THE OMAHA BEE: FRIDAY. OCTOBER 13. 1922. Two Omaha High School Elevens Will Play Today Central Battles Here South Meets t Lincoln Team 1 on Latter s Field $tny Important Gnnterli Scheduled for Slate '. Kearney Ila at l.eningtou. By KVJJII UA(.NKI(. 19 Omaha, high sHpiol football Havenf, fou'b and Central, wHI but I on Hi irldlron this afternoon l.'carh Fatton's fut U Hid flickers Journey to Unrnln this morning wher thy mingle with Coach l:mw a athletes In the afternoon, whil On tral and fllnus C'tly high tangle cm the. Iluffiloea' ,aaahull tot thin afteriim-in Nearly alt the fiulafuta high hia rhino ill roll on III 1 1 I 'J today Many lnKirlatit pigskin sirugglea are mi Hut schedule, l say nothing of tho Intercity contests (but at sure to at tract much Interest among the nut slate fana. Koulli High frlppM. Coach ration of Hnuth high la talc ln a nlppled team to Lincoln, 'J' I J'uckera ar ml una Him services nf Captain ll'ib Hiwnrrr, fullUick mid nne of t tin best high ai'bcHil lino plung era In tha suite, Quartet back Kim (I'll Graham, while In' limy get Into tha conflict, hna been musing 'in In Jnrnl siilo anil cannot be expected to I flu y murll of U M" oin . Two i.r I hi -n other packers Iiiivii been mi tlm In jured IIhI this week, but may Im nbio to play this afternoon. Merlllk, buck Ifeld aiul lliii'iiiiin, la on tlm lnjiiri'il liat ami will b out of Ilia lineup. A little foj ii t in r ih 1 1 of Mouth Mini l.lnrnlii rati I gathered from the aenrea each Irani iiiiiiln against Fit mnnt high, Lincoln mi from J.'r. mmit, to 0, while Hnuth loal, 2H to i. Htilllh Pillared tlm Fremont gain" nilnua acvrii regulars. Three of these Veterana ui'O expected In piny IIiIh j Afternoon, j t'oiii'li Hi'hnilili of Central Im ; Ironed tha wrinkle out of lila squad ml la ready to send them against Sioux I'lty lit limin park th In nf. t H'maui. A week of In. 1 1 1 hitIiiiiiiiim' With tllit I'nlvcrally of IiimiiIiii, has : Improved tlm team until Wolunldl bo-' ) nevea lila men u ill li-minco the j low una. . Tha t 'initial Kcscrie will piny n preliminary game to iht Central Hlou "lty rontf'M, thlH Kiuii'' Htitrtlnt; m t o'rlnrk. , Nearnny ul l,f viiil(in. uffUt In tha utatu tho Knii'iii-y, 1,px IrigUin rontrat lit . ' Li-Wnplon W iil tractliif ii nt of Jiid.n'Kl. Lmlnion " laat wrrk I'llnllnmoil Ninth IMiiito, J9ZI atnti ' I in n il n n, from tlm V.IT1 rnce. In iin'i'flnif Ki'ininy, I,xIhk jv mill Inii'k uo 4kuIumLu aoiuppy . eleven, on whlrh (h iniiipuNmi of n ' tpeedy Imi-kfli'lil nml a Iwiivy linn, Tha Alllnnce Hi'iiirlre pinio tmluy tin tha liitti'i'a Kihlli'im hIiouIiI Iii ji giima worth witti'hiiinr. Hotii Ifnnm lionat fiiMt hiiokflfl'lH mill Hlnnnr llin. 'onaldi'rnlil rivalry chInIk l'ti'i n thrao two a'-hoolH, (Irniiil luliml tflrkUH l''iili'liiiiy nt J'uliliury In anotlli'r llnpoi'tnnt run. teat, w hlln tlm HimtlniiN Hupi i lor pnur ', nt Hupi'ilnf la ruiiHliiur pli'nty of in-' I lerewt up Hiipei'lor wny. MiH'ook pluya nt North IMnlto. Tho . former rhampa Khotilil win (IiIh kiu'ic. althnuiih Mi-Cook Ih reportoil to Imvo atroni; ti'iim, Norfolk nt C'olumliuM i nnotlipr pan mb of Impniliini'fl to ntnto IiIkIi echool footbnll follower". Betrand Winn Twn Hertrand. Neh tvt. 12. (Spe( ial.) - , Kertrnnd won two guinea in tllo Hua- tla tournament when It defeated tockey'a