The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 13, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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Church Kavors .
Prof. , A. IF. ' Waterliou of
Fmnont f Klftlnl Stair
.Moderator at Norfolk
Noifolh, Nob.. txrl t iVp:ll
Talgram I nlon lth tlio limhy
Ir1aii and nthr tracing HfHW-l
ilmrh I't th t'uM"! HuttM o
ruled tijv.ii nt th fl 'f th" 'h
HnmiMl iiit"llng ft thn ,'.' lik Oii
Kt'KHI' I'tiilirh lilt l'hir'ly ve
iling. Hi '(ln wn (ril J IJ K
iimiriirnoii, Old cimti'rrni Inking If
li,liiHli'ni frmi aMrw rt.'llvtnxl
l.y Itrv. W. W. Hull l l.lm'iiln m
lifiv, K. 'I. Xmllh "f Oinalia, who
HMikfl on "A JiuMfliif WiirW lit limn
iiii'l AlinttI," jsdrfl l ho fniiini'iidii
tiort nMrM hy ' it, John AtilfW
llnlni'X 'f l.inrnlrt, who .k n "A
I nltH I'huroli Mi llav i I'ivi'M
World." Jir. Il'.lnii'fi m,li iM-inta-r
i.f (lilt cofiiiiiill"'! wlilrh int 111 Will
iirlihla mini yur gi anl laiinrtil
(ho union ihnr'h i?i'viniit.
Th rrxolntlon pntwd at th i-liming
iu(lti'M iwion of tht ou1ernt
).HtK l'lt an followx: I
"nolvrl. That lli Nlrl( mn
t'lfwi tit iiiKi.-Kiiin;nl ihurrh
.ml inlnlMli'i at thi unmiiil tnefting
iiif at Norfolk, Ncli., on Octular 12,
fill, k;";kI ila ' approval of th
iiiovuhcut liwnnl irgunlMl union
iimonu; Ii.mIiii evMDK"ll'al li u r.-f i f of
rlir t nit'-'l Ktfit of Anirrlm mm l
forth III ls plan of union mini will
hy I In- ii.iiioiihI council of J!21 and
rfNMK II M ylllllgnf,r to roiiiinlt to
t ho nai miiiill of th n't-
jimlincnl of miy i-wwntiiil il4nll
ttlil'li lli' fulmii may tiulrf."
'flirra .twpt I'lan.
Tl; riilutloii ytn irpf nlr-d l.y
In, llolinf-a f iff im hnil ilrlivwl
hi a'l'li'i'XD. and tlio action of the con
"iPitif .'..llowH.
ljri (.t at th roliffirnca lacia
J llljt tilllll III TlolllilMllona I.4VP III
: ri-U'ly a.irit- III l-.ltnitnir lni.
'it will iJMiwm a i -!. y wii.ii m iW
i in.tnliifilKiiia lui i. "ii1 Tl.
ImiWidci lur I hat, Iha fin urw ol.J.'t
, in th fi dm i"ih rntir l,ru
jiimtli.n of th niiomlnail"nul (roiia
Willi Uia l OJI1H13 . 1'iriii m a (,r..ii
liriitnl ihiin h of Aiikt.ih.
1 WalfrhuiiMi I Mudiralur.
S. II. U'atrliou', aup'-rlnli ii'li-nt
of th Krmint arhoola, a luyiiuin,
lTti'd lii'iriitor of llix Nihrimlui
loiifTi'nca without oiiiiw!iiitl Thr
thr liifttilrtia of Ida l.mifil of illt'-ct
nr i'lw'td for I hi-- yrnra t l! v.
V', lj Kinff of "iiwIiii. !'. V. K.
Clira, iJ.lli r, an l i. I'.. Kin Mull of
Coliiriihiia, Olli.c rnatnlH'i of th
dir -torat, who liolil ovf, arn: Or. J.
II. Amino., Norfolk', llv, Wwlti-r II.
I!ily, Mr. V,. O. Jlinman. Hrv. W,
Molt. W. A, Jliilli'k, Lincoln, and ',
Umith, t;fr.
ffiimiiiti'M itii l.y iha cnnfiT'
IH III 11 follow' r..'HKl'1'.K C'l'li II
lloir, (lifoiKH O. Wvimr, Vutk; O. M.
