The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 13, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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i :
f i
t '
Curtailment of
Hed Cross Peace
Program Opposed
Mr. AtigiM Itrliuont Mlr
Stirring Pica for )ma
Smite Work- I'mliing
I'raiiea Orf-infoa-liou.
Wtnliii.gton, D., 12. A nilning
pirn fur home eervlie woik and
fc.( ili(.t any curtailment of the r'"
l!me program nt th ltd
('run waa luadu lat niKht by Mra.
Auit Jitlmont of S'W York, hii In
fluent nil woiker in the oix.inl:jiflou
nd a member of It central commit
(', ill an addreae before III" miuUul
convention. The aoaaion, whl h waa
(lit kit formal mix of thu m tiiiKM
li' rr, i pit-eidnl over by Cliief Jue
the Tft.
Mr. Hclmim!' etaleiiM nta on pro
gram polliy tint Willi ppl.iuae anil
rro Inlerpictrd a oppoaln li poal
tlri in Ih-il r i 1 biken Tueeady by
Mum il 1. 1 1 I'.ourilman, aecft-tary and
i l'i H central romiiilllee membtir, In
H'l aildrta hi (era the convention, 'Jin
Irtli-r declared Ilia lied ('roe
tn'Khl be nlWi'kcil ty iliiji.lul.l! ti g i-ii-1
1 -a If Hi liiiui relief aervluea now be
In? curried mi. inpi-i Lilly In publlo
ii'-ultli Weill, were not dropped in
f.ivor of preparation for rat eim-r-K'
liuira or riitimtrophlf. Mine ikifinl
limn hinted that Ilia Kill i'n,a might
i vi ii loae Ita lieadjuarteie property
In I t, Which la uwnrd by Ilia govern
mefil, If It il'il not nlnne more i limily
to Hi in 'A uU i, i f lt chuitcr;
that It we for rrllif work "In t me
of war. f-iiiiini-, rata (tioph. or in
tmniil or internal miml I'tii' tg' in y."
Mia. II liiiont il'iiartd li in- airvic
on if (ha ii in l ml i KIM and
l'C v I -ivc of th H"t 'roe.
I'll if Jiifil .ice Tuft, lo oiiffiiim lo
ll a hi ; on, declared tint U'( Hil
ly In tlia lied I 'roe now waa in
"Mtfr'nr It." Tln.a w-ia ilni;iT,' ho
hi 'it, of .rMil UK ton c;i) Jla pffoit
oml of "ifti i 'i inlo f ildn Mihftr, It ljt-
not Iteloiitf."
l'e-ir ral Juror DmMe
Jii fay tu I ,h.i I (iiiiirity
Uuiiiia a fi'ilrriil juror would not
Hccciit I.ii V from I'n'la Main tlia
(iinoli.i I '.lu H.hIi-ih' tiaaouliitlon I to
day rli her ly u t ha k for I HI. 20.
li. ti (laili-n of iltr(on, Nili,
Weulthy atoik ilruler, aniiinnii'-d for
1 illt Jury nui'Vlr Wuiiii'iailuy, waa tx
I'ljavd ty Ki'dconl Jild(i Woodroukh
yralurrlov. liu h Mitillvd to mUrage
anil two du) 'pn.
"1 Hun t iuka Ilia ttioiifcy,'' lia told
Miaa I'Morenia Mooiu, litputy i-lerk
of tho court,
"Then Klva H for ' a good raimc,"
ahn aiiKKiMt'-J.
()Kd-n did th aiime HiIhk five e:ir
itgo. That tlmo lio guve Ida rhick
t tha VlHltlria; iNurm-x' iiHMoclntlon.
Miiiig Ta!le Ktwk Hoy
Siuilit ly Parr nl
.Tulila Rwk, Nell., Oct, 12. I'aul
JI'iP ; , 12, aim of air. and ilia.
