The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 19, 1922, Page 10, Image 10

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Cabinet Member s
Secretary Talks
to State Millers
AiMtant to Labor Sn-rrtary
Ailvofutf New Satcm of
Aliru Krgiotration
Predicf IWprily.
Rdward J. Ilennlng, rwrreury, to
United ftutcg 8" relary cif Labor
Havla, apok at the renilnnnnal
meeting nt I ha Nehrnaka Miller' a gate
(la lion lifter n luiirhenn lit Hotel
iintrnelli Wednewlay noon.
Mr. Jlennltia. who I the gucat of
Kdward Bradley, Omaha attorney, la
making lour of Mi renin try ft) the
luterrat cf tho Ieparlmrnt of ln
Lor. In hla peerh 1m outlined the work
of Ilia department and rhowed limy l
actlvltleg tiffed tmainea. Mr, 1 ln
nlng atrrnacd the newly prnpnuvl y
lem nf alien r-utni i-a t ! ti. It. Mould do
way with th pierr-nt todloiia proce.
obtaining iiatiitHlizattnii and prove
a mora accurate method nf k -'plfiij
rloaa watch over nil who enter Am-T
Ira. ha anld.
"Home peraon In th Hulled Klatra
lira rather peaHlmlrtlo In their out
look for the future," ho anlil. "I'er
nally, I aee f Ivp yeara nf prosperity
Jimt nhrnd, nut a period of over ahum
tance, lull one In which price ami
UflRcil will l: balanced morn ciiiul
ty." Other apinkeia l -Corn Inn inaocla.
f inn were: O. If. .iiinwlnklo of Mm
coin,' who apoku on "The. Manufac
turer' Aaanclatliiii and Hn Meaning;"
If. II. Jlalitcr i f Kanaaa I'lty, on "Tin!
Wheat Improvement AKH.jclattnn;" C.
V. Topping of i'lty. net-rot nry
of the HniithweHtern Miller IcnKiie,
gave a rhort argument againrX tin1
preuent freight rnle.i; I'lof. W. W.
Ilurr of tho Nrhrnaka Agrlridliiinl
rollcg lectured on "Wheal;" It. H.
Heal of Rook lalund explained "Car
Loading," and ltnlph I'Vixon xen-e-tary
and trearttitr of the MlaaliiiTppI
Vallry naaoclation, advocated the, Im
provement of Inland waterMiiya for
Howard Baldrige to
Introduce Senator
Howard Hiildrigo will liitrudin-e
Kepator Modill McCormick when th
llllnola anion apcuk at the republican
rally Which will ho held (it Hotel Home
at 8 thlH eveninpr. O. K. Hngler will
preside, at the meeting. )
Henator MrCnrmlck comes to Oma
ha from Ohio and Indlaim, where he
attracted wide attention In hla ciiru
Ulgn apeeohea.
Gives pleasure
and benefit.
Wrigley's satisfies
the sweet tooth and
aids appetite and di
gestion. To chew it after
every meal is highly
To carry
with you is but rea
sonable foresight
How to Keep Well
Question araaovlnf nytktaa, aanilailoa and pravaatiea t iif, ubmitM
I Or. Cvaaa ky rudff ml Tka B, will umiii paraonaNy, aukiacl I
prspar llmltallaa, vhara a aiamp4 Mdlraaaaal anvalafa la ancloaad. Dr.
Evan will not auka a ahafnsaia a or prtatrlk tar Individual duaaaat
Aaldraaa Uttata la cara Tka ttaa.
At tha Nnvrmber rlePllPit Iha peo
ple of Colorado ur to voir In r f
iiidum on an iintlvlvlnerlloii Mil.
Thia bill followi the rntnc neutral
llnea of nntl vlvlaertlnn lillla ! fratod
by tho people of other atates.
The p.-iil drnnlim It and Hpnnaor
lux II arj of tho Mima (jnlta tind fad
illata na furnlah the Inltlntlve for allied
freak MHh every hrrc
The liayrholowy of the mentally
twined of theae eroiipn haa been
aomewhat atnrtled mid analyzed by
very roinpetent people. Hilt they eon
alltute a Minull. HioukIi loud, minority.
The bill, rrunrdlexa of Ita Inltlatora,
connot para iinleKa It appeala to the
plain hoiMe arnaa of tlia people, ynd,
In the UiM iinulyaiH, the plain liora
aetme folka make up thr great iimjorl.
ty of the vutiiiK ptilillr.
Ilxperlnient In trial. People et on
by HylnR thing. Any law which
would pievent them from trying
thing would doom a people to dry
rot and wmae. Hut for tho aptrit
which ilrivra men to inveatiKate, to
try, to hope to Improve lliemxelvea
and to iiel on hope, there would have
been tin alate of Colorado,
Home tiO yea I a ao the preaent poin
hitlmi and their forbear broke iiway
fmm tlm life back eaut mid went to
Colorado tr try for (fold and allvnr
unci fniliiue in other forma.
The rplnl tJ "try" made men find
Cold III Cherry rreek, and t hurt formed
Denver; to try for fortune In fruit"
and nurlfiilturo and thua aettle th
lirand .liincllon aectlon.
Hut for the aplrll of "trv" there
would be no in'lliim Indimlry In moiiiIi
Wr.teril Color;)lo. When peopbi can
no loiiKer try, Invention atop., . Im
provement coiiieM to a rtandMtlll - thr:
proKieaa of civilization Ih arretted.
