Tlin OMAHA nr.r.: rnilfAr, OCTOHKK .3. 1922. I o : ! Society jj Miss Jenkg a Widely Feted Bride. Mis Klenatft Jnkl, daughter of flv. enj Mr. Mwin Hurt Jink, who w4'llng to Harold I'ralt of N Yaift Will I aulrnifilMd fUUr SI, I ' b llely entertain'!. (m Kaluitlay lleaa llsat'in will t )ioai-ee ( hrldgs luiiiti'un ill honor faf Mlee Jenke. The "k ful lowing Mra. J. C. lUr.el Kill give rrl4g tt lir home on Tuewlay, Mm y.inln flUlr Iinonlder will hav I number of friend lor luncheon Mh htr on Krl1y, and that evening Mlrs Mildred, fiboade will nlrlla (or Mia Jenke, Saturday, ftctler II. Miss HiM Magney, who I lo In- a brlil'-sinald, will git trulg, and Uiat evening Mr. end Mr. Andernn JVitig will aotartulu at dinner, t'n Monday It, II. t'lrk la pluming lo ntcrtln Ml Jinks and her fiance. Mre. II, M. Hundeley Is giving th rhral dinner on Ilia Wednesday juecedliig tlia wedding. Bride-to-Ite and Visitor Share Honor.. Mia. (', T. I.lnn eno-iulntd at lir.dga l Thursday In honor of Mlaa Nell Kmi, Who I to h married Thursday, iolir 2, to Jluwthorrie fn!el of Ilroklyu. Mia, Marvin Krederli ka of Hiheiiertiidy, N, V shared honor. Twelve guest warv present. Beritniaii II)e. Mra O. N. Ilyosc at.'J children left i Mi.y with Mr. and Mra. l,'o tiaidlner fur VVakift' l'l, Neb., whr they will attead tha wedding rp Friday of Mra. Ilvpse niece, Miaa Myrtle Hose, of WiseO'dd, lo J-awrence Uergrnan of Omaha. Utile Mlaa Alleen Uyp la o be flower girl. Believes in Gymnasium Classes for Mothers Mb Barrett lfolrt. Mlaa Murjoiio liurrvit liaa Invited guef fur lirldg at her home on fturday afternoon. Delegate to W. C. T. 1', Meet Franca Wlllurd W. C, T. V. have elected the following delegate to tha titst Convention nt Lincoln which begin Friday of thla week: Tlia M'uauie i, King, T. n. Ward, I, J. burden, . K. Tirknor, C. K. Johnn'.n, J, M. Mnd, M. Crnln, . K. Kird, W. B. Toff, j. Mickey, O. H. Malm, M. Mnrtlriafn, Ida Kerah- nar, Mlaa Jennla Halmon. Won, mi alioiild tk oina difiiillel futrn of iri : vm th'uiali aha duta haf own lioitaawuik, Mra Wil liam T. liiHham of 411 Noi'h Tliiily iilrilh mi'vl. Mr. Oiuh.iiii U K'xxl w inmrr, l.tit la waiiioa Dial iJoy ,U a.orl Ihla tmr In fvor of a "ym ' iluaa at Ilia Y. V'. V,. A. Mra. ii iluim Inn a ral lioinr, tiKi, nii'l Ihr lovi-ly ih.ldr.'ii In II, lUWn, k wnlor In th hiah ahool; loroUiy, Wha la in tha Havtnth Krad, and Wil liam, Jr., In hia atwml a- lnd yar. Mia, (iriiliiiin la rhnirinin of thn ralllnaT roirwiilHw for lha Klrnt I'raa-l;yl-riiin rliun h, la a iiimoT "f ihe l' Aria aoilwy and tha I)rama 1H nr. Hh." cania li'i four yrara K1 from l.unl, Nh. A month au alie reliirnrd from Cuiiuda, whr alia aiiaiit II aumniar la) and around Win nlitg, wlura alio i;oa rtlutlvra. M. E. Convention Blair Knd.s on Friday. Kiiday will In n full dy at tha Miaaloiuiry rinvniin of tha M'-th-ndiat rhur'h at I'.llr. t.niura will Ua ctm'tad, tuxt ynir'a tro!rm for tlia fdiiiiha diKtrli't will la dlatuad hy Mra, J. K. l(yd, llnre will t a uNKt-unt ly the Hllr Junlora, and In tha vMlnit thfrn will ha a Young i'aopla'a tilKhi, omprllnic aiiothrr tius-wmt, a "Hirot Hrna In India," and an uddrcaa hy Ml WlnoKni C, I'r-nnay of Hvrcli, t'lilnii, Onwli.'i women who will -k- Krldny will I, lha M'jadJUnra W, V- H'WIdar, O. W, 1'otta, Mra. If, J1. (IfiiKimalw, Mra. Waiter P. Klhaw, and Ir. Jan nl Callf.