The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 15, 1922, SPORT NEWS WANT ADS, Image 22

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    10 IT
.Oil Well Saves
Oniahan From
Friends' Jokes
Nuval Atttarhe Thought His
- Money Lot Even Wife
' Joshed Him Then
the Cuther.
Wiwn a man drop a "few hundred"
for an "In veal men I" In a prrpol
oil wall well had hatter not In
form wlfef or hi frlande about It.
At th wont, ha shouldn't brag n
Ma dream cast lea. It'll be "reap
harrlee" from everybody Including
tha wife If ha doa.
Thla philosophy or alvlra waa
gleaned from tha attltula of C'lilaf
Yeoman B. A. MahoMed, V. H. N., aa
ha etrod Into hla fflie In tha anny
building yeetardar. Ha looked peeved.
"'fl matter? Couldn't yuh get tha
ear tartd7" queried hla buddy.
r.reryUtdr "Klddm.' "
"Naw. There' too much klddln'
around ma," ha blurted. "Wlf. kid
tut. You bold kid ma. K.varyboriy
Ml ma and If I got a right to put
two hunnord amuck In an oil well, 'a
lio ona'a bualnea."
The chlaf yeoman opened the day'
mall. One latter from the oil com
puny that look hla Inveatment rarriad
the old stereotyped Info that "drilling
wa at 111 prograaalng" on tha tract
tii-ii r Iam Angnle. Maboatad tore
vvn a later message from the corn,
puny. It waa a apaclal. Including
the dntu, and prealduiit'a elgnature,
there wre 11 worda. Not exactly
unlucky, for Muboatad did a aonir and
dunce that would put Ueorge White
back to practice, .
"Hi ruck oil today. Raven hundred
barrel flow. Woopee."
That waa the meaaage.
Loud guffaw from the chief yeo
man. ( alia "the Wife."
"Oh, Mm." he wept over the phone,
""truck oil new hat maybe a car
dinner out tonight any place you
And wlfcy balleved him.
Meboatad la now planning on the
way and mean of lnveatlng hut million.
Omahan Doesn't Depend
on Coast for Oranges
fl - m aawv. A
- V1
Paving Injunction
Hearing Is Delayed
Uy ai(rement iK twm-n county com
iiilaalonera and J. h. lluaklna, repre
eantlng tha Joint good rouda commit
tee, DJetrlct Judge rllauffur today
continued until next Saturday the
haarlng of the application of an In
junction to prevent the commlaalon
en from paying Hauer Johnaon, pav
ing contractor, tha balance of their
money until tha concrete haae they
laid waa up to apecincatlon.
Tha paving In queatlon la that at
Ninetieth and Pacific atreet.
Following tha controveray over the
thlckneaa and preaaure of the bnae,
the contractora aurfaced the baae with
bltullthlo of their own make, dlare
gardlng tha contract calling for au-pt-rvlaion
by Warren brother, who
have a patent on a certain make of
Nona of tha commlaaloner could
be found at the courthouae yeeterduy.
It I -'ild they are on a trip to Albert.
Ja, Minn., to lnapect tt dralnug
project owned by an Omaha company.
Sale of Condensing Plant
by Sarpy County Halted
Federal Judi;e Woodrough ha Is
aucd an order restraining John P.
Bpearman and Samuel flturtzpr, Siirpy
county trenaurer and ahoriff, from
proceeding with the aulo of the Elk
horn Valley Condensing company'
plant, on a dlatrfaa warrant for fail
ure to pay 1200 personal taxea.
Application for the restraining or
dcr wa made by Herbert Daniel, re
ceiver for tha Waterloo Creamery
company, which owns the plant. The
Judge art October 24 a dnte for the
A. A. Westergaard Beconiei
Partner in Bond Firm
A. A. Westergard, formerly assist
ant manager of the United State Fi
delity and Cluanintoe company in
Omaha, resigned his position with
that company to enter Insurance and
bond business with his brother,
Cieorge U Westergard of Pe Molnci,
and H. P. Metzger. The new company
will be known a Westergard Uros.
and Metayer, with offlce In the
Petera Trust building.
Joint Practipedist.
H. Lazarus, owner and operator of
tha Quality 8hn Repair shop, 2430 1J
Cuming street, ha become a member
of the International Association of
Practipedist a, an organliatlon Incor
porated under the lawa of lillnola.
