The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 13, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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    T!!i: OMAHA F'.KK: FRIDAY, OCTOHKi: 13. 1!22.
The Morning Bee
NKUOM U. IVVIKl. rwWi.S.f. . Wlfcwr.K, i. Kiir.
Tl SlMritl I' MM Mirk 1M M It I Unto, K - Mlf
MIU4 In IM HXMM'M 4il' rn4Ht4 u, M a
ft HMRIM .,Mil4 M (III M ' t,l.lfr'4
4.1 W nUaiil'M W mi hjrui 4.M4K-IM ' mm
Fril lrnh Kirhr. Ai fur lr rT'S"it -r l.-.u
. r-ra Wnt Km " I .11, AHr It I. M i ,nn
Muo,l JJi.irim.i, Allan" 141 f
Mala nlt.f -lb iA ttrtfm
It fluff . . . . I ''i . s it. II w. Cr. ' h
t4,w Yar-2 rfi. Avnu
i.hino, 4ii ffr tlitt. I'M' 172 (!' wt
Pr., fn- 47 g t. Jlme.r
r r - ,r wn riri n i n -it . t ininwmi diraamm
To listen to democratic oratory and to read the
article in the (Ji'moeratir f;i r, tho present earn
pnign in .V(t-k voul'l m to l' melodrama
with fair NYbrarka an the heroine, ami Henator
Hitchcock lb elfpyointd hero, about to rik hit
jiolitieaf lif (o nave fair NrbrankV honor. On ran
almot hear the clatter of the senator' horse down .
lh loriK load In (In- old time-honored tariff seen,
f.i't ua examine th merit of thia dhow and we
il it 1 ax well put on a usual in the tariff scene, Th
Underwood tariff law, which represent Senator
lliU Jn oi k' Idea on tariff, put practically all farm
product en tiie free trade Int. The only exception
lt'.T)4 a few farm product of Ida South, such as rice,
onion and cotton,
Their waj no t.'rifl on v. heat, rorn, horses, hog,
or on any ether Important product of Nebraska
farmir. Just pricr to th opi-nitnf rf the world
var tha rounlry waa bfjffnninjf to utt the rfnull tf
th I'ndTwood tariff in the form of an arut de
(.rion. C'onditii of the furlit-r part of 1'vH,
jijt prior to the opninjr of thu world w.r, ar rail
known to thoie whonn mi'iioira rarry luk that
'ar. Then tutrn' thi forld war with the opening up
of Im unprtTtfiJentird matket, nd the ififJutiin if
tiio 'urriicy thct airompaii!-!! our own rntry. Th
condition alone aavi-d the rouitry from the acute
ri'aulU of the lua.'ncw depnmton dtarted hy the
I'd'rrwooil tariff.
. ft'ith wur iivtr and democratu: Inflation in effect,
the country aafn became involved In the throe of
lieprt ;ion end dfKpondency, That part of the atory
everyone an recall. The upheaval and protvut
aiTain.rt thoae condition renultcd in the rnont tre-.
mnJout Majority evr iciven atate and ntttionnl in
d:dctp of tny pnrty.
Amonjf the early demand of the Jsebraiika leifi'
lature it remedy the condition of 1 020-21 waa the
L'merrceri'y tariff. This wa e-nentially a farmer'
Ur;i7 for it prctecti'd practically every product' of
Nebraaka farmer. It wa ftlmot unanimously de
man led by the Nebratka lejfialature. Yet, Senator
fiitctuock. voted a((aint II. It waa paed on May
27, 1921 and created an immediate differential be
tween tha prle of wheat, for inatance, a between
Minneapoffi ond Winnipeg, '& ahown by the followipjf
table: i
tnte Minneiiiiolia Wtinilp
Mo, i9:r-v;x..-iar 1107
j un , . ;;; . . .Ta i
Juiy , i.U l
AuHUt l.C 162 i
ti jii.. niUr J i
Octotxr - J.2 1.0
;,'(,ven.t,.r , 1 at l ,
Jlreemb r V 1.31 l.W
January, 1.35 ' l.o
lVtiruiiry ................ .. . .. l.ii 1-f
J.lirh fl.f.A ) 3
pril l.e !