Ad'un. t'ouillfltid; linafnaaa, 'J,
Murphy, MumiIii; ('lilunK-i aMiiimti y
viailor, f'rof. A, 'J. Ilrjli', tiiM'-;
ciiirw! i f atiiily, J'rof, A, 'J. Jd yli',
I't-i-: C . Muiphf, Mucin; V. W,
Knit, l.lmioln: crvl''ial, J. H. MH"I,
Krwiiklln, II. II T'yih", Norfolk?
1,'nvid Tudor, Wnt, I'm"' i foim cot-
Irjraj vlMtlor. If. to. Uriidford, I.ln-
coin: A, II, tViitcrhou", rn-mout; l!.
j.f. Ttlckcy, AllIon; vainri!ltii, 1'. tl.
('hil'lHnan, liiiirid lulu ml; (. O
jHinllh, Krcinonl; J), M, W'Klt, Ah
1 1 ml; iiiinoi ixlc, A. A, 'iinmni,
Crrlf, iiilnlatciiiil rHIf, t . If. J!oK"r,
Mni-oln; tl. V., Tweedy, 1y I'entei;
.. J, Kli'ip, HI 11 hi on,
' II, d ilitlon in K- I.K Ut, llairW !, H'I that lo f II ill, Wl'll th
I 11 Jft'ook fl'lil. I h Inn. 11, phut Armour tirallt conianp, w on of tli1)
TwHta liimdiad dollaia wa award !l.irrt dnlr In whwt ti.t My, fur
in wiiiiicr 4.f th two ri, In ii.lli-j iha iaani, h avhl, (hut toth huu
tP'ti to thi iroplii-. I'riMi of vaWr irnily ri'irf-iiti-it In tha Mi-I
und t-"'i f nWHfde.l riiivi4auurl lky fnan whria Ilia ljy
to und and third h In lad It 1 whial "iiifi
Arii.ii. t!ioc who itiier.'d tha
imi wi-in ' ller.n I. Alailln. ilinr
of th briMM 111 lh rtrai vilt and
Orvlll VVrlKht, who ttuid th fit
mat lit, in u hiuti.r thuii air".
Th oil r in wlili ti th In
l'1.. lv.o avw.ta lliilhtl I altowii
;n Hi folliiwlni tnM: . rH Tropliy Ka.
r'lil; Muf. Kilt Nalaon. Jlmtln
trai.aport, 4n III' 2 Lllfly XX
:olll: J.i'oit. ''Iirirh A'HtUi, Mjr.
Me, :,iihuinii a,od thnl hi flirn
hud "ld May fuluira ami l.i.ahl lit
vhat at Vfnti'iii iinta in ih I cr on
i future II addict that h had
nitft'd Ih Hoard of Trad to i-iiull
Iriok ilrtiy ad that h had irllvr
im! hi whnt In car.
J V. tiali-a. anothT wltnr, (rait
riwl that. In hi hHf, an Imp mot
factor In linproln Ih condlilon of
th fnrmr In rfrtica t inoi rven
4itrll;ulon of grain mark'Una; and
11 lttr prl liiiiii'lla"ly f'.llimlnf
th harvt. won inorf ndiual pro
He publican Candtdalis Frcighl HoOist
Would Cost Kach
Farm in Iowa 88
it. m. iumM.i..
I aiidldui f 1 1 I . N. Si iuiur,
KllirnV, fK-ryj:Kit tl
tin ln.inher, 41 til' 5 Llry IJ,
Third: l.:mf. f. I'. t.'iliniiilna. Martin I Irion tut fliiaininf. Ila ald Hint
iM.iclrt c. inn III' 'I Mikity 1.'. cotinii y t.unkvra wra dciiiiindinc i
Koinih; I.Uul. I'hihii M lllvllli-, nu h tnoia from th farinrra In thiaj
Tahl IlixK.
I';i inn I'll y , ...
If I IK li,i t, .Sii
f'tiih on hard ,,.
Twuinaxli .. ,,,
t'ook tdiiin-r 15
Heaping Wulr ,
riut'nii'Miin (r.i(i,
. V IS a.
, I'M: a.
. I p.
. 2 I.', p,
, I Oil l.
. I no p.
'i.iyl u.
Ul-3'l ii.
, .... 1 mi p.
