The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 15, 1922, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 44

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u n n ii it u m mi rrwr -Jf m iu j r'vrWi
Columbus Day Observed in Many Places.
Many of our Oo lluwk h:ivo written of little program given lri their
School tho past week In honor of Columbus day, Thursday, October It.
Happy In always glad to hear of Ilia thing I hut you do to honor tho
memory of tho tenia men find women whom- courage helped to make our
coumry lh wonderful tn.iii'i hind that It In today.
Ho much In written of tint great airships iitid the courage of the men
who rink their live In flying over hind ami sou. However, Ihey know fair
ly well what to expert when they land on the other side. That 1 o dif
ferent from the altuutign that fared Columbu when ho started out In
M(i2 In search of itn unknown world.
Kvery effort lit made today that the great ships that sail the i may
t rnndtt an naf u possible, to hravo nny storm no mutter how terrible H
may prove to be. In the faraway day of Columbus the ncagnlng vessels
were very different. Home of them were scarcely more than shell. Tt
doe not tako much courage to cross the ocean now and thero are many
men and women who mako the trip afely several time a year.
It munt have been a very lonely voyage for f'olumhu, with many
hardship that took great courage to faro, Ho It I no wonder that the
hoy and girl of today lovo to honor hi name, and to read attain tho
lory of I hat voyage- tnken o many year ago, They like to I maul no
how Columbu mitMt have felt when he nw land. Ho probably felt Just
as doe anyono when throiiKh hi own effort, hi Industry, hi courage,
ho makes a drenm come true, Ho wa the flrt to have thought of thin
something wonderful and then he curried It out.
That I tho reason young America Rhould forever observe Columbus
day. Hevfrul year ago Happy went to ee tho queer old house In Oenoa,
Italy, where f'olumhu wn born. It Rlnnd done to the funny, crooked
lit f lo Hlreet. Two Oollawk, could nlmoHt shako hand across the treet,
It I o narrow. All the Htreet seem to twist and wind a though they
wero trying to have fun with a slrunger and make him believe he I lost.
There are plenty of good natured c hildren eager to
heln find tho homo of Columbu. When om of you
cross the water and go to Italy you, 'too, will ee It,
u well n the flno Mtulun to hi memory In flcnoa.
Till) Co-IfitH'IfH, n Jolly rrowd of tmyil
Wlu, filny Jitillihit, Jmite tin.' IrtlnM, I'ru
ilrnra mill I'liltem-if, to oln thrir Trihr.
Many vmhI KHin- n will im Mcniti' fill
tlx ila.vfi of llin (o.lliiwk, I'lictty Until,
itna uf fin ltri:v, itlMtovMnt 14 fittr wtiy
to mitii money. Jlv earrlm ltnl-M htiek
litttl fot'tlt lietwn IiIm ltl-yritr.olil 1m
"ter aiid her Itettn, 1'IiIm W the nt-Kin-iiIint
of tlm "limit Knitter Axeii!'?,"
InrmtA by th (r-flnw fen Ur ltln iclrltl
Htul tltplr Itt-ttux. It In mo mirfPNHful that
I'milenfA roinett forwtirtt with phin
to lnTetoe thtrfr buitlnmit. She HUKiC(Mtl
(ntllnir brnux for th lrl who linve
liotMf, m th ftu-lfiiwktt derlilfi to ltrli
Annt Hullln In Oil wr. Tluy to to
tloi unlirtnkir. tits nifnUtnr ami
an llt"ir and rarh fiuyn ilolltir for
tli urlvllnrfl of rulllnr on Aunt Untile.
Wlmn tlti-y rmeh the bank, l'ruilence i
liltilni tbi'lr errund.
(Onllnucd from lait Sunday.)
To the children' amazement the
man burnt into laughter. "You are
right in electlng a banker, fur tt
doe ecm as though one would be
needed. I Aunt Hallle young or
old, may I ak?"
"Khe's older than wo are. Kind
c' oldiHh, mebbe," thoughtfully an
swered l'rudcnce.
"Khe'i a uro bargain, ;r, for
her cheeks are like rose and she'
never cross," added Jack.
"I'm not tho man to resist such
a treasure. Here I your dollar,
and plcaHe tell the fair lady that
this I one of the happiest day of
iny life. Jf you hnrve any more such
bargains to offer while in husineKS
lo not fad to look me up." The t
children heard him laughing a they
left the bank.
"It seems to me 1 ko ev'ryono Is
o pleased over getting uuntie."
conimt ntt-d l'ru lence. who had no
reason to change her opinion even
after the buker and grocerymnn
laid been Intel viewed.