Thu it will be wen that by April, 1922, the price
of wheat at Minncapolia waa back to the price of
$1.61, the aame a the price of May, 1921, whereaa
the price of wheat at Winnipeg; had dropped from
$1.67 in May, 1921, to $1.39 in April, 1922. The
Kmergency tariff naved the Nebraska farmer from
beinsr compelled to meet th Winnipeg- price. The
Minnsapolia price has been approximately 25 cent
a bunhel hitchcr than Winnipeg ever aince the Emer
gency tariff waa paed.
. The effect on importa of wheat into the United
Statea I apparent also. In October, 1920, prior to
the paa(fe of the Emergency tariff, there were im
ported into the United Statea, 10,537,130 bunhela of
wheat; in October, 1921, 1,084,017 buhcli; in No
vember, 1920, 10,430,079 bushel, and in November,
1921, 1,566,498 buhe!; in December, 1920, 12,255,
703 bushcla, and in December, 1921, 2,312,522 bunh
ela. Indeed, the "political melodrama" mut be well
taged by the democrat and by Senator Hitchcock,
to make It aeem real to the Nebraaka farmer thi
ytr. The "hcroV part must be eapecially well
done to convince the farmer that he ean be "rea
cued" from the preaent Improved condition by thoe
who brought on hi diiaiiter.
just like you. h ha adopted another name and j
rngagi-d in buninrM, running a mart women' wear -hop
in partnership with Mine. Marguerite, a French
coutourler. i
"Why can't people forget that I am the daugh
ter of Harold Y. McCormlck?" exclaim Muriel, "I I
Bryan's Opinion of Hitchcock
I a Reactionary.-
other girl. I haled our big noun. It wa pooky
I . I I.L.n an aiiMrtmfllt."
Mi McOormlk U seeking bappinei in having j "Thrc-fourthi of lUf lU'fnoiTMtic fliator Mnd two
Jut what you have, Ma'gret and Vivian.
Ilelng rich Isn't what it' cracked up to be. you
t't. You have all the element for happlnm
The People's
LaMaiul Iraai i ! Ik Mwnir
H. Hi.Ini at Tk M.rnl.i H
r iitiiri i at tki Ium r
Im )., mM auklk
In the Common-' of April, J'J'JO, Wrynn had the follow-
am lonely and I want to mak my own friend like r)y; to ay of the third term democratic nominee for the
s. en ate;
lniiirerlly of a taiidldatr,
Omriliii To I hp Killtul of 'I'lii
third of lh democratic cotiifrewnien voted for nubmimtion Mmmii-i it,-,. h..i.i iii.i uk-i ')
, III, III till i.illli.l U.l HIIkH Of I III' lll'lHlll
( of national prohibition, when .Senator Hitchcock voted no mh iniuii.t 'iiniiti." At
)'''' ' ' . the li of IH Hl'l.'rli' III iMilTlithi-sIs
a you are.
A dry spell Invariably produce on crop -it
bring forth rainmaker, worker of m';ir. and hok
upoku, who mumble mystical formula nnd per-
rM b...l Uy.hl.ln,.. Tlin it Lln.ltw htihlM
ever doe send a howr, the medicine man take i Part' lur" "a('k 7
credit for it. If it be hail that whim instead, the
rainmaker a mply move on to the nrt promising
Held. No rig or race ha been entirely devoid of
there "wonderworker. " Nebraska ha had their
full attention at one time or another.
' Folk who were here during th-,' rrediilou day
when William Jennings Krynn wa In congre will
recollect Kalnmaker Wright, How he used to bom
bard the heaven through a t6vepip stuck through
a hole cut in the side of a box car is one of the
bright particular remembrtncea of a time that really
wa tragic for tho state. Wright' whole scheme
wa.-i a good on", and would have brought great bene
fit to' alt, if it i nly had made the rain fall v.hen he
Another "rainmaker" is going up and down the
slate now, making promise t alluring fcnd setting
for a mythical fiart a tempt n a a,iy Wright
ever prepared. Hrother Charley may believe be can
achieve the mr.rvelit he promises, but he n urely
u min.cle man is ever he could ili.liver the good he
U trying to ceil. Kalnmsk'-r Wright never told any
body h'rv he did it, nor ha Hrother ('barley yet
told anybody how he Is going to do it. Hi promise
to reduce taxe 20 per cent, when only 19 per cent
of the um collected goe to the stale, I on par
with the predUtlon of the lonjurer who emitted
g tfirough a stovepipe end expected to fol
low only Brother Charley doesn't use a stovepipe.
utraiiiKt it, and every democratic alate ratified the amend
nient. Will tho party turn back ? A Majority of the demo
cratic enator and conKTcMmeii voted for Hubmiltinjf the
suffrage amendment, when Senator Hitchcock voted ujrainMt
it, and thirty-five utaten have ratified. Will the democratic
"From State and Nation"
EJitoriaU from other nc&tpaijcrt
j 'Hie lime fur I'opulurlly,
Crow (ho il(.l'i,l IN )!
