The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 12, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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    7 .
run omaiia r.KE: Thursday. October 12. 1022.
Harding Opposes
Conference Based
1 ...
on Cancellation
I'miilrnt Intimates I'orjri r
neis of I)rM Me.f Willi
No Favor at the
U ji i les lliuw. .
ly (1KOIU1K K, Al HUM!.' '
H'Mfclm Iff I wiMiMl T lia Mm.
Vehlnfill, tut. ) -hH(m ,u Ti,I
iu(ij Tli ly limviiinl Mhlili h
l-rn In tnrM tr m time lih
fli lttil iiiillty of Ilia d' him ruiic
I rtrty lu ttli ntiiul niicl''tn of
ill Mllixt 4it lu Oil ("un'ry hue
b Kivnn iwOy Mow ,jf th
dunt 1
It tea iiia'U known yvuK-nluf hy tl.a
Villi It III thai ill lll'lMl lll
nil ciiiilr any ( 1 1 ii ipMilnii In
innntUtl i-onere whih might hav
Hi rhMllt'lun of Kurdy In iiiin'I
If II aliouM Ii r'l! t'l iiimn (,'tn-(-Nation
of Hi all!"'! war ill( 1i (hi
IpriiUtlv Jtiiilnii t( (hlt, tf
turning; from e.uro v.h-r ho had
li-ni a a mmlr tit Ihe iM't fun'tina'
'iHiiiiilMlun, glvee ''tit Hi ni wi(l.
IIiom drmoria'iu poiiticiana wbn
or (uitly giving iit'iiiiiiiKviiii'iit lo
lit Ma, ereouHialily vllh Dm fi"l"'
glilnlng upfMirf from It) (wan filling
r(ll hilar' e'a In Sw VniU hn m
iir. to 'hV h Hilled Hte
flfer Hi lefilf'yY ituffm, will
lv nt nriiiriigeiint from th
uC'-ra nr-. - , . I
It I Irli Id guveriifiiMit may a"- !
ffmn ongr m ifMllfliwMin of
th Iron clid lrn nf Hi lM funding
Mil W illi ll fllllkn U, ilni'llhl tor till
KHV-i mix-iil In nV'ii!le wild ' frerth
UfT t p II. t h"i en 111 lahllahad
jiulliy of th. iVFnniiit tn ileul with
iVh (minify iirni'ly, In otlmr
Hro, it It uluitilil I- iU'-MM In
down th (Mf fmm ' mntm eourttry
which rannnt pay "'l '"ii " !
(lullnr, It An mil mean Unit any i-cun-iry
Ilk Or mt liritaiu, for esiimiil,
whlrh (-mi uiy, Will hi in tn wuil
Into down prix .
Th fM Iho tfinllor ) thit lh
flhnrciu lnrr'i nf lh Vi!tl Hint
inmAn prlvni ln l-for wo ntr"1
IH WHf, Thy ornouBl uptinulniAlnly
In nrly mui'h hm th foreign 1M
In Hi ttiivnirniit "f lh t'nll1
Hmrt, It I anil nil urn I that ihrM
f'rll fthniiM f"l thf Jf huncw ft col
iVlln lhlr prl vat rtVM will Ii In-
lTnl'll if ttV (OVrMT1ll( I'dlHI'l III
(ihllfdtlmwi : ri it, ,
Bankruptcy Suit, In pilfd
Aftainut IJoour County Man
1 jf.'i'filllur wlm miy Miiflili J.
litnvti Vrn tit JtiK'Vlll", I'.onn counly,
nwfi thi-m f4ii,iuu,jjiil un Inwilun
trt'ry tionkriititey poiltlnn K'ili)t 'him
.Mtrily lit f"itJ roiirt. They auk
tH uppiinlmmit I'Jirl 3. Mwr it
lUdlwin, N'h., nn fclvir, 1'iirniiT'
(iitit hunk, with ii (JulM'f, I4II4,
th linc'iit rrciiiior. jii'timru r,vv
tlfif nd J'lhn IfMkmnn or th othr
';W. J. lMinahuo, Hipi;lnl"l trunlofl
Jon 16 nil tn whnm Iliift)akr
lurnM vR lV'l'''jr th,lfnfit nf
rr4ltom, ' r'lnil Ktitmlwir 2".
