THE SUNDAY BEK: OMAHA, OCTOBER 13. 192 it Reading Omaha Bee ' Want" Ads or Putting One of Your will helo to solve manv of the Droblems of home and business life that come alonr just at regularly as the seasons. Remember, Omaha Bee "Want" Adi bring at good or better own results than you will secure through any other Omaha newspaper and at less cost or money refunded. Telephone AT lantic 1000. 8 C Three Officer! on Guard at Marino Murder Trial Another uirgt crowd aUttndlng the Jim Marino murder I rial prompted iJlstrlf-t Judgg Day to sk Wiarlff Mikf (.'talk lit two dt-putlra to "gtunii guard." "I Just got nit tha wagon I waa driving," tcellfR'd Ja'k McCarthy "when 1 Mir Hum Nannie ralsa a ra volvr. I thrn looked up snd aw Jim Marino atd on () window 111." "A I enti'rrd tli poo' I'S-I I 'r'1 aavem. aholi. I lift th buR4 of the ahootllig tx-iuuai' I 'ltd not WBIlt 10 ..A .,n In Hi affair." , BEE WANT AD RATES II par lln. it'll day, I if I daya. Il par Una Mill day, I to 4 day. l.d lln. ari dar. f ara or longer. The above rata, apply to Want Ada whin ara commonly termed "nubile nin." and do tint include dvrr- tleemenle nf Individual or ronrain. edver- tielng or oipimilhg their liualn.. THIS OMAHA Hrfe. ra.arvaa th right t designate what conlllulee a publio want. Want Ada accepted a Ilia fellewing afffc- Main office ITlh and r.rnarn Bt. South onih..N, W. tor. 241b aril N Sis. Council illufl 1$ fcuoll Telephone AT-I.sllo III fall for "Waul" Ad li.parlmant. An partenred "Warn" ad t.kar will receive your ad and a Mil will lo mallnl la'ar. Tha ralaa iiun'.d abjya apply U tllhar ciiam or i'U'li onl.ra. riiHINfl tlOUHi TO WANT AD. Kv.nlna Kdilli.ri II. 4 a. m. Korriin Kdlilon . .. p. m. anday MMioa 9 ". aaiurday Thaaa raiaa anply to Tna rSundar H.a a. w.ll a. o 'fh. Mnrnlna and E.nina le. Ail w.rkdy adv.rll.manta appaar la bolh inornlni ud a.nlu eOltlona at taa on. coal. Till! OMAI1A UORMINO IIEB. THH! C.VKNI?.'. kK BURIAL VAULTS. WOoliKN biia 'a a.ay. Bt. or Iron vauitn will ru out and collapa. Th.ra into you ahould linl.t apoo your und.r takar ualna an Auiomatla aallna Con ro lltirlal Vnull; walar-prof and avar. laallritf. M.nufailiir.d only by th Omaba ronirata llurlnl Vault Co , .210 N. Soil) HI.. Omaha, InnpaiHIoa lavlta CEMETERIES. VIHIT UtRriT LAWN. North of City l.lmlta ttfflr. at and IO Thaatar FUNERAL DIRECTORS F."J. STACK & CO., Omaha'a hr.t imdrnakliia ambulancev.;t Thlrty-mlrd and Farnam. LARKIN BROTHERS rUNKRAU IMRKnV)Rl. 1JI BO HTH HEAFEY & HEAFEY L'ntlarlak.ri and Kmbalmara. Phon HA Offif. trill Parnara Hulse & Fun.ral Mrrflor.. Riep en, 112 Cumin. CR0SBY-M00IlE'"1wh4,! FLORISTS. RAV IT WITH KI.OWF.IIR PROM HBBB RWOHOl'A. Hit KARNAM RTRKKT. T VT? T A PMnM '" Uouai.a. JJXJAJ aUa-I.AVlTAVal ' i'hona AT. J4. JOHN MATH. Kill Karnam. J A. lH. I, H K I H'i RHoN, tc Karnara J A. lll. PERSONALS rURflONAT, BTATIONERT. 100 aup.rfln. bond notn aharta and 100 aiivalnpua, your nama anil aildraaa naally prlntad. Mulled pmlpnld, anywhrrr, II. lilahnp Praaa, 401 Coca-Cola Uldf., Kan aaa City, Mo. DKNTISTUY All kind, of denial work Anna at tha Crclablon tlnlvar.liy Coll.go of l.enllalry. Siith and California St.., Omaha, undar tH caraful of tha prufaanf t'hlldrcn'a trclh ilralhtna.1. K.aa nicid- rtta. Extraction, froa. Tha Ji.ntal In firmary Bcptambtfr Tak. Har nay, Crnantown or Cumma ai'aat car. THR HAI.VATION Army Induatrlal homa anllrlta your eld clolhlnt. furniture, ma rtnea. Wa cnllect. W. dlatrlbute. Thona Iirt. 41 J5 and our wKon will call. Call and In.pait our new boina. 1110-1111-1114 loilr. .tre.t, riTij.OWKKN BPKl'IALTIKS. Pumpkin., hm. horn., favora aial decora lloii., nlao roniplata Una of dulla and uuv .Itlc. for Im2ar. ami Indoor ahowa. UI.OHK NOVEI.TV CO.. 1 SOfl KarnamJ.,tJniaha, Neb. HfclltB"VanTi'tf at onca." 60.000 calntaa aaaklna rlulmanta. Tou may bo ona. Hand S-cant aUrnp for circular, ItitaruatluDal Ulllll tMcnij., ' ' KATHRYN i.ANI. DAI.V, formerly at tha lllarkainn Hi'.uty Bhop, naa ranpan.a kop. :m City Nat. k. Bliia. AT. ...a. KAIUKS cared for; gradual nurae; ref erence.; private homa. KE. Mi. 1101 Camden. THEATRICAL hletorlcal maa.ue co.tutnte, fer playa and purllee, at Llehen'a. Omaha. IMPERIAL ViRi'g".ura "de.ih torata7 harm, nothing elae. Ouaranteetl. Wa. 17H. hUDKa correctly opened and kept. Flnen rial atatemame. Hr.eonabla ralea, J A. 1110. FA .sTrv"lvo7ka nd aliirhada. WA. fl. LOST ANDJFOUND. 1.1 li ER A L reward for Infnrmatioa leading .la ravovery cf a buck.kln pony and a title. Btolaa from .tockyarda W4. 11. P. Ullaa luan. Bo. B WA. ini-FI. AM T Tortol.a .hall alaaeea In leather ill. between t i and Vvane and lltb. ead lead. Reaard. fall W abater U. 1114 Keen St, i Umtk black lih.r uil caae marked W, o. P ll.nket. Heeerve l ife. H1 OIJ. W U. Prealon. Itnlel Reward. 1.1 JlT Wktie oo.lle dug 4"all II A 1T. Hewar.) tla W.tkller, llll Nuhol.e atreel. rTaf I Rtaila theater, aaiab rheker libeial lltl I'eppkMoa i.i e r- k Uk album, aoeiki cf Cumteg St. fcetitl KalberiHa aVemaa. HA 44 .ired.le, leel -turd ay I ibial e.i.l tut ieiia h .IJ! U r -' i talauU' aauta WB. am EDUCATIONAL Pa t a 1 1 v aa aee4.4 ".' t-i e, t'l.air at . ael ti. t h. ia lot fee lelxetallea e.ii. a.r Hia,aaii.aat v,i.He (a- a.e- iti- re It If, f ilt I't . II IV- leaaaa "- aef.i ua iavettltee ee etiie e.e.ea Arnvt. a i.-e Ae- I' ' ' - a, 4 f i ,ii- s ., l ... ...... J. I )M I lMt Hei. A.a..l l-Jr le b He . klti e.-lleg . ..ei.. .Itka aat i-a w,tb lt.,rwtte fa, a4 ... ,ee eae-.e.). a" 1"-l e-ae-e. a' VI k tl Itx-Bg w - v.... g ee a. - e' ' a" -. eeu-e eHaia4 ft M-.i. l e-nal H, - , lai'- we tee-- 4 bt t a-a aeee , l ake4, aaa le.g. 4"er ae k.l lin ! . .ew'a I .1 e. ,-. fc aaee. -aa m iixim n,-i 4v I" a 4 y.i.i- a r M I i. ..a- a. . ken. aa.a-- ll III' ) eeali a) a-tli -. $ - lfl"aa a. "P llll!,, II tee rta ll l-e ' tVaitl a .! a-4 ! 