I Wiiiiy . ymiiia: i,l fel bint and
i tioulilml i niii. yiii'liow ttiv riKve
mh , ehi In liei'OMiina, "popi'liir!" Tli'K
lllV Ml I' Oil. tlin tfHI.ll i.lil, Mli
wk Ui win IlK'lr f,vor. If I hoy nr' at e'lt,H,, tliry will fi"ll'l loll;
h'.w I'kiIIhk in Die iiHium of oilier
Kloilent, lioplnu to ki "In tliewoi,"
Vet iiiihow tliey fill liny urn mil
l'li lbs ,1c 1 iiiil", ini'l ili can t
V bow lo In,
TU pi, km of soi'lefe ar hIw)i1is
tr!liil iiiifulily, Tti who inoM
n-H fii'iclly r'liilliiin lo miooth off
IMlr ioiikM nirinr unit uy Hhiii
itiiHiImiw iin- III" oin-n who u I I lie
l't of flii si'li' lit lit: Anil oili-r
arc ovi-rwlu ImmI Willi InvllNllona,
n. lire offi-rml , tunny jiI,iiii-i-
tlm! lhjK I('iim liorcl uii'l Ji,iI
wlih llicin,
Voting iil wlio are illwii
I inor will, A iiinilir iki' tin a fen
ilwn y to ln. a dimity inai l Iter,
wliil i a rumor, well (Winwl mid loM
liv I lie rlMlit purly will noiimli a f.iii.
Il KHlilM III IlllO II lllllllllo lit (lIlHIIIt
Ituil lonliln l ( lialiU'l iii with u
iW I'UWllP powi'r llfc'M blllll,
Wry fw oiJ ii-(-ni a riimor
for lli iiiiHiHH of xluiiliiK or nun-pli-llou
KiiHhliig ileroyiiiitry In ln
i liiruler of m prKoii, Tln-y aliirt.
or n-iK-iil ii rumor l,'" inia Ihiit is on
of fti f.illlHKn ,,f iiiMiilra if lli-.
Imiiomii iinlly. if n li iv or a alii
tool r-,-ii lironirbl up . pay nolftiliKl
oimiii nii ii'is or ihiir iicImIiIiiiini
uii'l llii'ii sfmk r"llaloimly li, ilmi,
iini iifli-r IIk v liiid arowii ii,, tlnie
w;iil't !, hiimliwlH of uiiiIim 1) v
t'i'ihcr, mil living linpnily who tn
now clihe living ii.inl or nun ,if
lln'fl line Imn Imri'i),
'J'lm I'loncer uiiulil even o so
us lo hiiii.i llml Ik, Hi-v colli ,.(,0).
''Every dog ha hi day," run the old saw, and
now th mayor of Chicago propone to mak good
on the adage by setting apart a day for the mon
grel, homeles dog. Pedigreed pup, whoae lineage
1 traceable to any extent, have been celebrated in
aong and atory, and have had th attention of the
world for many generation, while the million of
"cur of low degree" gone unhonored and unung.
However, any boy ran tell of the virtue of the
Vr'n'ry" pup.
If a dog become olely a hostelry for f1, It
i because hi vagrancy ha driven him to an
trcmlty he never would k, If he disturb refuse'
wrptacle or Indulge In th unseemly practice
alleged by ' Kint Mm, It U because h i
forced ty hunger la get hi food where he can find
it, (iiv th dog half a show and ha will behave
lik a gentleman, Little difficulty I found in train
ing hlro In cleanly habit, and b certainly prefer
clean water nd good fmd to the other ort- And
how readily h respond tit kind treatment I a
matter of common knowledg. Certain refinement
f civilisation have wughl to cM th dog front
human association, but happily these hat nt suc
ceeded. A dy fur th ordinary dg may b nece
ary In Chicago, but wher real. hn la goodness
. abound, uth nbsenanca come 3S time a
A little uick work is needed If Omaha Ameri
can Legion be.nd is to go ty New Orleans, A fund
of 2,500 i needed to pay the expense of the ex
pedition, and the only way to raioe it is by popular
Why send the band to New Orleans?