-ia, Birth Announcements. A dauKhlar waa liorn on Tupicluy to Mr. and Mra. KoUly at tha HI. Jowph tioapltal. Mr, and Mra. Arthur linmon an- nounra lha birth of a on Wadnday nt th St. Joaooh honpllnl. Announrimii)t la made of tht birth of John Kdward to Mr. and Mra. Jnme Kfarr on Wedneadny at lha Ht. Joauph tiriapltul. Announcpment )a mad of tha blrlh of Alice ()rtruda to Mr. and Mra. Hon Camplwll of Wahoo, b., at tha Ktewart hoailtal. 1 - : I fslLTPtPY-TIMt TA LCI MrMtai aaa FURTHER TALES rD I M MY 'K ADDI I aT'-f Mi ,t0tf( iff Personals Mlaa Il.iirlolla liai-a ha aona lo fiidlanapolla, th will icluni In a fiw daya. Mr, and Mr. Cliartca K lit Thuraduy for a wli end niotor trip to Hloux t'lly. Mlaa Kuchcl M'llcitlfn will return Mondiy from nt, iool whr ahe ha ban a jfii'-at for two wrcka, My Marriage1 Problems Adl Oarlaon'a Now Phaaa of "Ilev elutlona of a Wife." Tb Beaaon Tom ( hratar tfi to Give I d the Taaw. I.llllan'a fhatne worked parfectly. Cut few yarda the other aide of the entrance to the wood road, where w ware aure the at range llmoualne waa concealed, waa a gladelike open ing Into the wood a, not anibliloua onough to be called road, but wide enough, Juat beyond Ha curving en trance to conceal car, Iickay and I had prkc our car there out of alght of ihe. road inuny tlnioa when we wlahad to take a tramp through our favorite woodad hllif a little dlatance away, and I knew Juat the turn to make to land the car aafe ly out of tight. With ft wldeflung band to algnal my father behind ua, I turned the car Into the glade, hear ing the prearranged atcady tooting of the horn of my father'e car aa I ahut off the Ignition and the car alld gently to aiaridatill. Vot aeverel minute after the nolae of the engine mid the liorn bad died away we aat breatlilealy waiting for any Indication from the road, behind H that the oecuuanta of the llmoualne concealed In the wood road bad ua pactcd our rune. Then aa no aound but thoae com mon to the wootla at night reached our cara, Tom Cheater deacended alowly gnd with evident pain from the teut buido me to the roud below and opened the tonncau door with the evident Intention of tnklng out hia hirycl. which Dr. Pettit and my fath er had loaded Into tha car before alerting. 1 acrambled down quickly bealde him and lit aplte of bla fierce-ly-whltprred proteata, managed to take upon myelf the greater part of the lifting of tne nioycm 10 m ground. I auvr tli Intrepid young chap alagger aa he put liia hand upon the bicycle ready to mount It, and I moved toward him quickly and put a retraining hand upon bla arm. 'You cannot " I begun, but he hook oft my hand, not angrily, but at if he were carried out of blnmelf by the Indomitable, will which wa Uahmg hia body to action. "Yea 1 can," he whlapered huarae ly, and with aa effort which I could ere taxed every ounce of hia etrength he mounted the wheel, made a fw llgMgfing etrokea toward tha road and fell, heavily, with hi bicycle covering hint. "-MuMi." f rag frantically toward htm and found, a 1 had fwrad. thai ht wet uncouerlou. My " flaehl'ght eliuwed that ina leg wae doubled under htm. gad eomathmg about the pneture litade ma afraid It waa broken. Whea I had lifted the 'K yd frm htm end itempted to airaihin hie body, my feare were raliMd, for h v tjuirk, ehar moaa, aim rarirtrf. ID TAKE! OUT OF TIE ORUDGERY GLASS MmI Man kae Ua4 Mbm 4iw weiarng ae daiy uwt j ' tM t aaa tve a a li.e H ka k te iwM t4 t k the a a Ua. t w4t tat 4-) ! ! laUf 4 ! te It , Mia e4 ewai.Muiit, iii tttf aJxi l44 mt m ej4 Ukm la b r K 4 0 av4e, t