Jtomnckfo. M gnue lo tnnrmg or
'lr fnr" hU'pr'iinrly, the pi-tltlnn ot
(In Jupon, when ft Iok hrk l
night, th tiwn'r t rr,t'! ami on
tnc(l to work tut, flx"l lima for
Ika nolKhhora 'wlf'A.a'alunibarrf, may
hpv lm dlit ujrlif , ,
New Kxperinients
With Kixlio Sets
Ainlilil SiKiial May IV Kr
rrirl 'itlioiit I'? ;f
'' (foil ii J or Arrial.
Th Mrfiiiiiu;ic rf iha aiufii n
muri'U cl' tnnlii nf iiUnit th aaiii
dir4 n tor l.i lnli.w In a dlint
i'i'in wiih normal hoiH up. lmt
In iiiin'I llinx or Jul f'uni, ari'l
thai K'kmI rfrjiiiun riiiuln th uul
iilpiii''iil tit uro'uui ami miim l 'l ttt
n iiIkv m i lnw ymir i.
Th piinc la IIihi It la btir
n( in arxuni lh lilllliif mhn-n
oiH-rallnit urrl'-r ortpnry roniiiiUiiit,
i com tn liriiailn tli lunlr.f nf lh
f, If irrnnndi'il lh ohloMlna la ait
li,fiir.. in m,n.. r ... ...i i,.!of Hi i i-rliiiiuy i lrmlt. and filla wlih
prank llml ralliM rn.nty pUy ta,"'t ,h" -ft"y tttn i.f whl h
id fun nvr t ., llir ar a twmvm " ''' h" '''-
'iiin you limy iry If ymi m., a
imiilv twirlnulf lull a!:
Tun In a pnwnful lml lmiiniK-
(liitf dallvn, ami lhn lka off ymir
rml from your l, Your r--iiMnn
will In a n'ronr with your Krnuml
imiihii Hon al'ina If ymi hava vral
tl tit troiiii'l wir l ulii.a in your
t. four 'l I ynlly trt h"l im th
t''ii of your iirinuiry 'wllu'iria; fir ult
iiifal of lxi(w'iii your rlul and
your rriufi.l Aillu' your lurilnK n
bit, Nt ink iiH your crunl imi
nictl'iii ami hixik on your riul,
MicnuN infiin In woi'ilirf illy atrong
willmiil a aioiind,
Ifninaii flody In llrnill.
Saw lk off li'li arll and around
and you will null wlv audlll u" it yw hv riiniidi'ruM aiit nf
liild M"lid in yinir uround "',
Ida lil-ld and .'ircnll nlmnrh oouili
nr;y In Klv H Ion. I r''fp(lnn tit
enmntn, t iiir of ampllflrailon
alv ;t IkiiI niinM'li M'iiil in llii,'
di-t' lor tiih Willi nnrnnil luiok up,
Now Willi your nrrl'il Mid kiomii'I olf
tli l lak hold of lln around wlr
with your hand or fh tiI and no
ti th voluni liirrc rlly,
Nxr lak a pl"r of vni-, ,lir it on
th floor and atta n H to your (round
pot. and noi (ii'Ti'Wo of volum.
Kh fi you rat 'h urouinl Wlio In
your hand ari'l rinnd a fw ft awny
fiom your iliaroiiin i'iod not your lly
hn'oiiifH part of III' onrlllallriK Hreult
and nidiaix tifinv In iho wirlnif and
lil!illng of your mi.
