Tim OMAHA Khfl : rmOAY. OCTOBER 13. 1022. I 14 V i ' r t if ft a Youth Arrested in Double Murder Tangle Released Repudiate Jy S-IinrftlT (iunlYaaion in Drulh iVtor and Choir Leader. of ..merllle. N. J, Oct. AHi K. I" lla mend Hi hnelder till after, iioen repudiated (he alleged rnnflrma lion In Willi li Ihi arruaed I llfford lUye. ID, il lli murder of llev. M mini Wheeler Hall and Mr. fcleanor K.lnhardt Mllla. Ile waa releaaed a (( liionienla laler III ruklody i( hi iiiiuiacl. Nil move mad In rrlraaa hi hnelder, who mi held an material wilne. I'roaeculor fieri kioaM Indi cated ha Mould tm held for further 0 Headlining. Hoiuervllle, .V. J , (At. SI Kaymond Hv-hiundrr, detained aa a material wit ."k in the Hull Mill murder (rmp, to il v coliapeii in the Homernet county fall. A phyalcian who worked over h.m nearly half an hour before tm w revived atateij that ha wan nuf ( rln from a never hervou break down after the grilling to which h llU'l IH'fll 'I)J" ll"l. If n HchneUler'a accuatJii that ' Ilffoi'l I In ye had alaln II' v. Edward Wheeler Hull and Mi. Klennor Helm tiii'U Mill, In mlxtiike for another on pie, mat ei to w.iji'n iiiriMt on a liliicifr dm.-,,,. New Jeriey nffiililii Inveai iguljng i lie mui'd'T miiikIiI today to ld'tUfy a HllMll klllf" folllld fWlllill lllxlilUin flow the epot lii.n I he H.llu liodie rr illmovriwl mid turned over t 111 IllCll police Jlxfenlfiy, Dclfl'liVe coiialdcicd It poxxiMo lti.it Iho khlfo win ii i. ii. h"i In Hexhlng Mm. .Mills' throat, rirrjiiiiin Buna for Seiiule liiiitlriini'c, (M. 11 - .tinn-i I.. rni!by. mi Kilw'o, rl'-ivyin.in of An nap ilia, file) hi pup,-, nn nmdl il.il for I 'nil ul Kind aenutor mi Hip lilUtic lliket li.iliy. Old Fiddlers Revive Ancient Melodies Tragedy Is Kml rill W 0 F7 1-'' l rout row, Irft la rldil: Andrew . rmnatoiU, ! William llnlfour, NrliawUa: JimUl Pi-lly, Verrf, la. Mailt row, lift In rllil: John Ifuidii-, IuhikII lllu ff; Wllliur Kiimwiy, Vllllncai Krrd liiKrroll, Omaha. 'I'lm f(juriiiiih annuul flddlf-ra' ruiiii'Pil at Hi YmiiiK Mr-n ' C'lirlallun ii;M lut imi uu:."'jiium WHrn-aday iiiKhl una "grander and- lltar than vi'f," aoi'ordlilK to (iroia (liidill, wlin aiijM-i viki-iI Hi" liit.'i'( nti(i avrnt, 'I'lm jiiilkS'-. .Mm, II. M, l.aviriy, i. Wiini-it Huvin mid i', J. hliuw, un- ', iiii!!iii'" dm fill'iwniM vinii'ln: rinaa A, Morn Tlmil 70 Ynr Old All'll'W J. 'iIMImI of HllMil!!. 7, jfirni; Wlllium ilitlf'mr of Nf!' iwkn, j x"-iind; Jom.ih felly of feny, la., . Ihli'l. ! cin 4 ii. l"ii'ii' "0 Vwiim (i-jolm lleldiT, f.l, I'niii.' il lilliffK, t'tr", V'il llnii- Huiiirev, V jI;k, '.,'1, rei'oinl; Krl r Jn.'fi rwiil, r.i, J;ii i Hun nlr"l, Ihlrd. I.l l Hi ll'illllilii Mi'lilloll, If Ii, Hul'Um at Mi. HiiiiIIi Mid" rn eelvd ):mioi ili m iiHoii. Tlin nlhi-r eoi.ii' i.i.iix w-ie; A H, 'iuivei', Di lli viic; NliniM I Ti li' i'. 113 Noilli Twi'iit) f'nirih: i;. l!iiiin ,v; K. T l.'InK, Cm Individual in Style Excellent in Value The Keafton'H latent effacti in atrap pumpi and the new two-tonH oxford. Kach ami every pair a real value. Some at $4.45 Othara Ranging Up to $3.45 Ihlrd: Crua Zlnn. VM HI. aveiiuv; Jiwo Al'Curly, llnllrviin: Hllliert Hnilih, llondoiiiln, la.; J, X. Hlli nil, Klfiy third and HpauldKif. ,Mr. ConinliKk, who won fir at plaoa In Dim divlnlou (if oilier plttcra, played h violin hli h w IHI yearn old. Ilia fnvini(i tiumi vein "Kir-lit r'a llnrn lilte." mid ".Money Mimk." Mr, Hold er, winner ut firm plum lit His young er diviKlmi, won minlliir honor) at the ('Qllfeal IrTait )t. Tim ioiiiet wim ii-iliii Willi lint'. r:innl