'Jiiv p,
4 it p.
3'i p.
u.:ii'a Couiiofl Tt'll Kxaruiii-
IT IlKTlMM' Woultl lA'vy
" Ontii on l!nrli
Heavy Transport Plane
Wins Mail Trophy Race
(I iwIIiiiikI (ram I'nn On
imiiily ciiiiitiilut(d hy MJ, 5'ii.
inmin ,., ui.M, ' ill' I .'I ni 111
ir rvic-,
liolh 1huU N'-Ikoii and t.lciit, Ilir
ria niKilhcd thalr vctorl to th
"Rood plniMi" Ihey plloli'd,
1,1'Mit. Nclaoil, when hn llht
In th nrmy New York Al-mk lly-
lal iitin l.iniir, 4'ihlll 'llArnr 1f.
I Klfih; M'-nt. II. V., Milliard, lr
nomUr, 410 III' 2 l.ihcily 12,
Id trult I uuiifry Inli llai'.
I'lil: I.lrul. II. mild II Haiti,
lloitiiooii Cupieiil, 4011 III' l.lhaf
ty 11. i '
i-coiid: V, rt, fdnea, 'tnt Oi (!,
1K) III' I'uHira If p.
Third: l-leiil, J!. Kwoi tlmmloii, Kok
kf triwKirt (army Til 4'i' lll Mil
erly JI.
Chicago Grain Dealer
Explains May 'Squeeze1
II vhIIiiiuhI Irum l' On t
iivniuimI that lh fiKUim would not
ho inada piddle, Mr, ''ulteri airretd
In f urn lali Hi (oiiiiiIm.oii with tti
.n o t figure of tila trmia!tlon in
Atuy option,
V'.ctor Murdock, acllnji clmlrmiin it
Win commute, uked Mr, l'utln
whether th" farlit rul hd affeitej
Hi" fniinei' I n'hiil jr. lii'oiiKht down
I ho rl' of wlniif, Mr, Ctittii
in-emud tlio l.elef Unit "cerliln iar
tiea," whom ha did pot mime, hud
in ued the rule to m Invoked to Ien
i fit lit elevator lnteret.
eij Track IMhny,
I'. V, TWaenliiiiirn, prenldent of Ilia
.1. Jtoinhiiiiiii coinpiiriy, ih next wit-
r ii t thl yr than formerly.
Runaway Elephant
Captured; in Chains,
1:3(1 l.
3 HH 1',
4M i;
,V. C, CM. 1:Th
clriua tiihatit which for 4H lioun
Im a ln I'flchratlnK In Ih I' lull y of
Wilmington by wreritlng verythlt.f
In alght waa chulixd again t'Kluy to
aiak at iiulet apot near dir Point
whll tier wearied kear kpt tir
up plied with extra ration of pen.
mil and other elephant dcllcacl"g
"to calm her frayd nerv."
Th hig anlniHl eamiied from th
nlrciia hera Tueaday after hiwanliif
frightened ty Iha hark lug dog. 8h
went through trmn, flower lieda,
rgra cnlln and a dv fftctiiry and
turned over aaveral uul'iinoldle. Hlie
awam f'iii Keur river and nuiielrateij
iha alllifuior Infnxled lirunawick
awHinp without apparent (lulling to
hem.'lf, Khu wa re'Optiired lata yea-
tid.iy and her ke.'pcm ald aha would
reinnlii. at f'edir l'olnt until her ner
vona condition Improved.
Not leu of ault for 3,000 diiniiigt
niuaed to I'a plant hy th elephnnt
Im been Hied by th Kurekft lya
wa-ka hera and vailou realdenl want
their l wim, fence and automobile
paid for.
MO I. M,
Wxesk you choose a Victrola
youre sure of satisfaction
, By reason of its outstanding achievements the Victrola has
become inseparably associated with the greatest music and the
greatest artists It stands for the utmost in quality and in value
There's a pride of possession in the ownership of such an
instrumentin the knowledge that it has the unqualified endorse
ment of . the greatest artists and represents the sum total of all
'" that is best in the world of recorded music
Victrolas $25 to $1500.