('Jim !' K. .Horrla, (1!ninitiii-t'd Mon
day mid no lriu-t- of liim him
l)ct ti found a ikh, liu ia thout;ht to
have It ft town with a, trump ptddKf
of viol ria. 'J'li a peddler mid the hoy
wito i'rn tiniitln r Munduy evi.-nlna;.
S Nv J.
- t... -
foot your
Note tl)co
JFol'on Trumpet uid ruc
f"r $82.50
Kincr .Silver t'onict ami cujih
lr ,..t---812.50
Kiiof .Silver Cornet and raw
for S37.r0
Mandolin. Jvoty trim. g 10.00
York Silver Cornet. S2.T..00
Millunl Cornet ami ciue
fr 120.00
Walt Silver Trumuutia and
fur j -9-10.00
II You Live Oui d. of
Aattraaa ,
I am litiareaitd la kuytaa a.,
art a.talltd Inlarma'iea ta ariua,
l446-13 Dod4e
(ffj t,"
Sdimoller&jllucllcr Piano Q
W aT
At IMS Fanum St.
Watch This Papor for
Maj. Crosby New Head
of Reserve Officers
fx ' ',
Major I "i M, ruady.
Ma). iu M. fioahy waa tlaitad
pitaldi-tit of tha 1'.. (arva Of
flivra oaaotlatlon at !' oi-nln Ian'
'iil of Ilia fiai til ir at ilolel r'lulaj-
r ilia Wdn:aily niaht, Othr offliaia
i-li-cl'd at-- i'aiit. 11, li. ourai, vPa
piimld'ol; J.lint. Waltar It. Johnaon,
atrivlnry; MhJ. V . t , llnaiki, tr-o-urr,
ami t'apl. fi.ilpli T. Wratiand,' of tha ax'-tuliva commit tac,
MnJ Ixiiiir K, Knglar, rtirlnir proa
ilnt and rpn "innliva of Ilia ImuI
ann M liill'itl nt lh national roovan
Hon of lf-rvi ofiP rra at Waahlnifiiin,
1. ('., ouMltiid m' policiaa aid
niih'Mla cd at tha national
uilhfilnil. !. til.iiat ik.Ii en
ilt rot pa urea roiivantion In-ld In
Oinatwi. Maj f. T. Kurt of lb tJUl
dlviatiu ri.-vl'W the uiconipllahint'nta
of (h ri-nrrvir of firm tralnlnv ramp
In Id (it 1X 4 M'-lio-a July li to 11.
Church Revelation
Referred to Council
I nil- pundi-iii.a, Mo., OH, U. (Hp
rial 'VI-iri'iim-Tha gmneral confer
liu of tli (,'hurcb of
J. iiiia I'hrlat ill letter Hay Valuta to
ilfiy rrf-rrrl the iiiui hdlaciiamxl pur
li' iinl I avai l I Ion preaantad lo tha Km-ii-rinia
hy iTi-aldent a'radt-rlik M.
hinlili on la (li at tiny of liwaliia lo
a Joint rounill ronipoaud of fliat pita
pytuiy quorun ut 2, ant tlia quorum
ol 7l.
The i'.jif(-rf nca tuty la becoming
very reaiiva under the atiuln o( con
tliimd dvhtite, wiilt all coiutruntlve
li'KWIttlion iielnv hell tn nboynnre. Th
diprtiiifeuta huve cotitlunueii their
proyrain ua muppeJ out for the con
fnuiHa fortnltfht, dully lecture and
ntudy bl.'ieava lielng belli lo the fore
nooni. i'realdent Frederick &f. Smith bai
not appciiiL-d In the conference buai
m aa avrulona aince Octoher t, tha day
nn-ceedlna; hla preaentntion of tha
lov'elatloii. ilia policy of perniltllng
the ronfvrrni to decide without pn-J
u.ll':e or inriueucva which Kilatht be
biouKlit to hvar by him, are ilveim-d
by many t'i hi a, inaalcr alroke. He
liiH advanced not on word In rcfutH
Hon of tho inn n y hmted iitinrku which
Isuve b'cu niiiiPi upon him and hla ad-niitiltilritUoti.
