The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 07, 1922, Image 1

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    The Omaha Morning Bee
VOL. 62 NO. 96.
I lift u Imu IiM tuo tt t. in. tl
f, liw Al I in.
1 !
l . KUI . lt tatt.t (i. . I- IM ,
aWM la M It IHlii l Ml .at I'l. Mil, f.
Po 1 i ti CS I S Plaintive Appeal Made
U. S. Ships
Covered by
A Stitch in Time
U. S. Fliers
Set World
Air Record
to Obtain G. 0. P. Votes
Obi iterated
in Randolph!
'Xktytoa&Bg&Q&l ry La w
.irt ..vtA '
I -d
I llii af'. t,f" 1
"KamLU for l.omiior' I I
hffjin of Home To ii i
Aged Parent Join
Crowd at Meeting, i
Howell on Railroads !
Daulirrly Ku!r A? of l.ii
uor on Aiiirricun VfrU
I'roliiliitnl ( mlfr
Ifitli Aiii(iiliiicnt.
A iaturs
Di go
(hrr Salt of
ft. I'-.
Ity r. (. IOWKI1.
Staff I nHU'lll T Oukt IW.
femes. NrU. im. -HWrul T'l
gram Th Howell lUipUil party,
derided lo.ty to v.s.t lh tniiory
whtrs Charles li. lUndalt, randMst
for coventor, la loved and levered
by the peopi who know him Ut.
A rcptlon ttidr4 Mr. Kan-Wll
and It. H. Ilnwll. candidal for t i ill -I
State senator, hi lUndolph. liofis
'own of th gul-e-rpatorial isndidat.
l I fVrtuthut of tb almost Ulialil
uiotis approval if ih rpuhllcfin
holie In h, home town.
A III (u mi uppio.i. ,.-,l I C. ; i -dolpli,
band music could h heard and
.. I fir candidal. ui,i' on I" I'm
rutin tiet, wiiliti i paved j.i t -
Hi of th Urn ii, hundred could
be ii waiting on th town s'lu.iro
near a hup banner In rlbed "Ilati
rtall fur (iovernor." Kchool children,
il:sin.sed by Prof. M . Kdward lit
honor of the urrasinn, began cheering.
I'vrnla at Mretinf-
n l ha step of a nearby store build
ing sat a f pi hie oi l nian and a eweet
fm ed, gray haired woman, apparently
iiiinunurul of the n.H .In nip air of the
early morning. For. It had rained
th nik'ht In-fore at Randolph despite
th fart that "kflinmal.t-r' Tryan
na many nulfa distant.
Thu ulil couplf waa tin- f.ithi-r and
niolhi-r of the gulnriiaturial lamlld.ite,
th fathf-r S3, and the nn'th-r, TH, hoth
il'tfrtnlrifd to llva to ae thr day tfutt
;hlr only son ahall alt In th gotr-
nor a chair.
' He n never tried
fl.init ret that
V didn't autreed In," the father aaid.
"He atarted with r.othine In t hie life,
ar d everything h haa, h made liim
lf from the fields around thia town."
Tarty llnea had been almost totally
obliterated for the onvaaion. IUv,
Joseph Andrea, democratic minister
of the Firrt TresbyterUin rhup-h, in
troduced both epeakera from au auto
mobile. Fotlre Town Allenda.
The entire town la out to put llan
dall tn the governor's chair. Already
the women have organized a Randa.ll
for governor club with 200 member!
enrolled and next week Miss Lena
Ktewart, a niece raised by Mr. Rin
dall, and Mra. Klmer Robinson of
Hartington, start out to onranixe
women republican clubs throughout
the Third congressional district.