4 .. . . ' EDUCATIONAL DAY HCHOOL NH1HT SCHOOL. Cemplet eur.e. tn accountancy, maohln bookkeeping, cornpt.iu.try, ekarthaad ena typewriting, raurnaa ana wireiie. i.teg r.phy, civil .ervlee and ill Engluh and omfnrrlal branch... Writ., rail or pbnoe Jickun 161 for large ld catalog, Addrej.. mnhr.n collkui:, Boyle. , Oinalia, Nek 140 WEEK or better, for .killed luignw. tlv lctrlrlan or rnachanli a. Our gradu efta in demand. We leech pea starting, lighting, wren Ion. battery building, me- repalra. adjustments Wonderful urk) unlimited opportunities. Booklet fne. Special rai.a. Johnson Aolwnntlv Ttade School. D.ot J. fill Denver. YOU ara wanted, IIOO lu lit. mualh. U S. government position.. Man and woman I over n. Bta.ily work So strike. Wf I br.eiilnn. Short hour. . Pl.sai.t work. imiriun adui'ailon aufflrlanl. Kap.rtanr. unnrctt.ary. I.I.I p.ltlori. fra. Writ, ("lay aura. Krankllii iuatltuta, lJrpI, II..M. Hli-lrr, N, T. KAIIN II lo to l-'Ki munlhly, oxp.naa. paid a. railroad trittflo In.partor, Poalrlon Cuarantaad aftrr thraa RMintha' apara tlnia tuily nr mnay rrtundnl. Ilirallant up- Snnuriltlra Writ for frra boukl.t. K ill. rand, liualmaa Training inat., Buffalo r. i . IiK A lKTrJi'fiVK, 4()-T wai'kiyi lrav.1 ovar worll: .jpari"nr., Ainarlran Liat.cilva Afrmy, 71 l.uiaa, rt. i.ouia. nui.tjii jiAitxy.H roi.i.kiit;, 110 . !th. Wrlla for raining. MALE HELP WANTED. Al Kill CAN KUI'LOYMKNT AUbNCK JAIJIII lilt Ho. lllh rll. IIK. FOVITloN OI'KN HuON tor U'ut aiira niari-handinn mun who raaily kno,v. iiwrrnanma and who run ahow aail.ras. Inry racord In aupt'rvlalun ovar buyara. atal. rornplata cxinrl'nra. 'nnfldanllal. KLIilIN UltOH. LlKl'T. aTOIlR. Halalail. 2Uih Hi. and Caualuort Ami.. .nirfiRO. lirilllKI.MAN I'huna VVA. MB or call at .nop, tiZio MiipiM nt., iiutaon, (looij, rxparlMxxd window wa.hara wanird. Ki.ln. window Cl.anlua Co.. llll (..a Ht. IMH'HTKIOl.'H moil and woman wanted tn ratall tha a.nulna Watkliia produrta In city terrllorioa. Ktraptlonal opportunity lo lla up with tha oldaa and laiaaat com pany of lla kind. Our liuatl.ra' av.raaa Incoma la 1.10 an hour. Ara you doma in wallT If not. writ, today for ire. auiiipla and particular" Tha J, It. Wat kin. Co., Uapt, ii-b, Winona. Minn. JAZ, .aaupbana playar wantad for danca ortli.atra, Jlual ba A-!. Uood poll 1 1 on nffar.d on aid.. I.I v. town. Htala ability. Mar, Uanr.iand. P. O. Box 7IS. North Matt.. Nab. MAN wan l.d for Ilaalrloa, and man or wi.inan vlrlnlty of Tat umaah, 1'awnaa City and Kail. City, to danionairata lh. Harhrl.t l'i.ur. C'ookar and Cannar, Cad by Nabraaka unlvrralty and by govarnmam damon.trator.. Cooka food In ona-thlrd lima. Bold on paymanla carrlad by com pany and aav.a lla own payin.nta on maat and fuel bllla. N'. Haptambrr flctorl.l Havlnw. I'.gti 46: al.n Ot lobar Good Houa. k.aplnr, p.aa 10.. Will .and Information about damon.trator. who ara making flOO a wank. Write In full and give rater ncaa. Albert Sethrlat Mfg. (Co., 1717 Ivojcun .tract, TianVHr, Colo. M KN Long fall and winter nlghta, Ideal time demnnatrate and book ortlara for 100 candle-power kero.ena lampa and lantern.. Al.o brand new Improveil brilliant gaao llne lamp. 172 wkly eaay Tbomaa Mfg. Co., Ilowl llll, IJ.yton, O. MEN 110 a weak to ape'clal nieii to travel by auto and Inatall new atov. can vertor In every home. Wonderful Inven tion. Cook and hake all year without coal or wood. No gaa or electricity need ed. Wa the aufo. Hamplo free.. inomaa airg. Co., convenor 741, lJey ton, Ohio. ONE hundred corn huakera wanted; la and 4c per hu.hel: 41 to 10 btiahel corn; long Joha. Farm Hurrau, Had City, Iowa. BA LEflM KN-" OROCERT HPEC7ALTT SALES MAN Large concern dcelrea experienced grocery .p.clalty .alc.iuan for Omnha city tyide. Mu.t be wall actiUHllitcd Willi grocery trad, and experienced. State age, aalary ex pected and experience. Permanent po.itlon, Addrei. V-20t2, Omaha lie. BALESMKN: COFFKK SALESMAN Exp.rlenced In calling on grocery and general atore trade In Neb raska torrltory. Muat be a pro ducer and have acquaintance with trade. State age. experience and aalar? expected. Prefer man who hna own car. Bplcndld opportuni ty for right man, Addreaa T-10M, Omaha lie. 8AI.KSMEN WANTED Two nr three neat ! appearing alcmen to aell life Inaurance In omuha. Can uee eeveral In Iowa and NehraeKa. experience oeaiaea, oui nm nb.olutely neccenry. Fine opportunity lor men who can deliver. Write or call. Paul It. HurlelKh, Oen. Agt. 7:3 Petera Trult Dldg. or Home Office. The Ranker. Reaerve Life company, City National Hank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. oaii.wxii.-v n'lVTRn-r.rMtln. r.rd ,,Ir,.n lo envrr ratail trada in mlddla wr.t for aa.tern manufaclurar of ennat- maa. valentine and r.aater came. in bu.lneaa over fifty yeara and line I al ready well known and e-.tabliahed In thla territory. W'e need a man who can. ex tend ana increaee a.iiea. raierr ano com r.i.alon Wrlle fully, giving age and ref. erencee. Previoua experience con.Kiered, though not nece.aary. Addreaa T-:0JS, Omaha Ilea. SALESMEN Hieh grade apa.iltv: alao profitable aide line: liberal commla.lon.; product aella to hanke, garagea, holele and general retail merchant.; give reference., preaent lln. .nd territory covered. Lock Drawer II, Jane.vllle, WI.eon.ln. SALESMEN our etdelln ealeemen earn ing $11 to $71 weekly aelllng gummed tape. Plaid unlimited. Exclusive territory. Permanent proposition. Ad I.e. Co , Dept A ll Chiraga. g.l raifWMr f.lilee made I1.A ft rat .lay. W nick threa weeke, Tylor , eieragea II. eel nioninly. eellina i our '"'; , P-Nut Mechtn. Write nuirh Hot P Nut Machine Co, 1:1 B. Jefferaoa. chlrage. itAt.KextKN Ktde line. ee adverllelng ttelty to country bank, and other., t't-iitnttaeiaa 2. l'-r cent, kempt fra.. C. Ropp a eufte. let S Clerk l . Chkago. WASTKI' t'"-l raliabi. man to ..II Bhatea II" l'dee, a.nienin Warm Tor .J,.ea and other bg .peal.nlee, ahrae Mneliee Comiaa, Liveatua Remedy Dept. I ed.r Itapi.t. la n t miniuv. ..I. .in. ua , fcae ma.te lie... ymt year on .tiaM .if pe....,n.. ai ' " mane 'nding Pa. Mutlva. Ill Wed, gt , CiB etaaali, ohta ww aAllaME l cart, coM.i-lele 1 1 e. aide liae. I.lral eommleelee, i i .at eri lUeel. h Carpet Cw., 4 tk a . N "k i l av;lv" ea t i aaake Item lite la lie it wee, Hrne no at aie.a". i !iy, Hl ak otaa4 A.., at t. a vi tfAl.aattt t'al4 lie I I aaa ! aeee ' .are- .' eel Haae'Kee i i,mi .. a. ii .he '' t ..