ka If ti ia I Wiwa r- 4tkg 9rt 4rt fivaa i e4 g-t tail I " ihii at tw tm k.ti4 t w i f taa . Uk H IM 4 "My teg," he groaned, than a he returned to full contduugnea. Iio roae on one elbow, bla face contorted with pain, and then fell back egalnat me powerlca to move. I lowered him gently to the ground, ran to the car, got the robe and the '-ut cuahlont, dragged thorn back b'lde blm, and Improvlacd a couch. Then 1 bent ever the half conacloua boy and apoke aoftly, but dlailnctly. "I rnuat get you on I he cuahlor before I leave you," 1 aald dlallnclly, "Try to help me all you can, ao that will not hurt your leg more than neecaaary." "I muatgo," waa all the ana war I could get from blm. fto getting my teeth, I took him by the ahoulder and managed to get him over on the car cushion. I Ihlnk be fainted when I hod to diaturb hi doubled up leg, but by the timo I bad blm nfely on the cuahlon wllh the robe cover ing him be had rallied to comtolout nea again, and I bent to him, (peak ing firmly, "J-Ilen, Mr. Cheater," I aald. "I am going In your place. I know how to ride a wheel, but I will walk It up to the road ao aa to get a good atart. And I will be very careful, to do not worry, I atrial! come back and get Ir. I'ettlt (Tir you goon a I can. I would go for him firat, but I dare not wait. And I cannot come bank, you know, until I ee that llmoualne with Hmlth on It way." "No, no, don't wait," he aald, fcverlahly, evidently reulizlng for the firat time the nereaaity for my go ing. "You are aure you can manage the wheel?" "Ahaolutuly tore," I replied, aatv Ing my conlenc for the fnlaehood with the certain knowledge that If Mr. Cheater knew the truth, that I never had mounted a bicycle In my life, I would have been unable to manage htm. He put nut h! hand and caught my draaa aa I moved away. "He careful," he whlaprrad ho re. ty, and wiib the admonition ringing In my tare I picked up hia bicycle and wheeled It out of the little glade Into the rond. K'uprrlihl. ) Mr. gnd Mr. Saio lUru-W havti taken an apartment In the ,Melrom at Thlriy-tblrd and California fr;t. Mr. and Mr. Weir Cecil Nure, who have been apendlng their honey moon In New York and Washington, V. ('., have returned arid are at home In the IyOHsfcllow apartment. Mr, nnd Mra, Frank h. Hcott motor ed to Lincoln Hut in liny with Kdward J'ettl, where Mr, Hcott wa the guest of Ml France Jlayc. Mr, Hcott will return to Omaha Infc-r In the week. Ml lilttiiche Klnalir, who wa lit at Look port, N. Y where ahe wa vlxltlng In the old Klnxler home, m re ported better, according to word re ceived today by her brother, J, C. Kinder, Mr. J. W. Motcalfe but returned from Colone, ti. V., where he motored with Ml i J race linolUy to visit her alate.r, Mlaa Kll,abetb Jiradley. Mir Hllzuhcth liradley 1 one of the nota Ijle women of Mouth iMkola, Hlie l one of a few iicc!aful women real tor. . To drive null Into hard wood, tub them with eoap. J, IIhI.MI, I'imliliaaler, Tha in rud u fust a fn ilii"Uab lb" wood". Jimmy Itibtiit lii.fl it iH,lffffloe! M.H.ii aveivlMMie in ! I Ha o..,. I,I,i Ii.mmI iuiii, lilllivllii ill .fmiMiy lialllt a oi otik alMinp lo aak fir l.llem. ' The fuat lo fe ll Ihe poaluffiea Wa Krl' ky M nt r . I. II" found Jim toy wlili lua lnd aiok out of the potoffire window, Watching for I h nclghboiM, "Any leii.