Tlgera, 9 to 0, niul Kaninm Bluggera, 13 to 0. ' Alton Muaakl liui Icil IS Inning, al lowing no runa and only nine hits. One man reached third, and one hoc rnd In each game. TYkuniuh Beats Haalii" J Uoaalle, Neb., Oct. 12. (Special. V Teknmah High achool'a foot 1 ail) team I defeated the Im'al eleven hero hy the , acore of 84 to 6. Tho fast hack -field t the Tekamah eleven tore large i liolea through the ltHiil'a line, Tekn. ; mnh playa Crelghtnn hiuli i f Omaha October 20. Important Football Games This Week t K 1 1 1 Y . II, I N H.h.K'1 ( li j Mih mniHsl at I Ih 1a. I MIH, Mlk aaalk Mlak lll In.uln si t.rk all 1H..IU ll HI IMtld III), alllaiir tl"l Healrlrr "I ll. m, MU !' ' eshelha al swiha. ItollMKf aila 4am mt !. I MMU mKI l M44m mI ,ts' at !! iVai aa'al u.wi itwuuU Una Ul4 aaalml lifhtui '!- bt i WilM aaciaal l-i (mkmi. ran I M"'"! iws aa. ; UotmIMiI tnW.oif a , Wa- VaMlaa ! i i wi. Mil ! tfke tti.a 4Mfca 4 M l t l.Ht ftwr laltt M.4a at i , kiwil .MaH im4 muM. 4 Bi m PUiwa. mmimr at I ! I i.a HM aad ' atM al tnaaW 1 ,.. at 4 a4 I Wwt aa-ei al r-n ' iVa. m. a I U4W4 e.-lt i iinlii ol ea ra4 I .1 MOtal IflaiM 11 r-. a "s, a t- i a aa lia) tmmmm lat M S,M. Ill at aa M M a- -4 ri. aa. 4 sim. aw4 M a A. 4 iM.I.I wa4 H.a'a sm . ...) a MM aaa 4 -. as. ia. tailiia.a, 4a a4 aaa. . I at aa AaeM .a i n m M UaMi French Promoters I EDDIE'S FRIENDS " 1 Y?- ' '":( I'm 6oim,to A TO TAKE JOF. THC EW.ll!- J 'A.S AeflooTV- ' '' AWHCLPus A STOOBAIX. ( &VMPA-my N . HAWl HAW! J ( I i V f vtu.i k.'wow C AlOM. lOWt-THiNfe- 5 1 1 ICAr4ECP ) X I MV PlAtO V ( ANCTMfcR ( III ft . I I I . r HAW- i v haw-; i i i i i i i in, i Ti-f -- i -4- i ' (2J in jyji.'lL Xtl.l tJTV 1 O tf? iw Imt i. Ftttimt Stuvica. lie Ruth and Meusel Play at Perry Today I'crry, In., (lit. ."Halio" Hutli 'iinl IiIh I'OKfiir, "llnli" Mhuhi I t if the iS'i'tt Viiik .iM'i-raiiM, urn Ki'hi'luh'd In ii nl i' hi'i late (IiIh nl'li'i iiimmi for thi'lr flret liiiriiMlui iiiIiik Imll kuiiio of tin' yi'iir toiiinri'im . Tho fornior lioino klnif will play v illi Ihv Inral ri'inl priifi'Hriloiial tvani, uhllo tho i'1'iitvr fli lili'i' will play on tlm oppoKliiK iiKKr'it(iiloii from IVIIu. Tlm Yank aiara will play In ex hlhliliui riiinca In Iilm olii, .Noli., Hat tiiiln.v, nml in (iniaha on Sunday. Ni xt Wciliii'i'day they will play at. .Sioux City. St. Louis Clubs Recall Players Hi. I.oiiIb, Mo., Oct. I;!. The St. iioiiIm NiiIIoiiiiIh have iccnlleil flvo I -l.-i Kif.-i, W illie I he local AmeWcaiiH have lOMillnl li'ive lianforth and Ih'lcil 1'i'i'mII iintlci'M mi II others, ue iiinllng lo ti i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n' 1 1 1 1 1 1 tumle licrc iniliiV. Thf reinlh'il jilajeii for (In; Caiil 1 1 1 ii I h are: Henry Vlck, John l. Htiinrt. Idlyln liyt-r, Harry Alct'iinly, ami Mlko Klroher, The plnyera on whom the llrowna have poHleil recall nntiorH tire; l'ranli Smith, Henry Divne, I'hll T'Hlt, AVil- Ham Tatiim, I'hnrlea Knot, James El liott, .lame Riley. John Kevins', Frank Henry and Dudley I,ee. Dnnforth, who wan under fire lie fore hciiiK aent to Tulsa, under option in the middle of tho aeriNon. was re leased. It waa announced, to perfect a new alcllvery. Frank Isladl has left WlchiU tor ( allfoiiiln. where the Itnld Kuule now upendx his winters off the ma mma .loliherlown liaseliiill fana