-.aeeai e . I. ! l-ae'4 e --.. a. iaet -enl e.' eel that l. e.ieaea. . , tu '' ante g ... tltaina.. 4 te .,... a a itti l. . 11 vlteaa- w a et. i4 $ ae. e 'a e i . ' eee 't ! --a Ike I . e . ' a-a aa-e.. a... l e e I. ,' l.akll r-4-.'. '. It.l aa..a a - ' . ti a.a t. V at rikl-ei a Hit p a i a nr. I it pmtei.'S I lit.l It Pl- I If " llll 4 M M I fx a I i- JviALE HELP WANTED. 0000000000000000000000000 WANTED COMPETENT MAN ONE WHO ItAI AI.KI AllIUTT O AND ACCOUNTING EXPERIENCE. O O Traf.r man wh can aa lyp.wrlt.r. 0 Addrm ynur lo FORD MOTOR CO. Om.aa, Nab OOOOOC 000000000000 0000000 ooooooopooooooooooooooooo O WANTKK 0 8UAC1IINIHTS 0 ASM) 0 C BOII.KKMAKKHH O O Alao few good men for foramen. O O Oood city near (hlrago. Working O 0 eondltlona exellent. Kverytblng 0 0 furniaheit. fra. tranaporttion. O 0 Bee Mr. Palm at Room 111, Ban- O O ford Hotel. O poooooocoooooooooooopooii W ANTKl') H.llehla, energetlo nien to a. II National brand fruit tr.a. and a g.nar.l line of Burner? atnrk. Ilnlltnlted oppor tunltle. Kvery property owner a ro per tly, cu.toiner One men earned 12,112.17 In II week., an average of 1111.41 per week. Tou might be Juet ao eurreeafuj, Outfit and Irialructlnn. furnl.h.4 fra.. Hlnady emplnvment. f'..h weekly. Write for terma. National Mareerlra, 1-awr.nce, Kan. WANTED Live wire agenla lo all Kaaret'a magaain In a new club. Call be fore l:fi, tut, Jirown lildg. U nntrd Unrmen and grouadm.a; ata.dy fk. Hennlngeon l.nglnaarlng Co., Omaha, WB WANT A MAN lo repre.ant u. In Omaha or outalde terri tory. Our eel I a, overcoat., blank. la, work p.nt. ralnruate are made In our own fac tory from woolcne made In our cwn mill and .old direct tn at price, that defy all competition. Pabrlra al tailor. Ing ara tha fiar.t, If you have a clean record, atund w.ll In your community and can give your entire time to our work wo will ahow you how yea ran make up tn 1 110. 0. par week. No experience or capital required. Pnr full particular, ad dre.a Taylor-Walla Co., .1.-217 Bo, Jtoync, Chicago TOUNd MAN BTUDT LAWI Evenlna downtown aeaalona, (Jnlverelty af Omaha. ac. .erreiary. 1.27 omane Hat. H. Hioa. AGENTS WANTED "HEAT WITHOUT COAL" New Keroeana burne. cook., heata, bake., cheaper, belter, cleaner than coal or wood. foal bllla cut one-half, rita any atova or furnace. Fuel ehortaae make, every norne Buy. Airiaamg uig piwiiie. wmuii" atrating burner rice cuing experience unneceeeary. Kvcn Heat uenerator CO., ill! W., Cicero Htallon, Chicago. 1-1-0 MEN WANTED. AT 141 A 'WEEK. Large r.eponalbl manufacturer want. 100 men of neat appearance, good peraenallty and education to do om .pedal work In all clllea and town, of ov.r 200 popu. latlon. 141 a week to atart. Opportunity to earn 11.010 to IC0O0 a year. Write at oaca atallng age and experience. H. li. RAU, Bog 111 Dayton, O. AOKNTR terrltnrle. glr.n to hlgh-claea repreeentatlvea of our famoua pearl necklace.. If you ara tha right party you can earn over 1100 par week In apara time. Writ today for .pedal aale. plan. I.ujlle Pearl Co., Ill Fifth Avenue, N, Y. C. 8 ELI, CAPB, made to order. Price, lower than In .tore.. 10 dally eaay, Juat taking order.. We deliver and collect. Hlg money aa eldellne fbr tailoring agent.. Arm.trong Cap Factory, 407 Marlon Bldg., Cleveland. ACI BNTliSnaVpleet hou.ehold line ori earth. Red hot aellera. Steady repeatera. Hlg profit. 150 lightweight, fa.t-aalllng, popular priced necesaltle.. Oct buay, writ today, poatal will do. American Product. Co., 11107 American Jlldg- Cincinnati, O. AtlENTB Tailoring agrnta wantad enap pleat, dir.ct-to-wearrr Una on earth. Vir gin Wool Cuatom tailored aulta or over coala 2I, No extra charge. Dig com mleelong. Ilou.e of Campbell, 4.6 South Htate. Chlrego. AUKNTS: 3.60 an hour to worker.. New guaranteed hoaery proportion. Full line Including woolen.. Wear, year or replac ed free. No experience or capital requir ed. S.mpla free. Thoma. Mfg. Co., Mill 2(21, Dayton, O. MA KB 1100.00 IN TEN DATS Selling Maglo Marvel Waahlng Compound, new Soap Flake, and Bluing Paddle. Ulg geat aellera, ateady 100 per cent profit bua Ineaa. Free .ample Mitchell Co., 1101 E. II. t, Chicago. AtlKNTfl , -AmhtrlAtia men. write todav fn. ettrnctlve propoaltlon aelllng .ubecrlptlon. ,0 America' moat popular automohll and .rnortaman'a magaalnea. Quick aalea. Big proflta. Pleneant work. Dlge.t Publl.hlng Co., 1C5 Tlutlcr Bldg., Cincinnati AGENTS $100 per month. Sleady pay. New etyle written guaranteed boelery. Mu.t eeveer or replaced free. Experience unnece.aary. Jpare time aatlafactory. Sam plea free. Jennlng. Mfg. Co. Line 1214, Dayton. Ohio. AGENTS Big money aelllng "Amaelng Story of Henry Ford." Moet telked-of man In America. Authortxed edition. Ju.t publl.hed. Outfit free. Mulllkln Co., Cincinnati. O. AUBNTS Amaalng tucceaa. Prosperity every day. New oap plan get big or der and proflta. Parllcuiara and earn ' . ... , , ... v-.t h P" ''- O. Bteuer. preldnt, JIM North Iitvlii, Chicago. LARUE ahlrt manufacturer wanta agenta to aell complete line of ahlrta direct lo wearer. Exclualve patterna. Big valuea. Pre .ample.. M.dleon Mill. 101 Broad way, New Turk. AUKNTS "Henry Ford'a Llf glory." Authorl.ed. Facta never before publl.hed; hundred, of picture.; lrr..l.tlble. Million, tn be enld. Free outfit. Midland Pre, llll Prairie. Chicago, AllENTS "AUTHENTIC LIFE OF IIENRT FORD." Amaitng, thrllllag ' aelllng book, fit) tint. $110 week ly ea.y. Free outfit, ll.rt.l Co.. I 1. Cllnlon. Chicago aoKNTB: A ll eall.r. Ceeta about ,, .,. bill fold, with him geld Inlaid. R-tallera tharga II la i. Hlg retalog mailed free, llalvoreea, l W. Lake St., Chicago AORNTat II II heurly aJven,.,ng and dietrlbuttng aamplea Tea. roffea, extracte. Hi. ii. fae.4 praduct.. tain, peopi eat. . Pre aaeertrntai. Harle, Cetnpaay, l. nartaieat 4. I'avtoa, O. Ml "PVTS Chew lag "gum. Bell ta Dealer., l.t. h.L. ai mni.l f . a rm ,sn,.i ...