it THE OMAHA PEE: FRIDAY, nriUhKK 13. 11 Creijrliton Dcau Broadcasts Txilk on Public llealtl Senator McCormick to Speak in Omaha Dr. Von W. S Iwllz Sayu War locd Mwll J)if,ve Jliat Miiht lit Eradicated. m i t 1 A 3 i ' hlt-iil of ailund lidt"1 and a "i-tiii'l I a old u J-uropeiu) i h iliuii.iiii," (In It. JI'miimi V .-ii W. Kthulta, dean of h Crelyh- hi Ci.lji'irtt of Mi-diclne In a Imtur i it ' I'til.lic Health," whkh waa brud i .ml from lb tnoaha (iniin .haiig I. t night. "TH public '"l'h Murk in Mil riun'ry hn hlatoiy of lltll iiirt than half a ceiilury," lr. rU-huIlx ijiitliit.iliud ttiut health tn,K,ur.j have MiKihelVd th y rag life a period of l year throukli th i m. I). nil. .ii of nih dkie, Ui ycllo fever, buhoule plagu, typhoid nl afiiiillpoi. "Hut th elgrinl iictoniiylihiiieiit of the puMlf lit Mil tt movement, gratify If C ik tiny are, abould rit Mind u I'. the fii-t thai mueli wmltin to be 'lone," he ton tinned, "Th" tir;. , nt if I ho Hnr reveal n 4iturlt intr Tikinini of pbvi'al lif"rtoriiy rlii'iliK Hi"" of drufl (lit. ifMirtw tliv linn l.i iim nlJiMfi ixnuw a'tat-nre port it It w.n 'In l' fir' rilfiMe (lineage nii'l remedial.! eoenlliionx.'' Th rfi'Hk'r paid a tribute to I h Waiting IHH'. ''Sim ll It who Mill-in lii" li' iii,' "f poverty Mini ukne mi. I tirapplc liiui.l In Im nil with rtlMrtw mi-l n,:ry nri'l lifni'i'iiic. ' In il- lined, ''TIi' yia.tlnK iiiii In the fulfig Inn- i.f mi- li ly IIKalllM It ,-IK UH' , rltfllf, pOV- my nml f-rln'', i.f wliiih itlwif I 1I1 moid formidable. For ln-ri lf h hhUh little, the reward l Hi'- .ilrf turn if "i k -ll i1"ii " r l$0 Will A.MrfM AlillfT. K. If, I.MXin nt HI. Inil, MTM-lnrv rl4 ti'-nmirrT .f lh .MhkImkI(.iI ViiI ly arnuM'inlion, will nrrim In "mulia ri-xl Wrdiir-mliiir t r"-rik lufnm a ronvnitlon of tlwi Nilirfifka Mlllfii j""itliin on (fiiiMpfriatJ.u jui.l,. l"ii.. ' ', V1 DIC-" Tmf Aw Sewing Machine that was delivered to your neighbor's home yes terday was a 'White :You would be onthuscci over the idea yourself if you would find out about our White Club Plan If you rnn't fume in, pliouft for detail.. Douclas 107;? MICKELS and Ihmu'V fjnfor Mi-dill M'uriiiM-k, ul.l!- 'Im, iM-wlivr anil niiwlmt (f -eni'.in- will flunk In 'iniihx nt llio ll'.l"! Hoini ni 'Ihur.l.'y ivmiihk ut un- fir n i'iilii mn niicpti jln m i.,ni. Inic V) tiriirvxkH. Hi I ho tnfii-iit tit lhi tMl ri nlml fi niiMli un r-oiniiilKr-,'. Ki-nnlor ,M'!.Vrt-i,,i k l-fl th tA.liir dlilp of tin- etiK' Tr.buim a riiiin- l,T of ynirn hko In tnur tim pulilli-nl inum, lii r" li Um prvil hilnic-lf iiii aKir,v t,vir. Two Men Accused of Motor Thefts Ihwjii" C.hntp'A Willi Al-l-f t; f t ! )ntr. ui "Jlot Cnr Wtre. Two nun inn tiHil tin aiilnrnobit'! lhft ii.m in hy Oinh "lli.- on vlil'i'e oflirif.l ly IhimiI iiulo rf'-al-t-rn, ; , Tl.y riri- 8io of Kxlra, Ja,, uml H'. U Mull of Ji.n M'.irnn, la. Hikjo, Hho la JJ, uml- wln auya h hum U-i-n cniployrd tiir four ymra a a Iiiiiit nt Alliiiitli;, hi., la al'l u Imvo )i alolo a Koril C;u at Atlnntir WVilin-wlay nllit. Jl? M'a "lrnkf," olllwra nll'ifc h hIUkI, and trriiiKht the ar to fnnaba hra b ' uk-il nr-ar tha Mlllnnl lioti-1 on DouKlua nlrurt, nlntpitig all ulirlit In the ouii. Thunwlay li la IIi-k-i1 to har Bono In V. (. IitlKC, Uwil r-nr &nrr, 1621 North Twenty-fourth atrr-r-t, and tolil lilrn li undt-ratood ha "got rid of 'hot' cart." JjiriKO r-iiliud Ilwut. Jik Vin now akl ami Ht. Oorge Hiiinmitt of the autmobllo theft bureau who wre told by Hprw that ha waa only "kid din." The offlrera alien they found the key to the car In Kpoo'a p,K-ket. Hull a.'iya h la a aalearnan for the Tawman & Erba cablnat cotnpany of Dm Molnra. Ho la 23, la alleged to Jiave trkd to aell a Ford coupa t tlia Lincoln Motor company! 11 waa arrciited by Detectlvea Bufftewlcz and ''I'll. JIo told the officer he loat lila car a year ego and after an argument with another aalenman mad a waiter he could atcal a car end all It with out bflnK caught. The car be la aocuned of bavin atolen l;lonK(.