Principally because it I one cf the beat band
organization in the1 country. Last year, at Kansas
Cily, when Duluth won first place, the Omaha or
ganization was set bacis to third solely because it
had no uniform. Otherwise, it wa an easy winner
of lint honor.
'During the year the boy have managed to raise
fund to provide their own uniform. They also
have paid their conductor, Mr. Henry Cox, a mu
sician of uncommon ability and a director of ex
cellent quality. But they lack the fund to pay
expenses incident to the journey to the national
gathering of the Legion,
Omiiha owe something to these young men.
Not alone because of their war service, but because
of their effort in peace time. The band
municipal asset, and should be encouraged. Organ
ization of this kind mean a great deal in any city,
and if thia splendid group of musician i to be kept
together, m that it service will be available to
the community, it should have sufficient assistance
to convince the boy th--t their services are ap
preciated. The sum of money they a.k is not very much,
and ought to be forthcoming without great per
suasion. The cauue itself is rufliuient argument
and require no special pleading. Omaha ha a
chance now to do something vort!) while for the
Legion band, and should make good.
(.oliilH In lh, wy nhonld ri-n' i nnuilliieiil, I' you run I Ihlnll of
Owl filentlili do ii, eoui usl liy I '""'tNlo)f uii'xl lo sy about your
'klfi tut Itolii. Kti.4. .in rl, III lllllrt '4''o,lliilllliiliie, km-P your l.looiiilo'
Jiml by liiils l,lua In encli oile r's 1 hl"- would l,n h coiiiiiiiiiii).
society in tlie bo ,4 nutVum wirn I which ou. oon In. up aiiionit
tli-S. friendship v,ma from Joining "", ''mills. If we WoiiM Ji ,,,.
In om a'iivlfy lK"tln-r and' finding """ ''" "", 1i' t Mm
loiiKmi il y ,4 rlmrm Irr, ,f'"ir ,4 fiilurn iunllirni-nl, Imt ,,
raww wo loveii our neitfWior im nut-
'I'hinm who fc-l loni ly would lii-tlcr
Ibrow tliemsi'lvea Into wiiiw form of
mi tlvlfy for tlie lM'ii-llt of Umir eo.
school, cliiiri-h, ni hint in (wim or
oilnr iiiuhM'mIUm. it Ihey an will
Ifig lo lirturt ihefiiv'N and work
for som iiiliiliinti t-nn, they will
find prrM'fftott, They will gr;id
islly iwifi l Im regiirded lis lenders
uid popl will de(iij tm thm and
look iii lo l hem,
H'ni" young ieo,)e Iwv a wrtiilii
.Mr, liryaii In the Campaign,
Kn.ii, Iha WwililiiKlnii Slr,
rroblMllon In how promlneiit In
thu Ohio cunii,igii. In u iel:il lo
the Xundiiy Hiar from (folumliu this
"Thi' new Ikii Iios cud moiiio
uiiciinjiii us In I he en run of I Im nYi,i.
eriilii lent It he the chunk of u cull lo
frieile fuNeliuilloii of imirineraor lo-.k , tVlllinrri ,. l'.t yun to corn Into the
suite, 'J it coiiNlderuldn eleineol of
Oh, it's trnbl ta h tr. Hw Imppy I
aid h If I I b4 plenty ef ..)!"
Hvn't ) cften '(h( lik (Hat, Mrstt,
i yen MM our lypertur. 4 Vli a m
il4 etmi in tha t(i?
Litua, Mrgtt, 4 . '. Vivian, J all
.r ftrl frtd
M Muriel hLiCemttk f Cht( U hir I
hul IJI.eoO.eo ff her fthr, IIrol4 r. M.
CamUk. a4 (a nl!4 miHioM fia t 4-
father. JKi I, Rkftll.r.
Important a the state campaign in Nebraska !,
it should not be allowed to overshadow the canvas
in Dougla county; nor, for that matter, in any
county. As the local campaign prospers, so will
the general campaign fare.