-. Wrti. today for ai 'lu- , pr.,iiiaa. lleltnet UM Company, Cinelanall AdKNT v.n ae w.,men. eaiarvTlifull lime. II a hear eeara inn, eeltlag guar. Mas koalery dlrevl I wearer; eelloa, ik. keataae aal.lierea laleiaaiieaal liaftiiev Hill Xnert.tawa. Pe .lkST 1a. u kaw llll I'kelalmea Waaderfel heii-la aattee tWaa Ilea wtiA. ftia kaerauaiaa peelila It rile aal'k f'-e ..nm ., Mti.' t a, i: ktailh, t leelt. IH.-fc 4ilil I A kMiosaa ( .sue awa rek ea.iaiteg eea awe ptatea. a'.eM-ea. ka. katkoarue. a. a. lge. Ulg II I ,...i.e i aa al4 ! M Pa aer, tie mm. o ' list. 1 .ie.e u. ra.eraikt 't. i"1 .,1 weataae eata at .4ae t .a attfcee Aeaa. eg e a.iea !. Pata. bug , cei 4't lni.4 A-'kNla ya .tea I k kiaif e4 .ejee4, . aetbaa Ka. II aa a . e ieei (taa A, i a-. k. ' - Car tle.a.eal. 4 likV aaeee)"!" . p i.aa.aT a4..a.aet, e.eaetaeea ei.aaaa-iey tree n, P.i.aa4 IDiiia . ''. al , a. I a-wa, kit f-e . !. weia ki.aae. a ae.-f-e.aeee i itt- Ba 4-ia.a I iHKi.,1 e-ii. $ iue, fwia-ee i-, l i.e-x-.a, el wa. a - a.ei4 a- a . -- a'1 o-. I. -t a- 1 aa -a . raie.f-4 w t ta ,.-,i t-i hi a. Ii h riMAlK HCll WANTlDi 4 tM 4 - 44 FEMALE HELP WANTED "EDUCATED WOMEN" WHk a apprai iallon of children', litera ture, who pueaeaa Initiative and the re-aour'-efulneee to prve.nt lo intitriera and teaibare a new I.Ira In children , reading embodied la "Hilar H.ok Houee" (a new, baaaiilully llleatreird end well graded Publication fur chililienl, will find our uroiioaiilun mo.t Inter.. ting and profliahle eireptlonal optairtuhltlee open In Uiuae wbe prove their fitne.a for the work; eaeie .parlkl and iiuallflrallon. and territory da Ired, The Uouk llouae fur Children, (ul Mouth lie. r born Mtreel, Cblraao, III, V.X PkrVkNCKW coinptoiiietr oparat-ira are alwaya la demand. If you ara not an operator an eight weak.' cour.e In the Comptometer erhool will fit you to hold nno uf thee, We po.llloiie that are .Iwaye open. If you inuat wtirk, why not prepare ao that you will gat (he mo.t lor your (line 7 ua tell you about our day antf evening COMPTOMK. Kit HCIIOOI,. 40! I Mirk-1 lll.lg, JA, 14l "Tha achoal thai Oraitualaa Paperle." KXI'RHIENCKIi waitreaa wanl.d. Wind .or Cafe., 120 elouih lutli Bi. POM aaorihand. typewriung, bookkeeplnt etc, attend the Amarloan Collage of Bu.laeea. IIII Parnem. Poaltlona guar anteed j all our graduatee ara In pa. inon. t all AT. 1774 ar writ, for catalog. Illltl, wanted; e.arlenced girl for gen eral; raforencaa required, (.'all Mia. K ,N. Kaa.orier, WA, tlli. l.ALilKB If you have a few home la epere eacli day, we can ahow you how lo make II aa hour lor every hour yuu work. calling on your frlanda and neighbor.. Nr oxpeitence aeoeaaary. Juat a wllllugnea. on your part to follow inaiructiona. Re liable company. II yaaie eucteaa. Wrlla today for eaay plan aend no monoy. American Pruducte Co, American twog., cinetnaaii, tini., IT I' 1 1, nuraea; 1 yara' cuurae, Cnlform, board, room, laundry, caah allowance and ritrae, Oranytiar erhool education or bet ter. Cfabaga llo.pltal, 111 . 41th, Chi cago. WANTk-Ti Toting gurl or mlddle-eaad woman tn .mi. I with g.nar.l houoework; four In family, Park cllatrlut. II A. 1112 WANTED uirl or middle aged woman to aaal.t with g.nar.l hou.ework. No cooking, l No. ir.lh all. HA, tm. WANTED Kxparlenced'whlt. cook. Kef" ferancea required. Mr.. K. W. Na.h. WA, lltl. WHITE alrl for Kenernl Mr.. K. II. P.ttaran.i, HA. J7. SITUATIONS WANTED. HOCBKKKKPINU po.itlon wanted by widow with two children 1 yeara old. In molherleae home la or aut of city, ling W-lll, Omaha lice. FARM HAND Men end wife want work on farm. Houee furnl.hrd. Prank Lukaa, Valley, Nab, (laneral Delivery, DRUri CI.KHK, lj'yrara practical tx patience, want, permanent po.itlon. Call KK, 1171. COLORED alrl wlahe. laundry work. llnderetanda all .leclrle machine., call , n n, Z-JV. HOIIBEWOHK five day a week, from In 4 o'clock. Writ liox W-100, Omaha nee. COMPETENT bookkeeper wanta poeltlon, I yr. exparlanc. Hog W-163, Omaha Beg. Col, lady wanta cleaning ar laundry work, WE. 1260. DAT work wanted; white woman. AT 1431, IRONINO or gen. homework. WrSMlT" MALE OR FEMALE. SELL check protector fountain pen la neo. iveucn. Lintj co.. tii llittnaei. ine oter Bldg. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. t'SKD machine, all make, i up. Rent and repair, open evening. OMAHA SEWINU MACHINE EXCHANGE JA. IH1, 241D Leavenworth Bt, FttRNITL'HE AUCTION All next week. II A Weh.ter, DOWfl AUCTION HOUHK. EXPERT aewlng machine repairing. M1CKEL3. Uth and Harney. DO. 1171 FOR SALKf-Golden chair and Tounge. oak folding bed, Council Illuffa, 1141, CHILD'S bed, matlrvee, aprlng. 1 5. KM, 178. FOR QUICK SALE Practically new ba.- burner. Walnut 2HI2, L1AJTD baby carriage for aale. arood en. onion. v: 1 1 KB. ma. FOR BALK Oood baacburner. MA, 4271. MAJESTIC range for eale. Call WA. 2 13 J COMMERCE, range. $11. Call Ke. till. round oak cnmbTii. c7TtgriiTiso. 10-P1ECE oak dining act. II A. lint. POULTRY AND PET STOCK CARE of dog., free. Valuable, Instructive book on training, dlanaaea, feeding. Free with I month.' subscription tn our big Illustrated Dog and Hunting Maaaslne. Send 2&c. coin nr atampa. today. Sports man' Dlgeat, 155 Butler Bldg., Cincinnati. FOR SALE Airedale puppiea7l Tmon7 e7 glhle to register A. K. C. excellent con dition. Ill and IIC. Dr. W. L, Hull, Kil ls r. Neb. WHEAT acreetilnga, $1.26 per 1001W A. W. Wagner, It 01 N. llthSt. J A. 112. to Thorohred White Leahorn bens, WA. 0178. 1712 North 14th St. LIVE DECOYS. AT. 05. PJiKN ducJiiiforj.aJIWA. 