have iMslmved upon him. The St. IjmiIs ( iinliu.ils are muk Ing extensive purchases of cluss I) player. . Viiiene recent aciiulslllonH are Homer Ittircli, catcher, from Abilene of the West Texas league: ritt-her Ward and Outfielder Mawui of the siinie club; Oultlelder ( urn slocl, of the Auiarillo club of the time I. si; lie. and I'llihers lladry and l.ovnli of the I Incolii and K ali bin ) Nebraska M:ile Icatue i liih. TrU SM-akvr, maiiagrr of the (leteland Indian, did mot of Ida urtelng fur jieung lalrnt thia fill liotead of Ml aprlitg. ThU la one ul prkrr'a awn kleaa. All tlie uun(slrra he IhiukIiI were wrdered to reiMMl Mil lull. He ) the youth are la) good ahape hw and thai there wa more el r!im lu toil what Ihejr reuhl d. Tl w Im bwlt the kr.1 wUI be Ukm wuth In lite piln. hlie ttthrra will be placed la adt tillage dui-lug lb in ter, belnc barated W hfe Ihef will rtei the eatlnt they awed. Yutl IliH in t-. t'uy, N.k,, IV I. K-.,sul - V-rk lliau .s4 g'hl.'.i Ih Dk "t'f ItlttH lt..J l-l,t .is. 13.' lit T, Tt i4( :faa bad M I n I Of IM'f gl t tlv n . , tt-ai U lHl WJ it l.ti.i ! . ... . V hn.i.U TiiarJ jii ruu e. k : Cai-Uitl anil H, ;' . . kl... 1. U.u in I el 1.x k vi t U'd ,. i lairlivul Ural liruuiuj, ;t .lf'J,.Mi,oi i; i.-,i- tl4Ml-lltt. efJ lMt l -.a at .i t it.; t- f " I l ! s W 1 I . 4 t. tt !. a K tnt 4 lst..-- . I av!twiv fin I i? !. t;4 U AiiU Gautr i tt a, 4 JtHi.i.1 i.k ,tnt-. ka I . i Imji i , . ....I , Ik . . 1 'asa l.a.aj Football Facts -Best Grid tj Our end happened to have IiIh oulHiiie foot on thi! Kldclinu when our center aiinppcd tho hall. He waa In no way connected with tha play, na it wiia an end run around the other nIiIc. Our Pack run 40 yaiila for n. touchdown, hut tha umpire called UN hack nnd had u penalized G yurdH. WaMii't that u toiiMh and unwilled penalty, A. It does aeeul n, hut Kuli) 12 distinctly says that the umpire could do nothing else, our cud wasn't properly instructed uhotit lining up or lie forgot Ilia Inslructlini. g. A lietH II that tho defeuwlve linn men may hold their opponents, that the rule agaliiKt holding applies only to offensive player. I'leasii decide'.' A. A lusts the bet as the rule Is clear Hint defensive line men limy not hold their opponents. Obviously, II' they could, line Inlereferciice would never amount to iiiiylhiiig. Kule 16, .Section 1 lb). Q, If ii defensive player !' rushing n forward pass. JuhI tips tlm bull with lil fiiigera, doea it. mako every iiuin of the team pawing eligllilo to re ceive tho hall? A. It certainly does. lule 17, .Sec tion 7 (r). (J. Wo rerelved tho klckoff, one of our men witching the bull on our 30 yard line. Wo hud a play In which thin n m n wan to make a long lateral piiHH uerosH the field to another of our men. This last player rnn forward so that the paHH, when made, was a for ward pass, What la the ruling? A. It waa the opponenta' bull on your l."i yard line, first down, 10 yarda to go. Team not putting ball In play FollowingHorses kt'll, Hawthorne Results First race, purso !on, 2-j-ear-olila, tVt furtungs; Carlos Knrhii. 113 (Singleton), to 10. I to S, out, won. Oraat Lady. HI (McOraw). to 1, T to 8, S to l. sei-oiul. 'rnniln. lul iKwlerl.l, 4 to ,, I to . 7 to Id. third. t ua.: Ii , . My l.orr.ili', l Tuilenas. kii Ml as nl-.i ran H 'i-i'inl IH'-. l'lo- 'n"- " lamilna. 