rUB OMAHA BEK: WKDNFSPAY. OCTOHF.R 1!. 1922. Fiironi Itniliti" With War Talk, C II f l'. 5. Mould keep. Out of F.urnpean Affair Until Na tioiia Attempt Harmony, Speaker Tell I .ion. Kurop I hulling with talk ut war. . . , Th I'nlted Ufa tea ahniiM mny out of Ktirnpean affair until K.tirntean natlnne thnw aorna alene of fetiln along with thatnaeivr " Thi w, In pari, tha eom lualon ef Jr, J. W, Imiiiiii of fralahtun iir. varaity, apakr at lb l.lon club lumhaua In lltl Kontetiella yeter I'r, Iunin, ) k from Kurntiean trip, prwtlrlwl that Kiif lamf, ari'l (' IMr Clarmany, mill ull through thlr prM onorril'' i rlaae. "Tha lliimnit ai IoIIiik (hat th not war will b fought mlly In Ih ali; alwi that lhr hav Invent') it polmmnun fe whk h r 111 eatarnilnal whola ra-," aalil In, Imnean, "I ha liv tha ll'mwnt atill vri)r then lva a eiiper ra,'' Tha IJon lelel In ammnor tha I'wlalilon Mouth liukuta unormtty game November 4, ami all member j wuh lhlr fnmllle will tiimit In I l,n, fimrh II. M. Ilal1r,, Athlete j filrerlor A. A, Vhbr ant Aaatat- ant fmi U rhbli Kill nil iik, i urm tha auHft f C'ralah'"" afh ltlia. "lr hlnn unlrity apenita ll.OOOOfto a ar In Omaha, It a an ! h Institution nl (1re lha aupport of lha city," auM Mr, ItaM na. Tha October or "boollr'' rnup of lha l.lona rlub, waa In rhare id lha mealing- Miaa Aim ftlamk tlkt on lha Y. V C. A. bult drive. William Mclfuih wa rhairman of lha meat Inf. Omaha Girls Swindled When Looking for Jobs Three (nnnlia lrl wr vl-imld of I J &9 'i h ami ara out of job prom le. them by P. W, lilmkwell, a html om young aoutharnar, who rpr eiill hlnmif lo a loririeefml with lha Crown Cotton mill ut limUmi, !. Thy wra Juna i, I'oray, KMlron holal; Mlaa II HrhJ MM, Jf,l rum ln atraat and M, Mrfrla I'hnlrn, 1SII Kurt alraat iJthi-ra, who rfoaMf lo lva th-lr iiam, loM lha aam afory lo I'liik arton itMtlvaa aii-l W. M, t'ohl, poatul fi.!tor, Hlmkttall iiaml nw(ipr Ml to Intarfat th young wonin In pro oa! tnmihu t it, i in h, Ma ohlnin-1 lha monry hv IndnMnK them lo 1 ir,( fofK1 fartifll i hM'ka for 3 (,') In Ihcir lanka, II ih-n lohl hi nw mloya h owl of fmi'la, that tic fiiint ruth lit lhoi to a hacrf h oill iiik out for iMiaa. H lha 'fc'k laahft, ami r tuin lha amount, IIW, to him. 'fh lrl follow') hta Inairii'imn, to lhlr rrt. t'mf lnptor I'obla ml4 )i had no ilw lo follow aa Mlakwll afclp liarf town ln naya ao, Auto Club Wins 1,0 )8 Members in Week's Campaign Total Mrniltrraliip Now 2.."0O Hill Kollrr Awanlnl V'mi l'ria Star Autoinoliilr, Th )rlva for nw matiitia In tha firnah Auiomol.lla cluli i loal w.tb haim at a luni hon In Hotel Kinl nll a'eil' with the annniim mnt that rturin lh wwk a tlrlva 1. 01 nw memt(a ha( Ix-en 4il lo it, rliiha roll. hrlnKlng lha total mnnlif"hl( In J.IM), (ixirr H drawer, eupialn of th foulh OnmhM inmhrahii team, waa Kivn a oir of two autoiooh'.la lira, whd h h" turned , v k lo Ilia lot) They wei ol at au'il"n for 14V. William Koller, tha ionl iri't am--iful iaitiln, nun ivn a wat. h. Individual irto wlnnaia wr Mill Kollr, with 2'l nw memlx-ra, Miar aulomoliile; Ari W-aierird, M" nimliia, a piano: M M'liruy, r mtnter, hofiorih; Mr. I'owera, UJI miiilra, a aiH, John l,ltal, 22 meinhera, an vr'oai, John Kra'ky, id inmt"ra, a-t of olf