1144. CANARIES, guaranteed lnger. KaTlitt MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. NEW 1211 Vlctrola for ISO. Cloaing out bankrupt atock. Wondorful bargain. Ill Om,nha Nallonal Hank, AT. !. TRADE your need piano on a new player plana. Balanc aa low aa 110 per month, A. HOSPB Co.. l.'iU Douglaa. CLOSI.Vil out our phonograph.; hlg bar g.ina. Bhlaea I'hnr.ograph Co.. 1404 Dodga. SET mod. mu.le; musician alike? WA.T Sli STORE ft OFFICE EQUIPMENT oooooooooooorJooooo 6606000 O TTPEWR1TERS C O AND O C All tnakea bought and aold O 0 rented and repaired. Sole agenta O O for tha CORONA, (let our O O before yea buy. Every machine O O g us ran I l.d. O O CENTRAL TTPEWRITER r.XC. O 0 J A. 4110. llll Farnam. O O00OOO0 OOOOO 00 OOOO OOOOO OO WE J.L'T,ee !, make "deska, ah"o"i rases, eie. tintaba Future A Supply Co., a w eemar 1 1 lh and Doulaa. JA 1.'4 I'RACTIiiAi I.V a.w iTurrou.hiad.ilng marhla. HT la take. II. HA. 4710. lum and t hit ago Ma, lit hum una adiliisinVio."ae lryjluaiani. R. A. ptsb.r. AT. flit. Ul AMAN I Ml IvpewrllerT $rianil Up! Iti.llae.t Itfltea ao(..l 14 0 I'.i.l.a OOOD THINGS TO EAT. C 00 000C 0000O0 00000 000OO0O O o o o o o t.At.l Mieaourl shell kerk hi. k. e.y aata. tr -m4 tt.ainy ikta I., II . kv.k.l fek T'-e. la. A a fane baae.r el-fv ae Wiltag Itatileeta la, Tienlta. 144, o 8 pnoeortijatoerjsaooefifiaoooO'i Art aa"i plka. a III .,.. At I. imci et l' I'.t a,4 ial.e Ul I'v Ive.ef 'e Peil I ni" t in ac I 4i ., as a., r. $.4 i-4 rittka P It atl u li'llll cLormsa and rut 4 M It Itttn et ead Ti4m I si J lltl ! l a ateeei , r post' S4I p.aaai .a I .4-aee a vala i l teael. I at. 4 a.w e . i l r u.aa . l- k ..,... .- teee 4' il M'.i It St. IISt7lrilll t. k, llit MISCkLLANKOVI COM IAIK j i it r .Mi fc'.ft I f . H-lli f -ior 't .-. at I m t 1 ' It I nef ii a t.aa-x 1.1, Baa) i ava.k.aa, $1 ' -$, ll.t. MISCELLANEOUS FOS SALE riill BAI.KI IIARUAINI Ci.nipNle I'ri.peiie outfit. ae. Wander fill bataain. CallJ'ouerllJIIuffa ll' CANtheiiving laFk'wHh the ileeiltllo booklet will folic explain Will. Bl.enaHia. Ill fteual... I'm. he, Nab. . WANT TO BUY K D Haifa. liKMkxj, dk'bkb, N.w de.Ua, ae.d de.k. hen. hi, .old and traded. J C. Bred, 11"? Perlieiu. AT. 114'., H'K buy baled waele paper, old a.wepapera anq magatine., an or write omana I a per Btetk Co, Imh and Marry ate. WANTED DogTaura "on t.ta. lTo W ill, Omaha Ilea. JBUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. 00000 000000000 0000 00 0000O M.ttlbutor warned by manufactur er, a nallonal advertiser markeilng a prmlu't adinllledly superior lo coinpeiiilve lines, lla r..dy aala th. year rnund and I. greet repot. r. Honesty, ..lea ability, and da. poallt of tliio to ll.noo, lo ewer slock you will hsndle these ar our requirement.. Investment wlt secured by merchandise and con trail. An attractive Income for th right man. Vat turf representstlve to arrlvehl week. Appointment letter only, addressed Jloj 0 T-llf.0, Omh lice, O o 0 o o 00000000000 000600000 OOOOO AUCTION SALE EQUIPMENT A OFFICE FURNITURRB OF OMAHA MII.KT CO., Hit No lO h St., Omaha, Neb. Th.ea aaaet will all be aold at public auction lo tha highest bidder at the shove locsllon Tuesdsy, Octo- her 17, 1121, at 1 a. ni., by order of the court. ' Consisting of th following Item.: Eleclrln motor., 7 ton lc ma chine, milk vala, milk cane all alas, milk buttle and carrier., cornplu meter., ' adding machlnea, table, chair, de.ka, elc. Wife, filing cabi net., milk wagon. Ford deilv.ry trucks, aulnmatlo filler and capper, upright holler., roll cooler., platform and counter ec.lea, large refrigerator, ch regular, awtnitg, cream coolere, Insulating cork, cheeee dryers, sani tary valve atrial connections, JAMES L. DOWD, ' Auctioneer, D, E. NEAFI'M. Sale. Manager. W, K. li E It N D, Trust... DIHTRIIIUTORM tlre.ta.t dia:ovary of tha age. Exclusive dlatrlbutor wanted. Experience nnerea.ary. 160 per cant profit, commodity needed by everynooy. fluaranteed by $0,00 corpoiallon, Pol bllltlea unlimited for right purly with I '"I lo $1,000. Secretary, 124 lleuper lllock, Chicago, Jill. Bl.'V, BELL OR TRADE REAL ESTATrS, nnlae,, vagotatyea, fuel, pcraunsl prop erly, of all kinds, anywhere. Write for particular. Addrer. Nation. I Buy.r and Heller'. Exchange, La Mara, la. STOCK of drug, and fixture In eastern Nebraska worth 11.100 csn bo bouvht for $1,100, Rich country. No competition. Rent li. Owner unwell, Addreaa V 1041, Omaha Hee. POK l.aae or al.: glore room, 2IU40, with Ihre pool tallica and fixture, in .moll town, Oood location for barber shop. Ail dreaa Eldorado Btntn llnnk, Eldorado. Nel, OMAHA guhurban picture how forsle" Including full equipment. Show doing good bu.lneaa. AT. 7I3S. 24C Farnam St. HOTEL for .ale, cheap, In D Smet, S. D., all furnl.hed, doing big bu.lncs. O. B. PuH.,own.r. De Smet, S. D. POOL HALL for7Te, FlveTTbre. with lunch outfit In connection. Co, Bluffs. Writ W-260, rare of Dee. SHOE ehlnlng parlor and cigar .tore for nli; flne.t location In city. J. K. Hilt- oara, Jamestown, r. o, v ROOMING HOUSES WELL located I rooms, good paying prop, usltlon. Term. If desired. J A. SIGO, Nine-room clo In. alwaya full. Make good home. 11 A, IMS, ROOMS FOR RENT. 0000000000000 c 000 0000000 1 FARNAM ST., llll. WELLING TON INN HAS N1CBI.V FUR NISHED ROOMS WITH DE TACH ED OR PRIVATE HATH AT VERY ATTRACTIVE RATKH TO PERMANENT (lUESTL. DON'T FAIL TO SEE (I'll Kit. OOOOOOOPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO , ItlT'e AM Hllllll 11 ICU. ROOM DIRECTORY N If you are unable tn find Hated below the room you deelre In the locution vou wanr. The Omaha Bee maJntnine a department to supply you with a room. Call at our Want Au counter for Room Directory. Now Mat laaucd every week for th benefit of our render, and advertisers. THIRTY-SIXTH St., 31 1 S. Nicely furn ished. Isrge Bleeping room; suitable for two gentlemen preferred; private family. West Farnam district, HA. 64il. r'UKN eme with priv. nam; warm, coio forteble cheerful; price, reason. bia day nr wk Motet Hamilton. AT 4701. FURN. room for rent; strictly modern. ona block from university, In privet, reel dence. w r,. atiSH. FARNAM AT l.TII Hotel Kanford. FARNAM AT 1CT1I. Hotel Hen. haw. Special rates In permanent guests. 