Conceding these political truism, the local con
test take on its true proportion. When Mr. Ran
dall is in the governor' office, he should have a
legislature that will assist in carrying out the plan
he has for bettering the government of Nebraska.
Therefore, it I highly desirable that Douglas county
repeat ita action of two years ago, and send a solid
republican delegation to the legislature. This dele
gation will be of greater service than ever in the
shaping cf Hate legislation, for Omaha home affair
or now in the hand of Omaha citizen.
A sheriff, a treasurer for the county, city, school
board and utility district; a county clerk, county
engineer, county attorney, and three members of
th Board of County Commissioner are to be
elected on the partisan ballot. For these office
the republican hav presented a candidate men
of approved experience. For sheriff, clerk and en
gineer, the incumbent are seeking re-election.
For the office of treasurer the candidal I Wil
liam (i. I're, who retired because of the statutory
provision that forbid a treasurer to succeed him
self for a third term. Hi service to the public wa
of th tort that give the best of reason for hi re
elect !.
i For th Dfflc of counly attorney, Henry !,
an Omaha boy who ha worked himself up from the
ranks, i the republican candidate, II U at prent
an assistant county attorney, and, by hi handling
of important matters, ha proven hi efficiency and
legal ability.
These mn arc actively engaged in their cam
paign, quietly but effsetivsly winning th voter to
the support of men whoae presence in ofhVe means
g.Md government far Dougla county, Th legi- '
latlv candidates, to I voted on thi year for the
first time by dis'rn.U, ar all good men, many ef
there with tpriitlir In th liitttur, and ath a
capable and trutorlhy man,
Never in th history of th county hs th t
publuaa party i-ut up a ticket generally and en
tirely worthy of auppvrl a that presented thi )r,
A uh It I rommndl te th otn,
Ameii, 1 11 rub ai buinlei, a ih ,Vtw
Yorker asserts, si l sail fr I n !n4 In hop f
finding an lmpr4 mrtUl atmifh!, H my
) dlr that rothmg sharpen th will lik th
struggle U heth Intel,
t.nUliUihmiM f latter hi(hi in MiH
hs eteJ a lawsa f- r m)l fsraii near IK
lrr titit tir I market in I
ruiind a la etiskU (inii i k a hur U"
that win friendship too ewslly for
ones grnyj. The prlxe of society
come lo nucIi wllh bnie effort, Tiny
g'llll fiilie Ideu of their own power
ami lire liliely lo meet vllh dlnap.
iHiinimeniN in aner ifi. 'ih tt
friendaliln lire llion Hint erow out
of eomwdcNhlp in working fr Norn
i-iitiivum cause, and tlioe who turitH
IheniNelveN iind servo other usuuliy
rwiK ri lends,
Nmall Town Kuinois.
rnrni lli llw.ii Viiunly, (I,J f'lannr,
''her are few words In the Arnerl
cuii liiiiijujie whleh are rnor' hru
tally mlNimed than th word "ru
mor," A rumor tin leii the caumf
of le,uh, NirleldeN, robberies, eon
eluded rlendNhliiN, and everything
els In th category of, the average
plain speaking person. ,
It Ir.ii't lh rumor ltef that cause
the trouble that is, Jt Isn't the
rumor directlybut a, rumor soon
tiM-oiiiM gossip, and If ther In any
thing In th world that In more deadly
than goNIe-well, It Jiunii'I bo ills
rxvereil yet,
M'n one cornea to you and ray:
"Have you beard the rumor about
Johu i'umjiiiifidleKoii ami Jeremiah
Open work?" and you saywhat do
you say? Well, let iin supfioiw that
) In th writer of the article who In
belug forced to Paten to it rumor.
Wa tll It to n ni,r friend and Hit
perNon who told It to UN did not unc
jthn exact language thut we line, arid
that bloomln' rumor him already
'reached such lrouortloiiN that John
PurniihandlcNou In a gone gooN and
nil the prleNtN and preacher In thu
universe couldn't wive Jeremiah
Openwork, ,Hut the friend we con
(hie the rumor to huN another and
different ,nort of gal, than we had,
and when he tells the rumor "good-night-fchlrt"
thoN jioor noiiI are im
badly loNt though they never had
been found, '
A rumor seldom get started In
lioone or At least, not very strong.