Following the speaking the school j
children gathered around dorens of '
watermelon provided for the occa- ;
sinn. ;
The party today visited Randolph,
Wakefield, Kmerson, Dixon and
f -u'akrtaM ih candiiiMtes were
laet by II. B. Ware, A. M. Hypec, J. I liatted. oia-ticlded, htlpless, the New
P. Haskell, W. 8. Kbei sole, i 8. j Vork Yankees fell in almost dlsjrrace
Bf bee and K. W". Smith, superinten-1 f ul style before the Giants today, los
deot or s. hools. Rev. E. G. Knock j in(,- 3 to 0, w hile John fVott. a bu-her
inl-oduce-.l them. from the back country of North C'aro-
V. Kmerson, K. E. Hnase, former) Una, k-apedito fame,
.mio iuir.r. who Ik now county I Kor the third day these Yankees,
ch'tliman: George Wilkin, candidate
for state senator; J. II. Bonderson, j
secretary county central committee; i
r, c. child. Oorge H. Haas and;
J M. Baiioii, were on hand to meet
Ilusiness in lioverninenl.
Vr. Kandall declared that the pi es-I
nt nianuKenai system 01 siaie
ei nment was the first form devised in
the state which approached In any
why the system of operation used by
a business concern.
' Four years of experience always
rho.v changes needed ill a business
tt-:.t a good business man will inauf.--urate,
and the sanid is true of the
Mute government," Mr. Randall said.
Mr. Howell returned to hi attack
on the noncompetitive railroad rates
end the minimum rate rule made iks
sit.le under the Kseh-i'unimins law
and reiterated, that if no other way
....lid 1 devised to restore coinpeti
t,..o. the best plan was for the gov
e.r.ment to acouir one railroad and
quea out the water and thus force
down raie cn th othetv-
ro you know what the rajlioal
irunager will shout If we nre forced
t.-. take thl step?" be asked.
They'll veil .! tlism. although
eir method of no .ompetn urole-r j
'hs K.sch-Cunituln law Is tn greaiesi
step toward socialism ever taken by
o-ir government,
I. V Owns (load
Bit thev wont t!l you tlmt the
. ,rrnmnt own and operate a
e,,!?-! right row. IV. yl know
e re It Is
nvt M Is 1" '. I- bume
irt'l to build rsi'o.wd up hre.
Itrv Were loin moeev , 0 1! and
.. t (.. p ' t I." t
1 pr..l-!tloi
'That .1 ?f'fn ''
.... t it f-r Kg bo,-: and
t- . i 4 IS irilint 'o Uk
, .... H.i r b l -." "-'
!hj( ar.H . -.':ei f bf
- , (mI s f !"''', -iV-e"
B,, l-( I ( .. li.'l.' '
? I t-t - I d.d "! ' 1 '" 1
.- wbit UN t I "
e . .-. t-.t 1 1 - i ' '"" Ts-i
. I -r-. t Jt m tft I-''
.- . t .i u stiwr t-r-l'.
- ' - I !' '
i I
- J. . n ? 1
.t rs wmw it M, !
t,is ir it i.n ui- "
.-. r!, H I '
. f I 1 0,o,l t . I, t
' ' In- rf r - ,
I lt I lis. I
o I, ,t.lttim l.'ll
' . ... f ,1., IH J': S .1
m l tr, S K, t , , i
s i fi kk-a stt s
(m Iriaali
I ttittui '. M wi'l l r.tlC4M It
U; lata. tM' tluaesel. Ml II lyrtal Ul
W4 If ta aa aait IHtU lalrj r.vr Ua U.
a. iilili aa MM f . la ua4 lt. I U1 WiKlW
HMUl aat. P ;Kr aikM llrj '
l.r cM U iU a ha'a Uaat a.nui: fr It wa a tlilli
uar, la caa?lt,
iillilaat NHllbf
f. 5. - Tl icf.'ratito .!) ar u4 i MU '
aaa. I ir
hli !i li- The i T.i( ti-r of imIi1i.I
WiMiiini hor ia mlh-.l ii Jl;t hciH k'a
truatnl licutfiiaiita allji into their
Wfllworn kuiii hho. A till hunt la
on for th name of nmi ropubllrnn
who thinks h- l!l. or ho may laur
think In- will, vole for the dfinocnitle
andlilntf for k nritor.