and lnlrentlnif f;ilnn, Mr. Grave iwl on limtruiiieiif lm rii d Wiia t!2 ir "Id, mi "Amiri-iia (Jul-linri-oun." Mr, llummty, pii,i.i wlnnur Hdii-d.iy iilalii nd tw year hko, l hi,, nl. Ill wlf, ii lno Mind, plliynl li ii no ii'i'oiiiiiiiiliiiiiil, Mr, liiilliil) pliiy-d ii nl wnn "old lllnck Joe," Mr. Iv.n'a v.idln m 1W yiiiia idd mid Mi', 'nun yeitra oll, Mr, in- A. Ciilliiii, HViJ i K i-wll nn'd on limlriiment innde hy 13 ,Noi-'h Twenty. , h'mm If mid vli!lo tlin Jildnea went out .fnry I ha ilycl i iliini'-iUi with hla f!t and hi violin at the mi mo time. JUdn't Drop Teeth. Mr. llulfour, aeeond winner In tha A illvUlon, hud hetlrr lliek t Ilia year I him tin did hint yrur when, ut th rontet, ho dropped Ida falaa teell whllii alriKinK mid plnyliiK. Hla vio lin la 121 yiuri old, Mr. Klddou uv a new veraion of "Turkey In tha Ml raw," by alnidiitf u. few line, then plnylntf a. few bur and thrl dnnring Hie rent In hhtop hoot. Mr. Hold er "When You mid 1 Were Young, Muagle," und "Miipls hint lUig" vvr hila y( tlio eveiiltiK, AliioiiK lh) aelui'tlon ilnrd were: "Mtila Hrown J"k," "Old Ooken Duik'-l," "Hev.l iJi-earn," "MiM'klng lllrd," "HiirIo to the Wedding," "NihIk. Over Hie Hill," "Huffulo O il," "Thu (i.rl I Left Holilnd Me." "flilver Thn-adH Among thn Cold," "fop (Joe tlin WeiMel," How to Keep Well Cr UK, W. A. IVANS Qnlin iantrnlnf liflltn, taniKliaa tni pravcnllan l , ukaillU' la Dr. Lmiii hy rritt of lh On, wIM b nowrl partoiMlly, ukjact (a praptr limluiian, wh a aumparf idiiMu4 tuwlep It metat4. Or. P.vu r not mahf a dianla ar n,rlW lor InalvUml 4lnttt Adrct )Hr la un ( Tli liM. Copyiichtl 1922. Dog Hill Paragrafs Uy George Bingham Kletehnr llenolep nya lit hla tint" J i it ha attempted to do liumy hard thlim. Kiieli ii lieid on n enf lit a time, or hm n pIk in a fetn-o corner, Shoe Market "Omaha's Popular Priced Shoe Store" 320 South 16th Street I A I.ASTINt. M 1 1, A 1(1 A ( I KK. I Tin- perlml i'f iiiii'nr'u liifeellnn In the I'nlte I Hi-i'. fi Ik nlmut punt, no !ur u thla yinr i enniemed, Not i iinlll well i Ion if In i'j't will inoa iUltoea Kpi'oud mm Ii tnulnrla ayiiln, Ijile In Iho hi'mmoii nor. many mniiiil I toe breed, Thoao that do breed urn ' not very aeiive, 'JlM'e thut ailelt miiliil'U blood do not develop full grown nmlarlii piiivt llea. All In nil. 'he ehiinea Hint un lililnf'ieted pe,on Kill beeoino In-i-ete-l between fiov eid next rptliiK 1 not arenl, -Jt tin b-en I'lrned Hint tnominltoe e.'in live for Severn I month. Home of lh moulloen that live Ihro'igh Ihi winter niity bo infeetlmi, nnd miiy aueeeed III iiifeellnar people, ilnt here, too, tho poKllllltle are not areitt. finetlexilly nfa'ln;, the reaervolr for m-ilarlii ilui lnKr tho winter xeitwm 1 the peoplo who are Inf t'leil tho ehroii!.- eairiei ), if tr.ev would enre tlicmm-lve eotnpletely If all of them would ilo no, or even n Urien part of them would do xo--lheru would lei pmetlciilly no malnrlii next year, ItiiKM liax proven S;i of thin muli-inalli-jlly In ft way that would con vines any enKlne-r. To i ure the i hllln In the emso thut patient will hn well for ft lime re iiiir.x very little t rent men t. Thirty Kiiiln of iiulnlne a dny for three duy, or, at moxt, four 1a it. I about, all Unit I reiiulred for an inlult. It can be taken nt onn dime uf bedtime. HuL that kind of n emu I not what I mil writing iilimit. Thai the kind of a t tire thut may get the aubjeet'a name nnd piclure in lin aliimnue or in mime other kind of a patent ineilkine advert ixenietit If he take that (.mount of trfitlwent, or leH, or tho umiul chill enre, h- niay get hi name on a death certificate along wlHi an entry hiicIi as- "Couw; Hema turia or eongextlve i hlllx or malignant malaria. The Hire I am writing iilmut I the cure whh Ii aenerolly Nlay permanent, wlil h prevent relaiwe. Infect lull of the family, or Infection of the neigh- IxllH. AeenrdiilK to the Imokli-t laeucd by the MiaxlHlppl beul'h iiepurirttent and written by I'rnf. (.'