Whin the children returned home
"t noon their f.iees wore such
blintifiil expression of content
ment that Aunt Halle' u ait was
f.lled With pi ejnon.tion of coming
disaster. The twin' eye seemed
f iNteimd on her. However, 'i
Skv1 no iiiest ion As for the
Itnti rtuiiters." I tile d d they
drenm that very luuht the ntietiey
whs d',mtd to d
l'rofi tior Tievtllvn rettuitid
tn'iiie a half hour .ier than uu:l
that even . ami culled h
tor In the ntudv "f -ll e. h he-
l IvrTttre. ba I S u tM
tutu ry li-ii.i-t-it,l ih at
km n. n tun ihiiif !.
...ri!, nUrty s . I . t tl.
. I. ni. . I i f , t 4iii I '
l'tit aihrn II n il i-.i ..'ii. . l t
tv kmil "i.U kh rlM mr
tt. o. H ili ijiiii, I
' -ft -. tki t l l.i
'f ' v.-r iml !. tt i
r tt -t i t i m
gun Hoberly, all the while with a
merry twinkle in hi eye, "I am
sorry that we are about to Ioho
"Lose me? What do you mean,
"I had occasion to .ttop at tho
club on my way home, and my
friend, the editor of tho 'ICnquirer,'
told me that he hail enjoyed the
most unique experience of his life
this morning with my daughters
and young Carroll, who hud inter
viewed him on -tho poss bilitle of
hi becoming your 'benu.' He said
that ho had purchased the rights to
call on you and look you over to
morrow evening for one dollar."
"I'hillp," cried Ms Bailie
"Yes, it I true: but, my dear, you
must expect such things wheij you
have such bright children for
nieces. I am not positive as to the
number of beaux you will soon
have, for the new vice president
of tho First National bank cume In
while we were talking and asked If I
objected to hi becoming nn admirer
of yours, said that he had paid a
dollar for the privilege and -'was
assured that he was getting a bar
gn'n at that."
Miss Sallie left her brother with
out another word and went to
search for tho twins, whom she
found on the lawn. She spoke to .
th m more sternly than ever before.
'Children, tell me th's minute
wnor ym, w,.nt th ni(,rn;nB ,,
what you d.ft?
mo cveryth'ng
If you don't tell
I w II punish you
'We were Jack, doln" some
worthy work, an' auntie, rtenr, we
have a beautiful srprlsu for ymt
that btgins tonight nn' "
Miss H.tUie griuined aloud st thV
Confirmation of her woit fears
"Tell me jit onee what ymi ch 1
dren have done?"
"Imn't hold my hatnl so t't,-ht
an' 111 tell," began rnnl.nce.
"We've ln-en h'lp n ' hen in nn' their
grls 'long for two wek. nn' wo
thought th s mornin' you'd I l.e
to have soiim beaux 'caue you
bnven'l nny. nn' they're n ee to
hitve. Wouldn't you. Biiotlr ilur
.ng?" t.he rotivbiibil,
' Oo on '' it the r--
"Tloti ww thought up tl I'i" ion
pie h b tibi t any il mi' w e
got y. u ix b-mit - mi' llov ii !
h'.no u u d'tlir fi r mi hi' tii
rf .i h lii lh.ll It,. I, t .il
'ttt.n-l nil lh' I nil fcti' It e i,-t,r.
I.ilin i . to ii' ti n . 'it ' h it- n t
IllVH fltl 1 il -in' J I. k I'i o' in II lri h I i t - h
l-tfcr ill lilt," fi' i t I t i t"
i rlltl I'UI I t I eff it .i'i' i if
lii-m in,' oi t i it ,r ...i t v
.-It f t , t-' I ti . I ii '-I I I, k 1 1 ii"
ti..- I 1 ii tii t. -t. r ni (.it
Mi l I .il II I I I I I- ! ' it
r -i) I - iv " I- i.l. sti' i-i
) -t ii t, ' . I I ii i
H t4 n oi. I
l. , . H l I I
.'. ,.. i,4.l
Anions the uaefull little thltiKNfor
tho (iolliiwliit to mulie I a book
rack for a table, rtcHk or Khclf.
KHperially will you find thl true If
you make a folding one Jut the
ri.'bt Hl.o to fit Into a ultrae; then
when you nro jfoln away and wlnh
to take a few book with you tho
little rack may a loo go, 4
I 'so -lnch stock to mako It. You
will find a good size I 13 Vfc Inches
long. The two hinge should be
exuetly alike of sheet brass. When
your rack I finished smooth H all
over carefully, rub down, stain or
paint any color you wish.
Your brother CJo Hawk, PKTKK.