I In
l vorr i
own horn! A Saxophone
is faHy to play .unci our J. W. York
Si Sons inHtrumcnta are the kind the
. iH'olcssioaalu use at the local
utd bartalnt in email musical
Come in loon for four election.
U. ,S. A. Btaes Tromhone
for 852.50
Mnriiit C Mel. Sax. and rune
for S75.00
York Tenor Saxophone and
rues for 9110.00
Snare Drum, pirtal ahell,
for 918.00
Xylophone. New Liberty,
for 925.00
(Vll, German imported,
for 875.00
Clarinet. Bb L. I .. .815.00
OrrnJia, Fill In Thla Coupoa
tarma, ate.
St - OtA
I'll Be There
The Trial
Mnrrv M'tenn
Tho Tailor
Oct. 1 4
i M
S. 0. S. Sounded
lo Send Legion
Band toMeelinjj
ioln (!ity ',. of FiiidtiiT
i)nr ut 'Hire f ldf'
JtOlllJa) Nfliretok
II Mlliitlrii.
Will ,S'loaba i linn l i of the
Amarl. an lalon iliaiih lo iii'iilr
fiirnlalird by fium a aialcr aiaia
at the American l(tn ronvnti"ii
at Stw firleaiit?
roinmaiiilar Pit" Iti-tnolda fa
wiiii thla (lueetion VV'edio-aiiay mahtaa
Buy One of These Dresses
and Save the Difference
.Hi .'' ; 1:11' M
A'o CndU
Vo Kxthangtt
; if
Hie i'H.'a it ih Ix-im'M 1'HH'ti
li.rlc. To tiimKjil the
lai.-l to t iniiveiiiioii Hl, l.n
la ic'iuiiod
Ii,n, a-.:torliiiK lu h'aiou ineniUra
III lu-ml Hir.-e han lit, The tHoua
City i'li.iioUr of t'oiniiMne fmaiit4
lh (up for line l...nd of ,i pinaa.
Tli iiinalot ( and w n third pn-
luat ),ir In ininivllla'ii Willi 41
iojaial i,rai(lil7.iloiia at kauaii I lly.
II wee bandli pp.i In Hie euiileat by
liuk of umfoiiiia. nod oat IV pollila,
Imrlna lh laat )iar, Ih pluv.-fi hate
oliiulod iiiiifoiiiia ai.d e'luipmiol at
a mat of .' film o addition limy bate
puid the Mlaiy 'f Ihi'ir 'liiei,.r,
Hnrv ', In an f fort lo i nptnra liu'
1 1. o pi,4 thla year.
A online lv Coioniaiidcr Hi yimlda,
Imioii I iinda tan not ul to pay
1 1, 'i etphe f the Irlp r'uiwie in
I In. Iit-eanry are u-d for the f.-Urf
Made to
1000 Dresses with Unbelievable
Our Windows!
Beautiful Materials
Satin Matelasse Frocks
Jacquard Crepe Dresses
Canton Crepe Frocks
Tricotine Street Dresses
Fashionette, Poiret Twill
Kanton Knit, Satin Gowns
VrrJ Attention! jf rJ
-x. I v v i-' iv awi a Ma v f I w r I I k i
"V a V. " J S vl I 1 I llf X f I 1 I I S
a afl aw a JTa V U
Doors Open Sale Starts Promptly at 8:30 A.M. Friday
of iirly iinli ineii, wiirihar
Uviobti u( th Im.ii or no.
1 "If Oiiiult boalnraa and ilviu or
H.iiiinailoiia f'-l thiil lh udttillnlna
lite illy wilt miv by havln 4 urn
, lemli-r for foat ,U. a In ib lonl'at
j tea wojih U.ltetf aud will volunUar the
aubai npiivu li hand will "" Mr
ltnolia raid VV.tio-.ii. "He ere
not 1 r 1 1 1 r to urn. I on the illy and
want no auha rlilpoi from tha p'tor.