-ra for in?'' Filky Miulr rel liHiulred, 'I'll ace," ald Jimmy Jb.hhll, lie drew In hia bead. And ou ti'lluu"! u bit of hlrihluiik through the Win I"W, "1 ti.'iell" nothing but poal ..nil In ItiM poHtofflce," hu lein.irM il, "I hul iii- ttiut your poicird aay ihe" go:ng lo , a big crop of In. Iiiuil this f.ill." I Now, the blnlibiirk poalenril an)1 nothing of Hi- eort, To tell the truth, II aai l nothing at all Jimmy Ibilblt only playing poxtiruialcr, Vt'.ll, Crlrky Kiilrrel wa ilenaei lo ui'l aueli good liewa, even If it Wu only in ik-bell'-ve, "Who aerit me fliiei poalcardf" lie naked. "tour t.'ncla Noah," aald Jimmy llobbll, ."J'lial'a i iier, I evr beard of him. Funky M'Uliie cried, "Wei, you've got a poab-ard from blm now," a. Id Jlnmy lliibblt. ' I'll a e ainnd nald". You're llm king lh window, I'.y ihla time linn bud formed hi bind Vritky Wiulrrel it Unit of eager field Mud fort folk, every one of whom hope. to get ft pord out of I lie new poaloffice. "'f lier mi mull fur yuu," he reviled. J if tlx Wood'huek hid atoisl next to Jimmy Kablilt. To blm tiie postmaster huo'led iiiioiIkt scrap of blrciiiark, Willi the remark that bla postcard aald there waa a long winter ahead and he'd better not atlr outside hi den on ( bound flog day, unlcs he wanted to get 111 toes frozen. Jilliy wooifcmick hurried home with hi news. Jin didn't know that Jim my lliilliit wu only fooling. ' J hen I ncbt Mammy Coon hobbled up to the poslofflce window. I ll liiive mine, young fellow, he ki Id gruffly. Jimmy llabblt shook hi head. ' There' no maJI for you," 1m ra- idled. ' i,ti'L....". u.. ...f...i.f .IIH.(, I'liciu r;iiiiiiiy n I,mj., "No mall for me? What kind of pot olllen I this?" And then he answered hi own question. "jt' a, mighty poor i no.' If II bus inn out of iiihiI an ' ' iei miI . pleas. "' Jimmy (..b l lll ordered I. mi briskly, lie W is Inv lo inoie fun lli, iii vr liow, bisaiise li I'iU'I l,i , ue I in In Mammy I'oou or anvlsly eh, Hut wa li"il leliip.'l'.Ht I n le ,firr I'lliok Was the lull lo luovo up o Hie window, II" In id out a i.hw without saving word. "Noihing fur yiu tixUy," Jliiiiny l! tolil him. Sow I 'in Is Jerry Chiok was an olliir grouchy peiaoli. "I litil must be .iiMhllig," b UroWliid. "I'm up. el log 14 posliaid from my cousin Joshua lie' the i'IioI h of lh family and I bear be I I. 'Hi writing a poatesnl In Ine rvr ii ins baying time II ha certainly finished it now. He and bis wif owe me an apology, Th last urn I na lied I hem lli' lhr-'W me out of (lieir bona. ' All"' cried Jimmy Itul bil. "Mvh thr i something for you, aflvr all." Hi turned aside. And then he held out a birchbai k make believe postcard tii i (ici.i ,ierry rnueg. I'nile Jerry snatched II, eaclalm log, "There! 1 knew there Wa s.'ine tiling fur in. It easy to s, young fellow, that you'r a poor post mast ar. I knew you'd made mlsiake, And Dm inn' dm you make on I'm a go to l'i complain lo Farmer Ureen." Mulfrrltig unsrily, I in l Jerry wad died away. ISul be noon returned to lli posiotne window, "I wish you'd rend Ihl for in," he wild to Jimmy Kat.bil, "I've forgot' ten my sta-i loi lea," "Tbl postcard " Jimmy flul.blt epl,iiiid "thia postcard any 'Who iol tii bird' fUHl and It alnt ale-nod," I'ncle Jerry Chuck promptly fluw loio ii rag. II thrust lit postcard Info Ihe posttwsler pawa. "Il'a pot for me," bo snarlsd. "Vou'vii made liliolher mlsiake; and I si, nil certainly complain about It. "Then whose card 1 tbl. If It Isn't yours?" Jimmy Jlabbit iiniulied mildly- 'It must belong to old Mr, Crow," I'licle Jerry I'hiick declared, "He on egg thief, Kverybody