. I'. H'. till tieiitmenl roiHl'ta of 10 kouiim of lOinlu. taken at lieiliitne each nlnht for elaht week. Thl In th! trml tnent fur nil adult. The dime fur chlldrrn nie: I'nder 1 year of "ge 'a grain, I year I main. '.' ear 1 gram. .1 met ! yeura J gminii. fl, and 7 yer-4 grain. , 1 nnd I'l yesrll grain. II. U. 11 and H ye.n grain. guliiniK la mmp of jerl tutntit I not ! Inter, Kn.nrdlllK .iim Ui. fi uiirx mil': Vim in) limited u Nttnil l 'l'in U l Inn infill Have tiiken II brfr l.itnl f for tins ut iven i : i ,kh ei, every iiiiiiii- inrf, and to far have fell no bad re rulirf, W.ix told tint It would thin my l;l'K(1, but i-uniiot that It ha doug un. fleiuMi let mo know In what way II In lltll'illful. It I different from moat purgative, u It. alwny ha the rlcHited effect, l(i;i'l,V In plte of your experience. I allck to my gun. Thri me xonm people ivlio inn Ktaud nuythliiK. and other wiio can aland anything for awhile. Halt doe harm btcauxe It irritate the bowel; ill, tin away too tnurli vM"r; dlxiiiiti tint mineral bahinc of the body; induce eoiiNtlputlou and fixe the cut Ihi tic hf.blt. floating Khlneya. A render wrllcx: Will you kindly tell ma the cfiu: of a floating kidney? I It diingerou to the perxon that ha one' IlKl'I.y, No, nor to any one clue. oer ald the wort part about a floatl'ia kidney whh knowing; about II. "What you don't know don't hurt yon," wa lliu ay he alwvl up rnov nblo kidney, I Ibralor Not llangerou. ' V, M, M. write: 1 the ue of a vlliriitor kood for hnnbago and other form of rheumatlm? J the dully uxe of a vibrator up and down the xplne harmful to the nerve? Ili:i'l-V, It ha NotiiK value, Mora than one procedure will relieve a rnuacular rhctimatlxm. I hetiin Nd. of Fortune Hunt Aged Mexican Hrurlic Ouiulia In Find One Son Died, Oilier Iiimiiu'. Ilioken by lh ti'itk' ml of hia to boiin' ai anh of furl una In t min im, Andre Hernand", ngd Mexican living at Hie Kyatoito hotel, i to return to Mexico, next week, with the wreck of one of hi Bone. Munui-I. HI ollnr ou, lonurdo, a 1'iilon j I'm lllu employe, died 1,1 the ,lncolil liix.mc iiayliiiii lnxt inniner, follow ing Ntniatroke While titiloiiding nnd. Manuel, a youth of 21, 1 Imtv In the Inxnne aayluni ut Clarlmla, victim of thug whu lu'ge4 and robln-d him uud left lilm to die on Council lilnlT rullroad linck on fold ulgbt In Novniiiber, iZi. Ikith hi bg were froxeu, tieci-xxltatliig ampulntlon of i.rfa ler iifld the loa on llm other foot, Ilo never r'-galii'd hi tenaon efter that. ' Nl l auded In I .I l'ao. The elder Ilertiendez did not learn of hla anna' plight until Hie death of lionardo, lie ataried north but only raached Kl faao When hla fundi give out, Hla heart hreaklnic with eager nun to tench hi boy, he wna forend to toll until January of thla yeir to gain sunua vv ian vi ,oiitou, "I want to take my hoy to hi old home In I-eon," ha pleaded with John (iurnett, Immigration offlrer. "fir hniin In thn ximllght unit unlet at home, lm will get well again." I', H. lit I'ay Kxpenae. flurnett appealed to Wnehlngton and today the reply came. Manuel I to Join u. deportation train bound for tha eolith nt Cmhondalo, III., October It, and