Of course "It bus been rumored that"
ten or u dozen married men hav
been galllviintln' around with the
same number of married women
WillMhey haven't exactly been seen
running nround together, but some
one saw them talking together ono
time and If they weren't planning a
elnndeNtlne meeliug, what the Kam
I'litch were they so Interfiled In one
another for?
And women don't Ntart all the ru
mor. Not by liny means. They
may be a better publicity hoard after
the rumor get Ntnrted, but that be
cause they are belter and beat the
men to It on the spreading of the
rumor, not liei'itusn the men aren't
ambitious competitors, but beeiiu
tho Indies know (heir line lalr.
Vim know there are Nome towns
and siiiiin of them nrw uImiui the
same sis n limine. wher a rmin
iiiai l illinium i,i vny much unless
them u rumor out nbout hlui. If a
rumor get out hIhiiu a or a
preacher, lher is a possibility nf
ruining their charmter, but Just it
eniumun limn llinves on a rumor. If
h didn't there's a pit of liuus-rnt
uen ythii wiuild be ruined hsyoud re
ulr. Nut evm flrat miiiigsg run com
pel mill M minor w lo-u n eume to
rapid gnmth. A iimitgugH reai In
lis nisiurlly nt th opiun i,f Oi lu
MiiiU'iitiliK Birtles, wliil h ,n,li.
S. !. II lli.ll H I llltli.r lillllilliH
n moriiiiin Is Ih ,iii ih-i his iikii
slly liuirs tlnli (H i 1-nrtlr Inci.hed
In Ills tiaiisMi I ji.ii
A flisl liMiUkiue Will iiuJ it,i,
.lili I urn-, .ln .H-ittlv, iiiuiitlly. or
niuiii. Uly, If iiuukly 4 111
the niirty here he In objectionable
and In spite of thi f-:t that Mr,
liryan bus tendered biN Ni-rvlees to
the democrats for the campaign It
was generally underNtood that no call
for hiN services In this state would be
mode, jtut It I quite certain that
the Antl Haloon bagu will extend an
Invitation to him to come In and
Npeak ligalnet the pending amend
ment," Not long Nlnce the democrats of
fndiari'i were reported an uneasy
iiliout Mr, Hryan, On perwinal
grouudN and on jiolitlcal Innui-n In gen
eral lie wag acfc-eptable to them, Imt
they feared to have hlin come Into
the state thl year. Might not his
present:. 011 the stump Irrltale the
H la difficult If not 'impossible to
conceive of Mr. Jiiyan as welcome In
New Jersey during the present cam
paign. The democracy of tlmt slate,
with Oovernor J'Jdwards Its candidate
for the senate, t an wet iin the Atlan
tic oeian, JIow could Mr. Jiryan
drum for voteN for him?
The New York democratN have Just
declared In a guarded but unmistak
able way In favor of the wet eaue.
A nuarler century ago Mr. Hryan de-
m-riU-t that state free silver was the
lesutt -us "the enemy' country." Ho as he In concerned, doeN It ttvt
ber that deslgnaflon on the lusue of
prohibition? Jn Tammany I'kely to
yearn for his voice on the eturnp In
Candidate Hnilth'N behalf?
Mr, Jlryau's gtumplng Itinerary
Will li;iv lo be arranged with great
care. Htecrlng him Into states where
he In wanted and around stall where
he In not wanted Is a nice tusk, culling
for watehfulncNN and diplomacy.
appeared "I'lgar llowind III the to
IlllnlillS Teleglalll."' iifnriil In the u 1 1 1 1 1 1 I -1 r. -I
mil a on of parAslte. He spnk
of Hist bouse puiasiles- cihIi' bill
purasll) iiml told funny slmles, but
Ills wrtii ln purlli nliirly Htirsncd code
hill pariislles. Ill Nil unguarded uin
lii'. HI eigne limde Hie mlHlake of
using ligiins In his alieiiipt to iniiy
his point, a mliilake that Hie demo,
i'i 11 Is Im ve ' slMdliiUsly avoided.
