huh at liHiid or u-uuld he by the tlnio you got In ouc blind. JajoUoiI nut through the hruNh or grann nnd m'?u dark moving forms on tho wa tt r Itcfora day. Waltetl for light, with tho ntfllnnKs hro ken by the chattur of ynur calU'ra. l.lston'-d to thft miMvTlng note of the loHtlpr of tlm ninll;ird "V." Heitrd tha puUe-tiulckcnlng nwltih of wlngM na a bunch of btarklHt-ka Mwung runt or high, overhead on tha Incoming niKht. Hud your hen i t Hklp a boot and your fltiK-rii t wlich an a hunch of redhead ided your d(iu. a and headftl tttrHlght for you. Watched a h!g cnnvnidick tumbU- h"il long from a flying flmlt when jour 13 or Ku-iTftuger larkfil. 'Straliu'd your gun" trying to kilt 'em ton fur awuv. llrought homo tU limit. Fr-Hittd your friend on dink mrnt. Hfflai uhhi to rahtf the attta In a ttu k h'Mtttng lory t.ntcit. Hud tha antldrntiun that ia always tiT"i"nt. Thought, along annul July, how all-firrd long tt wn4 until Ut toller Id. M IMir, on' vt nnl aom thing that'a worth miir thin It tot, (And your t-oy lura a h"r1tsg of hMlth fend h!irta finni hunting l 8, If u ttt a gooac that'a ann thing tW aaaln' Excitement of (! rid iron dame Fatal to Man I.iiven.e. Miiui . Ut It John C. M.llililh'.-I. LI. own nine vi.lh , lie im-nt and airuheu wiili p,ii.illl wlula nM lim 11 f.mtt.tll fcitioi! brre, died at b ' b 'U' t.lv. IVath IVtiultf Affinnnl. AaMll, 'I'l I , IK I. I 'lim llr.ilh I t'fl iilV fc.rll C II. Ii.illi.4 I V It" lt!t e-.li,IV d.ill.i't f..U! t t-t I. I!. I'll ; t t..-..." f!el p,..-',.l ! ,1 - tli,d, t -it I..,'1., HM Afttrl!,, J .y II. n II. ..it -r 1 1 .Leu -I .--i i -1' t- . " t . ; II. t I ! . .1 t 1 lie II ,. ! .. - ' Hill I . .. i r II- I - ii J 1. .; ,1 y 1 1. I ' t ! .11 111 I- 1 I. C I 1 t l l ' ,lv 11 .t I, . t. 1 , t I, I l"l ' Nils t k.., U i,, V , I'll aw- t t 1 , 1. .1 11. a I . -I I I k.f i I- Why- .mi;t.(ii:k. blown whiaLlo. Then opponing buck picked iit ball mid i.m for a touch down, clnlmlng I tint hla Hide ref lined Hie penalty. Wna (Mm correct'.' A. Ycn, it 1a a Iiiik liilou n. The penally for an oil hide piny muy bo waived. Knle 2.1, hcillnii III. y. Team punt with a player be hind punter. Hall croMHcd opponcnTa goal line. Man back of punter fell on It. Wuh thla a loudibnck or a touchdown? (live tho rulu which aj)- pile, A. It Ih ii loiieliliiicU. Oiihldc liieli niiiht bo recovered on the field of piny, Hule tl, aeclion 15. y. Wo miiilo a fair catch and our Ciiplaln said wo would try for u (Imp-kick, Then Im found that' thn dlelitnto waa farther tlwin our drop kicker could kick ball, lln thou told another player to ninke a drop kick for goal. Ref.-i'eo would not let UM do anything but drop-kick. What la the rule? A. If cuplain mi id Unit lie: would try il drop liieli lie mtiHt niiilii (lie al Idlipl. Kulo K!, Meet Ion 2, Q. When a Nra try for a goal fiom tho Hold nflur a fair cnteh nnd bull hlta goal pouts and bounflH back into field, can't that team recover bull beeaiiHo It is ' oiiHldo when kick Ih tni.de? A. Hull Is dead the moment It si lilies goal post. II la a toiiclibnck for defending tcnni. uln"6, aection I I (d). Tin; ismstTi.ay to isk. With the bull In your pusmchhIoii at midlield, first down, early in a game on a wi'l day, It is freiiuently a good plnn to limit, l'lay high punts to tho opposition and make every effort to rush tho man receiving. The brick receiving Is nervous early In u game. He Is uncertain ns to his ability to catch punts. And It is not (llllicult at. times to start him fumbling. Then comes your opportunity. The chances nro oven you will recover auch fum ble and when auch fumbles occur th" chances nre about 2Ti per cent In favor of your acorlng a touchdown on the fumble. Tho llrt Houghton com bed Harvard team to swamp Vale followed this policy In this game and found it most successful, although llarvni.l laik.il an attack that could carry the bull over the Yule line on a ling march down thu Held. AliliteiKh N'.lr I'uini ImhI I'urn inilvniali), in til 0, In ilivlr Kan.n Hm iif.liir, It pai.l i.rly fur lie. ln. t..r I.U-li, !tr U. kl till Itl Cnthnlh. I.Htl., ' wua lalo n eul 111 h final quail' r null a br.'lipn I. a Ther tiHVa b.'i-ll l.elliy K'at He'll t.