2303 DKWET AVE one large front room gentleman preferred. II per week for each. AT. 4720. Twenty-eighth St.. 44 So. Furniahed three rootne and hath, modern house, Juat . decorated II A. 1022. BEAUTIFULLY furnished aoulheaat warm front room, private home; home privilege. HA. 9017. DUNDEE Two cheerful front room. In private home. 1 him k to car Una. Ref, exchanged, WA 4314. Twenty fifth Ave , 111 H Nicely furnished room, iiii-al imioern home. Twelity secunil gt . Ill) H Splendid room. rivate family. Married couple or women. Twentieth si , 1 4' I N Furnished room. In modern home. 111 a monih WM 3l, TEL WA. 4 furlnlshed eoulii fiotit riMini f..r lady. Near taa terllnee. II. par ntenth. Tel. AT list Nicely fiuni.h.4 niudari room, pitvale keree. tlehtlantaa unly. T UWA " lejj Nicely furnished Tronl room, eatiebla for lo Pl S 4th St. I I NDKIt pronl iiiMiii lai.a tlixele, pl- lta family; ti.-iue pilvit.ea. 111. llll. ill. if n,; I ci fruui ioin. siutk xp...ur-. .ult.t. a f.,r 3, .Ian 1 .mall rumit I IIICAti'l kl" c II - ! tlui.l r,H,m, a.w. militn, louiu. I ain.iow. He. Ill I A I'll i 1, Attl, ...I ' l.ei.e b.eilifiiilv finai.hid .Uvping rio , l. Hour II A till l. II INDIANA r. -lata kmo HEf .4k t M .1 l I .1.. 1 v. 1. . a w pi.vai. I kena, fif 4 .itl, wa 1111. I . .. I . I at' at . nt--i' -...I ,bal i. i'i,.al kaiu. r.. k - !. jl'IAwl t, .'l! fitlBa4 !, , - HI l, a )..-. n, k.t. la kaaae, as- lau.ttl 1-1114. a.ate .iKii.M.a HII'Hx'l. AVfc te-Sr.-eisg laaae ta a.a-1,1 1., w 1 1.1. i.o. ki'v lal 1,, IM 41)1 k a ta aal.a auk ! 1 I a - 1 Vai US II ' 4 N-.: l.tek'4 S.inl li-i I a,.. .i , t . 14 au fca . - Ne , jl, a., .- fflliei.4 liaat I 1 . 1 1 1 Ii 1 ! il..i;,i-a a.-".-4 a v. r t . .. A I ins.. k-e. CI a 14 S I. al I ge-..a I ii a ti ; mi ' i : - m 1 itl k. - I . - , i v I 1 a a. - 1 , it ..- a I ' BHiVal 1..4 lea, ROOMS FOR RENT DESIRABLE rienm, newly furnl.hed, well located, g.e janitor. Mount Vernon apart, meal, III kouik II. I St. PETERS TRUST COMPANT, "Hhera Omaha Rente. ' At. IC4I. 17lh and farnam Bt HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Urvr A-4 OMAHA HEW ROOM DIRKC'IOHV If you ar un-ole 10 find Dated below the room you deeira In Ihe locellon yvu want, The Omaha' Kee ineiiilalne a department, lo auppiy you with a room. Call at aur "Wnt" Ad mauler for Huom Directory, New list Issued every week for lb beat fit of our leader, and ade.rliesra. PtiUR room, and alcov, furnished: very daelreble 111 per week. May pay month IV. Adulla. Walking dlelance. AT. IH'I. i"lTf47 14th Sl7 2 nicely "furniahed froni room uttbl for houaekeeping In po tato family. Veat Farnam. HA. 1441. CAPIT'iL AVCT" 2401 Very ettVarllve! newly furnished l-room hnuaekear,lr.g ant , sink and gaa range, reasonable Its 7111. MODERN. iurnialiedand unfuralahed housekeeping ruoma, $9 lo $7 per week, 124 hllet Ave, Call Harney 1711. TWENTIETH ST.. Ill $. 1 mndern roome. everylhing furnished, working p.npi preferied. AT 7II. TEL. HA 034J. 1 room, furnl.h.d If de elred, ah.olutely cUaa, av.rythlnf fur- iii.h'd, lib. PAUL BT, IICJ 2 Isrge nutelde room, partly furnl.hed for light housekeeping. TWENTf-SKfoND ST., 121 S Two front loom.; all furnl.hed and g... At. 0141 i modern room curnpl.l for housekeep ing, WE, 2471. TENTH ST, 21M B 2-rm. pt file pri vate horns; slao sleeping rms. J A. II !. I.ARiTe front room wllh kltcbeneils, ateam heated, no children, 471.1 N. I4tli. Ill BoT 2T HAVE. Large "b a ae m e n fYeo ro wllh large range, reasonshla. Jll! 4JOARD AND ROOM HARNKT ST,, 1321 Board and room, pri vate family, modern home, re. son. hie; gentlemen or couple preferred. HA. llll pXrk'aVe" i'lYpTeaaant room, beTt home cooked meale; gentlemen, HA. 4210. WARM, niodern room for gentlemen, 17.10 per week apiece. KE, 1(17. PLEASANT room for I or I gentlemen, horn cooking. KE, 1GII. BOARD and room for t men. HA. 1746. HOUSES FOR RENT HOUSES MODERN, I room. 7212 North loth St., III. I room., 4 102 North I4lb Av., gnnige, $r2 10, f rooms, 114 Minn. Luea Blvd , duplex, garage, !'. I room., $17 South loth Av- Hue, $100. . 7 room., 121 North 2llh Bt,, 1 78. 7 rootns, $171 Newport Ave., No Vcriiher $, $71. $ room., 1122 Smith ith Sl douhl garage, $10. I ruoma, 421 North 41st St., $41. $ room., llll South 34th St., garage, 171, roon,., 4170 Co. ., garag. $1$. I room., 2CI0 Lincoln Itlvd , douhl garage, llll. 10 rooms, 4JJ Dodge St., $111, JO room, III North 23il St., dou- bio garag, $171. PARTL1 MODERN ' $ ronma, 7100 North loth St., $41. PETERB TRUST COMPANT 'Where Omaha Rent.." 1 7th and Farnam Bt. AT. ttii. SIX ROOMB AND OARAOE 3222 Sherman Ave., Strictly modem, large rouma, eereefied porch, good furnace, PAYNE A CARNABT CO,, "Omaha Rental Men." Cl Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. JA. 1014. CIET our lie of dfslirbl houaeg fof rent, PETERS TRUST CO. "Whre Omaha Bents." AT. 0144, 17th and Farnam Bt. Hlx-room house modern except heat, 2104 Chicago St., $20, l-room houee, 4 cr harn, chicken house, 7217 Bedford Ave., I$. Birkett & Co., 210 Pelers Trtiet Illtlg JA. Il$. $Tl NORTH 4HTHBT. l-room, saw, .trlctly modern home, rirepiac., ins nam breakfast room. Rent IHO a month. Eva nlng. Webster H2M; J.ckon till. Oct our Hal nf ile.irable houaea for rant. PKIKKH Trtl.nt . "Wb.r Omaha Ben'" AT.-0I4I 17,n F,fnm: a.ltooM house, LI20 Harrison St, Nice Place for chicken and garden. JA. 44 Rent 14" per month. 4-ROUM, modern house free for bosld of lady; raterenrea; no children. Couple over ai yeaia. wa. a ii a. FOR RENT 4 -room moilern bungalow. Call WA. 24i). or WA. II 48. 472 SEWARD HT Seven-room, IIP. FURNISHED HOUSES. OOOD l-room modern, good location. Well furnished, win leaee ior ... p.r m.w Phon. AT. Mm. li LOVE II MORRRTLI,. 