rlijl. The axwntiva eommlll waa credited with IJ nw member Th phono graph alao waa orned ha'k to th flub." It Will I plaeed In lha new rlnhhoua at Jtcem. Tom Qulnlan and W, H. f'hk, preaulenl i t tha Hub, ipraa1 lhm-M-lve wall aatiafl'd with lha yl eiitna rf lha driva and lhankH lha mkr for llialf effort. Manfonl Biggs Seeking Release KmlerrzlT Atki Commutation on Stffngtn of Jail I)v i livery Frntration. I l,imoln, O.I, l ("petaJ -Mm-jford T. n: rvlfg lwi ! , yi.r In tha pnltntlary for am ! l--.,lenw iil from th Oman ! A Void MtorkKa rompany, tprt4 M 1 for.' th ii loard of pardon and ! purolea today to pinl hi pl for ! i (,iiiniitnnoii of t-nirmm, I No ae'lon wa takn al Ihl maat- iiiU limn aeek roinmitiallnn on lha alreng'h of bla fru'rtlon of Jail delivery In OinHh. II I iipKrtd In hi -ffofta by inHy Hherlff T II. Iear, who ptard with him fora tb loard, Hoth iin are bnld hded. Both lilhl(d a'r on'tlilr hd whhh Ibiv atli'ed they received from "rap" mted In tha ttmpted Jail d- llvery. The, "i." they aald. waa wipP"d with penlti iitliiry o k, and tha only loan In h Imuglaa eoiinly Jail t that lime who had n nientlf y im-k waa) Kr d Urown, lh manaela man of Hen-aon, IRYIN COBB'S wife, his daughter, his closest man friend, and a famous editor say that the most powerful story Mr. Cobb ever wrote is SHAKE DOCTOR in November Now on Sale! mopolitan A NEW NOV If V K woman w k iiTkiMiriK, R4 Ih Pihii HaUf, ! Wmo irf f ri FOR Till FAITH ilka U MiM iwtMriaig KMlatUiM M ( few? flhtWiKaV 1ti Strtat la AMi(-la THE nVI WEN wIm 4 tlapfwi ! RtJ FrrJric AraolJ Kuaar oi Tb CKickon Tkwt Cmm IUm W) lUaal.ka FUNERALS ARE Not wk4 lKy id to bt. UrWf KM't ihc coMairtency or rccific grvitT. Ci o r Ada Mount M i vain PETER B.'KTNE writing hxrt Cali fornia.hontii min inn men, anJ ttie king among iwinJ Wr.RJThLorig L.w-U THE HUNDRED ihounnJ dollar vonl. A at rang lory, by Oouvy neur Morri, cT lit) f a i J lha i thai (haiattd a wffl kk orW oiAf grat ftaiurt in Novtmbfr n iran jr ii ii ii ii iiu v . - ' mi ii i Kaiklacn Ntrt. Rtf 1 i1- Pamon Runon, Ri rWavht Mr, CvntKt KitwkWy, P, G, AnkurTrtin, llnon lrlv, V(iJkHi,MMaguC!a, an4 Xtiff Jltfi Nuholion, 0) 0 n n EVERYDODYS STORE Along With Our Housefurnishing Specials Is This Beautiful Wearing Apparel H l ar ill ii1 r ill s n , TO 0 Th r-ffort hun hem mmU to oiU-r the wMt poaaihl alction of Hr.parH that in in kff pinjr with th hnmnSunh atand arri of quality; and to have it hire, ready for your tu-?rtUn, at f.h tiw whi'n th (li-mand la yrtntt'tl. The rfult in aii-h KzihrrlnK of arparI aa i fcmonx't th raritifn of thw a-axon at th prjrn. VVrappy Coats The fall and winter wrap in wry apt to he a wrapny coat, for it i the atyle that well-drewwrd women will wear. They may he aimply made without trimming; aave for the aoft line of their own beautiful fab ric, or are luxurious with collar and trimming banda of fur. $79.80 to $250.00 Woolen Dresses Style are rumple if you wih, or elaborate with Oriental embroi ilerieg and metal beading, Jn be tween arc model for every occa sion. You'll make no mbttakc in cbooinj? I'oiret twill, tricofine or fine aere, for I'aria particularly aponaora the autumn atreet frock. $28.00 lo $128.00 Bm$M-H$k Awl Tklra FIm Silk Frocks r'fcooae the draped modela