Whn l.iillilli:" a iIUna t tio
not um any plnt on lh woodn
purl. lot pnliil ronlalu ld tit
iirlion and lnd to ahort 'lr ult th
fi'dila current r'lvd. (Iool, 'lr
v hi nlh or litlliii! vlmuld b uil,
Whn iiilna tnriJIiiri lul, tut
iill ,ui kind of tmilr.K liiul h
appllitd lu pivnt rnolatui utilna
and lo furululi ail liiullnu. fin
wy lu do thia la to ht a aulTltlnt
n mount of itnt wx in a pun and
dip Hi lull Into llil wax mi that
It will 'ovr th fKiii;ord In thin
hiyr aiid thui lt It hunUn, Apply
a rout of kIivIIu'I h'for pultliiK on
thu wlri'JIiiir. Altnr lh winding apply
ariotlir (out of hIi-IIik', Thla tuukia
a amid tuh on wlihh to wind homy,
cmnb 'oll and vrlo:ouiir.
Wint Italian Air ('up.
Hum, Oil, II Hy A, f',-Mrul.
I''.irrl, Ihn Italian avluior, who tlew
lioiu iiii to Toklo In J!i20, won th
iviu'infi aruiid nip of I'niy nvrr
roiiiHi of tfihi kllomtra wlil'-h h
tovcri'd In 12 hour (7 mlnul Vl
(nnda' flying tlm.
roiinilni mop tho four wa
ali'Wi.-l it I rvcrod In Iwo daya,
Mfiit, firrnrS waa lh only entrant
who urvlvd th Iniluailng trhi.a
and nn Irtt lh only ainrtir In tho
Road Conditions,
tfarnlthfd br lh Omah An I tlnh)
All o,,l rK"i!l In rnndlllcii
ih wrmhrr nfinr t ivirr point,
"for everyone
1'hocnix poof "all" thf qualifi
cation auuitht fn hoaii-ry, H
fU", ri-finfmant and anujf
f ittinjf quiilitiet er apprfciatcd by
both fhlHron and trrfwnupa: Ira
low prica ai.d unuauitl durability
mnkc I'hoi'Dix the moat economical
hoo obtaltinble.
' Every mambar of lh family
) provided a thorough hoiry
rvico at Pray't,
The Family Hosiery Store
60840 South 16th St. I90 Farnam St.
fbai titw I ow I'rlr Hnw ICffptl
..... .... - . ............ . . . ........ - a. .a a .,,:m it ; a, mi a -a ii"iii j n nr.'
.! itUy6u linow that we have punhawd tho K. B, ( Klopp.Burtlett) Company'a entire etock
of Office Furniture? We have moved it to our atorf, jilac.-d it on dinplay for your infection
and f lection,"
Rare barjraina mark thia aale ai a real event, makinir ach day a paaalng opportunity.
Doa't making your ailectioni while thla aiiortnu-nt i etill complete.
; We list a few examples this sale offers
k. b: rn our rri
160.00 Shaw-Wolkrr'4 drawrr Hti-rl Lrttrr Kile $33.00
47.80 Hrown-Morria 4 drawr Oak Letter Kile 25.00
78.28 llorroi h AO-im h Oak Flat Top IVtk 115.00
80.00 Noiineh ,.'lfl,73-imh O ik Tabl
87.78 Hnrrock 34dO Mahogany Table 32.A0
78 00 Tavlnr Mahofany Arm (hair, awivrl , 17.f0
, ,2JtV Taylor Oak Swivel Arm (hair 10.&0
Cv (irMti and Mahogany Steel Waatehaaketf . . . . , . 1.00
1.10 Chair t'adi N3
m m
i '
t rr'ii c"t' cf many Hflnnliil
New liw H"hm air ua un t tii.i hIwi4 mumImi I i i M (m.e
H I1'! T ni In i'Mf i' li'l i m'imii .lii t-tU In '
tM. ! W'lK I H'I ! llt Hlie l -"4 lwv,l,JH 1, l M V'
iv4 (it . , at I.. Kt m irtl. (,irr 4 l.nii n b ) i 4 ta i . I
in . I' " -le
iiimih.i i i ti ' i, . .... iti,.o
V(lwMrr mtili l,t mIi H w li IIIK n i l.i.n ,,, 8),M)
'Uk !' ! e.H Um i. i .!, Ill, i t li(iOi
Brown Becomes
Nervous in Trial:
Audience Laughs
Manacle Man Pic k Up Patirr
Hut La) It Down When ft
TrrmMr in Ilia If ami.
