The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 15, 1922, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 48

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Letters From Happyland Readers
M ullu4 frum !' 1 1" )
grad". 1 liavu two slxlcr und onu
irolliiT. i have been staying out
in the country Willi my Hunt. I
would like for aomo of tint do
Hawks I will to iiit Hoping X
will K't my button, your truly,
Marguerite SuM.ichl k, ago II,
Og.iJIaia, Neb.
A Hflli trader.
peor JluMy: I have la-en a reudcr
ot ' Happyluiid" for some lime liut.
have never written before. I would
Ilk to Join the Ilnj)y Trilxj of io
Hawks. Kudosed you will find u
2 cent stump for the button and
rijlfK. I am 10 year old and In the
fifth (crude. My teacher's liume la
Miss Hush. J like Ikt very much.
I turn- four skitr unil their names
are Mnry, Josephine, France and
J'.i-riilce, ' My brothers' names are
John, Lawrence, I'Mmutid and Hlnri
ley. We have two clogs und their
name are Hport and Teddy. Hsrt
la a big doK and la brown und white.
Teddy la all white und ha always
goes lo the posture for the cow
with us., We also have two cuts.
1 will close for this tlm leonu
Waslelcwoskl, Age 10, Yi. Omaha,
A Hfcund (trailer.
Dear Happy: I would like to Join
your (in Huwk tribe, Kncloscd find
a i cent stamp for my olllclal but
ton. Thl la toy f,rst letter to you,
I wan t year old the 21st of July
and um In the second grade. I will
try my beat to follow the Oullawk
pledge and promise to help some
one every day. Thanking you In
advance for my button I remain
your little friend Dliule Anderson,
Age Si Keen, Neb.
Arthur's l!i aiding.
Th"re onee waa a boy whose name
wax .Arthur. Now, Arthur liked to
liruif ahout himself and what Kraal
things he could do. One day some
of his fib-rids were Willi him. It
was a rainy day, no they stayed In
the hoime and nniuaed themselves
by talking. Then Arthur began to
brag, lie said: "I'm not afraid of
anything I saw yet. If I'd see a
ghost I'd Just walk up and say
'Howdcdo, Mi', Ohost'." At that
moment In cuine one of (he hoy
Tith a white sheet over hie head
It frightened Arthur, who ran
screaming "Oh. inumma!"
The children laughed at him, arid
this cured his habit of brin;ging.-r-Helena
IUohow, Af-d 1:1, Itopubll
can City, Neb.
Tim Nfrect Irrliln.
I'tiperx! rupirs: cried the amull.
a' rent urchin, It wan one of those
rainy, disagreeable day In April
und everybody accrued cranky and
disagreeable. This poor boy had
only Bold two pa peril, und ho wax
beginning to feel sad Hnd downcast.
At lust hi little feet could go no
farther, so he eat down In front
of a drug store. He could not keep
back the tear find he felt nick for
want of food. Ilix head Heeined to
him that It wax whirling around
When auddenly he heard a voice
Just above him nay, "Son!" The boy
looked up and auw a man about
nwillum height looking down at
hlrn, Tom (for that wax hix name)
xaid, "Plena xir I feel faint, very
faint." Then'the man helped the
little urchin to hlx home. It wax
not a large houxe. but It wax very
cozy, Tom thought. Ax soon ax
possible, Torn wax put In bed and
had some hot tea, which madu him
feel much better, lie wax well In
a few days, and went away very
happy, after he had thanked the
man for hlx klndnexa. Ilei nice
lVach, age II, HigHprlng. Nb.
A New Member.
Dear Happy: I wlh to Join the
fin Hawks. I will te In the fifth"
(trade next year. 1 mil 10 years old.
1 am Nendini; a Scent atamp and 1
hnie to receive the button. I have
three little dm kit and mime i ha ken
an,l a cat. It name la Tummy
l'iiry. My letter In Kitting long mi
1 will rloxe, I hope home of t he
: i llawkx will write to iu My
Ad -Irene lx Mv lneil-t, I'.oule
1, North ll-iid. N h.