Iwlgiir slated In part that a report
from the slate li'uw showed expeuill.
lure by the code ,i sirusitcN cover
ing u sen 11 Inoiilhs' penod lo have
beeii in, 11I1. In princely style, lie slated
Hint I fi:iOH" wiiH spent during this
perind bv Hie said piiiaslle fur mil
road fare. What me Hie fuels? r'lg
111 i s me Imrdensiiiiie ami I will only
mention a few. The $ii;i,iiihi was spent
in the fiilluwlng manner;
t'ulveislty , 12b, 1)2
I'oiislllutloiuil oltli'i-r and
dlxirlcl cuiirl Jii,M;9
I'hiirlliilile and peunl institu
tions M"I2
Noironl schools 2.412
Ml". 1 II, menus ,', &1
rode 1 1 j .1 1 1 11 1' 11 1 2l,lil2
The code diiiirtmenls bad' imihln
lo dn with thu cxpfiidilurcN of any
of the above fuii'lN, with' the 1 cc.
turns if the last Item. IvIk.iI' might
lie liilcri'sled in knowing that of llm
Hist, Hem aboi.l l(i, mill una spent for
the lllinslioli.llloil nf lllllvelnily funl-
jball players -horrible! but Kdgar,
Hun ria.o'ia was paid fnun gat re
ceipts I,, ken in fur inlmirslon to th"
fooiball game 1, ltd mil miff'Tcl by the
ta spay ere,
I'm IMgnr In iv reasiin thai Hie
t2l,ana more moijfy, than should
l imlil for cue fare of th code bill
parasite. The li'l.nud spread over
seven months, all'. is 1,'ion per month
rare fnre fur l Iwnk esamliiers, t
llisuriince 1 n.imluei s, (Ire marshals,
2' food, iiag and oil inspector I2fi
n-iriis ciiouuh, but I linen ,-s than
were used by Neville), and S 'weight
and Measure men, 1 wimiU-r If Kdgar
kliows that, leaving out the lost of
the program In Ncbraskit, that llie
ttbn eiiumi rated examiner or
pataeites, as Ivlgur 1 limine to call
them, I'ollei t jees for Inspections and
examluatloiis sulilclcnl In pay nil the
dn l,i 1 lis, all Ihv mileage und all of
the eg pi uses nf all lh code 'depart
meiilH and still have u balance of 11
ijuarler million per annum left to be
put back' and be used In olher
bronchi' of the govi ruiuenl, lioli
It up, Ki'gar. We have n budget sys
tem and crilra) accounting system
ill this, slate now that ma he If pos
sible for the (list time tn thu history
of Nebraska, lo ascertain Just where
your lax dollar In (Upended.
Next J'Mgar say tiia.ooil for lnc
den!e!siiiul wonder !f tin was
spent by the coils bill parasites for
cigar or "for silk stockings for lady
cousins of the parnsilen," No Such
Item is shown In any report. The re
jiort shows $i,0oo for printing and
advertising, which Include work of
thru class for all departments of gov
crime nt, university and normal
schools Included,
Our friend Kdenr will t,e yoti.lhnt
he baUs'frcm an old 'junker' family.
I'm beginning to fundi that,'.'
Moral;, JOT riit again line ffguics
when writing JU-t kin.
jai;h a. uouman.
I'. fi, lly the way, did you know
that When the code bill was before
the leglNlatur'," Kdisar came down to
Lincoln In a public meeting und spoke
In II behalf?
Can't Vole for Itrjan.
Oinabli, To thu KdHor of The
triiiaha JJee; Heiialor HltchciM'k iiiadn
the greati si mlstabe of his life by
hltctilng up Willi tin rtryans for re
election this fall. Why, if J '.rot her
1 ha rl i-y dliln t get the nomination at
the piimaricN he and his great brother
would travel up and down the state
now to defeat the wholu democratic
ticket Juxt like they illd Nome years
ago, Ihi; time Mayor Oahlman was
running for governor Just because
this great W. J. couldn't dictate the
whole, democrat:!! state platform that
yea r.
Why, the Ilryans are no democrat
Get Out Your Radio Sets
Thursday, Oct. 12
9 O'clock P. M.
"How to Buy an Automobile1'
An Address
"Your Car and Your Dealer1',
Station WNAL
Guy L. Smith.
fr srrmiBf r, .1
Htily .'7;',(i;):J
tu inlay 7tt.'.'oj
R. RRF Wf.R, (... M
tl Mt H a, II (MM), I ir, Mt.
M ..W.,.W kl
l It. )., !
W. M P lIV
) rN-
fk H -' tumliiki
$tim ! fS ll-tM I
ItWlM, Mil llll .