New Victor Record Hits
Out tomorrow
All Over Nothing at All (From "Spice of 1 922 M)
Aileen Stanley-Billy Murray
I'll Stand Beneath Your Window To-night and Whistle
(From "Spice of 1 922 ") Aileen Stanley-Billy Murray
Chicago Fox Trot Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra
Early in the Morning Blues Fox Trot The Virginians
Suez Fox Trot Clyde Doerr and His Orchestra
I Wish I Knew-Fox Trot Clyde Doerr and His Orchestra
111 Build a Stairway to Paradise Fox Trot (From George
White's "Scandals ) Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra
You Remind Mo of My Mother-Fox Trot (From M Utile Nellie
Kelly ) Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra
'Hlb MAbTliKS YOlCli AtauifATOrr.
Important Look for thest trade murks Under tholid Ontht Ubtl
Victor Talking Machine Company
Camden New Jersey
t . II, Jt WIMI.I.,
( anillil.ile for eriini , and
AT I V, t.r.S. (l.iltKt l DMtH.
rmuAY, iM-romu', n.
iilou ,, Vl Hi A. M
llulihiiiy ..U'J'I A. M.
ilaavei' City
HATUfiiMY, fK"roiu;n u.
Hainan h ,, ,,,.,,)U,ij')'A,
liloomliiKtoii ,,Ii;nO A.
franklin 12:K! M,
itlverloti 2:iu I'. M.
iL i Cloud 4 Ml) I'. ,M,
Oulde Jlvck , 6:3V I'. M.
Superior M )'. M.
CandlilMla fur Attorney fienrrul, ami
'. A. ItAMlAI I.,"
Kail Hay (oniiiililoner.
KKIIM Y, (x:TOHi:it IS,
oveiion 9.00 A, St.
i;itu Creek I;3' A. M.
Kearney (i,usi''li) .... I 'M i'. M,
Olhhou :) I'. M.
HIm IIoii 4 OH I'. M.
Wood Jllver C;u' J', M,
Oniiid lidiind ZM V, M.
ATl lirA iM TOl'iKU ii.
lUvi'ima ,,
mum hiou .
4t. I'MUl ....
J'ullei ton , .
Central I'lty
VM A. M.
,, ll:;i A, M.
2:oll f, M.
3M K M.
C:'mi , M,
m 1', M,
('niliilttta for CoiireM, and
Uanilldata fur Mlliireaa, abort term.
Mern :) to i):'i A, M,
Arnold II to 12 M
Htnpleton 2 to 2 V. M.
Dandy to 4 V. M.
Otllawiiy , livening
Tl'KHIMV, nrroiiVAl 17.
Oconto ..,9 to 10 A, M.
Jiroken 1'iow 12 to f. I', ,M,
Anley ,,,, and nlKlit
WKJJ.M'HJMy, rxTOHKrt 18,
Killyvllla 9-M to 10:30 A. M,
Hummer .... J0;30 to 11:00 A, M.
Miller 11;IS to 1.00 V. M,
Hhidlon Z:?,0 to C:00 V. M.
GIIiIioji H and evening
Kill I MY, OCTOWKIt 13.
f'miltal City ...1:30 p. in.
Colunibu ,. .3:30 p. in,
Mchuylr ............ .C;00 i. in,
Fremont .. 8:00 p. in.
Pavld Clfy ........2:00 p, m,
mica, 4:00 p. m,
flewnrd ,, , 8:00 p, m.
I .Mono. Oct. JZA 10 per
i nt int rem) in fialuht title en oorn
und I'lli'T loiiimi tirniii Would add II
I'r cut- in tin- rout of emit In a
Mil. i, or niiiirnxl'niitely b cent peri
lure. Atloio'V J. A. Itil, chief
lioiiiim'l for lli iioitliweet road,
ulili Ii ii r ickliiK tlila Increa, do.'
, timed today in th ar.iln rata hear-j
I lux la-fma iitteratutii t.'ommerra lix
j Miilner II. t". Kcn.
I Th: Informutioii .m dlmlred by j
lAltotm y Jiiivl dnrltiK Ilia rroaa
iimliiNlion of t'. II. Iliitililiii of tha
I American Kiiiiii liuieuii federation,
; 'lilc:mo, J liiirl,:iii ataled li hnd
.not eniimiit.'d tha enact amount Iha
iucri.iia.., freiald rule would mean
to Ion ii ii nd Ila via then aupplled hint
Hitli ilia currier' flKurea.