3- jp.r. ...t-, .-inn U i' i iuiiui'h-. M .rv li . ll'l ll"' UlK'UIU. J lu 1 4 to 0, z i 'i in xtarn I'.nunJlu l"1 IHylel, 4 to 1 - ,.. 1 vnn k.'i..n.l 1. 1. Ul. ily Man, d i -tiauulit-rl. 11 u. I. J In I. thllJ Time: II! , . . lluy It. IMuM l.ivllle. lur shorn Ai-r.-a a o ran Tn.r-I riot, puna ?". tlalmli'. J y'-ar-ui.H ant ui. i"i" i ' ... H- l'r.,.irli. 1J lMhMi. 4 to I, 1 i.i t uul ..o. Wat-r Win, ti (JoaMI, I l !. I U i T ' I "! l-f at Hulk, t . i u.ravl, S ! I. 0 to . t la" I. thilJ Tin . . . . , . i.UDira H'. It aa f PuarJ,, a ari'U II piau'l.l i'w ras Wia la .. ie aiaimti-e, .,.i as I ur NufW.aU.. IM lia'. I ' I. I ' I. 1, .a . ttt.l H t. I I. I. a, .ft I J IdM.ll. I 14 I ; i, i io I M.iia, I I t..tilia4 1 I I ' , . Ik'' I t i rti. V.,l-.a 'na, "id -- ,' II f-c-a ia.a.i a r- . OA l., 4t t-i. I -..j'"! Hla4 I,., an . an -. .' v tit '' I I, ; an - lv . k, . ft ' '.l. I l.l I. I aa- ' . . I . . . - k...: l.k la.i.Htl . I 1. I i I i, 1 1 i :..!-. ' I l" l.i... I. f a fc a. ... a I . a4 a a , I' . ll a . - i -, t ' i 1 , I it. t 1 i ...I i:l.ll' i.i im Ikl I'll --tf ",! ....,.. f I lua eK ll - : at t .. , ! llauth&rne fwrfi . . i. t.-e. I I . t-t 4 . a a, . - - II tt.a a, st, v . , ' kt . - , a , i . a-.. . . i . t ..,.i.. i . 4 I , - . . . 4 - ...... I- I ..... L I . v. a. 1 1 Angling Worth Knowing Play to Use by Kciiinmuge may no! make a for ward pass. Rule 17, beclion 2. (I. On u punt a defensive player held our end. Other team caught liall and run for n touchdown. They claimed penally should be given afier try for point. Waa this right. A. Certainly not. If I understand your question, ball waa in air when player held your end. That means you get the Imll nt the spot your end was held, first down, 10 jards to gain. Kule 10, Section I, Mile. THK MUST 1'I.AY TO I HE. With tlm hall in your possession on your 10-5 iinl line, fourth down, half ii yard to go, near the end of game nnd yom- teuiu Icuding by a point or two, the play ia a punt. Hut the dif ference here between this punt and tho one called for In the previous ar ticle Ih quite marked. In the previous situation, you lend by & touchdown, and a field goal from fair cntc.Il, if inude, would do no harm. Now It would defeat or tlo you. So jour punter niutif punt In a different way. When leading by a touchdown, hl wholo object Is to get the bull far up the field. WUen leading by a tew pointa, he must place 1t no the opposi tion may not have anything but the remotest chance of aeorlng a goal after a fair catch. Ho, his punt should not only be a long one, but a kick that will fall near of over the Hide linen, preferably tho latter. A ball kicked out-of bounds cannot be run Wick or nay a fair catch ho made. Thus, he prevents the punt being turn ed to good account. tt:i: Laura foclnan, 113; Noinandle, 113; Whippet, 113. Tlilnl rati), purae ITiiO, rlalmlnf, for all a". flvo and one-half furlonga (7): alt, IOC: Bonero Blue, 111! K.vallna May, Ul; 1 W. Harper, 118; Ueland, 113; Kour Leaf, 113; War frpnant, lit. Fourth, le. purae tKOft, clalmlnr. 1-year-olda and up. six furlonga (): al'roo laiiiatien, HI; iNennette, 107: ll'avaka dour II. 107; Klvulet, 113: Pweot Apple. 112; nui-knall. Ill; Hanovera Topaa, 113: May lilil. 113; Itallbliil. 113. Fifth raro. purao It.OdO. claiming. 