Mr, Ijizarua rect-ntly graduated from
tha American Behind of Prectlped.ate,
Chicago. Mr. IJiaaru haa operated
hi hop n Cuming tret for If
ytar and It now inotud-e all the rry
latest machinery f-r the proper re
building of worn shore.
Onorg W. Ryan likes his oranges, but lie can't be bothered with lending
clear to Cullfomln for thorn and he love Nebraska too well to go out there
to raise thorn. Ho ho rulsc his own orange at hi home, 1HC7 Howard street,
where he hs a hedge of ornrige tree all grown from seedling. I lore he I
shown trundling one of the tree, 10 years old, In a wheolhnrrow to the cellar
Into which ha moves the hedge each autumn to protect It from frost and
blizzard and other lngredlutit of Nebraska winters.
Omahaiis Observe
Golden Wedding
Eight Children Among Guests
at Celebration for Aged
Mr, and Mr. Henry Netwlg cele
brated their golden wedding Saturday
evtmlng at their home, 840 Hotith
Twenty-fourth street. Hixty guests
attended, Including from out of town,
H. Itelmera of North Hcnd, William
Clausen of West Point, and Mr. and
Mr. Chester Mitchell of Chicago. To
day 1 Mr. Netwig's 75th birthday.
Mr. end Mr. Netwlg were married
In Ilerlln 60 year ago. They came
to America In 1873, residing at West
Point, Neb., until 16 year ago when
they came to Omaha.
Of IS children, eight survive and
attended tha anniversary: Mr. Chris
Korbmuker and Mr. William Erie
win, both of South Omaha; Mrs. B,
Wagner of Carhoncliff, la., Mrs. Joe
Melcher and Mrs. J. W. Kern of
North Bend; Mrs. C. A. Carlson, Ous
and Nicholas Netwlg of Omaha. Thir
teen grundchlMren and two great
grandchildren also attended,
Decoration were in gold and laven
der. A mock wedding was part of the
entertainment of the evening.
Army Orders.
Washington, Oct. 14. Special Tele
gram.) Capt. John T. Bailee, quar
termaster corps, Is relieved from duty
at Fort Bliss, Tex., by direction of
the president. Col. Harvey W. Miller,
adjutant general' deportment, Is de
tailed as a member, of the army
retiring board, appointed to meet at
Omaha, during the absence of Lieut.
Col. William Ij. Luhn, Cavalry.
Madison County Women
Organize Republican Club
Norfolk, Neb., Oct. 14. (Special
Telegram.! An organization of re
publican women of Madison county
wo planned at a meeting Huturday
which wa addressed by Mir Lena
Stewart of Kandolph and Mrs. Klmcr
Hobinson of Hartington. A group of
lending republlrnn women of Nor
folk attended the meeting and they
now plan to hold a mas meeting, dur
ing which they will organize perma
nently. Bee Want Ads produce results.
Norfolk Chiropractor
' Fined in County Court
Madison, ,Neb Oct. 14. tSpeclul
Telegram. Tha tilal of Itoctor
Knopp and Knopp, husband and wife.
for practicing a chiropractor In
Norfolk without a license waa held
before County Judge M. 8. McUuf
foe. The Jury found for til state
and tha court fined Dr, Knopp 1300
and hi wife 1 30. This I tha aecon
time that Doctor Knopp has been
fined In this court. The case Wa
prosecuted by County Attorney Tyler
and Frank A. Hdjierton of Aurora
and It. J. Rhurtleff of Norfolk and
Attorney Holmes of lacrosse, Wl
appeured for the defense.
Dr. J. C. Clark is back to
work after being tick
for three weeks.
Dr. J. C. Clark
The Painless Dentist
Remember My
$15 Plates
Home packet for the
treatment of that dread
ed disease, Pyorrhea,
Treat yourself at home
and be cured at small
Open Sundays, 10 to 12.
Phone JA 1201
Office 5th Floor, 510
Paxton Block,
Sixteenth and Farnam Street
Council Bluffs
ESSV& October 10-19
"The Jollies of 1922"
A Musical Revue Presented by ;
Council Bluffs Shriners
80 - CAST OF - 80
Staged by Bren Company, Chicago
Seat Sale 9 A. M. Tomorrow at Clark's Drug Store
AU Udiei' Garments
Hand Pressed
At BHflaKVMr.