"hi .1 KM tli t.l ,.,
4S4f (t tl.,4 M ll
lb 1, S.4if. I',
S l lt , 4tl,, s l.
lit II t lkl
. i4,
Cs ,
Immediate Delivery
Semi -Anthracite
An Meal fuel for ny funiacr,
Prion u your order lody.
' vu , eyb (Avon-,
lh FELLOW who vttn n PioW UP AWOHZ. HATtMf
mint to (times
T weit Point w
Mi If TlLI.
iinm f
I J.lim ere
AfOW Li A 0fll l W4TVi
or auyililiig i Iwe, oniv cmap
poliliciari for their own gain. Will
lliln Hrolhcr I'harlev etplaln to the
people how h will reduce Hie tuxci'f
Thm Hliite Ih growing bigger eveiy
year and It Hikes more money lo run
II, Jem like any other hueinc or
farm: the bigger It grow the morn
espinslve lo run It, No, Mr. Illich
colli, Hichc Jlrofhcr IdyaiiN me pray
lug in thilr heiirlN for your ilifi-at,
no It lirolher 'hurley Ih NiiccesNful
lliln fiill he will have a. char Held lo
run for your place sum six years
hence. How any honest democrat ran
mie for any Jiryan for n big oltlce in
hi ,i l it or nation on that ticket In pant
my understanding, and how the l'lor
idl cllliii can coin" and look the
NcbraKkft democrat In their face ti
IHiNt my iiiiili'iMl.ilMlliig. It Just nIiowh
that they will ilo anything lo get Into
ofllee imt for the good of the people,
but fifr their own sclllsh ambition,
H. M.
fl lu ulil '.- H good Idea lo oblnln an
Inliliiclloii lo keep llm engine fioirt
filling iipml - I St I I e lliin.
Many a fullier Ihiiilm be sings I lift
baby to deep, wlu-ii he only sing It
iiiicoiiNi Pius . Jin keonvlllii .loiitiuil.
IIii.'Ii of iin has a family tree, but
Home tree me more Khady I ban olli
er, ( 'iiutoii Jtcpoelloi y.
"Are you run down?" imk nn ml
veiilNi r, Not yet,, though wn ham
proHpectN wheiiecir We cion Ilia
street. lliiHlon Traveler,
Tf IK M'H H Of I .IKK.
A lirl. Ulnvr ut llrlnlal. hit 7 rsrs nf I
., tin Jiil r-Mril filial Im irrt mel ,
mm luil i, , r ;. l ii1ii Surnlr, Mil I
railn-r lut In l,f la lrl woik, I'hi j
Viiken Vkiiiii "ye, n. In Annir- !
rli iiiir lioiKla hv liliir tu ifry u
ilia util an Hi oar liilruinin " i
Nmiilr ' lint yiiu'll Im nci th mil- ;
lrlilnri nun, wl' prulnliixtlaii," Th
l'ulnir Mhiiw (I.iiimIoii).
U tunco srrmsio w
All Wrk OmraiitM
1513 Dul DO MS
A home without
music is like life
without laughter"
We will take cure of ycur wanl
' in music. Our floor nre filled
with the best musical instrument.
obtainublc. (Jnind, Fiano, riay
crs, Victrolas, Conn Dand In-
. atrumcntu, ate all here for your
THE KM ABE , . '
1 - ' The piuno that the world' load
iua musicinn not only choose but
demand I one of our leaders, All
style and sizes on display. Lib
eral terms if desired.
15th and Hsrney
DOufUt 1973
, ir,"YT-.;
izria waste
' I " " , I
111 1 1 FA itinl Ntl.i.W
lelim hue VCU, C JtKpK'tO
l.'iiUnl rxil!oti. 'IIkv iu.,k
l "I"-!"; I'li.Kiile linl a'e
i.mIi? t'ipiiij'K ll if it! iip
, Me I. .ll-, In e'l.c in I 'i IV
i i hi il t ll'f t'ltli'i lo . 1 1 ' i, f i- tlit)
c : ai t. ( if 1 1., y .(. r
(in !i.r ! nVnUl.l I
I I t, i c t ' e i i i 1,.
ml in th
t ' t 1 1.,
i ' u ' i
Nicholas Oil ConH)nition
aha karri T I ( Nu trjief ( j I'a4