Iilt letter,
l' llappv. I am a Kill In euiK
ef age. I Wmh to una the ll.ii i
TiIh. I am tieieUiiK a '.' , lit ktnmp
I'l-Uil nelid Inn piV bill Ion. I mve
tin" petx, twn cnlvi and one wt
ti if Mv ralra' ipiine re Lin y
and .Villi-, and my pin i n nie,
Tiniue re tm u.ii In The
! 14V (Mil Hlem Bill lil
t-rollo i Now a n.v l. li. r u l
tuia lotiif. I loiit i I'mh ft? v tiAtoe
i t B,l li i ia A.I. Iota ll.iuf n
liucr. N.h lt..u!t I.
W Ml to JuiM.
i.-.r ll ii i i: Th t ity f nl bl
I f I am 1, in 1 1.4 and tli f nl
I. ' I eli l icmi y.n lh lie
litttfc t .it I will it r t,i Bit
r ' I ln t--l'e M 't!i,f
I i4 but wlo o I am a i, IU
I .H writ 1 It, n ! I
, . lhHtktf llli lull
, I t thaif It'lvi b I i'i im
. I . t Mululr If l,
Ailvrnliirix nf Mother ICaldiil ami
f hllilrcii.
Hear 1 1 1 1 I , V 'I'll I x Ix my fiixt let
ter to I He OoH.iwka. 1 read the
let lei X eveiy Hundiiy und like tlieui
very lunch. I mil In the eighth
grade at achool und I tun 13 yenra
old, I Would like to Join the (in
Hawk Tribe xo I encloxe u atiimp
and ailitrexx, I have one brother
und one aixter. i mIho have u pet
canary whoxu name la Toddy, i
wlxh aoiiie of the tin Hawkx would
write to me, ua 1 would gladly
anxwer. I will now write a atory of
aoiue rabbltx.
One time there wax a mother rah
bit mid three rabbit wlioxe name
were Ku.y, Wozzy and Cottontail.
Mra. Itiihblt told her children xhe
wu going to Ilabbltvllle and for
them to keep the door locked on
uccouut of Mr. i'nt. Hit xhe bid
them good bye and at.-ntei) off.
In the mearillme Mr. Kox came
and knocked lit Him door. They were
nil u fin Id to xix'iik but xixm thn
Mtnalleal aald, "Who la there?" "I,"
Hiilit a voice, They became fright
ened for they knew who It wu.
Then he wild, "I want In; If you
don't lei me In I will come tonight
and dig up your ramie," Then he
xtnrted home and came back again
and (tiild. "Itemember, tonight,
children," and went away again.
They all were very frightened and
lx-giii lo cry. When they heard a
knock, Cottontail anJd, "Who Ix
there?" The volcu aald "It Ix 1,
your mother." They all acrutnbled
to the door. Mra. Kabblt mine In
and took off her coat and bonnet
and aald "I hope nobody came while
I wax gone." They told her about
the fox. Hhe aald "We will have to
hunt a new home. 4o r'uw.y and
Wozzy went out. They came to a
log and they heard a ahot, fuzzy
ran In the log and Wozzy ran In an
old tree at the top of a hill. The
hunter came up but could not ace
the rabbit, ao he left. Then Fuzzy
came out and Wozzy came down to
the log and tiicy began to quarrel
to xee which would be' the b'-xt
home. Ho they decided to go nxlf
their mother.
When they not homy, they told hci
;ill about their excipe and Mra.
'I.'ibbit and Cottontail went to xee
i' nil decided on the tree, find (hey
moved before evening and they
never heard any more of the fox.
One day while Jane und Jarnex
were walking they found the rabbltx
and took them home. Juine wax
m Ixi hlevonx and wanted to eat
lliem but hlx mother aald "JameH,if
you eat thoxe dumb animals you
are no true Co-Hawk," ao he lot
them live und they are hlx beat pet,
lllene Knaparck, Nurkn, Kan.
Waul to Join.
i)eur Happy: I would like very
much to Join the Happy Tribe. I
will send you a Z cent xtump and
the coupon for I want one of the
nice pin. ,
I have another xixter thiit'wantu
to Join. Her name ix Margaret.
Hhe lx 11 year old. For ietx I
have a rabbit, a dog und a hnrxe.
I am 12 yenra old. and I am In
Iho ninth grade. I hope Mr. W.
Itaeket Ix very alck, I will have to
done .liiHCphllie Cole, Coznd. Neb.
A New (in Hawk.