know that," And hM began to bawl In Mr, Crow, who wa waiting Irnpatlotly near the end of the Hue, old Mr, Crow -m hurrying up. lie hadn't beard all that had bn said. He had beard only I'li' le Jer ry remark that the postcard must be for him, "tee! V! If win)," Mr. Crow croaked, "It nays, 'Who stole the birds' eggs'?" Jimmy Kabllt observed a he gave Mr, Crow the bit of birchbaik. The old geiillemun dropped the thing as If H had burned him. "Jt' riot for m," b soiKilled. "It iusl be for I'ncle Mammy Coon, !!' a terllle egg thl.-C , , , tier, I'mdu Mammy;" be culled, "llere'g aometbliig for you." Mo I ticlu Mammy came hobblliig back again, When Jimmy itahhlt re peutnd the make believe message to him be was even angrier than befoie. roil say lhl oueslloii Isn't sImii ed?" be growled. "I Insist on know Ing who wrote it." Welt, Jimmy ftaholt had been bay Ing a fine time, lipt now he begac to feel uneasy, I.nt'l Mammy Coot Kittled at mm through the window and showed hi teeth, Yur a. few I no incut Jimmy itablt wouldn't thlnr wnai lo i ill mm, ai iusi. However a buppy thought came to lilni. "I'll return the postcard to the sender and ask him to sign it," he cried. And that eein"d to satisfy Unci Mammy Coon, "I'll coma, back In two day," he said. And lie did. hut bo found no line walling at the postoffice window, nor any postmaster, either. For Jim my Itabhlt hud decided that It was, Kara to go out in me poarontce pul no. (,'vyriht WJ.) Problems That Perplex Mr Itral'U tlia. ySP 3!&r National Ife. W Candy Day! f ' w Saturday .October 14th ' 4 Inner-Citcle g U Candies 'inii'StQw - Is Don't forccf YOUR little circle ,Tl , nflTn NEW dr f UZ. 6 , tyf Uealtri M1.00 Up 110 25 Up to7i 71 FPV Cndy Day whh . bo, of y ''JZJJ' if XVd auKolatc.. n; n, -. tt X. I ll III " eQ, r y 1 1 mtftiber Ivtrybotly ihs (amh L jj in (i "ixjwAiin ax ivvN ie u i !.- s" . im I m .m I li 1. 1 nd rallier, Mia l'slidu I think my pud. lent la Worthy of )uur mh li ahhougli it 1 not a bite a 'fair, I am II ; old, a nlm in high HI'tllHll, My iiiolher die I when I was 7 v. ar old, and leaking l i oth.-r ihlldien Im-siiP mself, ni,, liniii younger than f Mv fiiUier mm l ie' again w hn I win 11 years old, an I H serin lo in Ibst life bus Im-uii oiiiliing over slut I ihlnk 1 am old icoisli to have piivileg.s and ci"iutii '-iie lo know how lo g' t wli'ui awuy funii home My fuller I Ih couidliiliig uts'ill lha way I lo and act. will not allow. me lu do lb Iblnaa older gills can ihi, ami. 14 golug lu .uoo par Ilea, units I gel home at la uclm k and 'hut Is almost iiii.oailil". a long a I coii i Inn, i j i:gii after IusjI and woik, h doesn'i say iinilbliig He lompluiiii ev. i villus I need clothe or money, but 1 have wotked for Ihreu ers, and h ba never given im. it ,Vi,( ii, rpeiid, and I buy a grtotl ileal of Iny null clothes. He swears a greut ibal and lose bit temper, I-II"V;k iblldreii should be bioughl up 4 b was, l ba told my brother and I lo l-uv hum, but I butu l Ihlnk of (hut on ac count of my vomui-r sisisr. My aiuit linolli -i a a sleri talked lo lilni and u I'd to reason with him but ft i dupossll'le, us ha will not change bl wats, I bav worried and wondered what lo do, a ihla ha almost driven m craay thinking of It, a I cannot enjoy my s':iiooi wm a or anything else, Hi slater was going lu reason with bliil, I ut slut didn't ua she Is afraid she will get on Ihe "ouis ' Willi blm a In olber aunt did. I have never llomi anything In toy life to be ashamed i f and I am though! well of lu our town, but he I alway saying somcihlng lo drive 1111 to b a "llnl'i lough, and f know a little loo much to do thing be think I do, for my own aako and tlster' and mv mother'. I suppose limyliM I am to Mum for part a It Ink two In cause trouble. but I f.