S h"n one am li man Ik found Lie
fume will In- multiplied and advrtiaed
ao wijrly that it will at-em tlwt he Is
it hundred liihtrad of one. If the
nnmea of a dozen are ol.talned the
material for h firat-c lava nilc opera
stamped will he ut hand.
Will Hofc'i rs, in Ills i-owhoy art at
the Winter (iarden, HUeceedH with this
sort of thin:, buy only becauae the
audiance Koea there bent on fliaring
the illusion.
The drcuUir lett- r reprodui ed above
Giants Shut Out
Yanks in Third
Game of Series
John Scott. Bush Pitcher
. ..
i rom -orin Carolina, iiuni-
Mes American League
Champ, 3 to 0.
lly HI (.11 Kl 1.I.KKT0X.
Omaha Her Lraeed nire.
I'olo Grounds. N. Y., Oct. 6. Beat
en, stopped utterly oy a Uusnier, out-
terrors of the American league, the
slaughterers, the horn run champ
ums, failed utterly and this time fail
ed worse than in the other two ganos.
They did not even offer the Giants a
hard chance. All their boasted slug
King disappeared. They looked minor
leaguisli la-fore the terrific speed and
almost perfect control of the eloncat-
i ed mountaineer.
! Scott, tonight, crowned King of
Broadway. Duke of the Buttonhole
; Makers and Ear) of the Bright Lights
and he deserves the honor. He step
ped into the limelight in the most
'tense and decisive moment of the ser
ies and pitched as if bad; on the
i mountain top at North Carolina, as
! cool and stead..- under the attack of
the Yankees as if he had pitched
' w orld serii s all his life
Only Once in Dancer,
only once during the battle d.d the
Yank have a chance. Then, as they
were striving to break the mnt of
the raw boned, tall hilIPe, w.ih run
neis on second and third and one out.
, and with lilmer Smith a! l-at. h- put
mi more of h! swifts and sniNk out
the hero of another Wot Id s-t;.-. j(
Frankly, there ! annieth.nit wrong, i
Every bit of the ctope is as it hould j
be excepting t!i I tr nm.i lariKee
ntta K
The Giants have done in c- li gap;
exactly 'hey grsd lv ib The
Tsr t t'a Itelrtn. Ii.lam On, l
Sunday "Want"
Adi Taken Until
9 O'Clock Tonight
tfter the 1 1 k lonn
tonight, it ;!! b. t.a. Utt
t fi your "w1!! ' !ltr.
tn jn "Want" Ad in-hun i f
tomorrow Sunday t'msK
fh.o.sjx. i f
in D'oaba aril
oat tf
'' . I It Wat. a i li n
'Wast" A-l n'!jiii te "'
r ! io it ) j i ! t.
tt t( cf or rf j j,Tt '
T'l l lesr" ' ' t .u
w t - I a ' (.. lc- ,i
OwuVj "It'ii tt"
tiktf ( )n.i n,r
t'.itct at i
, v ir'. i .. .
nan iu.iiled bru.vk.iet our Nebraska
' by K. li. G.iddla, Mltchcis-k'a press ,
iixeiit. As a reward for the name of '
a republican who rnifht be Induced I
In scratch the ballot in favor of tho .
ilenimratic candidate, the
recipient of the pbu is promised a
l.iilid.' luke full of personal thanks ;
when next the senator visits his town.
It Is mads evident that the senator
himself is anxious tn hear some cheer- j
itig newi. but that this is something
more vital than curiosity or a straw
vol .
Pollliuil observtrs inleriuit this
circular appeal as the opening tue
on a pollilcal calliope designed to pro
duce an Imitation of a stampede of
voters to Hitchcock. M-iny such well
planned roorliacka are expected before
the campaign closes
Barnes Welcomes
a "Judge LarnhV'
for Grain Market
j Former fead of U. S. (Jorpor-
, , ., !
ation Proposed for; Super-
ior Explain- Cause
of Fluctuations.