Dear Happy: I would like to Join
your Happy tribe. I am acndlng n
2 cent xl amp. I'leoxe aend me a
tmdge. We read The Hce every
day. I have a niece, her name ix
Ito.'ie Marie Flynn. .Mm Flynn hax
a xtinimer .rexort. It Hiiro ix nice.
The name Ix Dog Kar Lake Pavilion.
H euro Ix a nice find pretty place,
I will cloxe Yours truly, Delia
'"onion, (ireguiy. H. D.
A New Member.
Hear H ippy: I am sending it
i c i,l slump for a budge and hupc to
receive It xooii.
I read the i liildrvn' page eve 0
Monday and enjoy It very much.
1 inn 12 yea it old mid In the
eiehih glide. Ax noon ax I reiche
in v button I will write a t.,iy,
In tie Hi I" rm r, (Mi enla. Nrh. .
Waul In Join.
Dear Happy: I wmild like to
vmir liiiie I am sending a J o ut
x'unip f'.i the button. We itlkc The
OliiiiliA It". I ld the l(apliiid
p,,K,i und hk II i-ry rll
I mil in the HAlilh gl .oh- aiid I
Kilt II V.ltx old I Sllle like tti'lxi.
I 'HO H -li . III. g mi !llt vl'l. lut
I,. I ! m I. iii will tie I ii k liuiiol
Ktli'll Si ll l - l.ll I lill tll',
Ibliem, S.-l-
I llt IrKer.
I,ar II it- I t-tijiy iridintf ymr
luce ui,. I Hi. .-bl id it 1 1-1 In.-
I i j in or II n t'i ml fi- n ijl
(III III HO IftMII 1,1,1 ,1 ) .-,11
(bib sod On .-'ii I i b v
i,ltd i f tll-U II-- itl blitl iHS 1
Wlll 1 ttl ,.i,- l.i, so I HOI lo
ll (11.4 k l.l Hint III H'U1I
V.iius ii v. I viub N'iie, U.
W tun I rlltrs.
Ir II M'C) I ! I Ikt J. I'lit
II ii I Till lnil I f " I I i nt
in. ft f i ' I. enl ' if button, I piomixe to obey nil
the rillex. 1 am 12 yiare old unit
1 piiHiu-d I he eighth gnuiu laxt
xprliig, If some of the o Hawks
would write to me I would gladly
answer, 1 um sending a poem
Hindu up of Hnppyluud,
As my letter Ix gelling long, 1 will
draw It lo a clone. Your loving
Mend Dorothy M. Clifford, Tryori,
(ilnrU of the Weal.
Gloria toxxed restlessly on a small
cot In a hospital at Fort Wayne.
It happened while riding with an
other cowboy frli rid of her In a
round up. Three Indian spies of a
band of ISO warrior shot at Clorla,
striking her left shoulder, Carl I '.ay
hud curried her to a nearby farm
bouse and left her In the car of ft
lady and rode to the ranch for an
ambulance, It arrived half an hour
later und Olorlu was on her way to
the hospital. It wus hot nud stuffy
In the small room und (ilorla wished
for her plains once more. Hhe was
IS years of age und had dark blue
eye and golden hair. Mfie was
very fond of animals and very
swift ut riding. Hhe had a swift
brown pony called Hlar whom she
rode almost every day. II u wus
now In a stable ut homo with neith
er curry nor exercise. In two weeks
Olorlu was to leave the hospital,
Mm could hardly wait till the nurse
said she could go, At last the tlnrti
canto to an end find Olorla boarded
a train homeward bound. Hhe ar
rived at home In due time und re
ceived u cordial welcome. Hhe re
membered her pony and went down
to the utable. On -filtering the
Mlablu she was shocked to scu him
iihaggy and weak, ao ahe curried
lilrn and fed him. Moon after xhe
placed his saddle on nud slarled
for a nearby wood. After getting
further Into the woods she slopped
to rest a while, while Star grazed.
Hhe iieard a crackling tiMse in the
line needle behind bor and slart-
d to run. Two Indians jumped out
und grabbed her and HUir. They
bound her arid placed her on Htar.