It la purely a Oik' iioHiaitioii end
loriirihoHona liiU't I VoliinUry,"
The Nebiaeka apwl-il tram laavta
lonlht and fiiha band la lo'ao ar
raiiaoiiini miiat l mailn at our,
lb leaioli will rateiva rip! lone
at 11 braiI'UMri'ia in tho court
In Japan, whin a doe; baik at
I'Uflil, lh owner la iin-"l'd and aii
Uorad lu work for flttd time for
tho iifilitoa whfwi alumber may
lave b"n dlaiurlied.
do not mios ilds
Order for You, and Easily, Our
Values "Friday1'
V"M Add! 'fd'ltH'U- llti'l t.l'tf jVutl
ft otii tf'i the Uti'i a hJj hmtr ruf lier
lij u v iviv I'LntttJ fa Ja(
Mellon Auuoumes
New II ond Issue
Is Oversukeribed
Almo-t a Hillioii Dollar li
I'li'ilp il 011 Offering I,iinit
nl In IWf 1! ill ion -Pn r
fhar Vll Oialrihulnl.
WuahliiKlou, ft The aoveia-
tin III in lailid laaue tlia flrel lln
the war--baa lam uvereubaoiihrd, Hec
leiuiy Mellon aiinouuiedj laat nlahl.
Th toinl iil.eiiptioi,a, it l under
al'Nid, eai'Kal eoinethlna; nar on
billion dolli mi i tiffwrln ImiMwl
lv ho'll fl bundrad InlUloiia,
I'rallintnary teporle ilved from
the r'ederal lUavrve Lanka, Mr,
Mellon Mbl, thai the aiihw itptinii fo
the nee 4 I I ear cent Nrnda i t I'I7 'I
era well dlalnbuli l er all eiHlkma
of the lountry.
Nowihalalidlii the oniil, ilp
I loil lit Ih laaue, the -H..iy an
Buiinea.1, lavaaloie who anl.a. illd for
iittjulil ef l,Mm or baa. r who tie
ue lu eiKbenae their 4 11 "r e. nt
VUitorr noli , or ainl. lt in
tulaa for ih net tnda, inuy anil a"l
n allolmeiil in full upon Ih.-ir hiI
rellon. If lnid.lfd ptuinplly lo the
yd.-rl llrei-rve banka
"It a the triuauiv liileiilbtii," Mr.
Mnllori aeid, "lo hold down i.lhdoi. Ma
en Ih prnneiy iiffnlMa t l'-'" I'Wi.inm
or therealHMi', and with thla lu view
the anion rlplion book for thla null of
the offillli Will lloaa at inciil oil Hit
See Our Windows!
Stunning Styles
Flowing Sleeve Styles
Pleated Panel Models
Graceful Draped Effects
Circular Skirt Styles
Metallic Flowers
Jet and Metal Buckles, etc
Buy One of These Dresses
and Spend the Difference
uiday, O. tolier II, IMS rmbeeilplloii
bvoka 011 I he asihen o1aiilf WHl
I'll lit U'Mll raliltday, ( II,
and am li fui, nptioi a will eon
liime o lie ailot'd up to a lioni I
amount, thu n.f li.Valui( who ri
an to luin In thuir Vlclory note nr
Iki'llilitr l llaulK (lllliata a
fviiilor oppi'iiunity lu ln4 iu Ih
a iw bnd "
Oiil-of. Tiihii (!oiiiir) Wrtl.
Il.v, t h4il W. NviA aaiiouueaa
II f.,lloio recent uul tf l it uiar
rl.a. Miea llarrlrt I'. and
ThaoaVra KniiiUen of Atlanllr, b I
Id 1 Maliabory and Wllllaiu ai Millar
of Mhenandoali, la. I Mlaa VlraliiU
lll.ikw and Llmer l, Koilon of Water
loo, Nab, M'a Adele lluiaena and
loliii !jvr of Hi rlhner, Nb , and
M II ill n I Unda-ieii of lloop'r,
N. I. , and Mile N Anderaon of
l.yope, Kb.
.V VrnUU
So Htfundi