10 nil,1 iim um ni.M.'. tii i rijcn v npTMi.t.'lf ! in' THE GUMPS r.H? IN COI.OR. SUNDAY Bte FROM HKAVEN EYES Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Sidney Smith lCoMriM Hi!:!) a- veet' & "0M NENfcVt'ClrV- t rVOMtt.. SMC etaivt: CASlt n Mm mi (FROM. NOVK.NtPWUW ANfRwD T4fcT NOU WtR.t MUCH A MFROVt,t- -Sll "AMD . VfM) Vrtll a) I Ulur Fil lT r ? J. HOPE V TMfc TIC THl LtlTEf!. RtKCt t-NTIELLV RtCOVfCFft- I CAN'T itu. gv www mwim t CNJONO THE fctAOTIFUA. fLowt.t vow ttwr Me- i ictrr th?v wtsn ' f0. NERLN TWO WtlKS - AN& A3 TVE FfcTACS FtU. I TVT TWEM IN A OAR ANw KtPT tVtSW OMt o tweh- ANt tveix rMe i too at tmcm TrttY 9RING SWttT MtMOlCS A0 I THINK Or WHAT Vw MIGHT HfcVt BtfcN F WAD NOT FitM SOPK AND HM KNOWN M OWN MlNO- 1 ! I. "W 1 L s ;. l SUPPOSt NOU KNOW TV AT VOOW. WtfHtVN V RWNNlNu rot CONOEtSl Ano Twe mai Think we has A OOOP CrtANCt TO fct tttCTt-NMlTHi tVtT RINP 1 AM FOR OF ALL SAO WORDS OF TONGUt OK, PtNTwe SADPIST At THVSE) MT MIOMT HAVE ttN- 1 M I I , , II Now Shoving His Greatest Picture JisMyUeeu Aw&ular adnU'on prtcoja J ONE WEEK STARTING SAT. MAT., EI' GAYETY BRINGING UP FATHER , SEE JIGCJ AND MACGIE IN fVU. PACE OF COtORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManua (C'jpvriKlit 1U22 I VAMT TOJ TO tEP AWA-f FROM OlHTY NOOKE-NOO-lt ON ' THIt ttOAT VOOLO AftOCIATt VI TH HIH BUT VOUi. mm- 1 1 M r 1 aw: vhaT WW TOO'LL HOT CZT OUT Or klp HIM j-T" AWAY TVA AIN'T I K I I ...LOOK IN THE U S "tr1 ,T, ITSOf f." r,l A.rSi W : if ivr Dt. ABLE TQ WFrT Br .;n- I W n .S. t him. .nmamtfJi zi J ' 1 LAT H fl Mill 1922 lNTL'FcTUB Senvict. Inc. 0-J Teacliers' Mcetinr 0 to Open Tuesday 1,890 Already KrgiMtcml for Second District Conveiitiuu of State AsHociatioii. Ther art 1,890 nd vanes rollAtr.v hena tor the annual meeting o( tho Second dlntrlct teuohem' )m;ct,ii8' of tht Nfbraika StuU TmchciH' hmmucIu tlon, which will convene here tonight, Seniunt will be held Friday in-l Saturdny. Hradquartera will bo ut Motel Fontenelle. The opening feature of ttmUht'B proifram at First McthodiHt cliurch will tie an organ recital by Mr. 11. K. Davie. H. B. Wilson, Hiierlnten,i nt of echoole at Jiorkclpy, Ciil,, will AI)TKTISKM KN T, Dyspeptics! Take Hotice!! Taa Word Ha Gob Forth That Stuart's Djripepsia Tableti Rein-" elate You at the Banquet!, All you itasiy, tour ttomiicht who four to rat bcciun from acidity you tulfcr tli panf of Indication, lt It be known that Mpfiik nil "i.'Ii I'k.'im Vp on Our- W'lvfH." Tim l''r,(1ay ninslit k'Txt.-iI m.'nni,n (it I he Kil Nt AN'lniil ut I'JiiiiTh w:ll bn foi'l Li'cil by liiHinimi'iitiil trio tiimi Im'im: M:ms lli'lcii Komimr, violin; Alius Ann? M.'imiii'lMon, vlollnncllo, i.ii'l M . Jphh.u M. Towiiij, jiiano. M.sh Von M;iiiHfi Mo will play a 'm1!o SUNDAY ATB STRAND VORLD PREMIER SHOWING Cbnstancef in U 19 ff west The elHRe efnna- tlott liDW ft BtUll- on tho Ht'i-Hcti, (' a n t a n o TiilnmKP'n urcnt i't. KlRht nwls of A r a ni a, ro in;iTV', color-cou- Illcl. LaeVw u4 CUatUmer.t All Who Are Net Suelieel