I'uthorlii Mi'MMiruan, it, 'n4
of th alleged vlctlin ut Fred ilrown,
ht,iii hr dory to lha Jury In Judge
Iyll a inuit Jut Ufur mem yeaier-
dy it In I rial of Urown on a ihiiry
of klilimpl'log and liilktrMilliig hran1
Jau JIiHii,
A tnothrl girl, h ram to
Oui'ilut Inn year ngu from ln-r hoin
In Hpulillng, Neb,, and (iMa.nid
hon hold work, alia auld. rurl
J n ii Jriikln aUnit yar ago,
Counly Atiorn'iy AM Hlioiwt-ll
charged that a diffn attorney w
trying to trick Hn Jiokln Inlo n,n
fulog anwr during her long ro
a.iiiiiiiiiilon ycli'ly inornlog. Hi'V
tlii'to lu think a-1 Im4 lietur lv
th room."
Ilrown I Vrmii.
firown i mrV'U". A lit of
piir h!rli ha plrkni up t rd
IrriiihM Ilk a, imif In hi handa mt
I hut b laid It down vn lh Ubl.
Thla lull man with th natly
cnmtx-d, diirk hair, faint chin, io ill
fie and peculiarly fliort, atuhhy
hand, ant iultly, paying duo al
tiiilun lo Hi ti-ntiriiouy.
Th defen dwell a long Um upon
lh allrgl aa4ult by lirown in th
eiiv iiuibr hi ahark, It wae Jurl
a thia ixfftltnony wu about to begin
Tui'iubiy uffi-riiiHiii llml Judg Iyll
adjourriMl court lcuu a ouiolwr of
young girl were In Hie audience.
W. J. Bryan Invades
Third District of State
Klanton, Nib, 11. 4'oiillnuliig
hie i irripalen lour of Nebraska In fav
or of the eint'i wod niitloinil di-riiix ratio
tlcki'i, Willliim Jfiinliin liryun In.
vad'd th Third Nclranka rongrca.
alonal dlatrlct lo'biy,
At Hinnlon Mr, iiryan pointed to
lh effort of repuhllian I'-adera to
eri.l lime. Jud. Ull upheld Mr, J e''ir eompulaory military Iralnlna
Mholwell and ordirtd attoiney for th
dufi tin to proc'd without rep'dltlon,
i aim on Hland,
Mm. J"iikln continued raliu
throughout lh in. of tnmn
auiiriNtlou, lMog tienrly Ihre hour
yeirdy rnornlng, Mha iidmiti.! tlmt
h hud vlitd th M'Hiurcli and Ori
ent garden ;ilr'l but wild h wa
alwny with her hunbimd or Ml M'i
Hiiiiiri.Kn, In Hi AUillencn wn Mr, H'lllliiui
Vnlyetillne, mother nf Mr. Jenklni,
Mr. Jvriklna' formr huahand wa
In lb corridor.
Only on'' did th big crowd laugh
yciiiTiliy morning and then lh )udw
adniltilnti-red a atern relink. aylng,
".S'othlog la going on In Ihl court
room for your ntertlnment and
afP r the war, II wild th dwiiocruu
oppod lh rneiitur and obtained th
cooperation f enough republican to
prevent paag of "that inoc tr
baron a'-t that, would hav trained the
young men of a nvlllz-d nation In th
genll itrt of taking hunmn life
"A rimiiirlty of th republican In
lioth houeea wer for cornpulaory mill
tary tmlnlng," Mr, Jlryan aald, "and
the minority of the republican would
have ben hlpl- had they not gone
ovrr nnd Joined With th democrat
In fighting lb bill, and 1 might aay
(hat wherever lh pr'irlv; repum
limn hav liei n nhln lo aid any good
I'-Klel.illon at Wailnatnn or aid ,n
preventing any bad leglelatlon, thry
hiiv done ao by a'-llng with lh demo
crla and th dirnorrat hav fur
nished th bulk of th vol."