New Vork, Oct. C Julius Ji.
Barnes, former head of the I'nited
States Grain corporation, welcomed
a suggestion that "Judge Landia" be
appointed for the grain trading mar- j
kclfl to Control ftnei-lllHtion.
Anne-rln- . a tri.r,. oh ,h. 1
federal trade commission, Mr. Barrits j
hailed the proposal of a supervisor i
sfter he had explained what caused ,
the great price fluctuations in the i
Chicago train market in May. 1521.
A shortage of wheat In the Chicago
market had been created, Mr. Barnes
asserted, as the result of speculative,
trailing. To overcome this shortage,
train was accepted for delivery at
different points and even on the rail-
nwds. As a result of this change on 1
the delivery requireinents, the short
age was overcome and the price col
lapsed. "Mr, Barnes. ' atid Commissioner
Victor Murdock. "if you and I were
sitting in a "poker game and I was
about ready to rake in the pot with
Tour arcs, would you think it fair If
wnte one changed the rules and held
that, aces didn't count?"
Aces Declared Out.
Tni. Mr. Murdock explained, was
what had actually happened In the
grain market. The rules were changed
at the critical moment.
"The shorts defaulted." said the
oonmii'sioner, "and declared aces
Mr Ftariu- prot-strd that he didn't
understand the rules of poker, but ad
milled "the rules should ti"t be
Liter, lioweirr. I.e ntnphln-d this
union In the effect that the rules
should I. changed only In th inter
ests of fa r play .
It was then that .fohn K". Arnold,
one of the oirtiHii-iiui eccomisfs,
ageted a high o-mi!!.!ulli'l;rI,
Mr. Darn.- admit".! that such an
innov.'tmn would help or the preb
len'S of ti;e l!i iri 1.
Siiinrthint Had In be Dun.
i'cnitnt,"ts-r .tufd. ta'rr tfi:
i . la Cir a tn It i i f ,1 I "i ir.1 n p
! el M
,, V I' U
!'.-0 .
"i r - o ! . I v
ir .'It I I-
I II t.-.e
i ;n iria.n
r af'.i-r M'- l.rn.
he w .is i i-, . to
. pr. .lat , . e 1 1 ...t. t
! Coi-i.ittr.k- .Mr
t-i licai ts
..l ih- forn-er a
li . l..;t, lac
I r W O
t I-! t?- 1 r. .pi! i
i' II 'I V
. t iii !
n o
. a. it
. f.
lV (!.
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- I ! Mi 1
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. I'll ( i I
,-l 1 .. r i t .-i '- i
14 I I pi . li I f.r.'.f , k.
n U'.-l.iHH t , t 1 I
"rlcrrd 111 I AH Sit.
I' -1' . : I 1 . f
1 III I - - i I
I - - . . . f
i it.
v . 1
Foreigners Plan Suit ;
' V asl.iiiRton, C. -il;
Transportation or i f alc hoiir
loiuora oil Ailiericnu ah whether
privately or governmental owned, anl
on eia within thr riulis
of the Anierirais m;t m btl l llla-c r.
under !h prohdiltcn laws of the
l'tittd V'-ttes. In an opinion by At
; torney I t rrttl I u hert;'.
Mr. I'aiifherty, in ha opinion, a.ild
be had been Informed that suit was
iiMiiit to I fled which would curiy
to tl. supruti court the li.t at Is
I !. leKaidiiat tie tn.l t f f -lr.xn
shipa to hrlrtir lienors wuh.n th three mil gonr as "ship
( stores ' ir others, se a-e. He d.
clired h:s department would undir
i Hike to coiiperal In expeditir g tla
I final d"cl"ion on thin point.
' The term "all terriiory aui,ct to
the Jurlsdirtlon thereof appearing In
th prohihitlnti amen Irneiit, ipree
not a biiiltatlon Just to lands. Mr.
I Imucherty held, but rather an exten
sion wherever tl.e jurisdiction of the
I'nited States may reaih.