(HI direct cxamlniitloii, IlutcliliiKf I
dwlured that Imcauwi of tha higher j
innrket Milne of whaat a coinpured
wltli th- other grain, tha (iwlght rut I
on jhent un rotiipurml Hitli tha other)
yniliiH ahotild rnmain hlnher, and
that tlie'Volunm of iroductlon ahould
play an lnip hint pint In lata nuik
Imr, Ila n tha flmt wltnen for tha
alxnoi lhweti,rn etnt" ronteatlng lhe
petitmn of the road fur llicieijued
;i tea.
'I'll, l-.'nl noil tint fuel HlrlUe en. I
l.'i'cd Into the dlaciiaNlon at the hear
Ii is Ihla moi iiluir. I.. V.. Weltllng,
chief uccoutitiiiit for tliu carrier, ta-
tilled Unit the wugii rductloim or
iered ly the mil labor hoard .July 1
tAoiild iiic.iii a decreuM of t'iT, 300,000
In Hi" operating expeima of tha ent
mi r.iilioiiiln. The fuel atrikc, ha
anid, hud cot the road n poiialdernlilfl
iuiii IhroiiKh decreaaeif revenue und!
in roal of operiilioii, 1 Examiner Keen
nuked the witueiia If It Mil not fair
In aHNiime that tint dtrcrcane. in rev
c nui! ciiued l.y I he coul alrlke would
not M iiunterhiiliinc.ed hy on In
cieiiacd inoveiiieiit of coul during (he
li. xl nix month. The wit nun reilied
tlifit it prohnlily wiAild, j
New York
v J 4.
"r I i 'II
The Adaptability of
Haas Brothers
Fur Trimmed Wraps
$g950 $g950
Wiin that im ilt'jfin'il u tui ft any nirrirtnry of
climnte twi co.Mtim with thv t'tmott rnr frold.
Hiif nujjly fur rollar htnl ui.! t uff.i tf Curncul,
Fx, Wolf iul Suiri'l mu-cvwiftilly te uny !
tuck of Wintt'r'n nll. Soft tfrt-p pil fnhriii,
tJrroiia, Sanura, Palnm. Fuh ma, ilt lji Wrapa
that grme any amUl iu'i.mmh, Aiivl uih rich
rmbri'ltUry ! Sum -f !h nmli art fairly
rrnl with it.
It's The Blouse
That Makes the Tailored
Suit Soften Its Manner
And really become a piece of feminine
ap'parel. It may be an over-blouse that
hints strongly of the popular Russian in
fluence, or a tie-back model in any one
of a number of delightful styles.
These are shown in lovely georgettes,
paulettcs, crepe de chine and canton
crepes, with trimmings of em
broideries and bead. The colorings
- Flamingo
$10.00 to $25.00
One Pric
New Osborn
Baby Grand
Delivered to your home with
fine bench and fully Z
warranted. r
Select Your Piano or Player
from these
Kurtzmann Conover Weber
Stelnway . Sleek Stroud
Kingsbury Cable Wellington
Clarendon Aeolian, etc.
Mvjnc Co:
Omaha Chicago
Daily Passenger Trains
Laaea Omab rriv Chicago
' Bt30 p.m.
7:iS WL.m.
M:SO m.m
H:lK aum
1 liOO .m
3;Sf1 p.m
Chicago Expreaa . ... 7t38 un. ,
AtUnlio Expreaa . . nun.
Chl ago Special "No. 23T . B.OO pin.
Loa Angrlea Umitd. () . Tiaa p.m.
0rland IJmltedfl , 7.35 p,,
Oregorv Waahington Utpltod 9:00 p.m.
ContlrMntal Limited . , 2;30 i.m.
' I Flrlft-clAM AmiA iUmh. m ul- 1
No. 22 hat Dining Car (a la cart and club Mrvara) IMjniina laj an
ObMtvation 5lilng Car.
The Best of Everything
Koturn Sorvico Equally Attrartlva
For information grding train nhcdul and (lifif car accamm
. , dlw". pplr Conulidtd Ticat (!., MIS Dodg Sut
(Tphan fWflM a Union faiMngar Malauv
I'll Sure Be There
Harry Mason
The Tailor
B4 -'lfc
Goes on Trial Saturday. Oct. 14
At 1510 Fartun Street