President Cites
Lodge Benefits
Di'grre of Honor Tratlit'i
luinfM Arumrn, Mra,
Olion Tf!l Drlrfatri.
lloiufWlve niay learn bnln u
mm by ninibrliip In lh I)egro of
Ibinor, Mr. rranci Kuril OU-ui l
Hi, I'aul, national pr'aldunt, told ("9
d.'b'ga'ea to th lato convendon ia
lh Mumnlu tempi.
"A I'MI lodge la really a Imiil In
u in iii agency," ah poind d out,
"Women who can matr the d
toil in ta kl other bun prob.
out of lho luterecl grow wnb-r
kuowMg of hoin, buildimi
and owncrehip, and a c.vio point of
vl'-w, ah auld.
"Th aorial feiur, vialllng of th
a.ik and caring for dlatr'eeed linin-b-t
alao la atroogly emiihui ised."
At a lyplcal I'xlg meeting conduct
ed U if nlaiii, Mr. OiiKin apuk on
th brnent tit fraternal lnUinin.
Mi C. I'. Allburu of riioug t' ty,
lit ntii,mi -retary. and Mn. Kna
A. of iv.uir ll,inil, U , a'at
pi. ili nt, r aniuiig lb v.e.lm
Mr. lion of officer Will tuk lace
Maaone Honor Ioa Cityun.
Manon City, la., tut. 11. Kranklln
11, I'otlrr of Iowa City wa lnld
mot iiiuMtrluu grund matr of the
liMtid council of lh royal and l
irmalrr of low. Mneona loday.
Arthur I. Mwek'-r of Mira hull town
I th retiring giand iiniatT, frtln-r
hwr i,n Mi-ia Hurry Vlnb-n.
Mmlot rir,in,l, lllutrlou drpuly
Kin I'd lliMln; llobrit Hunter, Mloli
city, grnd rinrlpl condui'toi; A.
II. Molt, M'alnrl'Mi, giand treuaunr,
find ll. M. rrowiile, floui Clly,
griui'l iworder.
Th rouv'M'Dllon f th grand Imp
f'-r of owu opnd Ihl morning and
will biet (lire d'ly.
When pulling a hue curtain on Hi
iil, firn a tlilinlil on on end ol
Hm rod and It can h don much
morn uulikly.
It iirliiii-lin Muii I A i n in
- r---' ' - - - - -r
M .if t'.rnrfTt
Jnhu Maul of Huillngton, la , wa
rei.d prlilut of th Iowa
K.lnaak nod Mlnnm't VVholaa-ilo
Cln'ra' nan.- lallon, which coni'ludnl
Ha annual two day uiMillug In lloti l
t'nlltrnrll I.nIii .
I J. M'huc, riloua City; A. I, lu,
Mm-oln, and II A. I loir, Pulaih, wei
rln led tlr piranlriil and John M'llll
ii,,, jr, Couni'll JilufTo, waa again
mud ai retry and tieaauii'r,
Sure Relief
v t,;.
11 Vl.l I
Hot war
Sure Relief
2i end Tit fce; Cvorywher
jbr Every Floor in the House
'".' ,i ' ' i i Ii' ' "',i ,' f
Step number one
toward a better-looking office
IN an office the floor i the key to
the way the office looks. A clean
floor, a dignified, handsome, impressive
floor demands that the other furnish
ingi shall be better than ordinary.
This floor of Armstrong's Battleship
Grey Linoleum in the general offices of
Wm, F. Warner and Company, St.
Louis, lends an air of dignity to the
ether furnuhings. It tones in so beau
tifully with the walls, woodwork, and
draperies that it is literally a part of
the office.
Modern linoleum is made so strong
and durable, so attractive in color and
design, that it is regarded as a highly
desirable floor for shops and offices, as
well as for public buildings.