' Siibj t In mrndmriil.
' ' t'eitiilnly," tli opinion said, "ship
' ping board vessels operated and own
! ed by our very government I'self are
i subject to the jurisdiction thereof.
r.ecaiisii of tl e,r ownership by the
government, they wouM in a doubls
sens be snhjeit to the restri' lions of
toe eighteenth nmendmeit.
"I am, therefor, of the opinion ihnt
the amendment snd the nntamal pro-,
hlbiiion act prohibit as unlawful th
possession and traiissrtation of
bvr.ig liyuaw on lemril foreign v-s !
eels wJiile in our territorial water,1
whether' such llfunjrs are sealed or
open. I am of the opinion that under
th rubs of fair Intendment. Atnerl !
aii ships, wherever they may lie, nre,
included In the terms of th el;h-
teemh amendment so that manufae-J
lure, transportation or ssl of lntotl-i
eating liquors for beverage purposes
is prohibited thereon. i
"To construe otherwise, would. In
my opinion, violate the ,
intent in the adoption."
Effective t Once. I
TU opinion, it waa aaid. Would be-
come elective immediately upon the
receipt by Secretary Mellon of the
; ireasury oenarinieni urn imirainn . todny- bad virtually quenched the Tor- j Telegram.! A Jail break wa frua
1 1,-ieker of the shipping board, of let-j est fires alxnit the city which took a jtrated at the rodge county pail, when
tern which have been forwarded them ! toll of possibly SO lives and wiped I Deputy Sheriff Hasson wag struck
by President Harding, officially notify- i out the town of Hnileybury and ! over the head with a piece of le-id
Ing them of the opinion. The letter j several smaller settlements. pipe in the hands of Georce Swee, 31.
: to Secretary Mellon has reference to i Thirty thr bodies have been re -alleged auto thief. Quick work by
I American nongovernment and foreign covered In the scarred wreckage that ! H.isson saved the situation and kept
vessels, while that to Chairman I.a. a week ago was Haileybiiry. Many 'the prisoners behind the bars, when
l ker has reference to government-;
owned vessels. American ship now
abroad, however, will be given oppor-'r.nd
tUnlty to return to their bom
before the riiline will apply.
Chairman lask.-r said undoubtedly ,
foreign steamship line wnuld seek to '
enjoin the government from enforc
ing the law as affecting their ships. .
Should the injunction lie granted, he
said, the foreign ships would be tier-
I mitted to bring in lujuor until a final
decision of the supreme court.
Mr. I-asker predicted that if the
supreme court upheld the decision.
with respect to foreign vessels. Van-
i eouver would be huilt up to the in
jury of Seattle iud I'ortlar.d by dl
1 version of the transpacific freight and
passenger service to the Canadian
: V"-
Gold Star Atiation Girl
in North Platte Over .Night
Lillian Gatlin. gold star aviation
girl, landed in North Tlatte too Isie
Friday afternoon to continue her a'r
trip to On. aha.
She will hop off from there early
this morning.
Miss (iatlin. organiser of the Gold
Star Aviation Mothers, is on the way
to the National Aero Congress In Pe
tro;'. Ocpiher 1", from San l"i anclsco.
'"What iiti r.ilith Mreie
urn She' got no heart, i V
all ifihli. ail nieann." That was the opil.ion of the
.-i relarj vf thr wibl went senator aiijl she ttted 'ailmitly
in save her heo front the matrimonial l et of the WsshittftAp
wp. In ' Somit irg for Nothing" Soph: Kerr las wrt'en
an illuio. ling' ai d -r-1-1 1 ai -n t.fc- ,,. .( tt'.hi::rtoti ii'e f. r
m: S ii day Maaf nv Sei t on.
Michael Collins
ir v.., h th. - .j Wrf
am an 1. in n hi .lr o
1.1 l'ie .ibUtitv I So
lvr f ' l I' r , ,4 i r
' K r t ' v ' g t'f
iff, ti .-'hf ,th hi
If I! 4ISI, li , '
' Mi. hael I o"ir ' (t. r '
i in
ft- I. ' "
Utt. f it !
f - .
i tv. .-I c -.