"Don't be frightened, Htar," she
w diapered, "We'll get thru this
alright." At xiinilown (hey reached
the Indian village. Kit" wan hungry
but did not cat the food placed be
fore ficr becaime she was kick ut
in-art. Her night lodging was a
i- unall slurry tent In which she found
no comfort. At last ulie whlstk-d
f'of'ly to Htar who was behind tie
tent find lulkihg to hlrn while xlie
scratched on iier saddle with u bar
pin: "Como lit 3:H0 tonight, the
t Yuwh have cuught rue, plenty
of men and ammunition." "Go Htar,
and be quick." He stole out of the
tent, ran along tho long row of
tents und Into the forest. He reached
tho ranch In a few mlnules. The
men were startled when they saw
Hlur, lie neighed and turned hix
ajose toward his Huddle. They n ml
what wax written on it ami ran to
tell Gloria's fal her. They soon had
their men ready rind by ,1:30 they
reached the village. It wax a hard
fight but. finally the Indians gave
way and fled. The men looked for
Gloria und found her hound and,
gagged. Tiny cut her ropes and
took her triumphantly homo shout
ing "hurrah." Hlar was given u
new brlille und saddle for his brav
ery. Frances Homaiin. age 13, Klk
horn, Ni b.
Ilcxslc IMevi II.
Dear Happy: I received my badge
and think it very pretty. Am glad
that I have joined the Oo-llawks.
My school started. I enjoyed my vu
cation. 1 have a Shetland pony
Her name is lie;ile. I have nine
kittens and four old cats. Ah my
letter lx getting long I will clone
liaymoiiil Schwartz, age 11, Walnut
Heads I .ell cm.
I liar Happy: I have lain ri-adiim
the I l.i I ami page for a U'lu.
time. 1 want to lu a'Goll.iwk
So 1 am setiillng H two i out xtamp
I have luts of e ts. I am twelve
crm of age and In the eighth grade.
I hive ii w.i,: i.n, u Med und a pun
of skates, so tt.ll cloxe. Nome tlill
Ibib. it Ity to. Ann. l., .v,.),
HrM I. etlter.
I s .11 Happy; I Would like u
Imil the IPippv Tnl.e I am nolo
lug a i nt t.ut n fii (be biiMoii
I will tl to klp the pbilfie. I HOI
I tittle i 1 1 1 who li,. In l,. kaii, I
lull I.' noli ninth if Nmlh
I'l ill I am t ii i i. , II I
Will I lime -, T.IO 'Hi- iinv. n Nmll
11 it ir. .N. I.
ItesiU tint.
Dr Htppi. I -m p i
n . i rJin. 1 1 I )i'n ) ! I I
w.i ihn 1 : 1 1, of Juii. I h a h, ii I
Ins; a S M .!. p l-.r ti.u- i- I
ld pi i-ii I ' tw Mn l t i I t -I- t niioi .il - i. iiu -. . Ci i j I.
, i n li . V '. i v ,i I
Will II If
is n..pi.t i w , nl i i i ,
) ul It if-1 1 I.iIm- I o I w .
ii- iil .mil, f f i ,ti,-o f ,
lel 1 Mie 4 tf p. - I l.l
I' viiii ill i' 1 - - I
i 41-1,1 4 I . : ii . i..i ,
'I I It n im I - .
H i . j. II - -
The pnge of Happyland
Is In The H i J 1 1 1 1 . 1 ' lire,
And It 1 very Interesting,
This page of facts, to loo.
It speaks of all the kindness
I'o bird and creatures small,
For we must treat them kindly
ilvei-y one and all,
Ho I want to Join the Go Hawks,
That happy, Joyous bund
Of kind Utile boys and girls
In this beautiful American land.
lorothy M. Clifford, Tryori, Neb,
A Ninth (intiler.
Dear Happy: I wish to Jolnyotir
(lo Hawk tribe, 1 urn ten years old
und I arn in the sixth grade. I am
sending a two cent stamp for a
00 JIawk button, I um also send
ing the coupon for (he H.itipy Tribe.
1 have three sisters and twoMirot ti
ers. Yours truly, , Itosa Porter,
Lewis, Iowa.
Heads I '11 ers.