-d to Thomaa P. IViw, Wlnteraet, la., h atudent at Aroi-i college, according to I!u((lewlcz, Accqils Ht-Ifiane on Woman Hofid After INifijht in Jail .Tomph IliK'kley, aliened box tar thief, t hoe to go ' jail Wclrieilay rather than have Mr. (Vither:rie Campbell Bo hi bond. Hut after apcndinif the nl(,-ht In Jail, he hunei hi mind, and yenterday appeared at the federal billlilimf with Mra, Cniiip bell, who prepared to flv the bund for $,i0, Jordan Sali'Kinanager Sen Tremendous Year for Firm W. R Riley, Rinei-al aalta rninager for the Jordan Motor Car company of Cleveland. O., who I making a trip through th nilddln wit, wa In Oma ha ycaterdny ut the aalearoma of th j llaywnrd -IVternon Motor Co., dl tribiilor for Jordan earn In thl terri tory. Mr. liiley Mated thut a tremen dou year fur Jordan wa probable. City Ice Plant Kinjiloje' Widow Gel $ J, 000 for Death The board of director of the Mitio polltiin rtilille dlotrli-t ha granted to .Mr. V. Volenti, 2I5 IMeree tifet, nil allowain- of 1 .Otio lit Urn rale of J(D ,t month. Thl" on areount of lb diath of Mr. Volenti who died of piti-unioiiiu. lie wu einploywl at the i-iiy i-o plant. Mr. Volmtl h iieven i -hilt In-ii. Ninth Ward Republican Wtiinen tt llohl Meeting Th repiililH'tii w.-iin n orgnnl lion of the Ninth ward will meet thl afternoon at W In lb Hiiren Noh an.l tor:um. Jxhii U K.-nmUy will be til pi.hdpul tlKiiktr. Other iprak ar wdi I livoiKA l. 1UII, T. 11 liyaail and I ImrltH I KiUndtra, hi- I.Ult VA Oh, Hubby! Bo Sure and Go to JK. J . 1 S0 i llarrv Mason's i A Trial at U 1518 Farnan St. Saturday, Oct. 1 4 fc - . i i . r i m m m mm r . i u mi i w m n ' (lnl leather m4m ttrritA im kntk klecb mi krewe. frttt Ht0. &mm nyl m etil kid, rke At Tomorrow (Saturday) Morning Aa- all bluck Mtln, HOV with bUtk brecule urtr, aeXK). CQfl Ptat Onferd "'0 for imt end Iml wear. Vary fvf iilar, $M. Our Omaha Shoe Store--1520 Farnam St. Opens for Business Store Opens at 8 A. M.-CIoe at 9 P. M. CAg Rear Rad Call ka hid all aela. Juat iiht tar collafe and high tcbael hoy: Price (6.00. EVERYONE in Omaha would visit our store tomorrow if they knew our values as we do, or as our customers do in other cities where we are already established. We could tell you a long story about our forty (40) stores in all principal cities, but that means little to you. What you want is stylish, comfortable and serviceable shoes for less money. Our enormous buying power and our small over head cost makes our prices and quality to you un-matchable. C 46& -i,t w'alk" in i Oxford, ae.oo. 704 lack Cell Muar la A native Fall alyla tar reunf at.a, fnca OO. Come in Saturday and See You may think you have to pay more than $5 or $6 to get the kind of ahofs your position or your comfort re quires. A two minutPH inspection of thene F. Si C. values will make you a uteady cuatomer here. Study our win down come In and ex amine every neam, stitch and sole. You he the judge. Satinfae tion or your money bnck cheerfully. MILLIONS OF PEOPLE Concentrate Their Shoe Buying Into Our One Organization This places in our hands a buying power which commands the lowest production costs ever known; oar great volume makes it possible to sell our shoes on the lowest margin of profit ever attempted; our cash and carry policy eliminates all bad debt losses, collection bureaus, complicated bookkeeping department, and effects in numerable economies resulting from the chain store operation these combined savings deducted from the price of our shoes enable us to offer our patrons quality, style and service at $I".00 and $0.00 that they would expect to find only in the highest-priced stores. $1.75 Silk Hosiery FREE! Every buyer of Ladies' shoes on opening day will receive free a pair of genuine first grade $1.75 silk hosiery; every customer for Men's shoes, a pair of genuine 75c first grade silk half hose. Come in and get ac quainted with "The Store of No Disappointments." BOI Q N.w erota atrap. i lO 1 black ..tin with pat.nt trlmmlnf. $5.00. L3 li 1 II cno kM4 . I -a tUI OUO r.ll I'.l-i -ilk e i Uk- W Alt .4 ta ftfea I A AtC Naaraai Fr-nrk 1J3 ,, 1, ,u Ititm. D 413-,M;k;: C2S5- tk Mud aad at a.w.4 a o . Store (iptn Saturday S.I, .V. tn 9 I w a.. A "I leaap laat" aa ' ' ad k - e af atN a ax aw. at t. eae Mn aNia tn aa a. k..a aal H aa ELTMAN Is'CUEME Wonderful Slim Jot Mat ml lllmicn '5 ml '(tNoiie tlitficr lt IImI la k im all eaMat. all kU h f VSi tal n kak a- t l I ' t til , , , .: r;-- , ., .1 , , , , ? i j