1-)ear-olila and up. mil nnd n amlatfnth l.ll: Finiaaile. nl: sTnkalun March, 10Z: n.upi.r. lua; Honolulu Boy, loJ; Cray Lilian, lift. Sixth race, pume li0, rlalmlng. S-year-olds and up, ona rail and lliroa aliteenlha n: our Hfly, l'i3; tendoaia. Mlai fiApernr, 101; Klta Howl I a, t"; Thun-.1,-' Hint, 104; illu. kbourd, 1j. it.oula, Itt: Fria. 111. Apprentice ahowani rUtmeJ w.athar . ...r and cold, track heavy. Grand Circuit Results. l.ailngti. Ky. "t. tJ Firat ra'-: T). K-niu k). ,r ) vair-oid tiotiara; It. tn thr.a, pura 'i: I . i.r till. l. t , hy ' lh Clt IHll Vim W.irih). f 4 M Ivaa .,. . rlii"r WnlSkk f (l.aamla Ih. ureal'' t 4iV.. I .itti. t (i t tl'asi i l,, Su-. a Mi a'a,tl. To,,- . II. 14V. 1 v ,.rl a I 14 t, ) 'a ' I ti t , . U ,. .. I if.. I , ) liin j tao-t li scd.l 4 ; Hwait.ll, It. aa. O' I tui., la Sua f g ,a. . . J aa P:aat, b, h ,aj,,ii. . Fi.!.t a e,f.siii 7 -l. it .f, li.a., a Yi.rfep ll.taa t-o. ta H-.r l' ,. lla I ii alI.A t . .us 11 in, liui .-.-,. i ,i im, i , I - a-. i W... k t, r i'.-.i.i I k .ft tui,a. . g ( at . I si , ttsw,.i4-', k g iitr.a.a , . Hft.riagK I g ,.t-.,a-.t kta h (, ,a g S t. ... t m.iti ta li'Mt- r.c IHr.. a i I k ,.s; . . - a I a i - . 5 I, v -"tk (a a . 4 - . ia ii--c -. I t .-('- . i, a i...... k m t, a... i it. it, -,a ... , , I u i . k k. n ttk.ii.i ... 1 sa It.-,,,, g i . .j . I a- . . f . i. . m. a I'" ,agt,.,i , -as ajJ..a"4 . . I -i I ' I rit I lir U iw I Is), t t . .. . I -. ' k I , l a, s. , 4 .i ! . f t is. I ... (.,,. k. ia it I .1 I. i , t t . 1,1 k-t 4 I at I t- f - a- I 4 ! . I t la I a - ''- ' I ! at e , for Dempsey-Siki Championship Fight Pale Hose Even Series With (!uhs by t to 3 Win kir, uixie i.rrrour, non Morr Than HoMs Ilia Ohm Again;-. VctcrHii AlcxHiitlcr, Tha While H" evened up tlilj "ri'H with the t'uha todny ly taklnic a pilrhera' luittie, 4 to 3. J-icn nun now I mi M won two KHinea, I Tlm veteran Cirover AleXMnd'-r wiia oppoaed hy the rookie "HIxIb" I-ev. rrntle, and more than held Ma own, until tlm alxth limine when hi Im gun to weaken. The H"x' then aturted their u,ihlll fight and Ht tha end of tho aeventh had tied their rivula. Alexander then tightened up until the ninth. Hooper then uncorked Una drlvo to rlftlit field which wiia (ihmI for two liaaea. Colllna out, moved Hooper to third and Hheely allot a hot grounder over third Ixiae ivhlrh aent Hooper home with tlm winning run. J.evereltc. held 111 opponenta to aeven lilts, three of which were minlo hy HtntJ!, whlln tho Sox touched Al exander for 10 aafetlea, Hooper nmk fog three and Colllna nnd Hhecley two rach. rin. national I rut. AMn. AH II. O A I AII.II.O.. 1 I I ll Hnoper, rt t i It II 10 1 HI Joliim'ii, 4 0 ft Ik 3 0 1 niciilllni, :a 6 14 4 3 111 ::ah"ly, III J I ft 4 S 1 (II Moll. rf J Z I) 3 ftlKnlU, If 4 12ft 2 0 0 llMulll'n, Sb 4 t n I 0 0 o! Hi'hBlk. e 4 t 7 2 ft 0 1 01 Mver ti", p 4 0 0 4 I II 4 01 4 0 3 al Total. 3D 10 27 10 Hlli I u. cf llnll'i r. m Trry, 21. Ill lllli'N, I h Miil-hMr, rt MllliT, If Kruif. ah xllonth'fo Ki'll.'r, 3b i i Knr'11, Alrku'r, p T.ilsU ? 