.( -'.
33 Bodies Found
of Dead in Rush
from Forest Fire
If-a Haii) (.Juemhes Flames
Around (iolialt, Ontario
Firei Still Kage in
Cobalt, lint.. Oct. 6 A heavy rain
more person are missing.
Train loada of tents, food, bedding
other supplies are arriving to aid
the .i.iifio homeless w no have wan-
dered into cobalt.
j,,, Me., Oct. C. There was
no halting today of the forest fire
which started in cut over land north
of here three days ago and raced
through piles of ln.-,h. forcing woods
men and then- families to flee.
The flames lime made deep inroads
through the Aronstok county forest
i eastward along the north shore of
tl.e Moose river. Kxtra fire fighters
are heliit rufhwl there.
Lumbermen driven into town by the
dense smoke sav the damace. will be i
heavy. ! of such an attempt had reached his
'car some time ago. The officials re-
"Calling Card'' Bootlegger ', "J ' purt "f the d,K'r
c! ..... iwk sawed away in a previous at-
l ined $100 in Police, Court: tempt at a jail break.
Roy William. 50 South Thir- ' Sw'f't a Proled inmate of the
K-etith street, raided for bootlegging f -!-('higan Stale reformatory. He la
ei information gleaned from his i b'irrr held for trial in the Dodge coun
"callinK card," was fined 1100 bv To- I l-v J charged with stealing an auto
li. e Judge Foster yesterday. Se,-gt. mobile fro"1 Robrt Abshire, North
F'rank Williams of tho morals so.uad 1 ''pn(-
told the Judge he raided this address .
four tinies in the past, but found
a different proprietor each time. Oth- '
erwiie a severer penalty might be
Iii m. Whiit will nhv dv to
no soul ; e'i all vanity,
Own Story
I n
!:, t , 1. ,
- 'he fs'r of h r
!! tr.. ..r
Hen ih if. eiy,
Hi fi.t ri t ' ,n
of !h. Id,
r sk, h ,u
y , i,, ti ef
-"''O i , e ; I i
mait ' i f tr . pi
! et j . i s , ' ; t . 4
( ll, If i.H
r, ( apt
i'O. l f
I1 a
l ef '
.tit r. tic
o.H 1 J
1 a i j e
Jail Break Is
Frustrated bv 1
Fremont Deputy
Alleged Auto Thief Strikes
Jailer Head With
Pipe Blow Is ot
Fremont. Neb.. IS-t. -JSrief inl
he managed to escape the grasp of
the other prisoners and slame the cell
door behind him.
As Deputy Hanson was emerging
from the cell, he saw Sweet swing the
pipe. Hasson dodaed enough to es
cape a full blow, though the Instru
ment cut a deep gash over Ills ear.
Though dazd by the blow. Hasson
fought off the other prisoners who
had gathered about the deputy. As
soon as Sweet struck the officer, they
leaped toward Hasson in an attempt
to overpower him.
Jlasson, who weighs 1 pounds,
was quick enouqh to slip from their
grasp. He stumbled thiough trie cell
door and slammed it shut.
Sheriff Condit states that
hheriff Condi t states that a. rumor
Rock Island to Plant
Trees as Memorials
Kturi.u.-y. Neh., i' l. i -iSp.ciul 1
A public tree planting - r nnny w.ll
be hell :n the paiK just north of the
Rock Island depot Tuesday. An elm
tree w.ll be planted In honor of Li
bert W. Mason, formerly n Km k Is
land er.g.neer at Fatrhury
lit .-ember 2". 1!17. In i
. t i
who dad ;
-r-'l bf
fer.-nt places on thee same day ovr
to link Ifiland svsteni tiee vJl Im
planted in honor of deceased on
pov Two other Ka.rbury ciiifet,
w.ll I honored, Jsmes Jaskson. with
a tree plii!l at Lincoln, and W, N
M'-Lentian. a tree pUn?e. it Nor
ton, Kae
Appfoprui t.p .irli ,!i I I. ilf of
th lb. k l!i' t I tier w II he nude
,u tli. i to. ,.f ( .Lnl.-. ti, I
w II
f who
of Mr
d 1 v
hi at; I.