for he new clinin tracefulnea of theae atylea, or xtrafifhtline typea for their length of line. Afternoon and daytime frock in navy, brown and black, and dinner own and dreaae for more formal wear are of favored fabric: crepe, ratina, find matleaae. $28.00 to $198.00 American Beauty Electric Heater ,Wy J fW j Price $6.95 An xrmcJy low pric for a heater of thi i, and value, fupvci'ally when it it to be oli jut at the time whfcn electric heater are in auch demand. The twin heater inur ade quate warmth; tha adjuctahla reflector, greater oovnlenre. With coal at it prevent price, H i extraraganra to htjfi'n furnace beat before It become an abaoiute neceitjr, The 4 heater will not remain iong at . 95, but phone order will be taken a lone; a they )at. Burgeaa-Neale fwtiiih VUmr You'll Enjoy Tea Dance Where friend jtether of an afternoon to chat, to dance, and to enjoy the munis of Rob ert CuKaden'a onhetr to gether with the Tvii:e of a tea room, who atmophr i one of pleatant honplUlily. Brf alj Klh WVtot Armstrong Linoleum Rugs We have both runner and ntove ru in a jrood rariire of pattern and coloring and one may chooae thene genuine Armxtron linoleum at the following low price : 3xl2-ft. hu ..$1.98 4-6xl0-6-ft. aize, $249 4-6x6-ft. aize . .$1.50 4-6xl2-ft. w'ze . . .$2.98 Bu,. N.k Wug Shaw-aiata Flow All the Family Will Enjoy These Things Electric Percolator Vou will enjoy coffee made in thi 6-cup per colator. Manufactured of heavy aluminum by Lan der, Krony & Clark Co. Toaster Stove Kveryone like toaat made at the break f ant fable and nerved hot. , Food may be prepared on the name atovc. $6.98 $4-95 Specials in flousefurnishins See Thli Nev Gas Range, $37.50 Th Alcaxar ratty are tfld 'xrlutvly fr Ornaha by the Uurire-N'ah Cotnfruny, A ttle km rr.j(e with either rifbt or It-ft oven, vim 12 In. J in.K In.xlil In. with broil-1 er and four $r burner will be '-t up romphUi at Ihl lo- price- $37.90. Bwrf-fliM rvrfk Fleer Water Set 32 Th net I eompoed of a round tray, iiiU-ber and aix jfl- fitted wtth tumbler Itotder. The pit, h' r, holder and tray are of "un!it" aluminum. Set, $2.95 ufn Nk rurth fkeae B.ri-Nk-rrlk fke. ft I! 'A- New Attractive Trico-Sham Dresses I275,$1675 Silk Trico-Sham, iuito the new etit and one of the moat attractive materials of the new aeaaon, ha made thene atylih dreaxea for atreet and general wear, We have priced them no moder ately, that even though you hail planned to make) your tire, a,t thii price it would acarcely puy to do mi. Th plainer tl am made with wide; belt h ml (lt-utet nMf panel; nuiiiy aro trlnmittt with Inatta of ik irid or with hand-embroidery. tltack Urtmn Snvy larifir women, epecilly, will t hunt dreaaea, tr tht y lirif I" like slim litii' but d Sue iml t liiig. in tu 1 ?mtT'-ta Let the One-Minute Electric Washer ,Srvc IVasltdiiy I'foblvtm For jear women tlreadcd uch laa. With other Ihbor-pliVHig de ice hit corne the One-Minute ilectric Wanher. 'I'liik machine i iold on convenient term, at aurh a iaiii' of price no woman can af ford to be without one, $79.50 to $133.50 uiiil k liulk ft Women's Mouse Slippers l':tirSI.49 Of M k ki t Wi'li l ll'l ' .i. il '..I.. . I I , lil -I l.i t la, lh . , l .kii r'l a. i il.ntl "5. ai Nk . iiMatum ! Hf f ..J . J J i