-..,l iir-k-fl l.y l.o-a, l.ul leiliiv l.lati'l J'lirUlll, aoi'liomn.., at lna Ulllvmlly oil a, iir.'.lii'l nf W 11 1 il.'". la pr.ili nl'ir Him 11. "Ml l.iU,"'l ef I'prK'.n In Hi" llak' l n (-. I 'll ill la iiuarlo. l.ni h on tlm fliat I w ti I Mill win. Il hui.ir.lay anil tli V .1 1 l".l and ilfual.l Ilia l.l.ll-.l !' rn.TK bar Iiiii ,i.ir.. Ilia l.ail eve. I .r Ilia .ml)' teurhilewii nf III a..""' Fiinll.all lina ,-ri.w.ta.l li."l..'tl l"n Ida and K'.U eul id Hi' " i" ' I ' K I' 1 II'" llllnri-al III III" a.'IH" '"'.III- I" I. row vtieh yriir, and thu t.i L .r. M.la Dial im. k lha .. .'..il' i". aiioliuii.t I" 1,11 puna nf Ilia i-.junlrv l.Hty lu tlm .i,iillaii'y .d III1' Kane'. I'.'.'r.at I li.iw ..iilind In lu lli'iiui'l -1 -nl 1 -.' till liol Ki-url..!' Tha Canlia tr.ni tml vi ik-ml 11 fit lu (Weal Hi V ''anil I'.'lyl-. Imi'' l.ian!'it" al 111' luneli'l, whait It H'.n, I'l Id II It wna lint ui.lil tin f" tiu.ir. .r Ihul l eltlrH i"irr,. A II. u a.nn . Illn lliirvni.l naa wri.n'ia fluni M" dull. cull.-Ka, 11 l' il. ('eir.i and llm v h i t will int"l Hani -div In Hi'lr n liii.il anil..', ivle'ii Ci-.i.'i liup-a l''-I'-at lll'-ll' 8 10 II v..-l"y fit laat 'a'. Tcbeau Starts Suit m Against Denver Club Denver, Coin., Oil. 18. Soil fur 1,500 waa filed In the iliMrirt court here, yealerihiy by fieorgn Tehean, .Hee of (lie Itr.iHilmiy liuxilnill park nf Denver iiguliint the Denver WeNlern IriiKlie Hull Imll club, Tehran Iniaea lila anil on thn al liKi'il breiicli of a contract wlilcli lie allege in IiIn complaint bound (', II. AlliltiN nnd I-. L. Wbiielork, of lire ih of the club, In aiilileuae llronil wiiy pink from blm for a period of aeven jenra. In return for thi It-nun a infill part of I ho conaldernl Ion therelore, Telieiiil Ktalea thai lie worked In get thu .loplin (Mn.) fiHiulilMC of tlm Wenlern ieiigue; Hint it waa tliiongli Ilia iiifliieiico unit effoi'l Hint llifl loplin fniiiclilhu wna nivardi'il to Denver. Fitzsimmons Wants to Keep Fistic Bowl La Toite, Ind., ()-;!. IS, Sb-pa nro being taken by Kloyd Fitzsimmons, lioxlng ptomotcr. to in-event the gov ernment from M'lllng his hug.) arena at Michigan City to anitofy Hen against It for nonpayment for war tux. Tlm promoter haa not given up his original program of Hinging . exhibi tion In Michigan Clly for a five-year period. lie Is staking hope on the state legislature passing a boxing bill it thu next session. Anieritiiii Association Clubs Break (Jute Keconls Chicago, Oct. IS. All nttendtinen records for the American iiHsocirillon were iltatlered during the 1H2- aeaaoit when the eight clubs played to an iiU tendance of 1.D29.378. Fresideiit Hlckoy announced tonight. The previous high tnalk was Inst year when the attend ance reached 1.5:2,322. The K.'insnH City club, which finish, rd third In tho pennant race, half a cm me behind Minneapolis drew me largest attendance with 316,0nO. Gianey Improving. Cleveland, Oct. IS. ,1. Gladstone Cli-nney, former outfielder of the Cleve land Indians and malinger of the lies .Moines team in the Western league, ia here recovering from an operation for appendicitis. Physicians report ho went through the ordeal in gnat shape. IIawk.cyt'8 Run Signal. Iowa City, la., Oct. IS. Iowa