j r 1 1;
A f'e
a . 1
' lie
r.gniu v"1 I-. (,.-
(PI 111 II fl, ,(
civ trssrv . f il(
Tsnltt r r ortrd tn lri'
Hunt fur VrpMijitt Miner
t il 1 1. 4
t , 'i An, . .
l.ft ' , l.
I . H f .r
. I te-
rit , 1
,i r Svt. ef is A-o.,j
e, .i al ' Sv ",i. . I l
4 ' iw-ut r . a ,.ot
tit W-n ii.twrioeot I itf:.'!.'' ;i. at
t-i I I ta r.r t ' wn -
.11 f ' til .',fl. fi . :1K
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Mudania Meet
Resumed After
Parley Hits SnajiiK
: yuetiuii of Kvacuation of
Thrace Causes Rupture
Attitude of Turk and
Creeks Bellicose.
(ons(atliiople, Oct. 6. (Br A. r.V
The reassembling of the Mudania con
ference waa postponed today until
evening because replies had not been
received from the allied governments
to the latest Kamelists note.
The KamcllsU have demanded lhat
(heir troops should be allowed to
enter eastern Thrace a soon aa III
Turkish administration is established
and the allied control withdrawn, that
is, within one month.
CoiiSlnntinople, (let. 6. (By A. P.)
After conferring; for nuit of the night
with the hig;h commissioners and mili
tary experts here the allied general
.his morning prepared to leave again
for .Mudania for a resumption of the
armistice conference.
Tho result of the deliberations here
was not announced. It was conceded
that the situation was very serioua.
but It still was hoped that a basis for
common aggreement among the Brit-
ish, French and Italian delegations
could be reachrd. The warships bear-
Ing the allied delegates were scheduled
to leave at noon, arriving at Mudania
at 2;30 o'clock.
London, Oct. S. (By A. I'. I Tho !
Mudania conference is not ended, iH
was officially stated at the conclusion '
of the British cabinet mt-eting this j
morning, hut it Is deadlocked and j
cannot be resumed before the British i
and French governments have con-'
frred over the situation.
Lird Cuizoii, tho British foreign
secretary, will leave Immediately for
l'aris to sye premier lVincare.
It was also ofliclaKy stated, in rough
outline that from the British poln1
of view the Turks arc demanding!
tiiure than was offered In the allied j
:ot, and on the other hand that they
were riot aoeoptit.g the condition of i
that r.ot. It was nsicrted that the
Turk want to obtain the concession
of tip- poi wi'biuil the conditlor.
it Sf'll 1- I I
Jine Miller Knjoinetl
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Ijm-oI,.. .t. S.S(.,jal.rJudg
. .etm nts has issued in order!
log Louie M;'rr and the officer cf
t'i N. r.iss.i i I .te! couipiiy and tb
N-li mk j, B Hiding lnvf!.ent com-j
pally fioni any f irirer !('
towards s - -..r:i i t' e p.sneslou i-f I
! I - in arU- bole. f : M ". C,
Lpphy lo Id f llth.r hrir eg if tb
cat-'. 'I i,.- i ( J(r.i ,i,., reira;'ird
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The Weather
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Land Shortly After 5
Snot Dlrgn. (ill, (til, ill) A.
I'.r I Irtll. John . Mi Itesil) and
thikh-r Ivrllv, who bud befit flying
nirr IhVgu sliiie i M Thursday
morning, In Ihe great inonopl in T ?,
luiiled al Idakwri; field S IL10, litis
iorrliig hsvliig broken all known r -mils
for snsfalned flight In lb heavier
than air flving mailiiiie. They were
in the air 35 horns, IK minutes, 30
i-i iimi.