U'lille 1 have given you Home
rtiocolato cake recipes before this,
I think you will be especially Inter-,
ested In this one because It was
used by Mildred Smylle of Mis
souri Valley, la., in making a cake
which won second place out of 24
cakes exhibited ut a community fair.
Of course, Mildred was much pleas
ed, for she is only 12 years old, while
the rest were experienced cooks.
Here Is the recipe:
One-fourth cup of butter, one cup
of sugar, two eggs beaten sepa
rately, one scant teaspoon of soda,
one-half cup of thick sour milk,
one-eighth teaspoon of baking
powder, one and oue-fourth cups of
flour, one-fourth cake of Halter's
chocolate melted In boiling water,
one teaspoon of vanilla.
fCream butter and sugar together
nd add well beaten yolks of egg.
Mix smla and sour milk and add to
mixture slowly. 81ft together bak
ing powder and flour. Add stiffly
beaten whites of eggs. Then the
melted chocolate and vanilla.
Thank you very much, France.
I am glad you like to cook, for 1,
too, think It is lots of fun, and then
you can help make others happy by
your cooking.
Why are IuiIIiuuih like u.uoi'."
Answ i r liei a use Ihey have no
is.ti.' loi-atis of support.
Whit r'lition in the ilum m.ii to
the t. l iipi r?
Aii-w. r- A s, p f nh. i (f irth, ri
hy is tt in hi In front of crowd
Vil li Mipp.u i. il.
Alcln-l- r,t-.itr I,, J,,, ,i-
nt h.-i Un k,
Hint 1. that w 1.1,1)
to. ill i ,11
HI;. ill tit vrr l lilt ntu Kill
I. '
A ii . I - Ti iim.i i . w ,
Xll'ili lint; i, ,f M', i k ,
II ,4 toili tilll r .l,!' tii, I
Ill t I ik t.i H , , l. ( I i., ,,,
M. ir.1' t .( M i.t .1.
t mi.ifi.l ii ... (.-.,.(, i (t,i,i t-r I, ..,
III I ' I n Ml
' 4 i
Ijist Hunday In our Fairy Grotto
' you read who were to be In our
new piny and what each one should
wear. Today you will read how to
arrange your tittle stage, whether
it I In the schoolroom or your own
home. The name of the play Is
Scene Arrange scene, using rug
and furniture to give the appearance
of royal courtroom. Place two largo
chalrfn center, covered with some
suit of cloth drapery, for the throne.
If possible, have a flowered screen
at one side. It will serve as a hiding
place for Willing, whose little face
should be seen peeping out from
time to time. If there Is u curtain,
when play opens the'Q.ucen may be
discovered walking slowly from
right to left. Hhe sighs deeply now
anil then. King enters, shakes hi
head soberly a he stands watching
her and then gives a big sigh.
rii!Ko wtop Hint, duar, for evnry time
you aiph
It ftlmoMt brings teardrop to my eye.
(Takes out enormous handker
chief and wipe eyes In comical
What hnpplneaa we poor men have to
Whi n nil nur woirttn fnlka- to round
like 111 In.
(Stops to give exaggerated imi
tation of Queen's great sigh.)
(Tone of apology.)
I know, my dear, I'm (iuk a mournful
P.UI-T lust thtnk of Wilful ilay and
(She drops her head to sigh again.)
In Field and Forest
Where do you sujipose the birds
go to bed when they are ready to
sleep? You may be surprised to
learn that most of them sleep on
their feet. That would not seem
very comfortable, would It? Some
of you may have watched your ca
nary sleeping, all puffed out like
a hall, with his head buried In the
feathers of his shoulder. Some
times you will find him sleeping
standing on one leg,' just as the
eagles and hawks also sleep.
Did you know that the birds do
not use their nests very often for
a bed, except for the mother when
she Is sitting and again to keep her
little ones warm? When orioles and
rolihins are ready for bed they like
to creep Into the thick hranches of
on evergreen tree, close to Its trunk.
Some of our little bird friends crawl
tinder the edge of a haystack nnd
others go Into thorny bushes or
thick vines. They have to think
aliotit making themselves safe as
Tree sparrows sleep in holes In
the ground. In winter time some of
the birds sleep tinder the snow nnd
It makes i good blanket to keep
thent warm. Pn you know thut the
water bird sleep rltht on the
witter. Moating nil through the night
like tlnv hoats?