heat of all, tiuniett guceaod nl In obtaining tho father' uppolnt ment na attendntit for tho boy. lllf trnnapoitatloti to Mexico will ther fore lie defrayed by I'ncla Ham. Hlalnnce from Juarez, to I-on, their home, la J .,',00 mile, but domett In liuvea Mexii.ifi uuthorlth' may alt them I, ,nie, Big Shiimwnt of VrcuncM Received hy Onialia Store A iiiiiThaxe of ladle' dree, claimed to rank among tho largeat (tingle hlirnent of women' dreanc ever received by nn Omaha ready-to- wear atore, arrived Wednesday at Or kin Itroa, atore In tint Conant Hotel bulldlnj,', Kniploye wero kept buay for many hour after rlnftinir time Weilin-Hiliiy iinpiicktng, nnaortltiif and prlcimc thexe dn-aara, which are to be placed on ule at rapcoinlly low price thlM tiiornlni,'. eiiirtliis; at 11:30, According to Hid Orklii merehan- (llrliiK triunnger, aeveral thouaand of theao drexxe were plirchneed by Or kln'a New York atore buyer nt an iiniiHual price ' roneeaatori from a prominent emtierii muker who needed raalt. The lot Waa divided among Oikln'g etoree, 1,000 helnif ollolted to Otiinhu. May Fever Heinedy. Kor hay fever; You will bo ur prlaeil if you will tixe powdered extract hydriiMti about two nj- threo grain at a doxe, Hue.) or four time a day, for adult It will dry up tha inttcou membrane of tho none, etc, Try Ovarian K.xlracl, Mr, A. S. It, writes; "Can you tell me what cau- nie to have auch hot fhwlif.' I am hi year of age. Thexe flaxhe t have hint for four or five year. It aeeina III tuooil will mtrai or drive a cow out of a torn patch, hut none of them eounl tha taak of trying to head off a wild rumor. I, like Mathewala xuy he hn ob served that the longer a tiachi-lor Ntay alngle tho harder he 1 to catch, while on the other hand the longer u, girl ataya alnglo the ealer she la to pleaae. Cricket Hick continue! to correa pond with a young lady rt-alding near the town of Thunileratlon. Hid Hock .iya he don't we how Cricket makea any matrimonial headway when he takea hla pen in hand, hecaue he ran't even accidentally apcll a lot of word. Uncle Sam Says Itoxe Culture. The federal bureau of plant Indu try in It -booklet, "Koe for the Home," give a wealth of Information concerning roe. Tha varletlra, mill, fertilizer, planting, grafting, pruning and treatment of Inxect peata out of tin- face, It get no red and I are ilexi rllied nnd llluatrated. am hot uil over and imiHt get to ome T,,H , ,,)n ,,nMon f the ywir to cool air at nin e. I have them every 1 1..,,, , ,,, fo,. the ,)r0pogHtlon of mvelf'U,aT alT Th"v "are'' ve ym, I fl" ' ;?o?.' " ' Z Z t hotdvl.t and be ready when the mUM keep a fun in my hand inoxt of the tltim. ItKl'LY, I Judge you ma paxhlng through the thnr of life. It o, yon would get relief from the ! pf ovarian i xliuet, . proper time rnmn. Itender of The Omaha Hee may ob tain a copy of tin honk let free by ad drexBlng a pnxtal card to the IMvlalon nf f tibllcationi, Htpurtinent of Agrl riil;nre, Waehlngton, D, C, anklmj for "ST. H. 750," G)mmon Sense Wife, Are You a llelp or Jllndraiiref Thero I nothing- rnoro dlMrourag ln to a huehnnd who I doing hi bent than to h-ive a wlfo eomplujnlni: that If ho were the right kind of a man he nilght bo making; o mtieh money aa Mr, Ho and Ho' bueband. Homo men ara money-maker, and tome are not. There- are men who ran conduct a bualneas and there are other who make better employe. The omploye who cannot wapire to a hulnea of their own are unfor tunate, and the family enure In the deprvlng realization, but If a man I unauited to he a enccexxfiil buxl nea manager, which