THE OMAHA SUNDAY RPE ROTOGRAVURE SECTION Curious- Old World Scenes JtyoicrfrapAed by Omaha IraVelet ,-4 Ttienf ar (IiImum, nail boat of (lie Nile. .:- ' w l i l i - One of fhfl Iraitlr cene near Verdun, France, I I lie "Trench if Hie Mayonrf." Here French infantrymen, killed liy I In- Mux-It of a hilt German shell, were hurled iiiiiIit I he arrninian inK shower of debris, only Hit bayonet left pmlrudiiiK. Tin- trench of death has Ijwn preserved a an object lesson of horrors of war. Since the war Americana have erected a mausoleum mer II. A typical (roup of children lower Fgypt, photographed Ifrul Hmuma. XT 1 rr r . .. - . 1 y rs " tr J 0 ill ri. 7 I I I ZSiL I:. 1 VX . Camel and motor car meet on narrow Sera aaJem atreet. - twwajJEBS r-i;;,'i;.t . it in. II 7 -"V.-'s liriuiilinn is a hiliorloux prwcw In Kuit. This iliotoemh sliown i-oolies niisine ualer from (lie Mlo for Hie lnl-;ilii'ii ilid lics. MIsh 4ih iiM-d this method of Iriinsporfalioii on Journey to Kfiyiilian tenitlea. J If- CllJ k aW li n. . ,r" . i ' i rii 1 ' rJ 00 The world fiimnus cheese market at Alkmaar, Holland. Ho far hs In known, I'tolemy and Cleo palm never had to fare a pholograiilier, but Just lnok what liaiiiiened to them aliitve! Mj)he they didn't IiniU like this, hut this record of their feature, a carved on the h.K.Vtian Teniile of ten dera, haa survUrd IhroiiKh many rentu rlea and apitrara kimnJ for many mure. I , III A A ma -nr - ,- 1 An ancient Oeek custom In Illustrated in this tombstone. The sculptured slltiuf figure ret resenlH the perNon buried Ix-neath. ww i m mi rholoeraidiit on this pace were furnished by .Miss Henrietta Kees, music critic of The Ihiiaha Ib-e, who returm-d recently from an extensive tour abroad. The women of Holland still prle their beautiful luce bonnets, but many of them refuse to ienore entirely the mod ern hat. The milium at the left is shown wearing her ?Oth century hat oer the traditional bonnet. This Is the "Jeweler' Itriilne Italy. Iloth shirs of the slrui with siiimII jewelry shois, ...... i-v-- r' . alHorenee. 7J. V jO. V - ! "i'in'. ' "T. .--Ft'T' V T . lure are lined I CAXratr. '- . , V -s. i-.t.--gl , t 11 "X .if J mm , - - iSt'v tt 4 mi IK ie H4 i.sf4 S )Vi - "V . v, MW l ! Hurt, 7 V. - 5 m - m. 1 I V J 3 J2 - V sv fjC 4 ..1 aW 4V . . f yJi it.. i it . Mt.t 4 ft j V