Street Car Men'i
Special Values.
Sold on Easy
Payments. r
Pocket Six Carman
Silver Plated SAFE
Every Suit Sold
This Week.
A Credit Store for All the People
Many of ths beat people la Omaha bay
their wearing apparel on payments. They
realize the wisdom of spreading the cost
orer a period of months Instead of having
it all come at just one time. By their ap
proval they have served to make this one
of America's largest Credit Apparel Stores.
Here's Relief f.
For Neuritis
Ne t4 tee. k m Urn
rl iMk-e 4 -
eteee m t "
wet l
lea a fv !. ' -
aet iaf 4 1 i Are a
ike iUt Ivu. ) to I I
eei eWe) M tra F
toe UMk
I ike . MHf eeM ' .
kMe) riMei nv
TW I ae -' la Tetev! ae
4 toe im enaeiiM
kejJee kamteat, Cue
Men-It's Time for
Aiul our rt stocks kfki y.nir it
tn! ion, litre are valur that ymi'l!
pronounce "nortSt while."
OMits Ur every tj nf ar CoaU
tkt fit .n u la lit Uttr it r !au.
tiuy Y4 itrutfut on ur tuy pv
mitt p'an.
Ikddco'a Famous Tico-Pant
Suits forMen and Young Men
j mm
1 1:
(; lit. a r
J" -;:
$25 to 3aS
lake Duoghout
t Huien
ITaydra'i Fa
mom WhlU
lirtad, i I.oates
tr too
Oa "nle All Pay
Thousands of Pairs of Blankets Bought Months Ago, Prior
to the Many Price AdvancesThatHaveHappenedRecently
We will give our customers the benefit of these timely purchases and pass the saving, on. The prices at which
these blankets are offered again demonstrates this great store's buying and selling supremacy "for cash."
All Wool plaid blanket, double
bed lze, roito, gray, blue, tan
block plaid, pure vlncla wool,
warp and filling. Our PQ HK
price, per pair .... ipUiO
AM wool plaid blanket made
to our order, pure wool, warp
and filler, large double bed alze,
year of nervlce and comfort In
Uinne blanket. Our 1 Qfi
price, per pair .. vlltU
Indian Kobe Blankets
Beacon Indian robe blanket,
all tha tribal designs, best
quality, best coloring, does
not "rough up" Ilka tha or
dlnary grade. Each $6.05
Wool Filled Comfortables
Wool filled aatecn comfort
ables, cut size 6x7 feet;
Florentine plain color bor
ders, each 89.95
ST 11 I 1FH -
White HUnM.
Whit blankets, the
(liildcn Place make,
SAxHO size, blue or pink
border; made to pell
at I7.C0, pair $5.95
Big Substantial Savings on
All Kinds of
Cotton or Wool Blankets
Guidon Fleece
Golden fleece blank
ets, double bed size,
plaids In blue, tnn,
pink and gray; made
to sell at $6.00. Our
price pair
Gulden Fleece
Golden fleece extra
large and heavy
plaid blankets, made
to sell at 17.75; our
price, pair,
Gray Wool
Gray wool mixed
double bed size
blankets. The real
sanltaiy gray color.
Bound edgo. Made
to sell at $8.75. Our
price, pair,
Wool Union Salts, $3M
Women' wool union aulto, high
neck, long: sleeve, ankle length,
natural: idae. 2S to is- r.imiai
price $4.98.
8111c and Wool Union Suite, S1.S0
Women' silk and wool union
aulta, low neck, aleeveleei, ankle
length; alzea 31 to 48; regular
price S3.50.
Silk and Wool Union Sulta, l.8
Women's silk and wool union
suits, high neck, Ions; sleeves or
uutcn neck, el how sleeves, ankle
length. Sizes 36 to 48. Regular
price (2.98.
Children's Union Sulta, vSe
Boys' and fflrlV fleeced union
suits, high neck, long" sleeves,
nnkle length, white or ecru.
Sizes 4 to 18 years.