would bring, him a better Income, a nagging wlfu will not help the waiter. Nagging nny put nlin to the had o that he cannot bold even a good poNitlon. If a man feel that ho cannot con duct a bualne, he would better not put hi Raving Into aomethlng he doubt from the "tart. It la far better for a wife to amlxt xuih a man and encourage him In maklnn a lan-d eavlnga a polble from hla wage, rather than advle hint to Invent hla money, hi hurd earned aavlnga, In a bumnesH venture in which he feel he wlllTie uneucce fill before he engiiRe in It, (t'oprrlghr, IU2.) Parents' Problems What coura hould b followed In tha cae of a very clever boy of eight who eaxlly keep tip with hi cliixea, hut, if more InduHtrlotiM, might be !trt? A clever boy can uxually be influenc ed, by mean of a atory. ferluip the bent tory to tell thl boy la that of Tha l'arable of the Talent. He will obtain from thla both the knowledge that he ehnuld do hi beat, and tite incentive to do It. PJ' .Hllltl . I V lll.lllli aV aW Harry Mason The Tailor Goes on Trial Saturday, October 14th at 1518Fam&mSt. aSl"3 Chinese Currency MAI A IHHI M-k'J lkMt i,r ti -i fc ' 4 OH !.. Ik t Y t !. k ml xoMt or It !'. tku, - ( f h.ta-.i 4 0J CAM ill.ll AH m t" p ,.lu M I . 4 ll t.l . t ! t . .i. !. i ftt4ait 4'. t lkti4l utl ... ' iii 1 Step On the Gas Let a iton witch record Demonstration. Learn alio how different can accelerate about deceleration. AMar- from 10 to 40 or 50 inilea per monii at your command lot hour one of the 'i vital a comparative demonstration tet given in a Marmon merely tall or telephone. M ARM ON QlwOoremojt tyine Gar . H. PELTON Ci Cfaiif" I Sleet-0il flARMOM UL'ICK VORDYKK K MARMOV t OMPAW Mervury llll 3. Temperature dropped to 3.', thn loweal of the eu aott, In Oinahii fnleiijy inoriilng bu tttreii t and 7. To Olmeria I'Vaet Cloaliig aeivne for the feaat of Hurcoth and the holy da ya will be held al TrUipIn Ixiiii I to night at I and Hutuiduy morning at l. Fire Nlarla hi AltU Kire of unde teruiiuad origin (lid amall amount nf damage In the attic of the homa of T. H. McCafteiy, J22 Imdga atre, yealerday aftvruooli. ( olored I 'ix or la Meet The Doug Ina County Colored Itepubllcun lengun will "luge a rally frlduy night al Ht. 1'hllllp church guild naitti at Tneniy fliat and I'unl aliei-t. Polllialera lo Meel A ronfrrenra of Ni Iniiaka poatmuetei will be hrld Novemla-r II at the HcoiIihIi Hue ca thedral. In lliibut Work, poxtmaat er geiieinl, I expected to attend. league o Hold Itully ininlii Hi Irict tuther leiigno will hold a tally at KouiiUm Memorhil cliurih Tuea day evening, October 17, at . Ir. W, If. flaucke of Newton, la., will apeak. Nued for Divorce Nnliimn Cahow, former owner of the "HHytacker" 1 'aticing club, wa itird for divorce bv J.iiimu Cahow, who uak etixtmly of their two chlldieii, Norman, Jr., 0 and Kdwln, I, Fall Dead I'aaiiuiile Itova, uncle of John Malerno, who wa hol und killed by John Kllnn, federal booze Informer laat Haturday Ulgbt fell dead In the bath room of hi home ut r, Houth Twen ty flrt tret, dned.ir. Kuneinl -rvicr will be held thl limittlng at u from the home to Ht. Ann church. flan (hlhlren'a Home Thn Hioth rrnmnl of American .eoinen la plan ning to cMlahliah a national communi ty home for dependent children near Omaha if a tract of laud from 1,000 to .noil acre ran bo obtained, IIimhIoo ('hater Isave Thirteen tuembeia of the IIixmIimi Chaer left hint night for Miiraliiilltnwn, U to celebrate toihiy Krlduy, 13th the an nlveraary of another Vridny, llth, hen they were trended In the Iowa town. Hi art uit