-el I cannot stand the thing bo suye and lb" way he does any longer, I bop'i Ibis is clear to you so you can give me soma good advice. Thanking I, .11 I often thing chiiiiieu are unfair In th.dr judgments of their parents, but there Is a ring of sincerity In what you eay. It Is poioiible, for a father to be unfair. In spite of aeull- luaiit to the contrary. What shall you do? I am afraid tour father won't clung much for the batter. You lay you are a senior in lha high school. ( ahead and complete your high clioo! course and endure the situation a patiently a you can. i'eriiup your fuliier 'will send you to college next year. That would libolil aolve your problem. IJut If lie will not nn that, you ghoiild take buiilnes course when you are through hlKh school, cr at least lake step iv make yourself self ypport)ng, mm nii si miking )onr own liv ing '! will in prm I tt'stlly Inilrpuu d nt nf u Iniolnslds aituaisnt lioin ll.dililr: No indeed you are not mi t ill f a J our age rlolim psopls grow after tiny srs 14 and sum du pot. I don t kiiow which kind )ni are If tour uiiiiiis ins lull, oi may grow mure imiisslf If olir rompleaiuil la g'NHl. uni i.ughl lu b able lu wear any rulnr wtll Hrovna and taut Would be e.e,l.illy gnixl nil you, i ahould Ihlnk. Margie; Von my onr pareiile V llisy will hoi buy you any clotlirt If toll unity I 111 M I .ill ma, unit I lieu you gn on n my tiny si ma buying toil aiiv ilnihes now. It looks though you would be no wor off lliaii you are if Ibey do tarry out tht Initial. Mutely lln rr I aomelhlng ihii srl oua In k of llii.ii idijscliiui o Hie man than .'.is height. Tiy la find out what II la and consider It fa lily, I'wsni'l" 41 many IIbim gtlvri Ihflr l -. Tha talisid i.evar !! f il'Hh l.ul inn, - -aiisftsspfars. Household Hints To drltt nil o4- t iit nb '' w.aal, ilmii rub them with if 9 and hy will gn lu easily and will mil phi Ih wil When Ironing ihivW Hi plamrtlool )ut lug, tnough a-1 that you ran H at Ihe Ironing boerd. Whii ualng an electric Iron, Ihla I very iohtiililt. The bieonteiiieni e and annoyancsJ caueed by psint diopping whrt Hlut' Ing overhead csn be prviiled by (plillllig ft child rubbw hall Id two, culling a inall lu in one half and lipping our tha handle of the brush, thus forming a cup In catch, lha paint. From Ihe Octolwr I'ealgner. Helievea ( una, lie, If yeu or your bav on of tlmat tickling and tiring Uiical cough you ran cure It by taking a spoonful or two of vinegar and liomy. Ordinary hiccoughing, loo, run be (topped by eating alowly a epooiiful of brown augar and vinegar. Syrup Pepsin Loved By Hosts of Babies Half ft tiefJ wlM aukt a IratfaJ yeaatr tiprr ui plalal IJIK inidLer bag bar choke of oianv reuiedie (or jier lieby't Miiuiar illt, lojt the thoulil 1st r re fill which reuiey tht select liwl aij do tbe tiiild btriq. What might tie tuft for lieraelf may do In jury to an infant. You will find that if tlia little cm rrlet am) doesn't want to play Uiat It tioitali are con stipated. Kirtt I'Kik carefully in the dint and trivia the child One half teaapoonul (4 lr. Caldwelli fiyrup iViiin. You will then, gee retiillft in a few