took another long practice last night in i rt iiaration for the Illinois game Sat urday. All regulara, including Holdl. center, participated In the signnl thlrif! drills,' but only the second and elevens aeiiinmiiKed. FATIMA7 CIGARETTES now If y I'cmM for inoro in would it mt hi low it j 4 Couch Druiuuioiii! ScntU ' Criilalcr Against Aliiroontj in Final Scrimiiiat'e. Tlm Tei h high team I puitlng oit finishing loin In preparatory ti lt i lash Filday, lit Peatrlee, llgaltltt ( .nu ll MiikIh strong (nign County atmegatlon. This guliie w ill bo una of tlm most Inipot-tiint .oiilesla In tha hi in., i it In rate. ViHi.-idiiy tha Maroon mid Wblla I'lldMi.-ia belli a 1 1 f f a.-i iinmnga inaiiiMt I'oarli Ad. hum' o in a Ii a nniW'iMily cloven., 'I In y I e. l ived a g 1 w o r k o u t ,fh I'"..!"' ,,, III. II I I illy leu,,,, , VC j rx l olh ofieilcw plnying and ile- feline. I i uiiiiiioud ulll close thla weck'a uork thi nltirnoon with a light work out ni'iiliiMt the reserves and rlgnnl lu aeil. c, A number of new plays tveiA tiled III hist night' scrlinuiiigii and will be uini'M-rcd in tho attack tomorrow ill Jlentrlce. Cnieh I ii umtii.'ii.l'a leant Ih wrnken ed by the Injinles of a number of men, Ciiptnln Kninie, thn giant nil si ii I ii tai'lile, lina an Injured iinkla, received In last week's gamo at. Hid uey, and may bo u t in bin to enter J.'rldny's tilt. Hluglca, hnlfbnck, wn injured In the gnmo Inst week. Donrn nnd Hwnnron havo been ndded to tha hoiltal list, I Ioni a i also aufferlng from an injured nnkle, received in serlinuiiiga agiiiiisl the Kocoml Tile (lay. Swansea's hnnd Is severely lirulseil, and hn i unnblo to hnulla tho bull. He Is the only experienced mil In tho Technical camp, and his al.iietii o from the lineup will be keen ly fell. llegiiidlesM of tlin crippled lineup, tirummond expect to repent his wnrK of the past two year iigulnst tho out state team. Two year ago t lie Coin iii.'t'i.i II4I1 team defeated lieatrlee, 11 to 7, while lust year tha count ngaiust Hughes' limn wna 13 to 6. Taylor and Langford pi i . n n ri to right m Dull King Jack Taylor, Omaha ne;;ro bjlit. heavy weight, will meet Ham I.angn ford, tho "HoMton Tar W.'ihy,'' in a 16f round bout In the Jiiurcz bull rlnfj Just across tho border frum Kl Tasc Tex., next Friday night. Tho bout, ia to bo abided In Mexlca. Instead of Texas, because 10-round) bout are the limit In tho hone Sta atnto. .lack Lewis, ninnnger of tlin Oinalial but Her, believes the "derby distance'' will bo greatly In favor of Taylor, lie) doesn't believe tho Huston "ehooolnti drop" can stick IS rounds. Public Helling at Ontario Hacft Course Loses Money Toronto, (int., Oct. IS. Public bet.' ting lit nil. courses in Ontario tills year fell to fU.Otin.iioo or $l3,000,non less than In 1021, It was officially nil nounced today. The provincial gov ernment also announced that tho tlrst year's receipt from thn K per cent levy on racing bets riniountcd to. $2, 212, 220, in addition to tha daily fea of 7.r,00 received from each course. Olllelals of the Ontario Jockey club reported 1111 oiierntlng loss during tho last year of $17(1,(100. Diegel Beats Mitchell. Wnshliifl.il, Oct. 5S. I,eo Hegel, former New Orleans profesalonnl, mastered Abe Mltchel. the Knglish professional, flvo up and four In a special 3i!-liole match here yisterdny, arninged 11s n result it the draw de clared by the Southern ttolf associa tion in the annual open tournament nt Nashville. The match, however, hoi no bearing on thn southern open cliiinipioiiahlp.' 2 sf. for TWENTY have aketl i alima, li.io Wvn - riiv? a I .,; im 1 .i- 4 1 , I ' . v a,ua I t 11 iit vi it 1 , 1 it k 1 11 . i . a a,it 1 t p i 1 4 kin 1 1 1 . C