Linoleum is easy to clean. Grease
and dirt do not sink into it. An occa
sional waxing and polishing keeps it
looking like new, Properly laid, lino
leum is waterproof, smooth, and firm.
A floor of Armitrong's Linoleum is
quirt anJ rtstful, and is imt expensive,
Ak your archittct, contractor, or
any Rood linoleum merchant about
Armstrong's Linnlrum. We shall gladly
arm! him data and specifications fur
laying linoleum over concrete or wood
fitu. Or wiite fr a fire copy uf our
i i-page tool, "Hiitinrst 1 ltMt,"
AMirnoi C I'ommny, Iinoium Division
Oiiiagu 0((i -1206 lleywoitli DuiKli.ig
tf m vkl -Wk-y M
We Offer
A Ten-Day Test
Simply send coupon.
Show Them
What this new way does
No mother wants children to
suffer what aha may have suffered
from her teeth.
Then teach them the new way
of teeth cleaning. Show the pret
tier teeth it brings, the whiter,
safer teeth. Or let them make thia
test, and see and feel the benefits
Must fight film
Dingy teeth and most tooth
trouble axe now traced to film.
One must fight to avoid them,
Film ia that viscous coat you
feel Jt clings to teeth, gets be
tween the teeth and stay. Stains
discolor it, then it forms dingy
coats. Tartar i based on film.
Film also holds food substance
which ferments and forms acid. It
holda the acid in contact with the
teeth to cause decay. Germs breed
by millions in it. They, with tar
tar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea.
No ordinary tooth paste effec
tively combats Aim. So, under old
methods, very few escaped tooth
troubles. Beautiful teeth were less
often seen than today.
Two ways found
Then dental science, after long
research, found two ways to fight
film. One ects to curdle it, one to
remove it, and without any harm
ful scouring.
Able eutliorities proved these
methods effective. Then dentin
the world over began to adviae
their use.
A new-type tooth paste wss cre
ated, bated on modern research.
The name la Pepiodent Those
two great film combatants are em
bodied in it for daily application.
Its new effects
Pepsodent brings other effects
which research proved essential.
It multiplies the alkalinity of the
saliva. That Is there to constantly
neutralise the acids which cause
It multiplies the starch digestant
in the saliva. That la there to di
gest starch deposits on teeth which
may otherwise ferment and form
Those are Nature's great tooth
protecting agents. Each use of
Pepsodent gives them manifold
For dainty people
Pepsodent is now used by mil
lions the world over. Careful peo
ple of some fifty nstions have
adopted it, largely by dental ad
vice. Dainty people those who
care for whiter, cleaner teethwill
never go without it.
Send the coupon for a 10-Day
Tube, Note how clean the teeth
feel after using, Mark the absence
of the viscous film. See how teeth
whiten as the film-coat disappear,
One week will give you a new
conception of what clean teeth
mean. It will point the way to a
new dental era, both for you and
yours. Cut out the coupon now.
SttVI laaaaiaaBaaaMeaaaeaaMaBMaMM
Th Ntw-Day Dintlfric
Now advised by dentists the world
over. All druggists supply the
large tubes.
10-Day Tube Free "
Dept. A-23S, 1 104 S. W.b..fc Av., Chit, III,
Mail 10-Day Tube of Pepsodent to
Only on- tiili tn a wmllr.
There it is!
Found by n Omaha Bee "Want" Ad I
In the exeitcnu-nt of last night's party did you lose
anything? Your wallet coat bunch of keysa
Hnjc or har pin? Such accidents are unavoidable!
in crowds.
And findinjr lost articles in crowds is like searching
for a needle in a haystack. There's one best way
to recover lost articles insert a "Want" Ad in the
"Ist" column of The Omaha Uee.
Just ns soon as the loss is discovered, phone your ad
to The Omaha Dee. In a few hours the news of
your loss will be told to the very person who
found it.
Three Unci Three Times Ten Dimes
9ItP Omcvha, Morning
' .