hour. You will riot htvt to font it on bahie or children: they actually atk for it, ft it to ili-Hianl-teting and free from griping. I)r. Caldwell' Syrup Pepiig it CouJisiund of I'jcyiiliaa aenna ana peisnn wnu areeajiie aroma tic. The ingredient are tinted on tlin package. Jt it a mild, gentle vegetal, e laxative tlmt ev. ary on lindi tffotfjv gnd pluaaanl. ( It i better or you and youraliitn purgntivet, coal-tag drug, or aalt ANY FAMILT MiT TIT IT ftll Thviuawli if partial an tiklnf VmMiw, " Wlri rait I H,U lu.fc welAji is solisi OVil tnrtnm in V turn! Ma ail uAsn mnitii-tliif i U'ff rM irr Hrfun I'tpun, I lull ilmMr pm$iM m i( o ttmfkkdtlf, niUhfiil ft aa !( blurt la uni U Ml frnnth a i4f fit .lis fri iiaii. , A.Urr.i fit. W. at. lUull, Hi Ui mt H niiiobn M.. UumiuLstL. iiiAu. . it luml wlr and ixmiliut, whiib mty coin cnlrale lha hbsxl and dry nti the tkin; or mercurial (alouxil, which mty tglivata and Ioomii the tnetb. I'm fife laiative like hyrup Pepaia, and epcilly for the children, for iotalid, glowing girll, nurting moUiera, elderly people, and pnron leceully ppcr aled upon who need laiwel action ilJi lb least strain. Mr. Ulliin) llieniiigloii pf WuoilriilT, b. nlwuy give Jier children lr, Caldwell Kyruii JViwin, and Air. A. Jf IHoiiiljn of AliwkeKop, Mich., will not have any oilier limitive in her home. Your druggist will aupply you, and it only cost a cent a do. Try it in eVinilipttion, enic, Lilimisncs, fltlulrnry, headachet, and to sireag, ua ivr gtut coldl. II Demand Cleaner Clothes for Children Whether large or smtll the farnfly in come, every loving mother's pride iniU ner tiny tots appearance equal or excel their school companions. Clothes they wear need not he I'oslly go long: ag'they are neat and cleanImmaculately clean I What Joy it it to every mother to tec them duily trudge away to achool radiant with youth and cleanli-nee. I ft i ri-i n l ifnij. j But keeping kiddies' clothing clean oft- times proves a costly problem. A year s laundry Diim or lauiuircKS hire makes a sizeable item in the household budget. In hornet equipped with electric washers the solution hut br-cli found. May we show you how alec- triu wather are effecting agvingi nt money, time gnd iubor lor tnou tanilg of motheri? Solves Your Washday Problem In a jiffy you can quickly wash at home without work and havt elothet clean and sanitary. None of tha old-fashioned tub-rubbing or hatk strain. You do it electrically, These modem electric servants laundry your moat delicate fabrics without (ha slightest harm, easily and economically, Three Famous Electric Washers - In One Huge Sale K t, Under l Mhr el Cil ,sll' fa,ai n4 insteiiat. aissnti Is l I l.lllrl l 4i,Ui'l IUI f.k m lllltt Tmi t'aat slusilsum Us, t I at) "H. Isr" ls .till Ikl Mfl 4ti4 !. si mall suasiiti4 aillii e-.i.-l isuii. 'ISsaasaat Is u.f Ilia wuitd em Ht Cask e SHI St ! II kv arrtso fsecar Ml- nh Setieai ilssif4, iiiiKifui Irsiniftl U in. H , Ha ,i,a-i H iiil frsste sj is, latlft task ! Tks-1 "CASH REFUND" How It Work Wk.s lit WiS(, ) ti4 lk t i l l II ii it tilii4 w m a Iks Shm.4 r k.,., HI., ( uk l-'. l lit Is ,'inj l 4 k VI Hi . M.. !,- 4 . I a i.i.i It M frS ,.At4 44 it vf -'.itll k.s l 4)t Il4l fcf III ft,lll km .4 -S v ll .. It , a Vs Monthly J FREE! Parftson With lUskrt ll I l...t ! s ,,l l'4 4l'.l-.l "l tS .a, k Sa W , .1 ,. -. si II l ,. I taa4. Ik, ,.., 4 44.U4 SSlI, ,. '''i ii. a, i 1. at lias 1,4 I, 14 i.l , Sttl. NQbra-stta M Powor G.