Pre-Thanksgiving Sale
Of the Famous
Savory Roasters
Savory Oval Self
Basting and Self
Browning Roaster
$1.65 blued atecl
roaster, 9ixlli
6a-lnch ...$1.29
$2.26 blued steel U
roaster,, UKxWAx
7-lnches .$1.69
$3.25 Savory glazed dark blue enamel finish, S'xHSixGU
mcues, special at $2.65
$4".00 Savory glazed dark blue enamel finish, 114x17Hx7
Inches, special at $3.15
$4.00 Savory Magnolia white enamel finish, DVixlxB
Inches, special at $3.15
$5.25 Savory Maenolla white enamel fInlHlv 11t17Ut7m
Inches, special at $4.25
$3.75 Savory mottled color enamel, 9Hxl4x6tt Inches,
special at atq
$4.50 Savory mottled
color ename, 11 &x
17V4x7 Inches, spe
cial at $3.75
$7.50 174x9Hx7fi
aluminum roaster,
t $4.95
Corset Sale
l alest To
Itxally Like
l.ampy, llniapy
tlfure let a
( reel Hrluf
Hark leer
t.iM4 Ska
If y(iti tca fortlti(
yourNr'.f fareU-wlv, it w
iimre thsn tui'e y'ti Uitrl
our l ttrvt Salon an l arl
fi.r a
It bat an liU!!.' Ia.
kiif. lUnd'et eMt(!ev tf
Ihe .nrt irt --wl iK r
tun an.t h.i!U in, thne
prvlr !a' lK frail aK-
ilinn4l irtm Ywt Hut
tt!y I vli t. t;r lm frl
Bie.ti.. i ta f4! fijurrax ry
Urn tut ah buiuj
ek.rt. White or tnk,
X'tl ; tna :$ l W jt.UJ
lutta, lt el fW
Ladies and Misses Coats
Just received, 300 Polo Coats, plain or with opossum or raccoon fur
collar; Pollyanna with Nutria collars, all silk lined. Also PI.L'SII
COATS with fur collar.
Regular $39.50 Values
Selling of
Hit Valuae JU I'spartUal.
Ur It's an4 aa a'l ka'a,
lHvrure aM turtanj tat
f p the tvi r fe tat
fHlt futmf ui in e!te
fall atjrl4 .i gnu m an;
.iatu, arrt, arl et
m v
F,oor jj Floor
Helicon coinfortttblr In tha
pruiiy fast color and beautiful
Jucquard effect. Au extra
rover, Unlit weight but warm.
3ur price, C "
Clrdla, cord and fro jJV$fO
Bath Robe
IleacoD bath robe blunkets, all
th new pattern and colon.
Chilli', card and froft Included
In this set. Our Jr QF
price, per et ipOUt)
Cotton Blankets
Cotton blankets, wool fin
ished kind In gray only, For '
tbroe-quarter beds ..$1.79
For full ilze beds ..$2.29
Wool Nap Single
Wool nap single bound
blanket In tray only. Should
sell at $2.75 each. During
this sale, each $1.98
Sale of Gloves
This soaBOU we are showing- a
larger and more complete Una
of gloves than we bav ever
shown before. We were for
tunate In placing our fall orders
early, anticipating the passage
of the new tariff bill, and will
continue to sell our present
stock at the old prices as long
as it lasts. Following are a
few of the many styles we car
ry In stock:
Kid (.loves
Ladles' 2-clasp kid gloves, pique
sewn, embroidered backx; per
pair $2.50 to $3.95
hid t. loves
Ladles' 2-cliihp oversoam kid
gloves, Paris point and em
broidered backs; special at per
pair $2.50 to $3.95
Mrnp Wrist Kids
Ladles' strap wrist kid gloves,
Paris point and embroidered
backs, pair $3.49 to $5.50
Ladles' 12-button kid gloves,
per pair $5.50
Ladies' 16-button kid gloves,
per pair $6.00
I IminolsettH (Iovcn
Ladles' strap wrint chamnlsotte
gloves $1.25 to $2.25
Lames 16-button cliamoisoite
gloves $1.25 to $1.75
All gloves fitted to the hand by
expert fitters.
Monday Sale
of Hosiery
h I-
1 v.v h I
Ta ear lnttetica uwUli Ik
tf M.'inl II .! itdU;
KIH, a4 a t.e
W.jmei fit tilit? al4
leil ha. felml kt.a t.-m
f .ui
ft M'r
rata Vta. H...
ilol. 14 talveei
ft ttt ,
a!I fa (wKawre
-i, , .... , . m
1 ': t
Leat "
kea mt
im ej.iiie.rei !
wt It at lio.
Mat fVe.
jeJit fee-l (. e. V
a H tHlHl