Ifjint. all happen, I am ruro we
woiilif all auree that we would nil Ku
backward. Hut. the advocate of the
bill will doiihtlcKM aay tiny are In fa
vor of all other methoda of trylntr.
I'hey are aolely uppoaed to trylUK 'o
Improve (lie knowledge of anatomy,
lihyaMoKy, inedicinc and public health.
They object Mo further iidvanco
inent of knowledin of man and other
uiilmalH, lo they think wa know
cMoimh of tliene Hiibjecta? I nm aure
the comiiHin aenwe folka want tin to
know more about theie aubJeAa than
w e cUi.
HlinltliiB diat'imalon for the. moment
to dleune, the parents would like to
ace further improvements. There la
nevfr a perxon that (Ilea but that tho
it always
family wlhe that aomethlnic more
niltht Imve been known about that
pernon'a allmenta.
Aa a, publle health man, I know
Hint pneumonia, la n ruthle.ia alayer
of thouaanda of men ami women
every year; that liealtlj depart im-nta
cHiimd rnntrnl It, and that they will
not aut'oeed In controlling It until ex
perimentation hna dlacovered aoina
thliiK" not known now.
I am wllllnu lo any that bad Iha
proper experimentation bet a loim on
anlmala before Ihe world war, tho aob
dlera would hiivn eaeuped Influenza
iiml pneumonia, Juat na they earnped
typhoid and dyaetitery.
The farniera and atink men want to
know'inore about the euro of alrk
ato k and Ihe prevention of the alck
reaa In atock. They will hot tell the
common aen foUia that w liavn till
the knowleilKe we need aa to dlaeMHO,
HilppoHe the p0ile nf Colorado VOla
All Coal Rescreened
At Our Yards
0.inch Lump ffl0.7r
2-inch tump 10.1T
6-inch Lump ......811.25
2-ineh Lump SSrt).75
Wyoming ftlZ.M)
Colorado $10.0
We Can Make Prompt
KEnwoo-J 2261
JA ckton 0340
KE nwood
a jT W
' eljjjj 3 etaa dollar
Soolsd Tldht
Uopt matt
to IkIIIi tin kind of Hying r x
perimenting m their atate. finely
j they want their mrdlral, vetei itmry
and health work to improve. Im.
Iprovemeiit la by trial. Who ahall the
praclltlonera and health workeia try
' thlnga on? ! they prefer that they
j be tried on people?
I huppomi (hey puaa Una miiiaura.
What will I the next prohibition?
Will It be aliiuiihierlng anliniila for
food? U, lawh! The whole thlug'a
f -,)..M, , mi
h vft . rti . V. 1 '
if rjuinuiJjjjjijjj)jijji)jj--.ijjMiiwiJiiiiiwiw jjimiiia nw i rnmrfrirn ir i i i
I B 'I I 5 Copyright, tou.H.rt SchilTner & Mr , a
; ll aiaaiiiWHiiMaBiw iiigMlliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiyiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiitiii
ill . . There's
The sound common -niu? of th
common eem people will not be up.
m l by the wild and fooliah alatementl
of the antlvlviaet tlonmia.
O, '. IMrtiiig, Too.
Miaa M, J'C. wrilea; "J. t am H old. 5 f"'t 6 Inchea, and welnh
I r. j pounda. I have Neii awtmnilng
twice and aometimea linen timra it
week, but I don't aeein to lo loalng
any weight. Will )ntj kindly tell ln
how I ran reduce?
-IV i,;liliimM11MaM,M i
There style in the lines and the cut of
the coats; in the easy drape; therms style
in the fine woolens and expert tailoring
They keep you well dressed and economize for you
rl -nun i ...,n mi. i m .iit-m ttri"' -r-"1"' f- .m-- v .
J, What la the proper weishl fm
my ag'i and height T"
J, You forgot In aav ' I have iK-rn
awiiiiinliig and eating." etc.
Hwimiulpg and dieting will reduce
you, but not awimmlng alone,
Alxait ;U H)unda, iieaumllig that
your Uuiea ra aNml in em an aire
and that your bus are avemga long
and average fat
Vai'iiutn Hot He I'ulvm,
1. wrilea; "Inrloaed la a
9 .mmmmH wmu.u i
-!? '
a lot of style in
if ail advertlclng leaflet I indued
tbi inviith. If I renii iolr right
aoinr lima 4u you wfite mi artl'le
on audi luiauee of Vijriiillil Imllba.
"I xhould like to turn another anil
aend copy id adwerllaer ati'l l',
tlaher "
(The lenrlel lella mot here to keep the
iMihy a milk in a vacuum loHI "t
Iha rlaht temperature for hmire.")
Vou Hie light, A tiinihnr bo fol
low" the advti-a would do well to
iiamiiirii .. M"'"" m"?'mVZ!'Z I
raiiN With Hi" undertaker Milk, hebl
warm in n vnruiim tittl for aeveral
houia. w.ll I i found to l f rmlnf
with battr in. ft
Kept at a ema-riiure of " '"
for mt' houia, it l'oiiu-a ft rank
iain for h baby.
One nfthi htggeat lmea of mural
denotation evtr iinditaken by
woman I" to be doun ly Mra, II. Van
fturen MttKonigb. of Una city for th
3,nii0,tlo l.llieriy Memorlnl building
to be rr(e. pi Kanaaa Cuy.
t 'A
tt 1