Sen f'pgo, C.,l , (, l. U All svla
IP ti elidillale ri-. -'Tds have 10
omh.-d bv Lie. its John A Ms.-.
It. ady and Oaloov Kelly of tha l'id'e-1
stai.s army, who at s W a tn. tisiay
had leen aloft I 1 their monoplane
T2 for ?il hi.'Ji ami 3( minute. The
prvou ricord w as 15 bout I, 9 mil -i
u;e and 35 se onds.
Maclte.-idy and Kelly L.yMl tin lr
ns ord flight at I r. o'clock yesttrlay when they started from
Ibskwi'l f.eld or, what was Intti44
to be a nonstop fl ght from Fan I'.ego
to New Yolk They had aboard
i sufficient unmuul of and oil
for this long trip. When they reached
Temecula, from which they had
planned to en . the f.rst raniro it
mountain. thy rati into heavy cloud
(..-inks that comptlled their return to
.San Hl'go,
ttrop Not.
The two airmen. Iieoause of the ex
cellent start they had made, and tho
f.ict that the big motor wa working
sniwethty. ileoldi-.! to make on effort
to hung up a new endurance record.
Circling over Kookwill field thty
dropped a not declaring their Inten
tions. Sine that time they have been
11 ing oyer San Mcgo. Flying condi
tions all yesterday were Ideal and the
same was true Ivt night with little
! blowing and the moon shlnlnc
rightly. Today also flying condi-
jtions nre excellent. At I o'clock tho
I big monoplane was apparently work
: ing as smoothly a at the atart ye-
j Aviation official at Rockwell field
stated that they believed MarRendy
land Kelly have aufflcient gasoline and
-nil to remain aloft another 14 hour
'and that they do not believe the air
men will alight until their eupplle am
Prevloua Records
New York, Oct. . The worlds"
record for utalned flight In a
heavler-than air flying machine wa
held by ficrward Stinson and Lloyd
Rtrtaud. who, on December 10. 1921,
remained aloft above Roosevelt Field,
Mineola, Long Island, for 2S hours.
minute and 35 seconds, it was
stated today by aviation authorities.
Stinson used the all-metal monoplane
JL C, The previous record was hld
by two French fliers, Luclan Bous
soulroy and Jean Bernard, who In
June.190, stayed in the air 24 hours,
19 minutes and 2 seconds.
The Stinson world record breaking
flight wu made tindr conditions far
more trying than the conditions which
preva.led at yesterday s flight or dur
ing the Frenchman's long spin. With
hardly any preparation. Stinson and
B.-'taud went up In zero weather
while a gale was blowing and snow
, caning me wings or tne plane.
, Traveling at about S5 miles per hour
j "" ' covered 2.2-0 miles,
When they came, down, both flier
said they would have been able to
remain aloft longer but for the cold.
The French flight was mad after
elaborate preparations on a bright,
sunny day. Weather conditions were
good for ndnranc flying at San
Diego yesterday and last night.
Referee's Report on
Stillman Confirmee
Miite pliiiti. X. T.. Oct. .iEv A.
j f r Sllpl'rliie Coin t Jusllc ,Me-
isiliauser tvsiay i-or.firmed the refer.
lees report in the Stillman divorie
j case and aliuwei Mm. Anne V. SuM-
man. who defended the aiilt against
her htislmml. c 'ts in the case,
) The report submitted to the court
oy loieire lAiiiiri j. i..raon reruseu
d,t..rce to J,(.,e, A. stUlman. t-
.t... w. o .:
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,1u,"-rJ' l,h -'f-1 leauv sis. an Iv
""'1'- h1 -tn l th i.vit.
maey or i-it.v i.yv Mtuiniii..
! A rup-.or wa in circulation today
j Mrs siillmai. would twgin action
'f'-r a divorce in Fans I .( N Mdi.
niiini t .r M'a Ftillmai . wir.t
thai he knew n-i'i;' j N-ut hr le
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