Dull White and his family nil
sleep In a close circle on Mm
ground, their little heads tut tic. 1
outward, linliins find crow sleep In
great flocks. If you were to see
n Wooilpi cker III bed ymi would hud
b in hnmcinir hy one t tuw. tiling bis
atirr tail for a cine. When yon
Kit re tily for your eotiifni.ilile Iw-d
tmiltltt stand a minute by your
win-lew nnd look out and try to
n in. mi ni anion of the it ivn our
l.ltle fe.iti.-if i-d frit lull ate tlY'Ol?
to foul lest, Ti uMiv iintl ! t
Su.i.ttv Vniir TM'l.i: Ji'lIN
I'.IIV It.llh I'll, hell ef I'ltif.
IMl. H It ill o thu wiciith
lit I II Ht .l VVitiit.l . if to 111 il ft 'III
i tti. r ii-i-otl i-r
Anofht r Way
He a (ituni (io-llmi k
i. I Ii.. il ! . .1 I.I.
I - .t e , i , r .t , 1 1 n.i r. I. ' ft I
It. . a" ..I... l a,-,, '.. I I. It
14 ttl i l. llt-U ii" l 1 i II II.
( 1 I ' I 1 i. . I k , I l - V I:
' I i I 1 I t k I I. t t t
I I III. 'I t I . . , 4 I..
. .i it, -in .t i u, '.,( I. i . :i .
I '. ' i i" H I i I i
,- ik. ti .
l ami Jil.K.ANOH ( AMNIOS'.
That Wilful! Vi'inli I liml I,, i . i..m
I'd ajiank tier
(Inlerruillng with gay l .'i: li
My, tiew futoty tli:( wn
Why, thal'a like K.iiii, -
A JlillB' tint wi ll win 'I, l
Ddcauini, jtoor itoar, II inmlf .ir- i
(ill u Inure st nous I, n- i
Put llMtrn' t'an't you iinp tt i
lag nn?
ThlriKa wuulil Inok iiiuh
anil yuu know
Our klnKilnni i
(Not listening, burst." out i
8lnoe W.lful
I think of what nilirlit lim i'iii
(lireaks off )
(Pats her shoulder consul. nth i
Bh' Pit' The suarila will fun! I.-i "-n
0,11 "l then
Tour Tit t lo truant will lie hm-a scon
(Kilters to shout rxntnllv I
My King- anil Queen, your f.inl.f ii !
ilii'ra watt,
Thoy juat hroUKht Wilful ttmnuli ha
paluce jr o te I
(With a quick gestur. 1
Go quickly and tnitlm rirtam. If '"t
Thnt not a sltiKlo fairy hi nf "r e-' "
(Page hurries out anil Wilful t
brought in strugnling between In-r
AHt cousht at laU Mini Wilful; rimrlit
at lam !
(To guards.)
nrlntf her tip eloi'T
(To Wilful )
Now, ItllHIi. tiiu'lilt ii.-V.iff!
(Wilful shrugs her kIiouIiIh-h and
Is silent, King glares .it her n mo
ment.) KTNO.
Why rid! you
(He breaks off suddenly as he no
tice Wilful' soiled dress a ml fee
and turns to guards.)
off with hr 1
And make her fit for rnyiil -1 i"
(Wilful Is dragged hastily out by
two guards, struggling all th" way.)
(Heturning )
The court la In the kio-.I. u limine
Thal'a trood, fur not a smil li.iet liir
or see
WThnt' solnff on. -
(While she Is siieaklng a small
fairy slips in unnoticed and hebs
herself behind the screen and pn-ps
out now and then.)
.In an emharrassed tone.)
YOU know I nt-Vr-r stelll.
My di-er, hut hut thia ii iiir m ; -
your work.
Now now I make my Runnl ui-'
Http ntinut.
Hut tn n It ninii'a to Wilful
(Throws up his hands helpb siy I
Ctlf.NT MK "I 11
(Sounds of scuffling lire heard at I
King finishes hastily )
from all that nulfe they mint I it t
Hn. I will he aruaril IIIUHT N"W -in
(lie hinriis off in ftightiiod lo t
in I )
(Continued Next t' I
Coupon for
Happy Tribe
I iwry boy and git I ti i
ol tint (ntptr vi ho i-ii- to
ji.tll tin- ' i lit
II, p-
pv Ir!..-. ol I..
V II I t l o o
K'lil V W.i- '
t i r t i. t i
t l:a I. i ,tn '
cure h, , t
In i.! b i" "
bv i-i..!"ig a ! ti -'j"
W !ll ' II f I Hi I , a -i 1
ilti .1 w itl lln i .".; i , I
tl , -, ut ti ! r I i ' 1 1 .
i ,.' f tii i It.-t ,
o i ii,! i i
'I., 'i I',, U : .,
U i; ! .1 1
I ii.tii, l i- I . oe
Ui iHur
l .1 H ,IM if
1 1. (I
i" v I ' l i V I