7 20 l! illiitici f.,r Knur In th. jTwo mil whn winning run arori-d. H'-orn by I it nlntre : rhlcaan Nationals Ill 0H oil a i:hlcao Americana O'ift 002 1014 nummary lliina: Htata (S), Urlma. II wiper (D. 1'nllins, Hhly. Brrora: Stata, Krua. THii-tiaae hllai fctata. Iloiipir, Thrra-biiat! hit: HoepiT. Sacrifice hll: 1'iTry (i), ilrlmwi. Miller. DnuUla play: Mullluan In I'ullln In flhcly. Left nil hiiais: Chlniau Natl'inala, I: ihlraso Aiiierli-ina, I". Hai"i nn Imll: "ff l,ver lt, 4: off Alciiiinler, 2. Hirurk out: Hy Alcianiler, by l.everntln, 4. Hit by nlli-heil ball' lly liDverotle, KrUr ami HeHlhrota. Wild pitch: Leverctta. Urn-n;i-- Nallln at u'nto: Qulaky at first; Mlnnea al second ; Hart at third. Tiiiet Joe Beckett Wins Over Frank Moran T..iwlnn fM 10 .lfl Hei'kult. llO iSrltlah heavyweight pugilist, scored a technical knockout over Frank Moran, the American heavyweight, when the referee stopped their bout In the sev enth round at Albert hall here tonight. In another contest, Jack Uloomfield, British lightweight champion, stopped Bombardier Wells, also of England, In the Blxth round. Hawkeyes Work Out on Cleveland Field Cleveland, O., Oct. 13. The Towa football aquad arrived here this morn ing and immediately went to Univer sity School field, where the squad waa. put through a snappy signal drll and light scrimmage by Coach How ard Jones. The teajn is in the best of condition. The team will leave late thla after noon for Iew Haven. Grand Island Eleven Defeats Kearney Team Kearney; Neb., Oct. 12. (Special Telegram.) The Antclopea staged sunie sensational playing In the last ouurter of the game with Grand Is land today, getting the ball within a foot of the Islanders' goal, but un able to put it across. Grand Island ecored six in the second half, Sink go ing through tho Kearney line for a sensational 30-yard run. The visitors made their gains by line sniashea. The game ended 13 to 0. Had Good Season . Tawnee City, Neb., Oct. 12. (Spe cial.) The baseball tournament which composed part of the county fair here, closed the seuson for the local baseball team. The bsala won every game of the series. During the sea- a'n just past, they have won IB games i and lost 9. They have played only i home men, hiring no pUiyeia what ever before the fair tournument. Bailie to Draw New Toik, Oct, 12. "Irlah Johnny" Curlin of Jersey City and Terry Mar tin. I'rovidvuc. It. I, fought a " round diuw at tha I'oiii tiiounda to day, lluth Weifhrd 120 pour,s. The judges alo i1fcUirNl a druw thi I" round aemi f,n. between I.lgbtwelclit Joe Tiphta cf 1'hiladel--h:a and Andy TIumiiu of Urooklyn. Vrir World Record for Drhtrless Race '4in City. Nh,, Ik-t. II tSp- ' t i ll a-A guul, In ij. it, on cf I ho f.- ilui.a isf (ha rounlj f.u?, I ; aultttt In Ih t'laatkirg of a world rtei uf-l n In Im. k liar, acfordtnrf t Wold tatfi f, frvmi Jiklk tiasiig I )lfgrjff of lnl mi, ah,i atitle t the inn lore Ual w.rk Tat I t l-elol git 4 l.t Ldll a.4ilf if A -it' ji ,i t . e-i i.-n a i I .ia.,.i lii. i , l duty (.f th ti.r ik U4 1 Ik ilii,l4 tel.a k ha f kill tit una a.lfci.1 a,t Hi. nui4 Jwi. t'l--Krt I -mi aal.4 a I founj II a 4 a WtatU iu4 f n)tl in a Jit r ) a- titlllMkk a4gliaaaka t JUDGE SEARS I OR CO.SGR tSS Kfkgtlkta CtailJt LUllaa NtmW 7 High School (h id Coaches, Plaucr and Fans Attention! Illlih M'liool foiithall (inn -lira! Knot hall plaer! , Kana! The tlnniha Dally lire hpntli tie. parlinrnt wanln to hooat ' four ai-hnnl. Help ua turn Hie trick hy aemllng ua the rratilla of football f ainea and iithrr l onlmla plujed by oiir ai'limil. Iiiiineilhilely