Wilh Sluarl't Dyetwtwia Tablets Are Out ( l.uck. yot fn4 relief fram euch dietreo by iim- I ly chewing en or lo Stuart't Dy.in-i'aia Tablele after weale. A koet of people have ' Bn baek la fried eese anJ baron, iau- i a(a, elauehnute, baked ban, pie and eKeeee, aleak and onion, cucumbrra, : craaaa wllk eoffaa and ao on berau.e tltey elteared Ikal after aanne tutk tkin, t a Stuart a Pytpetek Tahlrt rtav the laaaaek e eareateneil alkaline el feel and kr was no aour, arid, eaa.y hrarthura. , Wlektne. ereaeur and eurk di.lree-ea.du iBdieeatioa after hum. II i aci) to ' take Mtiea af tkie and to ert a til-rani , baa f biuarle iyereiia leMvu at aar drue atr- He arena! and rrvired for tne be dinner and banquete. i What Th Old Neit" l36 W. to Mother .nKTrt aVJ ffvSk Tnliiinaa'a itrcnt- I vk Klclit roots t-K-y 7 f d r a in n, ro- Ifrlk:: iif A First Xiitioinil ti rCJ Atfrarflon PU zi Wi m m No Advanced Prices S"lu, f)n riitlurday morning nt the Fimt Mi.'lhcHliHt church a recital nlll be jiivcii by Henry J. Will.nms, hiirp' Jul, nml AVill iim Ki lb, v nl nlHt, of tiic Minnt'iipnl's Nymphony orchi'ilra. Oft errs of this dinlrlct anHocla'lon tieor k II, PcWolf, riattMmou'h, p"ilili lit; Hcrtbii KlMhop of rnpll'loi', vlco incHld.nt; (i. I,, Webb, Duvl:l f.'.tv awrptiiry; Iiclle M. Hyun, nu-m-btr of ntnto cxciiit.VB comiiilttco. LAST TIMES TODAY 3 . IL and a ' BElJ TilRPIH Comedy owKHtunl circuit VAUueviur Maimer Dally 2ilH-rvety Ml,t (I IH EDITH TALIAFEKnO And a Aplendid Siieparllns Cnmpitnr In "IINDI- R TIIK HAMf. 01 D MON" I ddie Jama and Hrne ( Itaplow MURRAY KISSEN k CO. In "The Berber ol fteville" Oaborne Irlo I "VVlll. A Hiold llrowne FLO LEWIS ! In "ililU and I ace Topita vl lly Aaaop'e J-alike Pallia Nrw BARCLAY & CHAIN Two Loose Paffr frnm tha HrM.ll ol Fun MATINEES NK.lin 15c I 80c He lo tl.OU SKATS RESERVED NEIGHBORHOOD THEATERS VICTORIA, 24th and Fort IIKKT LVTEI.I, In "THE IlKJHT THAT KAII.ED" GRAND, IS! and Blnney llrltr Compaon in TOIt 'IIIOhK WK I.OVK" HAMILTON, 40th and Hamilton "TIIK KI'KNPKKH" and Amateur Vaudeville. HOW SHOWING ANDERSON'S GIRL FROLICS ftinrlne; and Dwnrlnf Hoviin LARRY COMER Melody Delineator F1SKE & FALLON Words and Moalc MARTHA RUSSELL A ROY VAN FOSSEN CO. In "Thy N e i rhbor'e Wile" WILLIAM FARNUM In "A State Romance" "rr3 !ggg&&gZ was . ai mwmmm 31 MX THIS Et K THCS. H. INCE "The Cap ol Life" You Haveni Seen Until Yoirvc Seen ''sy,s?H,M .: van... v. yli unk-annii'aM ill, JmlfrVi aa& -Z i 1 asUncle dosh4 K m Ml fir,K '.o n Father Vt Ittlee anal Pieexl! r , RUPERT HUGHES CaaXasMetwa Fraaa I II fathy VAUDEVILLE . Slat A. la PHOTOPLAYS 7 h m I 1 '4 W ffl faeraaay . SUN JIM) AT THIS WEEK GUY 033 "In the Kane ol the Law" 7T--TITii.lr.V, - -. Mum WA vUeajla'e Ulaeta,e lllilll "Tho Shin Gamo" a) tedM wA S a a. as a waia4 bf ) ta'efra.-t , tea aa W. . I l M S3j D ?hWr-tfKi' IfiifEK GUTa r-iTtV:ivyal rf n 11,1 - a at lull. I ! '. m n r TT a 7 A ai?i .-la-aa,1"-- V., bl rfri i George rAwcerr XvMX RIDGWAY 2i I A??SOY FORD a retaest , 1I1SI