704 Kerllnn Bldg. Phone AT. HH COMPLETELY furnl.hed Including ami sliver, l-room furnished bom in Dundee, Nov. 1. WA, 4S14. viT'L i v r,irni.h-,l and well located elx room house tn Leavenworth Height Dis trict. HllttiUy call w A. Leaving for California for winter. Will rent my beautiful home. R''43..i.'.0'?, Foil RENT 7-room modern Farnam St. HA 7001 or AT' hnu.s. West t APARTMENTS POR RENT DESIR ABLR APARTMENTS A very attr.ettv., inn.isilng of lane living roem, dlriilig alcove, .un ruem, dandy bedroom and kitchen. Building too year old and well Imated, .No t4 Mount Veinon, III Soulh list St , l. Close-In four room apartment, nicely he atsd feeing Central High i . Nil 4 Flo La., loth and Capitol Avenue. TI end $l I A .penally well email s,aitu,.ia havli.f It.tna ruem, du. ii.. a. . i.l. end kltihsn. dreee. lug roat and hath. No, I Kle- boiough, mi Doit at, ni 4) lit. PETER4 TRI f Cr M P A N V rtii.i. imieka R.ste' AT nit. ttk tad Paratsa Its 11 h tiivrm ,1-,. S, .-.I,! I'.a Sail SOU Si. ! la ; f' i.waly ' (aim. ..4 letu.e Baa K4 11. ti A 11 ! , , . . iHl.ii tHS BlKkl-K. l - - -f - in ail n.iia k.a Hat, t" I!., S ii., In a e.i ae-i - , .... . I . . u . - la. .a. 1.4 tin. , h' n ,,'fa. a m A It' II kHNt t' 1 II a !- ae .4 ' ,, bea. till I" .'!-' l e,a aug is.4 14 l Islwsm 4ta- . - I Muk I - n.a ls las a.-..!.., I n t ... I t . J ru ne. Heal etei. il-- al t .- k .lte. I.l I. T 4l roim'li.l it i"4flf vi 11... l uuillt HI Ml ' 1 4 f is I' a 4 Mi-a ia , ,i ;t . t.-.ti .a iM..e, w. ..i-i ..-! .i It ..! . i I- aaa I i... N l i II t 4i f kl..l ll-ll ill a l"k a t i.l. ..-a ., -s II I ill . - k. I I - I l . i.. , i J 4. ,., m 11.1 ! i. 'I 111 III In 44 ia,.a.e I p, ia"t 44141 B APARTMENTS FOR RENT oo ooooooooo ooo oooo ooooaoo THE AUSTIN. Ilth and Davenport THE CARIIERRT, 4th) and l a... Omaha and moat beau tiful apartm.nts, pour. room wllh flve-rmriu acrpirimotfetlnne, ail auielda espoauiea, pleasing land eeapee. A home wllh apartment kouaa aar.omniotlalloi!.. $10.01 aud III 00, THE AI.IIAMIIRA. 4ltli and Cepiiol, A f.W deslish'e loc.llon. .till avallabl.. He.utlful new hnitding. Ideally tot aled, III 10 and III (.0 TERRA4.K COURT, P.ik Av. and Mesen SI, flood loiallnu ran be tied In a new building of these moilereleiy prlred, two-room wllh four-room acroinmodetlon apartment., for Nov. I by making .election now. $T 10 ta f' oo, THE HANSCOM, 1031 I'srk Ave, A dandy .perlment for l$ It. TUP. PALMER, ilth and Bt, Mary.. Twe-ronm wllh three. room accom modation apartment, de.tratily In. rated, avalinhla now. IU ii'i, WALKINO DISTANCE apartinenla, complfts, modern, one.rooin, three room accntninodailona, rloae-in, l7 10 and 140 o. A few furnih..l at $'. to IU. CALL tn WE WILL TAKE you out, O OPEN EVENINOS AND SIINDAVS. O DRAKE RENTAL A1RNCT. Fireproof Apartment. JA. tlOl, Howard at 17th St. OO000OOOOOOO0OO00OOO0OOOO 0000000000000000000000000 IHINDEM APARTMENTB 1011 Underwood Ave. Three renin, with 4-roorn arcommodaiton; Ivory woodwork, mahogany duora, very desiralil front apartment; exlia large closets, tile Imths. No, 10 Dundee r,t No, II Dundee r,0 I'ATNK Hi. CARNAnT CO., "'jrnnha' Rem. I Men." Ill Omaha Nat. Ilk. llldg. JA. 1011 0000O00OO0OO0O00O0 000000O OMAHA LAR'JEST RENTAL AOENCT. Thirty-four apartment buildings, BCS apartment, reinforced concrete, abso lutely rireproor. siurpny bed or bedroom apartment.. Call u, and w will tak you out. J'KAKe; HKNTAD AOKMCT. Fireproof Apartmente. JA. 206, AT. $71$ f'nrney 57m and Jtowsrn ptfreeta. BTH EH (7ivv;i"rill RA rB"A Fa RTM ENTS OMAHA'S GARDEN SPOT. Beautiful ground, pleasant eurrmjndlng. Isrge 4, I and l-room apartmente with all modern convenience Including heat, wafer and Janitor eervlce. Call WE, 0121 orWA.S77l THra"FUjRENTINE, IM B. ItTH BT Apt, of 2 end 4 rooms. Tha Chlodo, 25lh Av. and Msrcey, 4 rooms wllh t room scrontmodafloiia. These apla, are II newly decorated and within walking dlatance, 'hon J A, 1412. FINE three-room apartment, l-room sc .omodatlon. Newly decorated; eloae In; Imrnedlal Bsscsslon. Al.o 2-room apart ment, 5 W. T. GRAHAM, 70 J'rtrr. Trust Bldg J A, ISll. CHOICE ftiur-rnom hot water heated apt.. Ill, Cloe to Farnam car, Jackson 221. FURNISHED APARJJWENTS 7t4 S. HEvsVkf.NTH ST. Nicely fur nished two nd four-room apartments; clo.e-ln. Everything furniahed. Furnace heat; also ruotn ami board. Call AT. 7431 FURNISH Tncis" of a $-rnottrarfor"eale Apartment can be rented If desired. Phone JA. $171. CApTfoi, AVE., Ilic-'wo-room apart ment for rent. Furnished. HA. 7f,76, 2013 CHICAUO HT.! two-room apart,, nicely furnished. HUNTER Inn AT into 2401 Dodge St BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT LlOlf" well-heatcd apace aitltahle for light manufacturing in Bromley building, 201 South I3th St. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. "W here Oinafia . Rcnla." AT. 0514. 17th and Farnam Bla. STORES FOR RENT MODERN .lore room at 104 N 4ftth St for rent reasonable. Apply F J. Da Temple. Omaha Bee. AT 1000. Thirty-fifth St.. 1601 N Store for rent; good for living room; two lola. Ill per mouthy KE. 1211. OOOD light office room, large reception room In connection; mod. building Concea slons for immediate occup. III). 474.1. DESIHAHLlirprivste offriliirmo"nth Phone erst steno aervlca If desired. 101 Iiaflsng T4llg. OFFICE space tn rent, cheir and phone, lltto month. AT. 1121. llll Howard St.. rhulco retail .tor. room, SIxlll. JA. 0661. GARAGES FOR RENT (lARAOU for rent, 1631 Chicago. DOUIII.AH andTsts. A. 4111. MOVING ANDSTORAGE. o o 6000606 00 o c o 0 0 0 00 066000 o o o o 0 o 0 MOVING! PAL KINO! We ae.enibte and for wetd of bulk houeeknld and ulo. 1110U1..S, If eu ara shipping la any of th. rill. 1. 