after tha same "ln al It" 1o the telegraiili of. lice and wire na Ilia reanlf. lie aura and aend II "tolled" and we'll do the rent. IIihihI for Jinir m liool. u will help )oii. Help tin malie the ii',2 IiIkIi M'liool football araaon In lirakloi a Ininner one, )nu ran do Ihia hy aeiullng na tho reaiilla of fame. There la no rhurge on tour part. Orioles Again Beat StPaul Club r'l. 1'u ill. Minn., i let. 12. Putt I more s league champions today i, -feu ted the St. I'iiuI American association champion here today, I) to I, giving them a 4 to 1 lead in the l.aino standings for the series. Ogdcil, pitching for llaltlniore, held Ht. I'iiuI to two blta, uml struck out 11 batters, llaltlinrno nnw,iieisis only one more victory to attain .tho minor league baseball championship. The next gamo will bo played Saturday. Miske and Gibbons Ready for Gong New Turk, Oct. 12 Hilly Misko nnd Tom OihhoiiM, Ht. I'aul pugilists, finished training today for their Hi round match tomorrow night at Mud- Ison Square. Harden. Should Miske win he will be mulch ed to meet Harry Wills, champion of the negro heavyweights, aecord.'ng to promoters of the M!kcGiLibns bat tle. Sidney Golfer Wins Sidney, Nob., Oi l. 12. - (Special.) Aa an aftermath of tho recent t ri ft ri to golf tournament held between towns in Wyoming, Nebraska and Colorado, -which was woo by Sidney Country club, tho individual pluyera met nt Sterling, Colo., Sunday and Miaiday for tho Individual champion ship. Three Sidney jplay era were In the finals out of four eligible, they being Huekner, who won tho Sidney Individual chainpioniihip; Dr. Wltham, his runner-up, and Dr. I-turger. These meq together with Snyder of Brush, Colo., battled for the championship, and it whs won by Huekner over Burger, by ono up. Tho prize, waa a hniidsomo cup, which Uuckncr has on display to enthuKiasta of Sidney. Pawnee City Golf Tourney Tawnee City, Neb., Oct. 12. (Spe) ciul.) The Fairvlcw Golf club of. this city is holding its second tournament ibis week. The 16 highest scores turn ed in will determine .those who will compete for honors. The players will bo divided into classes A, B, O and D thin time, and a winner of each class determined. Contrary to cus tom, there will be no handicaps in this tourney. 1 TO HI Al l M-ll k.tih W ai'li kali a4 I luuthhJ kail a i a-. iu 4 ia )t.i k ''!, 4k u hu4 a.ti i.3.i'il tla'i prti,Mi4Ht I JIPIUHIIL.. I Wfit I'll ill I i '' WA ft.,, I iii 111 Ji i Jm. Prospecls for Departure to America of Senegalese Fighter Not Bright I'aj-iB. Oct. 1;'.--Kiench boxing pro. mot ra ni v luuiieuxerlng to bring J.n k j Dempsey, woi Id a hcaty weight I'hnlit 1 plmi, here for l;uti" with "Huttllng" .S ki, eni'4lrw 'coiiuueror of tieorg.-a C'arpciitler, in li''jnher. tn aportinaj elides, it la reported 'that directors of the new Buffalo Vi-I-liMlri'ine, where i'arpentjer'a i'lipe incurred, have made overtures to .lin k Kcarns, liempsey -manager, for such a contest. H Ainownta varying bet wren 'l.lmO.nfm and l.Son.oaii franca huve been men tioned aa Ueinpscy's end of the purse. ;'Tli capacity of Ihn annn la 65". 