Dear Happy: I wish lo Isj A Go
Hawk. I read the Hiippylutid page
every Holiday, This Is my first
letter to you. I have a cat named
iii'lghieyes. I urn In the fifth rndu
and I arn 11 years old. Well
my letter Is gelling long so I will
close. I,etha Peyton, Htinderland,
I. ilicT. School.
Dear Happy: I would like to Join
your Happy Tribe, I am sending
u 2 cent stump for a button. I
am if yarn old and I um in the
fifth grade, Hchool has started and
I sure am glud. For a pet I have
n little puppy. He is iiulte a pel
among iho family. Your new friend
Ivu llulilecn, age it, Itatidolph,
Fred was ramping with liis fa
ther in the mountains. It was the
boy's brut camping trip of that
kind. Jli.s father bought liiin a
gun. lie sliowrd liiin how to use
a gun and shoot it carefully.
Otic day his father said: "Lets
go fishing lad." -
You may be mire that Fred was
happy. r
"jIay I take my giin with us?"'
he aski rl,
"To shoot fish?" replied his fa
ther. "No, ltd, "answered Fred,
"lint we might sec something to
shoot at."
"A hear fur instance," his father
replied, and went cm laughingly,
"cs' lake it with yon, if you like
They were , soon on their way
acrcMiS the sage brush, towards the
river, when Fred cried out. "Oh,
look papal" His father stopped
short. There on the trail was a
snake, coikd and ready to spring.
Fred wan about to run hack
w hen his fal her stopped him.
"There's something to shoot,"
he said quietly. "Use your gun
and try to shoot it."
The hoy obeyed,
"Now, lake a good aim," cau
tioned hi father..
"I'ingl" went the little bullet
The bullet hit the snake right in
the head.
They soon reached the river.
"Here is a trout hole," exclaimed
his father when he saw a gravelly
f .
' tt ;
I , . t . .1 .1-
I ' . t V I 4
bank. In short time they had
their lines ready,
"Now throw your line In the
river like this," as he thtew Itii
line into the river, Fred tried hut
could not throw good enough.
"Try again," said hit father. Fred
tried to do as he was told lo, hut
could not. IIk hook got caught
in the willows behind him.
"Oh, pshaw!" he cried, as he
gave a jerk to his hook.
"Careful now." said his father
flu he freed the hook from the wil
lows. 'That's only (islicrinan'f
The hoy cast again with belter
experience, Down .into the watrr
the hook jiink. It had hardly
reached, the calmer part of the
river when something grabbed it.
Fred felt a tug at the roil.
"What is it," he cried.
"A lish (iiii k land ill" exclaimed
his father. And out it came, a
large mountain trout about 10
indies long,
The hoy could hardly believe his
eves, He stared at it a moment;
Ihcn dropped his pole. Just for his
good lurk he clapped his hands.
That Hay Fred caught IS fish,
and his father caught .10.
Hut was not Fred happy
Michael Kilton; Filly-seventh and
V Streets; South Omaha, Neb,
IJUesTier I'lll. '
Dear Happy: I received my pin
and I am very proud of p. I am
'J years old und I um in (he fifth
grade lit school. I ant taking
music leswitni. We lire going to
have u. intiidc recital. 1 wish some
of the On Hawks would wrltq to
me. I must close, Catherine
4(Wi(h, age , Tobias, Neb,
A New ! Hawk,
Dear llapjiy: This In my first let
ter to your page. I am JO years
old und In the fifth grade ut school.
I um sending a 2-cent stamp and
coupon with this letter a.8 I would
like to become a member of your
Happy Tribe. Vours truly Fern
KilwardH, Osceola, Neb.
A Iiytil Member.
Dear Happy: Home time ugo I
sent In for a membership to the
UoHnwks Happy Tribe but had the
misfortune to lose my pin. Ku
dosed find a two-cent stamp, Please
send mil another pin. I havo two
pet pigs and four kittens, youra
for the Co Hawks. Franklin Rey
nolds, age 1), Illoiinilngtoti, Neb,
Looking Ahead.
Down the lane two boys were walk
Ing, Of their work and play were talk
ing; Hays Hub lo Hill, "I like to piny
Than all the rest."
Then Mill to Hob snld, "Play is fun
When work Ih done,
Hut not before,
Cause ma'll sore.
My legs too,
Will be black and blue;
I'm rather scared of my M.i, '
Hut not of my Pa,
Cause he's so good,
And If he could,
(Cauxo Ma won't let 'lint.
Hn'd buy for ine
A rockin' horsey.
Hiidolph Sandberg, Valley, Neb.
. . I m0 I
1 1-1,
o . I.-
- - l - t l 4,-