lutikruptcy ult aaaluat the Waterloo Creamery com pany waa atarted In feleral court yea lerday with Joaeph favllah, John Jlak rii. Ham W. lliuinlli k and the Omaha orrica Kuulpnient rimpny aa petition ing credltora, Pry Will Iti it Bryuu to Speak A(aliit Keetl Kunaaa City, Mo,, Oct. 13 -Wllliam Jeiiiilnga llryan will he Invited to pur. lii-lpiite In the Mlaaourl fall election campaign by making prohibition ad dreaae at Kalian City and HI. I-oula Thl waa decided here at a Joint nioetlng of the executive committee of the Men'a Klghteetith Amendment league and the Women' Eighteenth Amendment leaifu. The two organi zation ara pledged to work for the defeat of United Htalc Henator Juine A, Heed, democratic candidate for re election, who haa declared "for reuaonuble ntodlflcaUona" of the Vol atend act. Congressman Evans Speaks at Bloomficld floomfteld, N'-li-. Oct. It -(.Hpecliit Telegrain -C'oiign aamiiii I '.olx.i t ii. i:vn Mike here to an audience of nlxint forty. Ho confined hla talk to national Ixailea, prexunllng a defi-nae of what Hie republli'aua have done inc Harding wu elei tei nnd atroug' ly aaaalling ib'im-i ulle inlaiimnage-iiii-nt during the eight yeara that Wlleoii held tli" relna of goveriuiieiita. II Inalated that thing are In better a ha i o tow than for aeveral yem paxt and preaentiul a Bluing plea that the republic ne be given the oppor lunty to flnlah the work they have liegun, A, A, lliil.ei', i iindld.ilti for elate enulor; W. ll. 1'unk, cainlldatii for county allorne): and Cheater Norton, cuiiiliiLili for lit;lliiture; alao nnide fhort lalk Mr. II. II. Ilcaley pie lded at the meeting:, Alleged Slayer of Biittlicr With (ileaer Arreeled Here Itobert Overatre-dt, Wichita, Kan., Vila atieateil Wedttexibiy on a chaife of murdering a fellyw worker In a packing hnuxo ut W.i liit.i, 11 atrtick Ih men with a meat cleaver, accord ing to tha Kuumia nut limit le. Tonibelone have lxen alrli ken from the Hat of article claaaed a luiuriea in Oermuny. . ' i The Tire that is Making New Records in Heavy' Duty Hauling Truck operators in all parts of the country are making won derful new records with Good year All -Weather Tread Solid Tires. They arc getting the things that mean maximum fire efficiency in heavy-duty trucking 1 Traction 2 Cushioning 3 -Long, Economical Wear These are exactly the thtagi the Goodyear All- vYcather Tread Solid Tire is designed and built to deliver. This tire has the enormous tractive power of the famous Ail-Weather Tread; in the 36x 1 0 size, for example, 704 inches of its high, thick blocks grip and hold in mud, slush and ice. Also it has the cushioning resilience of that great tread design. It is 60 springier than some so-called cush ion tires, and 12 more resilient than the average. Even experienced truck owners marvel at the stubborn wearing qual ity of Goodyear All -WeatherTread Solid Tire construction. When the original tread finally is worn down, it can be renewed quickly at little cost by an easy regrooving process. Get this new Goodyear All-Weather Tread Solid Tire. It will give you extra miles, greater operating econ omy, longer truck life and more profitable hauling at low cost. For other typet of hauling, Goodyear mahet oth r ipecial typet ofHrei. Sold and terjfictd by your Goodyear Truck l,.t Service Station Dealer Goodyear Means Good Wear FOR SALE BY Rusch Tire Service ATIantic 0629 2205.7 Farnam Street 4A The peppiest gum that ever pleased a palate! Almost too good to bo true! "No fancy wrappct jut foo fum' IMS) Chewing Gum ii..J INI-IVS VtVI ;i a.araUeC. 7 v c