0(1(1 nnd the promotera oplua Hint with the American na the ttrnetlon, they may be bold enough to k d'0 ft aiica each for 1,000 ringside seals and dispose of tha lowert valued se.iea at 20 franca. , Heretofore no French promoter haa dared to ask more than ZOO franca for ringside erute nnd at the tarpcntler HIM battle, thousands of anita were obtained for us lmv na 7 franca. If the bout Is arranged for Vicein- French Promoters , After Dempseu-Sikl Championship Bout aS22Sii Worth lutiaml I 'liVIrouiihrril uu are nutlc In oiirow , n factory, and sold by uj dim t to our dcid-rr- You tlo not pay a joiner's or hrt.krr's profit wlirnywi Imy a Wort 1 1 or 'I'horotiylihrcd hat. The Worth dealer or 'riu.roiighhrrd deulrr in your town ill hr Kl.ul to nh.w jou the new. Tall model. UMTluriuila f ' A' a a' e VU.i Ht AND her it colli. I Im held In the open air. as the pt'i'limlers declare that weulh U rcporla show that Dri ember would be ti belter 1 1 1' mi 1 1 1 to eimiigi. in out door spurts than Not ember would b. rrospeil fur. I Im departure of H!ki now appear loiiiofw, as Hi1 lamer fa ropmtid In Im liraf the breaking po;ut with his malinger, M. II-Ih i s, nnd to bo vo.dnig what ever iii riinfioinciils have been made. Tho innlrnvt between S.kl iind. Hellers will expll-o November 80, and It has heonmo known (hat the former la not desirous of renew. ng ll. Cost Heavy to T f P hisc iransicr rranc fTK-iiln. Oct. 12 -t; Ti law gram.)- It w,ll oust IJt.MMi In lirioa: Hloux City's Western leagun frnii. eh'ae to liini'oln, fho way things U"v slanil. "Chick' it Ji k, pa it owior of tho H:otlX City club, nml HariK-Jf Hurcli, owner of tlm f'liiiihn rluli, huve been here for the paid two day! looking Hie s, I ii. dion ou r. Mncolii Stiilo leeiguo Hub ownerl want $21.1100 for lh plant which the built last year. 'I I, V Itn lii'len niiii mcnt nnd teri'.liii'.al r'ghta, Tin H:oiix ball park, wh'cli niilst la puri-hiiseil, nnd Hie Hoiix Cllv frar chlse will cost: l7,r,0ll. No lcflliltv ,'ii'tlon has yet been l.ilini. but Matllcl rxiiecta to rd urn to Ilncolii wllhit n few' days And reaumo iirgotjatlinil with the group of business men ttlif ar behind the proposition. Tlirow Open Gateii at Grand Circuit Hare l,exlnglnn, Ky f 'el. 1J. According to an official iiiuioumieeinent. tislav, there will Is no betting during tin remainder of the grand circuit meet lug and the galea will bo free to Hit public Whlln no official statement, muM be obtained hero us to tho reason fol railing nil hcls off, II la said nuiona racing men that Inasmuch na tha races had been postponed three times and the laces could not be run, the beta were called off. It la 'dd. H"it there may no disputes becaiiso o'f the" cancellation. Henry Ford Wins Gloucester, Mass., Oct. 12. 'lli Gloucester rteamer ITenry Kurd tndaf won the first of the elimination raeei lr. rlctei-mfne tV" ehritleni'er of tllo In tcrnntional fishing vessel trophy. HALF PRICE SALE I of unclaimed Hulta and Ovareoala. our own ttinke; nuidn for cuaiojn ers who have failed to call for them The deposlti paid are forfeited, thus ennhllng ua to anil them for shout onn-hulf the regular selling price. Thla Is a wonderful opportunity tn buy a real tnllorea suit and overcoat at leas than tha coat to make. Wa guarantee 'liem to lit. hlura for everybody. MacCarthy-Wilson IMar Daylight Tnllor Store. Bonthrnst Corner 15th and Harney, . (ta, U,. M a a V K V1 3 41 taaa. a. ftai. 0 ! W Wwlittial a. Isww .m a. v baMkaaa) -ea4 t (,.-, k "t 4 k--. IS ,1,1. -. a - ' a 4 I 1 I.-. V- 1