1 fa. ..Iited ar to loan, adlaient 1 tur ablpptn p.onta. ae u. a a csa v uu inaa.y. TkJe weak we aia ar. eptiig eblpmaei la th fwiiewma ettiae IDS Asnrtrs MN I MA Nile, O, tllli'A.lil, III. l.fcMVrk, c.,(i, HAN. 4a CUT. MIX ViHfwl PimsPSiauP WABklltitaei a IAS CO. Una Bl.ieMk atreel. is a-ae ten. llll, mask S-k. tTOBAOBI BIIIPI INiit IH'kLiti Bi'-aa it a tan m, I A- a Nil li .ai ia- .tin i-iN I lt.eet 4 UB-a-l. e-,4 P .e4 a--t, - I i.iee tfc -- i IM Ik ill Ik IID I'HU'I 111 l k..i l 4 4 !$ kn4 Pa.ia--'. is, ilkfl a 4 ... ,..k'..e Is la i.l v ua at In- i-i ins , , tsa t uiui v aaa " -.!. l. . ikhi t uiui v 4 a . it . It I" .-.( O O O O O 1 O i On M0VIN0AND STORAGE ESTIMATE furn. en p.iktng, rnov. nd) torlng. Canii.rt. i.k.n by job or hour, tiiul.e Van A Sluiage to, JA 4)41, AT. Oil riroaetnen A kr,a. ownare 1 J : .CiTTEL LANS DO oU NEKD a" LMTLVllKADr CAM! - 0 1 1 luo I ito -DOLLARS 1 sr any other amount loaned t leu lit legal rate.. You am eav a lot of time, ninne, end Incoliveolert'e If ,oU inve.Csst. our plait, N'n red tape, po punlli Ity, eusr psvtneol, confldenllsl, 'Ihlrly )r.r. In, OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. 10 Katherh Ink. T-l. J A 1711. Boulhwe.t Cor, Hib sn.l Don Sis. COX Co.; loan., II end up tn wage, carg and forolfiire: 1 nuf i,teotMl ; 2& Vis. slslj. Ill World-It. laid III. Is ,IA j:l. BONDS. STOCKS, MORTGAGES BALK "op lillllilATION HoMS " Nullre la herehr given thai on 'llnn.'liy, November t, Wit, el 2 p in, si It. ofli.a III tleorge C, I'orlri'a law effn e III More rill. Nib., ihs Itsiii.horu luisaiioo Dts. lint will offer for sale 10 iti. hahiai for tseli Us entire fust l..u. of Loral, .mount. Ing to $1,3,4.'., Vti, hanrifig per tent In tereal, p.yshl. .enile nous I ly. Scaled pro- poaal. for. the pur- h,ise of hofols will ha received until the il'iv and hour ahuva liatlied, the Hoard rc.erv llig the ta object lo eny .nd all hid.. Iiol. .hout, be mailed lo J. T, L"gau, Sec, Mtrll, Neb. -' J LOANS ON REAL ESTATE ' "PER CENt"o'ney."" Oder bsnkeTe reserve ayafim, I pr rent loans may h secured on ctty or frm proi.eriy, to bur, hulld, Improve, or pav Ind'htedneee. li inker Reserve D. po.,1 Co., Oa. ElerlilB Dhlg , Denver, Colo, MONEY To'loAN. Imw rale money on city property- QuIiK action un iiiep.cllon.. No delay Iq flnul riming. W. T OII A IIA M, 704) Pel.,. Trust llhlg. WK have i.b on b.nd to lu.o 00 Omaha' reeldence e II LOUOEE, INC., , 111 Keeline llldg. VnYm TeOina N" dly "n waeierj ' -eJtiI18 m, farm., r.mhe. Klnke Invaetment Co. 44 Om. N.CI Mk. 100-TO lli.eo, lo.ns iiiitd prompily. " K D W1CAD tid D H BOWMAN FIRST mortgage loana mad. promptly of Omaha real nine khopen Av Co., It sal lw J A 4121. ,.:4 K'-iline Bldg. BTUAIOIIT l-year lonria, AMOK IIIUNC CI, per cent. MIB jih, Arthur llldg, AT. Il'l OMAHA" IDl.MES KAHT " NEli PA'KMaC O KI LHC p.KAL ENTATE CO., -J".1.'. ."I J ifaa t :Je. llldg. JA. 2711. &.Vli " '-"""ha" NaBldgV f'.JMP PROPERTY NO DPI.AT, 1 H. MTHEN pay. rnn.t7or I.IBEliti HONDH 121 I lly Net'l Lank Bldg. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. COBIMNPf.KATINfir ACi:ORDOf,,"fi,K, n,i bViTiesTlng, coy.r.d bumme, all tyi,.,; hein.tllcnmg bultonbole. Wrlle deal Hutlon h Ple.u ing Co., 01 Brown Block, Omaha, N.b. Telephone JA, llll, ' Neb. Pleating M01 Fernam, aecomi Ifernsticblnjr, Covered Hut to' a floor, JA. 1470. DP..V1 IhTsT, Shepherd X-Rey Ijiboetry, el, Securllleg JIIIUOPRKTOIIN. DM, OEM Alt, J00'"Paxron"lll,lgfrij ' ' Tej At. 2301. wa III DA Nf I .MO AC.IDE llll-S., LEARN to ilenie"for 14 gt K EloPTsTTiig tilgliia. Dancing Tu " Thiir. nil .ni'- DETEfTIVPS, Lm!2J!fcL?ii!!,," l'''t-e"u. 2H Neville P2k-.?'i; WhL"WA."4(.4'rKk" 0455" IIRESkVIIKIM,, IIP By ,i,y, AT, 4 470. TO DATE DRESSMAKINM " res. price,, Wi llHy Hi Tailoring, .awing alj kind,. b7,L,7 wj 344' 'MK I'l.MklllNL. ,h'l,'M developed" krlk " !"' .'.. I7 Howard Bt. M ACH I.N Eli V. . . n'iiKir.B," FUlkS "'n"'""'.'reliS.;L,ra't,;( , . '"""'- Herkow' 1. Fur Co.. ...11 lenwrirl'l ft II A. 2iB3. , FURS rrp'r'ti.'iemjiei,u.-iow;,,-prl- F.lTFN T. TT( UN E V S. " J. W. MARTIN, 1111(111 A It o rTey, 1 71 1 Dodge, room IU. Also Washington. 1. I help Inventor, sell Ihelr patents. MATTRESSES." OMAHA PILLOW CO. Fast hers novated and imido tn new fenthsr. proof ticking. 19117 Cuming. JA. 14r,7. PRIN1IN4I. " EDDY PrlnllnCoYlf srir'sf.rilTF. Tt ilVEIririfPLI KB.-" FI-KNISHEHH nf ch.r," ,V viH? Towell Supply, DU c.f Mt. AT. 1211. WA INI.HItlNI,. STRAIGHT LINE WAX ENtlRA VINCI at !. n"? n?.'.1' "u ui't vour problema. II. Welp, IV e. 4, M 11 IS 1 1c LL AN Pt It M A N NO I N C P. ME NT T DIAMONDS waPr"'"tHa'""baM Uinm VyiliVOpn,.,, vl,h prlvlleee to buy heck at email profit. OROSS f CO., Omaha, Neb., 401 N. Ilth Sf Teiephona l" 4041 OA HAULS buiu. any iyl .nd .lllll tip. Concrete wsrk. Ill, kiln Luruber at Wracking Co Ta WE. lilt PRESCRIPTION'S c.rafully cnlnpaunlt.dl AUTOMORILES FOR SALE, wonderful iiaruain " 1117 Ford, water lluifip. alioek aha ei.rl.era om- 111,1 n lop leather iicli'ji.lrru.g, Ptral lll tski. It. II A. 1760. NEW at.d used Put. I., i.aii or term. C- E PAI l.kuN MO'l'llll Co., Aulhnrls.rl and lllnuln D 'othend Am- Ai HE. nil! "T" DflfNUAUl Ma"i:irT'AH " MKEKB At 111 COMPANY. 147 Farnam Hi J I t. 1 ar.ii ct.a li. t.a-y Motor le, I '! I'ftriiafn O. N t It.D lord paite el ten P.m. Is. ail eisa, laid make t.'a Nek Aula l.tta, lata at I 'III IS'I tlllt ,.N - U.-l NititAk cl.tmi'lill ; 111. 1 Hoaaid at ink A V It' VI, W AM I t l tim I't All tp! . H A H 1 Htxl A SO A) til I Mil ...'" ' I't Tl-t kl'li I t. bl a r t 11 11 1 k 1 11 ii i. . . 1 a4 yuan, I ni ... . l ' a 1 .1 II 4 111 ' I' I ..111 I.l, 1 1 - r a r t .. I Me at a aioi ' I 1 si-bi a tf iii.i-a lists, ft! I 1 I llll M 'I. I ISMII a f islt'l'ill I-1 . I a -4 a ... al I II im.. II I , 4 I I- I," I J 1 l 1 1 l - a. t a a da I ie'ai . a aa . - a I t r I i 11 s l I .( Sifi ,,ri ,. i I ... ai i r i 4 I el I , ' a..g ei 4r. I f l a . i. t i .i. t I -1. i a i I' '.llll I lit. "I li a, c If I : II.. A I I ' 4 . I Hi . ,1 , lltl t la l', . i llr , i, , a ill b..4l. I. i.i i.r l . .1 4.l 44. I'e. ft